What to do if you fell in love with a married girl - what to do? Love triangle. He is free - she is married

    I don't think it's worth pushing her away.

    If you like her, if you understand that you feel for this person not just animal instincts, but something more, then it might be worth a try.

    Among mine married girlfriends there are many who, being married, have long ceased to feel like women 🙁

    The Bible says: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife! Even thinking about it is considered adultery and this is a great sin. If you believe in God, of course..

    Girls are emotional people, and sympathy can be imbued with a kitten, and a dog, and a man and a child)

    Or maybe she really is just a sociable person.., and communicates with everyone kindly., are you sure that she feels sympathy for you and wants something more? I think no.

    There are, of course, lovers to go left among women, but much less than among men. And you can see them right away.. They themselves do not know what they are doing, that in this way they destroy their Feminine nature, disrupt the energy balance, and the result of their adventures is usually both mental and gynecological diseases.

    But this is the problem of such women.

    Are you asking - What should you do if you like a married girl who (sort of) responds with sympathy?

    That is, you ask me to fornicate with someone else's wife or not?

    Answer question: And do you need it?

    Think for yourself - how can such flirting and fornication end?

    Why do people think so little about the consequences of their actions?!?

    This is so outrageous!

    Everyone seems to have brains .., only many people forget to turn them on in time!)

    So you are now at the mercy of the instinct of the male (excuse me?, I write what I think), and completely don't think! about the consequences..

    Although., since you ask such a question, it means that you are in doubt, you think a little))

    My advice to you: You do not need to do anything in this situation, just leave and that's it! Forget this girl, and leave this couple alone, let them live!

    Think better about your future, and about your Karma, which is formed by actions in the past and present and very painfully backfires in the future!

    Do you want happiness in your family life, faithful good wife, wonderful kids, etc.. family joys?

    If you want, then live according to conscience and according to God!? and all this will be with you, believe me!

    And contact this girl - in the end you will get the same wife, and long branched horns too, if not something else is worse!

    Life is a boomerang, never forget about it!

    Yes, Anna Karenina! It is probably better to imagine yourself in the place of her husband, and tell her to let her imagine that if her husband did the same with the other.

    Do not spoil the life of her and her husband, perhaps she has a temporary passion that will quickly pass if you are not around.

    If you are planning a serious relationship with her - know that over time she can throw you like that.

    And what are the options?

    Maybe you are confusing sympathy with politeness?

    I don't think you need to do anything. Well, or simple breathing exercises not to be nervous.

    At least it's not nice to climb into someone else's family. (I put it mildly =))

    As a man to a man I will tell you the following:

    Don't spread snot. As long as they give, take. Don't forget to protect yourself and don't catch the eye of anyone she knows.

    Don't set her up for a serious relationship. Better find yourself a normal woman, and when this married woman begins to make any claims (and she will, sooner or later, don’t even hesitate), just get out of her life. By her behavior, she already deserved to be abandoned.

    And marry a normal woman and know all the joys and sorrows of family life. You won't be bored, but you'll manage. Real men always get it right.

    Do not bother with morality - your new acquaintance is definitely not burdened with it, otherwise she would not have done this to her husband.

    If You have power and money, thank her husband, but in such a way that he does not know.

    When the time will come Forget about this woman. Do not waste all your youth on her, but constantly look for a replacement for her who can become a wife and give birth to children for You.

    Don't tell her where you live, don't introduce her to your friends, don't give her the most common phone number among your friends. It's better to have a separate card.

    Don't tell her where you like to be and keep changing the meeting place.

    Don't go with her where there are cameras.

    Do not give her a reason to think about a serious relationship. So tell her if you want Serious relationships- get divorced.

    If not, then let's just have fun together.

    Remember - this girl has already said words of love to someone and now she is betraying this person.

    And whoever betrays once, betrays again.

