Organization and holding of Halloween. How Big Companies Celebrate Halloween Invite Guests: Halloween Invitations

The fashion trends of holding parties in a certain style have not bypassed the theme of horror stories, horror films, and mysticism. Of course, it's hard to think of a better occasion than Halloween to organize such creepy gatherings. Of course, a vamp-style evening can be dedicated to a birthday, a simple party or a corporate party. But the holiday will be much more symbolic in the evening on the eve of All Saints Day.

A theme night is always an unusual and fun holiday. Participants are puzzling over makeup, hairstyles, gifts. Waiting for interesting competitions and unusual photo shoots.

But much more responsibility and responsibility falls on the shoulders of the party organizer. It is not enough to come up with an idea, the name of a Halloween party and invite guests, you need to think through the whole concept and not miss any trifles. Let's try to sort through all the stages of preparing a Halloween party at home.

Halloween: party theme, ideas for a holiday at home

In principle, the whole further concept of the holiday will depend on the chosen style. The Halloween theme is absolutely not limited to pumpkins and ghosts. Of course, you can inform guests about the general theme of the party, without limiting their imagination.

At such a holiday, witches will meet with Peter Pan, ghosts with Cheshire Cats and snow whites with leprechauns. Enough space for Halloween for everyone. But you can come up with a narrower theme, from which the party will become even more intriguing.

The zombies are coming. A disease unknown to the world struck all the living, turning them into terrible creatures. The purpose of their life is food and fun. And the zombie party will become a lesson in survival.

Where the host is a real mad scientist who experiments on guests.

Yes, and the guests are all as a choice. Here is a "beautiful" super-model, and an important president, and a dashing cowboy, and a mysterious artist.

Agree with the invited roles or prepare props that guests can use. Wigs, ties, torn shirts and, of course, makeup will come in handy.

As prizes for the winners of the competitions, prepare small brains. And the scientist will definitely resurrect the winning participant. And, of course, he will be eaten by his own brothers.

Vampire party. Invite your friends to Dracula's castle. Decorate invitation cards with traces of blood and teeth marks.

And for sophisticated and sedate bloodsuckers, prepare the same measured entertainment.

The photo shoot in an impromptu coffin, which can be made from a pencil case, will also be original. Decorate such an attribute with a bright fabric and a bouquet of dried flowers. Guests will have to try to match the image.

House with the ghosts. An interesting and popular theme for a party. It will not be difficult to turn a dwelling into a haunt of ghosts.

Various frightening attributes with which you need to decorate the house will come in handy. Mysteriousness will add a web hung in the corridors. And horror will be caused by wet creatures made of sponge.

Squeals and screams will confirm that such a harmless creature licked the guests - it is precisely such sensations that arise when accidentally touched.

Otherworldly themes should also be present in the competition program. It can be not only contests for movie memories, but also a ghostly fashion show.

Witch's coven. Perfect for a bachelorette party theme on Halloween eve. Although the guys are happy to take part in the Sabbath as sorcerers and shamans. Sorcerers, witches, psychics and magicians must follow the dress code.

For negligent witches and sorceresses, prepare a small supply of hats, cloaks and wands. Don't forget to put a broomstick stand. And, of course, prepare a place for the mysterious.

Each participant must present his image, coming up with not only an original name, but also a mysterious story.

An interesting competition will be with reincarnation in objects or animals that participants must portray without words. Be sure to spend a few. The theme of witches is great for this.

It is also interesting to beat the plot of a certain movie or cartoon.

For example, Harry Potter, Leprechauns, The Addams Family, Supernatural, Alice in Wonderland are suitable as a plot.

Fixing interesting ideas for Halloween

It is not enough to brainstorm and decide on the concept of the holiday.

Record all emerging ideas on paper or electronically. So you do not miss important little things, and the holiday will turn out well.

Don't forget to make a separate shopping list. And only after that go to the store.

