A few words about the status of marital status VKontakte. Statuses for those who are actively searching

If you are in active search soulmate and want to find exactly your person as soon as possible, then it's time to choose the appropriate status for the page on social networks. Even if you have never written anything yourself and have not even tried to compose anything, we know how to find the most suitable status. Your attention is offered a lot of statuses that will brightly and colorfully help to tell about your searches, which means to make them more effective. Don't be afraid to write and talk about your search for love, because the more people who know, the more likely you are to get to know each other. Your guests (especially of the opposite sex) will see your status, perceive it as green light to acquaintance, and who knows, maybe just like that, you will find your destiny. Good luck with your search!

Looking for a boy blue eyes, black eyelashes, beautiful body, 3-storey house, with a bank account and without a mother-in-law)))

On the page of my friend: "Marital status: everything is complicated with My Brains"

Marital status: actively getting rid of the old and unnecessary ...

Are you in active search again?))) finally find me, I'm tired of waiting)))

She is in touch Family status not married, and no one has yet seen her in an active search, but all because she just still loves him ...

Not married, but has a friend. And with him everything is difficult, so in active search!)))

Why is not in contact marital status: "when drunk, I love everyone"?

In active search. What am I looking for? I'm actively looking for the next one. With a vanilla sugar look. Delicate caramel scent. Dazzling bright smile. And with good heart who will love me. So stupid and weird...

What is it like to be "In active search"? Run down the street, pestering men, asking "well, fall in love with me, please!"

I just love autumn, children's orbits and I don't know how to be alone. I will definitely find the shoes of my dreams, the man of my life and myself ...

Now it is fashionable to hurt to do this: During strong quarrels remove the joint marital status in contact and put a very low phrase - in active search.

I just came up with it at my leisure .. the marital status is "engaged", but "married", and my wife has a boyfriend, so "everything is complicated", but in general I'm "actively searching" .. ahah .. life situation. my personal.

In an active search for a charming uncle doctor, well, or a nice nurse ... well, at worst, you can also have a nurse with a sense of humor.

Man: *search engine, and find me a guy ... tall, handsome, kind, sweet, rich, generous ... * search engine: * can’t you find a lip-rolling machine?! *

And I'm not looking for my second half ... I was born whole !!!))

I put “actively searching” to find my head ...

In an active search for happiness and love!!! :)))

I want to find true love... Who will not say that everything is fine ... But just hug and say, even if everything is bad, I'm with you! Who, during a quarrel, will not say I'm sorry, it's my fault ... But he will silently come up and say: stupid, I love you!

Marital status: Actively searching. Oh god, he's actively searching. Good luck honey. Don't get lost!

A stupid phrase "In an active search" .. It's you running around the streets and shouting: "Where are you, my soul mate?"

"She has a marital status in contact, not married, and no one has yet seen her in active search and all because she just still loves him ... "It was in order that no one knew about my love, I put the cn" in active search ..."

Beautiful girls are not in active search, we are only single

I want to fall in love .... I'm looking for a victim ...

New acquaintances... light flirting... crazy love - what else do you need?!))).

Girls, why every time we change marital status, we write: "I'm starting life all over again!"... yy!

Why do some people not have a marital status? Yes, because Durov has not yet come up with the line I run for ... or I sleep with ...

What is love for us now? Marital status in contact, a bunch of photos in the album "me and my beloved", a wall painted like "I love you", comments from friends that you are a great couple, but what is really going on there really doesn't matter to everyone ..

Marital status: in the active disposal of all unnecessary

Marital status: Actively searching. Ooty Lord, he is actively searching. Good luck honey. Don't get lost!

looking for Beautiful legs… To pick up in good hands :-D

In search of new relationships, the old ones are already worn out to holes))

Maniakii! perverts!! i'm ready :D

"In active search" of brains ...

New photos from nightclubs, new girl friends, actively searching, with a daring status... mmm... who are you trying for?

today at the university I wrote an application for admission ... in the column of marital status I wrote "in active search" ... PPC is all contact ...

Actively searching, but I have a friend, everything is difficult with him, so I'm not married...

Today at the university I wrote an application for admission ... in the marital status column I wrote "in active search"

Why is there no status "in Inactive search" on Vkontakte, but only the status "in active search"... You might think that I'm running through the streets and ACTIVELY LOOKING for a boyfriend....

