Karmic lesson: how to understand and what to do. Karmic lessons, lessons arising from self-love

It is fairly well accepted in spiritual circles that our most important lessons come through our relationships with others. This most specifically applies to romantic and family relationships, but a business partnership or your connection with your best friend certainly qualifies as well.

Some relationships will impose very “hard” karmic lessons. Examples of this are:

  • disease
  • addiction
  • crime
  • death
  • betrayal

None of us can go through life without experiencing one or more of these lessons through relationships. Some of us may experience them more than others, or may live through an intensely concentrated period of time where there are large numbers of them. This is inevitable, although if we seek spiritual guidance to resolve this issue, we will come back to the fact that we have something important to learn from experience.

We can either be at the cottage or in the process of ending this experience, based on this there will be a lesson offered in both directions. Obviously, the more difficult lessons happen when these actions are thrust upon us by a person with whom we are involved.

However, the lesson cannot be considered fully learned until we see how we helped organize the matter. In other words, what did we do to set it up? This is not guilt, but reality. Metaphysics clearly states that it takes two to tango. Even if all we did was to resolve an unpleasant situation, then we actually did it. Usually, there is something else important that we overlook.

Examples of karmic lessons

A young girl walks down the street, is pulled into an alley and is raped. It's a relationship between strangers, isn't it? Probably no. If we were to do a past life regression on her, we would very likely find that she attracted this particular person into her life to help her. Even more likely is the idea that the two exchanged such karmic "favors" to awaken each other from some sort of cosmic delusional state.

A middle-aged mother is periodically used as a whipping pillow by her teenage daughter. This is a long-term relationship, and the mother supposedly had a hand in shaping this daughter's character, right? Maybe everything is not as it seems. The mother may have been unconsciously "pushing" her daughter through a passive-aggressive approach, telepathically "asking" for punishment in order to feel "right" in her martyr's guilt. In this way, the mother will suffer through her love for the child and understand the meaning of unconditional love.

Both examples are about love. Perhaps this is not the kind of love that you or I would like to recognize as healthy or life-affirming, but nonetheless. Each person in a relationship gives the other what they want or need. Until we can move past relationship pain and overcome the ego needs that are really holding us back, these patterns and sometimes terrible patterns will continue to repeat themselves. In fact, we will continue to sow seeds that create the negative karma that we have hidden for so long. If everyone had acted according to their conscience, such knots would not have formed.

In relationships, we are so accustomed to the Newtonian type of cause-and-effect state, i.e.: “You hit me first!” that it is simply difficult to imagine another model. We are not dealing with Newtonian physics, but it is a metaphysics in which we do not accept that we are powerless or a victim of anything. We know that everything that happens to us comes to us through the power of our own thoughts, consciously or unconsciously.

When we try to validate our victim, we try to stay away. We may be tired or confused, and that's completely understandable. It's important to remember that we will feel better when we allow ourselves to. We don't have to hold on to the pain to prove it exists, we don't have to continue to demonstrate the "wrongness" of the person we're involved with. We can take responsibility for part of the lesson and move on knowing that it was always love and that we will do anything for it. This is what makes us human and this is what we share with the Divine. “People only see what they are ready to see.”


The karmic lesson number determines our tasks in life. A person’s date of birth and name are not just a set of numbers and sounds. This is one of the ways to discover your talents and abilities, learn about areas of activity in which you can achieve success, understand something new about yourself, and also study your weaknesses and strengths. When studying a person's potential in numerology, special attention is paid to karmic lessons, in other words, to those areas in which a person is weak and which must be worked on throughout life.

Write the full name (full name) of the person given at birth and write under each letter the number corresponding to it, according to the Table of Numerical Correspondences of Letters.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
U F X C H Sh SCH Kommersant Y
b E YU I

Write down the number that is missing from the person's full name. This is the Number of the karmic lesson.

