Classic buttonholes for witnesses. Boutonnieres for witnesses: a difficult decoration

A boutonniere for the groom is a very small but extremely important detail that completes the wedding look. There are several nuances and mandatory rules that must be observed when choosing a suitable male "bouquet", let's talk about this in more detail.

A few words about the history of boutonnieres

The concept of "boutonniere" was borrowed many years ago from beautiful French, the literal translation of the term is "a flower in a buttonhole." As a matter of fact, the name speaks for itself, since this men's jewelry looks exactly like this - a tiny bouquet tied with loops. The accessory comes from Ancient Greece and the Middle Ages, when boutonnieres were some kind of amulets against evil and symbols of fidelity to women. Later, in France, the revolutionaries dubbed the bouquet a symbol of courage and invincibility.

The 19th century made its own adjustments, and the boutonniere became an indispensable part of the image of every gentleman. An appearance or a meeting with a lady of the heart simply could not take place without a cherished bouquet. At present, Europe partially supports this tradition, but in Russia, as a rule, an accessory is considered exclusively wedding and bridal.

What are boutonnieres?

As a rule, men's bouquets can be divided into three types, which we will talk about:

  • A bouquet of fresh flowers is the most sought-after detail of a men's wedding suit for modern newlyweds. In recent years, it has been considered fashionable to give preference to live compositions, you remember that the boutonniere should be created in the same style as the bride's bouquet. The most popular buds are roses and orchids, but absolutely any flowers can be used, it all depends on your imagination and preferences.

  • Dried flower boutonnieres. Such decoration is much less common, since not everyone is able to appreciate the beauty of a dried bud. Yes, and from a superstitious point of view, it is not a very good omen to start a family "from a withered beauty." However, there are still skeptics.

  • Artificial bouquets are not much inferior to natural flowers, attracting attention with their durability and originality. Needlewomen make boutonnieres from ribbons, buttons, jewelry and all kinds of accessories, weaving artificial elements of floristry into the composition. The accessory retains its primary appearance not only throughout the entire celebration (which is not always the case with natural bouquets), but also becomes an excellent keepsake that can be kept for many years. It is very convenient both from a practical and emotional point of view.

Think about whether you want to keep the jewelry as a keepsake? And how interesting it is to create a "piece" of your wedding with your own hands. Or do you still need the services of an experienced florist? In favor of which to make a choice is an exclusively individual decision of your couple.

What should you look for when choosing a boutonniere?

Choosing a bouquet for a man is a very responsible task, because not only the appearance of the groom will depend on this, but also how harmoniously the couple will look together. Consider the basic rules that you need to rely on when choosing a boutonniere for your future spouse:

  • It is generally accepted that the bride should choose the boutonniere: there are fewer tasks for the man, and one hundred percent hit by the style in the style in which the bride's bouquet is made is guaranteed. Despite this, experts advise entrusting this task to a man, because this is not only your wedding, but also the holiday of your chosen one. If you doubt the perfection of the choice of the groom, just express your wishes and tell me from which side to approach this issue. The main thing is that the only condition is observed - when compiling an accessory, the groom must take into account the color scheme in which the women's bouquet is made. Flowers may be different, but it is better to choose the most similar buds.

  • Don't forget to decorate the witness. When choosing the style of the groom's accessory, it is important to coordinate it with the witness, or order or make two similar boutonnieres at once.

  • You should not give preference to a boutonniere made of too bright and catchy details, be it flower buds or accessories. Also, the bouquet should not be too large. Remember, you only need a piece to complete your wedding attire, and this piece should never be too conspicuous.

If you prefer a bouquet of fresh flowers, you should take care of its safety throughout the day. Often, young people order additional “understudies”, in case the first accessory has suddenly withered. Make sure the flowers are as fresh as possible.

How is a wedding boutonniere worn?

An unwritten rule obliges to wear a men's boutonniere on the lapel of a jacket on the left side. The bouquet also looks good in the left pocket of the upper part of the suit. As a rule, wedding suits are pre-equipped with a special loop in which flowers can be placed without any problems, but there is not always a loop. In this case, a safety pin will come to the rescue, with which you can discreetly fix the composition. Try to choose bouquets with short stems, then they will definitely look harmonious. If the stems are too long, you can hide them in a lapel or pocket, as shown in the photo.

