Past Life Regression: The different bodies that make up a life have their own memories of past lives. Regression to a past life

Hello, dear readers, Alexander Tsarev is in touch.

Regressive hypnosis is a method of working with the subconscious through a trance located between esoteric teachings and classical hypnotherapy. Specialists use it when they put a person into a trance to search for and resolve negative situations that connect past and present incarnations. Reincarnation researchers receive confirmation of their beliefs in the method. Ordinary people find in it the key to deep self-knowledge and the solution of internal conflicts and problems. It can also be called "talking with souls".

This material is a combination of my practical knowledge in the topic of regressions, inside the most complete answers about what is regressive hypnosis and past lives, whether it is a tool or a weapon and how to start your practice in it.

Regressive hypnosis - what is it in the simplest words

If you are reading this, then you are already above the philistine level of understanding the structure of the world and the universe. And it's great!

It is not a secret at all that our soul lives and reincarnates dozens of times, from the moment of its appearance to the present moment, it accumulates a significant amount of information, for example, like a flash drive.
And everything is stored in it: knowledge, life experience, skills, joy, pain, trauma, hatred, everything good and bad that happened to a person in his life - this data is stored and overwritten time after time, deeper and deeper forming a permanent information egregore Soul.

And this “flash drive” also has a margin of safety, it can junk and break, sometimes life-ending situations, betrayal or other deep emotional shock, can leave an “information virus” on it in the form of a negative memory, which will strengthen over time and begin to influence for new incarnations. Failures will begin in normal life programs.

Past life shocks do not necessarily manifest themselves in this life, but our research (and this is more than 4000 hours of regression sessions) shows that most people have such problems in some form.

The “virus”, or genetic memory, or the pain of the soul, at some point will turn out to be strong enough, and then they will be able to get out in real life.
Examples of such outlets for the pain of the soul: birthmarks, scars without a situation of occurrence, spontaneous neuroses without the possibility of explanation, panic attacks, nightmares - the list is much wider and each of these phenomena can arise as a result of the tragedies of the past and the soul screaming about them.

Regressive hypnosis works with such problems, past lives are the cause of them.

Benefits of regressive hypnosis

I consider it auspicious side effects. At the moment of immersion, our brain activity is greatly activated, we cling to new sensations and emotions, remember everything old and forgotten, so after the session new talents, abilities for new languages, sports and other forgotten or previously unknown hobbies may begin to open up.

Directions where regressive hypnosis helps

There are more, but these are the most common:

Diseases internal organs;
Personality complexes;
Almost all phobias;
Neuroses, neurasthenia, anxiety;
Bad habits;
problems in personal life;
Personal conflicts and life difficulties

Traveling to past lives through hypnosis is not dangerous for the immersed, in more than 4000 hours of practice in our project there was not a single case where the session was harmful. Some researchers believe that regressive hypnosis can cause even greater deviations in people with unstable mentality, but I have not heard of this. Let's move on to the basic techniques.

An Overview of Regressive Hypnosis Techniques

Those that are presented and described in full.

The Dolores Cannon Method

Dolores Cannon (1931-2014) regressionist and soul researcher, born in St. Louis on April 15, 1931. Dolores Cannon encountered reincarnation in 1968 through regression hypnosis: “It started when I was watching my hypnotist husband conduct regression experiments. He used traditional methods hypnosis and realized that he was working with reincarnation quite by accident, putting a woman in a trance who wanted to lose weight.

In 1979, Dolores and her family moved to Arkansas, where Cannon began her writing career. Her articles have been successfully published in newspapers and magazines. She later became interested in reincarnation again and studied various methods regressive hypnosis techniques. Starting in 1979, Dolores developed her own hypnosis technique, which allowed her to extract useful information from the past life of the patient, as well as a lot of new knowledge of the historical and scientific type from the human subconscious, lost by our civilization. Dolores Cannon's technique was a significant success, she healed the mental and psychological trauma of people. Dolores wrote many useful books, relying on information obtained from the subconscious of people, thereby confirming the phenomenon of reincarnation and the existence of lives between lives (“Between life and death”, “Jesus and the Essenes”).

