A beautiful wife is cheating: what should a husband do? Cheating wife to her husband at work. Real stories or office romance

Sad statistics show that wives, like husbands, are prone to office romances and subsequently to cheating on husband at work. Real stories of service relations are widely discussed on social networks. Why does a wife cheat on her husband at work?

Usually women are prone to cheating on their husbands for several reasons:

  • Revenge
  • Lust
  • Boredom
  • Love
  • Indifference

Real stories: wife cheating on her husband at work

Revenge: Alena 27 years old

I took care of the children, and my husband was actively cheating on me. I found out by accident, that's how it usually happens. Having convicted him of treason, I decided to treason in order to take revenge. For infidelity, my choice fell on my work colleague, he courted me quite intensively before marriage. The change took place, but he did not know about it. A few months later "divorce". Unfortunately, betrayal did not save me from emotional distress. I could not forgive him for betrayal and just lost interest in him. However, I do not regret my betrayal.

Lust: Tatiana 25 years old

Love: Anna 23 years old

I live with my husband for almost 3 years, but I regularly cheat on him, I really love my lover and our feelings are mutual. Unfortunately, my beloved musician, he is very unstable and irresponsible. I will not have a reliable rear with him. But mine is caring and able to provide a happy life for me. Because of my inability to get everything that I need for happiness from my beloved, I get it from my husband. He takes care of me, with him I am confident in the future, and a lover gives passion and love. I don't think this lifestyle is right. But women, like men, are looking on the side for what they lack in a relationship.

Boredom: Victoria 32

I have been married for 7 years now. I respect and love my spouse. When I got married, it seemed to me that together we would be happy forever. But time smoothed everything and feelings too. Passion has virtually disappeared. Relationships have evolved into family ties. Last year, my husband and I were close only five times. I even remember the dates. My colleague, Anton, showed me signs of attention for a long time. And then one day a spark flashed between us. We've been secretly dating for five months now. He gives me warmth and touch, with him I feel beautiful and desirable ... At the same time, I still love my chosen one and am not going to divorce him.

As you can see, all wives, like husbands, are capable of cheating at work or not, but they can do it too and it's theirs real stories.

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Of course, speaking of various temptations, one cannot fail to mention the notorious holiday romances. Warm sea, bright sun, clean air, maximum colors and minimum clothing. In such an environment, women involuntarily begin to stare at the male buttocks, because this is exactly the part of the body that attracts them the most in men. Acquaintance with the "object" you like becomes a matter of technique. And whether or not the lady will be in his arms and on the bed of love depends only on the upbringing and moral character of the woman. In the case of such a betrayal, women very often try to justify themselves by saying that they have gone to the head of a romantic setting or something like that.

It is customary to refer to such temptations not only holiday romances, but also intrigues that arise during any other travel, be it a trip to France, Italy or any other country.

Another situation is when he and she met in some motley company, at a party. Both of them are family people, and even happily married, they never even thought about treason. Yes, but alcohol does its “dirty deed”. They imperceptibly went over, decided to take a walk in order to recover, and somewhere in a deserted park, especially if summer is in the yard, a man lost his head, because his companion is wearing such a beautiful light dress, emphasizing all the charms of her figure, given to her by nature. So it turns out that a woman without guilt is guilty, an insidious traitor, although there is no deceit on her part, she was simply dressed lightly and alluringly, as if she herself offered herself to men.

If the wife really decided to cheat on her husband, she is ready to go all out. Of course, the girl will not rush at every counter-cross, first she will choose her victim, then she will seduce. She is unlikely to open up to a man, but simply brazenly take advantage of him. Pity, remorse, regret - all these feelings she will experience after some time.

The reason for such a betrayal may be the despair of a woman because of her husband’s inattention, because his feelings for her have cooled down, and again she wants to feel sexy, desired and needed.

Is it worth it to forgive a cheating wife

They usually say about womanizer men: they won’t miss a single skirt like that. I wonder how you can say the same about a woman of this kind? How will a man react to his wife's betrayal if he finds her, so to speak, in the process? Most likely, the conversation will be short and specific: the lover will be brought down the stairs, and the wife will not be greeted either. Men have different temperaments and characters. One will immediately file for divorce and end all relations with an unfaithful wife, the other will make a scandal. But it is best to first of all try to talk with your spouse and find out what was the reason for such an act. Most likely, there will be an explanation for this, and perhaps the husband’s fault is also present. It’s easier to part, but to keep a family and love is too difficult. No need to give up so quickly, because you need to fight for your feelings.

Today is the threshold of Friday, and today I want to talk about why all the same wives cheat on their husbands, or rather, I want to share my personal view on the reason for such betrayals.


Every person has a need to be loved.
Most of us want to feel that the one with whom he is next to him is really needed and no matter what they say, we all need signs of attention from loved ones.
Such small milestones, flags that constantly let a person understand “I need you”, “you are important to me”, “I love you”, “I want to be near you”.

Girls and women are naturally not an exception to the rule, and even more than that, they need such flags and are important like no one else.
But life is pain.

