The main Orthodox holidays in September of the year. Church Orthodox holiday of September

September 1 - Andrei Stratilat. Teplyak. Fekla is a beetroot. "The stratilate has ripened - the oats have ripened." The wind blowing this day from the south promises a good harvest of oats. "Dig for Fekla beets." Beet harvesting begins. Indian summer. Day of Remembrance Martyr Andrew Stratilates and with him 2593 martyrs, prayers to this saint help in treatment of mental illness. He was a military leader in the Roman troops under the reign of Emperor Maximian (284-305). Having received the title of "Stratilat" (commander in chief), he led his small army against the regiments of the Persians and, with the name of Christ, put them to flight. Envious people reported to the ruler Antiochus about Andrew's religion, for which he was tortured, and many soldiers were crucified on trees, but none of them renounced Christ. Emperor Maximian (284-305), fearing the indignation of the people, freed the martyrs, but secretly ordered that they all be executed separately. During prayer, all the martyrs were beheaded with swords. It happened around the year 302. Celebration Day Don Icon of the Mother of God. The festival was established to commemorate the deliverance of Moscow from the Tatars in 1591. Name day for Andrey, Timothy, Nikolai, Fekla.

September 2 - day of the prophetSamuel, Martyr of Sevir. was advancing time to harvest root crops: "Samuel dragged beets and carrots upstairs." Birthday Samuel.

September 3 - Saint Thaddeus and Saint Vasilisa. If this day is clear, we must expect another four weeks of good weather. Birthdays Thaddeus, Vassa.

4 September - Agathon Ogumennik. It is believed that the goblin comes out of the forest at night and runs around the villages and villages, fools and scatters sheaves on the threshing floor. The peasants, having put on their sheepskin coat inside out and armed with a poker, went out to guard the threshing floor. The day is usually windy. By your view goblin resembles a person, can take the form of a friend, relative. But if you look closely, you can recognize him: he is almost always wearing a red sash, the left half of the caftan behind the right, and not vice versa, as everyone usually wears; shoes are mixed up - the right bast shoe is put on the left foot, the left one is on the right. For good, the goblin will always repay good. Celebration Day Georgian Icon of the Mother of God. Name days for Ivan, Agathon, Isaac, Makar.

September 5Commemoration of the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Luppa Cowberry. On Luppu lingonberries ripen. "If the lingonberries are ripe, then the oats have come." Begin first frosts."On Lupa, frost is peeling oats." Cranes fly low, quickly, silently - expect bad weather soon. By this time cranberries ripen, and by the birch a yellow leaf appears. Cowberry vision protects, preserves the brightness and vigilance of human eyes. IN folk medicine popular lingonberry leaf: its infusions and decoctions have a diuretic and astringent effect, they are used for gall and kidney stones, and gout. A decoction relieves swelling in the throat with a cold, it is considered the best remedy from rheumatism. Berries are also very useful. Name day at Ephraim, Ivan, Elizabeth.

6 September - Eutychius is quiet. If it rains on Eutychius, there will be a dry autumn and a good harvest on next year. Dry branches in calm weather fall from trees - to rain. If it's cloudy and cool, you can't expect rain. Mushroom picking time. Once upon a time, the forest was a man's home. And entering it, a person did not negotiate with anyone, did not ask anyone for anything. Everything was the will of God. Everything was given by God to man in love, and in love man gave to his brother. And there was no separation between God and people. With the rooting of the Christian faith in Rus', the relationship between God and man became contractual and began to include the concept of “bargaining”. Without an agreement, they did not enter the forest! And the proverb To a foreign monastery with its charter ... " completely and completely reflects the opposition of nature and man, as if not a single world exists, but several.

Apparition of the Most Holy Theotokos to St. Sergius of Radonezh. The Mother of God appeared to St. Sergius in the dead of night, when he read the akathist to the Mother of God and sat down to rest for a while. A voice sounded: "The Pure One is coming." Saint Sergius went out into the vestibule and was blinded by a bright light, in which he saw the Mother of God shining in indescribable glory, accompanied by the apostles Peter and John. Saint Sergius bowed before the Mother of God, and She told him: “Do not be afraid, My chosen one! I came to visit you. Grieve no more for your disciples and for this place, your prayer has been heard. From now on, your habitation will abound with everything, and not only in the days of your life, but also after your departure to God. But I will never leave this place with My care.” Trinity monk Amerosius in the middle of the 15th century reproduced the icon of the appearance of the Mother of God to St. Sergius. Celebration Day Peter's Icon of the Mother of God. Grand Duke John Vasilyevich prayed before the Peter's Icon III , Patriarch Job took it with him when he wanted to convince Boris Godunov to accept the kingdom. Name day at Evtikhiy, Arseny, George, Peter.

September 7 -Apostle from 70 Titus - mushroom picker and apostle Bartholomew. "Saint Titus grows the last mushroom." A large harvest of mushrooms during the summer heralds a long winter. Titus is dragging the last mushroom in a basket. Late mushrooms - late snow. If the mushrooms turned black, it means that there was a frost-malware. Mushrooms killed by them are harmful. They take every mushroom in their hands, but not everyone puts it in the back."Bartholomew came - live for this ashes." Many acorns on oak trees - wait next year good harvest. On this day, according to custom, pies with mushrooms are on the table. Also without mushroom stew was not dispensed with dinner. Whoever was born today will have a special joy in maturity, but happiness will increase. Name day at Bartholomew, Titus, Vladimir.

8 September - Natalya Ovsyanitsa. Martyrs Andrian and Natalia lived in Nicomedia of Bithynia during the reign of Emperor Maximian. By denunciation for faith Christian husband her Andrian was arrested, tortured and then executed. Natalia all the time tried to support her husband, not denying her faith in Christ. After his execution, she fled to Byzantium. A cold matinee portends an early and cold winter. By this day, they tried to remove the oats. “If you don’t gather oats, you will swallow tears.” Cooked oatmeal kissel and bake pancakes from oat flour . Oatmeal praises herself. “Natalia carries an oatmeal pancake into the barn, and Odriyan carries oatmeal in the neck.” Harvesting viburnum and rowan. mountain ash tear off and fit for the winter with tassels under the roof. On this day zander bites well. A large harvest of mountain ash - to frost. Frosts on this day portend an early and harsh winter.

Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. ( Celebration in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos on September 8, June 3, July 6). When in 1395 Tamerlane entered Russia and was heading towards Moscow, Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich with an army went to Kolomna. The clergy of the Assumption Cathedral were sent to Vladimir for the holy icon. When the icon was already on its way to Kolomna, Tamerlane saw in a dream a great mountain and from its top many saints with golden wands coming towards him, and above them in the air in a radiant radiance the Virgin surrounded by angels with flaming swords. Having interpreted this dream in such a way that the Virgin is the Mother of the Christian God, the Defender of the Russians, the khan turned his hordes back to the great surprise of the Russians and Tatars. In memory of this event, the Sretensky Monastery was erected in Moscow. Celebration Day The Pskov-Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God called "Tenderness". Name day for Natalia, Andrey, Roman.

9th of September - the day of the holy martyr Anfisa, the Monk Pimen the Great. Born around 340 in Egypt. He said: “A person needs to observe three main rules: to fear God, pray often and do good to people. Anger will never destroy anger. If someone has done you evil, do him good, and your good will overcome his malice.

