What is passion between a man and a woman? Understanding passionate feelings. The role of passion in sexual pleasure

Passion- this is a strong emotional feeling that focuses on itself the thoughts, emotions, desires of a person.


Passion is a strong attachment to the opposite sex. Very often it is called love. But this is not entirely correct. By passion, as a rule, they mean the strongest manifestation of desire, receiving pleasure. Sexual desire is a natural need of any healthy person.

The manifestation of passion in men and women is not the same. As a rule, a man is more passionate, he is easily excited and seeks to satisfy his desire as quickly as possible. A woman is excited much more slowly and tries to reasonably control her emotions.

Important factors affecting the frequency of occurrence of sexual desire, its intensity, are the state of health, separation, stressful lifestyle, etc.

We must not allow passion to rule a person. You should always be able to control your emotions.

The difference between passion and love

Many people think that the concepts of love and passion are absolutely identical. And some simply confuse these two concepts, mistakenly replacing one with another. In order to learn to distinguish between these two feelings, you need to know that love is based on intimacy, and passion is based on desire.

Main differences:

  • Expression of feeling. Passion, like love, affects relationships between people. The difference is that in a relationship where passion is the basis, partners do not take into account each other's desires. Each of them values ​​his own above all else. Passion is selfishness. If there is mutual respect in the relationship between partners, each of them values ​​the feelings of the other, then this is love.
  • The duration of the feeling. As a rule, such a feeling as passion arises very quickly, but it passes just as quickly. Passionate relationships are based on desire, and as soon as the goal is achieved (the desire is fulfilled), the passion fades. But relationships in which love reigns are longer. Love allows partners to overcome any difficulties and problems. Mutual respect and care help the couple maintain relationships for a long time.

It should also be noted that in a love relationship there can be passion, but in a relationship where passion takes the first place, there can be no love. The selfishness inherent in passion does not allow love to become the dominant factor.

Women's passion

As already mentioned, a woman has control over her emotions. If a woman feels that passions have subsided in a love relationship, she resorts to various tricks. For example:

  • devotes more time to his partner, tries to be around if possible;
  • less likely to stay with girlfriends;
  • tries not to stay at work;
  • sends love sms (and women can do it!);
  • creates a romantic mood for himself, remembering the acquaintance, the first kiss, etc. Unlike women, men live in the present.
  • allows himself to experiment in bed. Men love it.

Male passion

In a man, passion manifests itself in a completely different way. He experiences it at the sight of any woman he sympathizes with (for women, passion is a consequence of falling in love). As a rule, in men, concepts such as love, sex and passion are very closely intertwined. Even the question of reciprocity for men is not dominant. Passion, as a rule, cannot be played or artificially created; it either exists or it does not. But you can live happily ever after without it, it is much more difficult to live without love and maintain relationships.

Passion in cinema

Very often we see the manifestation of passion in various films. The following films are examples:

  • "9 from ½ weeks." When Elizabeth met John, she lost her peace. With this seducer, she learned what passion is. Their relationship is tragic as they cannot live together. And the situation develops this way because both characters, instead of answering the question “What can I do for you?”, Ask themselves the question “What are you ready to do for me?”
  • "Unbearable Cruelty" The main character Miles Massey is a lawyer who handles divorce cases. One of his clients is wealthy Rex Retroth, who files for divorce from his beautiful wife, Marilyn. And of course, Miles fell in love with this woman who seduced rich men and then divorced them, taking half of their fortune for herself. She made the same plans for a lawyer, but was defeated. The characters fall in love with each other. As the story progresses, passions run high. Miles and Marilyn use any means to achieve their goals.
  • "Fatal Attraction". The film begins by showing the carefree and happy life of the family of lawyer Dan Gallagher. The culmination of the plot is the trip of Dan's wife Beth with their daughter Ellen to her parents out of town. The lawyer took advantage of the absence of his wife: he became interested in a new employee, Alex Forest, who reciprocated his feelings. By the time the family returned, the lawyer planned to end the affair safely. But it was not there. He fell into the skillfully placed network of his mistress. From that moment on, his life turned into a nightmare ...
  • "Unfaithful". The Sumners are the perfect family. But one day Connie Sumner meets a young Soho man. Passion flares up between them. The husband suspected something was wrong and began to follow his wife. He finds out what's the matter, meets with his wife's lover ... What awaits the family after infidelity? ..


