When are the cookies baked? or the Mystery of Maundy Thursday. When Easter cakes are baked and eggs are painted

Main character Easter, the decoration of the festive table and the pride of the hostess - a lush, fragrant Easter cake. Knowing when Easter cakes are baked is necessary in order to be in time for the church service.

Easter cakes traditionally begin to bake already on Maundy Thursday. But if you are not going to consecrate food for Easter, you can cook everything even in Bright Sunday. But baking Easter cakes requires knowledge of certain subtleties, regardless of when they are baked.

When to bake Easter cakes for Easter in 2018

If the owners of the house are preparing to go to the Easter service, it is necessary to calculate the cooking time in advance. By the time they leave the house with Easter cakes, they should cool completely, and the icing on them should harden. It is customary to paint eggs in the morning on Great (aka Clean) Thursday. Easter cakes are baked on Saturday morning. The consecration takes place either on Saturday evening or on Sunday early in the morning. But if you expect that with a basket they go to the evening service, which then turns into an all-night service, you need to prepare for everything in advance.

The cooking time of Easter cakes varies, and depends on the recipe. The classic yeast dough for Easter cake, which is suitable twice and kneaded by hand for a long time, is cooked for five to six hours. Then the Easter cakes are baked and after the oven they cool down.

Take out hot cakes Fresh air it is forbidden. Easter falls on a fairly cold time of the year, and the uncooled muffin will quickly become stale in the air. There are recipes according to which the preparation of Easter cakes takes more or less time. When calculating the time, it is usually considered that at least two hours must pass after the cake is taken out of the oven. But it is better if four to six hours pass from the moment the glaze is applied to the start of all other manipulations with it.

Preparation of ingredients

All people before they bake Easter, be sure to take out all the ingredients from the refrigerator. The flour must be sifted, and it is better to do this twice. Milk must be heated - but to a temperature human body and not to the boil! Swollen yeast is diluted in it, half the flour and sugar are added. It is necessary to stir the resulting composition vigorously, but without fanaticism.

The vessel is covered with a clean towel and put away in heat (and without any drafts!). The butter is melted, but it is used warm in the dough, so you will need to give it time to cool. Some housewives put the dough in a bowl with hot water, but this is unreasonable: from below and from the sides it will heat up more than from above, as a result, the dough will turn out to be heterogeneous, lumps may form.

Baking Easter: Secrets

Before kneading the dough, the eggs must be heated to room temperature. But then the subtleties begin! Skilled cooks before they bake Easter, wash the eggs and diligently separate the whites and yolks. Under no circumstances should they be mixed. Proteins are poured into a completely fat-free container - unless, of course, you want to beat them with high quality afterwards. For a guarantee, you can add a few grains of salt or as many drops of lemon juice to them. A bowl of squirrels is placed in the cold - then they churn into a dense foam. Yolks at this time are ground with sugar.

When to paint eggs for Easter 2018

As a rule, eggs are painted on Good Saturday, because the most mournful day has already ended during church yearGood Friday(on this day, according to church writings, Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross) and you can safely take up the festive table. But, if there are so many things going on Saturday, then you can also paint eggs from Monday to Maundy Thursday, inclusive.

Advice! Traditionally in Rus', the first painted egg was carefully kept in the house for a year, because it was believed strong amulet. It was believed that such an egg has strong healing properties, during the year they can even treat livestock.

Particular attention when coloring eggs, and this can be done, as already found out in this article, in Great Saturday before Easter, as well as throughout Holy Week, with the exception of Good Friday, you need to pay attention to their color, as well as the pattern. The traditional color for Easter eggs is red and orange tint, which is a symbol of the rebirth of life and its new round.

Why are eggs painted at Easter?

There are several versions. Here is one of them. In ancient times, during fasting, when you can not eat animal food, and chickens rush without ceasing, people boiled eggs so that they would not spoil. Boiled eggs were painted - so it is easier to distinguish them from fresh ones.

Another version tells about the following. First Easter Egg presented by Mary Magdalene to Emperor Tiberius.

When Easter cakes are baked: what you need to know On the eve of Easter, Easter cakes are baked even in families that do not consider themselves believers. According to the statistics of past years, every fourth atheist decides to cook Easter cake, colored eggs and some other typical dishes for Easter. At the same time, some even go to church to bless Easter cakes and eggs. Knowing when Easter cakes are baked is necessary in order to be in time for the church service. And if they are not going to consecrate food for Easter, you can cook everything even on Bright Sunday. But baking Easter cakes requires knowledge of certain subtleties, regardless of when they are baked.

