What to write briefly about yourself. In no case do not voice the manager such phrases as. Artists love professionally

At the very beginning of the acquaintance, when the dialogue between the guy and the girl had just improved, and the problem of finding the first phrases was solved, next question: what to tell a young man about yourself? The question, by the way, is not at all idle. From the fact that the guy learns about the girl in the first days of meeting, the image that will develop in his mind will largely depend. Of course, over time, he will draw independent conclusions, but what he hears from the girl should not harm his initial impression of her.

What is worth talking about

Any girl, talking about herself, seeks to create good impression. However, she does not always fully understand what effect some seemingly innocent information and phrases can produce. Therefore, when planning a story about yourself, you should first of all think not about what to tell the young man, but about what you should not say. But more on that later. First a few practical advice to build a story about yourself.

It is advisable to choose topics that are as general as possible, avoiding specifics. Personal data can also be omitted, since they are usually not of particular interest. Meanwhile young man it is desirable to interest, if possible, even intrigue. It is good if the story about yourself illuminates and emphasizes the following points:

  • range of interests;
  • talents, skills, abilities;
  • broad outlook;
  • activity, healthy curiosity;
  • attentiveness, thoughtfulness;
  • easy character;
  • positive outlook on life.

Even if the young man does not remember everything that you told him, a positive image will form in his mind. interesting girl and remember the ease of communication. And this feeling of lightness will have much greater value than the sum of the information received, since nothing depresses as much as an eternally unhappy, dissatisfied interlocutor, in whose life tragic events happen every now and then. IN best case I want to feel sorry for such a person, at worst - to run away from him.

In order to make your task easier, you can prepare for the conversation in advance, especially since it is not so difficult to foresee it - sooner or later it will take place anyway. Therefore, you should take a sheet of paper and divide it into two parts with a vertical line. In one part of the sheet, write down in a column all your advantages and useful abilities, in the other - the shortcomings and unsightly pages of the past. It will look something like this:

Having compiled a list, you should provide an indicative list of topics that will emphasize positive traits, and in no case affect those that will give out flaws. In order to insure, the conversation can now and then divert to the side. Here, for example: "I have a lot of different interesting hobbies. I like to read books, go out into nature... At the beginning of summer, for example, I went canoeing, there was such a case...” And then follows a story about some funny episode that happened to you on a hike.

If similar situations and hobbies are not peculiar to you, you can get by with a similar scheme in any other case. The story can be built like this: “Most of all I love animals. I have at home ... ”Then follows a story about pets and the history of their appearance. Or like this: “Since childhood, I wanted to learn how to cook. One day I ... ”And then a funny case of the first culinary experience. Such a conversation can always be ended with an invitation to the "signature dish".

What Not to Say

It must be understood that a young man's request to "tell me something about himself" is not an invitation to revelation. Such a story should not turn into a confession, where you will reveal to the guy all your ins and outs. This should not be done, even if he asks. Firstly, it does not meet your interests, and secondly, such a degree of trust cannot be asked or demanded - it must be earned. You can answer him gently and evasively, or with a joke, taking the conversation in a more useful direction.

There are topics that it is highly undesirable to touch on in a conversation with a guy you like, namely:

  • personal relationships with other guys in the past (and possibly in the present);
  • personal troubles and problems;
  • unpleasant family secrets;
  • unpleasant situations related to other people (which they would not want to talk about);
  • own shortcomings.

Sometimes a guy may even deliberately provoke you into talking about something that you would not want to talk about. For example, ask: “Have you ever fallen in love for real?” With this question, he hopes to find out the details of your personal life And love relationship. He sometimes does not understand why he does this, but you definitely do not need it. Therefore, without hesitation and quite seriously answer: “Yes. I fell in love and very much. As I remember now, his name was Maxim, we went to the same kindergarten. He had a locker with a boat, and I had a cherry. He gave me markers and we fell in love." And if the guy insists, asking: “But seriously?”, Do not give up, answer: “Believe me, it was very serious. I even planned to marry him. I can’t remember anything more serious in my life.”

Such an approach will allow you to avoid possible jealousy of the past if your relationship continues, insults to third parties whose lives you inadvertently affect with your story, etc. In addition, if the guy turns out to be not very a good man and / or your relationship will someday end in a serious quarrel, he will have little negative information about you, which means there is little ground for gossip and slander behind your back. In the course of the story about yourself, do not forget that two people can play this game, that is, gently try to involve the guy in a conversation and learn more about him.

