Verbal signs of sympathy for a man. Signs of sympathy from a man to a woman: non-verbal gestures, body language, gaze, verbal signs

As an expression for the acceptance of a person, characteristic signs can act: enlarged pupils, a friendly smile, an increase in pupils, facial expressions

One of the subtlest signs of sympathy is the mirror behavior (synchrony or reflection of postures). When both are on the same wavelength, feel mutual sympathy and are ready to continue communication, their bodies subconsciously repeat one after another. Mentally, as if conveying a message to another: “Pay attention to me! We are similar".

Interesting fact: Researching California dating bars, it was concluded that if you pay attention to the mirror effect, you can understand who will leave the meeting place with whom. But the cessation of copying behavior indicates that communication will soon cease to exist.

Analyzing the interlocutors, we can talk about the dominant position of one of them. This is determined by who starts to initiate changes in body position in another person before they start copying. Although sometimes the more authoritative does it on purpose to create a comfort zone for another, for example, in a job interview.


Fencing off the interlocutor and moving away from him for a few steps, using eyebrows in facial expressions, building a wall when communicating (this fencing off can even be associated with an object stretched out in front of you, thus indicating personal space), scratching your nose, closing your eyes and even shaking dust particles from oneself - all these are gestures associated with coldness.

Cold specularity is also not uncommon! It can be expressed, for example, in turning people away from each other, thus expressing antipathy.

Behavior in a group

Touching upon the topic from the point of view of the interaction of several people (three or more), it is worth noting that relationships to each other can be determined by observing how people are in the same space, that is, they are located in relation to each other.

You can turn around so that you sit in an open position, when the body of the body is not crossed by arms or legs, which indicates sympathy. When we cross our limbs, thereby creating a barrier with the interlocutor, this may indicate antipathy.

The toes of the feet when standing are also a significant indicator. They usually face where the person would like to go.

In addition, it is easy to determine who likes whom from the social circle. Pay attention to whom the gaze of the subject is directed. A person in a company always looks at the one from whom he expects the greatest support and understanding, to the one to whom the maximum level of warmth is addressed.

Thus, the body is always turned towards the interlocutor who is pleasant. If there is an inner desire to remove someone from the conversation, then one can observe fencing off with a shoulder or, for example, with a hand.

List of gestures expressing liking or disliking

A detailed list of gestures compiled by scientists at the University of Illinois. Descending from most obvious to least visible.

Behavior in romantic courtship

In the candy-bouquet period, all manifestations of sympathy are intensified: people not only glance into each other's eyes, but their pupils expand at the same time (this happens when they look at something pleasant); listen carefully to each other; share personal items; more often show emotionality (since it becomes difficult to control emotions in a state of love) and the effect of imitation in movements; tense their muscles to look healthier, more attractive and athletic, or lift their head to appear taller.

The couple prefers free, not pinched positions in relation to each other, but at the same time excludes others from the social circle in order to fix and preserve the moment of intimacy.

The movements of partners often become circular, and the position in relation to each other remains frontal, because one follows the other or because both need to cope with the active action of hormones, for example, with adrenaline.

Another classic form of behavior in the early, romantic pores is preening. Trying to seem more attractive, a person can straighten clothes or hair, and with gestures, he also often focuses on his genitals.

An interesting fact: a man, holding on to his belt, points precisely to the genitals. And a woman, dressing frankly and frankly in a figure, broadcasts sexual signals, while not forgetting to demonstrate her dignity.

Tip: You only have 4 minutes to make an impression. The greatest influence on the object of sympathy is played by body language, the sound of the voice and the pace of speech than the meaning of the voiced.

Lovers usually talk more quietly than usual with each other, thus maintaining intimacy so that they are not heard by strangers. They strengthen their connection and mutual trust, returning to memories of childhood, parental affection and love, sometimes speaking in gentle children's voices. The couple is not afraid to demonstrate their relationship by holding hands, hugging and making loving signs, while they focus little on the events around.

