Folk inventions, technologies - disappearing ink. How to make invisible ink with your own hands. Disappearing Ink

Olesya and I got carried away with secret messages and are increasingly mastering the intricacies of their writing. Today we made with my daughter disappearing ink .

It is difficult to conduct such experiments by ourselves, but you can buy sets of the series SuperProfessor: Best Chemistry Experiments

Disappearing Ink

Disappearing ink is an essential spy attribute. And sometimes the ingredients for making secret ink become incriminating evidence. So, Mata Hari gave out a vial with a solution of cobalt chloride.

And now we will find out how this solution works.

Disappearing Ink - Option #1

  • 1 cobalt chloride (1/3 scoop)
  • 50 g water
  • paper and brush
  • napkin

The course of experiment No. 1 "Disappearing ink"

1. Pour water into a measuring cup and add cobalt chloride there.

2. Stir the solution until completely dissolved. You should get a pale pink solution (the powder dissolves very quickly).

3. We dip the brush in a solution of cobalt chloride, write a message and leave it to dry.

If the inscription does not disappear, then the cobalt chloride solution is too concentrated, you need to add water to it.

4. To read a secret letter, hold it over a candle or lamp, or iron it with an iron. Watching the invisible ink turn blue.

5. Soon the inscription will disappear again. To speed up the disappearance, you can moisten the paper with a damp cloth.

A funny thing, of course, is disappearing cobalt chloride ink: they wrote a secret message and passed it on to a friend, he read it, erased everything and gave it to a second friend and on and on and on.

Disappearing Ink - Option #2

  • 4 grams dextrin (1 scoop)
  • 50 g warm water
  • iodine (alcohol solution)
  • pipette
  • filter paper
  • paper and brush
  • heating source (iron, lamp, candle)

The course of experiment No. 2 "Disappearing ink"

1. We collect warm water and measure out a spoonful of dextrin.

2. We dissolve dextrin in warm water (it dissolves rather poorly, and “brews” in hot water).

3. Add iodine to the dextrin solution with a pipette. You need to add drop by drop - according to the instructions - until it turns blue. We got a rich dark color, but not blue.

The more iodine added, the more saturated the ink will be and the longer the inscription will disappear. According to the instructions it was written that 50 ml. water is added 2 ml. iodine, we added 1 ml and then the solution turned out to be too saturated, we had to add another 200 ml. water.

4. If there is sediment in the glass, you need to filter it with filter paper.

5. We write a message by dipping the brush into the resulting solution.

We tried to write with ink of different consistency and found that the lower the concentration of iodine, the faster the inscription disappears.

The first inscription disappeared after 2 hours, the second - after 3 days, and the third - was visible even after a week.

Here is a photo after 3 days - surprisingly - the most inconspicuous inscription was the one made with a solution of medium concentration, and not the minimum one:

We are thrifty people, we kept the cups with disappearing ink for several days and we wrote many more messages. True, at first they added water - up to a whole glass.

Only the bruising suggests that something was written here.

5. It is no longer possible to read a message written with disappearing ink from dextrin and iodine. After the iron - there will be only a smooth leaf:

Explanation of the dextrin and iodine disappearing ink experiment.

Dextrin is a product of starch processing. Both are strong indicators of iodine and change color in its presence. Within a few days, the iodine evaporates and the inscription completely loses its color.

So, if you don’t have dextrin on hand, then you can safely experiment with starch.

These are so wonderful disappearing ink we got it. Kids will like cobalt chloride ink - they disappear quickly and can be used repeatedly - ironed - read, and rubbed with a damp cloth - everything disappeared. And ink with dextrin and iodine is more suitable for "spies" - school-age professionals who need to sign a fake document or a declaration of love 🙂

Disappearing ink.

The first method is how to make disappearing ink.

It is necessary to mix 50 ml of alcohol tincture of iodine with a teaspoon

dextrin and filter the precipitate. Such blue ink completely loses color after

1-2 days due to evaporation of iodine.

The second method for the manufacture of disappearing ink.

Take a willow twig, burn it into coal, then finely crush or grind

with water on a stove, on which painters rub their paints and then dilute them with water so that

to make ink capable of writing on a sheet of paper. Written by such

ink letters and words will disappear completely in six days.

Appearing ink.

Method three.

The recipe for this disappearing ink is as simple as all genius. Invisible (disappearing) ink

are a saturated solution of ordinary baking soda in water. They

extremely cheap and can be stored for a very long time without spoiling. This is their advantage.

before the method that is known to many - writing with milk. For the convenience of writing these

there is nothing on the sheet of paper.

The secret writing is also very simple: by exposure to heat. When heated

dark brown text appears. You can carefully display the text over the fire or

electric stove, but it will be better and safer to use an iron. Most

A convenient option is a small-sized camping iron.

Method four.

