Color matching of toho and preciosa beads. Features of assignment of article numbers for PRECIOSA beads. Package. Front side

How many colors of Czech beads exist in nature?

I won't say exactly. But in our store there are about 600-700 of them.
The color number is a five-digit number. For example, a red ceramic seed bead is numbered 93170.

Learning a list of coating durability, consisting of five thousand five-digit numbers, is not for everyone))

Therefore, I propose to first figure out how this five-digit color number is obtained, does it have a certain meaning and logic?

So, on a bag of beads Preciosa three inscriptions are important to us: article, size, color number. We do not dwell on the size yet, but let's talk about the article and color in more detail.

Catalog Rocailles Colors (2013)

In it you will find the main "base" colors of the beads. Accordingly, we begin our study with him. WITH I advise you to download the catalog and, if possible, print it on a color printer (if it is not possible to pick up a real catalog.

Bead number

311 19 001 - round beads with a round hole

311 29 001 - round beads with a square hole

311 39 001 - round matte beads with a round hole. It is also called "grated", as if the surface was rubbed with fine sandpaper

Preciosa bead color number

Consider the base colors:
1 catalog sheet - Natural Transparent, Transparent - Silver Lined, Transparent - Rainbow, Transparent - Silver Lined and Rainbow;

2 sheet: Natural Opaque, Opaque - Rainbow, Opaque - Sfinx

The first number in this line indicates the color of the beads:

  • 0 - crystal
  • 1 - brown/amber
  • 2 - amethyst
  • 3 - purple
  • 4 - gray
  • 5 - green
  • 6 - blue/blue
  • 8 - yellow
  • 9 - orange/red

The second number in this line indicates the type (texture) of the beads:

  • 0 - beads without coating
  • 1 - rainbow transparent beads (gasoline, Rainbow)
  • 3 - opaque beads (ceramics, Opaque)
  • 4 - rainbow opaque beads (gasoline, Rainbow)
  • 6 - shiny transparent beads (gloss, Sfinx)
  • 7 - beads with silver coloring (with a silver line, light)
  • 8 - shiny opaque beads (gloss, Sfinx)

The last three digits in the number indicate the shade of the beads:

If the first two digits are the same, then we get a tint range of one texture. The higher the number, the darker the beads.

And vice versa, if the first digit is the same (one color), the last three digits are the same (one shade), and the number differs only in the second digit, then we get the same shade, but in different textures (types) of beads.


Now you can easily decipher the color and texture of beads from the basic color line by number.
91090: 9 - red color, 1 - transparent rainbow (has a gasoline coating), 090 - medium shade.
We check. True))

By the way, remember we talked about the article. The part number is the same, but the part numbers are different. Matte beads have the same number as the original base. But here they look different.

Exceptions to the rule

But even in the basic line of colors there are exceptions.
78102 - a crystal with a silver center. It would seem that his number should be - 07050 - but no))

58205 , 48102 are also exceptions

Try to find other exceptions as well.
Exceptions, just like in school rules, you just need to remember.

Colors missing from the catalog

Also in the catalog, in the line of basic colors, some numbers are missing. But in life they exist.

Perhaps you can find them yourself? For example, here:

Here are some of the lost ones: 38220, 58060, 58270, 68000, 68020, 88130, 98110, 98170, etc.
But thanks to the knowledge gained today, you can easily imagine what they look like.

Next time we will find out the line of colors for which there is no logical explanation, and we will also find out how the number is formed for new types (textures) of beads.

Good time beads!

Now there is a huge selection of beads in needlework stores. Different by manufacturer, by size, by quality. Most often in my work I use Czech beads Preciosa.

But lately I have been buying Czech Gamma beads. I heard different opinions from craftswomen about this bead and its quality. But I did my research.

And today I want:

In one of the previous articles, I talked about Preciosa Czech beads and reviewed Preciosa Czech beads. First and second grade. Features and differences.

1 grade Czech beads Preciosa quality, without flaws. Grade 2 has some deviations.

What about Gamma beads? What sort is it? Chinese or still the manufacturer - the Czech Republic?

Package. Front side.

Let's take a look at the packaging first:

  • packaging is flat
  • there is a factory seam,
  • sticker on each package
  • beads are well packaged.

