How to understand that a male colleague likes a woman? I like a married work colleague - what to do?

IN modern world office romances are not uncommon, as colleagues spend a lot of time together and get to know each other better. In order to find out about a man’s real feelings, one must take into account that some situations may simply indicate his good manners and tact. However, in most cases, the presence of warm feelings can be indicated by such signs of attention on the part of a man, such as trying to catch a girl’s eye or inviting her to dinner. The young man constantly tries to touch his chosen one and tells her ridiculous jokes. During the conversation, he holds his palms open and smiles widely. His movements become fast and chaotic.

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    Common mistakes women make

    It often happens that it is difficult for a girl to determine whether good attitude a colleague towards her as a sign of sympathy or simple friendship. In order not to find yourself in an awkward situation, you should remember about the most common possible mistakes associated with a man’s behavior.

    First of all, you should pay attention to the following important points:

    • General style of behavior.
    • Habitual manner of communication.
    • Upbringing.

    The most frequent mistakes are the following situations:

    1. 1. The gallantry of a male colleague does not necessarily indicate the sympathy of a colleague, as this may be evidence of good upbringing.
    2. 2. Compliments, unambiguous hints, and other methods of seduction may simply be a feature of a man’s manner of communicating with women. In this case, you should observe how your colleague communicates with other women.
    3. 3. If a co-worker is a good listener and smiles often, then this indicates that he is trying to adhere to business etiquette, demonstrating your location to your interlocutor.
    4. 4. Regular invitations to lunch to discuss current affairs and work issues are not yet a sign of falling in love.
    5. 5. If a woman has recently come to work, a male co-worker can use her attention as a means of self-affirmation among other male colleagues.

      A man looks away when his eyes meet

      Are there any chances of an office romance developing?

      A man's behavior at work is influenced by many different factors. Therefore, in order to accurately find out about his sincere attitude towards a woman, you should observe him in a more informal setting:

      • When a man is truly in love, his manner of communication can radically change in the opposite direction.
      • When a colleague is surrounded large quantity people, then he tries to catch the eye of the girl he likes. If a guy fails to look into the eyes, then he will look at the object in the direction of which the girl is looking. But when they are alone, he constantly looks away or looks at one point. This place is below the chin, but above the chest. This look gives a man the opportunity to look at a woman's face and breasts at the same time.
      • When talking to a girl, a man slightly tilts his head to the side, his body is turned towards his passion.
      • Open palms and a wide smile also indicate sincerity of feelings.
      • A male co-worker constantly makes attempts to lightly touch a woman. Moreover, for this he uses not only his fingers, but also the back and outer side of the palm, forearm, and leg.
      • The male colleague becomes more stupid. He begins to tell not very witty jokes and laughs at them himself. In this situation, it is important for a man that the girl approves of his ridiculous stories. Otherwise, the next unfunny jokes will concern his chosen one.
      • The man's movements are fast and it is difficult for him to concentrate. In this state, a man can do a lot of things, for example, break a glass.

      How to understand that a guy likes you

      Behavior of a married man

      In order to understand whether a male colleague likes a girl or not, you can directly ask about it. However, not all women are endowed with such courage and courage. To get the answer to your question, you should watch the man. He is characterized by some behavioral features characteristic of a married man:

      • When meeting a woman, he always follows her with his eyes.
      • If a colleague likes a girl, he will always tag her new hairstyle, a well-chosen outfit will give a pleasant and appropriate compliment.
      • When talking to a woman, a man will feel nervous and say inappropriate jokes.
      • The representative of the stronger sex does not forget to show his concern. He will hand you a coat, offer you a ride, and invite you to lunch.

      Reasons for mood swings in women

      Shows of sympathy from superiors

      If a woman notices signs of attention from her male boss, this can cause a mixed reaction. Incorrect behavior in this situation is fraught with at least dismissal from work.

      If a man is completely not a woman’s taste and causes only fear and hostility, then in this situation his courtship has no prospects. In most cases, the man will cool down over time, and the relationship will remain at a good level and will not have consequences for the performance of his official duties.

      In the case when the boss’s sympathy is mutual and the woman decides not to reject his advances, then the best option for first dates will be not the office, but a place that is located far from work. This will help avoid negative attitude colleagues.

      Help from physiognomy

      In order to know exactly the attitude of a colleague you like, you can simply take a close look at his face and find out the answer to a tormenting question.