Boutonnieres for bridesmaids are no less important attribute than boutonnieres for witnesses. But the attribute itself migrated from the buttonhole to the hand, remaining with its old name. This is due to elementary convenience. Often - a lot of bridesmaids at a wedding have such beautiful dresses, with thin textured fabric, that it’s just a pity to pierce them, because the fabric will deteriorate, or it won’t hold a boutonniere at all. Often dresses are open, they start with a bodice where you can’t pin it on, or in such a rich decor that the boutonniere is simply lost there. So they became boutonnieres - bracelets, with a reflection of the bride's wedding bouquet on them.

We have already talked about boutonnieres in general and the groom in particular, now we have reached the witnesses. What do we know about them? It is known that they should be the right hands of the bride and groom at the wedding, drink the most, shout “bitterly” the loudest and dance the longest. Such is the fate of modern witnesses. Although the essence of them, so to speak, positions, is completely different - to witness the marriage between two hearts, make sure that no one is forcing the bride and groom to go down the aisle, and sign it. At the same time, witnesses cannot be relatives, so as not to be subjective. And usually single. So the role is very important and responsible, and we must put boutonnieres on them completely a bit easier or different from the rest of the guests and even more so from the groom.

Boutonniere for witnesses. Is this attribute necessary for witnesses?

A special role is constantly assigned to the wedding friends. They are located next to the young and the young, assist in various parts of the implementation of the festive action, both at the wedding in the registry office and at the wedding in the cathedral, take a very active part in the photo session and the banquet part of the wedding. It goes without saying that they also need to be given a lot of time and attention along with them. Among such seemingly inconspicuous objects is their selection among the mass of invited guests. For this reason, boutonnieres for witnesses can help emphasize their solemn appearance and festive role at the wedding.

Options for the location of boutonnieres at the witness

The girl who was called to be a witness has the opportunity to choose several luxurious ways to attach a boutonniere to distinguish herself from the mass of invited guests:

  • Of course, the traditional way is to attach buttonholes on the chest, near the corsage or bodice.
  • Sometimes the bridesmaid pins a bouquet at the very beginning of the skirt, in the place where it is attached to the bodice, slightly asymmetrically.
  • A lush boutonniere looks very beautiful, which brightens up the wrist like a bracelet.
  • Sometimes the witness decorates her bag or clutch with a boutonniere, which will be with her absolutely all the time.

Where does the witness usually place the boutonniere?

  • As for the friend, he has significantly fewer alternatives to attaching a mini-bouquet. The boutonniere of the witness is threaded into the buttonhole of the jacket or pinned to its upper part. Sometimes there are such options when a flower is threaded from the 1st side of the jacket, matching the color of the witness's dress, and the mini-bouquet itself is on the other side, decorating a wide ribbon with a festive inscription.
  • Whatever style of boutonniere is chosen by the witnesses, it should fit in with their clothes, similar decorations for young people and the bride's bouquet. The boutonniere can be the most different: from fresh or artificial flowers, fruits and twigs of ornamental shrubs, but its beauty should not overshadow the mini-bouquets of the bride and groom. As for placement, one should not forget about convenience: the hairpin and the size of the decoration should not interfere with both movement and the process of holding a holiday.

The newlyweds begin to prepare for the wedding long before the appointed date. But it often happens that some details remain unfinished, which are remembered immediately before the solemn day. To avoid such misunderstandings, it is better to immediately include a boutonniere in the wedding list not only for the groom or the witness, but also for the bridesmaid.

Does a witness need a boutonniere

A boutonniere is a small bouquet that men pin on their jacket during a wedding, and women pin on their arm, dress or hair. As a rule, witnesses are decorated with these accessories, emphasizing their important role at the celebration. If earlier the bridesmaid could be identified by a satin ribbon with the inscription "Honorary Witness", now she is wearing a boutonniere as a decoration.