Czech Gamma beads are sold in the store in a package of 5 grams. The cost for one package is from 20 to 30 rubles. I bought for 21 rubles per pack.

On the front side, the manufacturer is indicated: the Czech Republic, and the importer: Moscow.

Also on the package there is an indication of the type of beads, size and number of grams.

On the front side, the sticker on the package can have two options. They do not differ much, but there are still differences.

The first one is like this.

The second one is like this.

Each package has a number that indicates:

  • the letter "T" - twin beads,
  • letter "H" - size beads 8/0,
  • letters "A-G" - an indication of the cost.

Sizes of Czech beads Gamma from 5/0 to 11/0.

This is very useful for beginners who do not yet understand which needle to choose.

Package. Reverse side.

On the reverse side of the package with Gamma beads, the packing date is printed and the importer is indicated (on some packages).

The inscription is easily erased, which does not mean low-quality beads.

The reverse side as well as the front has two options.

Such an option.

And such a variant of the reverse side.

We open the package. What is inside?

Well, now the most interesting. Open the package and examine the beads themselves.

What can I say. Having worked enough with beads in such packages, I assure you with confidence that these are high-quality beads.

I can’t attribute it to the 1st grade of beads, because for a package of 5 grams it can meet 1-2 beads with a deviation.

And also I can not attribute this beads to the 2nd grade. It is not as bad as grade 2 beads.

All beads are the same size. The holes are the same everywhere, the paint lies evenly and is not erased.

In addition, the palette of Czech beads Gamma has more than 600 colors and shades. Glass beads, shimmering in the sun.

For clarity, I collected beads from the package. I did not specifically choose, I recruited in a row.

Look, the beads are very even. All beads as one.


Czech beads Gamma quality. A huge palette of colors, a pleasant price and high-quality factory packaging.

This bead is worth buying! And those two beads with a deviation of 5 grams do not count.

It's not difficult for you, but I'm pleased. See you soon! Bye bye.

Preciosa by numbers and colors.

Although the formal date of establishment of the company Preciosa considered to be the tenth of April 1948, the history of the trademark has more than a hundred years. It was originally registered in 1915 in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. And thirty years after the end of the Second World War, several small factories in the Czech town with the beautiful name of Jablonec am Main united into a large enterprise, which, like all others in Czechoslovakia, was then nationalized. Soon the Preciosa brand gained worldwide fame, becoming the main supplier for jewelry manufacturing companies.

Thirty years ago, after the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, the factory returned to private owners.

Then the development goal was set there - to become the best factory in the world for the creation of small crystal glass products. Now Preciosa produces not only fine, even, smooth beads, but also shining rhinestones, large beads, and many other items needed to create jewelry.

The tables below provide a description of the groups of only one of the types of beads produced by the factory - rocaille.
This is the most common round beads, which appeared in the 15th century in Venice.
To create it, a hollow hot glass tube with a round or square hole is cut into pieces of different sizes (the dimensions of the beads are in this picture at the very beginning).
These pieces are then rounded and polished time after time until they achieve the desired sheen. After that, they are again sorted by size.

PRECIOSA Rocailles are available in sizes from 1.5 mm. up to 8 mm., but it is the beads that are indicated using traditional zero sizes, from the smallest 16/0 to the largest 1/0.

Now let's talk about each group present in the images.

Beads series Crystal - Terra Color Lined & Sfinx- These are transparent beads with a colored stripe inside and glitter. This is probably the group with the widest range, while being the least expensive to produce. Beads of this type are made of colored glass, in which the dye is not applied on the outside, as in the dyed type, but is evenly mixed with the molten glass mass, so the sun or household chemicals will not damage such beads at all. A possible disadvantage of it can only be a translucent base, so it is advisable to select threads to match or colorless fishing line.

We have a wide range of colors available in our store.

Examples of some tones

Next episode - Transparent silver lined- with beads made of translucent tinted glass and a center painted in silver. We usually call it "light" or "brocade". It is especially good for weaving. Due to the silvery center, the beads sparkle, but over time they are likely to fade, although in general this type of bead is also resistant to light and chemical attack.