10 September - Anna and Savva Skirdniki. Reverend Job of Pochaev. Reverend Moses Murin binge reliever - memorial day. Lived in IV century in Egypt. He was an Ethiopian, and for the blackness of his face was nicknamed "murin." In his youth, he committed a murder, then stuck to a gang of robbers, became the leader. Spent several years killing and robbing. But by the great mercy of God, he repented and went to one of the deserted monasteries. Shortly before his death, Moses told the brethren: “I have been waiting for many years for the time when the word of the Lord Jesus Christ, who said:“ All who receive the knife, will perish by the knife, will be fulfilled on me. Robbers attacked the monastery and killed Moses.

Hurry to this day put all the bread in stacks:"Anna and Savva will do the stacks, they will direct them to the mind." Before words hard drinking And sing parts were called wedding ceremony, after which the girl became not just a bride, but conspiracy which meant conspiring between the two parties to prepare for the wedding. It has long been known to drink for health ascending with its roots to feasts, where healthy bowls were raised, accompanied by toasts-blessings to the gods (“I sing to the gods!”, i.e. I drink this cup instead of God, but with his lips). In Rus', there were special zazdravnye bowls, which were launched into a circular for initiation to the divine drink. Drinking the divine drink meant involvement to the deity. (IN Christian tradition wine - the blood of Christ - communion with divine blood). In the modern world, drinking has acquired a different character, and many people need help and appeal to the saints with a request to get rid of an unholy deed. And they often say: started for health, and ended for peace. If the birch begins to turn yellow from the top, then spring will be early, if from the bottom of the crown it will be late. Birthdays: Moses, Anna, Savva, Sergey, Stepan.

11 September - Ivan the Lenten, Flight Pilot, John the Baptist. The beheading of the head of the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John. After the baptism of Jesus Christ, John (the great prophet) was imprisoned by order of the ruler of Galilee, Herod Antipas. The saint denounced him for unlawful cohabitation with Herodias, the wife of Herod's brother Philip. On the day of his birth, Herod held a great feast in the palace. Herodias' daughter Salome danced in front of the guests and pleased Herod. He said to her, "Ask me for whatever you want." Salome, after consulting with her mother, asked for the head of John the Baptist. Fulfilling the order of Herod, they brought the head of St. John on a platter.

This day ends summer and opens autumn. ""Ivan the Lenten came, took away the red summer"". "Ivan the Lenten - godfather of autumn." On this day, food should be leankept a strict fast : it was impossible to eat apples, watermelons, potatoes, onions - everything that would resemble a severed head. Collect the roots of medicinal plants. Turnip holiday. But he noted no songs, because Salome danced to beg King Herod to cut off the head of John the Baptist. It was forbidden to use dishes and plates, sharp and piercing objects. Couldn't cut, could only be broken. It was impossible to eat red foods, as they personified spilled blood, and within a year blood could be shed in the family, that is, someone would die. On this day, fasting was observed and it was forbidden to work in order to avoid human diseases and diseases of domestic animals. If a child was born on this day, then he will be unhappy. If on this day a person is injured, then trauma won't heal. On the day of the week on which this holiday came, for a whole year did not start any business. Cranes fly south - it will be early winter. Mass flight of birds began. "Ivan the Baptist chases a bird far beyond the sea." If the birds fly high, expect big snows in winter, if low, the winter will be little snowy. Ivan Lenten is the godfather of autumn. If Ivan Kupala is mainly harvested for herbs, then for Ivan Lenten - roots. Name days for Alexander, Pavel, Daniel, Ivan.

12-th of September -Alexander Svirsky. Day of the transfer of the relics of the holy noble and Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky.

September 13 -Kupriyanov day. (Kyprian). The position of the honest belt of the Most Holy Theotokos. During the reign of Emperor Leo the Wise, from the girdle of the Mother of God, a miracle of healing of his wife Zoya, who suffered from an unclean spirit, took place. She had a vision that she would be healed when the girdle of the Mother of God was placed on her. The belt was placed on the empress, and she was immediately freed from a serious illness. Cranes veche collect. They begin to harvest root crops [except for turnips], dig potatoes. On this day, a “crane assembly” takes place - cranes in a swamp discuss the way to warm countries. After Kupriyanov day it was allowed to go to the swamp for cranberries, before that it was not allowed - so as not to disturb the birds. Birthday Gennady, Mikhail, Kipriyan.

September 14 - Simeon the Stylite - Reverend memorial day, to him treated for a variety of ailments. Semyon Pilot. Semyonov day, Osenins, the end of summer. Rev. Martha is the mother of the Stylite. Joshua (see appendix).

The beginning of the indiction is the church new year. Emperor Constantine the Great, having won a victory over his opponent Maxentius on September 1, 312, granted Christians - after almost three centuries of persecution and persecution - complete freedom confess your faith. In 325, the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council determined, in memory of this, to begin the calculation of the new year from September 1, as the day of the beginning of "Christian freedom." In Rus', the New Year was celebrated on September 1 before Peter I , who in 1699 ordered to postpone the beginning of the New Year to January 1. But the old calculus was left in the liturgical books, and therefore the church new year is celebrated, as before, on September 1. (7517 from the creation of the world - in 2008).

"Semyon sees off the real summer, brings the Indian summer." If the weather is warm on Seeds, then the winter will be warm. Time with Seeds days - start old Indian summer - September 21 is called Indian summer. If the first day of Indian summer is clear and warm, then the whole autumn will be warm, and vice versa. Semenov day is considered happy for housewarming, relocation. From Simeon to Guria (November 28) there were wedding weeks in Rus'. If the geese fly away on Simon's day, wait for early winter. Indian summer is dry, autumn is wet. Thunder in September - to a protracted autumn. Name day at Simeon, Martha.

Celebration Day Gethsemane-Chernigov Icon of the Mother of God. This icon is painted on a canvas in XIX century and is a list from the miraculous icon of Ilyinsky-Chernigovskaya, only larger in size. Celebration Day The Alexandrian Icon of the Mother of God, called the "All-Blessed".

September 15th - Saint Mammoth Day. Mammoth Shepherd. Fedot and Rufina. "Fedot and Rufina do not drive the cattle out of the yard in the morning, drive out - catch up with trouble . Mammoth is the patron saint of sheep and goats. They clean the rooms where goats and sheep are standing. Moss is insulated for the winter, smoked with heather grass. Gathers mammoth herd last time a year and lets go to the master's yards for a winter stall.

According to custom, in the fourth year of a child's life performed the rite of tonsure for the transfer from infancy. Also this rite had another name: mounting on a horse. Timed to coincide with the day of Simeon the Stylite. To conduct this ceremony, relatives were called, godfather and godfather were invited. The father drank wine infused with wormwood, and gave scissors to the godfather, and the godfather cut his godson gumenzo(crown of the head). The cut hair was given to the mother by the kuma, who sewed it into a handkerchief. Godfather and godfather took the godson out into the yard, where his father was waiting for them with a horse, and his mother was spreading a carpet. The godfather was handing over the godson to his father on the carpet kind word, and he accepted his son with a bow and put him on a horse. Kum led the horse around the yard, and the father held his son. At the porch, the father took off his son from the horse and handed him to the godfather, the godfather with a bow passed to the godfather, and she handed it to the mother with an affectionate word. Father and mother gave gifts to godfather and godfather, and they gave gifts to the godson. Above the head of the godson, the godfather and the godfather broke a nominal cake with the wish of all wealth and happiness.

