Easter beliefs, what you can and cannot do on Easter. Great Saturday before Easter: what can and cannot be done on this day

Easter is a church holiday during which the Lord and the Son of God are glorified. The history of the origin of the holiday is amazing: in ancient times there lived a pharaoh who hated the Jews. God's people wanted to leave the state, but Pharaoh was categorically against it, because he used them as slaves.

With the advent of Moses, the prophet of God, the fate of the Jews changed. He helped bring the Jewish people out, punished the slave owner and gave the Jewish people his homeland, called Jerusalem.

That is why this city is called a holy place. Many years later, a son of God, called Jesus Christ, was born on this holy land. At 33, Jesus was crucified on Mount Golgotha. This happened on Friday. The day before, the son of God organized the Last Supper, where he gathered the parishioners.

After the crucifixion, the body of Jesus was placed in a cave. A few days later, the body was not found. Jesus appeared before the people alive. It is on this day that they celebrate the resurrection of the son of God, in other words, Jesus. Easter symbolizes liberation from death, deliverance from sins and grace.

There are many signs and customs associated with the holiday. There are rituals that can and must be performed, and there are those that are strictly prohibited.

What is forbidden to do

On the day of the celebration of Easter, you cannot:

  • Think bad.
  • Wish people evil.
  • Fight with relatives.
  • Use obscene language in the lexicon.
  • Lie.
  • Embroider.
  • Sew.
  • To knit.
  • Bring order to the house.
  • Vacuum.
  • Sweep.
  • Hack.
  • Throw away consecrated food.
  • Get rid of sacred things.
  • Sneer at people.
  • Work in the garden, field.
  • Dig.
  • Sow.
  • Lead an intimate life. It is forbidden to live sexually all week. Two spouses must renounce intimate life. This happens by mutual agreement.
  • Watch TV.
  • Visit entertainment venues.
  • Have noisy parties.
  • Sit at the computer.
  • Revenge.
  • Change spouse.

During the Easter week it is forbidden:

  • Get married. According to tradition, marriages on this day are not blessed by the Almighty. You can't get married. These families may not have children.
  • Order funeral services.
  • Mourn.
  • Cry.

It is undesirable to wash the dishes, but if it is necessary, it's okay. All people are subject to household chores. There is no escape from them and no one will fulfill them for us.

During the existence of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, it was believed that it was impossible to visit the cemetery on this day. But the church says otherwise. No one forbids visiting deceased relatives, praying for them and remembering. But Easter is a holiday of goodness, light and rebirth. Therefore, you can visit the dead on the ninth day after the celebration of Easter.


On the bright feast of Easter, food is consecrated in the church. People visit the sacred house, bring gifts to it, take communion and pray.

The food is sure to shine. Eating consecrated food after Lent means cleansing and forgiveness of sins. The consecration of food is an ancient sign and tradition.

All food is put into an Easter basket. It is customary to highlight:

  1. Red wine.
  2. Eggs.
  3. Easter cakes.

People come to church, listen to the liturgy, praise God and go home to break their fast. Breaking the fast means eating.

Before Easter, people fast. These days you can not eat meat, fish, eggs, dairy products. The strictest post falls on Good Friday.

The holiday is allowed:

  • Laugh.
  • Have fun.
  • Pray.
  • Visit guests.
  • Invite friends and family to the house.
  • Do charity work.
  • Carry out care work for young children and sick people.
  • Forgive wrongs.

Alcoholic beverages are allowed to be consumed in moderation on a church holiday. Drink not to the point of intoxication, preferably red wine - Cahors.

You can work if the situation requires it. But this does not mean labor in the garden or field, but at the place of employment. To work or not - the person decides.

People greet each other on this day in a special way: they kiss three times and exclaim "Christ is risen." In response, you need to answer "truly risen."
It is not customary to give gifts at Easter. But this is not prohibited. Necessary gifts, household items, sweets, Easter eggs and decorations are given to their relatives.

The symbol of Easter is an egg decorated with drawings. It symbolizes new life. During breaking the fast, people beat and eat eggs.

The holiday is dedicated to rest, prayers, family reunion and spiritual solitude.