Are you going to create a page about the author, but do not know how to write about yourself interesting, beautiful, but without boasting? Step-by-step instruction from two American bloggers Amy-Lynn Andrews (amylynnandrews.com) and Sarah Harmon (bohemianbrighton.com) will answer all questions.

At first glance, what could be easier than the question "how to write about yourself." Perhaps it is difficult to find a topic in which we would understand better)). This is what many bloggers think. And so they turn the page about the author into autobiographical memoirs, forgetting why and for whom this page is intended. It turns out from the series "born, studied, married, made a blog." Perhaps for readers who have come for useful information too many details.

Moreover, some bloggers in the bourgeoisie, I met a version of the page "about the author" in the form of a questionnaire of 60-80 points. For some reason, these authors tell readers what color they like, what films they watch and where they spend the summer. It seems to me that such things are justified in one single case: if your blog is a personal diary, and the readers are your friends and acquaintances.

However, if you are creating a resource that is useful to a wide range of readers, this section has a completely different purpose, which means that the look should be different.

How to write about yourself: the general concept

Principle #1: Remember that the "About" page doesn't really have to be about you.

That's right: not about you, but about your readers!

No matter how wonderful you are, readers don't want to know WHO you are, but WHAT you can offer them. So the very first part of your about the author page should answer the question: What problem does the blog solve for readers?

Whether you offer advice, entertainment, educational information, or the hope of solving personal problems, clearly explain why readers should come back. And try to be concise. In the first 3-5 sentences.

Principle #2 Make your first paragraph catchy and memorable.

After explaining to visitors why they should read you, tell them what exactly awaits them on your blog. If you don't plan on creating a separate "about blog" page, use the second part of the "about author" page to unlock the potential of your blog for the reader.

As bloggers, we should never miss an opportunity to link to another page or article on our site. The page "about the author" in this case ceases to be a tool "how to write about yourself most effectively." It allows you to tie together all the content. Select some of your best or most popular posts, incorporate them seamlessly into the story, and link to them.

If someone visits the "about the author" page, it is only because they want to know more about you. So it's not enough to say "Hello! Here's my story... "The End." Instead, leave space for people to explore further, don't show all the cards.

When you start blogging, the first page you should seriously consider adding is the about the author page. Despite its apparent simplicity, it is this that most often causes difficulties when it comes to preparing a text.

This section has importance for readers, because it allows you to get a clearer picture of the purpose of the blog, your individual style and story. That is, by going to the "about the author" page, the visitor wants to make sure that:

  • You are a real, living person;
  • you are competent;
  • You have your own perspective on the problem you are going to talk about.

How to write about yourself: the preparatory stage

Reflections on the topic " how to write about yourself» are complicated by a sense of embarrassment when you have to talk about yourself, so the text is not easy. Many shift this task to relatives or friends, trusting others to tell about themselves. On the one hand, this seems to be a sign of modesty and adequate self-esteem, however, given the complexity of the task, it is better to write it yourself. After all, no one understands the future concept of your blog better than you. So where to start:

  1. "Study" yourself. Approach this topic like any other. Start with what has already been written about the blog on other resources. Review and remotely analyze your Twitter, Vkontakte and Facebook profiles. Most likely, there you have already written about yourself and about the blog. Use this information as a starting point.
  2. Study your audience. Try to understand what topics your audience might want answers about. Pay attention to the questions asked by blog comments and social networks. Since your readers are already asking these questions, it would make sense to discuss them on the about the author page.
  3. Find an example. Don't be afraid to imitate your favorite bloggers in this issue. Study how the “about the author” pages on different resources are designed. In the end, even the "about the company" pages famous brands can inspire you or push you to the right idea. How do they talk about themselves? What made an impression on you personally? What seemed uninteresting or inappropriate? Write these points down to use as a complex plan.

What to write about yourself

If you don’t turn the “about the author” page into an autobiographical essay, then how can you write about yourself and what to say? Fill the page with personality, include Interesting Facts who made you who you are today. Tell us what you are most proud of, add personal experience but always in a positive way.