Sometimes a couple is missing warm hands, beloved eyes, tender lips.. I so want someone to hug you, look affectionately into your eyes and gently whisper: "I love you."

Do you know who I need? The one who will not ask if you can kiss me, but simply take and kiss; the one who will not ask if you can see me, but will say: "I'm waiting. Come out!"

Yesterday I went to the doctor and heard from him terrible diagnosis, from which people die ... Loneliness ... And the only cure for it is love ... I want to find my love ...

Vkontakte statuses. [everything is complicated], [single], [actively searching], was it really so difficult to make the status [no_fuck_needed] or [not looking for anyone]?

In active search ... happiness ..

Asked. Saw. Loved. You come in, and there is marital status, married and three children!)))

And why is there no status "in HYPERactive search"?

Back off! I am actively looking for a JOB

Many guys choose their other half on the principle of buying goods in a store: "Oh, beautiful packaging, you should try it!". And then they are surprised at the "indigestion". So you need to look at the composition! Although the "date of manufacture" is also important!)

And I, by habit, click near the sp ... but nothing happens ... your article does not turn on ... but yes, I have an active search ..

If I am actively searching, then this does not mean that I am looking for a new relationship, maybe I am just looking for someone I have lost

Of course, you can change your marital status in contact, but you will never change it in your heart...

If I'm actively looking, it doesn't mean that I'm looking for a new relationship, maybe I'm just looking for someone I've lost.

Actively searching what am I looking for? I am actively looking for a jerk with a vanilla-sugar look, a delicate caramel smell, a dazzlingly bright smile and a kind heart who will love me. so stupid and strange.

Stupidly sitting .... stupidly smoking .... stupidly do not want to drink .... the mood went to the ass .... And I almost forgot! Actively looking...

Actively searching... What am I looking for? Actively looking for a jerk with a vanilla-sugar look, a delicate caramel smell, a dazzlingly bright smile and a kind heart who will love me... so stupid and strange..

Set a positive status. Active search. Stretch a smile. Flutter in the street. Laugh in the face of your enemies. And dream... dream always... dreams can come true.

I will buy a green-eyed brunette no older than 88 years old with all the bells and whistles. Broken, painted and with a trailer do not offer!

Marital status: Actively searching. So what are you looking for so actively? here I am!

Beautiful girls are not in active search, we are only not married.

What is it like to be “In active search”? Run down the street, pestering men, asking “well, fall in love with me, please!”

young man without bad habits, is looking for a girl who will teach him these habits!!!

I'm looking for happiness, and Google will not help here ...

In active search - this is a mild definition of that period of life when you just fuck with everyone in a row.

Here earlier life was .. couples swear, quarrel, sort things out, and then disperse, and now it’s enough to change marital status to “actively searching” ..

Why is there no status in the "passive search" in the contact? I want to, but I'm too lazy to look :)

Everything is fine with me: I'm single, I don't have a friend, it's not difficult for me, I'm not actively searching ... I'm just like a cat that lives on its own

He has an active search....and I continue to suffer and hope that he will return....probably I love him very much.

In active search - this is a mild definition of that period of life when you just fuck with everyone in a row.

Marital status: Actively searching. Oh my God, he is actively searching. Good luck, dear, look, don't get lost.

When you get a job and in the questionnaire in the marital status column you write in an active search, then this is already a sign that you need to tie up with a contact.

Oh, not married?? Then I ... in active search!

marital status: standby)

What is he doing modern girl breaking up with a guy? She convulsively thinks about what status to write in contact, so that he would be offended.

Statuses and quotes in in social networks sometimes characterize us much more reliably than it might seem at first glance. “In active search”, as we understand it, this is a very bright status. It expresses not only the literal meaning, but also the desire to attract attention. This is an attempt to raise your self-esteem. This status expresses the desire to feel one's "need" in a virtual environment. Also, the status of “actively searching” is often chosen as an anesthetic for a mental wound received during a recent dramatic breakup.

There is also a category “in passive search”, but on social networks it looks like “single” or “single”. Of course, this reflects, first of all, the legal, real status of a person, but emotional background(or the quality of the relationship), which is hidden behind this simple phrase, it is impossible for a psychologist to ignore. Definitely, "single" and "single" is one of the most interesting categories among marital statuses. For example, a girl meets a guy, but is not yet married. She reports that she is free, but in reality, as we understand, this is not so.