Text written with lemon juice or milk becomes visible

when heated overfire or ironing with a hot iron.

Method five.

Letters written with a dilute solution of copper sulfate

become visible when a piece of paper is held over a bottle of ammonia.

Deleting what has been written.

Method one: remove blue (purple, red, green) paste, ink,

stamp mastic.

It is necessary to prepare two solutions:

1. In distilled water

water (50 ml) at a temperature of 20-30 C potassium permanganate is added in small portions

(3-10 g) and stir until completely dissolved.

After the solution becomes saturated and the next portion of potassium permanganate is already

does not dissolve, add glacial acetic acid (50 ml). Solution in storage

quickly loses its activity. Prepared immediately before use.

2. In distilled water (100 ml) at a temperature of 20-30 C add 1-2 tablets

hydroperite. Application: with a thin cotton swab on a glass rod or matchwith a light touch, apply solution No. 1 to the stain to be removed, starting from the center.

DO NOT RUB. After 10-15 sec. processing can be repeated. Mortar stain #1

decolorized with solution No. 2.

Method two: removal of black paste, ink, stamp mastic. In contrast of

the first recipe is that a pre-cotton swab dipped in

alcohol remove the first layer of black, and then act in the same way as in the first recipe.

When using the method on paper that has a colored protective grid or inscriptions

printing ink of all colors except black, in some cases it is possible

insignificant area.

Method three. Sodium sulfite or any other substance containing SO3 ion,

must be mixed with water. The resulting gas with a sharp unpleasant odorreturns the sheet to its original whiteness.

Stationery pens are a necessary attribute in various areas of life. Now there are many varieties. Disappearing ink pens are in high demand. In appearance, they are the same as ordinary ones, but differ in properties, which is why they are considered unusual.


Disappearing ink pens write just like normal pens. But after 2-3 minutes, the inscriptions brighten. After 10 minutes, they will no longer be noticeable. It is impossible to see the inscription even with ultraviolet light.

Pens are needed to create secret or confidential inscriptions on documents that need to be deleted. Turns out they are temporary. Such a clerical tool cannot be used for legal and financial documents, otherwise it will be a violation of the law.

There are also other types

Disappearing ink pen writing may not disappear after 10 minutes. The inks are different. Much is determined by environmental conditions. For example, in dry rooms, writing disappears faster than in damp rooms. With the latter, the inscription does not change for 20 minutes. The transformation occurs later, after about 1 hour. Everything written turns pale for about a day, until it disappears completely.

No matter what kind of lighting you look at the inscription, it will not be visible. It should be borne in mind that with strong pressure on the pens, traces may remain on the paper. Disappearing ink pens cannot be used illegally for any tricks. Experts will still prove the presence of a signature.

Where are they applied?

To hide some inscription, a pen with disappearing ink is used. Reviews testify to its convenience. From the outside, these stationery looks like regular gel stationery. Others cannot know that there is disappearing ink inside the pen.

They can be used for peaceful purposes, for example, for a joke on April 1st. There are many ways to use this pen. You just need to do it in a way that doesn't offend people.

Can you do it by hand?

Many people are interested in how to make a disappearing ink pen. You can do this job. To do this, dextrin (1 tsp) is mixed with an alcohol infusion of iodine (50 ml). The precipitate must be filtered, and there will be blue ink. The color is lost after a few days when the iodine evaporates.

There is another option. A willow twig is needed, which must be burned, and the coal crushed. Then it should be diluted with water to obtain an ink. The inscriptions disappear after 6 days. Although there is no exact guarantee. If a preparation error is made, the ink will not come out.

Where to write?

Ballpoint pen works only on paper. Disappearing ink will be eliminated only on this media. If something else is used, then the desired effect will not be.

The result is affected by paper weight, lighting and humidity. For the 007 disappearing ink pen to work properly, it requires a dry room and quality paper. Then everything written disappears quickly.


If you use the handles correctly, then their properties last for about a year. A cap must be put on the device. In appearance, it is indistinguishable from a regular pen. When writing, no pressure is needed, and therefore there will be no indentations on the paper. As a result, the inscriptions quickly disappear, and it will be impossible to see something on it.

The pen will be a wonderful gift for children, it will be useful for them to play. Adults will also enjoy this. You can choose a gift option: a stylish pen with a simple case. The price of the accessory is low, everything is determined by the design. Usually it costs about 130-150 rubles. If you want to make a nice gift or play friends, then such an acquisition will be very useful.

Pens "write-erase"

There are "write-erase" pens that are necessary for correcting mistakes and blots. They are great helpers for students. On one side of the device is a rod, and on the other - an eraser. This will be much neater than erasing with an eraser or a blade.

Pens can be used by children in schools and kindergartens. Such a device will be very interesting for them. Clothes from them will not be stained with permanent ink. Even a simple pencil cannot replace such a pen, as it must be constantly sharpened, it breaks, and also forms dirt. Every child will love this item.

