An original gift for the first wedding anniversary. Commemorative signs, interesting gifts. Is it worth giving money?

Liana Raymanova

The first year is considered one of the most difficult stages of a life together. During this period, many couples break up, unable to get used to the shortcomings of the second half. And the lucky ones, who are lucky enough to overcome the annual milestone, are in a hurry to celebrate this event with relatives and friends.

The holiday has unique traditions, and gifts for it can also be special.

What to give the newlyweds for the 1st anniversary - a cotton wedding?

What to give each other for a 1 year wedding

According to tradition, the newlyweds should give each other things made of chintz: the wife gives her husband a shirt, and he gives her a sundress or dress.

The practicality of chintz clothing is almost zero, since the material is thin and easily torn.

It is more advisable to buy a cool chintz gift for 1 year of marriage. For example, funny panties in the shape of an animal, a carnival costume of a ghost, a T-shirt with an original inscription, or something like that.

To please your loved one with a good gift for the first anniversary, it is not necessary to rack your brains for a long time and look for useful things from chintz. You can buy any item and wrap it in a piece of calico. This will allow you to kill two birds with one stone: to present a valuable gift and at the same time observe traditions.

What things are relevant to give each other for an anniversary? In principle, any, if only they caused a surge of positive emotions in the second half. If you get a new speaker for your car, why not make his wish come true? If you update your wardrobe, why not make her happy with a certificate for shopping at the mall?

Before going to the solemn presentation of the gift, it is advisable for the husband to look into the flower shop. The wife will surely be waiting for a beautiful bouquet of roses, it is better not to deprive her of this pleasant “surprise”. For a calico wedding, young people can give each other gifts that are not related to romance. And yet, on the anniversary of living together, it is customary to give things that symbolize love and respect between spouses. And read about actual gifts from parents to children for a calico wedding.

Ideas for an original gift for a chintz wedding with your own hands

A handmade gift has its advantages. You can have an interesting time doing creative work, acquire a new hobby, save money, finally.

As a result, the heroes of the occasion will receive a unique thing with a special energy - warm, friendly and joyful.

You can give friends for 1 year of living together both things and intangible objects:

  • photo collage- choose some of the best joint photos of the newlyweds. It is desirable that the pictures were taken at memorable moments that young people associate with pleasant memories. The collage can be decorated with inscriptions, drawings, various decorative elements.
  • holiday video- created in the same way. The most joyful events in the life of the newlyweds, captured in a photo or video, are combined into one video. To make it festive and unique, it is important to work out the graphics with high quality, to choose the actual musical accompaniment.
  • clothing items- this is what to give to newlywed friends for the first calico wedding anniversary is the most logical thing: paired T-shirts or T-shirts, bathrobes, pajamas. For tailoring these items, it is not necessary to know the exact sizes of the newlyweds, you can estimate by eye and make the size universal.
  • Painting- if you have a talent for drawing, it is a sin not to please the newlyweds with an elegant work of art, for example, a landscape or a joint portrait of a young couple. You can treat the process with humor - draw a caricature and even create an entire album of comic parody images.
  • Song- There are many programs on the Internet that allow you to create and record music without the use of instruments.

The right words, a romantic melody, a few hours of work, and now for the newlyweds their own holiday "hit" is ready.

  • Decor items- lovers of pottery can please their newlywed friends with a vase, jug, cups. Having even a little experience in carpentry will allow you to create a beautiful thing out of wood: a box, utensils or furniture.
  • Postcards, souvenirs, other trinkets– sometimes beautiful things are born from the most unexpected materials. What they just don’t use to create souvenirs: plastic bottles, cotton wool, paper, rubber, plasticine, etc. A cool chintz gift for 1 year from the wedding is also a great option.
  • Floral composition- the original bouquet of flowers in the basket will not last long, but it will certainly cheer up the heroes of the occasion.
  • a big birthday cake - this gift is also not durable, but how much joy it can bring to the newlyweds and guests! It is desirable for the cake to be not only tasty, but also beautiful, with a thematic decoration.