In the old days, people believed that when a person dies on Easter, God forgives him all his sins. The deceased is given a place in paradise and eternal life. The soul is cleansed of evil and unkind thoughts, and God accepts the deceased in heaven. Death is a terrible moment, but no one is safe from it.
Easter egg shells are not to be thrown away.

Ways to get rid of the shell:

  • It is burned and buried in a place inaccessible to people. Then they do not step on this place.
  • The shell is ground to a powder in a coffee grinder and folded into a container. Added to food during meals.
  • It grinds and descends into running water.
  • Refers to the temple. There is a special place in the church where you can put the shell.

Leftover food is given to animals and birds. Crumbs from Easter cakes cannot be thrown away.

What not to do before Easter

Before a church holiday it is impossible:

  • Eat meat.
  • Drink alcohol.
  • There are sweets.
  • Eat fats and spices.
  • On Good Friday, you can not swim and do housework.
  • Perform a wedding ceremony.

Eating forbidden food is allowed only to people who follow the diet. This applies to diabetics and people requiring special nutrition.

How to celebrate the holiday

Meets Easter:

  • With good intentions and joy.
  • In the circle of family and friends. Family reunion brings people together, gives positive emotions.
  • Clean. The house is cleaned not on a holiday, but before it.
  • Receiving guests. The celebration should not be noisy.

Holy (terrible) week is the last 7 days before the Bright Resurrection of Christ, which will take place on April 28, 2019. In Christianity, every day of Holy Week has a special meaning, so believers often wonder what to do this week before Easter.

Both Easter and the week preceding it are special days in the year, because believers remember the sufferings of Christ, which are also called passions. It is obvious that Bright Sunday is a solemn holiday, but the history that preceded it is truly tragic.

The Savior enters Jerusalem on a donkey exactly one week before his death (on this day we celebrate). And then the crowd that cheered him on Sunday, already on Friday, shouts: “Crucify!”

Betrayal, humiliation, physical, and most importantly, mental pain: these were the feelings that Christ experienced. Therefore, it is quite obvious that amusements, voluptuousness, drinking alcohol, intimacy are undesirable during Holy Week. It is quite understandable that bodily pleasures are pleasant, but they can be postponed until next week.

Of course, in the modern rhythm of life, it is impossible to be present in church every day. On Friday and Saturday, it is especially important to pay attention to meetings.

What to do during Holy Week at home (every day)

But what traditions came to us from time immemorial:

  1. On Monday finish all global housework - repairs, general cleaning, etc. It is no longer possible to deal with them.
  2. On Tuesday stop women's work related to clothing: washing, hemming, ironing, etc.
  3. On Wednesday they try to completely clean the house: take out all the garbage, put things in order. They also prepare everything necessary for dyeing eggs and baking Easter cakes.
  4. Pure Thursday- the name itself speaks for itself. On this day (or rather, at night, before sunrise), you need to take a bath or go to the bathhouse with the whole family. According to folk beliefs, water acquires a special healing power on Maundy Thursday. Also on this day, eggs are dyed and Easter cakes (pasochki) are baked. If you use classic recipes, Easter cakes will not grow moldy until Easter Sunday. And the Thursday before Easter is the perfect time.
  5. Friday- a very strict day, because today Christ will fall a victim of human lies, betrayal and hatred. The trial of the Savior sentenced him to death on the cross - but in those days only especially dangerous criminals were executed like that. It is worth abstaining from all amusement and bodily pleasures.
  6. Saturday- no less severe day. The Savior is already dead, but his soul is alive, although those around him do not know about it. People are in great sorrow, because before Jesus no one has risen from the dead of his own free will. On this day, you should also not indulge in wild fun, alcohol and other fleeting hobbies.

What do you eat the week before Easter?

Great Lent, which lasts 6 weeks, until Easter, is the longest period of restriction in food. It is clear that believers are preparing to celebrate the most important holiday - the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

Therefore, in the last week they adhere to the most strict rules. In fact, on Good Friday and Saturday, eating is generally prohibited.

Features of the diet on all days of Holy Week are described in the table.

Prayers for Holy Week

Another important point regarding what needs to be done the week before Easter is the prayers that can be said precisely on Holy Week. The clergy especially recommend reading them to those believers who, for some reason, cannot visit the temple every day.