  • Fragrances that give rise to passion, an article in the women's social network myJulia.ru
  • Love and separation, article in the women's magazine myJane.ru

Falling in love, a woman ceases to notice all the shortcomings of her chosen one, who becomes almost perfect for her. He spends all his spiritual energy on him. But is it worth it and does the man reciprocate? Passion.ru talks about the sure signs that a man is deeply in love with you.

Sometimes we so passionately want to find our love that we are ready to believe even the smallest resemblance, we manipulate the facts, add details, invent motives.

We feverishly cut off the petals of the eternal chamomile: “Does he love - does not love? Spit - kiss? Will he send to hell - will he press it to his heart?

We examine each of his actions, each of his glances as if under a microscope: “He looked in my direction, then he gave a hand, leaving the tram, held the door, paid for coffee ... Maybe he still loves me?”

Let's try to formulate signs a man in love.

He lets you into his territory

1. He is sexually attracted

sexual attraction

Since the primary impulse of our rapprochement is the attraction of the sexes, then ...

The main sign of a man in love is desire, sexual attraction. If a man wants this woman, she has a chance to become loved. But this is not a guarantee that he is really in love with you.

After all, any man by nature is in a permanent desire for physical union, the instinct of procreation is the strongest human energy.

To be honest: when a man looks at a woman, he almost always scans her for possible intimacy.

In his brain, regardless of consciousness, a toggle switch lights up: “Would she go to bed with me?” Chick!

And all his subsequent behavior may follow from this natural male interest in the opposite sex.

A hunter awakens in a man. Moreover, the more inaccessible the prey, the stronger and more sophisticated the desire for possession.

Through sex, a man asserts himself. This is proof of his masculinity.

But sometimes it's just a way to overcome self-doubt. Here he got it. Interest is fading. This means that desire does not always indicate love.

But can we be satisfied with one point?

Right! We cannot, because with all the fibers of our soul we crave not just an erection, but love and tenderness. Just the same as they are.

2. He is looking for spiritual rapprochement

Therefore, let's move on to the second sign, which is expressed in the need for spiritual contact. In spiritual attraction, friendship.

He seeks your company, calls, writes, sticks out at the front door, talks about himself, even listens. He tries in every possible way to find contact with you.

Others call for help ICQ, mobile phone, and someone needs only visual and tactile contact.

And they stick like bath sheets to famous places, bringing into your life a total preoccupation with his person. Sometimes they even get bored. But!

Try to appreciate it, step forward. If his efforts were directed not only at achieving bodily contact, then he will be happy, and you cannot help but notice this.

And yet it is useful for us to remember one obvious truth. Every man - just like a woman - has his own character, his own characteristics, habits.

And comb everyone under the same brush, naming typical manifestations of love, it would be stupid.

Some of them can speak beautiful words and even sing serenades, while others cannot connect two words.

Someone can give expensive foreign cars and jewelry, while someone only has enough imagination for the stars from the sky. Not in this case. It's a general trend.

If he is looking not only for your body, but for your society, your soul, attention, opinion, then he is really in love with you.

He cares about you, doesn't hurt you

3. Willingly admits you into his life.

Allows into your life

In general, men are so conservative that the opportunity to let someone into their lives, space, bachelor lair is perceived as an attack on their precious freedom.

If he still persistently tries to attract you into his actual space, this is a clear sign of love.

But be on the lookout: if he allows you to rearrange his apartment and clean up his scattered things, cook food for him or wash his shirts, this does not mean that he loves you madly. Maybe he's just too lazy to do it all himself.