Rev. Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves. Celebration Day Icons of the Mother of God of Kaluga, prayers to this image help to cure infectious diseases. The celebration of the icon on this day is in memory of the deliverance from the pestilence in 1771 in the city of Kaluga. The second feast of this icon takes place on October 12, in memory of the salvation of Kaluga from the French invasion in 1812. Then the Kaluga icon was hidden in the city of Efremov, Tula province, and the captured French admitted that they saw it standing in the air and surrounded by luminous men in Kaluga and near Maloyaroslavets when they were defeated. Birthday Antony, Fedot, Rufin, Ivan, Fedosy.

16 of September- the day of Saints Vasilisa and Domna. In the old days, women used to clean up Domna home all sorts of junk to acquire well-being for autumn. They examined the clothes that had worn out over the summer, sorted out the things needed in the household, washed, cleaned and hid them until the next summer. They said: "Everything that is needed, Domna will clean up the house, what is not suitable - will be burned at the stake." In many places, old, worn-out bast shoes were hung from the roofs of houses and cattle yards, hung around the garden, and an old bast shoe could hang on each stake. A person who approaches the garden will marvel at the bast shoes, will count them, but will not even look at the garden, will not smooth the harvest. Dobrydni, that is, good days. Dobrydni is women's property, as well as good red days, a prosperous life, prosperity, contentment. Domna respects the joyful, red life-being. He does not tolerate any quarrels or quarrels. Where trouble happened, a quarrel happened, she comes there, and everything becomes quiet, blissful. She especially dislikes women's debates and disagreements. By this time, they tried to remove the flax: "Baba Vasilisa orders to hurry with the flax." Day of Remembrance Blessed John the Haired, Rostov miracle worker, healing people from a variety of diseases. Celebration Day Pisidian Icon of the Mother of God. Famous for miracles VI century. Name day at Vasilisa, Domna, Augusta, Dorotheus, Yefim, Feoktist, Peter.

September 17Bow day. Burning bush. On this day they begin dig up onions from the ridges. Thunder in September portends a warm autumn.

Day of Remembrance Icons Virgin "Burning Bush"- Keepers from fires, helping from various diseases. On this day, they prayed for the protection of the house and livestock from fires. The burning bush in the Old Testament tradition is a burning but not burning thorn bush (this is a sign of the immaculate conception of the Mother of God of Christ from the Holy Spirit), in which the god Yahweh appeared to Moses, who was grazing sheep in the desert near Mount Horeb. When Moses went to the bush to look, " why the bush burns with fire, but does not burn out, God from the burning bush spoke to him, calling to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt to the Promised Land. The icon depicts an octagonal star surrounding the Mother of God, composed of two quadrangles, one is red - the image of a flame, the other is green, the image of a bush. In the corners of the icon there are four symbols from the Alocalypse of John the Theologian: an angel, a calf, a lion and an eagle, as well as archangels with symbols assigned to them by the Orthodox Church: Michael with a rod, Raphael with an alabaster, Uriel with a fiery sword, Selaphiel with censer, Varahiel - with bunch of grapes, Gabriel - with a branch of the gospel. Holding in hands the icon of the "Burning Bush" and saying: " clean, not fell off!”, - they walk around the barns where hay is stored. This day is also celebrated holiday pitchfork. Indeed, on this day, pitchforks are given so much work. On this day, hay was turned and dried. They begin to dig onions from the ridges. Name day at Athanasius, Fedor, Julian, Vavila.

September 18 -day Holy Prophet Zechariah and Saint Elizabeth healing infertility. On this day, they predicted what winter would be like. Rowan leaves turned yellow early - by early autumn and early cold winter. They visit sorcerers and healers. On this day, kumokha was expelled from the villages. Kumokha drove women into ailments, bent women's backs. Kumokha walks around the village and brings misfortune behind him. Evening on this day bathhouse was heated for women and with birch brooms they whipped them on their bent backs. They also washed the kids, they saved them from ailments and misfortunes. Kumoha is a fever that appears in the form of a woman. Name day at Elizabeth, Raisa, Gleb, Maxim, Zakhar, David.

September 19Michael's day. Miracle of the Archangel Michael in Khonekh (Kopossy). The pagans planned to destroy the temple built in honor of the Archangel Michael in IV century not far from Hierapolis and directed the beds of two rivers to the temple to wash it away, but St. Michael and with a blow of his staff led the water into a crevice in the mountain and saved the temple.

First brother. Mikhailovsky matinees, frosts - the beginning of the first frosts. “Michael took our land with a frost.” A lot of acorns in September on oak - for a fierce winter. The day has already shortened by 5 hours. You can’t work for Mikhail - God will punish. In ancient times at worldly gatherings resolved family and private matters. After reconciliations, mutual treats were offered, turning into a special festival known as brother, where friendship, peacefulness and brotherhood were established. There are two main brotherhoods - Mikhailovskaya and Nikolskaya: the first in honor of Archangel Michael on September 19, the second - in honor of St. Nicholas of Winter on December 19. The purpose of the Bratchin feast was to thank the saint for his patronage.

Celebration Day Kiev-Bratskaya and Arapetskaya icons of the Mother of God. Birthdays Michael, Macarius, Cyril, Arkhip, David.

September 20- Sozont. Bow day. Feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. Bulk cleaningand sale onion. Bow and bath rule everything. To whom the onion of tears does not cut out of the eyes, the Lord himself will not cure him. On the day of bows, the widow will cry - she will find her own. Onions and garlic are siblings. Onion heals seven ailments, so they ate it with bread, salt, kvass and were healthy, had fresh color faces. Whoever eats onions, God will save him from eternal torment. In our land - like in paradise: you can’t eat onions and mountain ash. A bow is good both in battle and in cabbage soup. What girl does not cry on bows day - luck will pass by that one. On this day, crying means gaining health. After all, onions straighten vision, and tears when peeling onions only benefit. Previously, bunches of bulbs were hung in the rooms - to purify the air. A lot of "clothes" on the bulbs - to be a harsh winter.

Day of Remembrance Reverend Macarius of Optina. People who suffer from various mental illnesses turn to him. Day of Remembrance Saint John , archbishop Novgorod. The whole life of the saint was permeated with miracles. For his simplicity and purity of heart, the Lord gave him power over demons. Once, the saint, by the power of the Cross of the Lord, locked the demon in the washbasin and agreed to let him out only on the condition that he would carry him one night to Jerusalem to the Holy Sepulcher and back. The demon fulfilled the set condition, but leaving the cell of the saint, he took on the appearance of a dissolute woman. Novgorodians accused the shepherd of a dissolute life, put him on a raft and let him go along the Volkhov River. But the raft swam against the current of the river to the monastery. The people were afraid and began to ask the saint for forgiveness of the guilty. The saint returned to his flock. Name days for Ivan, Makar, Evgeny, Gregory, Luka.

September 21 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary . Second Pure. Autumn, Ospozhinki, harvest festival. The second meeting of autumn is autumn. Early in the morning, women went to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds with oatmeal bread to meet Mother Osenina. The eldest of the women held bread, and the young ones danced and sang songs. They go to visit. Newly married couples treated their relatives, which is why this holiday was also called offering day. The guests praised and at the same time taught the young. The owner took the guests to the yard, showed the barns, treated them to beer from a cask.

If the weather is good, the whole autumn will be the same. The old Indian summer ends. In pre-Christian times, this holiday was dedicated to the goddess Makoshi, women in labor Lada and Lele, and was also timed to coincide with the end of the harvest. August 28 - Assumption of the Virgin, the first autumn. September 21 - Nativity of the Virgin, the second autumn. October 14 - Protection of the Virgin. Snow covers Mother Earth. Mother earth reflected this year, and until the Annunciation (April 7) no one touches it, She is preparing for her next birth.