Often sympathy is expressed through facial expressions and gestures. When meeting, the guy does not immediately say that he is impressed and interested in the girl, but the non-verbal behavior and symptoms of a man in love give him away. But to open up to his feelings, you need more than one communication. After all, his interest may be of a short-term nature, and the next meeting he will not pay any attention to the girl. A man in love is able to hide sympathy for a long time and silently wait for the right moment. But if you recognize his feelings, you can help both find mutual love and a happy relationship.

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How to recognize a man in love?

Not all men are able to openly express their feelings. They do not give clear signals, as they are embarrassed or afraid of being rejected. Spending a lot of time in the same company: at work or at the university, girls do not always understand the behavior of a timid guy who is nervous in the presence of a woman. But if a person likes someone, he experiences euphoria and elation next to him, and it's hard not to notice.

A man in love is betrayed by his gestures and behavior in the presence of an object of strong sympathy.

signs Behavior
SightA guy in love stares at the object of love, but looks away as soon as the girl notices his increased interest. He looks so only at her alone, clearly distinguishing her from many other pretty ladies. The gaze of a man relentlessly follows his beloved, and many people notice this. His eyes sparkle, and the pupils increase if he catches the oncoming gaze. Particularly shy guys, when looking back, lower their eyes and blush.
GesturesHe tries to turn towards the object of desire and in the direction of his legs it is easy to understand where the girl he is interested in is located. The toe of the shoes always points in her direction. Faced with her, the guy brushes off his clothes, straightens them and touches his hair. He worries that he doesn't look right. The fact that a man desires a woman is indicated by placing his thumbs behind the belt of his trousers in the front. This is a subconscious instinct that pushes to demonstrate "signs of a good male"
PostureWhen communicating, he turns the entire body towards the girl, leaning slightly towards her. He straightens his shoulders, holds his head high, as if he is trying to add height to himself. While talking, the guy spreads his legs shoulder-width apart, keeps his hands on his hips, wanting to demonstrate good physical strength. He listens attentively to the interlocutor, afraid to miss even a word. Tilts head with slightly raised chin
GaitHe seems to feel the wings behind his back, and his gait becomes light and soaring. It seems that he alone hears pleasant music that makes him dance and whistle.
Change in behavior and outlook on lifeThe worldview of a person in love can dramatically change to the opposite. If before something disgusted him, then he suddenly changed his point of view and decided that this was exactly what he needed. A man becomes friendlier, more cheerful and sociable. He is almost always in high spirits and ready to learn something new. Sometimes he feels that he is able to move mountains, commits risky and rash acts, greatly surprising loved ones.

A man in love tries with all his might to show his dignity, to look smart, courageous and strong. He demonstrates this using non-verbal cues, as reported by the science of psychology.

Non-verbal signs of different applicants

Often, a girl is given obvious signs of attention by male people, from whom she does not expect them at all. Or it seems to her that they want something more than just friendship or mutual assistance. She observes sympathy:

  • husband's friend
  • married colleague;
  • unmarried colleague;
  • chief;
  • business partner.

A friend of her husband will be lost in her presence, and even avoid meeting her. From the side it seems that he does not like his friend's wife, and he can hardly tolerate her. But if you call him to a frank conversation and ask why he does not like her, he will tell her the truth. This is a sad situation that is not uncommon in life, and there is a risk of losing both a friend and a spouse.

At work, male colleagues often show signs of attention to women. It is difficult for adults not to notice frank indifference, but there are times when it is possible to determine signs of sympathy from a man only by non-verbal signs. Sometimes a colleague shows his interest only by correspondence. He flirts, asks provocative questions and waits for frank answers. But in a personal meeting, he hides his eyes or does not speak on personal topics. In this case, he has no serious intentions, and he is just having fun at work.

Chief, showing signs of attention,becomes a problem, especially if he is married. Do not pay attention and react to non-verbal behavior. It is better to talk with him about your happy personal life. It is easier to avoid the consequences of communication with management than to unravel the tangle of rumors behind your back or look for a new job.