The fact of your presence in his life, your willingness to reveal some of your secrets, to reveal the presence of weaknesses in the form of unwashed socks or an unwashed plate, speaks not only of his laziness, but also of his trust in you.

He asks you to stay, stay with him longer, live together. He does not run away early in the morning, barely swallowing coffee, and does not look at his watch, fixing the time spent with you.

You become part of his life. It is foolish and selfish to hope that you will be his whole life.

But a man in love, of course, puts his beloved woman in the leading role.

4. He is willing to make sacrifices

He is happy to change, make concessions, adjust his plans, life, spend time, effort, energy on you and your relationship.

Any rapprochement requires us to be ready to adapt and make concessions. We have to sacrifice something for our loved ones.

If a man is ready for this, values ​​your opinion, your presence in his life and you, then he will readily prefer to give up his habits, the established rhythm of life and even friends.

He can sacrifice his tastes, the TV remote control and even computer space. Only do not abuse this readiness.

Because if a man gives up for you his business or his fundamental life positions, his mother, his dear circle of friends, then the price may be disproportionate, especially when you cannot compensate him for the absence of all this. And why are you making such sacrifices?

5. He wants to take care of you.

Cares about you

Don't reduce everything to the material. Not every man manages to satisfy the diverse needs of women for well-being, especially in our time. But appreciate his desire to do so.

He tries to adjust to the mood and guess desires. And terribly upset if he does not succeed. He rejoices like a child if he could bring you joy, make you laugh, surprise, calm, protect.

And finally, the last one. For some women who like to turn a blind eye to the obvious manifestations of dislike, this is perhaps the most important thing.

A man and a woman ... Two halves of a single whole. We spend a huge part of our precious life in search of true sincere love. We meet, seduce, surprise, conquer, conquer - all for the sake of her alone, the Queen of Love ... Everyone is looking for love, not everyone finds it ...

According to the good old legend, each of us in this world has a soul mate, you just have to try, and you will definitely find it.

Let's assume that's the way it is, just one half, lost among a billion others ... aliens. You won’t immediately understand if this is yours or if you need to continue the search.

One big true love and many different mistakes... Is it true? What else can bind a man and a woman, if not the merging of the two halves into a single whole, prescribed by fate? A difficult puzzle with many unknowns.

Each love story has its own face, its own soul and mood. Each has its own beautiful beginning and, as a rule, a sad ending. At the origins of the relationship is a meeting, which is the impetus for the emergence of certain feelings between a man and a woman. I insist that in any relationship there is a third, do not be alarmed, this is not his wife or mistress, and not even your friend ... This is a feeling. What is it, the feeling that unites the couple? It is better for each of us to understand this.

Perhaps it is bright, unrestrained, unbridled, insane, fiery, subjugating, all-encompassing, natural, assertive, lively PASSION. It is capable of depriving any person of common sense, it breaks into your life suddenly, like a fire that breaks out at night. At the level of instincts, it unites people, often very different, dissimilar and even polar opposites.

Sometimes passion lives for only a moment, and then disappears as suddenly as it was born. It happens that it develops into a disease, severe and intractable. Passion turns off the mind, rewarding hearts with an unhealthy need to always be there. It burns very painfully in the chest, and this pain, oddly enough, becomes vital. People are eager to meet each other, they throw themselves into the pool with their heads, they discover boundless sensuality in themselves, they surrender to passion in full.

Over time, passion can fade, and then, once blinded by it, couples part, finding nothing else in common. And sometimes passion subjugates itself for a long time. In her captivity, it is painfully good, people suffer, but they can no longer refuse relationships built on passion.

Sometimes passion is just the beginning, the link between a man and a woman. In this case, it only strengthens relations, but for this, in addition to passion, there must be mutual interest and respect for each other between people.

