The importance of the family in human life. Children in the family. Family traditions. What gives a person a family

The value of the Family in human life is invaluable. There are certain principles or laws that must be observed in order to have healthy family relationships, strong family ties, and that the family is significant in the life of every person. Let's talk about a healthy and strong family.

Indeed, the family plays important role in the life of every person. From childhood and sometimes until the very last moment of his life, a person spends in his family. And almost every person has his own tasks in creating a family to gain the experience that he needs.

The role of the family in human life

The role of the family in a person's life is great. Its meaning is unlikely to be doubted by anyone. Every person in this life is someone: a son, a daughter, a mother or a father.

It is in the family that a person feels his integrity, his completeness. The family gives a person a sense of stability, comfort and personal development. And if family relationships are built on understanding, mutual respect and love, such a family becomes stable, giving the joy of living.

Each person has their own tasks in this life. One can live in a full-fledged healthy and strong family, where there is a father, mother, grandparents. And someone has a task - to live in incomplete family, where, for example, there is a mother, but no father, and vice versa.

All this is based on the tasks and experience of the Soul, and it is through such families that the Soul gains the new experience that it needs.

Family bonds

What does family ties mean? Well, they got married, and it seems like a man should earn money, and a woman should take care and maintain comfort in the house. However, there is little progress in this material respect.

It seems like there is prosperity, and there are expensive things in the family, but this is all an external shell, and there is practically no development as such. In other words, the material side is important, but it should not come first.

In the first place in the family should always be the spiritual side, care, respect and love. Then the development in the family will be accelerated (both material and spiritual), in addition, happiness and joy will come and linger in this family. Family ties will be strong and the family healthy.

For family ties to be strong, a couple needs to know one thing. simple thing. If a man thinks only about material things and does not show love for his wife, then the woman will always be short of the money that he brings to the family.

Everyone knows how insatiable wives are, everything is not enough for them. Now the husband is nervous, and even starts drinking.

And here a woman needs to show love and respect for her husband, to realize that he is the main one, he is the breadwinner and protector. in strong and healthy family there must be mutual respect and love towards each other. Otherwise, there is an imbalance in relationships, swearing and divorce.

Why were there strong family ties in the past? But because the wife honored, respected and loved her husband, and he, in turn, created the necessary conditions for family.

Of course, there was fear of God and of her husband, but in order to maintain family ties, this was a necessity at that time. Now the manifestation of fear is replaced by love and respect, and then the family also turns out to be harmonious and stable. This is how great the meaning of love and respect is in the family and in the life of any person.

In family ties, hierarchy is important, that is, the husband is the eldest. However, sometimes a woman takes on such a dominant role, and thereby she earns for herself and her family big problems and karmic debts.

The family should not have claims to each other, but there should be support, mutual understanding, love and mutual concession. Thus family egregor will be strengthened.

Each family can develop only in the good and for the good. If there is no such blessing in the family, there are no good relationships, then such a family will be unhappy, it will have many problems, alcoholism, betrayal on the side and illness, a bunch of all sorts of illnesses.

Healthy and strong family

We discussed the role and importance of the family in human life, and what is a prosperous, healthy and a strong family?

The word well-being is usually associated in people with material well-being, what if there is material wealth then all is well in the family.

However, this is often not the case at all, and even if there is material well-being in the family, there is no warmth in these families, intimacy and there is no love that creates real well-being in the family.

And therefore, first of all, in a healthy and strong family there must be mutual respect and love.

And then what - the child grows up and no longer wants to share with his parents what he has in his Soul. And the child moves away from his parents, and they from him.

And in a family, it is so easy to express love for each other, give it to members of your family and do all things on love.

Why, when the family was just born, were love relationship and then love went somewhere? And people live in a family like neighbors, having had enough of each other, and even leave their families.

But still, it is no coincidence that people meet and create families, which means that they must gain their own specific experience in life together. Love does not go anywhere, you just need to constantly support it and take care of each other.

This is exactly what a person needs in a healthy and strong family. He needs to gain a bright and good experience through the constant manifestation of care, support and love. This is the task of man in this life.

There is such a commandment, honor your father and mother, because this is the basis of the family. If there is no respect, no care and no attention to your parents, all this will affect the family, and even children.

