Aragonite stone. properties of aragonite. The use of aragonite What aragonite looks like: blue, orange, white. Other shades

Aragonite is one of the varieties of calcium carbonate. The mineral differs from the same with it in composition by the structure of the crystal lattice and, accordingly, by properties. Aragonite crystals are found in prismatic, columnar, tabular, acicular and spear-shaped forms. They also form intergrowths of a wide variety of shapes. In addition, aragonite is a component of the mother-of-pearl layer of mollusk shells and coral exoskeleton.

On our planet, aragonite is very widespread. The largest number The mineral is mined on the European continent, since here it is in the highest demand. Deposits are known in the Alpine mountains, where high-quality aragonites are mined.

In addition, large deposits of stone are "hidden" in the strip of the shelf ocean zone. In the area of ​​surf and changeable currents, aragonite intergrowths become so-called oolites (egg-shaped pebbles).

Aragonites have become known as gemstones relatively recently. Although their age is approaching hundreds of millions of years, after which the stone turns into calcite. They began to distinguish aragonite from the latter only in the 18th century, at the same time they gave it a name consonant with Spanish Aragon, where they first became interested in this mineral.

At the same time, the ability of aragonites to turn into calcites was also noticed. In order to improve the quality of the stone, stone cutters tried to heat it, but to desired result it didn't lead. On the contrary, aragonite crumbled into a fine calcite powder. This phenomenon is associated with an increase in the volume of the sample and the gradual detachment of the upper particles.

Aragonite is also known under other names, including: mother of pearl, iron flower, sparkling or pea stone, conchit. Natural specimens of a spherical shape are called oolites or oolitic stones.

Aragonites consist of calcium carbonate, as impurities they contain magnesium, iron, zinc, lead. The crystals are colorless or white, grayish, yellowish or reddish in color with a greasy or glassy luster.

They are characterized by rhombic syngony, transparency or translucency, imperfect cleavage, conchoidal fracture. Hardness on the Mohs scale is 3.5-4. Density 2.9-3.0 g/cm3.

Aragonite, which is mined in the territory of karst caves, forms aggregates in the form of a sinter crust with protruding crystals, needle-shaped spherical formations, and aggregates of a radial-radiant shape. Sometimes spherulites are mined.

Mother-of-pearl is formed from the thinnest layer of aragonite, which alternates with a transparent layer of solid organic substances. Thus, each pearl is a kind of “layer cake”, where the filling is precisely aragonite.

Depending on the content of certain impurities in the composition of the mineral, as well as its shape, several types of aragonite are distinguished:

  • Tarnovicites - characterized by hexagonal prismatic crystals of a warm brownish-purple hue. This variety of aragonite is rich in lead.
  • Nicholsonites - contain zinc inclusions in their composition, they are distinguished by red-brown hues interspersed with pure purple. In general, this variety is characterized by the most diverse colors from all aragonites.
  • Sprudelsteins or pea stones, also known as cave pearls and marble onyx. Formed during the precipitation of calcium compounds from natural solution, and differ in various shapes and sizes of splices and drusen. It is polished sprudelsteins that are often used as jewelry inserts and material for beads and bracelets.
  • “Iron Flower” is an unusual variety of a mineral in which oblong mineral formations are intertwined into bizarre “inflorescences”.
  • Needle-shaped crystals are transparent prisms or elongated needles.
  • Helictite is a coral-like aggregate that is common in karst caves and branches beautifully into complex structures.
  • Pisolite is a rounded stone the size of a pea (about 2 mm), also known as "pearl of the caves".

Decorations and interior items made of aragonite contribute to the cessation of disputes between husband and wife. They are also able to optimize the difficult relationships that are characteristic of mother-in-law and son-in-law, daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, parents and children. Aragonite "smoothes" everything sharp corners and help representatives different generations reach mutual understanding.