And if between a man and a woman arose RESPECT? They appreciate each other's life aspirations and principles and what their partner has already achieved. We can respect for human qualities, for success in a career, for talents, and we can take this feeling for love. Pride in the one who is near is an incredibly pleasant feeling. The significance of our soul mate in this world also leaves an imprint on us, we strive to match, keep up, we want to be better and more worthy, and this feeling warms up. Mutual respect is an excellent foundation for a great feeling, but not a guarantee that it will develop into love. Although…

Another wonderful feeling that can bind hearts is FRIENDSHIP. Such a couple has a lot of common topics for conversation, similar hobbies, similar outlooks on life. They are happy to spend evenings in their favorite cafe, tell each other stories of the past day, consult, share experiences. They like to communicate, like to spend time together, but there is no spark that arises between a man and a woman in love. Quite often, relationships connected only by friendship break up when one of the partners meets true love. And sometimes friendship grows into something more.

Passion, respect, friendship - wonderful feelings, they adorn our lives, but do not confuse them with love. Do not mislead yourself, call a spade a spade. Life gives us such bright and unique feelings - be grateful for each of them. Let there be a whole palette of feelings in your life, and each of them will give unforgettable moments of happiness!

Passion is one of the most powerful human feelings. The initial stage of love. Mostly unconscious, instinctive energy. It cannot be induced artificially by experiment. This is a feeling that every adult has experienced at least once in his life. This is a state that you want to live again and again. Therefore, a person who has known this rushes in search of the object of passion again.

As a result of evolution, nature has created not just two different bodies, but also two different types of brains, two ways of thinking. Therefore, male and female passion are initially different in nature. In order for passion to grow into love, it is necessary to understand and accept these differences. Otherwise, the rejection of one's own manifestations in a fit of passion and inadequate demands, built on the basis of some ideal image for a partner, often lead to the destruction of relationships that do not even have time to strengthen.

A better understanding of the mental and physiological processes in men experiencing passionate feelings will help women in many ways change their ideas about the "mysterious" behavior of men. And in the future to avoid mistakes in the process of creating a longer love relationship.

Observing in modern society many examples of love that has arisen, but, alas, did not take place between a man and a woman, I come to the conclusion that it is precisely the lack of understanding and rejection of the partner’s behavior at the transitional stage from passion to love that prevents the continuation of the relationship.

What kind of a man is he in passion? Why is he behaving like this? What actually happens? Every woman asks these questions. We will try to answer them.

Passion is...

For many centuries, we have observed manifestations of male passion in literary works, fine arts, music, architecture, science, and feats. All the beauty created by men, all the scientific discoveries made by them, personal feats - all this in the name of a woman and in a fit of deepest passion. By the way, everything beautiful created by women (and they also know how to create) was created in a state of love. Those. at the next level of manifestation of feelings and experiences. So what is passion?

Passion is an innate emotional process, a strong, persistent feeling of a person that dominates other impulses. Unaccountable unbridled attraction, characterized by enthusiasm and leading to the concentration of all aspirations and forces on the subject of passion. The objects of passion can be both people and objects and even ideas. Most often, the word "passion" is used to denote a high degree of sexual arousal, combined with an emotional attraction to this partner. Passion can be accepted, sanctioned by a person, or it can be condemned by it, experienced as something undesirable, obsessive.

The main sign of passion is its effectiveness, the confluence of strong-willed and emotional moments.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, in his definition of passion, wrote: “In an animal, passions are merged into one with reason, forming a wake-up call, in the passions of an animal there is always a measure. The passions of man, on the contrary, are separated from the rational principle, subordinate to it, but they are always at enmity with it and do not know any measure. This definition most clearly characterizes the manifestation of passion according to the male type. Since the process of experiencing passion in a man covers the deep structures of the brain. More on this later.

The fact that the object of passion can be an idea or an object is also more of a masculine type of passion. Since in the female version, the manifestation of passionate desire for an object or idea is not observed. This is also due primarily to the physiological characteristics of the female body and responses.

The passion expressed by a person leads to self-affirmation, creates a state of joy, promotes the manifestation of integrity and gives meaning to life.