Below is a list of items to get you started. Kind of a checklist:

  1. Your name and location.
  2. When did you start your blog.
  3. What prompted you to make this decision.
  4. What inspires you.
  5. What is your personal style. That is, try to describe yourself in a few sentences.
  6. What do you see as the main goal of your blog.

If the specifics of your blog is related to education or previous places work is worth mentioning. Otherwise, leave a link to your Linkedin profile. Anyone who wants to know the details of your work biography will find all the answers there.

Based on the checklist, write down in the form of abstracts all the facts that you are going to convey to the readers, and then begin to expand them to a full-fledged text.

Final touches. Decor

Now you have a rough idea of ​​how to write about yourself and you have formed the backbone for the "About the Author" page. Add your favorite and definitely clear shots at the top of the page. Choose the photo that best reflects your style. It is his visitors who will subsequently associate with the pages of the blog.

You can do a little magic in Photoshop to make the picture more spectacular. (but do not get carried away, you are not applying for a beauty contest).

If you have been written about somewhere, you can include these quotes with an indication of the source.
Don't forget to add contact information. Be sure to include an email address where readers can contact with questions.

When finished, ask relatives or friends to double-check this text. Let them check for errors, typos, and also comment on the general impression. Some thoughts may be poorly formulated, which will mislead readers.

  1. Make sure the text is not too long. Blog readers tend to prefer short articles and rarely read long, lengthy essays to the end. Try using subheadings and lists to make it easier to visualize.
  2. It's best not to post personal information on your blog, such as a mobile number or address. For your own peace of mind.
  3. Re-read the text again and make sure that the “about the author” page is exactly what you were going to tell the world about yourself.

Note to bloggers:

An interview is a standard step in a job search. After all, after a suitable vacancy has been found, there will be a meeting with the employer, where you will personally need to prove your professional suitability to him. The most important thing here is to present yourself correctly, which means that you need to write a competent story about yourself. See below for examples of what to say about yourself in a job interview.

Do not forget to ask the employer about future work -?

Most often, an interview with an employer consists of a series of standard questions. For example, it can be personal data, where they will ask about the place of residence, age and work experience. But the main part of the interview is self-presentation. And most often it is this part that brings most people into a stupor. To successfully pass it, it is worth preparing in advance and compiling sample text story about yourself.

What to tell about yourself in a job interview

Many people hope to improvise on the spot before going to a meeting with an employer. But it has been proven that even the most resourceful people often get lost when answering the most common questions. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to write a short story about yourself at home.

When compiling a story about yourself, it is worth remembering that brevity is the sister of talent. The general story should be two to four minutes long. Therefore, the written text must be carefully re-read loudly and aloud, with your usual diction. Need to talk about the most important facts in his biography, so that the monologue is short, but free and meaningful.

It will not be superfluous to find out some additional information which will help a lot during the interview:

  • Check out the company's website. There you can find out in which direction she works and what kind of employees she is looking for;
  • Based on these data, make a list personal qualities which may come in handy while working in the desired position. For example, responsiveness, purposefulness, self-discipline;
  • If it is wholesale or retail sales, then you can talk about the successful experience of working with many customers;
  • Mention achievements, without embellishing them, but without holding back. After all, they can play important role during the selection process.

What to tell a guy about yourself? This question worries most girls, because many of them are very worried before meeting a young man. Unfortunately, there is no clear scheme, following which it would be possible to build ideal relationship with a person, but there are still some basic principles. Quite often, girls are very worried, not knowing what to talk about with a young man, then the guys themselves have to ask any questions to their companions. About how to properly maintain a conversation with a guy, you will be told further.

What to tell a guy when meeting and how to do it right?

How to interest a guy and avoid embarrassment during a conversation? There are several principles by which good date you are guaranteed.

Principle one - silence is the best helper

Being able to pause for a few seconds while answering a question is much better than a quick and empty answer. When a guy asks the same type of questions, try to answer as detailed as possible, use a couple of variations and try to support each answer with arguments. By answering the question in this way, you show your interlocutor the breadth of your outlook and education.

The second principle is Anglo-Japanese

The peoples of England and Japan are among the most educated people who are best able to conclude the most suitable contract for themselves. So different nations have one thing in common: during negotiations, they do not use categorical statements at all, such as “yes” and “no”. No matter what this model communication contradicts the straightforwardness of a Russian-speaking person, it is considered one of the most effective. During a conversation, it is necessary to refrain from using expressions such as: “no”, “never”. Use more streamlined expressions. By adhering to this principle, you will be able to avoid a lot of heated debate.