The parents of the Most Holy Theotokos were the righteous Joachim and Anna. Spouses for a long time were childless, according to Jewish belief, they were considered sinful people, but, remembering how the Lord allowed the barrenness of Sarah, the wife of Patriarch Abraham, they hoped for God's mercy. The child that the Lord would send them, Joachim and Anna undertook to dedicate it to God. Childlessness in a Jewish family was considered a punishment for sins, so the saints endured unfair reproach from their compatriots. On one of the holidays, Joachim brought a sacrifice to the Jerusalem temple, but the high priest refused to accept it. Joachim, in deep grief, went into the desert and there he prayed with tears for the granting of a child to him. The Lord fulfilled the petition when the couple were already in old age and prepared themselves by a virtuous life for a high rank - to be the parents of the future Mother of Jesus Christ. In remembrance of the Nativity of the Theotokos, the Church established a holiday from ancient times, which becomes known from IV century. All the most ancient monuments of the spiritual literature of the East and West testify to the unanimous celebration of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on September 8, according to the old style.

Celebration Day Icon of the Mother of God of Pochaev healing severe ailments (September 21, August 5). The Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra, where the list of the miraculous Pochaev Icon is kept: Ukraine, Ternopil region, Pochaev. Once upon a time, two monks settled in the natural cave of Mount Pochaevskaya, who devoted themselves to the exploits of prayer and abstinence. One of them once at night went up to the top of the mountain to perform the usual prayer and saw the Most Holy Theotokos standing on a stone in a pillar of fire. At the same time, the shepherds saw it too. At the place of appearance on the surface of the stone, the Blessed Virgin left an imprint of her right foot, which has since been filled with clear water. The miraculous image of the Mother of God, which gives healing, was presented to the same monks, which was placed in the temple, erected in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God. Celebration day icons Sophia, the Wisdom of God (Kyiv). The icon depicts a temple and the Mother of God standing in it in a tunic with a veil on her head. In her arms she holds the Eternal Child, blessing right hand, in the left hand - orb. Above the canopy is depicted God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. On both sides there are seven Archangels holding the signs of His service in their hands: on the right side - Michael with a sword, Uriel - with a lightning bolt lowered down, Raphiel - with an alabaster of the world; on the left side - Gabriel with a lily flower, Selaphiel - with a rosary, Yehudiel - with a royal crown and Barahiel - with flowers. Day of celebration of revered icons The Most Holy Theotokos: Syamskaya, Glinskaya, Lukianovskaya, Isakovskaya, Kursk "Sign", Kholmskaya, Lesninskaya and Domnitskaya icons of the Mother of God. Sofia's birthday.

September 22nd - Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary . Indian summer has passed - say goodbye to warmth. Autumn equinox.

Day of Remembrance reverend Joseph, Abbot of Volotsky , healing the vessels of the brain and deafness. Celebration Day Icons of the Holy Righteous Fathers of God Joachim and Anna. Birthdays Anna, Joseph, Nikita.

23 September - Peter and Pavel Ryabinniki. In Rus', there are two days of Peter and Paul - big and small, summer and autumn. It was allowed to eat strawberries and other berries from Peter's day in the summer, and to pick mountain ash from the autumn of Peter and Paul. Gather rowan , which after the first frost becomes sweeter. Some of the berries were left on trees for birds. Mountain ash is terrible - the winter is frosty. On this day they broke rowan berries and they hung them with tassels under the roof so that the rowanberry would pick up sugar. If there are a lot of mountain ash in the forest, the autumn is rainy, and the winter is harsh, if there are few, the autumn is dry. Cranes fly high - towards the warm autumn. Birthdays: Pavel, Andrei, Peter, Vasily, Konstantin.

ROWAN: - rowan cannot be cut with an ax until it dries up, dies a natural death. - So that the groom would not be spoiled at the wedding, the matchmaker sprinkled rowan roots on his bootleg. - They made a staff from mountain ash, gnawed it, then left a sliver in the mouth behind the cheek, not to be afraid of any witchcraft during long journey. –You can not break or chop rowan otherwise the person who did this will die or one of his relatives will die. The one who harms the mountain ash will have a toothache.

September 24Fedora - Obdera, soak your tails. The third meeting of autumn. To Fedora summer ends, autumn begins. And the Indian summer will not reach Fedora. It's getting slushy and it's raining more and more. “Autumn Fedora tucks her hem (from dirt), and winter Fedora (January 12) covers her face with a scarf (from cold).” "Two Fedoras a year - autumn and winter: one with mud, the other with cold." Reverend Theodora - Amen to every business. Fedora was considered the patroness of winter crops, so on this day they went to the field to watch the winter. Strong seedlings promised a good harvest next year. On this day covered their heads with bright scarves with golden and blue threads, in order to at least somehow illuminate the path to the Russian land. After all, soon the black mud will cover the Russian land. On this day, the bread left on the vine is upholstered. Fallen leaves lie upside down - to warm winter, front side- to cold.

Transfer of relics Saints Sergius and Herman of Valaam healing diseases of the hands and feet. Celebration Day Kaplunovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. Name day of Sergei, Herman, Dmitry, Fedora, II.

September 25 -Artamon (Autonom). Commemoration of the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The last day the snakes roam free: Artamon invites them into their holes and locks them up there. In Rus', there has long been a sign that you can’t lift a snake above your eyes, otherwise you will go blind. The fact is that the snake is connected with the earth and in this case is its personification and substitute. That is, if the earth is in front of a person, then he cannot see. A snake raised above a person's eyes means death or blindness. A lot of cobwebs - for a clear autumn and cold winter. The day of the Exaltation is approaching, on which the snakes go underground, the bears play in the forests, and the forest goblins play pranks.

Transfer of relics righteous Simeon of Verkhotursky. Saint helps to cure severe eye diseases. Name day at Semyon, Fedor, Alexei.

September 26Saint Cornelius centurion's day. Memory of the renewal (consecration) of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem (the Resurrection). Prefeast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

Rain falls to the ground. "Saint Cornelius - down from the earth the rhizome." “Since Cornelius, the root in the earth does not grow, but chills.” Remove all root vegetables except turnips. It is believed that from this day on, all plant growth ceases.. In some places they also pick mushrooms and berries. Rain falls to the ground - bad weather in the yard. The rain falls - the earth begins to heal. The abysses of heaven open up, the earth is christened with rain. By old omen on this day, rain streams falling from heaven converge crosswise on the earth. Life-giving rains with their light transparent jets seem to heal all wounds, remove all irregularities and roughness from the body of mother earth. Just as such rain is good for Mother Earth, so it is good for the human soul. Rain heals the human soul, comforts it, gives life with its coolness, clears the mind.. According to the observations of the old people, this is the last warm rain. “Now the Lord is raining!” - our ancestors used to say. The Lord Father takes care of everything and makes us happy, so we, the people, should take care of our souls. Birthdays Valerian, Ilya, Leonty, Peter, Julian, Cornelius.

September 27 - Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord ( fast day).

"The caftan with a fur coat will move, and the cold will approach." Colds are coming: “The exaltation shifts the heat, and the cold pushes, the caftan will move from the shoulders, the sheepskin coat will move!”. From this day started chopping cabbage. Women and girls gathered in the hut for "Kapustin's parties": the cutting of cabbage was accompanied by various rituals and songs. (From September 27 - within two weeks). In houses where cabbage was chopped, a special table with snacks was laid, beer was brewed, lunch and dinner were prepared. Moving, approaching winter-mother on Exaltation. Birds fly south. The cuckoo flies first to the promised land and the last to return from there is the cuckoo, which is why it is called the housekeeper of Vyriya (paradise). The bear lies down in the den. On this day, snakes crawl into burrows for wintering - it is dangerous to go into the forest.