Aragonites also attract prosperity and prosperity to the house of their owners. It is believed that in their presence the material condition always improves.

And also miraculously aragonite helps in maintaining household to everyone who doesn't like it very much. The mineral adds strength, fights laziness, and gives inspiration and ingenuity to complete even the most boring homework, which a person begins to perform downright perfectly.

In lithotherapy, aragonite is known as a stimulant of sexual function in both sexes. The stone also has a positive effect on the state nervous system a person, helps to get rid of fears and feelings of anxiety, enslavement, irritability and anger, quickly restores the strength of its owner.

With the help of aragonite applications, they treat various diseases skin. And the water that has been filtered through the aragonite chips becomes healing. These sources include those located in Karlovy Vary and Baden-Baden.

Noticed good impact aragonites on people middle age. So, they help to alleviate the manifestations of menopause, reduce senile dementia.

Aragonites are used in jewelry, for making handicrafts and souvenirs, and also as a collection material. Collectors highly appreciate the "iron flowers" of aragonite and other varieties of bizarre shapes and unusual color.

Most aragonite samples are colorless or white. If there are any impurities in the mineral, a variety of tones appear in it: from purple, blue and gray to orange, red, light green. Aragonites blue-green color are called needles, blue - ceyringites.

Gems are both transparent and semi- and opaque.

Caring for aragonite and products with it should be neat and careful, since the mineral is quite fragile and deteriorates when exposed to high temperatures and frequent exposure to bright sun.

The stone goes well with any signs of the zodiac. However, he becomes a faithful assistant only for couples. Lonely people do not benefit from aragonite.

In general, prices for aragonites are not very high due to their wide distribution. For example, a polished plate weighing 100 grams is valued at about $10. And picturesque aragonite deposits, which are purchased for mineralogical collections, are estimated at 5-7 dollars. Price jewelry with inserts of aragonite, depending on the material of the cut and the work of the master, is in the range of 40-500 dollars.

  • Aragonite talismans are used to maintain family unity. It is believed that such an amulet is able to discourage a person from romantic hobbies on the side, gambling, friendly feasts, addiction to drinking and everything that can destroy a happy family life.
  • The hexagonal aragonite is a symbol of the Star of David and the seal of King Solomon. IN magical rites the gem is often used to restore strength. In addition, aragonite is compared with the soul reaching out to the universe. As its direct rays are directed to the sides, so the soul during growth and development is strengthened and learns to cope with difficulties. With the help of aragonite, its owner becomes self-disciplined.
  • Aragonite is an unstable phase of calcium carbonate. Over 10-100 million years, it gradually turns into calcite. In this case, the volume of the stone increases. And if a sample of aragonite is heated to 400 ° C, then this transition occurs right before our eyes, and the durable stone crumbles into a fine powder.

Aragonite is a mineral of the carbonate class. Chemical formula– CaCO3 (calcium carbonate). It is similar in composition to calcite, however, due to the difference crystal lattices, their properties are different. Included in the basis of pearls, the mother-of-pearl layer of mollusk shells (sometimes the shell consists entirely of this mineral). For this, the mineral was called the "mother of pearls."

History of origin and deposits

There is a legend about a girl who fell in love with a beautiful young man but her parents decided to marry her off to someone else. Separated from her beloved, the girl burst into tears, which turned into precious stones. This stone was named after her hometown, Molina de Aragon - aragonite.

Only the origin of the name of the stone is true in this legend, since it was indeed first found near the city of Molina de Aragon.

The formation of aragonite is due to a significant decrease in sea level in the territory of modern Spain about 230 million years ago. As a result of this, there was a large-scale deposition of salts and gypsum, which subsequently led to the formation of extensive deposits. valuable mineral. The very name "aragonite" appeared in 1796 thanks to the German geologist A.G. Werner.

In addition to Italy, in which, over two hundred years of mining, the deposits are still rich, deposits of this mineral are found in some countries of Europe and North America.