    I don't know, usually married girls just don't break down like that. Personally, it’s much easier for me with such people (if they are in the zone of my sexual interests) to agree on a secret date, and I already have more than one place and without tricks, and more than one jealous husband will not be able to approach us unnoticed! Video surveillance at height. And in order for a married girl to reciprocate and indulge in hot sex with you or no matter with whom, first of all, you need to understand that ALL married girls dream of lovers, only some drive their dreams into the subconscious, and you just need to stir up their subconscious and In the bag. And you need to be simpler and not be imposed, not bleat like a musk ox, but just say so - Why don't we go ... enjoy the Great Joy of Crazy and Wild, but pure sex ?! And few will refuse, it's a fact! Verified personally by me and my associates.

There are many unfair things in life. I fell in love with a girl with all my heart, and she is married. Real feelings are not sorted by nation, position in society or marital status. If fell in love with married girl , then there is little joy in this. On the one hand, I want happiness and reciprocal feelings, on the other hand, the moral side haunts. Especially if the beloved has a common child with her husband.

The main psychological point in such a situation can be rephrased as the following question: “Does a person have the right to be happy, or is he obliged to suffer?” In other words, no matter which path a man in love chooses, it won't be easy. But, only in the case when the girl reciprocates, there can be common goals and joint efforts to facilitate the solution of such a difficult situation.

Love, but do not destroy the family

All men are very jealous. Even a fleeting smile given to a beloved girl can turn into a scandal for her at home. Husband - although it is an obstacle to your happiness, you should not go ahead. This can do a lot of damage to your loved one.

Even if a girl responds to your love, where is the confidence that this is not a fleeting hobby? And feelings will fade, having lost their sharpness, with your approach. The Forbidden fruit is sweet! While your beloved wife is another, maybe it is this circumstance that attracts you?

Before taking any steps, you need to weigh everything many times so as not to regret later about what you have done ...

Pursue your happiness

If you are absolutely sure that the one you love, and the one that, unfortunately, is married, is the only way to be happy in this life, then you need to act. If a girl loves you, and you are also her only chance for happiness, then you need to try to join forces to achieve the goal - creating a family.

After all, this is your only goal, for the sake of which you will break up someone else's family and make someone unhappy? If such an end is not provided for in your story, then you should not fool the woman. Perhaps she will be happier with her lawful husband, and not with you.

Sometimes, people who built their happiness on the ruins of a broken family are never completely happy. The reason for this may be prejudices and one's own conscience, and, sadly, a child from another man.

Not every lover can accept a beloved child from an ex-husband. You need to have a huge margin of tolerance and loyalty to an innocent creature. And, you still need to love, to the pain in your soul, all the children, and not just your own. Then someone else's baby can become native. Not sure that you are capable of such love in a child? Don't fool the poor woman!

If you decide to pursue your beloved, then keep in mind that you risk being beaten. In the literal sense of the word. By destroying someone's family, you can destroy the life of more than one person. It is clear that the one from whom his wife can be taken away is capable of strong emotions and even justified anger. Will you be able to adequately accept such trials and not harm the person from whom you are going to take the most precious thing? Are you afraid for your health? Then leave the unfortunate girl alone!

Love for a married woman is very a difficult situation, from which everyone finds his own way out. If a man is able to "wrestle" with his ego, then he leaves the choice to the girl. First of all, it is her family that is at risk of being broken, and her child may lose his father.

Are you ready to take on this responsibility? Then - forward, towards your happiness!

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Love for a married woman

Cheating in a relationship

Love for a married woman

You have probably already seen these hypocrites who take away other people's wives, and then tearfully announce to everyone that they are doing this solely for the sake of love and higher goals. You also know that they do it solely because of the desire to take possession of this woman, and love has nothing to do with it.

A man is by nature a predator, cruel and selfish, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Every time a man sees his next victim, he makes every effort to achieve what he wants. And even if a man feels competition, in this specific case the husband of this woman, he will still take risks and will achieve what he wants. This is his nature.

Therefore, when we talk about love for a married woman, we should not talk about lofty goals and future accomplishments, we must clearly understand that this is an exclusively male desire that makes him act contrary to the rules and opinions of society.