The Dolores Cannon method works with the human subconscious when the client is immersed in a somnambulistic trance level - theta level: “A person is constantly immersed in one of four states of altered consciousness. Beta level - wakefulness or when the subject thinks he is awake. In fact, when you close your eyes, you are already in an altered state. The alpha level is commonly used by hypnotists for meditation as well. The deepest level of trance, theta, is somnambulistic. At this level, I hold the patient and work with him, between the alpha and delta levels. The delta level is the sleep state. The concept of the method lies in the predominance of figurative-synaesthetic thinking (synaesthetic thinking is the ratio of the conscious and the unconscious in the process of cognition) over rational. The hypnologist, during a client's state of deep trance, gives him necessary instructions for the second to explore the past life experience that has been integrated into his subconscious in the course of individual evolution. The client prepares for the session in advance by identifying questions to the subconscious, thus they appear during the therapy itself.

A similar method of regressive hypnosis technique safely and effectively affects the health of a person's subconscious, renewing his mental balance. Dolores Cannon argued that in hypnotic practice the term "subconscious" is not analogous to the "Freudian" concept of the subconscious that is practiced in psychiatry. The regressionist was convinced that we are talking about something deeper, about superconsciousness.

Michael Newton method

Michael Newton (1931-2016) - certified hypnotherapist, first president of the Spiritual Regression Society from 2002 to 2005, member of the American Association of Counseling Psychologists and Ph.D. Psychological Counseling, doctor of philosophical science. Founded the Institute of Hypnotherapy for Life Between Lives. Michael Newton. In his private practice of hypnotherapy, which he has been practicing for over 50 years, Dr. Newton has devoted himself to correcting various behavioral deviations, helping clients to discover their higher spiritual self.

In 1998, Michael Newton was awarded the "Most Unique Contribution of a Hypnotherapist" by the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists. Dr. Newton has been researching soul memory and life after death for years.

In the process of developing his own method of age regression, Dr. Newton discovered the phenomenon of an immortal soul that exists in the space between physical incarnations. Michael Newton's method of regressive hypnosis placed subjects in the intermediate periods of their memories between past lives, it was called LBL regression (LifeBetweenLives). Thanks to hypnotic regression, the hypnologist was able to describe the possibility of life after death - the spiritual life. Michael Newton was able to learn what was happening in the spirit world through his clients, who were in a state of deep hypnosis and visualized their journey. The LBL-regression method was aimed at helping people find themselves, their purpose in life, to know themselves by turning to the superconscious.

On the subject of his discoveries, Michael Newton wrote 3 bestsellers: Journey of the Soul, Destiny of the Soul, and Life Between Lives. «.

The world is not limited only by these techniques (there is also Calogero Grifazi’s technique and others, but they are not for this material), everything changes and transforms in movement…

Hypnotrance technique for regressions: in detail

The first goal of the regressologist: to bring the person immersed into a state of altered consciousness is when we are relaxed, immersed in a trance state and ready for hypnotherapy (in general, hypnotized). It is in this state that viewing a past life is real. This requires preliminary preparation for the session (~ 1.5-2 weeks).

And during the dive we go through the stages:
1. Leading questions from the contactee in which there is a search for facts that created a problematic request
2. Correction of the situation in the past incarnation and editing its image in the subconscious
3. Return to the point of reality

Altered state of consciousness activates hidden mechanisms brain, and we can remember things that have never been recorded in our lives. Critics and skeptics do not believe in this, however, as well as in the habitability of our Universe. Their right. Look at the end of the material for videos of regressive hypnosis sessions and reviews of them, and draw your own conclusions.

What exactly happens during past life regressions?

We delve into the essence of the phenomenon.
Through regressive hypnosis (on our own or through a regressologist), we plunge into a trance, where additional synchronization of consciousness and subconsciousness is turned on, it must be free from external stimuli, this is important.

We help our brain to relax and start receiving information, I call this place a “sandbox”, it allows the mind to open up to the full on the usual signals of meditation and peace, and then access the hidden information from the past incarnation, and it’s already safe to start working with her.

By the leading questions of the contactee (or by the power of self-hypnosis, if we act independently), we find in it memories of past incarnations that disturb our Soul. Through catharsis (emotional release) and then awareness, we get liberation from problems.
Awareness of the information received will also take some time, usually up to a week, after which the problems worked out in the session recede and a new one begins. internal stage which is individual.
There are also difficult cases when one immersion in past lives from regressive hypnosis is not enough.

How to undergo regressive hypnosis?

1. We form a list of problems that, in our opinion, affect our lives
2. We sign up for a regression session or study the immersion technique on our own
3. Prepare according to the instructions, set up our inner world under the event
4. We carry out immersion in regressive hypnosis, it takes 4-6 hours.

Set aside an evening for the first self-study, follow the link with our method of preparing for regressive hypnosis and listen to a test meditation, try to relax, if you immediately feel an inner movement, then everything is great, you will definitely succeed.