In order to distinguish the girlfriend of the newlywed among the guests, several methods of attaching this wedding attribute are chosen:

  • near the bodice or on the chest;
  • on the side of the belt;
  • on the wrist like a bracelet;
  • on a clutch or handbag.

How to choose the right boutonniere

When choosing this must-have accessory for a wedding, you need to remember that it is selected according to:

  1. Blossom. It is better to combine a bouquet with a dress or with a boutonniere of a witness.
  2. Mind. If the newlyweds also have this accessory in their attire, then the bridesmaid's boutonniere should have a less lush finish.
  3. Type. There are several options for the execution of a wedding accessory, which may include: fresh or artificial flowers, twigs of ornamental shrubs, berries, cotton fabric, polymer clay and other materials.

bridal boutonniere ideas

This wedding tradition has been going on for a long time. Even in ancient Greece, the bride attached a small flower arrangement to her dress before the wedding ceremony. It was believed that such a bouquet protects the bride from evil spirits. Modern brides prefer large bouquets, and a small boutonniere has migrated to the bride, emphasizing the responsible wedding position.

The most popular compositions that bridesmaids wear on their hands are made using artificial or live roses. Often, girls make boutonnieres for a wedding with their own hands, using decorative wire, fabrics, beads, satin ribbons to implement creative ideas. Often materials are selected depending on the season in which the wedding is held. For example, in autumn, an original wedding boutonniere is composed with dry leaves, acorns and small vegetables.

From beads or rhinestones

Although a small bouquet of a friend and the main assistant of the bride should look more modest at the wedding than the bouquet of the hero of the occasion, it does not hurt to decorate it with beads, rhinestones or natural pearls. This decor does not look defiant, but on the contrary, adds elegance and aristocratic modesty to the wedding look. Whatever accessory the witness chooses, whether it is decorated with a living flower or other materials, white or colored beads will complete the composition.

From satin ribbons

The easiest way is to use a satin ribbon for a boutonniere and decorate it with rhinestones or beads. Making a beautiful satin bow for the wrist is as easy as shelling pears: for this, you should stock up on two pieces of ribbon, thread, and a needle. You need to carefully tie one segment into a bow and sew it on the back with another piece of ribbon, which will play the role of a bracelet. You can decorate it with any material at hand or make an additional more voluminous bow with a ribbon of a different color.

Feathers or buttons

If the witness wants to look original and unusual at the wedding, then it is logical to choose a small composition with feathers or buttons and attach it to her hand or handbag. For its manufacture, you can use everything that is at hand: dried flowers, beads, multi-colored buttons, bird feathers. The assembly technology is the same for all elements: they are attached to the wire with PVA glue, then assembled together, connected with decorative tape or braid.

From fresh or artificial flowers

The classic jewelry of the witness is a bracelet made with natural or artificial flowers. Roses, sage, rosemary, lavender are chosen for live compositions. First of all, the resistance of plants is taken into account, because they will remain without water for the whole day. Bridesmaids are forced to periodically spray flowers with water so that they keep their fresh look longer. A less problematic and costly option is artificial flowers in a boutonniere. They do not require water, do not break or wrinkle.

From decorative twigs or berries

Often, bridesmaids add original elements to the image to stand out among the guests. For example, they put on a hand a composition with sprigs of berries or other decorative elements: cones, cotton, shells. Only when creating an extraordinary decoration, one should adhere to harmony so that the bouquet does not look like an alien element in the image. Unusual decoration should be combined with the bridesmaid's accessories, match the style of the wedding, or the witness should have a similar decoration.

Video: do-it-yourself boutonniere for a witness

The boutonniere should be part of the general concept of the witness's attire. If all the elements are designed in the same style, then the bridesmaid will be a model of impeccable style at the wedding. It is desirable that the decor of her small bouquet has something in common with the wedding theme. At present, it will not be a problem to order any invented composition to specialists.