It is believed that a prayer uttered on such days has a special power. Indeed, this week, believers not only remember the sufferings of Christ, but also prepare to celebrate the main holiday - Easter.

Of course, prayers should be said sincerely, from a pure heart. You can use a ready-made text or pray as your heart tells you. But it is advisable to do this every day.


Each day has its own prayers, and the texts below should be considered as recommendations, not hard and fast rules. A person can read any other prayer or say his own, with personal requests.

Jesus Christ! Soul and heart is always with you every sinner on this earth.

Let us pray to you, remembering your sacrifice for the whole human race.

By your mercy, may we find peace of mind, get rid of the demons that seduce us from the right path.

Our sinful life, but controlled by You, will get rid of darkness and lack of enlightenment.


Source of our lives, Lord! Hear my prayers addressed to you.

Cleanse me from sins, save me from the thoughts of the unclean. I found the source of my life in prayers to you, Lord.

I repentantly and humbly ask you to forgive me for my unpious deeds, I appeal to the Holy Trinity for protection and patronage over me.


I am aware of my laziness, I rejoice in every day lived in the cross. Great is my repentance.

Grant, O Lord, who accepted suffering for us, save us. May Your mercy spread over the forehead of everyone, enter into souls, subdue confusion and the cry of the devil.

He will illuminate the path in darkness with heavenly light, and guide us through the sinless path.


Glory to you, Lord! Remember me, a sinner, in your Kingdom.

Do not let the intrigues of the unclean tell Thy mysteries and secrets, lock up my bold lips.

Let me enjoy the light that comes from Heaven, imbue with wisdom through the ages and teach your sons and daughters to live in righteousness and sinlessness.


With righteous prayer and Christian humility, I pray to You, Lord.

Bless me for sinless deeds, give me the strength to fight negative manifestations, not to blame my offenders and put their punishment at Your will.

With righteous prayers I resurrect You daily, I pray for the whole human race, grant us forgiveness.


Glory to our Lord for the Cross, for the death of Christ, for the Holy Resurrection. There are no more barriers to the righteous soul, for death is only sleep and repose.

Let us pray for our souls, for peace on the sinful Earth, against the machinations of the devil. May the Lord not leave us in our tossings, show with His hand the way through the darkness and to the light of God.

Bless us, Lord!

Thus, it is better for each person to know what needs to be done and how to behave correctly on Holy Week before Easter. Good deeds, reading prayers and the Gospels will help not only sincerely honor the memory of the Savior, but will also set you in a good mood for the holiday.

After all, after a week everyone will congratulate each other with great joy: “Christ is risen! He has truly risen!"

Passion or Great Saturday before Easter is the last day before the most important Christian holiday of the year. In 2018, it falls on April 7 and coincides with the Annunciation. What can and cannot be done on this day, according to Christian traditions and customs?

What not to do on Holy Saturday before Easter

As on all holidays and memorable days, today it is not necessary to do sewing, wash clothes and chop wood, hunting and fishing are also prohibited. In general, you need to leave all the hard work and activities that can be called it in the modern world.

If a holiday falls on this day in the family, it should be rescheduled.

It is a sin to swear, scold, quarrel on Holy Saturday, especially with loved ones. It is not permissible on this day to laugh out loud, to have fun, to indulge in idleness. The clergy say that on the last day of Lent everyone is already quite tired, preparing for the great holiday, so you need to be especially attentive to relatives and friends so as not to quarrel.

On Holy Saturday there is a ban on carnal pleasures and alcohol.

What can and should be done on the Saturday before Easter

Solemn services begin today. If possible, be sure to visit one of them, consecrate the Easter basket, put candles for the health of loved ones. Be sure to light a candle at the icon with Jesus, pray with all your heart.

On the Saturday before Easter, you can paint eggs. By the way, this day is also called dyeing, and it is customary to give the first krashanka consecrated in the church to the needy and the homeless. If you didn’t bake paska and Easter cakes on Thursday, then on Saturday this can also be done.

Today is fasting day, so it is allowed to eat hot foods of plant origin, but without the addition of oil.

Today, as on Forgiveness Sunday, it's time to forgive everyone against whom resentment has been accumulated during the fast. Think of these people and let them go in peace.