If it didn’t work right away, then try to return in a more relaxed state, the result depends on your personal approach. No magic pill does not exist, without your desire, even the most experienced hypnologist will not be able to immerse you in regressive hypnosis and send you to past lives

The immersion technique is most easily given to those who practice meditation, yoga and other activities aimed at balancing the body and spirit in the moment, it will also be easy for those who are engaged in creative activities in life.
Difficulties are experienced by those who follow exclusively the path of logic and skeptics.

Second option: Start a standalone or centralized .

Regressive hypnosis technique for self-immersion

You can achieve results for free, set yourself goals.

For example:

  • Increasing the level of personal qualities
  • Health Improvement
  • Optimizing Personal Efficiency
  • Getting rid of negative attitudes and own blocks
  • find yourself, discover new directions creative activity and self-realization
  • Raise vitality, working capacity
  • Elimination of phobias, complexes


For proper conduct For an independent hypnotic regression session, you must have a good theoretical background: read the works of Michael Newton and Dolores Cannon, read and study their methods of regressive hypnosis techniques, watch YouTube videos on this topic in order to explore the process at a visual level.

A simple entry into regressive hypnosis will now be described. Full scheme training above.

  1. Sit in comfortable position, leaning back, do not cross your legs, hands should lie freely along the body;
  2. Relax, free your mind from worries;
  3. Breathe slowly and deeply for 10-15 minutes, at the same pace:
  4. Allow yourself to go into a trance, set yourself in complete control of what is happening, tell yourself that you can exit the hypnotic state on the count of 5.

Introduction to trance

Use a combination of eye movement and countdown. Give yourself the mindset that as you move your eyes left and right during the countdown from 10, you will enter a trance.

Enter the trance process with open eyes. Starting from 10, slowly raise your eyes up and then to the right, the head is static. Keep going until your eyes get tired. Then lower your eyes and lift them up, and then to the left for a count of 9, hold in position until your eyes get tired. Repeat these movements rhythmically for each count, as if watching a pendulum, while always keeping your eyes up. Gradually your eyes will get tired. On count 1, close your eyes, fix them in the top position. Immerse yourself in a trance with eyes closed relax your facial muscles.

Dive into a trance

  1. To deepen the state of trance, imagine any landscape that is pleasant to you, relax your body completely, starting from the head to the tips of the toes.
  2. Consider the details of your landscape, immerse yourself in its comfort, feel the harmony with nature. You are safe.
  3. Concentrate on the little finger of any of your hands, feel its warmth, heaviness, slight tingling and pulsing, and then let go of that feeling. Then let him come back again. Let yourself know that you can control and manage your mind in trance.
  4. Imagine a situation from childhood that evokes pleasant feelings. Slowly immerse yourself in events, let the picture open up, become voluminous.
  5. Remind yourself that you are in complete control of the situation and that you can exit the trance state at any time on the count of 5. Tell yourself that you are safe. Also, make sure that when you come out of a trance, you will remember the experience gained in a past life, which will be useful for real life and future personal growth.

Immersion in the corridor of past lives

  1. Go deeper and deeper into the trance. Repeat this to yourself. Go to the very moment of your birth and beyond. Move towards your corridor of past lives. He is individual.
  2. Examine the corridor of your lives. Inside each door are reflections of the experiences of your past lives, you pass them through again. But at any moment you are able to change the situation, because you are fully aware of your experience.
  3. You can choose any door you want. When entering the space of a certain door, you can move in absolutely any direction. To enter the door you use a count from 1 to 3, if you want to return, then count backwards.
  4. After examining the situation from the past life, leave the space of this reality by leaving its door. It is recommended to limit yourself to only one memory, since a large number of experienced events can weaken the memory of previous experiences.

Ending a regression session

  1. Allow yourself to leave the corridor of past lives and return to childhood, and then to the present.
  2. Return to childhood memories, then to the present
  3. Before coming out of the trance state, remind yourself of all the past life experiences that you managed to see. Tell yourself that you remember in the present everything that happened to you to the extent that you need, that you realize the importance of all the impressions received.
  4. Start slowly counting from 1 to 5.
  5. Slowly open your eyes and be at rest to process the information.
  6. Record your experience in a "past life journal".