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 6 minutes


The age-old question, the answer to which interests all girls and women, regardless of age and social status. Which of us has not encountered this situation when you sympathize with a man, and it is very difficult to understand whether he sympathizes with you. In this article, we will try to give an extensive answer to this important question.

Attention to gestures!

As you know, our body does not know how to lie. Man is an adaptable creature, we have long learned to control speech and with its help we can easily hide the truth or lie. When it comes to feelings, this rule does not change, with the help of body language you can “read” the attitude of a man towards you or another person. So let's start with body language.

Non-verbal expressions of affection:

Attention to touch!

When a connection exists between a man and a woman, it is easy to determine it by simply observing them for a while. When it comes to ourselves, we cannot be objective and it is easier for us to hear someone else's opinion. However, the following verbal manifestations are a sign of a man’s disposition towards you:

Attention to attitude!

No matter how many guesses and do not look out, but actions speak louder than words! Here are some signs of actions that are clear reflections of a man’s attitude towards you:

Reviews from the forums:


I am 20 years old and I am in love with a man 10 years older than me. And I always fall in love with those who give me hope, my heart feels it on a subconscious level. But doubts began to creep in. Perhaps he is just so sweet and courteous in life, and I came up with God knows what. How to understand?


To be honest, I'm embarrassed ... Can my director show signs of attention? He is a man, but I perceived his signs of attention as friendly gestures. We are very similar. And from the very beginning they found out that I was not the girl of his dreams. Then I got confused, and what should I do in this situation?


To understand whether he likes you or not, do not write or call him for several days. If he needs you, he will show up. Then you won't doubt. And so to live, in my opinion, is easier! Hit or miss!

Try to treat relationships easier, do not take his views for hope. Be yourself and all men will be at your feet. Behave with him naturally, do not perceive him as a man created just for you. Never check men, they don't like it very much, and every one of them. Treat men easier, because they are the same as children, only there are more worries with them!!! 🙂


I have a very funny situation: once I was at the dentist’s appointment and ... I realized that he is the one with whom I want children and everything in the world! I always adhere to such a position that if you like me, then let the first call, but here for the first time I decided to take the first step myself ... It is not yet clear what will come of it, and will it come out at all ?! We text very nicely, he writes first! 🙂 So, you need to think according to the situation - if there is at least some hope for reciprocity, you have to take a chance, find out for sure, otherwise you will suffer all your life, did he like you or not!?

If you are in a similar situation or you have something to tell us - by all means write! We need to know your opinion!

Sympathy of a man for a woman- this is a combination of interest in a person with an intimate interest as a potential partner. Women tend to look for hidden signs of men's sympathy for them, thus trying to avoid disappointment, looking for confirmation of interest and hoping that these signals will save them from further disappointment. This often turns out to be a trap. A person tends to confirm his point of view, finding facts that objectively do not exist, interpreting them according to dominant desires and, other things being equal, giving preference to that part of the information received that will help to reach the desired conclusion. This is due to the reluctance to be frustrated, not to get what you want. People are more fond of positive emotions and fulfillment of desires, understandable and banal understanding, rather than negativity and disappointment.

Relations between people, especially romantic ones, are the source from which joy and satisfaction are expected. Nobody dreams of indifference, rejection and pain. I want reciprocity, love and joy. Therefore, when choosing how to interpret this or that signal (especially fleeting, fuzzy and non-specific) - as an accident or as a promise of love, unconsciously (and sometimes consciously, ignoring conflicting signals), the priority will be in the direction of the desired result.

It should be remembered that communication and romantic relationships between a man and a woman are dynamic, not static processes. At the moment, sympathy may be, and in the next few minutes it will disappear, because something is wrong or attention has switched to another object, or the read signals were exaggerated and the interest was initially small and temporary.