      During a conversation, his gaze subconsciously stops at those parts of the body that are a priority for a man. His eyes constantly seem to “jump” to these areas of the woman’s body. By carefully looking at where a man's eyes are directed during a conversation, one can draw a conclusion about his attitude.

      Part of the body


      In most cases, this means that the young man wants a woman. They look at your chest married men who are not looking for a permanent partner

      The man has romantic in nature, focused on the sensual side of relationships

      For young man a woman's intelligence is important

      Arms, shoulders

      This part of the body attracts the attention of sexually preoccupied people or those who have been absent for a long time. intimate relationships with the opposite sex

      Characteristic of manic men, as well as those prone to sadism

      The young man subconsciously wants the girl to become the mother of his children

      This part of the body is looked at by men who in the future will show off their new passion to their friends

      In addition to facial expressions, a man’s stance and body position are of great importance.

      Man's body position



      A man will constantly tell a woman about all his problems, considering her a good listener and interlocutor

      Protrudes the fifth point

      The guy has a tendency to brag and will assert himself at the expense of his chosen one

      Tension in the torso

      This speaks of the young man's lack of self-confidence. However, over time, when he gets used to the girl, he may behave completely differently

      Jokes a lot

      A sign of a man’s high self-esteem and a tendency to demonstrate it

      Gestures actively

      This serves as a safety net for words. Active gestures indicate excessive emotionality of a person.

      Silent most of the time

      The man is hiding something, is not completely sincere with the girl

      gloomy mood

      The young man is capable of using force

      Often tilts his head

      A person is tormented by guilt


      Says that a man is characterized by arrogance

      Hands on hips

      The pose is typical for people prone to conflicts


      The man is hot-tempered and impatient

      Features of the zodiac signs

      A man’s date of birth significantly influences his character, behavior and communication with the opposite sex. Therefore, knowing his zodiac sign, you can find out whether he has a future office romance.

      Zodiac sign

      Signs of a man falling in love

      • Walks with a girl drag on until late (a sign that it is difficult for Capricorn to part with his beloved).
      • He began to visit often, which is absolutely not typical for representatives of this sign.
      • He spares no expense on flowers and gifts, which he usually gives only to his family.
      • Often takes a girl by the hand and hugs her.
      • Updated my wardrobe, bought new perfume.
      • He talks about his family secrets.
      • Accompanies the girl home, writes a good night text message, takes care of her well-being
      • A man often calls at any time of the day, even for small things and for no apparent reason.
      • Gives surprises and gifts.
      • Doesn’t think long about a marriage proposal, because he’s afraid that his girlfriend will be taken away by another man
      • Always comes to the aid of his chosen one.
      • Avoids conflicts and tries to find a compromise solution.
      • He easily introduces the girl to his parents and close relatives.
      • He talks about his experiences and feelings.
      • Remembers everything about his girlfriend.
      • Tries to make the dates original.
      • I am ready to make sacrifices to meet the girl I love.
      • Shares your hobbies with your loved one
      • A man becomes more assertive in his courtship.
      • Commits romantic actions, surprises the girl.
      • He wants to know absolutely everything about his chosen one.
      • Ruthlessly deals with all rivals and easily eliminates competitors.
      • He often jokes inappropriately, blushes, and mumbles.
      • Frequent mood swings
      • Reticent when meeting, reserved behavior.
      • Updates his wardrobe and carefully selects clothes for meeting a girl.
      • Very nervous on the first date. He speaks few words and blinks frequently. Uses gestures to convey emotions.
      • Always shows tact towards women