Types of washable pens

If you are interested in such stationery, then it should be borne in mind that there are 3 types of them:

  • Temperature sensitive. They should be rubbed with an elastic band so that the dried inscription becomes heated. After that, you can remove the ink. When the paper cools down to -20 degrees, the inscription appears again.
  • The ink is removed with a solvent. There are solvent pens on the other side. But sometimes you need to buy an additional accessory so that you can perform ink erasing.
  • Erasing is done with an eraser. This method is provided in the "Pilot" pens. Ink is like a simple pencil, it does not soak into the paper, so it can be easily removed. Externally, the device is presented in the form of a ballpoint pen with an eraser that can eliminate ink.

You can buy these pens in stationery stores, as well as through the Internet. These products are produced by various manufacturers. These are Pythagoras, Pilot, Brauberg, etc.

The purchased item can be useful in a variety of situations. It can be gifted to friends. With its help, it is easy to prank loved ones by leaving them a note or writing a shopping list in the store, which will eventually disappear.

What is disappearing ink? This is such a paste (liquid), when writing which the inscription disappears without a trace after some time. People have learned to use them for a variety of purposes since ancient times. There was always some secret associated with their use that no one should know about.

They were used to transmit love messages that were kept in the strictest confidence, to encrypt and exchange valuable information.

Today, every student can make disappearing ink, because the secret of making them is quite simple.

Three easy secrets for creating invisible emails

Consider the most common ways in the home, how to make your own disappearing ink.

  1. Iodine-dextrin filtrate. We will need dextrin (1 teaspoon), iodine (medical solution) 50 ml and filter paper. We mix iodine and dextrin, shake thoroughly and wait for precipitation. Then we filter and use the resulting liquid as ink. They will disappear because iodine is very volatile, and it is he who provides the color. It takes about three days to disappear.
  2. Willow ink. We need a small willow branch. It must be burned, and the resulting ash carefully crushed and diluted with water to such a state that it can be written on. Such inscriptions will disappear in about 5-6 days.
  3. Sympathetic alkaline ink. To prepare them, you will have to go to the pharmacy and buy a few chemical ingredients. Namely:
    • ethanol;
    • aqueous solution of ammonia (ammonia);
    • phenolphthalein (purgen);
    • water.

Preparation: mix 100 ml of ethyl alcohol with one teaspoon of purgen until the latter is completely dissolved. Then add water (50 ml) to the solution, one capful of ammonia. The substance will turn bright red. Now with this ink you can write anything and anywhere. As soon as they dry, they will disappear immediately.

It is important! When working with any of the listed substances, safety precautions and utmost care must be observed!

Developing Ink Recipe

There are also inks that become visible only under certain conditions. The simplest example of a manufacturing recipe is as follows.

The proposed ingredients are stored in school chemistry classrooms, use only with the permission of the teacher!

Cobalt chloride (CoCL 2) or cobalt nitrate (CoNO 3) weighing 1 gram. Dissolve salt in distilled water, weighing 25 grams. Everything, the ink is ready. You can write a letter. But to see what is written, you will need to heat the inscription (put it on a radiator or hold it over a stove). The text that appears will turn blue. As soon as you cool it, it will disappear again.

Disappearing marker

You can order such a marker

It looks like an ordinary ballpoint pen, writes like an ordinary ballpoint pen, but after an hour, what is written begins to slowly disappear, and after a day or two it disappears without a trace! Details with photos of the stages of disappearance under the cut! Do not miss! :)

The pen comes with a simple box with the inscription 888:

Opening the box, we see a nice black pen neatly placed in a box with filler:

We take out the pen, we take a closer look:

The pen looks very high quality, although it seems to me that the soft-touch coating will someday start to peel off ugly.

Consider a close-up of the writing part:

In general, the most ordinary pen, which are sold in stationery stores. But ordinary it is only in the hands. On paper, it looks ordinary only for 15-20 minutes, then the transformation begins. But let's go in order.

Let's write something on a blank sheet of paper:

No difference from ordinary ballpoint pens! But let's wait an hour and take another photo:

It can be seen that the inscription has become worse visible. Let's continue shooting at intervals of an hour between photos:

And an hour later:

The following photo was taken an hour and a half later:

No traces, I looked under the lamp, from different angles, in general, no matter how I tried to make out - NOTHING. Given that when I wrote, I did not press on the pen, otherwise there would be furrows on the paper.

The site states that the illegal use of this pen is strictly punishable. Naturally, any examination will prove the presence of your signature, so you should not use this item for any fraud, if suddenly someone has conceived something bad. But God himself ordered to play a trick on friends / girl / parents. For example, you can draw white wallpapers with bad words / drawings *evil smiley* The main thing then is to survive for a day *an even more evil smiley*

Thank you for your attention.

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