What should be on your list of Halloween party ideas:

  • options for decorating the room in accordance with the theme of the holiday;
  • attributes for costumes and make-up, which can be quickly applied to guests who have not taken care of specific outfits;
  • selection of music and films;
  • party script with games and quizzes;
  • halloween party contests;
  • prizes for competitions;
  • table setting details;

Such a plan will help organize a Halloween-style holiday with all the details.

Invite Guests: Halloween Invitations

The script of the holiday and the menu will depend on the number of guests. Think about how many people it will be optimal to accept in your home.

It is not very pleasant when 30 people crowd around in a one-room apartment, pretending that they really like the holiday. Consider thematic zones, the age of the guests and their tastes.

Definitely, all responsibility, both for successes and for failures, lies with the owner of the house.

You will also have to distribute roles if the party is dedicated to a specific plot. Be sure to notify guests about them so that a dozen Harry Potters are not present at the celebration.

In accordance with the theme, we also prepare invitations. Be sure to indicate the date and time of the celebration. If necessary, we prescribe the role of the guest in the theme party, as well as the little things necessary for the holiday.

Sabbath invitations can be made in the form of a black witch hat. Figurines of black cats, pumpkins, images of a tombstone, an old castle are also suitable.

An invitation to a Halloween party written with a marker on real small pumpkins will look original.

Activities before the party

Getting ready for a Halloween party takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is desirable to involve assistants in this process.

It can be relatives, and someone from the invitees. Preparations will have to start not on the day of the holiday, but a little earlier, by making decorations for the room, trifles for the table and costumes.

Halloween Room Decor and Decoration Ideas

Think over the decorations to the smallest detail. You will have to decorate not only the room where the feast will take place, but also the entrance, kitchen, and bath.

Pay special attention to the yard if the holiday takes place in your home. Halloween decor ideas are terrible and intriguing.

Web. The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made web in a gift shop. It looks very believable, and guests will think that for the holiday you specially transferred cobwebs from sheds and basements.

But at no cost, you can make such decorations from ordinary threads, synthetic winterizer or cotton wool.

Pumpkins. The theme of pumpkins holds a special place in the preparation of Halloween as well. They can be easily used to decorate the house itself, and for the yard. They put pumpkins on windowsills, on tables. From this vegetable, original and unique faces and figures are obtained. And when you light candles in them in the evening, it will be an unforgettable sight.

To make a Jack Lantern, all the pulp and seeds are removed from a ripe pumpkin. And holes are made in the peel itself to make a wonderful face. And of course they cook.

You can use our samples to get ideas for your masterpieces.

Dolls. Homemade rags and old toys will do.

Give them a scary look with paints. Tear their clothes or wrap them in bandages.

Mini ghosts. They are easy to make from old sheets. Place a piece of cotton wool in the center and secure the torn fabric.

Ghosts in balloons look interesting. Hang such ghosts in front of the front door, in the rooms.

Skeletons. In ancient times, there was a ritual with the installation of animal skeletons, which scared away evil spirits.

Now "human skeletons" are popular. Where to get such a "decoration"? Useful ready-made or made from papier-mâché, paper.

You can buy animal bones in the market and, after processing, hang them in rooms on the walls.

Decorate glass and mirrors with a special varnish or spray. Or stick paper applications. They perfectly hold on ordinary soap, after which the glass is easy to clean.

Table setting

The table occupies a special place at any party. Therefore, he will have to devote a lot of time.

The main colors used in serving, of course, will be black, orange, red and white. A tablecloth can be made from disposable plastic by painting it with gouache.

It will also be interesting to look at the black fabric, with a cobweb applied to it. On the table there is a place for antique lamps, candles, bouquets of autumn leaves and dried flowers.

You can decorate the table with horror animals. Spiders, worms, small animals, teeth - everything will be used for the most terrible holiday.

And be sure to work on decorating dishes. You can not only think of an intriguing menu with cocktails for Halloween and, but also decorate dishes in an unusual way.

Dip the edges of the glasses in sugar, tinted with red dye. Tilt the glass and let the improvised blood run down the glass.

Place glowing lights at the bottom of salad bowls or bowls. And in a vat of punch, which, well, just should be at such a holiday, place dry ice with smoke. The clouds of smoke that enveloped the vat look bewitching.