Useful literature, films

Friends, this small list will help you better understand regressive hypnosis and past lives, start with any:

Michael Newton:
"Journey of the Soul"
"Destiny of the Soul"
"Memories of Life After Life"
“Life between lives. Past lives and wanderings of the soul

Richard Webster:
"Soul mates"

Dolores Cannon:
“Between life and death. What awaits us on the other side?
"Memory of Past Lives"
"Jesus and the Essenes. Conversations through the Millennium"
"Three Waves of Volunteers and New Earth"

If you want to find more interesting things, then write the following keywords in the YouTube search bar:
channeling, past lives, regressive hypnosis

And be sure to visit my YouTube channel "Alexander Tsarev"- there are more than 300 videos on the topic.

Is past life travel dangerous with regressive hypnosis?

As my grandfather said: “you can break a stone with a fool” (well, almost like that, honestly, honestly)
Keep in mind that there are a lot of parapsychologists, false healers around and communication with them will basically be dangerous only for the pocket.

Do not underestimate the power of incorrect self-hypnosis and suggestion, and regressive hypnosis is partly a work with these concepts. Preparation and immersion must be done methodically and accurately, a charlatan or an unlucky specialist himself, without knowing it, can inspire a couple of extra ideas and only add new problems.

Use the services of only reputable specialists, yes, it will be more expensive, yes, the appointment may take 2 months, but you will get real result. Read reviews, this is the most important indicator of who is in front of you, fake reviews are always visible.

Here's What People Say About Regressive Hypnosis

Regressive hypnosis: session video

Write your thoughts on this topic in the comments! Anyone who needs help can contact the contacts on the site.
See you later!

Starting to think about important issues, like: “Where did man come from?”, “Does each of us really have a soul?”, “Did our life exist before that?” and many others.

Quite a long time ago, scientists put forward the hypothesis that a person lives many lives, only in different bodies. Unfortunately, only a few remember what happened before the last rebirth. Therefore, it is quite obvious that many are interested in how to remember past life. Some do not even believe that they existed long before the appearance in the twentieth - twenty-first century.

Journey into the past

It is believed that from a previous life in the subconscious of a person remain minute details events that took place in certain period. Today, few people study their soul, but every day there are more and more people who want to know themselves. It is quite obvious that a person is interested in how to remember a past life, and somewhere in the depths of his subconscious, he believes that he existed before. Of course, who refuse to believe in mysticism, personal development and esotericism, but this does not rid them of the past.

It is believed that a truly internally developed person can know his past, is able, so to speak, to travel in time. Everyone can get the necessary level of knowledge. To do this, it is not necessary to be born unique, absolutely everyone can do it. The only remark and advice: constantly train, take care of yourself, improve - and then everything will work out.

Past life, what is it?

Today it is hard to believe that the past is a part of the person himself, and it has a place to be. It needs to be understood and unraveled. How to remember a past life? People created and developed various techniques helping to achieve desired result. Among the ways to "awaken memories" is very popular hypnosis, but it does not always work one hundred percent. To learn how to travel in time, you need to practice. This can be done alone or with the help of friends or relatives.

Nowadays there is a lot of literature containing theory and practice that could help to awaken past life memories. Studies show that many people quit classes halfway through, because they do not see any changes (results). This is completely in vain, since by desire alone nothing will happen. Having chosen a certain technique, a person must adhere to it and practice daily, and the result will not be long in coming. And it is very important to believe in what you are doing, otherwise it will just be a waste of time.

Human experience

Past life of a person the greatest secret, which is unraveled in individually. Only a separate person is able to understand his essence and visit any time, feel emotions and survive the events of those times. Being engaged, a person differently perceives what is happening. Some see sketches, such as sketches of the past. Others manage to visit there in a dream and feel everything for themselves, as if it were yesterday. Still others suddenly receive information that fits into a puzzle and becomes obvious.

One way or another, the memory of a past life returns, gradually or suddenly, taking the person by surprise. Sometimes people can experience events that have already happened a long time ago. For example, to observe the communication of the characters as if from the outside and gradually realize that one of them is I. After a certain time, people heard an incomprehensible, alien speech, which, however, used to be their own. Some of them understood this language, although they had never before in their life (real, momentary) encountered its speakers. The experience of each person is individual, and the subconscious can react to what is happening in completely different ways.

Method called "Rainbow"

Not everyone believes in reincarnation, but many are interested in whether there is a past life. Agree, who would not want to know the most striking events that took place many years ago, and even with whom? With myself! That is why methods, techniques have been developed to help lift the mysterious veil. How to remember a past life? Try a method called "Rainbow".

The essence of the method is as follows: a person should lie down comfortably and relax as much as possible. If it is more comfortable to be in a sitting position - please. Next, you need to close your eyes, free your mind from unnecessary thoughts, your body from tension, your soul from emotions. Our goal is to achieve relaxation. It's okay if it doesn't work the first time, this procedure is really difficult. Agree, who can instantly stop thinking? All sorts of thoughts come into my head: “What to cook for dinner?”, “When do I pay the bills?”, “I forgot to take the necessary medicines,” and so on. But with time desired state comes.