An original wedding anniversary gift inexpensively - a bouquet

Another plus in favor of hand-made gifts - small cost compared to finished products. Many options do not require investment at all: songs, videos, photo collages. Crafts are inexpensive, you need to spend money only on a small amount of materials. But you can create a real masterpiece from them.

The notorious "ship in a bottle" design looks very nice. Having created such a composition, you will receive an exquisite gift with which you are not ashamed to go on a visit. At the same time, you can acquire a new hobby, because thousands of people around the world are seriously passionate about the “bottle” modeling method.

It is customary to give modest gifts to young friends at a cotton wedding. And yet, this is not a reason to come to a feast with a paper postcard or a 4-line rhyme. The gift should be at least a little presentable, so you should prepare for a long and painstaking work.

In a bad mood, it’s better not to get down to business, the workflow should be accompanied by a good mood

Then the thing will receive warm and joyful energy from the creator, which will later be transferred to the heroes of the occasion.

Chintz products for the first year of the wedding

On this holiday, it is customary to give chintz, at least a small trinket in addition to the main present. Cool print gifts for friends on the first wedding anniversary can be bought or made by yourself. The easiest way to find a suitable little thing is through the Internet - online catalogs contain a wide variety of bags, pillows, covers, fabric paintings and other chintz products. Printed handkerchiefs for the wedding anniversary can also be ordered in the online store. At the request of the client, the desired inscription is printed or embroidered on them: the names of the lovers, the date of their wedding, any other words and symbols.

These little things usually handed along with the main gift, but there are also completely self-sufficient products made of chintz: clothes, bedding sets, tablecloths, curtains, curtains. Such things can be presented as the only gift, not counting a bunch of flowers for a young wife.

February 28, 2018, 19:32

1. Couple bracelets
If you know the couple who are celebrating their anniversary well and can guess their taste, give them matching bracelets. These jewelry duplicate each other and consist of precious or semi-precious metals. Lovers wear them as a sign of fidelity and inseparability.

2. Certificate in the spa for two
Relaxing together at the spa is an exquisite pastime. The certificate will allow the spouses to take care of themselves and spend time in a relaxed atmosphere. The best way to escape from everyday life and enjoy each other's company.

3. Bed linen
A bed set made of silk or other luxurious material with a thematic pattern will be a good gift for lovers. Such a thing will never be superfluous and will give the spouses pleasure.

4. Table in bed
A miniature table with short legs is a good invention for breakfast in bed. If you remove the legs, the table will turn into a tray. For family breakfasts and romantic dinners, for serving coffee in bed - such a gift is just right. The tabletop can be decorated in vintage, glamor or exotic style.

5. Clock with photos
An ordinary wall clock combined with photo frames is a great gift for a wedding anniversary. If you insert photos into frames, you get a beautiful collage. The spouses will have a reason to look through the family album to select a photo and remember the best moments of their life together.

The wedding day is the most important event for the newlyweds, as they become a real family. Important are the anniversaries of the past wedding, which are celebrated both in a wide and in a close circle. Usually, only close people are invited to such celebrations in order to share with them pleasant memories, joyful moments and events significant for the family. It is for this reason that gifts for any wedding anniversary must be unforgettable. The present can be inexpensive, but must be original and symbolic. And here the question “what to give for a wedding anniversary” arises.

When making a gift, do not think about the merits of the one who receives it. The one who gives should do it from the heart and with a pure heart.

When a problem arises - what to give a married couple, many, without hesitation, decide to give money.

If other gift ideas do not suit you, then giving money is also a good option. Of course, most often this option suits the most, because in this way you can free yourself from shopping, from searching, and you don’t need to buy or invent anything. Money is a universal gift. It can be a help for two in the cost of a wedding celebration, or for a purchase that their family needs. However, it is worth realizing that such a gift is unlikely to be remembered by spouses ...