Some samples

Transparent matt- translucent with a non-shiny surface, “soft roughness”, which it acquires during matting - special processing by tumbling in a special apparatus. Some call it "shredded". In other manufacturers you can find a more romantic name "Frost" - frozen. And for sure, such beads look like they are covered with frost. Their indisputable advantages include the fact that they do not climb and do not shed.
One of its varieties is a matte crystal with an iridescent (sometimes called gasoline or iridium) coating. transparent-matt-rainbow.

transparent-rainbow made of transparent crystal tinted glass with iridescent glaze - a rainbow.

Samples of some tones

transparent-sfinx- crystal clear with a shining luster (glossy) coating

Transparent silver-lined and rainbow- crystalline tinted "light" - rainbow

Crystal lustered & color lined- tinted crystal with a strong glossy shine. The dye is added to the glass, which makes the coloration very reliable.

Crystall copper, bronze line- colorless with a copper or bronze stripe in the inner middle.

Crystal phosphorescent line- colorless with a phosphorescent stripe in depth.

On this page most of the beads from the category Opaque- opaque (opaque). These beads are highly resistant to both color loss and fading.

Opaque natural- opaque beads (sometimes called ceramic) of a uniform color

some samples

Opaque color lustered- High gloss ceramic

You can view the entire range in our store at this link.

some colors

Opaque-sfinx- Ceramic shiny

Opaque-Rainbow- ceramic with "gasoline" coating

the entire range of this series is on sale at the link

some samples

Opaque Matt- Matt ceramic

Opaque Matt&Rainbow- Opaque matte "petrol"

Travertine- beads of shades of natural travertine, from yellowish to green.

Shell- mother-of-pearl beads in white-cream shades of natural pearls of their shells

Series iris- beads with a very intense rainbow overflow. In general, the iridescent coating (Rainbow for Czech, but the markings of other manufacturers may contain the designations AB and RB) and the darker “gasoline” coating of iris is very, very resistant, it can be damaged only with very strong impact.

Metallic and Iris- dark gray metallic shades with iridium (iridium) coating.

We now have two colors in our assortment - purple number 59195 and blue number 59135.

You can follow this subgroup by following this link.

Silver, Gold, Special Cold- beads in the color of gold, dark gold and silver.

Crystal-Terra Color Lined&Sfinx- a brilliant crystal with a colored stripe.

Crystal-Terra Metallic- multi-colored with a surface with a metallic sheen.

Pay attention, this is metallic! There is also another type of coating - metallized. It is created by spraying a thin layer of metal microparticles, and such a coating requires a reverent attitude from all manufacturers, the metal layer can slip even from contact with too wet hands. It is very delicate, suitable only for neat interior embroidery, but not for jewelry. Unlike it, metallic is much more resistant. It is obtained by sputtering tin oxide onto glass that is still hot, so it impregnates the glass much deeper. But even this type of beads can fade with frequent use.

Crystal-Terra Color Lined&Matt- semi-permeable matted (grated) with a colored line inside.

Crystal-Silver Lined-n-Terra Color Dyed- transparent color with a silver inner line.

Crystal-Terra Metallic & Matt- multi-colored matte with a metallic sheen.

Alabaster Lustered and Terra color lined- alabaster in pastel shades, with a strong gloss and a colored stripe in the inner center.

In general, the term Lustered (for other companies luster, lustre) means a radiant glossy finish. It can be applied to both transparent and matte beads. Unfortunately, it is quite sensitive to friction, so it is better not to use it when creating jewelry or embroidery on clothes. But for embroidered paintings or icons, it fits perfectly.

Chalk-Sfinx and Terra Color Dyed- surface colored shiny opaque beads.

As already mentioned, the color in the dyed type is created by spraying a paint layer onto an already frozen glass. Then it goes through thermal or chemical fixing of the paint, and then polishing. Beads of this type can lose their luster in the sun, and if alcohol-containing products and perfumes get in, they shed and leave stains on clothes.

Crystal - Sol-gel Metallic- translucent pastel colors with a metallic sheen.

This page presents mainly the subtypes of the striped - Striped- categories. The principle of division is similar to the groups described above.

Opaque Striped- opaque striped.

Opaque Striped Matt- opaque grated "stripe".

Opaque-Striped-Rainbow- striped opaque with iridescent coating.

