Family or tribal egregor. Ancestral karma

Egregor is an energy-information field that unites people who are interconnected in a certain way. It can be an egregor of faith, professions, creativity, family, etc. For full life we need generic egregor, a kind of energy frame, which was created over the centuries by the desires, actions and aspirations of our ancestors.

Manifestations of connection with the egregor of the genus is conscience (joint message). Therefore, very personally and alone with yourself, analyze what place the motivation of conscience occupies in your thoughts and actions. This will be the strength or weakness of your connection to the generic energy field.

A person without family support is like a tree without roots. Not viable. And its branches - offspring may not even be born. Bachelors, families without children - the last in the family.

If our actions correspond to the aspirations of the clan, we will acquire a clan consciousness. We will be able to use the general tribal memory and all the knowledge accumulated in it. This is what our ancestors called sanity, because by connecting to the tribal egregore, we act according to the "rule" i.e. Right. Revolutions and atheism have cut off the ancestral roots of most of the clans. But today it is important to know not the genealogy as such, but to understand the life of past generations.


Through this, the revival of the family is possible. The ancestors had a rite of blessing so that the connection of generations would never be interrupted. Parents, grandparents blessed their descendants to accomplish any deeds, to create a family. It's as simple as all genius - bless your son in the morning when he goes to school. Or a daughter who is going on a date. And you will connect children to the huge energy of the family, put protection from misfortunes, misfortunes, bad company, rapists, robbers in the streets, envy.

We may quarrel or disagree with our parents, act against their will. The result will be the same sooner or later. After many years, we whine: “But mom was right!”

Contact your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents

Ask for their blessings for yourself, your children. There are no complex rituals and verbose prayers. "I bless you!" And immediately there is an inclusion in the genus, as if a light bulb flashes instantly after the switch is clicked. We may quarrel or disagree with our parents, act against their will. The result will be the same sooner or later. After many years, we whine: “But mom was right!”.

Before it's too late - sincerely ask for forgiveness from your parents, put up. Respect for old age and care for youth is the basic law of the family. Forgive the parents who failed to give you love and education. Understand that if your birth took place in a family of alcoholics or beggars, then this is a karmic condition for the incarnation of the soul. Ask for forgiveness and blessings in hindsight.

After that, life begins to change not only for a single person, but for the whole family as a whole. After all, the energies of egregor are just waiting for "turning on" in order to come to the aid of descendants living in dark times and strengthen the family as a whole for centuries.

The more often you remember, mentally referring to the ancestors, the stronger they are, the higher the energy of the family, and therefore the help is more powerful in solving earthly affairs and tasks. A person cannot exist and develop outside the genus.

The program will always operate, whether we like it or not. But the only thing we can (and, in fact, should do) is to change and improve this program. Follow the laws, cleansing the family, correctly remembering the departed ancestors, respecting them and loving the living. The generic program always corresponds to our personal karma.

The soul, choosing parents, nationality, place of incarnation, becomes a link in the chain of generations. And if the incarnation takes place in a race burdened with curses and negativity, then this is a chance to purify the entire race. One bright ancestor and his connection with one bright living one is enough - the whole family can be cleansed and gain other vibrations of energies.

The Vedas say: “Through a son a person comes to the Higher World, through a grandson he acquires Immortality, through a great-grandson he enters the abode of light! There is no death! ("Children of Perun").

Strength of the Family

Our clan is a source of strength and support on the one hand, and on the other hand, our karma and our path. If a normal and outwardly successful person places his mother or grandmother in a nursing home to live out his days alone, then his children or grandchildren will do the same to him, if not worse.

A person achieves perfection in matter and in spirit, helping his family for seven generations in the future and seven generations in the past. The accumulation of the power of the piety of the family passes from generation to generation. And vice versa, if we degrade and follow the path of temptation and vice, do not respect and do not love the elders, abandon children - we are pumping out energy from the family for generations to come. And with each generation it gets worse and worse.

This explains why one is born healthy and in a wealthy family, and the other - with birth defects and their parents leave. How we use the power is up to us. By strengthening and purifying the family, we increase the power of piety - this is the basis for the birth of healthy and brilliant children.