Breathing should be even, mood upbeat, but in general you should be in absolute calmness. A person should feel the pleasure of peace, not forgetting to breathe. When you have reached this state, it is necessary to proceed to the analysis of the soul. Look inside, say to yourself: "I remember a past life." Play with flowers. First imagine red, stop, notice the sensations, then orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. What do you see? It is possible that at these moments some memories will come up in a person or emotions will come flooding in, for example, joy, excitement, sadness, and so on.

Essence of Techniques

If a person decides to find out about his past life by all means, then he needs to remember the following. Before proceeding with the analysis of your perception of the soul, it is necessary to achieve complete relaxation, while not forgetting to breathe. Optimal Rhythm: deep breath, hold for a few seconds and exhale. In general, this procedure should take at least 10 seconds. Also, you should always practice in silence and comfort. Nothing should distract or annoy the person. Past life regression is a rather laborious and lengthy process, but you should not stop halfway. You should pay attention to the sensations - they are the key to knowing the past life.


The rainbow effect is based on sensations that intersect with the most common colors. The soul must react to one of them, the memory will awaken, and drawings, sketches, pictures may appear in the head. The main thing is to concentrate, not to rush, everything will come gradually. The Rainbow effect is to analyze the colors in a certain sequence. At the end of the exercise, everything must be done in reverse. That is, start with purple and finish in red. At the end of the process, stretch, straighten, restore your breath and put your palms to your eyes. If you rub your hands together, they will become hot. Putting palms to the eyes, a person will feel the flow of energy, warmth. After that, they can be opened - the procedure is considered completed.

Application of methods

You can search for memories from the past as much as you like, even every day. The main thing is to do it right. You can't just sit down and torment your mind, trying to remember everything. In fact, this is unrealistic, because you don’t even know what to remember ... First you need to relax, feel peace, and then set a goal for yourself. In the same way, you can’t get up abruptly and go about your business. You need to relax, slowly open your eyes and slowly get up. The whole process should be calm, relaxed, and then the result will be.

As mentioned, there are a lot of techniques, but they all require concentration. Therefore, no matter what way of knowing oneself a person chooses, he must learn to enter a state of relaxation and exit it. To get to your subconscious, you need to work, but it's worth it.

Independent work

Note that to the question: “How to find out your past life?” there are three answers: on your own, through hypnosis and research. Consider the first case, which is available to absolutely everyone.

First you need to prepare the room (room). To do this, you need to create the most favorable conditions: turn off the phone, drown out the noise, turn off the lights, and so on. If a person relaxes better to the sound of waves beating against the shore, or the singing of birds, then appropriate music should be put on. The second stage is complete relaxation (how to achieve it is described above). Having concentrated, it is necessary to mentally prepare for a journey into the past. At this moment, you can imagine anything, for example, a road, railroad tracks, a train, an airplane, a car, and so on. Then start your journey. Imagine that you see a door, and behind it - your past life. When you're ready, open it. Everything that a person sees at such moments is not accidental, therefore, after waking up, you need to analyze every detail. Perhaps, after several trips, the answer will come by itself.

It is important to be patient, if nothing can be seen or, conversely, there is too much of everything, and you start to get confused, you should not be upset. Practice pays off. Remember to return to the present (calmly, relaxed).


If past life regression fails, you can always turn to a hypnotherapist who will gladly help you remember everything. During the session, it may be possible to find out Interesting Facts and details.

It is worth noting that a person's past life does not always consist of fabulous events and is similar to paradise. Sometimes people find out about the terrible events that happened to them before. But do not be afraid of them - this is a bitter experience that we had to endure, which, fortunately, was left behind.

It is recommended to write down all memories after waking up. Let something seem like a trifle, but perhaps this will be the key to unraveling. Also, a person must understand that memories are part of his soul, so you should not be very critical of them. In addition, it is not recommended to be too zealous, because of this you will not be able to know yourself faster. It is worth noting that if the technique does not work, you can consider and study other techniques, maybe this will go faster. If it doesn't work, try again and again until you know everything that interests you.

One way or another, past lives, future lives - they all do not matter as much as the present, so you do not need to dwell on them too much. but keep in mind that deep down you can be a brilliant poet or an amazing actress. Memories hidden in the depths of the subconscious can dramatically change your life. And they can explain a lot. For example, fear of heights, darkness, closed space and so on - most likely, they are not very connected with them pleasant events from a previous life. After all, as the proverb says, whoever does not know his past has no future. But with the help of this knowledge, you can get rid of phobias and even cure many diseases.