Holding a holiday

The atmosphere of terrible fun, of course, depends on the mood of the guests. Therefore, take care to create it right from the doorstep.

Greet those invited to terrifying music.

Don't forget about little surprises like skeletons popping out of closet doors and ash spilling out of suddenly torn bags.

Screams and cries out of place on this holiday will just be appropriate.

Let during the holiday dressed up waiters carry glasses with "blood". It will be red wine, cherry or pomegranate juice.

And Madame Tarot gives guests unusual cards with intriguing predictions.

Swipe. Particularly interesting are the ancient fortune-telling and rituals around a large fire.

And, of course, include original Halloween games in the script. Award winners with medals or small prizes. If there are children at an adult Halloween party, take care of places for them to play, as well as where they can relax and sleep.

Such Halloween ideas for kids will allow parents to take a longer walk on the holiday.

Preparing and hosting a Halloween themed party is a responsible and difficult task. But, believe me, the impressions and memorable photos are worth it.

Masks, characters from horror films and a terrifyingly funny show program ... No, this is not the script for the next film in the "over 16" category - it's October 31, Halloween from the agency "VIP-Stars". Do you want your holiday to be just like that? Then welcome to "VIP-Stars" - we easily organize the most terrible and fun holidays.

And in order for you to be sure of the quality of the event, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the specially designed show programs and the general “menu” of your holiday.

What kind of Halloween can we organize?

  • Halloween for the littlest holiday lovers- your children. A distinctive feature of this type of holiday is a minimum of frightening elements and a maximum of entertainment programs.
  • halloween for adults. Parties with a "flavor" of horror films, in the best European traditions, as well as theatrical programs - everything you need for a successful holiday.

As you can see, we have experience in hosting Halloween events of any scale and for any audience. And now, we think, it's time to talk about what the holiday will consist of and how it differs.

Halloween Menu

To make your Halloween as successful as possible, we have many options and concepts for the celebration. The list of Halloween services includes our classic services: selection, rental and decoration of premises, show programs, and other entertainment.

Also, for this holiday, we have prepared something special - not one, but three special show programs, which are a mixture of a theatrical performance and just an entertainment program. You can choose any program:

  • An extraordinary tournament is the pumpkin of the night.
  • Masquerade, masquerade or a night of surprises.
  • Horrors of Bloody Mary.

And if the proposed programs do not suit you, we will be happy to develop a new concept for your holiday.

To order the presented show programs or develop an individual scenario, you just need to contact us using the special form below. And we will do everything to make your holiday terribly fun.

This pagan holiday has been known since ancient pagan times. It has been present in one form or another in many cultures. This is a kind of "stone in the garden" of all those who shout about the Americanization of compatriots through such holidays. In Russian villages, young people still dress up as evil spirits on the Old New Year and Christmas Eve and go from house to house, collecting "tribute" with pies and sweets.

Halloween is no less fun youth holiday. The essence of this event has two incarnations: to scare away the negative impact of evil spirits by dressing in appropriate outfits and costumes, to prevent the dark forces from recognizing oneself, and also to scare one's friends and acquaintances. After all, according to legend, the more a person is frightened, the happier and more successful he will be the whole next year.

All our clients are our best friends, and we do not feel sorry for friends. We never feel sorry for our friends to present a portion of horrors and nightmares. After all, this will give them a lot of happiness in the future. We will help you to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a gloomy holiday in its best traditions and with a certain amount of creativity. When ordering a "helloween" holiday in our company, you will find:

  • Stylized decoration and celebration.
  • Thematic musical accompaniment.
  • A wide selection of festive costumes and the opportunity to order professional actors and artists.
  • An unforgettable show program with an original script created individually for the circumstances and needs of customers.
  • A lot of friendly scary jokes, funny nightmares and hellish contests.
  • Any scale of the event: from the "kvartirnik" to the club party in the style of Halloween.

halloween organization

Order a holiday in the company, and you will receive your personal horror holiday without borders and stops. The indescribable drive that Halloween gives now comes to every home. And you will get all this madness at reasonable prices and with consistently high quality and professionalism.