Is it possible to take a married woman

This question has a fairly simple answer that negates all morality and decency: "If a woman is truly devoted to her husband, or the husband is a strong and authoritative person, then you will not be able to do anything with her." Therefore, if you showed your attention to this woman, and she reciprocated, then either you are much better than her husband, or she is an unfaithful fool, which it would be foolish not to use.

This is a common law of nature, when a stronger or more skilled male “squeezes” prey and females from a weaker one. And he does not think about morality or some kind of decency, he thinks only about himself and his comfort.

So should you. We tried to attack, we got a rebuff, well, we retreat. They attacked another time, or already another woman, they didn’t get a rebuff, they took everything for themselves. Nothing criminal and shameful!

Children and their future. Often in examples we are given the children of this woman, they say their age and their future. And all this, as if, should scare the man away and make him think about the correctness of his actions.

As we know from vast experience, a man absolutely does not care about the future of this woman's children, what money they will live on, and who will grow out of them later. A man wants to take possession of this woman here and now, this is his primary and most important desire, he does not think about anything else.

Also, the man is not worried about what will happen after this woman leaves her husband, or just the husband finds out about the betrayal. He got his, he wants to get more, but he does not need any responsibility and problems. This woman's children are not his problem.

Of course, you will give examples when a woman left her husband for another man, and he, ultimately, raised and supported her and her children. But this is a slightly different situation: the woman was able to subjugate this man to her will in time and forced him to agree to such conditions. This is not love - this is competent manipulation!

Her husband is a good person. When another person parks in your seat in front of your nose, you do not think about what a good family man and good person he is, you think that he is a real goat! The same thing happens with the husband of this woman, this man is preventing you from getting the woman you want. This means that you must do everything possible so that you win and he loses. And there is no need to think about morality here, simple and fierce competition.

Is it necessary to destroy this woman's family?

It often happens that sex and meetings for 2-3 months completely dispel any interest in you in this woman, and you are already starting to think about how to shake her off somewhere. And the pleasant moment is your victory. You set yourself the goal of winning this woman, you achieved this and used her, and then gave her back to a man who is blind and weak.

And understand that these relationships and the family will keep her not because of children and some kind of connections, but because of weak man who is ready to endure any bullying from his wife.

Is it necessary to put pressure on a woman so that she leaves the family

If your goal is not one-time sex and meetings, but a family, and you want this particular woman for yourself, then you have no reason not to put pressure on her. The longer you allow her to decide and make decisions, the weaker your position will look, which means you will begin to be the same as her husband. Will she change the awl for soap in this case?

I love you, I want to be with you. Slight enough pressure, which is only suitable for stupid women who believe in pure love and romance. Women smarter and more cunning are well aware that you will not be full of love.

I want you to be only mine, plus the pressure for recognition and divorce. It works better, because you show your determination and begin to subordinate it to your will. Throw in a little bit of negativity about her prospect with her husband and it'll be fine. This is the main option, which is preferable to use.

Confidence and careful planning. If you begin to feel that a woman still decides to stay with her husband, then you can use the last option. Tell her about love and bring her a plan of how you will live with her, on what and so on. In other words, you show her that for her sake you will work and earn, and everything will be fine with her. Some bribery. This is actually the case when you need this woman more than she needs you. Poor, but if you really need it, you can try.

Is it easy to leave a married woman later

Once you have sex with this woman, and your hormonal levels go down, then her weaknesses and major flaws become apparent to you. Plus here possible problems with her divorce, children and other difficulties, and you understand that it is much easier to leave her now than to drag her on yourself later. Therefore, it is very easy to throw such women. And what will happen to her husband is not your problem. Checked!

We sincerely hope that this article will help men not to hesitate and easily take away what they want from others, and women will understand that it is not always " new love"beautiful.

Sometimes we are faced with serious problems- we suffer, worry, and do not know how to act in difficult life situations. Our life is sometimes unpredictable and fate often tests us for strength. Each person has his basic life principles, which he, at the very least, but tries to adhere to. And then suddenly such an unpredictable and wonderful feeling came - falling in love.

