Weekends in December and public holidays. Weekend. Explanations on working hours

Our people love this spring month, as really warm days are coming and you can finally relax with the whole family in nature. I wonder what the weekend for the May holidays in 2018 will be like?

Production calendar

Getting acquainted with the calendar of 2018, you can see that the holidays: the first and ninth of May fall in the middle of the week:

  • 05/01/18 is Tuesday;
  • 05/09/18 - Wednesday.

In such a situation, it is hardly possible to count on a long weekend in May. So far, it is known that the Ministry of Labor proposed to postpone the day off 01/07/18 - Sunday to 05/02/18, and to make Saturday 04/28/18 a day off to make 04/30/18 - Monday a day off. Thus, the following picture can be obtained:

  • 04/29/18 - Sunday - day off:
  • 04/30/18 - Monday - day off;
  • 05/01/18 - official holiday;
  • 05/02/18 - day off due to the transfer of Sunday 01/07/18.

That is, you can get four continuous days off. In addition, there will be another official holiday - May 9th. There are no options here - we rest for one day, and 05/08/18, as expected, will be reduced by one hour.

Of course, this is not 7-8 continuous days off, as it used to be, but still not bad. If this is officially approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, we get:

Thus, the Russians in May 2018 will rest for a third of the month, and this is very good, given that the weather will be wonderful.

professional holidays

In the last month of spring, representatives of different professions celebrate their professional holidays:

  • 05/05/18 - divers and midwives;
  • 05/07/18 - radio workers;
  • 05/08/18 - employees of the criminal investigation department;
  • 05/12/18 - nurses;
  • 05/13/18 - escorts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • 05/14/18 - freelancers;
  • 05/16/18 - biographers;
  • 05/17/18 - pulmonologists;
  • 05/18/18 - museum workers;
  • 05/20/18 - workers of metrology and traumatologists;
  • 05/21/18 - military translators, polar explorers and employees of the BTI;
  • 05/24/18 - personnel officers;
  • 05/25/18 - philologists and welders;
  • 05/26/18 - entrepreneurs;
  • 05/27/18 - librarians and chemists;
  • 05/28/18 - optimizers and border guards;
  • 05/29/18 - military motorists;
  • 05/31/18 - employees of the bar.

Religious significant dates

Many Christian holidays are celebrated in May. Here are some of them:

  • 05/02/18 - Day of the Matrona of Moscow;
  • 05/06/18 - the day is dedicated to George the Victorious;
  • 05/17/18 - Ascension of the Lord - celebrated forty days after Easter;
  • 05/21/18 - John the Evangelist is honored;
  • 05/24/18 - Cyril and Methodius are remembered;
  • 05/25/18 - Commemoration of all those who died not by their own death;
  • 05/26/18 - Parental Saturday;
  • 05/27/18 - Trinity - celebrated on the fiftieth day after the Great Day;
  • 05/28/18 - Day of the Holy Spirit.

Main holidays of May

May Day today is completely different from the one that was under the Soviet Union. In the country of the Soviets on this day, grandiose demonstrations took place in solidarity with the working people of the whole world fighting for their rights. At present, the holiday has lost its political overtones and has become the Holiday of Spring and Labor. On this day, all those who contribute to the prosperity of our state are honored. These are ordinary workers, employees of various organizations and rural workers. Everyone can rightfully classify themselves in this category, which means that May 1 is a holiday for all of us, without exception, it is not surprising that everyone is waiting for it every year.

The second official holiday in our country is May 9th. This will be the seventy-third anniversary of our victory over Nazi Germany. On this day, the Russians will remember all those who defended our Motherland many years ago and to whom we are indebted for our peaceful sky. As before, official celebrations will take place in the capital of our Motherland - Moscow, as well as in all settlements of our vast Motherland. Indeed, in our country there is not a single family where someone would not suffer from this greatest grief of the last century. Everyone, young and old, will come to the monuments of Soviet soldiers and lay flowers.

The military parade on Red Square will be especially impressive. On it we will see those. who is now protecting our peaceful life, as well as the latest military equipment, which has no equal in the world. Without a doubt, the already well-known action "Immortal Regiment" will take place. And in the evening we will all witness a grandiose salute in honor of the victory of our country in the Great Patriotic War. Similar events will be held in all major cities of Russia, as well as in hero cities.

How do we rest other days

In recent years, Russians have developed a tradition to open the season of outdoor recreation on the May holidays. Indeed, in a large part of the territory of Russia, stable heat is already being established, trees and flowers are blooming, and all the air is literally filled with a magical aroma. It is no coincidence that most Russians rush to their favorite vacation spots:

  • to the cottage;
  • to the village to relatives;
  • on a picnic in the forest or to the nearest body of water.