Those who like the idea of ​​reincarnation often want to know who they were before their current incarnation. Regression - exclusively interesting experience, attempts to penetrate through hypnosis or meditation to the depths of the soul to evoke memories of previous incarnations. And let the scientists say that this is impossible - the experience does not become less interesting because of this.

What were past lives like?

The belief that a person lives not one life, but several, came from the East and became widespread throughout the world. Many even combine it with religions that do not involve any re-life, such as Christianity. The very idea of ​​being reborn again, even if not as a human being, seems much more seductive than an eternal stay in heaven, and even more so in hell.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are many people who are sure that after death they will return to this earth more than once. Many of them are interested not only in the future of their soul, but also in the past. Indeed, isn't it interesting to know what trials the soul endured in previous incarnations, and what fate was prepared for it before? But with each new birth, a person loses the memory of previous incarnations. This is easy to explain: living with the burden of such memories would not be easy. In addition, Eastern philosophies teach that endless reincarnations are lessons to be learned, and unnecessary memories would only interfere in such matters.

And yet it would be very interesting to learn about their past lives. According to esotericists, this is quite possible - primarily with the help of hypnosis. Although mainstream science denies reincarnation and, accordingly, questions the existence of previous lives and memories of them, such experiments are regularly carried out, and their results seem impressive.

Remember all

The essence of the technique is that parapsychologists introduce a person into a somnambulistic state, why they ask him a number of questions. Many people willingly share memories of a past life in such a situation. From the point of view of scientists, such memories can be fantasies, and sometimes suggestions from the hypnotherapist. At the same time, it is believed that a hypnotized person is not able to lie, so his memories may well turn out to be true.

The technique can be applied in various cases. It is sometimes used by reincarnation researchers, looking for evidence the existence of this phenomenon.

Some psychotherapists believe that many problems in life can be caused by traumatic experiences not only in the current but also in the past life. Hypnosis and an attempt to work through the experiences of past lives “buried” deep in the subconscious are designed to solve problems in the present life. At the same time, there is no evidence of the effectiveness of this technique: that is, there is no evidence that people happily resolved their problems after regression.

Finally, the regression of previous lives is used for self-knowledge in the framework of various programs and trainings for personal growth. It is believed that memories of previous lives and previous experiences make a person wiser and contribute to his development.

Are these memories necessary?

Even among parapsychologists, the attitude towards regression is far from unambiguous. On the one hand, knowledge about past lives is very interesting, and, perhaps, it can provide answers to many questions regarding present life. For example, they can provide insight into karmic lessons, which have yet to be passed, will explain phobias and fears, outline the paths for further development.

On the other hand, if a person forgets his previous lives, then this is probably no coincidence. Memories can be too heavy and traumatic, and besides, they can simply make it difficult for a person to learn further. Higher powers for some reason it was necessary that every time a person begins life "with clean slate”and the consequences of violating the plans destined by higher entities can be unpredictable.

You should not decide on that experience without serious evidence, you need to explore all possible Negative consequences regression. These include depression and neuroses, the emergence of new fears, obsessive desires to study a previous life, while ignoring the current problems.

It is believed that regression can create dangerous illusions in patients that lead to negative consequences.

For example, families are being destroyed, people are trying to find their relatives from a past life, not giving due influence to the current life. Of course, this happens infrequently, but such a risk exists.

In some countries, such as Israel, officially practicing hypnotherapists are prohibited from using the practice of regression. In other states there is no direct ban - similar practices available to everyone, although, of course, in official clinics this technique not used as pseudoscientific.

Self Regression

Can you see into your subconscious on your own? to find information about past lives? Theoretically, this is possible, but in practice, self-regression is very difficult. It is required to be trained by a specialist in order to eventually learn how to dive into a trance on your own and receive answers to the necessary questions from your subconscious. Besides, the simplest technique security requires having another person nearby who can interrupt the process if something goes wrong - that is, this person must also be prepared.

Therefore, it is better not to try to manage on your own, but to contact a specialist. But the choice of such a specialist is not an easy task at all. Rave reviews can not always be trusted, and there are no objective criteria by which one could evaluate the work of a hypnotherapist who specializes specifically in regression. At a minimum, this person must be proficient in the technique of hypnosis in order to avoid gross violations such as the wrong end of the session and the abrupt interruption of the patient's trance.