And you can’t brush it off, it doesn’t give your soul peace, because you fell in love with a girl who is married.

“Yes,” you say to yourself, “I fell in love with a married girl, and I don’t know what to do, and where is the way out of this situation?” That is, in other words, a love triangle has formed.

Having met a person - a girl and "reaching out to her with all my heart" it is difficult to think: does she have a husband, children - is she free. Let's agree: answer the questions honestly, without deceiving yourself in the first place. Your exit and your decision depend on this - the psychologist is only trying to help you understand yourself.

The state of mind of a young man who fell in love with a married girl

If you managed to fall in love with a girl who is not free, but married, which makes life and your meetings much more difficult. A really strong feeling that covered the man with his head - he does not understand what status his beloved is in. But, we can confidently say that in this case he will be overwhelmed by conflicting feelings. First, he wants a simple, very ordinary happy daily coexistence with her. Naturally, receiving reciprocity.

Secondly, the experience of constant remorse. Especially if there are children in her family (with her husband). It is clear that this situation for a man is not easy, ambiguous and complex. Fighting for his beloved, if he decides to go, obeying his first sensation, should be only when the feeling is really mutual, there is a common desire and goal. Only through joint efforts with this woman will he be able to ease his way out of this difficult situation.

Answering difficult questions

  1. First and most main question- Do you have your own accommodation? If you don’t have your own home, where will you bring your beloved woman to build a family with her? What if she has a child? Wandering around rented apartments is not an option. Do not expect that the deceived husband will voluntarily show nobility and give you housing, and he himself will go nowhere - this does not happen.
  2. Are you ready to build a joint life with your beloved woman: in a month the first euphoria from your living together will pass. I will not reveal secrets if I say that the most terrible enemy of love is everyday life. Imagine your responsibilities, the problems that you, as a man, must solve. Are you ready to make sacrifices for this person? How well do you know her character? Perhaps something is already bothering you? Take a closer look at your chosen one. Better now, before the family is destroyed! Talk to your beloved, ask if she wants life together with you?
  3. Ask yourself: “If she left her husband for me, where is the guarantee that this will not happen to me again?” Put yourself in the place of a deceived husband! Nice? I think it's unlikely. It is not for nothing that the phrase that has set the teeth on edge sounds: “You cannot build happiness on someone else’s misfortune.” Even if your woman speaks badly about her husband, this does not mean that he really is like that. I don’t argue, maybe she doesn’t have vivid feelings for her husband, maybe there is friendship-love: this is not a reason to climb into personal life person. And if a child loves his father, imagine: maybe the child will never accept you! Children are maximalists. Can you love someone else's child yourself? It's complicated.
  4. When a girl got married, she certainly loved this man who became her husband, once she bore him a child, and even more so - children. If there is no child in the family, this, of course, simplifies the task, but does not solve it. It all depends on her attitude towards you: will she be afraid to drastically change her life? The majority of people do not want to change their lives, it scares them. Do not rush your beloved with a choice - here only time and your perseverance from afar will help you.
  • Love from afar. The family should not be destroyed. There are simply no men who would not experience such a feeling as jealousy. There are those who do not make scandals over trifles.
    In the event that the husband notices that an outside man is giving his wife great attention, caring for her, and she encourages him, a scandal in the family cannot be avoided. In this case, it will be difficult to continue your communication with your beloved. She could be hurt a lot.
  • It is necessary to be with your beloved until the “very end”, despite her status as a married woman. The beloved girl is married, but her feelings for her husband have cooled down or completely disappeared. Moreover, her husband has the same attitude towards her - love has passed, but there is a common habit. In this case, a man is recommended not to stop and seek her, the only one, arranging his and her happiness by marrying her. Perhaps this time everything will be fine for both: both him and the girl he loves. Otherwise, if the creation of a family is not included in the plans, then the man should not “break” her family.
  • If the beloved, who is strongly attached to the father, and the relationship with the mother’s friend does not add up, then in this case, the woman should be left with legal spouse. The happiness of a woman with a new chosen one will not work because of a child whose interests are a priority for her. In addition, not every man who is in love with a woman who has already “married” is able to fall in love with her child from ex-husband. Is it worth it in this case to seriously seek a woman, taking her away from the family? In this case, psychologists suggest limiting yourself to light, non-binding flirting.
  • Caring for a girl in legal marriage, it is worth finding out her desire. It is possible that from her husband, a woman with whom an outsider is in love (friend, colleague, acquaintance) receives less attention. And she needs it. It is important for her to understand and feel that she is loved, desired and necessary in her husband's life. If there is respect in the family, she will not leave her husband, and she will not take a man in love with her “seriously”. So, she flirts a little with him, accepting his courtship. Torture him and leave him with nothing.
  • It is possible that a married lady has secret dreams that her husband cannot fulfill or does not have the desire to fulfill. Then, the gentleman in love with her should find out: what are these secrets and implement them as much as possible. It is highly likely that such actions on the part of a man in love will lead to her becoming interested in him, which, after some time, may develop into something more, but this usually works with mercantile women.
  • A man in love with a married girl should build a plan of action to “conquer” her so as not to harm the reputation of both the woman and his own. At the same time, the desires of her child should also be taken into account, if he was born in her marriage to her husband.
    In this case, the risk that their romance will be declassified is minimal. Especially if the joint future is in their general plans Excluded.
  • Pay attention to the girl free from all sorts of obligations. When conquering a woman whose status is “married”, a man in love with her must be prepared for the fact that he can be beaten. And, in the truest sense of the word. If he understands that such an impact on the part of her husband will not be avoided, and he will not be able to respond in the same way, as a result of which his health will be harmed, then he should leave this idea - to look after and show signs of attention to this woman. It is better to get acquainted with a young charmer - thereby, trying to forget the object of your desires.