Among the entertainments, the most popular are cooking field porridge or shish kebabs on a fire. Outdoor enthusiasts open the beach football or volleyball season. Tourists of all stripes arrange evening singing with a guitar. In general, all holidays are held under the slogan of communication with nature.

There are Russians who prefer these days to go to the southern seas. They use every free minute to enjoy the warm sun of exotic countries and splash in the warm emerald sea.

Among our citizens there are those who do not miss the moment to get acquainted with new historical monuments. It is no coincidence that tours to Europe are so popular during the May holidays, where each city presents an open-air museum. Our domestic historical sites have recently begun to enjoy no less popularity. What is worth only a trip along the Golden Ring of Russia.

The weekend schedule for the New Year holidays of 2018 is not very different from previous years. As usual, workers are given a whole week of vacation.
Project No. 1250 on the transfer of weekends and holidays in Russia has already been published:

10/14/17 Dmitry Medvedev approved

The January weekend, which has already become a long tradition, will allow Russians to fully enjoy the New Year holidays. After that, from January 9, the usual working week will begin:
December 30, 2017(Saturday) - calendar day off;
31th of December(Sunday) - calendar day off;
1st of January(Monday) - New Year;
January 2(Tuesday) - public holiday;
January 3(Wednesday) - public holiday;
4 January(Thursday) - public holiday;
5 January(Friday) - public holiday;
6th January(Saturday) - day off (with a five-day working week);
Jan. 7(Sunday) - Christmas;
January 8(Monday) is a public holiday.

Calendar of weekends and holidays in January 2018

Anticipation of the holiday will help not to be sad in the first working week of the new year. The Old New Year is respected in many families and not only Russian ones. Moreover, in 2018 it is celebrated on the night from Saturday to Sunday, so the fact that this holiday is not a nationwide day off will not hurt to celebrate it well.
According to tradition, on a generous evening (this is what this holiday is called in Ukraine and Belarus), it is customary to cook porridge from whole grains of wheat, bake pancakes and pies, and cook pork dishes, as St. Basil the Great, whose memory is honored on January 14, was the patron saint of pig breeders. Gardeners this night shake off the snow from the apple branches. This ritual is said to ensure a good harvest.

Holidays in January 2018 are not limited to Christmas and New Year holidays, this month has enough interesting dates and memorable days, but none of them is a day off.
January 12– Prosecutor's Day
13th of January– Russian Press Day
The 25th of January- Students' Day or Tatiana's Day
- Navigator's Day
January 27- Day of lifting the blockade

The moon makes its usual circle, regardless of weekends and weekdays, vacations and holidays. In January, she will be especially supportive of us on 4, 17 and 25. And, of course, at this time you especially want to change something in your life. You can, for example, have a wedding this month, the most suitable days for this will be January 1, 21, 26.
Who is not ready for such a drastic change, you can change less dramatically and make a new haircut. The moon will help in this matter on January 8, 18, 27. In extreme cases, you can think about next spring and open the sowing season on the windowsill. The moon also welcomes this business, especially January 2, 25 and 30 - these are the most suitable days for planting and transplanting plants.

Public Holiday Russia Day celebrated every year and always 12 June. The date was approved on 06/02/1994 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1113.

How do we relax on Russia Day in 2020, how many days:

In honor of the celebration of the Day of Russia 2020, we will have a rest
3 days in a row: Friday 12 June 2020 to Sunday 14 June 2020 .

The working week leading up to the holiday will be four days.

The Day of Russia holiday itself (06/12/2020) is a non-working day throughout the Russian Federation.

According to Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this holiday is included in the number of official non-working holidays (additional days off), both for five days and for six days.

November 4, 2019 is the last additional public holiday this year. Further, the inhabitants of Russia will have the opportunity to have a good rest only at the beginning of 2020, when after the New Year they will have a long New Year holidays, including the celebration of the Nativity of Christ.

Other events on September 21:

* Day of military glory dedicated to the victory of the Russian regiments in the Battle of Kulikovo. Six and a half centuries ago, Russian troops led by Dmitry Donskoy fought the hordes of the Golden Horde. The battle took place on the Kulikovo field and marked the beginning of the liberation of Rus' from the power of foreign invaders who came from the East.

* International Day of Peace. The event was established by the United Nations and is dedicated to "establishing peace in the world", and most importantly - the cessation of war. On September 21, the opposing sides temporarily cease hostilities (they introduce a "ceasefire regime").