But in the thermal springs of Karlovy Vary, aragonite can crystallize on any surface. For example, paper flowers are popular with tourists, on the petals of which aragonite crystals flaunt.

In Russia, there are deposits in the Urals (Baikalskoye) and Taimyr (Kayerkanskoye), mining is carried out in karst caves.

physical characteristics

Aragonite is an unstable form of calcium carbonate and over time, under the influence of high temperatures or natural solvents, it turns into a more stable calcite.

Most often you can find white aragonite, which is characterized by intensity, the exception is not a completely colorless stone. Sometimes, due to impurities, it can also have a different color: yellow, pink, purple, occasionally you can see green aragonite.

Aragonite crystals shine like glass and are translucent until completely transparent.

Cleavage, or the ability to break along certain axes, is imperfect. This means that when broken, the chip has a bizarre and uneven shape. In some deposits, blue aragonite is mined, or the stone may have a white color with a pink tint.

The hardness of the mineral on the Mohs scale is 3.5-4, which means that it is easily scratched by glass or a knife.

The shape of the stone is determined by the temperature during crystallization. Most often it occurs in the form of radial-radiant aggregates, as well as oolitic mass - the so-called caviar stone or sprudelstein. But single crystals are extremely rare.

The healing properties of the stone

Lithotherapists (specialists who heal with stones) use aragonite to treat various skin conditions such as acne, pimples, skin allergic reactions. For this, baths with water saturated with particles of this stone are prescribed. Also, these baths will help if the reason skin disease unknown.

However, it is not for nothing that aragonite is called the stone of love. Its more significant use is the treatment of diseases of the genital organs. It helps men improve potency and restore sexual desire. Helps women suffering from frigidity.

It is also effective for prostatitis, uterine tumors. For these purposes, the stone should be close to the body; rings and pendants are well suited.

Aragonite helps the elderly very well, its proximity will improve the functioning of the genitourinary system, help with problems with pressure, the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Some researchers are convinced that healing power, the waters of Karlovy Vary are given by the fact that they pass through several layers of aragonite.

The healing properties of the mineral are due to the fact that it is a source of calcium, which is essential for a person. So, for example, if you add aragonite to water and leave it for a while, you get a solution saturated with calcium.

The magical properties of aragonite

In addition to medicinal properties, which are easily explained, from the point of view of science, some are also attributed to the mineral. magical properties. It is believed that he helps spouses resolve disputes that arise, reduce tension caused by misunderstanding. If a husband and wife want to return passion and past feelings, then this one stone fit never better. But you should not hope that the amulet will return the person who decided to leave to the family, he will only improve the relationship of loving spouses.

According to the canons of Feng Shui, an aragonite figurine is placed in a house in a conspicuous place, where the whole family usually gathers. In this case, the likelihood of buying a home will increase, the chances of starting your own business will increase.

If the spouses have problems in intimate life or a child is conceived, it is recommended to install a figurine in the bedroom.

Aragonite helps a person to concentrate on the task at hand, enhances self-discipline. At the same time, memory improves, and if you wear it constantly, then a bright mind will remain until old age.

The meaning of Aragonite in the signs of the zodiac

The mineral has no special significance in the horoscope. Astrologers do not attribute given stone any zodiac sign or planet. The amulet is suitable for everyone, the main thing is that the wearer should not be alone. IN family life, regardless of the zodiac sign of the spouses, you can safely use it.

Aragonite is contraindicated for lonely people. Wearing jewelry with this stone, they will feel unhappy that they will not be able to reveal its positive properties.

stone products

Aragonite belongs to precious stones and is valued by jewelers. Complex intergrowths of crystals, the shape of which resembles buds, are especially valued. From such instances, beautiful rings, earrings, pendants in which they are used without processing.

Mineral white color they are often turned into pearls that are indistinguishable from real ones. They are great for making beads. For men, rings are made of silver or platinum with darker specimens of the mineral.