It is difficult to love a married woman - a man must find a way out himself

  1. First, in the case of falling in love with married woman, you should not make decisions hastily, without considering such a situation from all sides and without weighing all the consequences.
  2. Secondly, if you are confident in yourself and your feelings, you should tell your beloved, but already married girl about them. Let her decide who she needs more in life companions.
  3. Thirdly, with your problems, you should contact a specialist psychologist or consult with a person you can trust.
  4. Fourth, you should always be prepared for the fact that meetings (until she decides on a choice) will be very rare. On holidays, evenings, weekends - she will stay with her husband. The girl will also decide and plan meetings, because she is not free.
  5. Fifthly, the material question is also important. If the husband is rich and generous, then it is practically impossible to win the favor of his wife.
  6. Sixth, and last. There are a huge number of beautiful, smart, economic, single girls and women of all ages, nationalities and specialties in the world who have been married and do not know family life at all. Among them, you can definitely meet one that can help cope with the problem of falling in love with an already married woman who has everything - both a husband and a child.

We must try to start new life, seek your destiny. Yes, it is difficult and it burns in the chest and hands drop - it will pass! Men can also cry, but only so that no one sees! Crying is not a shame, only people with a heart of stone do not cry, and if the heart knows how to love, then it is alive, and not a stone at all. Do not break someone else's life - tomorrow yours will be under threat!


- It's because I'm too fat! - screams all in tears, my friend, who recently broke up with another guy. They started dating a year ago, their relationship looked serious, and it seemed that it was going to the wedding, but no. Instead of a marriage proposal, she received an offer to part friends. - Surely I found myself slimmer and ear-e-o-o-ol to her !!!

Girls tend to look for reasons in their appearance first of all: too fat, too thin, small tits, short legs, acne, rare hair, crooked teeth. And in the second place - after drinking in the company of girlfriends - they begin to blame the men for everything. Bastards, scoundrels, males, unworthy, best years spent on them!