What is the basis of a healthy and strong family? And this is a relationship at the level of the Soul. Sometimes they say about people: “They live soul to soul” - this is a manifestation of respect, support and love for each other.

And then such a strong family prospers, and harmony reigns in it.

Any family that wants to be prosperous in every sense of the word must be built on love and mutual respect. When a person simply loves and takes care, without demanding anything in return, there is spiritual unity through such a manifestation of the Soul.

And such a family helps a person develop, gain positive experience and create spiritual matter of light in the Soul - this is exactly what a person was born on this Earth for.

What is a family for?

What is a family for? What is family? How to build a family? The meaning of family?

There are a lot of reasons that prevent the creation of a real family, but the main and primary reason is that the vast majority of people not only do not have the right idea about the family, they do not realize that there is a family, what it is.

At the same time, every man or woman, thinking about the family, wants happy family. Not realizing that a simple marriage is one thing, but a family is completely different.
And our site love-911 today will talk about exactly what a happy family is, why a family is needed and where to start before starting to create your happy family.

Everyone sooner or later comes to the conclusion that they want to create a happy family, but each of them imagines what a family is from the experience of their parents, plus the experience of everyone around them and books with television, all this gives an approximate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe family and in blurry colors.
Obviously, a person absorbs information in childhood, and what he absorbed, he gives out as an adult. Therefore, it is very important that that experience, that image and example family life was correct, which means that an idea will form in his mind about what a happy family is, what a family is for, and how relationships are built in such a family.

But in modern world, where there are 60 divorces for every 100 marriages, such an experience is extremely difficult and even impossible to obtain, those who are lucky are the exception to confirm the rule.

fortunately, a person is a rational being, therefore, in order to create a family, in addition to experience, he can acquire knowledge.

Family Awareness

We have already written more than once what a family is and talked about it in detail. But here's the thing - to know what a family is, it does not mean to realize and accept. Therefore, not be able to act on the basis of the acquired knowledge.

How is that mathematical example, you can see his solution written on paper. But do not realize how it was decided. You can remember, but giving you the same example with other meanings, and you will get confused and go to a dead end until you find a joyful insight, and oh happiness, you see the solution.
But for this, you have to digest it for a long time and painfully, let it pass through yourself until awareness comes.

So, we worked with one woman who wanted to get married, but it was already the second marriage, so she had doubts and wrote to us.

“... I really want to get married, but this will be my second marriage, my first marriage lasted 2 years, I loved ex-husband and very worried after the divorce. Therefore, now I want to understand whether I am doing everything right and understand, so as not to suffer later, because I will not survive if he also leaves me, I love him so much. Is it necessary to get married at all? ... "

Of course, we started to deal with her, in her previous situation, but mainly in what she thinks now, what is a family for her, what a family is for.
We asked her specific questions on this topic, so that she herself began to understand that she knows what is not there, what does she want? and what is not.

And here are her main words “I always knew what a family is, but I never specifically thought about this topic, why? After all, I already know everything! So when did you start asking me all these questions, “What do you see as the meaning of a family?”, “What do you want from a family?”, “What kind of relationship do you imagine?” and others. I realized that I can't answer any of your questions in detail. Everything in my head is blurry, everything seems to be logical and simple, but I can’t get a clear picture, I can’t say exactly how I see the relationship between husband and wife, how to build relationships, what values ​​​​and priorities to highlight. And the strangest thing is that the more I think about it, the more everything annoys me and I begin to fill my head with any thoughts and about everything but not about family life ... "

Thus, you see that knowing to have an idea about the family and being aware of its purpose, meaning and significance are completely different things. And this is exactly what is fundamental in building any relationship. Without realizing what you are striving for, you will continue to build a semblance of something, and your life is a reality that slips away along with the time and effort that you spend is not known on what.

Of course, it is not always easy to understand on your own how to come to an awareness and a real understanding of the family and other values, because if it were just people, they would not make so many mistakes and would not waste their time, but would go towards their goal and their goals. desires. Therefore, we are talking about this, we once again remind you how important this is and are always ready to help you by applying all our knowledge and experience so that you can build your life the way you want.