If the owners of the house are preparing to go to the Easter service, it is necessary to calculate the cooking time in advance. By the time they leave the house with Easter cakes, they should cool completely, and the icing on them should harden. Eggs should be painted in the morning on Great (aka Clean) Thursday. Easter cakes are baked on Saturday morning. The consecration takes place either on Saturday evening or on Sunday early in the morning. But if you expect that with a basket they go to the evening service, which then turns into an all-night service, you need to prepare for everything in advance. The cooking time of Easter cakes varies, and depends on the recipe. The classic yeast dough for Easter cake, which is suitable twice and kneaded by hand for a long time, is cooked for five to six hours. Then the Easter cakes are baked and after the oven they cool down. Hot pastries should not be taken out into the fresh air. Easter falls on a fairly cold time of the year, and the uncooled muffin will quickly become stale in the air. There are recipes according to which the preparation of Easter cakes takes more or less time. When calculating the time, it is usually considered that at least two hours must pass after the cake is taken out of the oven. But it is better if four to six hours pass from the moment the glaze is applied to the start of all other manipulations with it. In the recipes for Easter cakes, everything is usually specified necessary actions. But for the hostess who bakes Easter cakes for the first time in her life, there are many unknown nuances. So, the dough for Easter cakes does not tolerate haste and careless handling. It can fall from drafts and from sharp shakes. But do not be afraid that once you stumble with the test in your hands, the result can no longer be achieved. As a rule, the dough does not fit well when someone constantly enters the room, slamming the doors. Pledge of lush dough in good flour. For Easter cakes, flour of the highest grade, moderately rested, is used. Yeast dough made from freshly ground flour does not fit well, and may fall or crack during baking. The flour is sifted so that its particles disperse better in the dough. It is better to sift the flour twice. The rest of the products are also prepared before being added to the dough. What was stored in the refrigerator needs to be warmed up a little. The cottage cheese is crushed so that inhomogeneous lumps do not form in the dough that prevent it from approaching. Raisins and other additives are pre-mixed with a small amount of flour, then they will be distributed more evenly in the dough. The baking dish should be made of thin metal. Tin molds are suitable, special and made from coffee cans, as well as steel and aluminum. Special refractory glass for baking is also acceptable, and enamelware for baking Easter cakes is used, probably, in nine cases out of ten. So that the dough does not stick to the walls and does not burn, the form must be lined with oiled paper. To do this, cut out a round piece of paper on the bottom and rectangular on the walls. Inside, the edges of the pieces of paper should overlap, and on the outside, protrude slightly above the edges of the form. Then the cake will turn out high and even. Easter cakes of the same size are placed in the oven, separately large and separately small. This is due to the fact that it is undesirable to often look into the oven to check the readiness of the dough. When ready-made small cakes are taken out, large ones can be touched and damaged. But this does not apply to all types of tests. Early ripening yeast, for example, does not react to drafts and shakes in the same way as cooked using complex technology with the addition of a large number eggs and sour cream. Moreover, Easter cakes will have to be moved around the oven, turned on different sides. If the dough on Easter cakes rises too much, you can stop it by covering it with a sheet of paper or foil. To do this, you need to wait until it rises a little higher than we would like. Under the weight of the leaf, the top falls off a little. When the top is on, there are two ways to correct the situation. Either by covering the top with a damp sheet of paper, or by placing a vessel of water in the oven. The burnt top can be cut off and masked under the icing, and the sides, protected by paper, can be scraped with a knife. It is worse if the cake is poorly baked on the sides. Having discovered this, you can quickly, before it has cooled down, return the cake to the oven without a form.

Easter is rightfully considered the most important, joyful and solemn Christian holidays. Easter in the Christian world is considered the passage from death to eternal life. That is why this holiday is celebrated with the utmost solemnity. Although for many people Easter is associated with spring, the smell of baked Easter cakes, painted eggs, and the ringing of bells.

When they bake Easter cakes and paint eggs in 2018

In 2018, Easter will be April 8, which means the dates when to bake Easter cakes for this holiday are from April 2 to April 7.