The bright holiday of Easter is one of the most significant Orthodox holidays dedicated to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. By tradition, Easter is a moving holiday and is celebrated annually on the first Sunday after the spring full moon - in 2016, the Orthodox celebrate it on May 1. However, this significant event is preceded by an important period - Great Lent. Thus, there are many traditions that believers should observe for a significant period of time, both before and after the Easter holiday. So what do they do on Easter? What customs should be followed before and after Christ's Bright Sunday? In anticipation of such a joyful event, these questions are of interest to many Orthodox Christians.

Easter: meaning and origin

Translated from Greek, "Easter" means "deliverance." According to Christian canons, Jesus Christ, by his crucifixion on the cross, atoned for the sins of mankind and showed for everyone the possibility of a new, eternal life.

When did the Easter holiday originate? About five thousand years ago, the tribes of the Jews considered Easter the spring calving of cattle, a little later - the beginning of the harvest, and after another time - the exodus of the Jews from Egyptian captivity. But Christians interpret Easter as the feast of the resurrection of Christ, which implies a completely different meaning and meaning of this event.

So, in 325, the first Ecumenical Council of Christian Churches was held, at which a decision was made to set the date of the Orthodox holiday. According to the new decree, every year the Easter holiday should fall on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox. Since then, the date of Easter has been "tied" to the lunar calendar.

What is done before Easter: features of the Holy Week (Week)

The last week of Lent is considered the most rigorous in terms of preparation for Easter. Every day of Holy Week is dedicated to the commemoration of important events in the earthly life of Jesus Christ.

What should you do before Easter? According to tradition, the Orthodox

  • V Monday start preparing for the holiday - they clean the house, wash, wash
  • Tuesday they spend sewing - it is believed that it is on this day that clothes should be put in order for the upcoming celebration
  • middle Holy Week is dedicated to the completion of the general cleaning, and in the evening - be sure to wash
  • in Pure Thursday they wash themselves with morning dew (for health and longevity), and then go to church for worship - on this day it is also supposed to take communion and bring home the Thursday fire
  • Passionate Friday spend in complete abstinence from food - in memory of the crucifixion of Christ
  • V Saturday they are engaged in baking Easter cakes, painting Easter eggs and cooking other festive dishes - during the evening service, it is customary to consecrate a basket with these delicacies
  • V Sunday celebrate Easter - go to visit, exchange krashanks, arrange solemn meals at a generously laid table

What believers do on Easter: rules, customs, signs, prohibitions

The beginning of the Easter breakfast is dedicated to the congratulations of relatives and friends - in response to the words: "Christ is Risen!" according to tradition they say: "Truly Risen!". On Easter morning it is also customary to “beat with eggs” and taste the food consecrated in the church. The Easter table differs from the “everyday” one in luxury and abundance - in the old days, wealthy hosts served at least 48 different dishes to it (one dish for each day of fasting).

What is customary to do on Easter? People devoted this holiday not only to “gatherings” at the laid table, but also to cheerful Easter entertainment. First of all, these are games with colored eggs - “cue balls” or rolling along special grooves. In addition, in ancient times there was an interesting custom, according to which any person during the Easter week could ring the bells. Such a ritual was considered "magical".

Folk omens for Easter

The coming of Easter for Christians is a joyful and long-awaited event. In this regard, there are many different signs.

  • Clear and sunny weather - for a good harvest
  • Rain on Holy Week - generously disfigure rye
  • If the remains of the Easter meal are buried in the ground in the field, this will protect the crop from frost and hail.
  • An Easter egg kept in a shrine for three or twelve years can cure a disease.

What can Orthodox Christians not do on Easter?

First of all, the list of prohibited activities on such a great day includes visits to the cemetery - this is absolutely impossible to do on Easter. According to ancient beliefs, it is on Bright Sunday that the souls of the dead meet Easter at the same table with God. Coming to the grave on such a day, a person calls the soul of the deceased, which then will not be able to return back - until the next year. Therefore, one should come to the cemetery on the days specially designated for this after Easter. In the first eight days of Easter, it is also impossible to make a commemoration and order memorial services.

Offering food and alcoholic beverages to the graves of the dead is also "taboo". The Church advises to dedicate this time to quiet prayer, in which loved ones who have gone to another world will be remembered.