Opaque Striped-Matt & Rainbow- an opaque matte "stripe" with iridium iridium coating.

Crystal Striped- transparent (crystal) striped.

Crystal Striped - Silver Lined- crystal "stripe" with an internal silver line.

Crystal Striped Matted- translucent matte striped.

Crystal Striped Matt and Rainbow- semi-permeable matte with a dash, with an iridescent overflow.

Crystal Striped Color Lined- striped crystal with a colored line inside.

Harlequin- Harlequin - opaque beads with thick stripes, almost spots.

Transparent Harlequin- respectively, crystal harlequin.

Transparent Harlequin-Silver Line- transparent spotted harlequin with silver-plated inner band.

And the last detached view on the page - Cornelian- This is a special kind of striped beads with a round cross section. Outside, it has a transparent colored layer, under which there is a white matte, forming a star in cross section, and lines on the surface.

How do bead manufacturers assign color numbers, what is the meaning of this and how to decipher them?

The numbering is assigned primarily to designate the color in the catalog, to enable easy ordering and production of the desired beads exactly as in the catalog.
Producers, in the appropriation process, do not focus on the end user. It is important for them to ensure the convenience and accuracy of production. Perhaps the only case when the assignment of numbering was with an eye on the final buyer is a delica. Miyuki purposely made new color designations to separate the round beads from the delicia. Show its innovation and quality.
With the exception of delica, a single color numbering applies to round beads and cuttings, as well as to other shapes and sizes of a particular manufacturer. Often the 11/0 round bead sample is the most complete, since this size is the main one in production. Other shapes and sizes may be available in a smaller variety of colors.

How is the "classic" bead numbering formed?
First, numbers are assigned to the ruler of transparent and opaque beads.
Based on the line of transparent beads, the designations of derivative colors are assigned - transparent with silver coloring, transparent matte, transparent rainbow, etc.
Derived numbers are formed either using the following group of digits, or by adding letters. The assignment is not in order, there may be a gap between the rulers.

From the opaque line, exactly the same designation assignment is made for matte, iridescent and other types of beads obtained from opaque.
Thus, two main directions are obtained, transparent beads and derivatives and opaque beads and derivatives.

Groups with specific coatings stand out separately: lines of metallized beads, iris, pearl beads, sol-gel, etc.

So, the line is built, production is underway. But a new line comes out, new coatings appear, or additional shades of color appear.
You have to add designations to the current numbers or use other orders of numbers. This is often noticeable because the "digital connection" breaks down inside the beads of the same type of production and coating.
For example, Matsuno added several new colors. Basic transparent 28 cobalt and 29 violet.
They are added to the line of transparent beads by numbers, not by gradient.

On the other hand, with Toho, adding hues to Bead 2 using letters allowed the gradient to be preserved in the sample.

Let's take a look at manufacturers' samples:
The sample uses a numerical designation + letters indicating the type of processing.

  • 1-29 transparent colors
  • 31-59 transparent with silver highlights
  • 731 - 748 opaque colors +770-773
  • Matte addition MA
  • Matte iridescent FAB
  • Glossy beads L
  • rainbow beads R
  • Beads silver line, in addition to a separate group by number (31 and beyond), has an addition RR if a round hole and SR if square hole.

Rulers "breaking" digital designation - beads coated with iris 901-905, etc.

Preciosa Link to the sample on the manufacturer's website
Sample by number glass color, the same colors go for most Czech beads. Numbering has been going on historically for more than a dozen years.

  • 00050-90120 transparent bead colors
  • 78102-97120 transparent beads with silver line
  • 02090-93310 opaque bead colors

It is interesting to note that the colors 02090, 32010, 52240 and similar dairy or alabaster are not visually opaque. But in terms of production - they are opaque.

Matt colors have the same number as the base color, but the article before the color number changes (from 311 19 001 to 331 39 001).

  • 11050-91070 matt iridescent

Rulers "breaking" digital designation - colored gloss, 46085-49095 (the numbers are not in order, there are 93195 in the column in the middle, etc.) and others.