      • The man changes a lot in appearance. This applies not only to the wardrobe, but also to a new hairstyle, clothing style, and manner of speaking.
      • Gives expensive gifts.
      • Gives compliments, talks about his feelings, makes plans.
      • Shares his innermost thoughts with the girl.
      • Perceives all the negative character traits of the chosen one as positive.
      • He is full of energy and strength
      • The man protects and helps the girl in everything, showing his concern.
      • He will try to be with his chosen one almost every second.
      • Characteristic signs of falling in love for Cancers are nervousness, groundless scandals, and coldness in communication.
      • The man's eyes begin to glow.
      • Showers your loved one with gifts
      • Gives great gifts.
      • He decisively introduces him to his family and friends.
      • Pays a lot of attention.
      • Leo becomes sentimental, romantic, he wants affection from his beloved girl
      • A man surrounds his beloved with care, warmth, and gives expensive gifts.
      • Praises his chosen one in front of his friends
      • Creates scenes of jealousy.
      • Helps clean the apartment and prepare dinner.
      • Mood swings are typical.
      • Virgo's gaze becomes open and sincere.
      • Interested in all areas of his girlfriend's life
      • A man completely changes his clothing style. Moreover, he does this according to the taste of his chosen one.
      • Starts going to the gym.
      • Becomes gallant and tactful.
      • Shows maximum charm.
      • Performs romantic acts.
      • He often calls just to hear the girl's voice.
      • He is interested in the health, well-being of his chosen one, and the past day.
      • Actively jokes, entertains the girl


      • The man begins to joke a lot about love and sex.
      • Sometimes unreasonable outbursts of jealousy arise.
      • He talks about his girlfriend’s achievements in conversations with family and friends.
      • Ready for desperate actions.
      • Carefully monitors his appearance and wardrobe
      • The young man tries to show off his intellectual abilities.
      • He often jokes and tries to seem witty.
      • Shows attention and care for the girl.
      • Tries to find a reason to be alone.
      • Can easily deal with any opponent

      Having information about how to identify feelings, you can safely build a relationship with the man you like.

      And a little about secrets...

      The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

      I was especially saddened by my eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

      But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelifting? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

I don’t want to break up someone else’s family, but the workers’ sympathy went beyond the bounds of reason. Why can't you overcome your feelings? And is it necessary? Let's look at client examples.

All client cases are taken from open anonymous sources. Real work I don’t publish anywhere with clients.

My colleague doesn't know how I feel

“I spend most of my life at work. Apart from work, I don’t meet men anywhere. I would like to, but I don’t know how. I like one colleague at work, but he is married. I tried to forget, but he was always in front of my eyes - and I couldn’t forget. Or maybe I don’t want to stop thinking about him, because it’s very pleasant to fantasize.”

Look: what immediately catches your eye is what we psychologists call a pattern, that is, repeated behavior.

You can't create a relationship with a man. Neither outside of work nor at work. Because falling in love with a married colleague is not a relationship, but a fantasy. Moreover, please note that there are many obstacles to realizing this fantasy. (A colleague is married - that's one thing. The very fact that he is a colleague increases the risk of failure - that's two things.)

This means that you are unconsciously sabotaging the relationship. Yes, you may think there are many reasons for this. For example, you consider yourself not beautiful enough. Or it seems to you that all men of your age or level have been married for a long time. But in reality, all these thoughts are just a cover for unconscious fears.

And the psychologist’s strategy in this case is as follows:

a) find the real reason your fear of relationships in general, which prevents you from choosing the right man(as a rule, this is traumatization - in childhood or adulthood);

b) eliminate the consequences of trauma - the well-known expression “complete the gestalt” is applicable here, that is, the task is to realize how the situation became chronic, what your psyche could not cope with in childhood, and re-live what happened then, grieve it the grief that happened to you and was hidden because you didn’t have the strength to deal with it;

c) help you acquire skills related to dating and communication (or restore these skills if you had them, but were forgotten due to injury).

Exactly in that order. At the end of the article you will find a list of links to materials with exercises for independent work with traumatic situations.

My colleague knows about my feelings, but does not take steps towards me

“I try my best to attract the attention of my colleague. He always smiles back. Sometimes he drops hints that he likes me too. But time goes by, but there is no rapprochement between us. I don't know what else can be done. I can’t get it out of my head.”

This is a story about unreciprocated feelings and unrealistic hopes.

When a person likes you, it's pretty easy to tell. Not by passionate glances and meaningful smiles, but by concrete steps towards you.

When a client comes to me in such a situation, I propose, for clarity, to write down in two columns all the steps that the client took towards this man, and all the steps that he took. You too can do this simple exercise now. It helps to look at the situation very soberly.

As a rule, invitations to dinner, a movie, a dance, etc. appear in one column. And in the other column - smiles, winks and other air. Falling in love sometimes blurs your eyes so much that you can’t see the real picture.