Therefore, when communicating, you should not focus solely on the first signs and be surprised or upset if everything did not go as expected. By showing active attention to the interlocutor and communication during the whole time, you can see how the level of sympathy of a man for a woman changes, increasing or decreasing. If you focus on one sign and then build communication from the position of “a look as a promise of love”, then the result, most likely, will not please.

What is the sympathy of a man for a woman?

Speaking of sympathy in a romantic relationship, as a rule, non-verbal and verbal signs are mentioned. Expressions of sympathy are considered various features of facial expressions, behavior, actions that may indicate a special interest on the part of a man to a woman.

In relationships, as in many areas, the most reliable indicator is action. Everything that is not said and not done, as it were, does not exist, and it is impossible to be sure of implicit, weak and conventional signs. An additional complication is that if a woman herself is interested in a man whose signs she is trying to read, then she is subjective, as a person who is interested and will rather look for signals confirming sympathy than vice versa, in order to avoid disappointment and frustration. Evaluation of girlfriends is subjective for the same reason, because there is no desire to upset, but there is a desire to support.

There are, by and large, no deterrents that could explain the lack of action. Culturally, the activity of men is encouraged, moreover, for a long time (and at the moment to a greater extent) the initiative was in principle considered exclusively on the part of the man. The social situation in the form of professional relationships may inhibit overt manifestations at work, but then there will be a desire to meet in an informal setting.

Direct expression of attitude, recognition of sympathy - this is the most obvious verbal sign of a man's sympathy for a woman. Since this is not expressed immediately, but after some communication, it is more reliable, since the representative of the stronger sex already clearly defines interest for himself. Here you can pay attention to clarity and consistency. Notorious reservations, when speaking, a person accidentally uses other words, can be a sign of uncertainty in their words or a certain hypocrisy. If non-verbal signs can be a way of screening the counter attention or have no personal relationship at all, then here the process is already more conscious.

The reverse point is that words can also be unreliable, therefore, as a result, the conclusion can be assigned to the fact that the best sign is behavior, relationships and actions. If all possible non-verbal signs are allegedly given, words are spoken, but there is no activity and there is no progression in the relationship, then it is better not to draw optimistic conclusions.

If communication continues for some time or the situation involves contact (common company, work), then the expressions of a man’s sympathy for a woman will be signs of attention associated with the provision of assistance, services. There will be a pronounced desire to be directly present and take an active part in the life of the young lady, to whom they sympathize. Coffee, with the right amount of sugar and milk (which is remembered from a conversation about tastes), brought during an emergency, is a more reliable sign of a man's sympathy for a woman than a lot of smiles and a straightened tie.

What's in the article:

The true signs of a man's sympathy are usually hidden for a long time. And "on the move" wants to warn you against those who try, opening their peacock tail, to sing to you about how wonderful you are, how he wants to marry you. Even though you know nothing.

True sympathy is usually deeper and manifests itself in words after a long acquaintance. Although if you can read the signs that he “broadcasts” to you non-verbally, then you will see everything without words. However, first things first.

Analogues of female characteristics

You know by yourself, when you like someone, you straighten your curls and jewelry, flirt, in a word.

The guy also wants to please, it is inherent in nature itself! If in animals many males are deliberately designed to be brighter, then in humans it is not so. But he will:

  • straighten or ruffle your hair,
  • pull down a T-shirt, shirt, sweater, jacket,
  • iron the pants with your hands.

Yes, these are manifestations of some nervousness. But I want to please you, and that's why I'm quite restless.

sexual interest

There are signs that do not indicate his lack of self-confidence, but that the person has repeatedly imagined (or even imagines at the time of a conversation with you) your behavior in bed. Then the man will:

  • fiddling with the buttons on your clothes,
  • take off your jacket while talking
  • put your hands on your hips and adjust the strap.

Signs of explicit sexual sympathy of a man for a woman are read in the views.

At the first meeting, a man, of course, will literally examine you from head to toe. Be sure his views will stop at the level of the chest, hips, if the forms caused him pleasant sensations. If he liked you outwardly, then there will be more and more eye contacts, the views will be closer.