Karmic lesson number 1

The absence of this figure indicates that a person needs to make more efforts to achieve goals that require leadership abilities. However, this can be corrected due to the upbringing received or marriage (the surname changes). Alas, it will not be easy for him to overcome all sorts of everyday difficulties and hardships. It is advisable for such a person to take a tougher position in relation to things that directly concern him personally, as well as to develop will and creative abilities.

Karmic lesson number 2

It’s good if your business partner or marriage partner has the number “2” in their name: you can count on the support and loyalty of a person that is so necessary in a partnership. The absence of this figure is typical for strong, strong-willed people who do not strive for interaction. Such people should try to be more patient and forgiving towards others, they should not “heat up the atmosphere” around themselves, they should not rush things, otherwise the result will not be what they expected.

Karmic lesson number 3

In this case, the person clearly lacks brightness and openness; perhaps he restrains himself in actions and expresses thoughts uncertainly. Such people need to be in the company of a wide variety of people as much as possible and absorb every word, accumulating knowledge. This is one of the methods of acquiring the necessary skills that, with effort, a person can master and, as a result, earn the respect and admiration of others. It may be difficult at first, but keep your focus on high goals and change will come.

Karmic lesson number 4

The lack of vibration “4” leads to the fact that a person is unable to focus on one thing, it is difficult to take into account all the details, his life is chaotic and the events in it are not constant. He can be confused and very emotional. As a rule, such people are creative and the absence of a “4” can only benefit them. But for those who have chosen a different type of activity, these qualities can prevent them from achieving success. Everything is possible and achievable if you only direct your efforts in the right direction and do not deviate from the task until it is completed. The feeling of satisfaction from a successfully completed task will give an understanding of the need for perseverance and determination.

Karmic lesson number 5

These people, as a rule, are “loners” in life, closed, self-absorbed, and fenced off from people in the literal sense of the word. They do not like changes, new relationships, or business endeavors. They often work for a long time in one organization and do not change their place of residence. Leave your shell! Be more open and friendly, develop a love for people, an interest in the world around you and a sense of belonging to humanity. This will help bring joy and satisfaction into your life.

Karmic lesson number 6

It can be difficult to come to an agreement with such a person, to convince him of something and to count on understanding. He lacks tolerance and empathy - qualities necessary in everyday life and communication. It is very important for such people to understand that each person is individual, with their own strengths and weaknesses, and they should not try to remake those around them according to their own standards. This is especially necessary to take into account in relation to those people with whom you have any kind of relationship.

Karmic lesson number 7

This is an earthly, sober, rational, shy person who knows how to hide his emotions well. It is difficult to convince him of anything if he holds an opposing point of view, especially in areas such as philosophy or psychology. On the other hand, he is prone to extremes - he can go too far in everything. In this situation, you need to strive to break down barriers and try to freely express your feelings, while being open to others. This will help you discover your talents and realize your true potential.

Karmic lesson number 8

Since the number “8” symbolizes the material wealth of this world, for those deprived of this number, money can become the biggest problem. This does not mean that such people will not become successful, it’s just that their inherent independence, rejection of advice, stubbornness, and sometimes frivolity can cause both financial ups and downs. In this situation, you need to learn how to handle money: earn money with your own labor, manage it rationally, invest profitably.

Karmic lesson number 9

Without the “9” vibration, which gives a person understanding and compassion, he may seem indifferent to the experiences and needs of others. He finds it difficult to accept things that go against his views and to back down once he has made a decision. However, it should be remembered that the more he gives to people, the more he will receive in return. Learn to show compassion, patience and understanding towards your loved ones, because you have enormous potential - the ability to influence your destiny and the destinies of others. Everything depends on you.

There may be several numbers of karmic lessons, or there may not be any at all. Their effect on a person is less pronounced if among your numbers there is at least one missing in the name.

Remember that even the most unpleasant traits can be overcome, guided by the desire to improve.

It's a fairly familiar concept that we learn our most important lessons through our relationships with someone. This most often applies to romantic and family relationships, to some extent business partnerships or the relationship with your best friend are also sometimes subject to these types of lessons.