And when you saw the real balance of power, the real correlation between your interest and his interest, the following logical questions arise:

a) do you really need him, this rather indifferent person? if yes, then why do you like people who are indifferent to you? Is there some kind of trauma behind this, are you trying to play out the same drama that you had in your childhood with an indifferent mother or a cold father (see the previous section)?

b) why is this person not interested in me? Am I interesting to anyone at all? What is interesting about me to other people? What am I happy and dissatisfied with about myself? Do I have adequate self-esteem?

You see for yourself, there are many questions, the answers may be different. It’s already difficult for me to describe everything possible options– this is more of a personal consultation level. Below there will be a list of articles that deal separately with each of these issues. Read it - maybe it will be useful to you.

A colleague openly responds to my feelings

“A married colleague is showing interest in me. I feel like I'm getting carried away too. But I'm not sure I want to destroy his family. I really like him though. I don’t want to be eternal lovers, I also want a family and children. Confused in my feelings."

This is a story about an internal conflict between your rational part (maybe ethical, ideological) and your emotional part.

The rational part gives good, solid, logical arguments against. Destroying someone else's family is bad. The man with the “trailer” is not the best a good option. Etc.

And the emotional part is like a child being handed delicious ice cream. It's quite difficult to give it up. Moreover, we are not talking about ice cream, but about love, acceptance, warmth and other vital pleasures for any person.

What if such strong and deep love no longer happens in your life? What if this is the same person destined for you by fate? It is quite understandable why logic nervously smokes on the sidelines.

In fact, it’s very cool that you even ask yourself this question: what to choose. Many people cannot pause even for a moment at this point - they immediately run after a sweet dream.

And if you can tell yourself “Stop” in this place, then you have the opportunity to grow in this situation. Perhaps it great occasion understand yourself and your life goals more deeply. Look at your life from the outside and see in what ratio you are controlled by your true desires and your unconscious processes. What stops your development. What prevents your freedom and authenticity from being realized.

I different variants in this place I offer it to clients - for some, working with images suits them well, some like to draw, some like to move, some like metaphorical associative maps. Since I can’t show real client drawings, I’ll tell you using an example with associative cards.

Association cards are a set of pictures from which you choose the one that you associate with a particular situation in your life, and then, with the help of a psychologist, interpret the selected picture. This helps to build a bridge to the unconscious - to what is in ordinary life is hiding from us.

For example, the client’s option to build a relationship with a married colleague is picture 1. The picture is nice and bright, but the client begins to describe it and finds herself disgusted. Two cats cause disgust - as if they are eavesdropping, preventing you from relaxing and immersing yourself in feelings. Yes and impending grey sky not very happy.

Picture 1

This can be interpreted as feeling threatened by the colleague's family. Anxiety that the client finds difficult and does not want to deal with. Which overshadows the possibility of a wonderful romance.

You understand that the interpretation of the picture can be absolutely anything - it’s just that when you look at the picture, thinking about your problem, your subconscious mind itself chooses certain elements.

When I ask a client to choose a picture that reflects life without a married colleague. She chooses picture 2. The client says that in this picture she sees mischief, lightness, many different interesting options relationships, freedom, enthusiasm. Everything that the previous picture is missing.

Picture 2

This is how you discover internal currents that are not so obvious at first glance. The process of discussing pictures helps to reconcile the inner rational part and the emotional part. Show the emotional part that the ice cream they are offering is slightly poisoned. And that there are other ice creams around =)

So, I told you about three stories related to falling in love with colleagues. If your story is different, write in the comments or come to – we’ll look into it in more detail.

Useful articles on the topic

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An employee treats you in a special way, but you don’t know how to understand that a male colleague at work likes you? Perhaps he is simply being delicate or deliberately distinguishes you from other ladies. To make sure of his sympathy, pay attention to the man’s behavior when you are in a group and when you are alone.

How to understand that a male colleague likes you

How to understand that a male colleague likes you can be calculated by the obvious signals that he gives on a subconscious level.

The first sign that he feels for you tender feelings– flirting in any of its manifestations. For some males, this word is associated with clear hints that he is not indifferent to the object of his desire.

Other signs of attention from a male colleague:

  • He appears in your field of vision more often than usual, in the perimeter where your workplace is located.
  • Engages you in conversation with other people, pushing you to answer ambiguous or explicit questions.
  • She tries to impose her help, even if she sees that you are doing a great job on your own.
  • He doesn’t give up trying to win your favor, despite the abundance of more successful candidates for your heart.
  • An invitation to a date or a friendly meeting in an informal format should also be taken as a desire to receive reciprocal feelings.