On the day of the Exaltation, chapels were erected, crosses, fasting. The veneration of the Cross is of great Christian significance. In honor of this shrine, the Feast of the Exaltation was established. On the eve of it, during the vigil, the priest brings the image of the Cross to the middle of the temple. In 326, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, Queen Helena, on behalf of her son, went to Jerusalem to find the Cross on which the Lord was crucified. For a long time the search remained unsuccessful, but one Jew, named Judas, reported that the Cross was located under the pagan temple of Venus. The temple was destroyed and, after excavations, three crosses were found on which Jesus Christ and two thieves were crucified. On that day, a sick woman received healing from the Cross of the Lord, and the dead man was resurrected. The cross was found before Easter, when Jerusalem is overflowing with pilgrims. The Jerusalem Patriarch Macarius, together with the clergy, took the Calvary Cross in their hands and carried it to a high hill. Several times they raised (raised) the Tree of the Cross so that the people could see it. Subsequently, the emperor Constantine built a majestic church of the Resurrection of the Lord over the tomb of the Lord, in which they placed the Life-Giving Cross.

On this day, the return of the Cross of the Lord from Persia to Jerusalem is also remembered. During the reign of the Byzantine emperor Phocas (602-610), the Persian king Khozroy II in the war against the Greeks, he took Jerusalem and took away the Cross. He stayed in Persia for 14 years, and only under the emperor Heraclius (610-641) was their shrine returned to the Christians.

Celebration Day Lesninskaya Icon of the Mother of God. It first appeared in the east of Poland, on the branches of a pear tree, in radiance. Ivan's birthday.

September 28 -Afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Cross. Nikita Guseprolet. Hussar, Gusyatnik, Reporez. The geese are flying. "Geese fly - they drag winter on their tail." They fly high - to a plentiful flood, low - to a small one. The goose stands on one leg - to frost, hides its nose under the wing - to early winter, rinses in the water - to warmth. During these days cut and remove turnips from the fields. Sheared sheep, because before the onset of great cold weather they were overgrown with a new fur coat. Also, Saint Nikita the saint is revered as the patron of children from illness - a kindred (falling infantile illness). They prayed to him for the healing of their children.

Celebration Day Novonikitskaya Icon of the Mother of God. Birthdays: Nikita, Maxim, Nikolai, Stepan, Yakov.

September 29Afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Cross. Lyudmila - bird's hair. Looking at the bird's bone and by the presence of fat, they determined what kind of mother winter would be. People, born in this day, have a special voice. The first songstress at the plantings was Lyudmila, dear to people. Lyudmila was associated with the image of a swan and a duck. After all, it was the duck that became a symbol of the world order, home harmony. And some household utensils were called ducks.

St. Ludmila - the Czech princess, was married to Prince Borivoi. Lyudmila, having left early as a widow, led a strict, pious life, continuing to take care of the Church. Bratislav, her son married Dragomir, who began to instill pagan customs and customs in the country. In 927, she ordered to kill Lyudmila in hatred. The relics of the saint were buried in Techin near the city wall.

Celebration Day icons of God Mother "Look for humility", healing many mental and physical ailments. The icon appeared for the first time in 1420 on Stone Lake in the Pskov region. In the summer of 1993, Rector Damian drew attention to the darkened colors of the icon. Having invited restorers, they removed the frame with glass and saw that the tonality of the colors on the icon had not changed, but on the glass reverse side a wonderful silver imprint appeared, exactly repeating the silhouettes of the Mother of God and the Child. Scientists have established that this imprint is of organic origin and is a miraculous reflection of the Mother of God and the Child. The devices recorded that strong rays emanated from the icon, which have a beneficial effect on the human body. Church of St. Tikhon, where the list of the icon of the Mother of God “Look for humility” is kept: Moscow region, Klin, st. Silent, d.7. Name day at Lyudmila and Victor.

September 30th - After-feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. Worldwide women's name day. On this day, from the very early morning, according to custom, women cried and suffered. All sorrows, insults were released on this day by women. After such a cleansing, the house became brighter, and the eyes saw the world in a different way. Women's name day timed to coincide with the completion of all field work. Birds fly low - to a cold winter, high - to a warm one. In autumn, the morning is gray, so wait for the red day.

Memorial Day of the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, helping with arthritis and female ailments.

Three sisters - Faith, Hope and Love - were born into a Christian family. Their mother, Sophia, raised her children in love for the Lord and did not hide her faith in Christ. The governor Antiochus reported this to the emperor Andrian (117-138), who ordered that the holy virgins be brought to Rome. Refusing to sacrifice to the goddess Artemis, the martyrs were subjected to severe torture, but the Lord invisible hand kept them. After terrible torture, Vera - 12 years old, Nadezhda - 10 years old, Lyubov - 9 years old were beheaded. Sophia buried the bodies of the children outside the city. Three days later she died at their grave. Church of the Martyrs Faith, Hope, Lyubov and their mother Sophia at the Miusskoye cemetery, where the throne in the name of the saints is located: Moscow, Suschevsky Val, 21.

Celebration Day Makaryevskaya Icon of the Mother of God. Appeared in 1442 to the Monk Macarius Zheltovodsky during the reign of Vasily the Dark. At 3 o'clock in the morning, finishing his usual akathist singing to the Most Holy Theotokos, suddenly an unusual light illuminated his hut, he heard singing: "Rejoice, Blessed Mother!" With fear, he left the cell and saw an unusual sight: on the northwestern slope of the sky, the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, surrounded by luminous rays, carried through the air by an invisible force. The icon approached and descended to his hut. A monastery was founded on the site of the appearance of the icon. Celebration Day Tsaregradskaya Icon of the Mother of God. Birthdays: Sophia, Vera, Hope, Love, Ilya.

Published on 18.09.17 23:52

Today, September 19, we also celebrate Gunsmith's Day, Smiley's Birthday, International Pirate Day and other holidays.

September 19, 2017 is celebrated folk holiday Michael's miracle. The Church on this day remembers the miracle of the Archangel Michael in Khonekh (Colossae) - the miraculous appearance of the saint and his salvation of the temple from the attacks of the pagans.

According to legend, in the 4th century, the Christian Arkhip built a temple in Khonekh (Colossae), which was founded near the source, where his daughter was cured of dumbness. The church and the healing spring began to be visited by many people, intkbbee including pagans. After getting rid of diseases, unbelievers accepted Christianity. This did not please the idolaters, and they decided to destroy the church. The pagans connected the two rivers into one and directed the flow towards the temple.

Christian Arkhip began to pray for the salvation of the church. God heard his words. The Archangel Michael appeared near the temple. With a blow of the rod, he made a fissure in the mountain, and the water went into the ground. The idolaters fled in terror. This miracle saved the temple. In honor of this event, the Mikhailovo Miracle holiday was founded.

Saint Michael patronizes those who fight evil. He protects the souls of the dead and guards the gates of paradise. In history there are many miraculous deeds and deliverances after the appearance of the archangel.

Traditionally, work is prohibited on this day. If there is no way to put things off, they should be finished before lunch.

On Mikhailovo Miracle, "gatherings" ("brotherhoods") are organized - a showdown between relatives and neighbors. On this day, it is necessary to forget quarrels and forgive hidden grievances. Mandatory conditions of the ritual are hugs and fraternization.