  • Animators — 3000/hour 1 person.
  • — 2500/hour.
  • — 15 000/30 min.
  • Registration - from 3000 rubles.
  • Mime - 3000/1 hour.

On the day when the doors between the world of the living and the world of shadows open, you never know what surprises fate has prepared for you!

Program concept: Only once a year there is a day when the dark side takes over for a day. And therefore, on the "eve of All Saints' Day" a grandiose ball will be held, to which all the most terrible, shocking and terrible guests will come: vampires, witches, sorcerers, devils, werewolves, ghouls and other evil spirits. The entrance ticket for guests will be the presence of the attributes of the appropriate costume, strong nerves and a good sense of humor (black, of course). :-))
Decor: traditional pumpkins with candles, black paper stage decoration with fluorescent paints and fluorescent lamp.

Halloween Entertainment

Scenario plan of the Halloween program:

The cost of organizing a Halloween show program includes:

  • leader;
  • necessary attributes;
  • sound equipment;
  • DJ;
  • light, smoke machine*
  • projector and screen + terrifying Halloween-themed videos*
  • hall decoration*

The cost of organizing a Halloween holiday - from 24,000 rubles

*Additionally. Animators can be involved in the program - artists in themed costumes. They will meet the guests of the holiday, help the presenter in holding competitions and creating a "frightening" atmosphere. The price of the work of one animator is from 3000 rubles.

Halloween history and attributes

according to Wikipedia

Halloween- a holiday that has roots in the traditions of the ancient Celts, the history of which began in the lands of modern Britain and northern France; celebrated on the night of October 31 to November 1. The holiday is also called - "the eve of All Saints' Day."

Traditional Attributes:
Jack-o'-lantern in the form of a carved pumpkin head with a lit candle or electric light inside. The appearance of this symbol is most often associated with an Irish legend about a man named Jack, an old farmer, a lover of gambling and strong drinks. He deceived the devil twice, and after his death he did not go to heaven - because of his vicious life, nor to hell - because the devil, during Jack's lifetime, swore not to take his soul. He was doomed to wander the world with a pumpkin head with a smoldering ember inside it.
Halloween costumes are based on the themes of witchcraft and its images in cinema and literature. Children, dressed in costumes and masks, go to beg for sweets ("trick-or-treating") from homeowners, while saying the traditional phrase "Trick or Treat!" - "Trick or Treat!" The outfits of witches, magicians, sorcerers, vampires, the dead, werewolves, ghosts, mermaids, various nocturnal animals (cat, bat, wolf, etc.) are especially popular. Parties, carnivals are held, accompanied by sinister, cemetery music, howling wolves, hooting owls other sounds recorded in audio or video format. Hanging posters and laid out books depicting Dracula, witches, vampires and their symbols (aspen stake, black rosary, etc.)

Halloween decor is key. We offer Halloween decorations in the form of complex packages.

Halloween Decoration Pack #1:

The price of the minimum decoration for Halloween is 19,000 rubles (within the city).

Halloween Decoration Pack #2:

As a gift to the design package No. 2 - 10 little ghosts!

The cost of registration for Halloween is 20,000 rubles (within the city).

In addition to halloween decoration
you can also add decoration with balloons in the style of All Saints' Day.

Halloween balloon price:

  • Balloon inflated with helium 1 piece - 90 rubles
  • Halloween foil ball 45 cm 1 piece - 800 rubles
  • Foil spider 1 pc - 1800 rubles
  • Foil ghost 1 piece - 900 rubles
  • Walking skeleton (190 cm) - 2600 rubles

Halloween holiday:

  • in the boarding house "Sea Priboy" located in the village of Komarovo, Pozitiff SPb organized a Halloween holiday. You can see in the photo gallery.

The festive program is organized by Pozitiff SPb. Host of Halloween - Andrey.

  • at the restaurant "Travel" at Butlerova st., 40. .

The festive program is organized by Pozitiff SPb. Host of Halloween - Alexander.