It is the development of a person's attitude to his kind, which initially many people understand quite intuitively and amorphously and is often symbolized by one of the ancestors. For example, a person can hear the voice of a clan as the voice of his deceased grandfather or great-grandfather.
The relationship of a person with his family is usually a very intimate and poorly understood part of his subconscious. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the very concept of genus for this person quite amorphous, that is, it is not clear who to include in it and who not to include, and when exactly and how the voice of the clan is heard - or, in our terminology, the generic egregore.
Ordinary people strive either to escape from their kind, or to get comfortable in it, or to prove something to their kind. And they spend a lot of mental strength on all this, sometimes distorting their own fate and the lives of their children, choosing their marriage partners poorly, etc.
WITH psychological point From the point of view, it would be right not to try to break out of the clan as a whole, and not to try to completely load into it, and not to devote your whole life to somehow influencing your clan or proving something to it. It is much more correct to single out the subpersonality of a "member of the genus" in oneself and instruct it to interact with it. Then, however, the theme of integrating this subpersonality into the human psyche and, in particular, building its relationships with other subpersonalities arises. These topics and techniques are the focus of our
Let's continue deepening into this difficult topic.


Some topics in private and public life a person does not develop quite the way or not at all the way he would have wished and planned, and the reasons for this sometimes lie not only in his psychology (then they say that character determines fate), but deeper - in generic programs that the generic egregor implements on the material of life and the human psyche. Is it possible to somehow diagnose, understand and change in time, correct the ancestral influence?
If you are an idealist in the worst sense of the word, then you can formulate the following slogan: "Understand your kind - and he will understand you." Alas, this most often does not work out, especially for people whose karma clearly goes beyond the generic - both in breadth and up or down. It is not enough to "understand" your family, its main programs and its expectations for you personally. You still need to work thoroughly for your family and arrange your life as a service to him, moreover, in terms that he understands and in the directions he wants - then he can enter into a constructive conversation with you and cancel his tough decisions (sentence) in relation to you, and, moreover, start helping you where you have not expected any help from him for a long time (or never).
Ancestor worship seems to exist in all cultures, and in many primitive societies it has a religious meaning: the dead ancestors for savages are almost gods, or at least powerful spirits with the gift to see the future and influence the present. "What is impossible for man is possible for God" - this thesis is probably of very ancient origin.
However modern society it is as much fenced off from nature as it is removed from the natural reliance on its ancestors for a person. Think: do you tend to make responsible decisions at the grave of your grandmother or grandfather or in front of their photographs, consulting with them in the truest sense of the word? Dreams in our time best case they interpret according to Freud or a dream book, but few people think at least sometimes to interpret their content as direct instructions on how you should live, sent by powerful, clearly seeing and loving ancestors. Here I can also mention African shamans (including modern ones - read, for example, Susan Campbell's book "Called to Heal. African Healing Shamans", who live, diagnose and treat diseases not only "according to the precepts", but also with the direct help of their deceased members of their kind.
Whether we like it or not, we are included in the birth programs up to our ears and even more - to the ends of the hair and to the atmanic body, inclusive. And this fact cannot be undone. However, you can change the vision of yourself and your achievements by birth - this is the time; and you can change the generic egregor itself - these are two. The second task is not for ordinary people, but the first one can be dealt with on the energy of one's individual and microsocial planets. The second task is important for people who, bogged down in tribal karma, still want to rid their children or at least grandchildren of its most odious manifestations. Here, of course, you will have to work hard, but in principle it is possible, although this will require connecting the direct energies of Saturn, Jupiter or Chiron.
Voice of the Kind. The generic egregore is thinner than the family one, and intonations of a kind must be specially learned to distinguish. How can you do it? There are situations when the voice of the clan is heard quite clearly, and if you are attentive to them, then gradually its overtones begin to be recognized quite clearly.
Listen to the stories of older members of your family, remember how your parents raised you and think about how you raise your children (grandchildren). With some practice, you will learn to recognize the special voice of your kind without error - including in the speeches and actions of your young children. Remember how you were brought up, appealing to the life and positions of your grandfathers and great-grandfathers; how your grandmother directly or indirectly explained to you what is important in life and what is secondary.
The generic egregor is very active in situations of transmission from generation to generation. Its influence can be seen at funerals, commemorations, weddings and celebrations of the birth of babies. He is not indifferent to the division of property (especially real estate), wills - both material and spiritual. You can catch his breath when looking at family albums, old photographs, objects left over from his ancestors - like heirlooms and household items.
A lot about one's family can be understood by studying the life and psychology of the family's favorites - those members who remain in the history of the family and are actively mythologized, whose name, character traits and deeds are constantly cited in the life of the next generations. The same, however, applies to tribal outcasts and "shameful of the clan" - by studying those traits and actions that caused such an attitude of other members of the clan towards them, one can understand a lot about the attitudes of the tribal egregore.
Also indicative are apparently non-equilibrium, unfair family situations, which, however, continue for many years and for some reason do not cause not only protest, but also condemnation within the framework of this family. These situations make us suspect the influence of a tribal egregor, which has its own goals and its own ethics and, in accordance with them, imposes subtle (sometimes gross) distortions in the psychology of family members. This often happens when a clan chooses a sacrificial figure from the members of a given family and rots it for no apparent reason.