* World Day of Russian Unity- so far this is an unofficial holiday, which has been celebrated on September 21 since 2010.

What is the reason for the conflict between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko:

Relationship between Russian MMA fighter Alexander Emelianenko and weightlifter Mikhail Koklyaev heated up in March 2019, after "Misha" posted a video in which he commented on Alexander's conflict with another MMA fighter - Sergey Kharitonov.

Koklyaev joked about "stupid jocks and fighters", summarizing that "...Now it's not only jocks who are dumb."

In a response video, Emelianenko suggested that Mikhail “be more careful,” as he could soon come to visit him at the gym.

The exchange of courtesies continued on the fighters' Instagram accounts, where they made notches on the bench press, stuffed a heavy ball, and fired from a broom.

In the end, everything ended with an agreement to resolve the dispute with the help of fists.

That is, the cause of the conflict is a joke by Mikhail Koklyaev.

When will the fight between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko take place (date and time):

"The most anticipated fight of 2019" between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko will take place on Friday 29 November 2019.

As for the start time of the fight, it is not known exactly, since it depends on how quickly the preliminary fights end. In total, 6 fights are planned in the tournament program, and the meeting between Emelianenko and Koklyaev will be the final one.

The tournament itself will begin on November 29, 2019 at 19:00 Moscow time. And Koklyaev and Emelianenko as headliners can enter the ring in a period of time from 21:30 to 22:30 Moscow time.

That is, when the fight between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko will take place (date and time):
* On Saturday 11/29/2019
* Tournament start - 19:00 Moscow time.
* The start of the fight Koklyaev - Emelianenko - after 21:30 Moscow time.

Subscribe to our updates, join the site groups in social networks, so as not to miss new important information regarding the meeting of two famous athletes. Closer to the date of the fight, we will announce the exact start time of the fight, as well as where you can watch the live broadcast.

Where will the meeting between Koklyaev and Emelianenko be held on November 29, 2019:

The venue for the fight was chosen "VTB-Arena"(Moscow, Russia) - a multi-purpose sports complex built on the site of the central Dynamo stadium in Petrovsky Park.

The fight will take place in the VTB Arena Park ring, a small indoor arena that can accommodate up to 13,000 spectators during mixed martial arts.

According to what rules will the duel between A. Emelianenko and M. Koklyaev take place:

The duel will pass by the rules of boxing.

Prediction for the fight Koklyaev vs Emelianenko:

On November 29, 2019, we will receive an answer to the question of what is preferable - strength or speed.

Speed. Russian mixed martial arts fighter Alexander Emelianenko (younger brother of Fedor Emelianenko) has fought over a hundred fights in various martial arts. His manner of fighting is distinguished by courage, speed and entertainment. Now Alexander is in excellent physical shape, which means that in the upcoming fight he will be faster than ever.

Force. Eight-time champion of the Russian Federation in weightlifting, powerlifter Mikhail Koklyaev, "The Strongest Man of Russia" - is a multiple winner of international tournaments in power extreme sports. It is deservedly famous for its strength, courage and sports character. He claims that in order to knock out Emelianenko, he "needs only 1 hit."

If the fight between Koklyaev and Emelianenko is not a freak fight (staged, for the show), then Mikhail does not have much chance. Of course, there is a video where a strongman slaps 320 kilograms, and therefore, theoretically, he can knock out Alexander. However, Emelianenko is an experienced fighter who has been performing in mixed martial arts for a long time, and therefore is the undisputed favorite of the fight.

Festival "Invasion" - where will be held in 2020:

The open-air rock festival "Invasion" is one of the largest music festivals in Russia, held annually in the open-air format by the Nashe Radio radio station.

For 11 years already, since 2009, the venue for the music festival has been a field near the village of Bolshoe Zavidovo in the Konakovo district of the Tver region.

That is, the location of the "Invasion" in 2020:
* the village of Bolshoe Zavidovo, Tver region.

When will "Invasion 2020" be held, the dates of the festival:

The exact date of the festival "Invasion" is announced about a month before it starts - in June. And the dates of the "main event of the summer" vary every year. But this is invariably four summer days - from Thursday to Sunday in either July or August.

That is, we will find out the exact date of the festival in June 2019.

Conducted "Invasion 2020" can, for example, at the end of the first week of July 2020: from July 2, 2019 to July 5, 2019 (forecast dates!).

How many days will the Invasion festival last in 2020:

Starting from 2017, the "Invasion" festival lasts 4 days, from Thursday to Sunday.