If the wedding budget is limited, then simple decorations can be made with your own hands. For example, using beads to weave absolutely any flowers, and using fabric to create elegant and unusual elements. Watch the video, which shows the option of making jewelry that the witness needs to put on her hand on the wedding day:

Photo of wedding boutonnieres for the witness

The witness at the wedding needs to look restrained, observe moderation in makeup and accessories, so as not to draw the attention of others to herself. The main decoration of the wedding should be the bride. But the girlfriend of the newlywed has a unique opportunity to show her individuality - to create an unusual, bright and original boutonniere. We bring to your attention a photo selection of beautiful compositions designed to decorate the witness.

A boutonniere is an accessory that is intended not only for the groom, but also for witnesses. Of course, such decoration can most often be found on the representatives of the stronger sex. This is a kind of bridal bouquet, only for guys. You can buy such beauty in any wedding salon or order from an experienced florist.

Such an accessory most often adorns the hand of the witness, the jacket of the witness and the groom. It is friends who in most cases are given a similar decoration. This suggests that the newlyweds respect and love these people.

Features of ribbon decoration for witnesses

This wedding element translated from French means "a flower in a buttonhole." Previously, only one plant was used as an accessory, but today these are entire compositions. This decoration plays a very important role, so when choosing it, you should take into account various subtleties.

If you decide to purchase or make decor for witnesses, it must be different from the one that will be used on the groom. But at the same time, it must be in harmony with the image of the newlyweds.

In order for a friend and friend to purchase the right bouquet, you need to decide on the size. After all, as you know, the girth of the wrist is different for everyone.

You should also consider the following points:

  1. The most important thing is that the boutonniere of the witnesses must match the image of the groom and. It is even recommended to use the same flowers, but in different compositions.
  2. The decor for the groom should look more rich and presentable, but for a friend, the accessory cannot be too catchy.
  3. If you decide to use natural flowers for witnesses in a boutonniere, then you should make every effort so that they maintain an attractive appearance throughout the celebration.
  4. It is not recommended to use huge flowers, because they will only spoil the image of friends.
  5. It is better to select elements of ivory or ivory color. These shades go well with absolutely any style.
  6. Witnesses must wear jewelry to each other.

It is worth noting that such a bouquet plays an important role on the wedding day. It should also be said that in the composition, each flower has its own meaning. Therefore, before you buy a decoration, it is important to study the meaning of plants.


A friend of the groom should choose an accessory that will be combined with the jewelry of the newlywed. It can be a bouquet of different flowers. The rose also goes well with decorative twigs. All these components collected in a bouquet allow you to create an excellent composition.

Peony is also often used as fresh flowers. This is a beautiful large flower that looks good on any member of the stronger sex.

If the groom uses a boutonniere made of artificial plants or, then the witness should have exactly the same. A good option would be a regular key. It is desirable that it resembles an object of antiquity. Such decor can be decorated with high quality.

As for this material, it alone allows you to create whole works of art. Not only flowers are made from ribbons, but also various objects. There is also such a material as kinetic clay, it makes it possible to create a cool decor.

But it is worth noting that it is difficult to work with such material. Therefore, you should not experiment on your own, leave it to a specialist.

Also, the place where the boutonniere is attached to the witness plays an important role. Most often, it is placed on the buttonholes of a jacket or simply pinned to the collar. Perhaps there is also such an option, when one flower is attached on one side, which matches the witness's attire in color, and on the other side a small bouquet attached to a ribbon.

Absolutely any version of the bouquet can be used, the main thing is that it is in harmony with the bridesmaid's attire. Also, the accessory should not be more expressive than the groom's jewelry.

Boutonniere for the witness

The bride and groom begin preparations for the wedding long before. But still, it often happens that some details are not taken into account. Therefore, to avoid such problems, it is worth compiling a small list of trifles. It should include boutonnieres for the witness.

This accessory is rarely used by bridesmaids in the modern world. But those who nevertheless preferred to see such an ornament on a witness should know how to properly fasten it. Some hang it on the belt, others on the bodice, others on the clutch, but most often a similar bouquet can be seen on the wrist of the fair sex.

There are a lot of options, but which one to choose is up to you. After all, their images should complement each other. For a bridesmaid, you can purchase jewelry made from different beads and rhinestones. Often a similar decor is combined with satin ribbons.

Their combination allows you to create an accessory that will complement not only the image of the bridesmaid, but also the hero of the occasion.