We can only guess about the true nature and structure of the generic egregor, as well as any egregor in general. However, even his approximate models and approximate descriptions in a language he understands will be perceived by him with a bang. For a generic egregor, close and concerned attention to himself, as well as to his manifestations in the fate of members of the family and their deeds.
How can we approach our tribal egregor and try to understand him - in order to enter into a meaningful dialogue with him and build relationships with him - always difficult and often conflicting?
Two approaches are possible here: individual And thematic. Individual approach is that you consistently study members of your clan and their families separately, isolating common topics, repetitive scenes, positions, attitudes, etc. Example individual approach I demonstrate to you in . Thematic The approach that I propose below is to study a kind of kind on the material of predetermined themes and plots that turned out to be relevant and significant for it, and which, changing, disturbed and delighted successive generations of your ancestors, served for them (and for you) as a support or, conversely, an antagonist.
What follows is a (incomplete!) list of topics that are relevant to many genera, representing the inescapable backdrop of their existence and a starting point for assessing the achievements and failures of members of the genus. Think about which of these topics have worried and continue to worry your family in several of its generations, what exactly it was and is being expressed now.

Paphos of existence. What is the most important thing in life? This question worries not only individuals - it is also solved by the generic egregore for himself. And this issue can be resolved by an egregor in a Yin or Yang way, and each of these options has its own characteristics.
a) Yin key. For life, the main thing is its certain qualities that adorn or overshadow it, and if the first of these qualities are present, and the second are absent, then everything is fine, "life is good."
At the same time, the question of what means these qualities are achieved (avoided) may or may not be discussed, but in any case these means are of secondary interest.
The generic egregor, standing in such positions, will focus on such statements of members of the genus:
- Here our grandfather lived - he always kept discipline, and his children, and his wife, although he loved, did not indulge too much.
- The worst thing is when a person lives sadly, does not sing songs, does not rejoice at anything, like your aunt Varya, say.
b) Yang key. For life, the main thing is to set goals, to strive for something, tangible or not, achievable or not - the generic egregore must specify these moments. In addition, he will be attentive to the means to achieve these goals, the tools to influence the world and people, the boundary conditions for the use of these tools.
- Grandfather Potap never did anything just like that - he always set himself a goal and achieved it. He took our family from the outback to the capital, saved us from starvation during the war.
“And if you don’t know why you want to get married, then wait a little longer, take your time, granddaughter.”
If you feel that the pathos of existence is important for your generic egregore, then determine what its key is - Yin or Yang, and then clarify it by answering the following questions.
Questions to clarify the pathos of existence in the Yin key:
- What was the life of a "model" family or individual from your family?
- What features of the life of a member of your family are considered especially wrong, shameful, unworthy?
- By what signs did the women of your family evaluate (evaluate) possible brides for their growing sons?
- What qualities of behavior of children in your family are valued above all, and which are vigorously condemned?
Questions to clarify the pathos of existence in the Yang key:
- What goals are approved in your family: high (ideal) or specific (achievable), and which are not?
- What tools and qualities of character, necessary to achieve the goal, are approved and used in your family, and which ones are not approved (although they may be used):
* personal strength (charisma);
* physical strength;
* beauty;
* diligence, diligence;
* social dexterity;
* practicality;
* ability to work with hands;
* mind;
* emotionality;
* diligence;
* purposefulness;
* communication skills;
* fidelity to a friend (cause, one's word);
* reliability;
* adaptability (social, natural, family);
- What achievements of your family members have become exemplary, almost legendary? What qualities (talents, abilities, conditions) environment) were they conditioned?
- What were the most striking failures, failures in the life of members of your family? What were they due to?
Life and relationships in the family
This topic probably worries your generic egregor, and he has a very definite point of view on what they should and should not be. Not all tribal egregors believe that family relationships should be cloudless and based on love and understanding, compromise and forgiveness. There are "combat" tribal egregors who believe that The best way cultivating valiant members of the genus - constant intra-family fights, and their ethics can be, to put it mildly, questionable from an ordinary human point of view. Frank and subtle lies, vile deceptions and insidious betrayals in the family are the norm for some tribal egregors, and it is better to admit this than stubbornly ignore it despite the evidence.
What underlies the family, "correct" from the point of view of the genus, and what, on the contrary, destroys it? The views on this topic of the generic egregor can be very definite and very doubtful if they are perceived as objective, that is, suitable for all families in general. However, the generic egregore takes care of their families, and he may be more right (although disgusted by tribal outcasts) than it seems at first.
Further, on various aspects of family life, I cite questions about which your generic egregor may have a very definite opinion, perhaps sometimes at odds with yours personally. Think what it's like.