And now, after some period after the wedding, living together becomes a habit, becomes a routine, and the fact that a loved one lives next to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ceases to delight and lead to a state of increased emotional arousal.

Unexpected little gifts and surprises, unexpected kisses and hugs just like that for no reason, just because you pass by, affectionate words all this ends sooner or later.

Relationships become calmer and smoother, but this is perceived by a woman as a lack of love.
Having ceased to feel attention, not receiving these badges and flags, she begins to feel unnecessary, emotional emptiness sets in.

Well, like any emptiness, it needs to be filled, a woman begins to look for how to fill it in order to feel loved, needed, desired again.

Sometimes a woman is aware of such a search, but quite often it happens at the subconscious level and she involuntarily, without realizing it herself, is fond of another man who, against the backdrop of her husband's "coldness", began to show her signs of attention and crumble in compliments.

Dissatisfaction. >

Yes, yes, the very notorious sexy :))) and there may be several reasons for this.

Mismatch of temperaments and biorhythms- especially manifested the older the partners become and the longer they live together.

Once a week once a week is enough for a husband, and a woman wants more often and more.

The husband is a lark and at ten o'clock in the evening he is already sleeping like a marmot, and his wife is an owl and desire rolls over her at 12 at night, after watching her favorite series, but the husband at that time is sleeping soundly.
But in the morning she is ready to just kill this fucking “lark” for harassment at half past five in the morning.

Misunderstanding of female physiology not only by men, but often by women themselves.
For example, the angle of the pelvis and the location of the vagina often leads to the fact that a woman can enjoy and achieve orgasm only in one specific position.

As a result of this, a misunderstanding of the reason or excessive shyness (when the wife is embarrassed to say that she feels good only this way and nothing else) leads to the fact that a woman rarely enjoys sex.

stand apart psycho-physiological features.
So one of my acquaintances experienced an orgasm only if she was brought to it by caressing her hands (and quite aggressively), while the other at the moment of orgasm was terribly anxious ... to write.
Naturally, she restrained herself and, as a result, did not receive either complete relaxation or pleasure from intimacy.

The fact that you can have sex, for example, in the bathroom, and as a result, do not restrain yourself, she understood, but she was embarrassed to tell her husband about such a feature of hers “what if he thinks that I am a pervert.”

Unsatisfied sexual fantasies or desires.
For many men, this may seem extremely strange, but nevertheless, it is true.
Many girls have sexual fantasies or unsatisfied desires that they are afraid to tell their husband about because "Suddenly he will think that I am a pervert or sick."

I never understood why living with a man who could potentially think that his wife is a pervert or sick.
How did you choose him, what did you find in him if now you cannot fully trust him?

You are going to be with this person in sorrow and joy, in health and disease, you are going to give birth to children and cook borscht, but you cannot say that:
- you like to be spanked during sex or tied up;
- would you like to tie him up or just completely dominate during it;
- you want to forgive in the ass or that you would be caressed with your tongue, bringing you to orgasm in this way;
Do you love when...

There are actually VERY many options here, so many that it can even shock an unprepared man with complexes :))))
We are used to the fact that girls usually have complexes, but very often, in regard to sex, men are even more notorious.

As a result, the girl's initiative when she offers to retreat from mmmmm .... what is considered to be ordinary in sex can really shock someone, so women's fears (he will think ...) are actually not completely groundless.

- Mmmmmmm…. How good I feel now ... I should have told you about it right away ...
- Why didn't you say? :)
- I was afraid that you would think that I was some kind of fool.
- Well, what a fool that was afraid :)))
- TA-dah:))))
- Do you do this with your husband? - I ask already assuming what the answer will be.
- No, of course not! You sho! He will also think that I am somehow not like that and get divorced.
- So what? Why do you need such a husband who might think such a thing?
- Wow, I love him! And we have a child...

Whoops, curtain!
She loves him and is afraid to say about her desires that he would not divorce her, but at the same time she goes to the left because, as they say, “I want it worse than it hurts.”
And she LOVES him! Loves and sleeps with another because…. well you get it :)
Damn, I probably still will never be able to understand female logic :))))))


To me, that's a very... not a good reason.
The girl wants a beautiful life (restaurants, abroad), and the family lives so poorly that even condoms have to be washed and reused.
As a result, the girl begins to run to someone who, even if for a while, can give her the material well-being that she lacks in her family.

After all, at work, girlfriends brag about new clothes and / or tell how they went to a manicure and spa, went to the cinema or a restaurant with her husband, went skiing or to a resort, and at the same time she is forced to remain silent.
After all, all she can talk about is the art of making food out of nothing, and that damn washing of condoms.

And it’s good if, at the same time, she can’t stand Moscow for her husband and doesn’t break down on the child, but just goes to the left sometimes bringing home new clothes from clothes (it didn’t suit her friend and she just gave me like that) or earrings with the words “aunt / grandmother gave hers, but he explains his absences with business trips to Chernivtsi / Kiev / Zhytomyr (choose what you need to taste).

And what causes of change have you personally encountered?
Is one of your girlfriends or acquaintances cheating on her husband? Why does she do it?