Some relationships leave very “hard” karmic lessons. Examples of such lessons:

  • Disease
  • Addiction
  • Crime
  • Death
  • Betrayal

None of us can go through life without experiencing at least one or more of the above lessons through relationships. Some of us have even experienced more than others or perhaps experienced a period when life consisted of some kind of karmic lessons or, as we also call them, karmic programs. And this was inevitable for us, so that after completing one of the lessons, we would gain some experience or learn something.

We can both receive these lessons and give them, and the harshest experience is when we are faced with some situation “face to face.”

The lesson is not considered completed until it becomes obvious how much we helped in resolving the issue. In other words: what have we done to resolve the current situation? This doesn't sound like an accusation, but rather like reality. We understand that to dance the waltz, we need two. Even if everything we did led to a worse situation, it was what was possible in our power. More often than not, there is something more behind everything than just the situation itself.

Each person in a relationship gives the other exactly what he/she wants or needs. Until we can look beyond the pain in relationships, and allow the needs of the ego to fade into the background, which is actually our brake and hinders our development, then these patterns will repeat themselves. In fact, we will continue to sow seeds that create negative karma.

These are aspects of metaphysics and seem to be internalized in many people's understanding. In relationships, we are so accustomed to reasoning from the position of the Newtonian understanding of cause-and-effect relationships, namely: “You hit me first,” then we hit someone on the head, substituting our own. We constantly encounter Newtonian physics, although in metaphysics we do not always accept that we may be powerless or victims of something. We know that everything that happens to us happens because of our thoughts, conscious or unconscious.

We always put on the victim hat and try to keep ourselves closed. We may be tired or confused and this is understandable. It is very important to remember that we only feel better when we allow ourselves to feel better. We should not bring pain to the point of its outright manifestation in order to prove our existence, we should not continue to prove the wrong behavior of the person with whom we are in a relationship. We can take responsibility for our part of the lesson and move forward knowing that it is all in the name of love and that we always do everything in the name of love. This is what makes us human and this is what we share with the Divine.

And people see only what they are ready to see.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Host: I ask the Karmic Council to answer me.

Forces: We are listening.

Q: I have a request for a specific person.

S: Request accepted. Second level karmic advice. Ask.

Q: Question one. At birth they gave her the name Elena, then two weeks later they named her Olga. Does changing the name affect the program?

S: Of course. The name sets the tone of life. The choice of names is not accidental. When parents consider a child's name, their preferences are not random. If a person is destined to have a unique name, then the thought of this name is put into the minds of the parents from the very beginning. Many of the thoughts that come to your mind do not actually have their origins in your head. They are put there by the curators of your essence and the essence of your children. Therefore, do not be surprised if one of your friends suddenly calls the child a name unusual for this area. This is not a fad, but a need.

Look up the meaning of names, they often have a very precise meaning. You as light beings have light codes. Each word and each name carries certain vibrations and light meanings. Therefore, the name code is part of the code of your incarnation. Like a natal chart. The birth code also includes the date and time of birth. The name is important for a person's entire life, and a change of name leads to a change in program. Your life cannot function without the vital prana that you inhale. The name also defines, as it were, the channel for inhaling this prana.

The baptism ceremony itself is also set up to officially announce the person’s name. Gradually, as a name is given to a person, he is called by this name more and more often, the light code of the name is built deeper into the light code of the incarnation. They say that your name is your character. The way it is. What character is is a certain attitude towards certain life situations. That is, a certain interaction code. So think about what to name your child.

Q: Why do name changes occur in monasticism?

S: The life program changes, the incarnation program changes. It's like a second birth in terms of choosing a path. The name begins to determine fate. The name also affects karmic programs.
Q: Isn’t this a departure from karmic programs? Well, how is the search for the criminal who changed his name?

S: There is an approximate analogy. However, a change of name, if it occurs publicly, that is, during the rite of tonsure, precisely declares a break with past life programs and the adoption of new programs. A person who becomes a monk and receives monastic vows seems to be saying: “I am parting with my past life and its karma. I want to start anew my path of service and ask you to cancel my past karma, as done in unconsciousness, and all the evil that I did was done by me without understanding.” This is the meaning of tonsure. Renunciation of the past. Renunciation of karma.