It happens the other way around. A young woman does not live with her husband, say, because of a desperate lack of understanding, but does not dare to change her status as “married”. chances of meeting more worthy alternative for creating family well-being consciously lowered by it. Life is really complicated.

And what does it mean when he is “married”, and she has an empty column in this column? If this circumstance corresponds to the legal situation, then, you see, this is much more serious than “dating” or “having a girlfriend.” The man is very pleased and ready to shine with this status to the whole world, but it seems that his lady does not share such jubilation. Why? The dominant in the family is in clawed hands with bright red manicure, and the woman is not proud, does not value the man she is married to. And he, the one to whom you can sympathize, is happy that he has such a cool wife. IN best case she does not share his love for social networks, although this is a weak attempt to explain this phenomenon.

He writes "dating", she writes "single". He shines, and she is in a passive search. But when two young people have the mutual status of "married" and "married", and they are not yet legally registered, then perhaps they will start a family, yes, such a development of events has a very high percentage of probability. But if this status abruptly disappears or makes an attempt to turn into a “meeting”, then, most likely, castles in the air have come to an end, this alarm signal for relationships (not to mention the prospect of starting a family).

There are married girls with the status of "single" (as well as married men with an atypical status for this position on a personal page). They do not want to advertise relationships that do not bring them spiritual harmony. It can be concluded that a lot can be hidden behind the status of marital status, and what exactly can be found out only through communication with a person.

In an active search for happiness and love!!!

We will meet ... After all, we did not say goodbye ...

I am looking for a charming smile, with a pair of the most charming and unforgettable eyes the color of the sky.

I will still meet a person who will appreciate my love!

Where are you, the man of my dreams? Or at least reality...

Looking for the meaning of life. I will find - I will hide.

Someone somewhere is made just for you.

I'm in love, but I don't love it yet... We haven't been friends for a long time, but we don't have a relationship... The past is probably just to blame.

Looking for my love, no one saw?

In search of new relationships, the old ones are already worn out to holes)

Of course I don't perfect girl but my boyfriend will be lucky with me! That's what everyone says! :)

While everyone is looking for a prince on a white horse, I have been living with the king for a long time!

How I want someone to hug me tightly and say: "I love you and will always love you!"

In search of your one and only.)

I'll love you tomorrow, today I don't know you yet...

And we will live like this, being online, not even knowing who we are to each other ... Until our paths part ...

Looking for Santa Claus...

There is such wonderful feeling like love. Only she brightens up this gray world. It makes people happy and nothing can destroy it... After all, love is immortal..

I'm looking for a prince that won't make me cry.

Looking for a prince! maybe a little used)))

In active search - this is when they are actively looking for YOU ...

I don't want you to be actively searching, I want you to be fine.

Tired of waiting for happiness... Tired of problems... And life without you!

I want to fall in love .... I'm looking for a victim ...

The search is active, the mood is positive!

Where are you, prince on horseback!? Or even a horse...

Looking for myself ... who will help? -)

Looking for somewhere softer.

I ran in active search ....! I want to be in active happiness ....!

Eh ... I hope a truck with men will roll over on my street.

I am looking for love. When I find it, please don't take it away!

I'm trying to get started new life! I forget pain, resentment, enemies, I want to love and be loved! :)

So I want a guy whose eyes are the color - my love ...

And in the crowd of people who do not understand. I'm looking for you my Little Prince!

Man, you are looking for a smart, beautiful, modest .... I confess honestly ... it's me !!!

Actively searching for you...yes yes you.

Whoever found my passport, please do not laugh at the photo ...)

I went to look for paradise ... I will definitely find it and share it)

I've been looking for my soul mate for many many years.. if I find you.. I'll kill you bitch!

Like Google, I'm always on the lookout.

Damn .... I write in Google "GOOGLE YOU ARE A FUCK" ... and it freezes still does not open ... pipets

- Who are you looking for? - You... -A..well then I'll go hide better.

I'm not looking for anyone - I'm on the wanted list myself!

Day after day in the crowd looking for your shadow.

Happiness! Tell me your address, I'll run...))

It seems to be free, but not alone, it seems to be in search, but not in active, it seems to have found, but not yet mine.

Actively searching statuses