How it all starts. Biochemistry of the process

Man is a polygamous being. At the same time, he likes many women. He can show signs of attention to a woman even on the basis of a momentary good mood. Often there is nothing more to consider.

The first thing that happens at the stage of creating attraction is smell recognition. The individual combination of bacteria on the surface of the skin creates an individual combination of gases emitted by them, which in turn forms the unique smell of each person.

This smell contains pheromones - an external secretion product secreted by the body to attract individuals of the opposite sex. Pheromones signal that the partner is ready to mate. In humans, the effects of these chemicals on the brain are weaker, but no less important. So, the composition of male sweat includes the chemical substance androstenol, which attracts women. And the composition of female vaginal secretion includes substances called copulins. Studies have shown that they increase the sexual attractiveness of a woman in the eyes of a man. In addition, it turned out that men react more positively to the smell, women at the time when she is ovulating. At this point, it is decided whether the smell will attract the partner or not. If not, then no matter how cool the girl is, he will not choose her. Because the odor molecules, penetrating into the sinuses, do not enter the brain, but immediately into the limbic system. This is an unconscious process. If the smell is suitable, in the organ of sexual smell in the nasal sinus, some of the odor molecules are stopped and stored, periodically warming up the brain with a small release for a long time. This odor recognition lasts 10-15 seconds and is essential for recognizing the compatibility of immune systems. If the immune systems are not compatible, this will affect the offspring. The next stage is the recognition of the endocrine systems - hormonal statuses. Lasts for the next minute at the level of neural determinants.

Next is the stage of bodily sympathy. This is where unconscious ideals of beauty come into play: body shape and size, hair color, voice timbre, etc. The external attractiveness of a woman is of great importance for a man. Based on a peculiar type of thinking, he needs to examine, create a visual image and supplement it with his own fantasies. Usually a man pays attention to 1-2 especially attractive features of a woman.

Whether passion arises depends on these coincidences. These stages go through each individually: from 15-20 minutes, up to a day. And if all this coincides, the first stage of love begins - passion.

When recognition has occurred, instincts define it as a stressful situation, giving a signal to the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the center of pleasure and displeasure. At this level, evaluation takes place: I like it.

The hypothalamus is involved in the regulation of external manifestations of emotional behavior by controlling somatic (muscles of the face and limbs) and autonomic (glands and muscles of internal organs) reactions. Further, the hypothalamus selectively stimulates different areas of the brain. In particular, the hippocampus with its ability to respond to signals of unlikely events and turn on emotions as a compensatory function in case of a lack of information. The emergence of emotional stress is accompanied by a transition to forms of behavior other than in a calm state, mechanisms for assessing external signals and responding to them in accordance with the dominant principle. The hypothalamus also launches the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, performs an activating function. It turns on at the moment of tension to mobilize special resources of the body, ensuring readiness for additional active actions. The hypothalamus in turn releases corticotropin into the blood. Corticotropin, having reached the adrenal glands, induces the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the adrenal glands. The adrenaline phase starts. Adrenaline causes an increase in heart rate, narrowing of the vessels of the abdominal cavity, muscles, mucous membranes, helps to relax the muscles of the intestine, dilates the pupils, accelerates protein metabolism, reduces muscle mass, increases body temperature, and increases sweating. Norepinephrine constricts blood vessels and increases blood pressure. They allow you to mobilize the resources of the body.

Signals from the motor cortex go to the nuclei of the facial nerves and in the brain stem, from where they reach the facial muscles along the axons of motor neurons. There is an explosive effect. This reaction is manifested in the fact that the level of testosterone, the male hormone, rises in the blood of men. Which makes a man start hunting and repel an attack. The level of serotonin decreases. All this chemical and mental compote gives rise to a state of passion. For a man, this feeling is like a long-awaited, fresh sip that gives an incredible amount of strength, a storm of emotions, an incredible rise in motivation.