What is a family for?

A family is not just a union of two lovers and the appearance of children. Family is a transition to quality new level life.
Many, having entered into marriage and started a family, want to remain in the same living conditions, have the same independence, their own life, their own space and even their own money.

And so many live, but such a family will not be happy, this is the appearance of family relationships.

The family is comparable to how outside the family, you were in the form of a chrysalis, and becoming a family, you became in the form of a butterfly.
Therefore, there is no point in talking and comparing life before and after the family, since this is completely different lives, this is a different view of life, a different vision of this life, other opportunities, tasks and goals. And most importantly, a clear idea of ​​​​your purpose, what your tasks and your goals are.

A happy family is a new space in which you develop and interact together. In a happy family, life is not divided into you, me and him - life is common, because the problems of the wife are the problems of the husband and vice versa.

A family cannot be healthy without children, because they are the continuation of life. And children cannot be mentally healthy and grow properly without a family.
So, almost each of you, even without psychological knowledge, interacting with this or that child, can always understand that something is wrong in his family, because this is reflected in his perception, understanding of the world and interaction with people around him .

Therefore, it is very important to understand that in order to have a happy family, you need to mature for this, you need to understand what you want this new life, a life in which completely new perspectives open up, because in such a family you are not alone, you are at least already two.

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Almost every person living on this planet sooner or later finds a soul mate. Some couples live together for decades, enjoying each other's company, and do not complicate everything with passport stamps. Others go to the registry office to tie the knot. In any case, this is a family. After all, they are united by love and feelings. But what is a family for? This question must have crossed the minds of many of us. Well, it's worth trying to find an answer to it.


To begin with, we can note how it is customary to characterize a family in words. That is, to turn to terminology. The definition says that it social institution and the basic unit of society. And it is characterized by certain features. In particular, the union of two loving friend friend of people and voluntary marriage. Subsequently, they become connected by a common life. But the most important thing is that the family is, first of all, the most important social value.


For an adult, it is a source of satisfaction of certain needs of the different nature: starting with care and intimacy and ending with the help of a partner in the house and the performance of work by him.

For the younger members of society, the family is an environment in which favorable conditions for development are formed. Not even so much physical as emotional, mental and intellectual. All this is the responsibility of the child's parents. Which, in turn, must themselves take place as individuals capable of raising a full-fledged member of a civilized society. Therefore, the birth of a child, if one is planned, must be treated with the utmost responsibility. IN modern society many people, unfortunately, do not realize it.

Other features

Now you can talk in more detail about what a family is for, in addition to the above. Sociologists additionally highlight several more of its functions.

The first is household. That is, the essence of the function is to meet the material needs of both family members. People get married, work, buy an apartment with jointly accumulated funds, furnish it with appliances and furniture - this is the most primitive example. But visual. After all, everything turns out to be bought faster in a pool.

Emotional component

But of course, the first and main thing for which a family is needed is feelings. Love, sympathy, care, respect, recognition, mutual support. The desire to engage in spiritual enrichment together, after all. It's all that a family needs.

And of course, another important function is sexual and erotic. Each partner must meet the corresponding needs of the other. Optionally, of course. Although, in fact, happy couples does it happen otherwise?

No, but in other families - yes. Often, unions break up due to sexual incompatibility. Adults and young couples collapse, as partners dissatisfied with each other begin to get angry, break down and, finally, seek solace on the side.

Ideas about a normal family

There are no "standards". In our day and age, for sure. Why a family is needed - it was said, and now you can pay attention to its characteristics. Still, there are some ideas about a healthy union now. And they are quite adequate and correct.

In a family, each partner must perceive the other as a person equal to himself. Show trust, openness, be honest and keep marital fidelity. The last aspect becomes more and more utopian every year. But he is correct. People get married because they love each other and cannot imagine life without their partner, who suits them in everything. Then why look for something else?

What a family needs is the responsibility of each member. If there are any problems, you need to solve them together, and not try to shift the blame on your partner.

Also, in a healthy family, people relax together, enjoy something and rejoice. And they respect each other's traditions. If one of the partners is of German origin, and the other is Russian, then why not celebrate National holidays both?