Full information about the beads is encrypted in the full article.
Eg :

  • 311-19001-10/0-00050 - 311-19 means transparent color, round beads, 10/0 - size, 00050 - glass color
  • 331-39001-10/0-00050 - 331-39 means opaque color, round beads, 10/0 - size, 00050 - glass color

Preciosa can produce a very large range of shapes, which is one of the reasons for using such a long number.

In addition, the five-digit color number itself may contain information about the shade and type of glass. Perhaps this is the remnants of the old color numbering system.
For example, consider a line of basic colors and coatings on them.
The first number in this line indicates the color of the beads:

  • 0 - crystal
  • 1 - brown
  • 2 - purple
  • 3 - blue
  • 4 - gray
  • 5 - green
  • 6 - blue
  • 8 - yellow
  • 9 - red

The remaining three indicate the shade of the beads:

  • 20010 light purple
  • 20060 purple
  • 20080 dark purple

Also, the second digit often denotes the type of bead:

  • 0 - beads without coating
  • 7 - beads with silver coloring
  • 1 - rainbow beads
  • 6 - gloss

But even in the basic derivative colors, there are already a lot of exceptions, for example, in silver coloring number 78102 - a silver line crystal, although the entire line has a type number x7xxx

Toho Link to the sample on the manufacturer's website
Sample using numbers and letters.
Consider transparent bead colors:
Base numbers 1 to 19 added 72, 939-942, 1300, 2151-2156
Letters entered inside the numbering: A B C L D H S BD

The letters represent shades of the base color. The only logic that follows is A And L- lighter shades, the rest are darker.
There are letters that have a constant meaning:
F Sometimes FM- matte beads
PF= Permanent Finish is the designation of a hardened coating technology for galvanizing. Designated metallics with full coverage and beads with internal coloring of the metal. They have identical colors with regular beads without PF, but are more resistant compared to them.

Miyuki Link to the sample on the manufacturer's website
The Miyuki sample has a double structure. In addition to the generally accepted division into the type of beads, there is a division into groups within the type: group A- regular prices group B- more expensive due to the use of gold in production.
Those. yellow and red are always more expensive, all companies have this retail price, but only Miyuki divides colors into price groups in the sample.

By numbering, the colors are already mixed due to additions.
Consider the type of transparent beads - start with 131, end with 159, then add 2402, 2405-2406, 2410-2412
Inside inserted shades of colors with letters L D.
The principle most likely used is:

  • L- light light
  • D- dark

There are also letters used to indicate processing:

  • F matte
  • FR matte iridescent
  • SF semi matte

The addition of new coverage types is sometimes highlighted by the use of a new leading digit in four-digit numbers. But there is no clear division, for example, the 3xxx series - includes Rococo, two tone And Magic Colors
Ruler 4xxx includes both beads Duracoat so Picasso.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the designation Duracoat is a hardened coating that originally appeared on galvanized metal beads. Then the technology began to be used in the production of beads with metal coloring inside and for dyed unstable colors ( dyed).

Colors Duracoat identical to regular colors, but more resistant.

Now, with the active addition of new colors and new technologies for obtaining coatings on beads, it is rather problematic to decipher the beads only by the color number. More or less pure logic remains only with Matsuno, who do not actively expand the range of colors and coatings.
Czech article numbers are often cut off in the shop to shorter ones. And Miyuki and Toho mixed the bead numbers in their samples a lot. Therefore, there is no single and 100% definition system. You can only remember the logic of the basic colors of the beads and their derivatives, but without taking into account the additions.
Separately, it is worth noting that each manufacturer may have beads that are not in the sample. This applies to new colors, experimental release, custom colors.
In principle, samples are not updated very often. It is very expensive because of a couple of colors to redo the entire map. Often new colors are saved up to some volume and then added to the sample. Or, more often, they release an additional sheet for the sample.

The assignment of numbers to the colors of the beads remains entirely with the manufacturer. He can change the system as he pleases. But changing the whole system from scratch is very difficult - wholesale customers will have to change the articles in stores, as well as replace samples. For example, Matsuno changed the numbers of irises from 601-xxx to 901-xxx. But information about this replacement has been duplicated in samples for more than 5 years.

At the same time, the system for assigning new colors can change at least every day. Wholesale buyers order beads based on samples or received samples.

Ordinary users can only memorize interesting and frequently used colors of beads.