Family life.
What are the main events of family life and how should they be ritualized?
What are the main family values? (options are possible here: husband and his career; wife and her beauty (whims); children as such; relationships in the family; raising children in a certain way; continuation of traditions; creation of new traditions;...).
What is the most important level of family life (buddhial - ethics, positions; causal - events; mental - conversations and reasoning; astral - emotions; ethereal - diseases and health, wholesome food)?

Relationships between spouses.
Prefer marriage of convenience or love? And what exactly is the calculation? What should be the role of parents in the selection of the groom (bride)?
(For example, a tribal egregor can appreciate the initiative and arrogance of members of the clan when choosing a spouse, and approve marriages made against the will of the parents.)
What are the responsibilities of spouses towards each other? What should they definitely do and what, on the contrary, should they absolutely not do?
Should spouses be fully frank friend with a friend? Or are there areas where it is better for them not to delve into each other's affairs? What are these areas?
Are husband and wife allowed to have light intrigues, serious betrayals, on what conditions, and how to adapt them to family life?
That is serious reason for divorce, and how to be with children during a divorce?
Should spouses compete with each other, or should they divide their spheres of influence?

What to look out for most attention when raising children?
What are children allowed and what is strictly prohibited?
What are the duties of children in relation to the family, to parents, to grandparents, to each other?
What are the duties of parents towards children? Do these responsibilities depend on the nature and behavior of the children?

The relationship of the family to others.
Should the family be: as open as possible; moderately open; almost closed; completely closed?
What is more important: what the family receives from others, or what it does for them?
Who can count on the title of family friend? What should the family do for such a person?
What kind of attention can families expect from children's friends? husband's employees? wife's friend?
Is it possible sometimes to fuse children to the husband's mistress?
What kind of attention from the family can relatives and grandparents expect? What are their responsibilities to the family? in front of grandchildren?