When asked on this occasion to the General Director of "Multimedia Holding" whether the next festivals will be held for 4 days, the answer was "why not". According to gen. director Kiseleva, since a lot of people are ready to come to the festival on Thursday, the organizers will leave the four-day format of the event in the future. Moreover, if it is in demand, the Invasion can be carried out for 5, or even 6 days.

That is, "Invasion" in 2020 will last:
* 4 days (Thursday to Sunday).

When will the sale of tickets for "Invasion 2020" start:

Ticket sales start now in September 2019. Tickets can be purchased on the official website of the event.

How much will tickets for "Invasion 2020" cost:

The price of one ticket in 2020 will vary from 2000 to 10000 rubles, depending on the selected category.

What is the number of the "Invasion" festival in 2020:

In 2020 the festival "Invasion" will be held 21 times (20 times outdoors).

For the first time the festival "Invasion" was held in 1999 in the Moscow House of Culture Gorbunov. This was the only time that a musical event was held indoors, other than the "virtual" Invasion of 2003, when an outdoor performance was canceled due to an explosion a month earlier at the Wings festival, and guest bands sang "live" live in the studio "Our Radio".

Since 2000, the festival has been held in the open air.

What is the theme of "Invasion 2020":

The theme of the next festival, which will be held in 2020, has already been announced. This " Carnival".

The organizers plan to make the upcoming event costumed.

How to get to the site of the festival "Invasion 2020" from Moscow:

From Moscow to the village of Bolshoe Zavidovo can be reached by train. Electric trains depart from the Leningradsky railway station. You can get to the station from Komsomolskaya metro station. It is necessary to choose those electric trains that depart towards Konakovo. You should get off at the station Konakovskiy Mokh.

If you are going to visit the "Invasion" by car, then 115 km from Moscow, moving along the "Russia" highway, you need to turn off near Konakovo and drive to the village of Vahonino, then turn left. Also, you can get to the place along the M-11 toll highway, bypassing all traffic jams and settlements.

How to get to the site of the "Invasion" in 2020 from St. Petersburg:

To get from the northern capital of Russia to Bolshoy Zavidovo by rail, you should choose any train that goes to Tver. Further, you can walk to the bus station (it is located about 1 km from the railway station) and take a bus that goes to Konakovo. And from Konakovo to the glade "Invasion" can be reached by taxi.

All Russians are looking forward to the New Year holidays. About how we relax on the New Year 2019 in January, how many weekends and holidays await us, we can find out now. Since the Government Decree of October 1, 2018 "On the postponement of weekends and holidays" has already been adopted and entered into force.va

Let's decipher each day of non-working holidays in January 2019 (from December 30 to January 8):

How the weekend went in January 2019

Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that the postponement of days off is carried out in order to rationally plan working time in organizations and take into account the interests of various categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in creating conditions for a good rest.

For these purposes, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 01, 2018 No. 1163 “On the postponement of days off in 2019” provides for the following shift of days off:

  • from Saturday 5 January to Thursday 2 May;
  • from Sunday 6 January to Friday 3 May;
  • from Saturday 23 February to Friday 10 May.

Work on weekends and non-working holidays in January

According to the legislation, work on weekends and non-working holidays is prohibited (Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, there are exceptions to this rule.

So, for example, it is allowed to involve an employee to work on a weekend / non-working holiday, if there is a need to perform unforeseen work, on the urgent implementation of which the further normal functioning of the organization depends.

In this case, the employee can be involved only with his written consent.

Note that sometimes engaging an employee on weekends/non-working holidays (including in January 2019) is possible without obtaining consent from him.

For example, such situations include the involvement of an employee to prevent a catastrophe / industrial accident or eliminate the consequences of a catastrophe / industrial accident / natural disaster (Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How is work paid on weekends and non-working holidays in January 2019

Work on weekends, as well as non-working holidays, is payable at least twice the amount (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The exact amount of wages for work on weekends / non-working holidays (including January 2019) can be specified in the collective agreement, local regulation or employment contract.

Keep in mind!”] An employee who worked on a weekend / non-working holiday may be given another day of rest. In this case, work on a weekend / non-working holiday is paid in a single amount, and the day of rest chosen by the employee is not paid (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

However, the initiative to replace double pay with another rest day should come from the employee, not from the employer.

Working hours in 2019

According to the production calendar of Russia, in January 2019 there are 17 working days and 14 days off and holidays in the country.

Working hours norms:

  • with a 40-hour work week - 136 hours (17 x 8, where 17 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift);
  • at 36 hours - 122.4 hours (17 x 7.2);
  • at 24-hour - 81.6 hours (17 x 4.8).

Production calendar for January 2019

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In fact, it includes a holiday calendar for January 2019.