Psychology of male passion

The increase in testosterone turns on the unconscious instinct of animal hunting, but on a conscious level, a man does not see the object of a true hunt in front of him. This dissonance often leads to confusion. Therefore, in a fit of passion for a woman, a man often does not behave decisively. It is easier for a woman to provide a safe territory for a man and create all the conditions for a man to take his first step.

In a relationship based on passion, the satisfaction of his desires in a man comes first. In this state, a man wants to experience vivid love emotions, to be with a woman, but is not ready to become attached.

During a man's passionate love, testosterone is injected into the blood in five or seven waves a day, with the highest wave at sunrise - about twice as high as any other.

In a man at the level of the corpus callosum, the number of neural connections that ensure the exchange of information between the left and right hemispheres is 30% less than in a woman. The logic and emotions of a man exist almost separately from each other. Therefore, a man in a given situation is either emotional or analytical. During the period of passionate love, the life of a man is not limited only to the object of passion, there are other vital, professional tasks. And since in order to get a result (and a man, by his specifics, is aimed at the final result, unlike a woman for whom the process is important), he needs to focus on the work being done at the moment, and the biochemical processes in the body do not fade away, the state of passion extends to all actions. During this period, efficiency in all its spheres of activity increases tremendously. The impossibility of being constantly near a woman (seven times a day) makes any process an object of passion, revealing the creative potential in a man.

First sex and affection

The physiology of a man makes him think first of all about the body of a woman, about different ways to achieve this, and not about romantic relationships. The main erogenous organ of a man is his brain! His imagination! Creating the image of his chosen one in any situations, poses, in any clothes and without it, a man forces his limbic system to work almost to the point of wear and tear. A high level of hormones and neurotransmitters requires an urgent discharge - you need sex, and it is with her.

Body contact excites erogenous zones. The impulses from them go to the brain. That, in turn, gives the command to release dopamine (the hormone of pleasure). Dopamine increases sexual excitability and the need for sex. Copulin, produced in a woman's vagina, acts like a drug on a man. It helps to relax and get rid of stress. Once in the body of a man, copulin increases testosterone levels by 1.5 times.

During sex, only particularly deep ancient parts of the brain are activated in a man. The sex center is located in the hypothalamus, which is several times larger in a man than in a woman. Given that the hypothalamus is stimulated by testosterone, which a man has 20 times more than a woman, a man is ready to have sex anytime and anywhere. At this stage, phenylethylamine, and possibly dopamine and norepinephrine, also have a stimulating effect on the brain.

Phenylethylamine enhances metabolic processes in the human body and reduces appetite. By the way, it is present in some natural substances such as cocoa and rose water (which is why candy is such a popular gift). These substances are on a par with the so-called amphetamines - stimulants, under the influence of which a state of euphoria occurs.

During sexual intercourse, the pituitary gland of a man releases vasopressin, a hormone that causes attachment. The appearance of this hormone in the blood causes warm, tender feelings for a woman in a man. And only now there is a personal perception of a woman. Such changes in perception are also influenced by the female hormone - oxytocin, which a man receives from a woman during sex. It causes a benevolent disposition, allows you to believe the words of a particular person. This hormone in the female body is involved immediately after childbirth in shaping the mother-child relationship. The same psycho-emotional experiences are experienced by a man immediately after sex, as after birth.

After the first sex comes dopamine - the endorphin stage of passion. Dopamine betrays a certain emotional contrast of uniqueness and uniqueness to the partner. Instinct imperiously says that you need to be with this partner. There is a state similar to cocaine intoxication. This stage can last for about 3 years, or until the baby is born.

An important reason for marriage for many men is just the desire to have regular sex, moreover, without the threat of infection, which is fraught with casual relationships.

More than anything, a man is afraid of being erectile dysfunctional in the eyes of his wife or another beloved woman. First of all, in the sexual, as well as in the financial sense. For a man, a lot in life is connected with work, with the means that it gives, with its social status. Along with the loss of a place or own business, a man loses respect for himself. And as you know, a person with a humiliated self-esteem and a bad husband, and an unimportant lover, and no father.