Facial expressions of a man in love

Signs of a guy's sympathy will give out even his facial expressions!

Raises eyebrows when talking to you. Of course, here the site warns that sometimes a man is genuinely surprised by your outfit or your words. And he may not always like it. On the contrary, he may even be disappointed.

He opens his mouth slightly as soon as he meets your eyes. That is, you don’t stand with your mouth open from amazement and admiration, as if rooted to the spot, as happens in films or cartoons. The gesture is fleeting - just a second. If you're careful, you'll definitely notice.

How does he behave with you?

Signs of a guy's sympathy will also appear in his behavior next to you.

When you walk in some crowded place, the companion will touch your shoulder, grab your elbow, even if you are walking in the company of other people. Because if you are not a couple yet, it is unlikely that a person will allow himself to take your hand or hug your waist. Especially if you want to please you, and not cause a hostile impression. But periodic touches indicate that subconsciously he already perceives you as his own, non-verbally makes it clear to others. In my thoughts you are already his woman, conquered by him.

By the way, sometimes pick-up artists behave this way, thus placing their tenacious “hooks”. So do not fall for the "bait"!

The desire to protect

Signs that he likes you, appear even in small things. For example, you are walking with him, it is already late and cool. If there is sympathy for you, then he will show his masculinity: he will cover your shoulders with a jacket.

How does he behave with others?

Non-verbal signs of obvious male sympathy are usually difficult for him to hide even in the company of many people.

Imagine the situation - you enter the room where the "suspect" is in warm feelings. In this case, he will certainly try to stand out from other people, especially if there are a lot of men. The guy can quite perceive each of them as a potential rival. And he may even start to play a joke on someone, tell jokes or funny incidents that happened the day before.

Plus, non-verbal sympathy will manifest itself like this:

  • will try to constantly turn in your direction,
  • will periodically look at you, even if his conversations are not with you, but with someone else,
  • its position may resemble a “at attention”, that is, the shoulders are maximally straightened, the stomach is pulled in, tension is felt,
  • however, men who are too tall, not sure that their height suits them, on the contrary, will stoop.

Above, you could already read that at your very appearance, the “secret admirer” can start joking or even “tease” someone, just like a real boy. It can also behave harshly and rudely with others, as it perceives you as if you are its “prey”. However, be careful here. This does not always mean that such sympathy is favorable.

What if you have a tyrant and an energy vampire in front of you, and in the future you will only have to endure his attitude, instead of developing a happy relationship.

Signs of apathy men us towards you

So, we talked with you about the signs of a man's sympathy. And there are those that indicate that there is no interest in you. It will also be useful to take note of them:

  • arms crossed on the chest indicate that the person does not want to make contact with you,
  • crossed legs - the same.

Yes, it sometimes speaks of a sense of awkwardness. And you could read above that a man in love feels like a boy, insecure. But awkwardness is different. You don’t like you, but you constantly pursue, try to talk, and the person no longer knows literally what to do with himself. This often happens when women take all conceivable and unimaginable actions in the desire to please that one. But often such activity, even with the slightest initial interest from the opposite side, turns out to be a failure.

Consider other signs indicating that a man does not want to communicate:

  • keeps hands in pockets
  • tries to constantly connect someone else to your conversation,
  • man yawns,
  • now and then looks away, looks around,
  • when talking, periodically looks at the phone,
  • picks up other objects and pulls them.

So the guy is trying to entertain himself when communicating, and there is no need to think that it all comes from anxiety because of sympathy.

How should a conversation really go with a man who is interested in you? He listens to you carefully, laughs at your jokes, even if they are stupid. It is unlikely that he will finish the conversation first, he will constantly start new dialogues and look for meetings. And it may suddenly appear in those places where you visit.

How to "use" these signs of a man's sympathy? You should definitely not take them as a signal for decisive action. You should not talk about your feelings and be the first to invite you on dates. Otherwise, "you will scare away the hunter"! Let yourself conquer you - delicately and in a feminine way, as only you can!