Intra-family behavior in various situations.
What should be the situations and forms of expressing approval and disapproval: husband, wife, children, grandparents?
What forms of courtesy should be adopted between family members?
What situations should the family perceive as problematic (dramatic), and how should its members react?
Whose and what problems should the family take very seriously, and whose (what) - as not worthy of its attention?
Attitude towards geeks - unlucky and malicious
Most likely, your generic egregore is concerned about this topic. Think about how he would answer the following questions.
What are the obligations to the clan of its unmarried and childless members?
How does your genus feel about those members of your family who maliciously break its rules or leave it altogether - at least physically and socially?
How (in what) is the displeasure of the tribal egregor expressed by its individual members and families?
Luck - reality or excuse?
What is the role of luck in the fulfillment by the members of the family of their plans? in their prosperous, correct life?
Is luck something tangible that you can have or not have, seriously rely on it? Is she a virtue?
Is failure an objective factor or an excuse to cover up laziness, carelessness and lack of purpose?
personal power
Does the personal strength (charisma) of its individual members underlie the success of the clan?
Does a member of the clan, with personal power, have special privileges and rights in comparison with its other members?
Does the personal strength of a member of the clan justify his despotism, dominance in the family, etc.?
Career and its understanding by birth
What professions are preferred for members of your family, and which are not approved by the family egregor?
How does your family understand career - socially or professionally or otherwise?
What is the main feature successful career(money, social status, connections, influence, authority, ..)?
Can (should) a career go to the detriment of family (personal) life?
Should a woman make a career, especially a mother of a family?
What sacrifices can (should) a family make for the successful career of one of its members (father, mother, child)?
What bonuses from a successful career of a family member should his family receive? his kind?
Wanderings: voluntary and forced
Travel and resettlement of individual members of the genus and its entire families - important aspect the life of the clan, and in this way, that is, by sending its members on journeys and even by relocating them (sometimes against their will), it can pursue its goals.
How does your family feel about traveling: without a purpose, for the purpose of recreation, knowledge of the world, for professional growth?
Have there been forced, forced or voluntary resettlements in the history of your family? What results did they bring?
Does your family approve of communicating with foreigners? learning foreign languages?
Is it customary for you to host friends and relatives from distant lands, to settle them in your family for a while, to visit them?
Development - in depth or in breadth?
How your family understands its development is a very important question for it. Think about the following topics.
What is valued more in your family: professionalism or wide fame, fame?
How do you define success in your family? What are its main components and conditions?
What is more important: to gain a foothold in existing positions or to reach new frontiers?
What role did its heroes, its most authoritative and revered members, play in the development of your family?
Religiosity, spirituality
How does your family understand spirituality and what role does it assign to it?
What forms of religiosity in your family are welcome, and which are denied?
What is the main role of spirituality in human life? (none, background, essential, cardinal, defining)
Are the words "with God's help" significant in your family?
Social level
What level of socialization for their members and families does your family consider appropriate?
What level of income and spending in your family is welcome, and what is considered "shameful poverty"?
In what social stratum does your clan consider it right to be located? How does he evaluate those of his members who introduce him there? taken out of there?
Secret goals of the family
What is your generic egregor really striving for?
What goals does it set for itself and for its members - including in the distant future?
What mark would he like to leave in history?


We should not judge our ancestors, but we should mythologize their lives.
If you want to seriously work on your ancestral egregor and along the way enter with him into deep contact, to establish mutual understanding and, perhaps, to win his gratitude and favorable attitude, then work seriously - write something like a family saga, transferring the main characters of your kind, its values ​​​​to a metaphorical space - for example, an island whose mountains, lakes, groves and streams will bear the names of your relatives. At the same time, the valor and loneliness of your grandfather Vladimir will find expression in the height and impregnability of Vladimir Peak, and the good nature and breadth of the soul of your grandmother Vasilisa will manifest itself in the roundness and purity of the water of Lake Vasilisa.
There may also be animals on the island, and various stories will be played out that will symbolize stories from your family. Thus, you mythologize that part of the history of your family, which, in your opinion, deserves it, and you will receive rich material for stories to your children and grandchildren, and they, if it is the will of the family egregore and he approves your work, will continue it.