The third principle: sport is the guarantee of health

Most well-known psychologists say that most of all the interlocutor is interested in talking about sports hobbies, which, on a subconscious level, ascertains your physical health. Surprisingly, the interlocutor does not care if you have a judo belt or if you just like playing tennis, the main thing is that this associates you with sports. Therefore, when meeting, you can safely tell the guy about your sports hobbies.

Principle #4 – Share your dreams

Not only kids can dream, but also adults. In the soul, even the most formidable person has a dream. But, unfortunately, telling people about your adult dreams is not as interesting as about childhood ones. In toddlers, dreams are especially touching and simple, so they allow people to get closer.

About 75% of the interlocutors reciprocate and also begin to share their dreams. This rather innocent digression is one of the major drivers for the convergence of human interests, because childhood for many is a time-tested topic. Tell a guy about your childhood dreams - and see how much you have in common!

Principle Five - Avoid Fear

Absolutely every person on this earth has fears. However, this is far from a topic of conversation between a girl and a guy when meeting. Fear is weakness at the subconscious level. Thus, if you start telling a person about your phobias, he will understand on a subconscious level that you are afraid of something, but you don’t need it. Therefore, when talking about yourself, it is better to simply avoid topics that instill fear in you, using tolerant statements: “This must be insanely interesting.”


If you remember all these few principles for a perfect conversation, you will easily find mutual language with guys, and topics for a story about yourself will come by themselves.

In this collection you can find unique, attractive, cool phrases, which can be placed in the column "About me Vkontakte".

Phrase fit: girl, guy.

About yourself Vkontakte what to write

To fill in the field about me Vkontakte from your account under the avatar, click on the button "Edit page" and go to the "Interests" tab:

Now copy the phrase that you liked the most and paste it into the column "About Me" .

Adviсe: write as much information about yourself as possible to make it clear who you are. Get people interested. Write what you do, are fond of free time, what are your life priorities, what interests you, etc.

Can you add about yourself in VK Some phrases from our selection:

  • I go my own way, even if it is not like everyone else, but it is MY.
  • I understand perfectly well that I am not the most best woman in the world, but it depends on whose world.
  • People who meet me think that I will beat them now. In fact, I am very shy.
  • Before starting a relationship with a person, make sure that it is not me.
  • Actually, it's easy for me. Just for this you need to be with me, and not somewhere out there.
  • So many stones have been thrown at me that not one of them is scary anymore.
  • I do not listen to those who say that I am wasting my life, because at least I live, and someone says.
  • I know how to roll everything - eyes, cans, tantrums. I know how to make something out of nothing - dinner, a hairstyle, a scandal. I can take out-garbage, brain. In general, I am a very capable girl.
  • I don't know how to regret what has been and gone. I can somehow relate to the past, good or bad, but regret is stupid. Regret is not constructive, nothing useful can be created from feeling regret. The past should be treated with gratitude, because it gave me certain experiences from which I draw lessons and draw conclusions. Even if the experience is very bitter and difficult, you still learn a lesson from it, you become smarter, and for this I thank him very much.
  • Know yourself? If I knew myself, I would run away in fear.
  • For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to be "right." The trouble is that the definitions of "correct" change all the time. The only thing that remains unchanged is that the right people something very different from me.
  • I don't care what people say about me behind my back as long as they tell lies about me.
  • I will not prove to anyone that I am good. Let me try to prove that I'm bad.
  • I forgive everyone and build my life the way I want. Nothing threatens me.
  • I'm the spitting image of Einstein... with my tongue.
  • It seems to me that I seem to you not what I should seem.
  • I am very decent! I swear by my mother...anarchy!
  • I am balanced.
  • Give me 12 hours and I will move the Earth!
  • Do not rush to talk about yourself. The conversation about you will start as soon as you leave.
  • To hell with circumstances. I create opportunities.
  • Everyone sees what I seem, few people feel what I am
  • I will only strive for the best. I will achieve everything that I want very much!
  • I am a person for whom privacy is vital.
  • I am my own heaven, I am my own hell.
  • I won't tell anyone what's inside of me. And those to whom I tell this are not just people. They are much better.
  • I was born a long time ago, in secret from my parents. According to the horoscope Goose. I am not well versed in music, my favorite singer is Lenin. Hobby - strabismus. IN past life was the favorite horse of Budyonny's beloved horse. I believe in death after life, in love after a cupcake, and in aftershave cream. My favorite hobby- a game of snowballs for stripping. For five years he worked at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory - laying tiles in the saxophone class. Formation: formed by the fusion of an egg cell with a permatozoid. I regularly do two things: plus with Angelina Jolie and lie. I only wear expensive clothes grocery stores. Pumped up muscles from the Internet. But then I'm a white crow among the dark horses. And relationships with women do not add up in a suitcase. My favorite food is mezim. I am also fond of the work of Nikolai Gumilyov and I know about 80 rhymes for the word Anton.
  • I love small children I love summer, warm summer rain I love to talk and laugh a lot with all my heart I love to look into eyes that glow and shine with happiness I love the night city I love to look at old photos I love my friends who will always help I love to just do something I love to travel I love to argue I love to enjoy the little things I just love to love and be loved.
  • In general, in this life I love only pies with cherries. They do not reciprocate, but they do not behave in any way.
  • My loneliness has taste and aroma. Sharp taste of permanence. Sweet fragrance fidelity. It is always with me.
  • An optimist is not at all the one who has never suffered, but the one who has experienced despair and overcome it.
  • Yes, I'm so strange ... Someone long-awaited. I am smart and brave, I am faithful without a doubt. I am dissolved in someone. I'm not easy with others. Yula, I'm wound up, actually, very modest. A star descended from heaven. Typhoon - I'm crazy. Beautiful, curly and sunny-I-lunar. I am quiet and nice. Of course I'm loved. Someone poisonous, but still not forgotten. Sometimes unlucky. And every day I am new. Still fundamental. Funny and funny. I am open to friendship. From meanness, broken. Sometimes I'm complicated, boring, impossible. Like hot red pepper. Path in the dense forest. So all strawberry, I'm also unusual. Simple and entertaining, sometimes incomprehensible. Sometimes I am shy, like the wind I am changeable. Eh, I'm very dreamy. I am diligent at work. This is how I am different and the most beautiful.
  • I always tell the truth, even when I'm lying.
  • Stretch my legs in good hands, correctly sit on the neck.
  • fairy tale character! True, when casting for Little Red Riding Hood, they always give me the role of a gray wolf.
  • I am not an artist, but I paint my dreams. I am not a writer, but I am writing my book of life.
  • I can't stand it when people expect something from me. I immediately want to do the opposite.
  • Dimly, deep down, we know who we really are. This is the sorrow of our soul: we are not who we would like to be.
  • I roll where the puck will be, not where it was.
  • My "love" is very expensive. I rarely say this to very few people.
  • Many people know me, but only a few know who I really am ....
  • I am one of those who love in silence, endure for a long time and leave abruptly!
  • It doesn't matter how many people give me advice. I will do what my heart tells me to do.
  • What can be added to my unwritten beauty ... Except perhaps monstrous modesty!
  • Of course I have bad days but then I remember what a sweet smile I have.
  • I am a gentle nature and painfully react to cretins. Can't imagine what to do with them if they're going to have more than one.
  • I have nothing to say except that I am a genius.
  • Here I am, one of a kind! Who is able to admire - admire, the rest can bite their elbows with envy and faint!
  • I have no time to mope and cry, I need to go to my cherished goal and enjoy life at the same time!
  • Don't take too much interest in my life. It may turn out to be so interesting that you will be disappointed in yours.
  • I am an angel, only a halo on recharging and wings in the wash!
  • I live as it should be, but I have to do everything ...
  • When they push me away, I move away; when they forget me, I will not remind myself of myself with a look or a word.
  • My main rule is: do your job well and see what happens.
  • I am a weirdo. I think each of us is a little crazy in our own way.
  • I'm usually bad, but when I'm good, I'm good as hell.
  • I don't like it when they touch mine. It doesn't matter if it's a thing or a person.
  • Of course, I'm not perfect ... but the masterpiece is still the same ...
  • I am the only person in the world that I would like to know better.
  • First: I'm good! Second: Enough of being "first"!