Let's look at several types of men who are interested in a female colleague.

Secret Compassionate

If a man uses the tactic of a secret sufferer, most likely he will invite you to dinner together. And in a conversation over a meal he will try to find out what’s going on in your head. personal life. Become best friend And a person who is afraid to advertise his own affection is capable of being a listener.

It is easier for this type to build relationships, starting with joint office lunches, free gifts in the form of paper clips, pens and folders, as well as a chivalrous offer to give you a ride home after work.


For real interested man, creative and enterprising, will not fail to create a romantic interlude to a budding romance. This means that a “fan” of stickers like this will appear on your computer with enviable regularity:

  • "Good morning!",
  • "good mood for the whole day"
  • “You are charming today.”

Signatures depend on the imagination and individual repertoire of the inspired gentleman. A cup of aromatic coffee early in the morning or a modest fragrant bouquet on the table is his favorite thing.

thorough man

A sedate and thorough man will discard the habits of a womanizer and will act systematically, assertively and carefully so as not to frighten off the woman. He will “put on” a patronizing role, trying to teach you the secrets of the profession. He is pleased to recognize personal superiority: when his lady sees in him not just a person of the opposite sex, but also a mentor.

Here you will not see a violent reaction, jealous scenes, or a “puppy” look. The boyfriend will simply take personal control of everything, patiently waiting until you are ready to move on to the next stage of the relationship.

Read about how to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings.

How to understand that a man likes you - his boss

It seems to you that the boss is affectionate and condescending with you, but you are not under any illusions? Are you wondering how to understand that a male boss likes you? Take a closer look at your boss, whether he expresses his feelings in front of everyone or only in an intimate setting in the office, when you remain face-to-face.

If a man holds the position of leader, very little time is devoted to frivolous things in his life. Having an affair at work with one of your subordinates is too risky; your reputation suffers as a result, your authority and respect from employees drops. But excessive attention boss to your person should give you an idea.

If sympathy arises, the male boss will do the following:

  • will try to help you move up the career ladder,
  • he will contribute in every possible way to the growth of your professionalism,
  • possible trips abroad for the purpose of advanced training, participation in trainings and useful seminars,
  • for your achievements and merits, he will not be stingy in raising your salary, instructing you to give bonuses, praising you in front of your colleagues and setting you up as an example as a valuable employee.

If the boss's love borders on madness, he will try to keep you close. At least on:

  • negotiations
  • important meetings,
  • meetings,
  • You will generally be on the list of obligatory persons present, despite other privileges.

More brave man will invite you to dinner at a restaurant, modest - will wait opportune moment to let you know how he feels about you.

Please note that he will sincerely care about your health. Need sick leave or vacation? He willingly meets your needs and offers more than the rights of each employee prescribed by law.

If you communicate, your relationship will improve.

You can easily learn how to understand that a male colleague at work likes you. You just need to take a closer look at his behavior, manners, and speech. He will definitely show gallantry, try to appear before you in at its best, will patronize and care. And women's intuition will tell you how strong his feelings are.

These days, office romance is considered quite a common occurrence, and he even moved into the stage of something ordinary and unremarkable. If suddenly you like your work colleague, and you just can’t overcome the feeling of falling in love, then it is important to learn to control yourself and behave correctly so that no one from the team, and especially the boss, suspects your intentions. What to do in such a situation? You will find answers to this and many other questions in our article.

Types of office romance

There are several types of office romance, and each of them has its own character traits. Let's take a closer look at each case.

Colleague in a relationship

If you have feelings for a person who is... this moment is in any relationship, for example, he or she has a family, a girlfriend or a young man, then this case of an office romance is considered the most difficult due to the unpredictability of the course of its development. In general, a relationship with an “unfree” person is self-deception from the very beginning and carries with it many negative aspects. It’s not a fact that your colleague, whom you paid attention to, will want to ruin an already established relationship because of you. Most likely, in this situation, you can only claim a light affair, but nothing more.

Status "free"

If you begin to fall in love with a work colleague who is single, that is, not currently a member of any serious relationship, then everything is much simpler here than in the first case. Attracting the attention of the object of love is quite simple, because you are doing the same work, that is, talking in general theme you can find it without difficulty. If a relationship with a colleague is just beginning, then you should not tell the whole team about it, in order to avoid ridicule and gossip. It is best to hide your intentions from strangers. It also very often happens that the bosses themselves prohibit office romances, so be careful, otherwise you risk losing your job.