Boutonnieres made of feathers and various buttons also look good on the fair sex. The combination of such decor allows you to create an unusual decoration. Of course, most often you can find accessories made and artificial colors.

Plants such as rose, peony and tulip are especially relevant. But this does not mean at all that other types cannot be used.

6 photos of boutonnieres for witnesses

A selection of accessories for witnesses at the wedding.

The boutonniere for the groom is a very ambiguous accessory: on the one hand, it is characterized by grace and sophistication, but on the other hand, it should emphasize the masculinity of the style. Translated from French, the word "boutonniere" - "a flower in a buttonhole." But in modern wedding fashion, this is no longer just a flower.

Varieties of boutonnieres

According to their structure, wedding boutonnieres are divided into:

  • simple
  • complex


Such wedding boutonnieres consist of one medium or large flower, complemented by small details (greenery, ribbons). Naturally, the choice of the main element depends on the composition of the bride's bouquet. But, if it consists of peonies, then for a small copy of it, the portal advises using peony roses: they look like peonies, but a little smaller and stronger. If the bouquet includes multi-colored plants, you need to choose one that will look more profitable and contrast against the background of the newlywed's costume, as well as more durable. Usually these are white, cream, red, purple roses or callas. For addition, you can use a couple of sprigs of small greens. Such boutonnieres are not suitable for witnesses, but only for the groom.


These include "flowers in buttonholes" in eco-styles, composite classic compositions and accessories made from non-traditional materials. They consist of small meadow flowers, twigs, greenery, berries, rattan, mesh, etc. - how long will your imagination or the florist's imagination last.

In the classic version, spray roses, mini-tulips, dwarf callas and other plants with small buds are used. Several of these "crumbs" are supplemented with gypsophila or a sprig of bergass and tied with a ribbon. You can make these wedding boutonnieres for guests with your own hands.

Models made from non-traditional materials are very practical: unlike living jewelry, they will not fade. These are boutonnieres made of felt, ribbons, artificial flowers. A composition made of polymer clay will also look beautiful and practical.

Unusual boutonnieres for the groom

Modern weddings are characterized by thematic trends. For example, for a celebration on the seashore or other body of water, a nautical style boutonniere, tied with a striped ribbon and complemented by a tiny anchor or steering wheel, is suitable.

Increasingly, this decoration includes branches of shrubs, fruits and berries, exotic plants. They look unusual and avant-garde, however, they do not fit the classic style of the celebration.

A wooden boutonniere and bow tie will complement the groom's stylish look. This new trend looks quite simple, without frills, but very clearly emphasizes the masculinity and delicate taste of the young. Wood, like fabric, comes in a variety of colors and textures. Wood veins, knots covered with a special varnish or oil - this is a delightful material created by nature itself.

Witness Accessories

Witnesses are the closest friends at the feast for the bride and groom, so honorably reward them with boutonnieres. They should mirror the style of the bride's bouquet and the groom's boutonniere, but not overshadow their beauty. A mini-bouquet for a witness should not be made the same as for a groom. The best option is to create it in the same tone, but with smaller buds and a different decor. Or go the other way: choose a piece of jewelry to match the witness's outfit, while maintaining the desired style. Then the pairs of young and witnesses will look as harmonious as possible.

A boutonniere for a witness can be made in the classic version of a mini-bouquet, or in the version of a bodice on the wrist. In the second case, it is better to use artificial plants or polymer clay, because. on the hand, fresh flowers are subject to deformation. This accessory should be similar to the bride's bouquet, but with different decors.

Where, how and when to fasten a boutonniere

There are several rules in order for the wedding attribute to look appropriate. www..

The groom, as well as the witness, attach his bouquet to the left lapel of his jacket with a special safety pin immediately after the ransom. If you also make buttonholes for guests for a wedding, then they are worn as follows: a person is married - on the right side, single - on the left. Guests fasten them before the start of the festive feast. For girls at a wedding, you can choose the option of a corsage on the arm from ribbons, polymer clay or other materials. It will be both convenient and they will have a memorable souvenir of your wedding day. The right-left rule applies in this case as well.