What do you owe him and what does he expect from you? Maybe you have already done this - then it remains to explain this to the egregore. Tell him about yourself and your achievements in a language he understands and appealing to his goals and values. Use the metaphorical space from the previous paragraph.
The generic problems of many people are aggravated by the fact that their generic egregore sees their place and tasks in the clan in one way, these people themselves see it differently, and their horoscope points to something else. Study your horoscope, understand the values ​​and goals of your family and try to change your positioning in it so that it matches your inclinations and at the same time suits your family egregor. Your horoscope will help you find your correct positioning in the family, but in order to persuade the family egregor to accept this positioning, you will need special efforts and, possibly, possession of the technique of diplomacy with egregors. Read the book by A. Underwater "Egregor. Man in the face of the team."
The relationship of a person with his kind is largely determined by the nodes of the moon. In particular, the South Node will show what you are for your kind and how much he is inclined to spend on you, and the North Node will show what your kind expects from you. Hence the injustice: with the emphasis of the South Node, you get a lot from the family: both benefits and restrictions; with the accent of the North Node, the clan expects a lot from you, but it can give little - but also limit it too.
When is a generic view of life and of you personally appropriate, and when is it not? It is better if you answer this question yourself - considering, however, your tribal karma. But in any case, no matter how strong your connection with the family is, you can regulate your relationship with it and at least teach the family egregore to be polite - if, however, you yourself treat him with due respect.

The generic egregore is an energy field that was created by all the ancestors of your kind, woven from their actions and feelings. To every person in order to live a decent life happy life, you need to interact with your generic egregor and draw strength from it.

Generic egregor - a man and his forefathers

Previously, you could already read what egregors are human world. But what is a home egregore? This is an energy information field, created over the centuries by people, which has acquired self-consciousness, a “soul”.

A person without the support of fathers is very similar to a tree that has no roots. You can argue a lot about what becomes a prerequisite for the fact that a person loses touch with the energy of the race. Most practitioners tend to believe that hatred of parents, children, intolerance, unwillingness to follow family traditions become a prerequisite.

With regard to the impact of revolutions, war, renunciation of faith, it can be said that they can affect the home egregor only in this case, if the brother kills the brother, the father's offspring, the ancestors abandon the baby because he decided to change religion, etc. Otherwise, such phenomena can affect other egregors, but not on the family or home.

Although there is a concept "Understand your own kind and it will assimilate you". similar does not always work. The genus needs to be studied and realized what should be changed in one's own life in order to be in harmony with it. In this case, you will understand what you are dealing with and learn how to get a response from him.

But in modern world people forget to talk to their living relatives and the dead, so not only communication with people is interrupted, but also a powerful connection that should protect, give strength, etc.

When is the home egregor very active? During the transmission of something from generation to generation. Its greatest impact is noticeable at weddings, commemorations, funerals, during the ritual of christening a baby. The energy frame of the family can even be sensed by looking at the photograph, which depicts many relatives, by touching the personal belongings that belonged to the deceased ancestors.

Many people can find out about own family starting to learn history. With all this, it is better to place the greatest emphasis on both pets and those who are “left overboard”.

In this way, one can realize what is the main thing in a given family, what traits of character, actions are encouraged and, of course, what can make a person an exile, again, what traits and actions can entail such an attitude.

More memorable, looking unfair, dishonest situations that drag on for a long time are capable of revealing some hidden egregores of the genus. Usually, none of the relatives tries to correct such a situation; it does not cause indignation in anyone.

Also remember that in some cases the family is able to choose among all family members an unusual figure, make her a victim. With all this, in fact, a person always cannot realize why he deserved such a fate, such an attitude.

Family egregor, his goals, values ​​and positions

Not a single practitioner, psychic or warlock will be able to tell with clear confidence about the nature and structure of a generic or any other egregore. People can only guess how it all works.

But you can be virtually sure that it is very important for the home energy flow to be remembered. He loves when people pay attention to him, he constantly manifests himself in the fate of family members. To understand the goal, the position of the home egregor, you need to enter into a dialogue with him. In this way, it will be possible to build special cases.

Every person can use personal or topic-focused method. which will make it possible to build affairs with an energy flow.

If you have suspended own choice on personal. then it will be necessary to study in turn the history of each family member, closest relatives, to highlight repetitive fates, views, positions.

When choosing focused on a specific topic approach, you can teach your own genus, using first prepared material. In other words, you need to find out how the selected topics were burning or not burning for the whole family, how his attitude towards them changed, etc. The most important points, the worldview about which should be clarified:

  • attitude towards home life;
  • what should be the relationship between partners;
  • what should be relied upon in the upbringing of children;
  • what should be the attitude of the family towards others;
  • how they treated the wicked;
  • can a person be lucky, or is it self-hypnosis;
  • what type of employment for relatives is preferable;
  • religiosity and spirituality of relatives;
  • what are the goals of relatives in essence.