Also in normal family There must be a right to privacy. We all need to be alone sometimes dear person- With myself. And he understands correctly. And not as the desire of his soulmate to move away. And one more thing: both partners are obliged to accept the features and differences of each other, without trying to “reshape” the essence of the beloved person. If all of the above is observed, and not because it is necessary, but because it comes from the heart and soul, then happy is guaranteed.

About problems

So, it was told in great detail about what a family is. definition of normal, healthy relationship also given. And now you can pay attention key points, which indicate the failure of the couple and incompatibility in marriage.

Partners should think about if they deny problems and support illusions. If, for example, a wife spends 15 out of 24 hours a day at work, this is worth discussing. Most likely, in this situation, the man feels single.

Lack of intimacy is also a problem. As well as a rigid distribution of roles in the family. If a woman is at work, and a man has a day off that day, why not spend 30 minutes dusting? Many people have great prejudices about this and everything else like it.

The problem is conflict. Especially hidden when the couple creates the illusion that everything is fine. Suppose a wife found out about her husband's infidelity, but does not say anything and behaves as if nothing had happened, but subconsciously hating her husband. Any problem must be solved, otherwise the microclimate in the family will be extremely unfavorable.


Well, the key to a happy life together is mutual tolerance, the right prioritization, the ability to find compromises, and the preservation of one's individuality (after all, people fall in love with it). By the way, it is important to keep the very “sparkle” that many people love to talk about. But for this you just need to get rid of the routine and regularly bring variety to life.

Relationships are never perfect, but they can be built. And put love at the core. And in no case should you follow the standards. The union will be happy if the partners live the way they both want. And what else is a family for, if not for this?

A family is a group of people who are related by marriage or blood ties, therefore, it is assumed that mutual understanding and support reign in the family, due to common goals aimed at the well-being of this particular family. Each family is a micro section of society, a social institution that has its own traditions and history. The family jointly conducts a common household, raises common children on the basis of moral principles traditionally accepted in it and those that are explained by social necessity.

Common goals and objectives, blood ties, ideally, make the family for each person a place where there is no violence against him: physical, psychological and sexual. This is a community of people close in spirit and culture who are always ready to support each other in trouble and grief and rejoice in case of success and victories. All its members accept each other without any reservations or conditions.

Apart from the issues of the birth and upbringing of children, with which the future of mankind as a species is connected, it turns out that a person needs a family in order for him to have safe environment habitat, able to protect it from the dangers that lurk in the external environment.

Psychologists are aware of such a psyche: if a person finds it difficult, he needs to speak out, after that it becomes easier for him. At the same time, it does not matter at all what the degree of painful experiences is. Those. a person has a physiological need to communicate with loved ones, with whom he may not be afraid of ridicule or betrayal. The place where he can listen, sympathize and support, for him is the family.

Of course, you can object that this is not the way it is in all families, which means that this situation must be corrected and strive for this. After all, if spouses love and respect each other, then it will not be difficult for them to share their experiences and just thoughts with each other. Experience shows that in strong, happy families it is precisely such relationships and, apparently, the question: “Why do we need a family?” no one has them.

Family law provides all citizens with rights and obligations, and also regulates legal relations between spouses and children, thereby creating favorable conditions for their development.

Legislative basis of family law

The family, as a small unit of society, is constantly at risk. The specificity of this category lies in the union between the spouses, which is distinguished by special trusting relationship which are based on strong spiritual and intimate ties. The family in the public understanding symbolizes unity and fidelity, common interests and views. Also performs major social functions- reproductive and educational. However, the family cannot develop in an isolated state. This is an open system with many connections, each member of which performs more than one social role.

The state assumes responsibility for the maintenance and development of each cell of society, through established legislative acts and the constitution. One of the main acts is Family code Russian Federation. It spells out the main provisions that ensure the protection of the rights of each individual in the new socio-economic conditions, as well as guarantees for the implementation and protection of family rights of citizens. The Code imposes certain rights on parents, which they are forced to fulfill in relation to each other and their own children.

The Family Law regulates relations between spouses by the norms of family law. There are two types of legal relationship: personal property and personal non-property. Each of the spouses can use the rights at their own discretion, since marriage does not limit their rights. family law are based on the basic principles, which are the equality of spouses in the family. The legislation states that outside interference in resolving family issues is unacceptable.