But are men to blame? Is the fat ass and short legs to blame? After all, if you remember, nothing prevented Bridget Jones from finding personal happiness, despite far from perfect appearance. So what if she's a fictional character. So what is stopping millions of girls from getting married? Let's figure it out.

That my girlfriend's Once again caught the “wrong” man, of course, it’s not her fault excess weight. Having lost weight, she would undoubtedly look better. In my eyes. But her boyfriend liked her that way too. And in general, you can’t call her fat, except perhaps a little plump. But that's not the point. Upon closer examination of the situation, it turned out that her dear friend had escaped not at all from magnificent forms, but from the unbearable, brain-bearing nature of my girlfriend.

Any problems, even the smallest ones, she dumped on him. At first, he tried to help her in everything, but when it came to the fact that he had to take her cat for some injections every day and meet her mother after fitness, the guy could not stand it.

A man is a knight, not a working animal, on which you can take all your worries and problems. If in this way you check a man “for lice”, you can easily be left alone, like my friend. Nobody wants a troubled wife. Non-self-reliant men are also not particularly attractive to women, so why would a man bother with a woman who behaves like a helpless child? You need to learn to solve your own problems.

Another reason why men rush not down the aisle, but away from the girl, is her manic desire to get married. Yes, my mother buzzed all her ears, her friends constantly tease, the neighbors got questions, but rush at the first man they met decent looking also not an option. These marriages end early pregnancies and subsequent divorce. Who needs it?

I understand that I want to get married, but there is no need to demonstrate it so frankly. And a girl who is obsessed with marriage gives herself away by bending to the desires of every jerk that gets in her way and putting up with all the bullshit they do. She is afraid to make any demands and express dissatisfaction, because she is afraid to lose a man. In the end, she either ends up alone, because normal men they are afraid of the possessed, or marry some scum of society, which is even worse than being alone.

She lives in images of cinema, where men sing serenades to their beloved ladies, send a million scarlet roses home and make a marriage proposal in Paris on the Eiffel Tower. And her man doesn’t even give flowers, such a scoundrel! How can you start a family with such an unromantic type? It's a nightmare!

Thus, they themselves repel potential suitors from themselves, waiting for a prince on a white horse. More precisely, not a prince, but a peacock, which only spreads its tail and throws dust in the eyes, but in fact it is not yet a fact that a good husband will turn out. After all, all these romantic stray are more common to womanizers than to decent men. Experience does the trick. And ordinary men are often not even romantic at all.

She was not yet married, but managed to feel all the charm of everyday life and family life. She may have been the eldest child in large family and she always had to be in charge and help her parents with the housework along with adults. Or the sisters-brothers left their children in the care of her, and that’s all. free time she played the role of nanny and mother rolled into one.

Now she shudders at the mere thought that this will happen again in her life. Now she is left to herself, she does not need to babysit anyone, she does not need to iron someone's shirts and cook borscht, which she herself cannot stand. She feels good anyway, so she is in no hurry to get married, because she associates marriage with hopeless everyday life.

She knows that those who are obsessed with marriage are not taken as wives, so she behaves exactly the opposite. They do not make any attempts to get acquainted, do not initiate meetings or calls. She is sure that a man should always do everything himself, so she sits back and waits for happiness to fall on top of her head.

But happiness does not fall down, because in order for something to happen in life, something must be done for this. You don’t need to throw yourself on men’s necks, but it’s also not good to demonstrate complete indifference. the best option. No one is interested in soulless dolls that are not able to take the initiative.

Her whole life passes between home and work. At work decent men practically none, the most decent ones have long been dismantled. And now no one gets to know each other on the street, especially if I give birth with a brick. And what else will her mug be from such a dull life? It is all the more useless to look for a man in bars and clubs, men do not go there for this. What should she do?

The ideal option is to find some interesting activity. As a rule, for such enthusiastic people, the environment changes. It appears interesting people, including men. In the same gym, the chances of meeting a man are very high. And you can pump up the ass. Exactly! Gotta send a friend to Gym! Maybe he will stop considering himself fat, and at the same time he will get to know someone.