Of course, it is interesting to dive into past lives, but a reasonable question arises: Why? Why is this method needed and, in fact, what drives people who go for regression, besides curiosity?

I have an answer to this!

  • Firstly, immersion in a past life or a situation from childhood, successfully forced out by you, makes it possible to get rid of fears.

As a rule, this applies to fears that you cannot explain, which have arisen without any reason. For example, you are afraid of water, although you have never drowned or even choked while swimming in a pond, and no one has drowned before your eyes, but the fear is so strong that you are afraid to look into the river from a boat, and the inability to feel the bottom under your feet while swimming in the sea will paralyze you.

So, regression successfully solves these problems.

In diving while dealing with fear, there are several key points(stages):

  1. Viewing the situation. At this point comes the understanding of the causes of fear. The scheme is in effect: "Now I see you - you're not as scary as you thought!" After all, we are always frightened by something incomprehensible and unknown, and when viewing the situation, this moment is leveled, respectively, the degree of negative experiences decreases.
  2. Re-experiencing the situation. By and large, reliving is like completing an event and leaving it in the past.
  3. Gaining experience. After all, it was given to you not so that you, suffering, dragging this fear for several lives in a row, but in order to realize something important and necessary for yourself now.
  • Secondly, immersion in a past life heals from chronic diseases with which doctors are "tired of not coping". Very often they themselves send such patients to look for the cause of the disease in the subconscious.

Here the scheme of work is the same as with fear. The whole process is very well described in Carol Bowman's book "Past Lives of Children" using the example of memories. I will quote only her conclusions: "... Why did I get healed? There was a clear connection with my regressions, with the fact that I was able to study the drawing of a past life and realize how it passes from life to life. ... Every time I died with damaged lungs - the man that I was , died of tuberculosis, the woman that I was too, died when the poisonous gas filled her lungs. Somehow the traumas of these two deaths were reflected in my lungs, and while I was unaware of them, they affected me. But realizing these two deaths in regression, crying with grief and pain, I was able to free myself from trauma.I was breathing freely again.

But that's not all. Physical injuries indicate unfinished business, lessons that still need to be learned. Regression into the life of a talented pianist showed me the need to balance my life: do not forget about love and intimate relationships, nor about the implementation creativity embedded in me. Understanding this helped me set my life on a new course. Death in a Nazi camp showed me unfinished business of a different kind. By the time I died in the gas chamber, my soul had long ceased to feel anything. Tears of grief for my family and lost life froze in my body. IN next life great grief surged under pressure to the surface of my consciousness, breaking even into childhood dreams. Now, realizing the truth, I was finally able to cry out the grief of my once-lost life. My soul has found peace.

I also knew that my question, "What does reincarnation mean in my life?" finally got an answer. The answer was direct and practical: "Re-experiencing past lives helps break free from the grip of the past and gives you a fresh start in the present."

  • And finally, immersions in a past life make it possible to understand one's purpose and choice effective way for self-realization! For me, this is the most valuable experience that has changed my life.

Patricia Walsh teaches past life regression around the world. She wrote a book called Understanding Karmic Complexes. She is also a renowned astrologer, but this interview is about past life regression.

“I was an adopted daughter and subsequently worked on the treatment of both families, the adoptive parents and the birth mother. I had teachers from the age of 15-16 and studied a lot the works of Alice Bailey (Theosophical Society in New York).

When I was 16 I ran away from home and traveled with a circus. I continue to travel around the world - this is my Sagittarius nature (astrological sign)."

Her field of work includes teaching evolutionary astrology, which deals with the topic of past lives. “Evolutionary astrology provides a very deep psycho-spiritual understanding from the point of view of the soul. All the various phobias that we brought back from the past can all be seen on the natal chart.”

Patricia herself conducts past life regression sessions, and also teaches this in Australia, Canada and sometimes in Europe. The course of study lasts two years, as this is a trauma therapy, it is not something that can be learned on the weekend.

“There are many different levels at which regression can be performed. For example, there is a mental level of regression, when a person remembers a story, sees some pictures... Basically, hypnotherapy works at this level, although I cannot say that this is the only level at which it can work.

But we have more than one subtle body: we have a mental body, an emotional body, spiritual body, and so on. They all carry imprints (samskara). On our planet for the last 6,000 years there has been a patriarchal system that says that the mind is above everything else. And it's not. In the deep process of remembering, we are dealing with all the other subtle bodies: the emotional body, the physical body at its level, the mental body at its level, and the spiritual body at its level.”

physical body memory

In the process of healing traumatic experiences, we work with all of these bodies. Very often there is not only a mental catharsis, but also an emotional and physical catharsis.