Rights of the child

The Code details the legal rights and obligations of children. They, in turn, are divided into personal and property. Every child has the right to live and be raised in a family whenever possible. A minor recognized by law as fully capable before reaching the age of majority has the right to independently exercise his rights and obligations, including the right to protection.

In case of violation of the rights and legitimate interests of the child, including failure to comply parental responsibilities on upbringing, education, abuse parental rights, the child has the right to apply to the guardianship and guardianship authorities, and upon reaching the age of fourteen to the court.

The family is what surrounds and accompanies a person. Families are different, but the meaning of creating a family is the only one for everyone. A true family is not created only for enjoying and admiring each other. Only in families where the husband and wife are spiritually close, love never goes away.

The family is a cell of spiritual progress, and it should be created between people not only for material well-being and the birth of children, but also for joint spiritual development husband and wife.

What is a family for?

The family is the main foundation for the birth and upbringing of a new person. The more mutual understanding and happiness in the family, the happier and calmer children grow up. They learn the relationship between a man and a woman by watching their parents.

The family is responsible for the formation of a person, a new personality in society. If there is a joint movement towards a common spiritual goal in the family, then the children also learn to think about their soul and development. The family gives a person a sense of security and teaches to help others.. Mutual respect, sympathy, understanding of each other make the family truly happy.

The family is created not only for the relationship between loving man and a woman. The most important purpose of starting a family is to allow the husband and wife to cultivate together. They must understand themselves, their spiritual nature and needs. Find a way to self-awareness and understanding that the soul is eternal and needs to be cleansed and developed. Accepting the need for self-development for happy life, they will be able to create a family that will help them on the path of spiritual growth.

What is a happy family for?

From many troubles, quarrels and cooling of feelings a family can be saved by engaging in activities that help other people, self-development. Activities for the benefit of others help to add a sense of mutual help and service to the relationship between husband and wife. This serves as the starting point for changing their relationship to each other in better side. They become companions, and their relationship moves to a higher spiritual level and becomes more stable.

main mission happy family is their invaluable contribution to the development of the consciousness of each person and the entire planet. It is the happy consciousness of people that can lead to positive changes in society and the development of all mankind, protect people from cruelty, inhumanity, aggression and low level culture.

Husband's responsibilities in the family

  • In a real family, the husband provides shelter, protection, finances. His masculinity expressed in the ability to give all this to your loved ones.
  • Husband is responsible for proper organization the lives of all family members. He should inspire his wife to fulfill her duties and duty.

  • The husband is responsible for the external life of his family, its moral strength.
  • A man must remain strong and responsible, passing on his power and instilling faith in the safety of his family.

Understanding the main meaning of creating a family - mutual self-improvement and development of the spiritual principle, the husband becomes a real protector and support for his wife and children. And the love and light he receives in return gives him strength for future accomplishments, victories and a real sense of happiness for many years to come.

Duties of a wife in the family

  • The wife mustNotto educate and teach her husband, but to love and understand him.
  • A real woman should provide her husband with comfort in all internal affairs Houses. He shouldn't be distracted by them. The care of household chores falls on the shoulders of the wife.
  • A wife should have experience, chastity, purity - internal and external, truthfulness, pleasant behavior and a neat appearance.

  • A wife should help her husband achieve his goals kind word and support.
  • A real wife is able to teach her husband generosity and gentleness.

By showing patience, respect, tenderness and the ability to hear, a woman helps her husband understand the meaning of creating a family and its purpose.

The meaning of creating a family lies in the understanding of two people united mutual love, the meaning of life - self-improvement, self-development and self-awareness of one's role in this world. It is in the family that understanding of the importance of love, its high meaning uniting for all people, comes. Love and support for each other in the family, understanding the responsibilities of both husband and wife are the basis for a happy development.

Without a family, not every person can harmoniously exist in this world. In the family, a person learns to communicate and understand the value human life, careful attitude to all living things. And most importantly, why a family is needed in this world is help people realize their creative role and the importance of showing them kindness and mercy towards others.

Especially forlucky girl. en- Julia