You can donate money if:

  • You learned about the celebration recently, you were invited shortly before the celebration, there is no time to choose a gift;
  • The couple to whose holiday you are invited has a need for money;
  • You are a relative or close person, that is, you are going to a girlfriend or friend for a celebration;
  • You know that only money can be given to these spouses, since they will not understand other gifts.

First of all, rather than making a decision, it is necessary to understand when such a gift should not be presented on a wedding anniversary.

It is better not to give money if:

  • Spouses are much older than you, or you are invited to very young heroes of the occasion;
  • One of the spouses or his parents to whom you are invited is your supervisor at work;
  • A married couple is considered to be quite wealthy people and do not need money;
  • You do not know each other very well, but it happens that money in this case is the only right decision.

But even if you decide to donate a certain amount of money, it is better to do it in an unusual and interesting way. You can present them in a beautiful congratulatory envelope or present a gift certificate.

What gifts to give

If relatives, friends or time is approaching your wedding anniversary, what to give? How to make an unusual gift to your soulmate or friends? If you don’t know what they give for such a celebration, you will be interested to get acquainted with some of the rules and traditions of this holiday. From the very first, each wedding anniversary has its own name, each year spent together in marriage has its own meaning. An anniversary present is no less serious than.

1st to 14th wedding anniversaries:

On 1 year- calico, 4 years- linen and 13 years- lace anniversary is supposed to be presented with textiles. These can be napkins, towels, curtains, tablecloths, bed linen, which will be made from a fabric suitable for the name of the anniversary. That is, on the first anniversary, you can give chintz scarves, potholders, a set of bed linen or pieces of chintz fabric. Also, the owners of the house will be pleased to receive souvenirs or paired toys.

It will also not be difficult to pick up a gift for the fourth anniversary, since linen textiles will suit and please everyone, if the anniversary falls in the summer, give the hosts of the holiday summer linen clothes.

A lace wedding is also called a lily of the valley, be sure to take this factor into account, because if the date falls in the spring, lilies of the valley can be a great addition to your gift.

1 year chintz, 4 years linen and 13 years lace wedding anniversaries

After 2nd years lived together, the spouses celebrate a paper wedding. And this means that the gift can be either made by hand or bought in a store. The assortment here is not so small, a photo album, a beautiful notebook, gift or notebook books, their family portrait is suitable as a gift, it can also be made on wallpaper or puzzles.

2 years - paper wedding anniversary

Through 3 years leather anniversary. It's all very simple to give belts, gloves, wallets, bags ... You can also give it a photo album or a diary in a leather cover.

3 years - leather wedding anniversary

Original gifts for a wedding anniversary, called a wooden one, are pieces of furniture and interior. Wooden utensils, cutting boards, shelves, wood-framed paintings, etc. It is celebrated after 5 years marriages.

5 years - wooden wedding anniversary

IN 6 years- cast iron 7 - copper, 8 - tin, 11 - steel and 12 -I nickel weddings can give costume jewelry, figurines, candlesticks, cutlery. All kinds of dishes, basins, pots, pans - all this especially symbolically reflects the well-being and purity of domestic relationships.

Here it is allowed to present absolutely everything that contains metal corresponding to the anniversary. And the amount of metal in the gift is not very important, even if it is a small element. Products made of natural wool are also possible for a copper wedding, since according to another version, this marriage is referred to as woolen.

Those who celebrate a tin wedding will find it advisable to present all kinds of goodies in tins - tea or coffee, pastries, sweets.

6th cast iron, 7th copper, 8th tin, 11th steel and 12th nickel wedding anniversaries

On 9 anniversary comes faience wedding. According to an old tradition, on this day, a married couple beats old dishes, and the broken dishes are replaced by new ones, as a gift from the guests who arrived for this celebration. Also on this anniversary it would be appropriate to give a bouquet of daisies, as it is also called chamomile.

9 years faience wedding anniversary

Tin or pink wedding is called 10 anniversary. All kinds of tin products and various pink-colored items are suitable - textiles, jewelry, alcohol, fresh roses.