When I first went through the regression, my body "told the whole story." I did not see a single picture, I did not know who I was, I did not know anything, but the memory of the physical body arose. My body was remembering the torture it had experienced in past lives.

Our subtle bodies are interconnected, even if we touch mental memory, it can bring emotional or physical memory to the surface.

The work of a regressologist

It is important for the practitioner to know what to do when this memory comes up. A session usually lasts 2-3 hours, but often people have to do several sessions. People see change.

Fear of large groups

I have always been very shy and did not like to work in a group. During the initial sessions, if fellow practitioners looked at me, my soul would fly out of my body. But when I went into the past and brought out the fear of large groups, it disappeared from my consciousness and now it is very easy for me to give lectures in front of large groups and I even enjoy it. I had one woman who, when she came to see me for the first time, could not finish a single sentence from fear and stiffness. Now she also performs freely in front of large groups.

We are here to discover our true nature. Very often, people who are destined to speak in public have a strong fear of this, precisely because in past lives they were injured precisely under these circumstances, for example, they were executed in public, their heads were cut off in front of a crowd of people.
I have my stories in this regard.

Karmic complex

Subtle bodies have their own rhythm. The first part of the work is to go through the memory of past lives. The second part of the work is the resolution, and what we call "Bordeaux States", borrowing from the Tibetans and their knowledge of what happens on many levels in life after death. These are the same steps as in trauma therapy. For example, if the body contains the memory of being hanged, we give the person a rope and tell him to remove it from himself. You can't just say to the body: “Imagine there is no rope and the butterflies set you free...”* Then comes the emotional body: blocked emotions, excessive emotions, they must also have a place for their catharsis; and what people are most aware of is the “aha!” minute, which is mental catharsis. For example, if a little boy stole bread in a past life, and he was thrown into prison for 20 years, during these 20 years he thinks: "This is my fault." As a result, this results in a karmic complex.

Anxiety attacks

“In this life I have had many anxiety attacks caused by planes, trains and cars. I am a Sagittarius and travel all my life. I tried to take pills, did meditation, went to a psychiatrist, did psychoanalysis, went to a psychologist, they prescribed me anti-depressants, which caused me panic attacks. When I found the regression, or rather, it found me, it turned out that in a past life I was a 14-year-old Austrian boy in a train car in Austria. I was pushed onto the train when they were taking people to the Ghetto and I died of panic and suffocation on the train. When I died (died), I did not go to the afterlife, and stayed with people and they all went to the gas chamber and we all stayed there.

The soul can fragment, and that part of my soul that fragmented and remained in this cloud of fear and horror with a group of people in a concentration camp. And a part of me stayed there and that's why I had these panic attacks when something reminded my mind of the "transport confinement". This is how we live our karma: we think, feel and experience pain from past lives in physics and very often we do not know the whole story.

What is karma

“It comes from Vedanta, the root of the word karma, it is action. Karma has components and Vedanta breaks this concept into 15 different karmas. There are two main components of karma, they are samskara and vasana, and these two are most closely related to the work of regression: emotional imprints and wounds of the soul.

What we do and what we do

“I have been fortunate to work with many war veterans from Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. I have seen these different generations. The imprints of wars are very deep in the memory of people, this is a collective thing, because wars have been going on on the Earth for millennia.

I found in the regression work that very often our lives of victims come up first, it's just that we are human, it's easier for us to accept that we are victims than to be a perpetrator. In regression, one can very often see that if in one life a person was a criminal, he creates for himself many subsequent lives, where he acts as a victim. All victims necessarily come to life, where they were the ones who cut off the heads. After the life of a tyrant, the soul says: “No, I will never be a tyrant again” and in subsequent lives it can be in the role of a victim.

The soul does not speak in a linear language, it often speaks in symbols, metaphors. Some people sometimes have to go through several sessions before they can see their past lives, precisely because of mental blocks. The more open man the easier it is to do so.

From the author: Falun Dafa teaches that the mind and body are one. When consciousness changes, physics (the body) also changes. In fact, the same process can be done at the level of consciousness. The level of consciousness is not just "mind" in itself, it is precisely the conscious passage of experience.

In spiritual circles, it is known that it is awareness that can untie the knots, or dissolve the imprints of experiences on consciousness. "The light of the Buddha illuminates everything and corrects all wrong states"(from the teachings of Falun Dafa).

Personal understanding at this level.

Past Life Regression with Patricia Walsh on the Spiritual Broadcast Network