Romance with the boss

Oddly enough, an affair with your own boss can also happen, but it is worth remembering that in the event of an unsuccessful relationship with your boss, you will have to leave your job. An office romance of this format is very dangerous and insidious, because in such a situation one cannot avoid gossip, intrigue, envy and ridicule. Such love has absolutely no prospects, it awaits you light flirting, perhaps one night together and dismissal from work, so you should abandon this idea.

If you like a work colleague, you shouldn’t rush to start an office romance

How to behave if you like a colleague?

If it so happens that you started an office romance, then you should adhere to the basic rules of behavior so that you are not exposed. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • remember your professional duty, try to distribute your work time, set a clear boundary between work and your crush;
  • never put your personal problems above public ones, that is, if something goes wrong in your relationship with a colleague, then you should not give up and give up any work activities;
  • take other employees into account, if everyone has known for a long time that you and your colleague have officially become a couple, then you should not advertise your relationship for show, that is, publicly hugging, kissing, etc., as someone may feel awkward;
  • You should not single out your loved one, namely, show him signs of attention, flirt, encourage him (if we're talking about about the boss and subordinate) and do all this in front of other employees, because your actions will not cause anything other than envy and anger;
  • Do not under any circumstances discuss your relationship problems with your colleagues, as in the future the whole team will be buzzing about it;
  • if you only intend to start an office romance, then try to hide your intentions in the first couple of minutes, you should not trumpet this every minute to the whole world, be a little more cunning.

How do you know if someone likes you too?

If you like a work colleague, you can even say that you feel in love, then in such a situation you can take a number of actions that will help determine how much the other person likes you. The most interesting thing is that many couples who “formed” on the occasion of an office romance never got together outside the work space. The whole point here is that men are most often afraid of refusal, and women are afraid of incorrectly explaining their intentions. In order for everything to go smoothly, you can try some little tricks:

  • pay attention to your colleague’s behavior, take a closer look at his or her possible hobbies, where he or she most often has lunch, etc., this is necessary in order to try to start a conversation on a general topic;
  • if a colleague occasionally looks your way, then it’s worth thinking about whether he or she is perhaps not indifferent to you;
  • take a closer look at your colleague’s behavior when talking to you, if the person puts his hands in his pockets, and thumb at the same time, it shows that they are very interested in you (mostly men show this gesture);
  • count the number of your meetings per day, because if you see each other very often, then perhaps your colleague is trying to please you and is constantly trying to catch your eye;
  • If the above signs occur, then you can begin to take decisive action.

Office romance is an insidious and unpredictable thing, if it so happens that you fell in love at work, then at the very beginning try not to tell anyone about it. Only do this if your relationship has worked out and you can officially call yourself a couple.

I really like one man - a colleague. We have been working in the same company for more than one year. I like everything about it. How he looks, how he dresses, his manners. He is very personable. How can he make a smart joke? Knows how to make little surprises. For example, unexpectedly put a chocolate bar for us at the computers. We don't even ask who did it. We know that other men are simply not capable of this.

And most importantly, the one I like is not married. True, I don’t know anything about the woman I love. Maybe he has it, maybe he doesn't. I've never seen him with a lady. I try, of course, to please him. But so far to no avail. It seems to me that he does not yet single me out as an object for a relationship. He treats him well, is attentive, but like everyone else. And my friend, who saw him a couple of times, for some reason concluded that he was a Casanova. It seemed to her that his eyes were somehow very darting. female body. I don't know, I don't think so. How do they run? And how could it be otherwise? And all men look at women. That's why they are men.

How can I please him? It is also very interesting to find out what a man first of all pays attention to when he sees a woman. For some reason, we are all sure that it is on the chest. If this is really the case, then I'm fine with it. And the rest of the body is pretty decent. I won’t praise myself, but I am regularly friends with the fitness club.

By the way, I asked this question to my brother. And he replied that he looks first of all at what stands out the most. This, they say, is the law of nature. If a lady has large breasts, then, naturally, they are the first thing that catches your eye. If the eyes are expressive, then he looks at them. It is impossible to look at everything at once. And still. Perhaps this is not a question for the newspaper. Well, what if, I thought, I get the most from you? necessary advice, because I always read the page about men and women. Waiting for a hint!