As for alcohol, it is better to observe moderation in “libations” on Easter. In addition, the church imposes a ban on love pleasures, which should be abstained from throughout Holy Week.

What is customary to do after Easter?

Nine days after Easter, a memorial week begins, which is called "Fomina". At this time, it is customary to visit the graves, clean them up, plant plants and flowers, and paint the fences. On St. Thomas Week, ancient traditions and customs should be strictly observed. Among the especially important days of the memorial week is Tuesday (Radonitsa, Parents' Day), Thursday (the souls of the deceased come to visit relatives). The end of St. Thomas' week is marked by Krasnaya Gorka, which is celebrated on Sunday. People have fun, dance, sing songs and enjoy the spring.

Take the best congratulations on Easter

So, now we know what they do on Easter, as well as on the pre-holiday days of Holy Week, and what cannot be done. Everyone knows this exciting feeling of the onset of Easter, filled with spring warmth, solemnity and fun, holiness and the expectation of a miracle. Christ is risen!

What absolutely can not be done on the day of the celebration of Easter?

Our ancestors firmly believed that the events taking place on Easter are full of special divine meaning.

There were many signs and beliefs among the people for Easter, the veracity of which was not even questioned.

1. You can’t do housework on Easter - clean, sew, knit. Direct all your attention to God and your family.

2. On the day of Easter and during the Easter week, one should not be sad and cry.

3. It is forbidden to have sex - throughout the week you need to forget about worldly affairs and think about the spiritual.

4. You can’t go to the cemetery on Easter; Memorial week is intended for this.


The celebration of Easter in our country is associated with many folk traditions and signs.

In order for the house to be in harmony, and for success in business, get a charm or talisman.

Husband and wife must hit each other with colored eggs at breakfast on Easter Sunday, whoever does not break a testicle will be the "head" of the family all year.

Whoever of the neighbors will be the first to return from the Easter service will be the luckiest.

If you want to be beautiful, on Easter morning, after breaking the fast, pour water into the basin, dip the consecrated krashenka into it, roll it around the bowl, and then wash your face with this water and roll the krashenka over your face - this will bring beauty, getting rid of skin diseases.

And if you want wealth for yourself, dip gold and silver jewelry and coins into the water to the egg.

They roll an egg over the faces of children - it is believed that this will protect them from the evil eye.

If an unmarried girl really wants to get married, during the festive matins she needs to whisper softly: “The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single fiancé!”

It has long been customary to leave the house with an egg on Easter and, meeting with friends, fight with eggs. Whose after the blow remains intact, he will be healthy and happy all year.

On Easter you can not do any homework, otherwise happiness will go away with troubles. The exception is teaching children and caring for animals.

And the main belief: on Easter, God hears all our prayers and helps us to fulfill our desires! We wish ourselves and loved ones peace, health and love!

There was a belief that the water collected in the spring on Easter night or during matins has a special power comparable to the power of holy water. Only it was necessary to bring her home without saying a word on the way. To gain happiness and well-being, houses and barns were sprinkled with this "silent" water.

Husband and wife should not be christened on Easter, so as not to be separated, as the popular sign for Easter says.

There are also signs for Easter for girls associated with Easter. Lips itch during Easter week - a kiss is inevitable; bruised my elbow - remembered dear; a fly fell into the cabbage soup - there will be a date; eyebrows itch - to meet your loved one.

There is a sign for Easter to get pregnant. In the morning, go to church, dedicate eggs and Easter cakes. And then ask God to fulfill your desire.

If you are experiencing constant difficulties with money, be sure to give a beggar a coin on Easter - you will not know the need for the whole year.

And in order for the family to have peace, harmony and no one quarreled among themselves, the Easter meal must be started by the whole family and everyone must first of all eat a piece of Easter cake and eggs that were consecrated in the church.

The first Easter egg is usually divided into several parts according to the number of family members. Such a joint eating of one egg, according to legend, strengthens the family, preserves friendly relations and love for each other in it.

In many places, it was believed that if you go to a spring on Easter night or during matins, draw water there and silently bring it home, without uttering a single word along the way, then the water will acquire a special power, almost equal to the power of holy water. Houses and barns were sprinkled with such "silent" water for happiness and well-being, they washed themselves with it for health, etc.