10 years - pewter or pink wedding anniversary

On agate 14th- jewelry and souvenirs from this symbolic stone will be an ideal gift.

14 years - agate wedding anniversary

For wedding anniversaries:

On 15 And 20 years- crystal (glass) and gifts made of crystal, glass and porcelain. Crystal wine glasses, swan figurines, elegant glasses, sets, crystal boxes or vases. For a porcelain anniversary - porcelain dishes, tea or coffee sets from cups, teapots, jugs and porcelain trays, painted figurines.

15 and 20 years - crystal or glass wedding anniversary

On such significant dates, only the closest relatives and friends are invited. What will be the gift for the wedding anniversary on such a major anniversary is no longer so important. As a rule, the family already has everything, the main thing for them is your attention.

Living together in love and prosperity 25 years, spouses celebrate a silver wedding, and through 50 years celebrate the golden date. By tradition, respectively, such wonderful celebrations are presented with objects made of silver and gold. The choice is very large, from cutlery to elegant jewelry.

25 years silver wedding anniversary, 50 years golden wedding anniversary

For pearl - 30 years, ruby 40 years, sapphire 45 years, emerald 55 years and diamond- 60 years- of course, you need to give jewelry and souvenirs with these stones. Bracelets, pendants, pendants. Also on the ruby ​​date, you can give any large things of a red or raspberry hue. On sapphire - any things blue or blue.

30 years, ruby ​​40 years, sapphire 45 years, emerald 55 and 60 years, diamond wedding anniversaries

After 35 years the conclusion of an alliance between a man and a woman comes an anniversary, which is called coral. On this date with a very beautiful name, it is supposed to give luxurious bouquets of red roses, expensive red wine. Let the gifts on this day be saturated red, souvenirs and coral jewelry are also possible.

35 years - coral wedding anniversary

Make no mistake when choosing a gift

Despite the traditions of this holiday, it is very important to take into account the age of the couple and their interests. What their family needs at the moment, in what living conditions they live. At the same time, you need to understand how much you are counting on, and include all your imagination. After all, it is undoubtedly important that the gift is original and remembered by the heroes of the occasion.

Creative gifts are also greatly appreciated, so do your best to make sure the gift is worthy.

If this is a young family, then what kind of surprise will they appreciate? Do they like noisy parties? Then you can organize just such an evening! Let it be a party in their honor, it can take place in a nightclub, or you can order a limousine for a fun time with friends. Or maybe they'll appreciate tickets to a movie, to a concert of their favorite band, or to a museum. Perhaps a welcome gift for them will be a gift certificate for visiting a bath, sauna, beauty salon or gym.

Spouses who equip a home will certainly need items for the interior. Home textiles, household appliances, dishes. Unusual will be a painted portrait of anniversaries, in a beautiful frame or a paid table for two in a restaurant in order to spend a romantic evening.

When choosing a present, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it must remain equally pleasant for both a woman and a man.

If you are interested in surprises or cool gifts for a wedding anniversary, then you can order an unexpected musical greeting for them through radio or television, make your own video, collecting congratulations from all the friends of a married couple in it. You can order a money machine via the Internet, of course it is not real, but as a wish that the family would always have money. A funny gift in the form of a guillotine is a talisman against betrayal, the idea of ​​which is clear in principle: a kind of wish for loyalty to the family.

If the husband and wife are elderly, they will definitely appreciate tickets to the museum, theater and exhibition. Vouchers to a sanatorium or a recreation center will be a good gift. They bought a cottage not so long ago? Then they will need gifts for the purpose of arranging it.

The wedding day is one of the happiest in the life of a couple in love, which will forever remain in their memory. You can refresh your feelings, remember pleasant moments and express your love every year by celebrating an anniversary. What is the meaning of wedding anniversaries, their names by year and what to give spouses on such a holiday?