In the case of this essence, the parents made the wrong decision about choosing a name. The second name was chosen by the parents themselves. The first name was more consistent with the karmic task that had to be performed.

Q: Question two. Do I need to change my first and last name?

S: It's your choice. In the zone of freedom of choice, you are free to make a decision on this issue. However, the surname carries some other meaning. The surname code is also included in the incarnation code. This is the acceptance of ancestral karma. That is, a person carries the karma of the family under which surname he lives. In this sense, simply changing your surname to any one you like is dangerous. Because this surname can attach to you the karma of the family of this surname, which you are not even aware of. If it is good karma, then this is one case. But often such changes bring with them the attraction of bad karma, and the person begins to get involved in it.

Q: What is the point then of a woman changing her last name when she gets married?

S: A woman should have the choice to change her last name or not. In this case, she is given the opportunity to change the karma of the family in this incarnation.

Q: Why exactly does a woman change her last name?

S: This is your tradition, determined by the relationship between the feminine and masculine principles. You have nationalities in which the transmission of surnames occurs through the female line. In true tradition, the mother is the beginning and continuation of the family. And this makes great sense, because maternal energies are capable of neutralizing all kinds of negative karmas, such is maternal energy. The male line of the clan emerged during a period of predominance of male energies and priorities, and this brought certain changes in the karmic connections between people, because these connections became harsh and destructive. If the female line of transmission of karma of the clan predominated, the consequences for everyone would be milder.

Q: So, in order for karma to be calmer, the husband needs to take his wife’s last name and the children need to take their mother’s last name?

S: Of course, there are a number of individuals, you need to know the history of the family. It is for this purpose that we recommend that everyone restore the family tree and find out more about the fate of your relatives along all lines, and especially along the line of your surname. And when choosing a surname at a conscious age, be guided by a conscious choice. But we still recommend maternal surnames. Although in some cases the mother’s karma is also very difficult. At birth, a child cannot choose his own surname. He is given the opportunity to do this upon reaching adulthood at the age of 21 (3X7), when the karma of the clan is also fully connected to him.

Q: Question three. I wanted to ask about my origin, purpose in this incarnation and about the plan of the Soul.

S: You come from the Pleiades system, the second planet of the seven sisters. The purpose of this incarnation is the development of intuitive capabilities, the development of feminine energies, the restoration of them in oneself, their continuous flow. Each essence that is born by a woman, first of all, has the task of working out feminine energies, that is, developing them in oneself and allowing them to flow freely through one’s essence, through one’s perception. The plan of each Soul is to achieve certain luminosity indicators within the framework of its programs. That is, the maximum necessary luminosity indicators are set that the Soul must achieve in a given incarnation.

Different luminosity levels can be achieved in different ways. The life program is determined in principle, but the essence itself has the right to decide. She can change her life program in the form of attractive situations or game situations to achieve luminosity indicators. She can choose a different game scenario. But at the same time, the indicators of luminosity necessary for achievement do not change, only the event with the help of which one can achieve a given indicator of the luminosity of the Soul, the indicator of the revelation of the Soul, changes. If the training goes correctly, then you see it in your life. In the sense that if a negative event occurs, which was planned to gain a certain experience and certain indicators of luminosity, then after the correct passage there comes a kind of reward, signs that the lesson has been learned correctly.

For example, there is a life situation in which someone offended you very much. The correct reaction to developing the required indicator of luminosity is to accept this lesson with humility and without resentment, understanding that this is simply the return of karmic debts, it is simply that what you did earlier was returned to you, that is, you once offended someone. But if a person is offended and reduces his luminosity indicators, this is followed by the next lesson of even greater offense, and so on until the person understands which reaction is correct. Therefore, if an unpleasant event is replaced by a pleasant one, this is the completion of lessons. As you say, life is like a zebra. If the dark streak drags on, reconsider and analyze the previous events and events of this streak. You are going through your lessons incorrectly and not achieving the required luminosity levels.