Therefore, the birth of a child causes a state of achievement with a new increase in testosterone and a new round of passion. And at the same time, female oxytocin strengthens a man's attachment to his beloved.

Passion between a man and a woman is a primitive feeling that arises at the level of instincts. The physical attraction of representatives of the opposite sex to each other is characterized by increased excitability and the desire to fully possess the desired object. Unlike true love, passion is selfish and fleeting, it tends to fade after a while, especially if people are no longer connected.

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How passion manifests itself in men and women

Men and women show passion differently. Representatives of the stronger sex, looking at the object of physical attraction, experience excitement and an ardent desire to possess a girl. The guy will use all his skills and abilities with one goal - to quickly achieve what he wants and merge into one with an attractive partner.

The passion of a woman is measured and more calm. Girls tend to carefully weigh their feelings and analyze what is happening. Representatives of the weaker sex try to keep their emotions under control and rarely allow instincts to take precedence over reason.

Many people confuse passion and love. Sometimes partners, mistaking physical attraction for true love, create a family as soon as possible - get married and have children, and the result is very deplorable. After a while, feelings fade away, and problems begin in family life: mutual reproaches, resentment and misunderstanding. All this happens because initially the partners were not connected by anything but desire.

Three Key Components of Physical Attraction:

  • desire to have a partner in the physical plane;
  • emotional attachment;
  • intrusive thoughts about the object of passion.

The desire to constantly touch a partner: hug, kiss, caress and enter into an intimate relationship is a sign of desire.

Signs of physical attraction

Experiencing passion, a person strives to be closer to the object of physical attraction, and all the arguments of the mind fade into the background.

The obvious signs of feeling are:

  • loss of appetite;
  • insomnia;
  • inability to focus on something other than the object of passion;
  • an overwhelming desire for physical contact;
  • pathological jealousy;
  • endowing a partner with non-existent positive qualities;
  • emotional attachment;
  • intrusive thoughts about the object of attraction.

The desire to constantly touch a partner (hug, kiss, caress and enter into an intimate relationship) is a sign of passion.

Passion is radically different from love in that, having received what you want, a person gradually cools down. But often the partner grows cold even if the goal is not achieved. The desire to possess the object of desire disappears over time, and a new object of adoration appears on the horizon.

Despite the fact that a person is a rational being, he is not in control of natural instincts and is subject to sexual desire. If the partners are compatible and can hypothetically produce healthy offspring, they are drawn to each other.

In order for an attraction to arise between a man and a woman, a couple of minutes is enough.

Why does desire arise?

Physical attraction and an irresistible desire to get into bed with a certain person does not arise from scratch. A spark appears at the first meeting and the fire of passion flares up brighter every day for several reasons:



It is the aroma emanating from a representative of the opposite sex that is the decisive factor.

A woman on a subconscious level by smell determines a man with whom she can hypothetically give birth to healthy children. To such a partner, she experiences an irresistible attraction.

A man is also attracted to a woman, from whom a pleasant aroma emanates. This is not about perfume, but about the natural smell of the human body.

Attractive appearance

The attractive appearance of partners plays a huge role.

A man loves with his eyes, so first of all he wants to see a sexy lady with beautiful forms next to him. The sight of a well-groomed, slender and athletic girl makes a man want to make physical contact with her. For women, the appearance of the representative of the stronger sex is also not in last place.

Partners at the first meeting evaluate each other visually, and if they like what they see, passion flares up between them.

Physiological compatibility

It is from the coincidence of sexual temperaments that this feeling arises between two people. Men and women at the subconscious level are drawn to members of the opposite sex, an intimate relationship with which will cause a storm of emotions and bring physical pleasure.

Passion is a temporary phenomenon if partners think only about their desires and look for a way to satisfy them. This feeling requires a kind of "feeding", it is quite possible to maintain it for a long time if the partners live in each other's interests and their union is built not only on sexual desire.