  • in the restaurant "Courtyard by Marriott (Pushkin) Hotel" at emb. Griboyedov Canal, 166.

The festive program is organized by Pozitiff SPb. Host of Halloween - Ekaterina.

Create amazing events with us!

The phrase "trick or treat" becomes irrelevant when you grow up. But Halloween is a time for fun! It's also a great excuse to decorate your home and make it spooky. It's time to create your unique costume and brainstorm!


Party Planning

    Choose the party style you like. There are many options for themed parties, so start thinking now. Here are some topics you can consider:

    • the other world;
    • cast;
    • horror;
    • fairy tale;
    • pumpkins (all in orange);
    • cemetery;
    • costume party.
  1. Write down your ideas. Before you go to the store, make a list of what you need. Here's what you might need:

    • decorations you want;
    • music;
    • games and prizes (optional);
    • films (optional);
    • something that you come up with yourself.
  2. Think about who you want to invite. Thus, you can think over the number of guests, the necessary space and refreshments. If the party is themed (like movies), try to limit the number of guests so you don't end up with 12 Freddy Kruegers.

    • If the party is at your home, invite as many people as you can manage. In the end, you are the owner of the house, and all failures (and successes) are on your shoulders.
  3. Prepare invitations. Use your chosen theme to create your invitations. Write down the time, date, and what to wear, bring, and so on. Send out invitations a couple of weeks before the holiday. Here are some invitation ideas:

    • Take some black paper, download a template from the internet, and cut out invitations in the shape of a witch's hat. To write information about the party, use a white or silver ink pen.
      • If a hat isn't an option, cut out a pumpkin, ghost, tombstone, or black cat out of black paper. If you are sending invitations in an envelope, add some holiday confetti inside.
    • Buy a few small pumpkins from the grocery store or market. On one side, draw a funny face, and on the other, write the details of the party. Just make sure the marker is dry, otherwise there is a risk of smearing.

Before the party

  1. Buy or make party decorations. If you're throwing a big party, you might want to put more effort into organizing it. It all depends on how many people you can get to help. Make decorations in advance so that you do not run in a hurry later.

    • For the haunted house:
      • In the corridor, replace the light bulbs with glowing skulls. Take full advantage of modern technology. Many decorative elements now have touch sensors, so you can scare your guests well.
      • For rooms, use cobwebs in the corners and a smoke machine. Hang spiders and bats in the dark corners of the rooms, and also get some bottles of glow-in-the-dark liquid.
  2. Consider food and drinks. Various Halloween food and drink options can be found in magazines, books, and the internet. Prepare food ahead of time, especially if it's something complex (such as skulls or hands).

  3. Prepare the music. Do this in advance, and also make sure that the music can be heard everywhere. You should have not only ordinary music, but also scary sound effects!

    • Get the music outside to get your guests scared before they even come in. This music can be much shorter than what will be played inside. Search the internet for scary music pieces.
  4. Plan your Halloween games. Here you need to take into account the number of guests, age and their interests. Search the internet for different game ideas.

    • Costume parties are always loved by guests. You can even limit yourself to one theme - all guests must dress up as characters from horror films, one particular movie (maybe your whole house will be decorated in this theme?) or like the dead.
    • Pumpkin decorating contest. This is a great idea, unless your guests get too carried away and turn it into a pumpkin tossing contest.

At the party

office party

  1. Hang up decorations. It can be a general theme in orange or black, or a witchy theme. You can also choose a more specific topic. If your colleagues agree to a party, throw it.

    • Decorate your workplace in the form of a movie. Employees can vote. On the day of the party, all your co-workers will be required to dress up as characters from the movie.
      • Instead, you can decorate different parts of the office with different movie themes. Write the names of the movies on small pieces of paper and put them in a bowl. Each employee must draw out the name in honor of which he will make a suit. All this can turn into a costume contest or character guessing.
    • Musical themes are also suitable if you settled on the theme of old rockers. If you choose this theme, decorate your workspace like an old studio and have your co-workers show up dressed as dead stars.