Q: Some kind of system for developing conditioned reflexes. A bad deed is an electric shock, another bad deed is another electric shock, a good deed is a reward with food. Like rats in a maze.

S: We understand your skepticism. But, unfortunately, many people behave exactly like animals in their reactions. And if each of you begins to consciously strive for teaching, to overcome your negative karma, to voluntarily accept all the consequences of your actions and deeds in past incarnations, then such a system is not used. Conscious guidance of the essence according to its life program is used. Those students who are lazy or do not want to study have to be pushed along their path in some way, otherwise they will get completely stuck in the illusion of embodiment and will not get out of it very soon, if at all.

Q: Question four. What should you pay attention to now? How do I work through my life program?

S: Now you have another lesson in acceptance. Every seven years, part of the karma that has been worked out is released. That is, for seven years a person works on himself and his karma, and at the end of the seven years there is a kind of summing up. Be attentive to your thoughts and actions. With each seven-year period, the demand on a person increases, and his actions are asked more and more harshly, because a person is already growing up and must be responsible for his actions. Therefore, be attentive to your thoughts. Don't allow negativity. For even in the last year of the seventh year, all previous actions can be neutralized for the better. You allow periods of despondency that should not happen. Each of you is given a unique right to be present at this moment on the planet, at the moment of the quantum shift, which allows each Soul to make a quantum leap in its development. Be worthy of this and do not waste time on various regrets and despondency. You are spending the life energy given to you by the Creator for other purposes.

Be joyful in anticipation of the path and its achievements. You are reaching out to the Light, and your curators see this. And they guide you. Listen to the voice of your heart more often. It is the voice of the heart that needs to be awakened. Always divide all your thoughts into two groups: what comes from the heart, and what comes not from the heart, but from the mind or from imposed programs. And in this way you will learn to listen only to your heart. Because through the heart channel there is a connection with the Divine Principle of the Great Mother, which every woman must discover in herself, and for which she is, as it were, responsible.

Q: Question five. What does my sensitivity to human energy and certain smells indicate? What is unique?

S: Each person is unique in their characteristics. No two are alike, that is what makes your race unique. That is why everyone is given a different life program to work off, and that is why there is a choice. Because there are no identical elections, and everyone works out their program in their own way. Your sensitivity to human energy was left to you from your incarnations in the Pleiades. There this sensitivity is par for the course. As for smells, this is your acquisition, your development as a human being. Smell can tell you a lot about a person, an event, or a space. You can read the situation by smells. Smell is an energetic plume that your sniffing apparatus can sense.

Since you are sensitive to energy trails, you have learned to recognize them in the form of the sensitivity of the human sense of smell. Smell is a powerful tool. No wonder there are pleasant smells and unpleasant ones. It’s not for nothing that you are trying to fill your home and yourself with pleasant aromas that carry certain energetic meanings, certain trails of energies into your life. No wonder the flowers smell wonderful. Because flowering is the plant’s self-expression. His creativity. Its development. And this expression of himself, his creativity is further manifested by the fruit, in which taste is also present. As a dominant, as a result of the creativity of this plant.

You have the science of using scents. There are smells that heal. On the contrary, there are odors that lead to diseases. Therefore, surround yourself with clean and light scents that will energetically attract light energies into your life, following these energetic trails.

Q: Question six. I wanted to know about relationships on a personal level, what could change? And will this happen in the near future?

S: The karmic program is not closed. Not all lessons were completed correctly. But this is a common situation with most people. In the near future, a change in the personal situation is possible, but this is only if the seven-year lesson is completed correctly, the seven-year program is completed, and then a positive outcome is possible. Almost no one has any certainty about karma. Every karma can be made good if it is worked out correctly and treated correctly. Treat it just like homework you do at school. You come home after school and sit down to study. You may not really want to do them, but you understand that it is necessary and do it. You simply and unemotionally consider the problem and solve it. If you cannot decide for yourself, turn to the Teachers. The same mechanism applies to karmic lessons. You just need to go through them without judgment, simply accepting them as a lesson and trying to learn from these lessons, so to speak, the essence, as they say, the moral of the fable, and, having learned, not repeat these mistakes again.