Bright Sunday is a mobile holiday. It is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon following spring equinox. In 2018, that day will be April 8th. And here it is necessary to note the peculiarity of this year - the Easter holiday will be immediately preceded by another Christian holiday The Annunciation, which is always celebrated on April 7th.

On this day, an angel announced to the Virgin Mary about the immaculate conception of the divine baby by her. And she humbly accepted God's will. On this holiday, as they used to say in the old days, the bird does not nest, the maiden does not weave braids.

Therefore, it is highly undesirable to leave any work for this day. We must try to do everything in advance so that by Saturday everything is ready. You can, for example, knead the dough from Wednesday evening, and bake Easter cakes on Thursday.

When Easter cakes are blessed

If Great Saturday is chosen for the main day of baking Easter cakes, then you should get up early to cope with the task. Yeast dough takes a long time to come up, and by the time the Easter cake is placed in a basket to go to the temple for the consecration of this food, it should already be completely cooled down.

It is worth paying attention to how the Easter cakes should cool properly. Agree that this pastry is impressive. Therefore, when the hostess took the cake out of the oven, you need to carefully put it on the barrel on a clean towel. So the cake will be able to cool quickly and qualitatively, retaining its shape. Because if you leave it to cool in vertical position, then under its own weight, the cake can simply sag, which will ruin it appearance(but, of course, by no means taste).

The most delicious Easter cake (according to my grandmother's recipe) on yolks

This old recipe Easter cake, so it is time-tested and not a single generation of housewives.


flour - 7 glasses;
milk - 2 cups;
yolks - 7 pieces;
butter - 250 grams;
granulated sugar - 1.5 cups;
salt - 1 tsp;
pressed yeast - 70 grams;
vodka - 1 tbsp;

For glaze:

proteins - 3 pieces;
granulated sugar - 1 cup.

Warm the milk a little and pour over the pre-shredded yeast. When buying, make sure they are fresh. Pour half the norm of flour into milk, stir and put the dough in a warm place to rise. It should double in size.

Mix yolks with granulated sugar and beat with a mixer. The mixture will turn white.

Add it to the dough when it rises well.

Then put softened butter, pour in vodka, put salt, vanilla and the rest of the flour.

Knead the dough and knead it thoroughly. This process should take at least 10 minutes. It should practically not stick to the palms at all.

After that, the dough is transferred to a tall pan and put in a warm place so that it rises. It will need to be kneaded 2 times, i.e. when it rises (increases in volume), you will need to knead it with your hands, wait for the volume to increase again and knead it again.

Fill in the forms for the third part, giving the dough the shape of a ball. Then put them in heat so that the dough rises again.

You need to put Easter cakes in an oven preheated to +180. To ensure that the dough is completely baked, place baking paper on top of the Easter cakes when they begin to be covered with a golden crust. You need to check the readiness with a wooden skewer: if it is dry after piercing the cake, then it is ready.

Ready Easter cakes, without removing from the mold, put on their side. Let cool down a bit.

While the cookies are baking, prepare the fudge. Beat egg whites thoroughly with sugar until stiff foam is obtained, as for meringue. Spread fondant over still-hot baked goods. So she quickly seizes and does not spread. While the icing is liquid, decorate it with multi-colored confectionery sprinkles.

exact date when you can bake Easter cakes for Easter 2019 does not exist. This is because it can be done from Monday to Saturday of Holy Week, with the exception of Friday only. Depending on the date of Easter, the dates of this Holy Week will differ for each year. In 2019, it falls on the period from 15 to 20 April inclusive.

Active preparation for Easter not only in the spiritual, but in the ordinary domestic plan begins on Great Week. This happens against the backdrop of increased fasting and prayers, constant attendance at the temple. There are specific church traditions for each day of this week, but in order to be in time with the preparation, start cooking Easter table also follows in advance.

In order for Easter cakes to retain freshness, splendor and aroma, it is recommended to start baking them at, and not earlier. Moreover, on the day of Maundy Thursday there are much more important rites and rituals for performance. In the morning you need to get up before sunrise and swim, then go to the service in the temple, confess and take communion. Houses to spend general cleaning, certain rituals for money. If after all this there is still strength, then you can start baking Easter cakes for Easter.