After all, a wedding anniversary is an occasion for a holiday that will remind the couple of the wedding day. And close people and friends will be able to rejoice for lovers who have preserved tender feelings for the years they have lived together. When celebrating wedding anniversaries, you need to know their names by year. Since they determine the subject of gifts that, according to custom, are given to a married couple.

Green wedding day

The first family holiday is called the "green wedding". The youth of a married couple is associated with green - the color of harmony, youth and purity. On the wedding day, in addition to myrtle flowers, the young couple is given various gifts: money, household appliances, honeymoon trips, jewelry.

Printed wedding - 1 year

The celebration of the first wedding date means that for the year the bonds of marriage are still quite weak. And relationships are light and like tearing gauze fabric. The newlyweds are given bed linen, decorative pillows made of chintz fabric, as well as silk products.

Paper wedding - 2 years

The two-year date referred to as "paper" indicates that the relationship between the couple is like a fragile material. Which is prone to change: breaks and burns. For two years of living together, paper things are often handed over: banknotes, paintings, photo albums, notebooks.

Leather wedding - 3 years

Leather is a flexible and durable material that will always look flawless if it is carefully cared for. That is why marital relations are compared with the properties of this material. The skin in this case symbolizes a strong relationship that is resistant to life's difficulties and trials. Therefore, the present should be made of leather (preferably natural): clothes, belts, briefcases, bags.

Linen wedding - 4 years

The linen (or rope) anniversary marks a period in marriage, where the spouses have already settled in, strengthened their union and are similar to intertwining linen fibers. Often given: curtains, tableware, towels and expensive bed linen made from high quality linen.

Wooden wedding - 5 years

Wood is a cozy building material, symbolizing that during the specified period, a couple in love was able to build relationships, equip housing, and possibly give birth to a child. On this day, invited guests present various wooden interior items: panels, decorative ornaments, caskets, chests, kitchen accessories (wine jug, bread box, manual coffee grinder).

Cast iron wedding - 6 years

The name of the anniversary indicates that the time has come to strengthen the hearth. The most symbolic gifts are cast-iron items: pots, dishes, figurines, forged caskets, grates for the fireplace.

Zinc wedding - 6.5 years

Individuals are designated by specific material that accurately describes private life at a particular stage. The onset of such an incomplete anniversary means that the relationship between a man and a woman should often be polished with attention and care. It would be appropriate for the celebrants to present galvanized kitchen utensils.

Copper wedding - 7 years

A seven-year relationship is identified with copper, a valuable metal. Spouses can exchange copper ornaments. And guests can give any household items: decorative candle holders, Turks, molds for cakes and muffins, copper utensils.

Tin wedding - 8 years

The name of this anniversary says that by the indicated time, the life of lovers was filled with warmth and stability, like tin metal. As a pleasant memorable gift, you can give kitchen tin items: chased paintings, caskets, coffee storage jars, sweets in tins, tin trays, sheets, baking sheets.

Faience wedding - 9 years

The symbol of this celebration is ceramic material - faience, which personifies a prosperous union. By tradition, the couple is given tea sets, a set of dishes made of porcelain or faience.

Rose Day (tin wedding) - 10 years

The symbols of the tenth anniversary are roses and tin. The scarlet rose is considered the indestructible flower of love. And tin is a malleable metal, which was correlated with a married couple, where a husband and wife are able to adapt to each other. For this holiday, they usually give a lush red bouquet, a bright picture with rosebuds, bed linen with a rose print, bathrobes, a set of glasses or tin dishes.

Steel wedding - 11 years

Eleven years of family life suggest that relationships have become like steel material: they have been tempered by time and feelings, they have become stronger due to life's difficulties. Therefore, gifts made of stainless steel will be appropriate: decorative ornaments, cutlery set.

Nickel wedding - 12.5 years

The symbolism of this anniversary is close to the tin one: the shine of nickel shows how important it is to maintain cleanliness in relationships. Nickel-plated jewelry for your beloved wife is ideal for a gift. Invited guests can give various items consisting of nickel: caskets, photo frames, household utensils, cutlery, chandeliers, barbecues.