In addition to jewelry, various decorative items are made from stone.

Collectors seek to acquire a stone in natural form. For example, the so-called iron flowers (fancy coral aggregates consisting of intertwining white crystals).

Storage and care

When heated, aragonite turns into calcite, so for prolonged use of jewelry or decorative elements from this stone, you should not leave it on the fireplace or near heating appliances. Diluted hydrochloric acid will also have an irreversible effect - the stone will boil.

In addition, due to its low hardness, it is necessary to protect the product from mechanical stress, otherwise scratches on the surface cannot be dispensed with.


In the small town of Molina de Argon, in Spain, there lived a girl. She fell in love with a beautiful young man, but her parents were against her marrying him, as this is unprofitable for the family. Separated from her lover, given in marriage to another, hateful, unloved, the girl cried a lot and her tears turned into gem, which was named after her hometown - aragonite.

Description of the stone

By itself, aragonite is transparent and shimmers with mother-of-pearl, its luster is matte, and it is quite hard. However, depending on impurities, it may be different colors- from white to purple. You can find it on sale in two main versions: coral-like stones with hexagonal processes from a single center, or small rounded stones, quite pleasant to the touch, which are usually used in all jewelry with aragonite.

This stone has many names - the mother of pearls, cave pearls, iron flowers, sparkling stone. There is a stone in a variety of incredible colors. It can be purple, blue, orange, gray, red, light green and brown. Depending on what kind of impurities give it color, it can be either completely transparent or completely opaque.

The following forms of aragonite are found:

Medicinal properties

Usually aragonite is used to treat skin problems - various lichen, psoriasis, acne, pimples, allergic reactions, which include rashes, itching and redness.

However, this is only part of the possibilities for its application, and not the most significant.

Aragonite stone is a hard and brittle calcium carbonate and has the formula CaCO3. There are impurities of strontium, magnesium, ferrum, zinc, plumbum. It differs from calcium carbonate in its crystal lattice.

Description of the stone

The mineral aragonite has thermoluminescence, when heated to 400 ° C it turns into another mineral - calcite.

Physical properties of aragonite stone: fluorescence, soft glassy luster and watery cloudy transparency. It has elongated shape. Pearls and mother-of-pearl are made up of thin layers of deposits.

The color of Aragonite depends on the impurities in its chemical composition:

  • The white rock looks like ice, and is often intergrowths of needle-like crystals or sinter aggregates that have formed in completely dehydrated cavities of the earth's crust. The homeland of the white variety is Mexico.
  • Orange stone occurs in the form of rounded peas with a diameter of more than 2 mm. Oolites are small representatives, pisoliths are large, up to 5 mm. Deposits of orange aragonite in Morocco.
  • The most beautiful are the blue aragonites (zeiringites). Their color range varies from pale blue to deep purple; are usually sinter aggregates. Unfortunately, this variety is rarely found in nature, and a few deposits are found in China.
  • Tarnovicite is one of the variations of the calcium substance, rich in lead and therefore has brown-violet colors of drusen.
  • Nicholsonite, rich in zinc, brown-red in color with violet impurities.
  • "Iron flower" is an interweaving of mineral formations, which usually have a white or milky color and look like corals.

The breed is mined in Spain, Germany, France, Japan, Austria, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Romania and Slovakia. A significant amount of this carbonate is located at the bottom of the ocean shelves. There is a legend according to which aragonites are not stones, but the tears of a girl who was left without a lover. And those tears were so bitter that they turned into deposits.

magical properties

Mineral more suitable family people and a lonely person will feel miserable and lost. The stone provides spouses with harmony in relationships and the health of all family members, restores strength and reduces outbursts of anger.

Blue aragonite helps to avoid conflicts, and instead preserves mutual understanding, comfort, well-being and harmony,

The magical properties of Aragonite: gives determination and concentration, strengthens willpower, gives patience and memory and does not allow rash decisions to be made. It gives sexual energy, which helps to maintain passion in the relationship of spouses and even conceive a child, directs parents to the right upbringing.