Interesting! The people in Rus' began to bake Easter cakes on Maundy Thursday for the reason that this was a common method of divination. According to the first Easter cake, they determined: what will be the life of the family during the year. Everything is logical here, if the baking was good, then the year will be good. If the cake did not rise, did not brown, or something else was wrong with it, this is not a very good sign.

Consecration of Easter cakes

On Great Saturday, you can also bake Easter cakes, but on Good Friday it is better not to do such work. In the temple, of course, they will say that modern man must calculate the time based on his own schedule. If it so happens that on Thursday or next Saturday there is no way to find time for Easter cakes, then you can make them on Good Friday: with a prayer on your lips. However, it is best to postpone the cooking of Easter cakes on Great Saturday: get up early in the morning, put the dough and bake delicious Easter cakes. Then go to the temple to consecrate the food, which is put on Easter day first after fasting. festive table and they try.

But here it is important to follow one rule: Easter cakes for consecration should already be completely cooled down, the icing on them should take well and harden. In the same way, the eggs should already be completely ready for transportation.

To make cookies

On the pages of our culinary and festive site you can find delicious Easter cakes with or without yeast. But, of course, you cannot try all these recipes for one holiday: you will have to choose a few just for yourself. However, there are also general recommendations how to cook Easter cakes so that they turn out exactly.

For example, it is important to take the highest grade flour and sift it through a fine sieve two or three times beforehand. Everything to do in good mood with the joy of the approaching holiday in the soul. It is also important to take other ingredients for the dough exclusively at the same temperature. Raisins, other dried fruits, nuts, lemon or orange zest will add piquancy to the taste of the dough and the cake itself.

It is also important to choose the right form for baking Easter cakes. It is recommended to buy special disposable paper molds in the store: they are themed, fit perfectly and are cheap. Just remember that yeast dough in such molds is superimposed only on one third of the volume. Then let the dough stand, it will rise twice, then send it to the oven, where the pastry will rise again and will already take up the entire mold, even creeping out a little.

When to bake Easter cakes for Easter 2018

Easter, as they say, is already on the nose, and it's time to get busy preparing for it important holiday. Already on Sunday, April 8, everyone will be able to sit down at the table and rejoice at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The most important dishes on the table, of course, will be colored eggs and Easter cakes. Naturally, you need to start preparing the festive table in advance, but do not forget that before Easter is Holy Week, which means that every day has great importance, and there is certain rules to which believers should be guided. For example, there is a day when you can do cleaning - this is Maundy Thursday, and there is a day when you need to pray and you can not eat - this is Good Friday. And when can you bake Easter cakes and paint eggs?

In fact, everything is very well thought out. The most active preparation for the holiday begins on Thursday, which is called Clean. And most of this day, the hostesses, of course, are cleaned. But, if the house is small, or contained in in perfect order, then they have time to start preparing holiday dishes. You can bake Easter cakes on Thursday . Especially if the family is large and you need a lot of food, then you can put the dough on that day. And in the evening the first cakes will be ready. But not all housewives approve of this idea. After all, fresh baked goods are much tastier.

When not to bake cookies

But on Friday to cook festive dishes not allowed. Since it is on this day that believers remember how Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. Therefore, there is only one more day left to prepare for Easter - this is Saturday. You can paint eggs and bake at least all day, the main thing is to have time before the start of the service.
It is worth mentioning that in different churches the service begins at different time. In addition, somewhere it is customary to consecrate baskets with an Easter set on Saturday, somewhere on Sunday. This, of course, needs to be known in advance. And based on this, think about when to bake Easter cakes.

Cooking time

It is very important to put an already cold cake with frozen glaze into the basket for consecration. Every housewife should know that the cooking time for Easter cakes depends, first of all, on the recipe. If the pastries are made from yeast dough, then it will take at least six hours, and you still need to lay two and a half hours for the Easter cakes to cool down and they can be covered with glaze. According to all the rules, Easter cakes should still be cooled in the oven. By the way, if you take another hot cake out into the street, then, as it cools down, it will immediately become stale. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and lay time with a margin.
But you can do the following - bake the Easter cake in advance, which will go to consecration in a basket, and make the rest on the eve of Easter at any time. convenient time. But it should also be borne in mind that on Bright Sunday, that is, already on Easter itself, cooking is also not recommended. So the question of when to bake Easter cakes for Easter 2017 can be answered like this - either on Thursday or Saturday.