Q: Sometimes it is difficult to practice lessons without emotion. There are tough lessons, after all. For example, lessons in pain. Or the lessons of losing a loved one.

S: All these are just lessons. And the only emotionality you should bring to this lesson is gratitude and acceptance, love and compassion. If you are in pain, you must understand that this is a consequence of energy clamps in you, which you yourself allowed. If this is a serious negative event, you must understand that this is a consequence of the fact that you have not heard your Teachers before. AND THEY HAD TO RESORT TO A LAST REMEDY. IF YOU HAVE THE LOSS OF A LOVED PERSON, YOU JUST NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT ALL OF YOU ARE NOT SEPARATE FOR A MOMENT, IN LIFE OR DEATH. EVERYONE IS NEARBY. This is the same as a person going into the next room. This does not make him distant or alien. And sooner or later he will return from this room, because you live in the same house called “planet”.
Q: Question seven. Which of the Mentors and Teachers should I call upon and work with?

S: Every woman needs to call on the Great Mother, who gives the necessary energy and protection and helps in solving all women's problems. In your tradition, this image is represented by the image of the Mother of God, although the field of the Great Mother is wider than this image. In addition, we recommend communicating with Archangel Metatron, he oversees the Pleiades system. Your Teachers are in touch with you all the time. Mentally every morning and every evening before going to bed, turn to them, ask for help and advice. And these tips will manifest themselves in one way or another. Just be attentive to the signs and impulses of the Soul. Your teachers love you!

Q: Thank you!

S: And thank you for your questions. Listen to yourself inside, listen to your heart. We connect the Teacher system. Child, we want to give you instructions. Never despair and always be confident in the love of the Lord, in the love of the Creator. We see your aspirations and your aspirations. We hear every beat of your heart and every thought. And remember that we are always with you in your righteous thoughts. And you yourself alienate us from yourself in your negative thoughts. Therefore, the more often your thoughts are bright and righteous, the closer we will be to you, and the more often we will communicate with you. Because with your righteous thoughts you seem to open your heart, you allow us to help you with advice. Listen to your intuition, develop it. Your intuition can give you a powerful message in development. Find there the knowledge from the Pleiades that you came with and try to implement it in your life. And miracles will be revealed to you. And your impulses will be rewarded. And your lessons will be completed. And you will get everything you so passionately desire. Be kind.

Q: Thank you for the session and for your answers.

S: And we thank you for your work. Strive to help people. This is your task. We finished the session. The second level karmic council is disabled. Congratulations to you.

Higher Powers: Karmic Council
Contact: Selenium

Karmic lesson of number 6

Symbol: "Stream".

The symbolic meaning of the karmic lesson of the number 6 - The stream is a symbol of life.

When Narcissus died, the stream became so sad that its grief knew no bounds. He remembered the beautiful young man who sat on his shore every day, peering into the running waves, remembered the charming sparkle of his eyes and regretted. That he will no longer see this Divine beauty. He did not even suspect that every time Narcissus bent over his waters, he saw a reflection of his beauty in his beautiful eyes.

The stream needs to stop looking for love in others and discover love in itself.

This is his main karmic task.

The key to solving a karmic problem. “Love yourself and the whole world will love you.”

Life scenarios for this lesson. In this karmic lesson, a person may face problems in his personal and family life. That is why the topic of this lesson will be concepts such as “love and respect.” Karma will teach a person to value his own and other people's feelings. In this case, we are talking about love and respect not only for other people, but also for oneself. The scenarios in this lesson are varied, and they can manifest themselves at different levels. This can be love and respect for yourself and your partner, children, parents, friends, and your immediate environment.