People also pray to Archangel Michael for healing from fever.

According to signs, if the day is warm, then the autumn will be long, and if there is frost on the trees, then the winter will be snowy.

September 19, 2017 is Gunsmith's Day. This year the holiday is celebrated for the 6th time. On May 25, 2010, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation V. Putin was on a working visit to the city of Izhevsk, where he visited the Izhmash defense enterprise. During the tour, he talked with M. T. Kalashnikov, who asked to approve the Gunsmith's Day. V. Putin promised to fulfill his request, noting that the Union of Russian Specialists came out with a similar request. The annual celebration was fixed by Decree of the President of Russia D. Medvedev No. 1578 of December 3, 2011. The date of the holiday is symbolic meaning. September 19 Orthodox Church honors the Archangel Michael - the patron saint of the heavenly host.

Birthday "Smiley"

The history of the emoticon originates on September 19, 1982. This event was preceded by heated discussions on how to give an e-mail an emotional coloring. And finally, one of the professors at Carnegie Mellon University, Scott Fahlman, was the first to suggest using a combination of three consecutive characters for this purpose: a colon, a hyphen and a bracket. He posted a "smiling face" to the bulletin board, which was the main way for employees to share information.

International Pirate Day

International Pirate Day is celebrated on September 19 (some people hold this event on January 23 or June 6). In Russia, it was first celebrated in 2009.

On June 6, 1995, in Albany, Oregon, USA, two friends, playing racquetball, started a conversation using pirate words. And they liked it so much that they decided to hold an annual pirate holiday, distinctive feature which, in addition to slang, became wearing pirate clothes, weapons, shooting competitions and much more.

It was decided to abandon the date of June 6, since on this day in 1944 the Normandy operation "Overlord" was carried out. The choice fell on a birthday ex-wife one of my friends (September 19).

The first holiday passed very modestly. It was celebrated only by the inhabitants of this town. But in 2002, D. Barry (publicist, Pulitzer Prize winner) wrote about him, then new publications appeared in newspapers, and the celebration began to gain popularity.

In 2006, the friends starred in a television show on ABC and the event gained international notoriety.

Day of Civil Aviation Worker of Moldova

In 1994, on September 2, the Prime Minister of the country signed a Decree on the announcement of the Civil Aviation Worker's Day in the country. The very first civilian airfield was created in the northeastern suburb of Kiginev. In 1944, on September 19, the first plane took off from the capital. Ever since then civil Aviation state has made great strides, today it continues to develop as an important part of the national economy.

Andrei, Vsevolod, David, Denis, Dmitry, Ivan, Kirill, Konstantin, Makar, Mikhail, Thekla.

  • 1648 - Pascal conducted an experiment that proved the existence of atmospheric pressure.
  • 1727 - Peter II signed a decree on the exile and deprivation of all ranks of Prince Menshikov.
  • 1888 - The first ever beauty pageant was held in Belgium.
  • 1943 - partisan operation Concert began.
  • 1990 - the first domestic SU domain is registered on the World Wide Web.
  • 1996 is the date of establishment of the Arctic Council.
  • Leo VI Philosopher 866 - Byzantine emperor.
  • Elizaveta Khitrovo 1783 - Russian princess.
  • Vera Pashennaya 1887 - Russian actress.
  • William Golding 1911 - English novelist.
  • Victor Erofeev 1947 - Russian writer.
  • Alexander Karelin 1967 - Russian wrestler.

On September 16, 2017, the national holiday Domna Dobrorodnaya is celebrated. The Church today remembers the martyr Domna of Nicomedia.

Domna lived during the reign of the pagan tetrarchs Maximian and Diocletian (284-305). This period went down in history as the most terrible for Christians. Having familiarized herself with the writings of the apostles, Domna changed her religion. Pretending to be insane, she fled the palace.

Domna settled in a maiden cloister, cut off her hair and dressed in men's clothing. The next haunt of the saint intkbbee there was a cave. Having heard that the monastery that had given her shelter had been destroyed and burned down, she returned to the city.

At this time, the fishermen pulled out the remains of the martyr Dorotheus and many other executed Christians from the waters. Domna buried them with honors and looked after the graves until she herself was executed for Christianity.

On this day, the people burn rubbish and garbage, put things in order in the house and non-residential outbuildings. In the evening, along with the tops of potatoes, everything that is considered unnecessary, decrepit, old is burned.

People believed that the one who removed all the garbage from the house and burned it down would be happy until next autumn.

According to signs, if it rains on the day of Domna Dobrorodnaya, the same weather will continue for another seven days.

September 16 is traditionally celebrated as International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. The initiator of the holiday was the UN General Assembly. On December 19, 1994, Special Resolution No. A/RES/49 was issued. In 2017, the date is celebrated for the 23rd time.

In 1992, the UN initiated a framework convention on global climate change, supplemented by the Kyoto Protocol on the Percentage Reduction of Gas Emissions (1990 is the starting point). By various studies scientists, this will allow not only to exclude the emergence of new ozone holes, but also to restore the part that has undergone destruction.

International Juice Day

International Juice Day is celebrated on the third Saturday of September. In 2017, the events take place on September 16. It is known that in 2010 the International Association of Fruit Juice Producers addressed the countries with a petition to establish this event. This idea was immediately supported by Spain, Poland and Turkey. Later, other states joined the celebration. Each country chose its own date.

In 2012, the Russian Union of Juice Producers made a proposal to choose the date of the celebration by voting on the Internet. Considering that in Russia the harvest is carried out in September, the choice fell on one of the days of this autumn month.

Juliet's birthday

Juliet's birthday is celebrated every September 16 in the Italian city of Verona. Despite the fact that the girl was only 14 years old at the time of the tragedy, letters from all lovers still come to the city. These letters are addressed to Juliet with requests for parting words or advice.

But they answer such requests from the girls from the Juliet club, which was created in 1972 by Giulio Tamassia. Every year the club receives about 5,000 letters, including e-mail. In honor of the holiday, local residents also hold various events: festivals, performances, carnivals. Also on this date is the presentation of the literary award for professional writers.

Day of workers of the State Security Service of Kyrgyzstan

The Government of Kyrgyzstan established the Day of State Security Service Workers on September 16 to educate military personnel in the spirit of devotion to their people and military traditions. The holiday is celebrated every year on September 16th. This date was chosen for a reason.

The State Security Service of the country was established in 1992 on September 16. This service carries out a set of organizational, legal, security, technical and other measures in order to ensure the safety of certain persons. Such persons include: the president, a member of his family, the prime minister, the chairman of the country's Constitutional Court, and so on.

Mexico Independence Day

Mexico celebrates Independence Day on September 16th. The beginning of the event is connected with the day of St. Porphyry. President Porfirio Diaz was also born on that date. On September 15, 1910, after the clock struck 11 p.m., the president stepped onto the main balcony of the National Palace and began ringing the bell that his father had rang 100 years earlier.

It is worth noting that by the 19th century the country had been a Spanish colony for a long time. And when France captured Spain, then automatically the lands of Mexico passed into the hands of Napoleon.

Alexey, Andrey, Vasily, Vasilisa, Vladimir, Dominika, Efim, Ivan, Ilya, Konstantin, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Roman, Sergey, Philip.