If you really want to improve the situation, use the energy field. that your family has, to be in harmony with it, then first stop condemning your own ancestors. All their mistakes must be forgiven, be grateful to them and well-disposed.

Your affairs with the egregor of the clan

Every person who has ever thought about his own involvement in the tribal egregor, certainly wondered what he expects from you and what can you be to him? Maybe you have already completed your task, your purpose in the family. Then this massive energy field needs to be cleared up.

Talk to the egregor, try to explain to him what you are doing, how this will strengthen the family. Often, many tasks are related to the fact that a person sees his tasks on the one hand, and an egregore on the other.

Maybe now you are not yet fully aware of your purpose, you see it incorrectly. The more you try to feel yourself, your own relatives, energy flow kind, the closer you will be to the goals that will satisfy the egregor of the family.

In addition, there are other questions, for example: does the egregor influence life and directly on the personality all the time? You can talk about this for a very long time, but the answer to this question must be answered by the individual for himself.

Remember if you are in harmony with energy field and your connection with the clan is strong, then you can control these affairs without the help of others. The more reverently you will treat the force, the more it will be inclined to you, the more freedom will be given to you.

Every person has your personal astronumerological code which determines a lot in our destiny. By this code, you can recognize the planet that leads us through life, helping in some way, but also creating its own difficulties. Fortunately, with the help of the code, you can correct fate and influence the world.

Choose Name as the target

We have come to the calculation of the number of personality, which in astronumerology is made up of the sum of the numbers of the surname, name and patronymic. So let's start with the name.

The name determines the purpose of our life. In order to understand the meaning of the numerological code of the name and each digit in it, let's look at the example of my name.

6+3+4+6+6+1+6=32=3 (Mars) + 2 (Jupiter) = 5 (Jupiter)
My name Evgenia has two addition numbers - the first sum 32 and the second sum 5 . This means that the goal of life will be achieved in two stages.
At the first stage the goal will be realized through conquest (3) and active inclusion in family life (2). The next task of this level is to sublimate the destructive energy of Mars and direct it to specific cases (3), realize family and relationships, psychological foundations (2). And only then can I start implementing Second stage, which symbolizes the five - the number of Jupiter.
If I learn to control the energies of Jupiter and the Five, then my talents will begin to flourish in the field of the execution of higher laws, the protection of the offended. The five made me sexy and nervous, adventurous and active. Encourages me to always be on the side of the law, to protect the weak, to expose any injustice, all this is connected with Jupiter (the planet of great happiness and the star of kings).
I can say even more precisely, in fact, it's all there in me for the most part, since they often call me by name.

Keep in mind: the final figure (planet) can also act indirectly in the first stages. In the case of me, Evgenia, one must take into account that Yupir influences will be present in my life from the very beginning, i.e. His Majesty chance will play a big role in life.

Alphanumeric matches:

If the name code has two, three or four addition sums, as in the name SERGEY
1+6+9+4+6+2=28=2(Moon)+8 (Uranus)=10(Pluto)=1+0=1(Solnir) , which means that the goal is achieved in several stages different methods and means due to the study of different planets.

Under the protection of the ancestors

And now let's move on to the analysis of patronymic, which indicates the connection of generations. This connection determines a lot in the social and spiritual life of a person. My middle name was given to me by my mother named grandfather, not my father, as is considered correct.
So, my middle name is Pavlovna and we will begin to make the calculation.

8+1+3+4+7+3+6+1=33=3+3=6 (Venus)
In the case of patronymic all sums of additions act simultaneously. The first sum of the addition indicates the connection with the Great-grandmother and Great-grandfather on the Paternal line, the second sum of the addition - on the connection with the Grandmother and Grandfather on the Paternal line, the third sum of the addition - on the connection with the Father.
Patronymic analysis allows you to see which of the ancestors helps us and in what way. In my case, the sum of the addition is only one, which indicates a connection with great-grandfathers.

The influence of a patronymic on fate depends on how often you are called by your first name and patronymic. Some people are called mostly by their first names until they are old. This happens when a person does not need the help of ancestors or when his connection with them is cut off, when he creates new traditions.