In a partnership, a person will get to know himself through his partners. Therefore, on the one hand, in order for him to learn to respect the feelings of other people, he can be given the experience of unrequited love. On the other hand, in order for a person to learn to respect his own feelings, karma can lead him from relationship to relationship in search of ideal love. She will beckon him with magical mirages, lure him with bright lights in the reflections of her eyes, saying: “This is the one... this is forever...”, but then, like any illusion, she will be destroyed. And then she will again beckon with a magical light, saying: “This is the very source ...” and again plunge into disappointment. And this will continue until a person realizes that the mystical light, reflections of which he saw in the eyes of his partners, is himself. All I. What he needed. Look deep into yourself and see that he is this Divine source. He is love and light! And in order to find happiness, he just needs to open up.

It is no coincidence that many talented Lyuli with the karmic lesson number “6” find creativity in themselves, putting Divine light into their works of art, literature, music, dance, and so on.

As for relationships with relatives and friends, karma can often involve a person, against his will, in their lives and concerns, and they will be forced to unravel the tangles of difficult interpersonal relationships. Refusal to deal with other people's problems will lead to the fact that the person himself will have many problems.

The worked out karmic lesson of the number “6” gives a person the love and respect of others, be it a partner, children, parents or friends. Realizing that he is the source of love, a person fills his world with joy, positivity and harmony. And everyone who comes into contact with him is filled with this Divine light. The more positive energy a person emits, the stronger and brighter his world is, the happier his life becomes.

The unprocessed karmic lesson of the number “6” gives selfishness, inability to build partnerships, inconstancy, jealousy, deceit, betrayal, fear of loneliness. A person can live from relationship to relationship, but no matter how many times he changes partners, he will always be missing something. Living with two families is also possible.

Due to internal self-doubt and indecision, a person can often get lost in doubt, delay making a choice, making an important decision and, as a result, end up with nothing. Such cases are characterized by a lack of stability and disharmony in all areas of life.

To work through the karmic lesson of the number “6”, you need to give more warmth, love, joy to your loved ones - and then you will always be in the rays of happiness. Sharing your light with others is not necessary in order to earn someone's love. Here you need to learn one simple rule of the Universe: the more love, kindness and light you give, the more you receive. This is the Divine law of sacred energy exchange. Love doesn't have to be earned. She just needs to be.

Chakra. A sensitive point in your energy system is svadhisthana - this is the chakra located between the upper edge of the pubic bone and the navel. It is she who will react very sensitively to the direction in which you are moving. If with urination, urinary system or appendicitis. When a karmic lesson is worked out, the energy of the chakra gives a person cheerfulness, a feeling of happiness, youth, beauty, charm, sexuality, and additional energy.

Color: all shades of orange.

Help from the energy of stones.

Aragonite - this stone can become a wonderful talisman of quiet family happiness. Since ancient times, it was considered a stone of warm home comfort and family well-being. This stone helps its owner find peace of mind and bring the nervous system into a harmonious state. The calming energy of this stone creates a positive energy field around the wearer. Storms and squalls of life's adversities pass him by. Love, harmony, peace - this is the sphere of influence of this talisman.

Cacholong is a symbol of spiritual purity and bright thoughts. It is believed that it strengthens the well-being and health of its owner. This amazing stone, with its incredible energy, is able to attract peace and tranquility, fill the home with joy and prosperity and bring bright colors of harmony and quiet happiness into family life. Amulets made from this stone help cleanse the mind of fears and anxious thoughts.

Archangels are helpers in passing this lesson.

Raphael - heals from physical and mental ailments, connects and balances the mind and heart, the higher essence with the lower, helps to get rid of all kinds of addictions, clears space of negative energies, helps healers, protects travelers.

Raguel - helps to harmonize any relationship, it could be love, friendship, family or business relationships. It also gives its owner the opportunity to understand his inner world and better understand himself.

Famous personalities born with the karmic lesson of the number “6”:

Joan of Arc (1412-1431) national heroine of France.

Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475 - 1564) - Italian sculptor and painter.

Hercule Savignen Cyrano de Bergerac (1619-1655) - French prose writer, satirist, playwright.

The publication was prepared and taken from the book “Numerology of Karma” by Irina Artsikavskaya.