Aragonite does not tolerate laziness, therefore, it faithfully serves both careless, inept, and lazy owners, whom it forces to work with inspiration, desire and pleasure.

Aragonite will suit any sign of the zodiac. The talisman should be handled with extreme care, because. when damaged, the magical properties disappear irreversibly.

The healing properties of the mineral

Carbonate is characterized by medicinal properties with the following symptoms:

  • prolonged fever;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • stress, insomnia;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • hair loss;
  • feeling of cold in the lower extremities;
  • pronounced muscle spasms;
  • dermatological problems (allergies, ringworm or psoriasis);
  • pain syndromes.

Aragonite is able to increase sexual activity, treats diseases of the reproductive system of both men and women, impotence and frigidity. In addition, talismans and amulets save the owner from alcoholism, drug addiction and gambling.


Calcite is highly valued in the jewelry industry and is classified as precious. Not only jewelry is made from stones, but also such decor items as caskets, candelabra and simple candlesticks, ashtrays, vases. It is valued as a collection stone due to its natural variety of shapes and colors.

Sprudelstein (the second name for pink aragonite) is another variety valuable breed- used as jewelry inserts and a suitable material for making beads, pendants, rings, earrings and bracelets. In addition, the breed has found wide application in icon embroidery. Pearls made of aragonite substance are regarded as a precious representative belonging to the first class.

Gems and minerals Aragonite / Gems and minerals Aragonite

Aragonite D Stone



Aragonite is not only a stone with pronounced magical and valuable medicinal properties but also valuable decoration jewelry. Its advantage is its unpretentiousness to certain signs of the zodiac, but you need to remember that the mineral is contraindicated for lonely people.

Origin of name: Named after the place of discovery - the province of Aragon in Spain.

Varieties of the mineral:

Aragonite coral-like or iron flower (flos-feri) with white branches resembling coral. Aragonite pisolithic in the form of spherical constrictions. pea stone, caviar stone, sprudelstein - cemented aragonite oolites. Conhit - main component(along with chitin) pearls and a mother-of-pearl layer of mollusk shells. Nicholsonite - zinc variety of aragonite, has a red-brown or purple.Tarnovicite A lead-containing variety of aragonite.

Sample photos


Syngony: Rhombic

Composition (formula): CaCO 3 , typical impurities are Sr, Mg, Fe, Zn, Pb.


White, colorless, grey, yellowish, reddish

Dash color (powder color): White

Transparency: Transparent, Translucent

Cleavage: Imperfect

Fracture: Conchoidal

Gloss: Bold, Glassy

Hardness: 3.5-4

Specific gravity, g / cm 3: 2,9-3,0

Special properties:

If aragonite is heated in dry air, then at a temperature of 400 ° C it will begin to transform into calcite. Thermoluminescent.

Selection form

Aragonite crystals are acicular, prismatic, spear-shaped. Often, aragonite forms crystalline intergrowths, radially radiant, columnar and stellate aggregates, accumulations of oolites, and spherulites. Aragonite is typical for karst caves, occurs there in the form of crystalline crusts, forms helictites, crystallictites and corallites. From thin layers aragonite consist of mother-of-pearl and pearls.

Main diagnostic features

Aragonite "boils" in dilute cold acids. Unlike calcite, it does not have perfect cleavage along the rhombohedron. Separate samples of aragonite luminesce in ultraviolet rays.


Low-temperature hydrothermal, sedimentary, supergene, biogenic

Deposits / manifestations

Aragonite deposits are known in Germany(Harz), Austria(Carinthia), Czech Republic(Karlovy Vary), Italy, Spain, France and many other places


A pearl composed of aragonite is a first class gemstone. In addition, aragonite is a spectacular collection material.