Lily of the valley (lace) wedding - 13 years

Life after 13 years of marriage goes on as usual and weaves a lace net. Which indicates the need to value family and feelings in a special way. As a surprise, there may be: a bouquet of lilies of the valley, openwork products for the interior, lace underwear.

Agate wedding - 14 years

Agate is an exotic stone, a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. The 14-year-old union that lasted until this anniversary is strong enough that he is not afraid of any adversity. A husband can please his wife with jewelry with an agate stone, and relatives can give souvenir items made of bone to match the mineral.

Glass wedding (crystal wedding) - 15 years

The onset of the "crystal" celebration indicates a transparent clarity of relations. Guests can give the spouses: a panel, a picture with illumination, a coffee table, glasses, vases made of durable glass or high-quality crystal.

Turquoise wedding - 18 years

The purity of turquoise symbolizes eternal love, which helps to overcome a difficult period and a number of problems associated with raising a child. By the indicated time, dawn comes, where marital relations again play with new colors. Friends and relatives present turquoise-colored items and decorative ornaments as a gift.

Porcelain wedding - 20 years

Wedding anniversaries and their names by year act as a new stage in the development of paired relationships, which has its own characteristics. So, twenty years later, the couple is as harmonious and excellent as the original porcelain. On the anniversary of the couple, you can symbolically hand over a porcelain service (tea or coffee).

Opal wedding - 21 years

For 21 years of marriage, the relationship has become strong, like an opal stone. Traditionally, the holiday is celebrated alone with a beloved woman, who can be presented with opal jewelry.

Bronze wedding - 22 years

The name of the anniversary symbolizes an inextricable relationship, like a resistant metal - bronze. Accordingly, the theme of the gift is obvious - bronze accessories for the home: figurines, candlesticks, watches.

Beryl wedding - 23 years

The symbol of the wedding is the exotic beryl stone, which is the keeper of the family hearth and peace of mind. Romantic pair gifts are given for the holiday, symbolizing the mutual love of the spouses: a blanket with photographs, a personalized calendar, a set of bathrobes.

Satin wedding - 24 years

It is believed that after the specified date, all problems in the past and relationships should be similar to satin material - dense and light. Basically, this date is not celebrated, but the spouses will be pleased to receive any products made of satin textiles: decor for festive serving, decorative pillows, satin ribbon topiary, plaid.

Silver wedding - 25 years

Some wedding anniversaries, their names by year carry a certain meaning. So a twenty-five-year marriage is identified with an expensive metal - silver, which is considered a sign of persistent union. Spouses can please each other with silver rings. And the guests hand over silver flasks, a silver box, a cigarette case, silver cufflinks and cutlery.

Pearl wedding - 30 years

The 30th anniversary is a relationship built up over the years piece by piece, which in essence turns out to be a true treasure. To emphasize the significance of the event, the husband can give his beloved pearl jewelry (earrings, necklace, bracelet), household items in white or pink shades.

Coral wedding - 35 years

Such a wedding is also called linen or linen. Corals represent longevity, and the canvas - comfort and well-being. Guests and relatives invited to the celebration can donate linen products, linen clothes, jewelry made from natural corals.

Aluminum wedding - 37.5 years

Relations in the family are compared with an elastic metal - aluminum, in which spouses easily cope with difficulties. Aluminum items can serve as gifts: dishes, engraved souvenirs, a mirror in an aluminum frame.

Mercury wedding - 38 years

Mercury is the only soft and flowing metal that is indestructible and can change. So a couple can transform their relationship, giving it a new look. There are no strict restrictions on the gift, but often they give objects with moving particles: a globe, an hourglass, pendulums.

Ruby wedding - 40 years

This anniversary is associated with a ruby ​​stone - a symbol of burning feelings and strong love, tested by time and different life circumstances. It is believed that for forty years the couple's closeness has become almost blood, since the shade of the ruby ​​is very similar to the color of blood. A wonderful gift for your beloved on this day will be ruby ​​jewelry from your spouse.