  • 1380 - victory of Russian troops in the Battle of Kulikovo.
  • 1782 - first used Great Seal the US government.
  • 1859 - Livingston discovered Lake Nyasa in Africa.
  • 1915 - for the first time in the history of navigation, the route from Vladivostok to Arkhangelsk was passed through a through road.
  • 1931 - The State Academic Central Puppet Theater was established in Moscow.
  • 1987 - The Protocol on Ozone Depleting Substances is signed in Montreal.
  • Henry V of England 1387 - King of England.
  • John Gay 1685 - English poet.
  • Mikhail Kutuzov 1745 - Russian commander.
  • Peter Falk 1927 - American film actor.
  • Angelina Vovk 1942 - Russian presenter.
Published on 16.09.17 23:51

Today, September 17, we celebrate the Day of Forestry and Timber Processing Industry Workers, the Day of the Rescuer of Ukraine, the Day of the Constitution and Citizenship in the United States and other holidays.

On September 17, 2017, Christians venerate the icon of the Mother of God, which is called the Burning Bush. According to legend, God appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush. He wanted to call on a prophet to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt. The Burning Bush in Christianity became a prototype of the Mother of God.

Orthodox people venerate the icon of the Mother of God with the same name. In the center of the icon is the Virgin Mary with a baby. Among the people, Kupina was considered a protector from lightning and fire. The peasants said the necessary prayer on such a day.

There was intkbbee the custom in case of fire to walk around the burning house in the hands with the icon of the Virgin. Our ancestors could tell many beliefs that were associated with fires. For example, they argued that a fire caused by lightning could be extinguished with milk from a black cow, beer or kvass.

What holiday is today, September 17: Day of Forestry and Timber Processing Industry Workers

The Day of Forestry and Timber Processing Industry Workers is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of September. In 2017, it falls on September 17 and is not a national holiday. The date was fixed by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days”.

Forester's Day begins on Soviet times. At the official level, the first celebrations were held in 1980, after the signing of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and the date of the celebration was timed to coincide with the release of the "Forest Legislation" in 1977.

Day of the Rescuer of Ukraine

In 2008, the President of Ukraine signed a decree, with which a new professional holiday- Day of the Rescuer. It is celebrated every year on September 17th. The decree states that the celebration is being established, given the significant contribution of emergency response workers, not only the fire department, but also other special units.

US Constitution and Citizenship Day

September 17th is Constitution Day in America. Americans celebrate this celebration, despite the fact that it is not a state holiday and is not a day off. Such a day is historically significant in that in 1787, on September 17, the world's first Constitution was adopted in the United States. It was signed by delegates from 12 states.

Alexander, Vasily, Grigory, Elena, Ivan, Mitrofan, Mikhail, Moses, Nikolai, Pavel, Peter, Stepan, Fedor, Julian.

  • 1540 - the day of the founding of the Jesuit Order.
  • 1630 - in North America Boston was founded by British settlers.
  • 1773 - the beginning of the uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev.
  • 1787 - Constitutional convention in Philadelphia adopted the US Constitution.
  • 1922 - The first radio concert took place in Moscow.
  • 1957 - The wedding of Sofia Loren and Carlo Ponti took place in Mexico.
  • Nadezhda Durova 1783 - the first female officer in the Russian army.
  • Sergei Botkin 1832 - Russian general practitioner.
  • Konstantin Tsiolkovsky 1857 - Soviet scientist and inventor in the field of aerodynamics.
  • Masaoka Shiki 1867 - Japanese poet.
  • Anatoly Voronov 1911 - Soviet ecologist.
  • Georgy Menglet 1912 - Russian actor.
  • Agostinho Neto 1922 - Angolan statesman.
  • Vladimir Menshov 1939 - Russian actor and director.

Today September 17 (September 4 old style),
the Orthodox Church celebrates:

* Prophet and God-seer Moses (1531 BC). * Hieromartyr Babyla, Bishop of Great Antioch, and with him the martyrs of the three youths: Urvanus, Pridianus, Eppolonius, and their mother Christodula (c. 251). * St. Joasaph, Bishop of Belgorod (acquisition of relics, 1911). * Second acquisition of the relics of St. Mitrofan, Bishop of Voronezh (1989).
Martyrs Hermione (c. 117) and Saint Eutyches, daughters of the Apostle Philip the Deacon; Babyla of Nicomedia and with him the youths Ammanius, Donatus and others 82 (c. 305-311); Theodora, Mian, Julian and Kion (c. 305-311); Theotima and Theodula. Venerable Petronius (c. 349); Simeon of Gareji. Venerable Martyr Parthenios, hegumen of Kiziltash (1867). Saint Alexander. Hieromartyrs Paul (Vasilevsky), John (Vasilevsky), Nikolai (Lebedev), Nikolai (Sretensky), Michael (Bogorodsky) presbyters and the Monk Martyr Stefan (Kuskov) Hieromonk, Tverskoy (1937); Hieromartyrs John (Romashkin), Nicholas (Khvoshchev), Alexander (Nikolsky), Peter (Lebedinsky) Presbyters and Martyrs Vasily (Yezhov), Peter (Lonskov), Stefan (Mityushkin) and Alexander (Blokhin) of Nizhny Novgorod (1937). Cathedral of the Voronezh Saints. Icon of the Mother of God, called "Burning Bush" (1680).

Moses - the greatest prophet of the Old Testament

The Holy Prophet Moses is called the God-seer, because he was deemed worthy to see God on Mount Sinai as far as it is possible for a person to see. Moses led the Jews out of Egypt and thereby delivered them from Pharaoh's slavery; he received for them 10 commandments from God Himself on Mount Sinai and, by the inspiration of God, wrote the laws. Thus, Moses was the image of Jesus Christ, the Savior of people from slavery to the devil and the New Testament Legislator. Moses foresaw the coming of the Savior (Deut. 18:18), which is why he is called a prophet. The life and work of Moses is described in the Bible. He was born at a time when Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, issued a decree to throw into the Nile River every newborn male Jewish child, but by God's Providence he was saved and raised at the royal court. Having reached age, he preferred to suffer with the people of God - his countrymen, than to rule with the Gentiles. Once, standing up for a Jew who was offended by an Egyptian, he killed the Egyptian and was forced to flee to another land, Arabia. There he lived for 40 years with his father-in-law, the priest Jethro, and shepherded his flocks. Here the Lord, appearing to Moses in a burning but not burned thorn bush, sent him to free the Jews from slavery in Egypt, leading them out of there. With the help of God, Moses led the Jews across the Red Sea. After he received the tablets with the ten commandments, at the direction of God, he built the first temple of God, the tabernacle. Once, when the Lord was very angry with the people who sinned in the absence of Moses, he prayed for the people with these words: “Lord, if You do not forgive their sin, then blot me out of Your book, in which You have written those destined for eternal bliss” . Moses brought the Jews to the Promised Land, but God did not judge him to bring them into the land itself, because, to the temptation of others, he did not exactly fulfill the commandment of God: drawing water from a stone, instead of lime with a word, he struck the stone with iron and also expressed while doubting with the words: “Listen, rebellious ones, are we to bring water from this rock for you?” Moses died on Mount Navav, on the border of the Promised Land, just looking at it from there. He died at the age of 120 about 1531 BC. The place of his grave was left unknown so that the Jews, inclined to polytheism, could not worship him as God. Moses is credited with the authorship of the first five sacred books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Hieromartyr Vavila