For more information - link to Miyuki's page on matching colors of delica to round beads and vice versa.

The Czech Brand "Preciosa" is one of the largest bead manufacturers in the world. The product range of the company includes more than 400 thousand articles. All of them are made in the Czech Republic, and more specifically - in the city of Jablonec-on-Nise in the north of the country. The main characteristic features of Preciosa beads are high quality, durability and compliance with international standards.

Preciosa beads are known in various countries, including Russia, the catalogs contain products of more than fifty categories, which opens up an almost unlimited field for the creativity of craftswomen. It is important to remember that Preciosa has been on the market longer than other companies producing beads in the Czech Republic. This trademark was registered back in 1915, that is, the brand is almost a hundred years old! Over the years, the process of making beads has been perfected to the smallest detail, and the result is a wide selection of Preciosa beads, beads and other products. New glass masses are constantly being developed, interesting shapes and shades are being introduced within the company's own experimental base. Most importantly, Preciosa strictly adheres to the rules of environmental safety and uses exclusively environmentally friendly production methods. You can buy Preciosa beads on our website, its numerous types are presented in this section of the catalog.

We offer Preciosa Czech beads wholesale and retail at the best prices in the Moscow region. But this imposes a minimum order condition in our online store.

Advantages of Czech beads

  • Wear resistance, eliminates color loss.
  • Variety of colors and shades.
  • Convenient packages: 500g, 50g, 5g.
  • Even beads, matched one to one, not only in the package, but also within the series.

There are various sizes and shapes of Czech beads, but on our site you will find more than 1000 types of round beads No. 10.

Types of Czech Preciosa beads by qualification

  • Natural color opaque - glass with bright shades is used for its manufacture, without a shiny coating. Also called "Ceramic".
  • Natural shiny, colored opaque - glass with bright, juicy shades, with a brilliant coating is used for its manufacture. Also called "Porcelain".
  • Opaque colored iridescent - Opaque glass of various shades with an iridescent coating is used.
  • Natural colored transparent - natural colored glass without peripheral coating.
  • Transparent colored shiny beads - colored glass with a shiny coating is used for its manufacture. Beads are versatile, used in embroidery and beading.
  • Transparent colored shiny beads with a colored inner line - colored glass with a colored hole was used for making. The color of the hole and the color of the beads themselves are different, in connection with which an amazing play of colors appears. It's called Chameleon.
  • Transparent colored glass with a silver line - for the manufacture of which transparent colored glass with a sparkling "Spark" coating was used. Hole surface (may be round or square) with special coating - "silver".
  • Transparent Colored Iridescent - Colored glass with iridescent iridescent coating is used.
  • Transparent shiny beads with a colored inner line - for the manufacture of which colorless glass is used with a colored hole and a shiny coating.
  • Transparent beads with a silver line and a colored inner line - colorless glass is used with a colored hole (square or round) and a sparkling “Spark” coating.
  • Transparent shiny beads with a bright colored inner line - colorless glass was used for making with a colored hole and a shiny iridescent iridescent coating.
  • Matte beads are opaque beads without any sheen on the surface. Its feature is "soft roughness", which is the result of matting. There are various combinations of matte beads - matte rainbow, matte metallic, semi-matte with a silver line.
  • Metallic colored - opaque Czech beads, has a "Metal" coating.
  • Metallic - opaque Czech beads with a galvanic coating.
  • Iris is an opaque bead that has an iridescent color coating, very similar to gasoline films on water.
  • Ceylon with a colored inner line - translucent Czech seed beads with a colored hole and an outer coating with a sheen of pastel shades. It is also called "pearl" or "pearl".
  • Natural gold - beads for the manufacture of which transparent colorless glass with holes (round or square) is used, the surface is covered with "golden" paint.
  • Colored alabaster - opaque Czech beads, which have juicy pure colors, which are used to paint its outer surface. Has a porcelain sheen.
  • Alabaster iridescent with a colored inner line - beads with a colored inner line.
  • Colored chalk is an opaque Czech seed beads with bright colors without shine, this is its main feature.
  • Sol-gel is the highest quality beads. Its subspecies are: "transparent", "wax", "satin", "ceramics" and "spark".