Sapphire wedding - 45 years

Sapphire is a precious stone of kindness, warmth and fidelity. During the passed stage in marriage, the husband and wife must carefully protect each other from evil. Gifts for this occasion can be: sapphire jewelry and sky blue items.

Golden wedding - 50 years

A significant anniversary symbolizes the noble union that has been formed over the years with hard work for the couple. The key gift for the anniversary will be updated wedding rings.

Emerald wedding - 55 years

The emerald stone of a rich green hue is a symbol of wisdom, purity and eternity. This exquisite stone seems to symbolize love feelings, which become brighter and more colorful with time. Each invited guest, taking into account the taste and desires of the anniversaries, decides for himself what to give for the holiday. Spouses can exchange emerald jewelry.

Diamond wedding - 60 years

A diamond is a hard stone that represents lasting happiness and the strength of a union. The Diamond Jubilee says that no one can share the union of two hearts. Great gifts for parents are platinum or diamond jewelry given by their children. Guests, in order not to enter into material difficulties, give interior items made of crystal.

Iron wedding - 65 years

A married life that lasted 65 years testifies to the resilience of marriage. They give this rare anniversary: ​​iron coasters with openwork, iron souvenirs (flower vases, candlesticks, horseshoes), household items (tools, metal utensils).

Stone wedding - 67.5 years

Having lived 67.5 years, love relationships are indestructible, like a hard stone. For an intermediate anniversary, it is customary to give household accessories made of natural or artificial stone: a figurine, a table, a candlestick.

Gracious wedding - 70 years

The date of such an anniversary speaks of gratitude for the years passed together, for our beloved children and grandchildren. The gift is selected at the request of the couple: gifts illustrating their love (photo collage, life video story of the couple).

Crown wedding - 75 years

This anniversary is celebrated by a large family and crowns the anniversaries with a happy family life. Something special for such a rare event: crown-shaped rings, a family portrait, decorative crafts, useful household items.

Oak wedding - 80 years

For a couple who lived to see this date, such an anniversary means that their relationship is as long-lived as the branches of a mighty oak. Usually handed oak rosary, furniture items, figurines and talismans made of oak.

Granite wedding - 90 years

The designation of the anniversary from the natural stone of granite - one of the symbols of longevity. There are no special traditions associated with certain gifts, but in theory, spouses are given granite items (sculptures, watches, candlesticks, vases).

Platinum (red) wedding - 100 years

100 years of marriage is a true rarity. The name of such a majestic date was given by a married couple from Azerbaijan. Feelings that have stood the test of time are truly excellent, like the color red. That is why gifts in honor of the centenary can be items of red hues.

Do you believe in wedding anniversaries their names by year? Is it worth keeping the old traditions? Do you know what to give for each date? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

Save the information.

1. Couple bracelets
If you know the couple who are celebrating their anniversary well and can guess their taste, give them matching bracelets. These jewelry duplicate each other and consist of precious or semi-precious metals. Lovers wear them as a sign of fidelity and inseparability.

2. Certificate in the spa for two
Relaxing together at the spa is an exquisite pastime. The certificate will allow the spouses to take care of themselves and spend time in a relaxed atmosphere. The best way to escape from everyday life and enjoy each other's company.

3. Bed linen
A bed set made of silk or other luxurious material with a thematic pattern will be a good gift for lovers. Such a thing will never be superfluous and will give the spouses pleasure.

4. Table in bed
A miniature table with short legs is a good invention for breakfast in bed. If you remove the legs, the table will turn into a tray. For family breakfasts and romantic dinners, for serving coffee in bed - such a gift is just right. The tabletop can be decorated in vintage, glamor or exotic style.

5. Clock with photos
An ordinary wall clock combined with photo frames is a great gift for a wedding anniversary. If you insert photos into frames, you get a beautiful collage. The spouses will have a reason to look through the family album to select a photo and remember the best moments of their life together.