If a man looks into your eyes for a long, long time, you can be sure that he has already looked at everything else.


Yuri MALYUKOV copywriter

A little bit of everything! You can write strips about this. After all, we are talking about a woman. Can you express all the emotions in a few words?! But in short, I’ll note that first of all I pay attention to the eyes. Agree, it is the eyes that can tell about a woman’s disposition towards me. If further communication takes place, then further assessment of physiological parameters occurs. To be more precise, this is the structure of the face, the shape and color of the eyes, the shape of the lips and nose. Further attention is paid to the shape and size of the chest, waist and hips, height, length and hair color. But when communicating, lips really attract attention, because information appears from there. But that's my opinion. I don’t pretend that it will coincide with the thoughts of the majority of male representatives.

Reading a man by his gestures...


If you want to know whether a man is interested in you, do not forget to monitor not only his statements towards you, but also how he behaves.

1. “Maybe” signal

If at a meeting during your speech he begins to fiddle with your tie, collar, touches your neck or touches your hair, and the toe of your foot is turned in your direction, then he is clearly interested in you. Perhaps he is only attracted to what you are talking about.

2. Signal “I’m not lying”

If during a conversation a man does not hide his palms, but, on the contrary, shows them and raises them up, most likely he is speaking sincerely.

3. Signal “I want to be closer”

The distances to which we are willing to allow people to approach us vary depending on the area in which we grew up (city dwellers have shorter distances than villagers). The classic “public” distance is about 3.5 m or more; business from 1.5m to 3.5m; friendly - from 0.75 m to 1.5 m; and closer – intimate. If the interlocutor is trying to get closer to you, it means he wants to be closer not only in the literal sense of the word.

4. Signal “I would like to hug you…”

If a man, while communicating with you, simultaneously spreads his arms (leaning on the staircase railing or the back of a chair), this is a hidden symbol of a hug.

5 Signal “I like you”

His touch can tell a lot. 1) If his palm turns upward when shaking hands, he is ready to obey you. 2) “Glove” - when his two palms clasp one palm, he expresses sincerity and friendliness. 3) If a man touches your hand or elbow, this is a sign of sympathy.

6. Signal “I want to please”

A man begins to preen at the sight of a woman he likes, much like animals do during mating season. He puts himself in order “from head to toe” - suddenly he remembers that he needs to comb his hair, shake dust off his shoulder, straighten up, suck in his stomach, straighten his sleeves, and so on.

7. “I want you” signal

Hands on hips when a man stands, legs extended when he sits, and finally thumbs hands clasped behind a belt - all these poses serve only to demonstrate to the woman her own attractiveness and draw attention to the genital area.

8. Signal “I don’t need anything!”

I don't believe him forefinger touches your nose, the others cover their mouths - he doesn’t believe you and doesn’t want to be frank.

I want to escape: If, in addition to the “I don’t believe it” signal, he fiddles with his ear or rubs some other parts of his face, then he is openly burdened by your conversation and thinks about how to quickly end it and disappear.

You are not interesting for me: if he prefers to keep at a “pioneer” distance, leans in the opposite direction in a conversation or speaks slightly away - alas, this person is not particularly interested in you, to say the least.

I'm fine without you: a limp, weak handshake indicates that he does not want to close the distance.

The following actions can be considered alarming, but not frightening: he puts his hands in his pockets, hides his palms, crosses his legs or arms, hides his legs under a chair. Such behavior can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the situation.

...and in the eyes

Look up and to the right– represents something that he has seen before.

Look up and left– fantasizes or lies.

Looking “horizontally” to the left- remembers what he once heard.

Looking “horizontally” to the right- thinks about what to lie, how to construct a phrase.

Look down to the right in - is in experiences, feelings, emotions..

Looking down to the left- conducts a dialogue with himself.

A long look in your direction- indicates the sincerity of his intentions.

Dilated pupilssure sign passion, if the man did not drink, did not take drugs and is not in a room with poor lighting.

"Wandering Eye" and a hand supporting his head - he is bored.

His eyes are directed towards the center of your forehead or the bridge of your nose.– business view.

Frequent movements of his eyes along the “eyes-mouth” trajectory- a friendly look.

A sliding glance from the eyes and lower throughout the body, and then back– an intimate look.