Hieromartyr Babyla was a bishop in Antioch during the time of persecution. Emperor Decius, having arranged a feast in honor of idols and having sacrificed the Persian prince who was his hostage, wanted to enter a Christian church in order to desecrate it. At this time, St. Vavila served in the temple and did not let the king go there. The king was afraid to insist, because there were many Christians in the temple. The next day, he ordered the temple to be burned and St. Vavilu. “Do you know what evil you have done and what punishment you deserve by insulting the king?” - said the king to Babyla. Babyla answered: “I did not offend the king, but only restrained the one who wanted to desecrate the sanctuary of God! The Heavenly King himself ordered me to protect the flock given to me from wolves. - "You will receive forgiveness if you bow to our gods," the king continued. - “I am ready to accept the execution, but I will not retreat from God. I would like to bring you out of the darkness and save you from hell, which you are preparing for yourself and to which you are calling others. Having heard about the taking of Babyla to the court, three more brothers, his disciples, came to the court: Urvan, Prilidian and Eppolonius, the youths. "Whose children are these?" the king asked. “Mine in spirit,” answered Vavila. "Do you have a mother?" - asked the king of the youths. “Yes,” they answered, “but we love Vavila more than our mother, because he cares about the salvation of our souls.” They found their mother, Christodula. She said that the youths were her children, but she gave them to Babyla so that he would lead them to the Kingdom of Heaven. The king ordered to beat the mother, but he began to gently persuade the children, then to beat for disobedience, and then, together with Babyla, tied to a tree, burn with fire. “What good is it that you give yourself and your children to death? said the king to Babyla. "You would see to it that they did not die in the bloom of youth." The holy martyr answered: “You, king, should take care of the benefit of your state and fight the enemies of your people, but you persecute and torture us, innocent of anything.” The king became angry and ordered the heads of all four martyrs to be cut off. This was in the year 251. In the 4th century, at the command of Julian the Apostate, the relics of the holy martyrs were removed from Daphne, where they rested. During the departure of the relics, lightning fell on the temple of the idol of Apollo and turned it into ashes.

Martyr Babyla of Nicomedia

The Martyr Babyla of Nicomedia suffered under Tsar Maximian, and 84 youths suffered with him. During the persecution, he hid in a secret place and here he taught little children not to worship idols, but to worship Christ. The pagans reported this to the king, and the king demanded the martyr to himself along with the children. At the court of St. Babyla called the pagan gods demons; The king was angry and ordered to subject him to cruel torments. The tsar spoke affectionately with the children, asked them different questions; but they did not answer him anything, but only exchanged glances. Then he separated the older children and said to them: "You are smarter than others, listen to me, bow down to our gods." “We will never worship soulless idols,” all the children answered. The king ordered to kill them all with a sword, starting with the teacher. Of the children, the names of Ammonius and Donat are known.

Martyr Hermione

Martyr Hermione was the daughter of St. Philip the Deacon (Comm. 14 November). Knowing the art of medicine, she treated Christians free of charge. King Trajan, having learned about her, wanted to distract her from Christ with persuasion and promises; but the saint remained firm, and Trajan ordered her to be severely beaten, and then set her free. Then Saint Hermione opened a hospital and treated all the sick who came, instilling in unbelievers faith in Christ. When, with the death of Trajan, Adrian came to the throne, he also demanded Hermonius to himself and, for the faith of Christ, ordered him to be thrown into boiling tar with sulfur and tin. But she, being in the cauldron, did not feel pain and said to the tormentor: "King, believe me, just as you, sitting on the throne, do not feel the fire, so do I." Then Hermione asked to be taken to the temple. Adrian rejoiced, thinking that the holy martyr wanted to worship idols. But as soon as she entered the temple and prayed, all the idols fell. Then St. Hermione sent Adrian to tell him to hasten to the aid of his gods, because they lie defeated and cannot get up. The king was angry with St. martyr and cut off her head. It was in 117 in the city of Ephesus.

Celebration of the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Burning Bush"

The celebration of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Burning Bush" was established in the 17th century. The icon is located in Moscow, in the Neopalimovskaya church. Under Tsar Theodore Alekseevich, she was at the Faceted Royal Chamber. The royal groom Koloshin especially revered this icon. Once they judged him for some important business, and he, not hoping to be justified, prayed even more fervently before the icon, asking the Most Holy Theotokos for intercession. And his prayer was answered. The king saw the icon in a dream, and Holy Mother of God declared Koloshin not guilty. The tsar freed Koloshin from trial, and he, in gratitude to the Mother of God, asked the tsar for permission to build a temple in the name of the icon of the Burning Bush and transferred the icon itself there. Then the celebration of this icon was also established in the Week after Easter - on the day of the transfer of the icon and the consecration of the temple.
Once, during a great fire in Moscow, the icon was surrounded around the houses of the parish of the Neopalimovskaya Church, and all the houses survived. The icon of the Burning Bush is written as follows: an octagonal star is presented, consisting of two sharp quadrangles, of which one is red, resembling a fire that embraced the bush (thornbush) seen by Moses, the other is green, indicating natural color bush, which she kept, being engulfed in flames. In the middle of the star is the Most Holy Theotokos; in the corners - a man, a lion, a calf and an eagle - the symbols of the four evangelists.

Saint Joasaph

Saint Joasaph (in the world Ioakim Andreevich Gorlenko) was from a noble noble family. He was born in 1705 on the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin.
In childhood, the father of the saint had a vision of the Ever-Virgin, near whom Joachim prayed, overshadowed by the hierarchal mantle.
Having not received a blessing from his parents for monasticism, the young man secretly enters the Kiev-Mezhigorsk monastery as a novice, where he was tonsured into a cassock with the name Hilarion. In 1727, in the Kiev-Bratsky Monastery, he was tonsured into a mantle with the name Joasaph. The young monk served as a teacher at the Kyiv Theological Academy, a priest of St. Sophia Cathedral, and a member of the consistory.
In 1737, Hieromonk Ioasaph was appointed abbot of the Transfiguration of the Savior Mgarsky monastery near Luben, and then archimandrite of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Abbot Ioasaph, not relying on the help of mercenaries, did not shy away from the most difficult and menial work, did not shy away from asking for mercy. Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, surprised by the dignity of the black-petitioner, granted him a very a large sum money.
In 1748, Archimandrite Joasaph was called to the episcopal service by Bishop of Belgorod and Oboyan. In this post, he became known for his strictness.
Vladyka fought with particular strictness against the habit of neglecting sacred objects. One day Vladyka Joasaph saw in a dream an icon of the Mother of God lying among the rubbish. The Blessed Virgin, grieving, complained to her saint: “Look what the ministers of this temple have done with my icon! This image of Mine is destined to be a source of grace for all this village and the whole country, but they threw it into the rubbish!” Bishop Joasaph found this icon in the city of Izyum near the local church just like this, cast down in rubbish. Another time, during a trip around the diocese, stopping for the night at the house of the parish priest, the bishop found spare Holy Gifts among papers and garbage on a shelf with pots, for which he subjected the priest to severe punishment.
One 130-year-old priest repented to St. Joasaph that in ancient times, frightened by the order of a landowner who was late for mass, he was forced to resume, without changing the throne, the interrupted liturgy. Not listening to the formidable voice that commanded him not to perform illegal service, the frightened priest cursed the guardian angel of the temple himself. At the insistence of St. Joasaph, the novice elder celebrated the Liturgy on the site of that long-destroyed temple, after which he died, reconciled with God.
The saint died on December 10, 1754, and was buried in a stone crypt, built at his insistence in Belgorod and consecrated in memory of the Last Judgment, in anticipation of which Blessed Joasaph lived constantly.
The saint was canonized in 1911. In 1991 there were miraculously the relics of the saint, which were considered lost, were found a second time, and on the day of his memory they were transferred to the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in the city of Belgorod, where they rest to this day.
The memory of the saint is also remembered on December 10, the day of his blessed death.

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