Generic name and egregor

egregor - energy formation, consisting of energies, attitudes and deeds. They are led by higher beings, shadows of planetary spirits (in this case ancestral spirits).
Analyzing your SURNAME, we will find out how the generic egregor helps us in realizing our goals, how it directs our actions, thoughts and feelings.
In every specific case a person can decide for himself which egregore - maternal or paternal - will help him more in life. After all, the surname can be changed at any age. If a man feels a greater connection with his mother than with his father, then, of course, it is better for him to inherit her surname.
Let's take an example: Let's take my last name given by my mother on my father's side.

5+6+4+3+6+1+3=28=2 (Moon)+8 (Uranus)=10 (Pluto)=1+0=1 (Sun)
In the surname in the calculation only taken last number additions, in this case it is The unit that carries the vibrations of the Sun.
The surname Melnik will help Evgenia Pavlovna to realize herself among artists, politicians and national heroes, that is, my ancestors initially gave support in this direction.

Personality number

The final number, consisting of the sum of the numbers of the Last Name, First Name and Patronymic, forms the so-called personality number.
Let's try to calculate the number of personality on my example Evgenia Pavlovna Melnik.

Melnik Evgenia Pavlovna = 1+5+6=12=1+2=3 (Mars). Here only the final addition number is taken into account.
The personality code in astronumerology is written as follows:
Sun, Jupiter, Venus = Mars

CALCULATION BY SURNAME TO WHAT KIND YOU ARE! FAMILY EGREGOR! “The fate of the people is controlled to a much greater extent by the departed generations than the living ... Century after century they created ideas and feelings and, consequently, all the motives of our behavior. The dead generations pass on to us not only their physical organization; they also inspire us with their thoughts. The dead are the only indisputable masters of the living. We bear the burden of their mistakes, we are rewarded for their virtues…” – this is how the famous French psychologist Gustave Lebon wrote more than a hundred years ago. Perhaps he did not know anything about the esoteric tribal egregore, but he very accurately captured its essence and purpose: preserving the experience of past generations and helping future generations. Knowing your Ancestral Egregor, you get answers to questions that interest everyone! Having learned the attitude towards your Egregor, you get on your way or road and go in the direction in which your ancestors and the whole family went! Question 1. What is the best thing to do and in what area to realize yourself? Question 2. Purpose!? This question is of interest to everyone! So I will answer this question like this, and emphasize that this is my personal opinion! Every living being has a purpose, but since we are all people! Our mission is to bring Love and Happiness! Here are the Synonyms Future, mission, appointment, doom, mission, destiny, predestination, preparation, vocation, fate, role, meaning, fate, happiness, function. 22 - Main Family Egregor! 1. Type of teachers, pedagogy. 2. Kind of doctors, healers, healers. 3. Teachers working in private homes. 4. Industrialists, entrepreneurs, businessmen. 5. Kind of priests. Do esotericism. 6. Home artisans. 7. Family of Scientists, philosophers and engineers. 8. True believers, lawyers, judges. 9. Psychics, the genus is young. 10. A family of financiers, bankers, accountants, sales representatives and large industrialists. 11. Wars. In a perfect world, these include athletes, civil servants, police, special services. 12. Social workers, selfless people who help their environment. Masterminds. 13. Revolutionaries, all descendants of this kind have the gift of hypnosis. To study alternative sciences and bring something new into the race and into the world. 14. Agriculture. Grow herbs, etc. This is a peasant family, not very wealthy, but very useful to society. 15. Sorcery kind. They know how to control the air. Strong psychics, healers, healers. You have to be esoteric. 16. Kind of builders. Dynastically engaged in crafts. 17. Artists, poets, those who entertained. public kind. The task is to glorify yourself. 18. Artisans. The challenge is to do housework. Be social workers in craft. Designers, florists. 19. The kind of officials, high-ranking who worked within Rus'. The task is to raise your status and strive for a high post, position. 20. Noble family. Were at the origins of the creation of Rus'. 21. The kind of international officials and international entrepreneurs representing the interests of the country. 22. Kind of rural teachers. Raising children and educating them. Recommendations and the cost of the calculation are 800 rubles.