Blood ties 1 princess by blood. Blood ties.Princess by blood. About "Blood Princess" by Richelle Mead

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    You've only been here for two days.
    - And that's more than enough. The only thing keeping me here is a hefty supply of liquor. But in case I stay, they will be over by the weekend. Jesus, I'm already climbing the walls. His eyes fell on the cross around my neck. - Oh, I'm sorry. Don't be offended by Jesus.

    The main series of books on the "Academy of Vampires" was oversaturated with the exoticism, wildness and willfulness of the girl Rosa and the development of her relationship with the harsh Russian guy Dmitry Belikov. This story is over, but I want more, so Richelle Mead offers readers another story of the same world, filled with both already familiar comrades and primordially new characters.
    So, all those who at one time managed to get tired of Rosa and Lissa, rejoice, before you again is Sidney Sage, a representative of the ahlimik guild, with which we are all already familiar. This girl is squeezed in a vise because of her moral principles, faith, loyalty to the postulates of the guild (like vampires and dhampirs byaka-byaka!), while she is terribly tired of being afraid that her every new step to the side will turn into shame or even worse, because for the story with Rosa was not patted on the head. Nevertheless, the fate of the lady is dirty, and our heroine will again have to return to the world of those from whom the guild of alchemists swore to protect mere mortals - all the same vampires (although Sydney herself understands that it is nonsense to consider them spawn of hell). We are waiting for a meeting with Princess Dragomir Jill, charming Adrian, who is still a rag, but the rehabilitation process has clearly begun, studying at school, a lot of prejudice and a couple of cute moments + a couple of fights and intrigue. Amen.

    As a result, it is definitely not the kind of novel from which you need to start your acquaintance with the world of vampire-dhampirs with Slavic first and last names (here, for example, Hunters and Victims is the very thing). If you are not new to this work of Richelle Mead, then you should take on the "Princess of the Blood" if:
    - earlier you didn’t like Rose Hathaway very much and from time to time you wanted to hit her on the head with something heavy
    - you "cheered" not for Dmitry, but for Adrian Ivashkov (uiii! ^^)
    - you do not believe in the coolness of the magic elements of vampires
    - you are a supporter of stability, fidelity to your principles and even some stubbornness, rather than impulsiveness and roof-shattering.
    In terms of style and plot, the first book in the "Blood Ties" series turned out to be more than calm, monotonous and even. The plot is more than far-fetched in places, but this more than compensates for the image of Sydney with all her cockroaches and contradictions. And in general, there are girls who are desperate and straightforward, and there are secretive and buttoned up girls. But this does not mean that the latter do not know how to feel.

    Rated the book

    This book has what I lacked so much in the Vampire Academy.

    An understandable and more realistic heroine.
    Rosa was obsessed with the Strigoi, Dmitry Belikov, and trying to keep her friend Lissa safe from everyone.
    I confess that Rosa left me indifferent. She's too cool, so much so that in places it goes beyond. What can not be said about a simple human girl, quite harmonious and with minor weaknesses - that is, about Sydney. She does not cause rejection, like Rosa, maybe because her character is more whole, balanced and understandable. She does not build anyone out of herself, and as the main character, she is a surprisingly pleasant companion throughout the entire plot.

    Oh that Adrian! I got through the Vampire Academy in many ways thanks to this character. I will not hide, I have been highlighting it ever since it appeared. He's flawed through and through, and that's his beauty. He walks with the girls, is not averse to drinking, taking a walk and hates to work. Such a worldly slacker, not reaching into his pocket for a word, but in general, friendly and pleasant, just - and I quote - "that's Adrian."
    So, in the history of Rosa, there was sadly little of him. He appeared there occasionally, decorated the book and was again pushed into the shadow of the cool Dmitry Belikov. No, well, Dmitry is also so-so nothing, but compared to Adrian, he is a cold ice.
    But there are a lot of Adrian in Blood Ties! It is almost impossible not to fall under his charm. The fact that I liked the book, a huge merit.

    Besides, - here I turn to the next point, - Adrian and Sydney are an amazing couple. Sidney is terrified of vampires in all their manifestations. She has a thing for them. She loves order, rules, smart, responsible. And in contrast to her, the irresponsible Adrian, who breaks all possible rules and absolutely does not think about the consequences.
    A lovely couple. If the love of Dmitry and Rosa was boring - they are similar, all such warriors - then the romance of Adrian and Sydney is catchy.

    Finally, the plot didn't disappoint either. The main action takes place in the ordinary world. No gripping with stakes and chasing strigoi. Sidney is just trying to save the Moroika that has fallen on her and at the same time get comfortable in a regular school. And along the way, bring someone to clean water, reveal a couple of secrets and generally little things.
    The plot is not overloaded with unnecessary fights, and this went to the benefit of the book. It reads easily, with interest and in general - lately I have started and abandoned so many books (phew, a small reading crisis) that finding a book that you look forward to returning to is a great gift.

    Great story. Of those books that, if you like it, then hard. With wonderful characters, a good plot, written in good language - and with Adrian: what to hide, he is the true beauty of the book.
    Summing up the comparison, I can say that the Academy of Vampires - every book - I tortured, finishing almost with a fight, out of pure stubbornness. I'm even more surprised that I've finished the series.
    With Bloodlines, the story so far is quite the opposite: I'm sorry the book is over. Fortunately, I am waiting for the continuation of the cycle, parting with the characters for a short time. Although I still part: my homeland ... that is, book debts are calling.

    A lot of Adriana, some alchemical mysteries and dark school secrets. Rich boys in difficult circumstances, a smart girl who has a lot of problems with rich boys, friendship, love, a gradual romantic line, a strong plot, plot threads collected everywhere, a little strigoi and a drop of magic.
    In general, I advise. Especially for those who liked Vampire Academy, I think Blood Ties is much better. At least the first book. How it will go further remains to be seen.

    - Yes seriously. She asked me what my strongest point was. I replied that I get along well with people.
    “Good,” I admitted.
    “Then she asked me what was my weakest point. And I said, "Where do I start?"
    - Adrian!
    "Stop saying my name like that." I told the truth. When I got to the fourth point, she said that I could go.
  1. Rated the book

    Five years ago, Richelle Mead told the world about a mysterious academy in Montana, where far from classical vampires with Russian names studied. Six books of investigations of court intrigues, dramatic romance and the study of the local way of life took the story well away from the academy, allowing the heroes to ride all over their country, and even look into Russia. The series, in the end, ended, and Richelle Mead did not original, but very correct in her case, a feint with her ears - she collected the best characters of the Vampire Academy, who, for ridiculous reasons, lay on the sidelines of the plot all the time, and created a spin-off with them.

    And we got "Blood Ties" - a series that, surprisingly, came out better than the original in all respects. Vampire Academy was interesting and exciting, but there was something terribly repulsive about it. It is very easy to understand what it was after reading the spin-off. The first part was filled with a huge number of annoying main characters, so that as soon as the desperate dhampir and narrator Rosemary Hathaway were replaced with the alchemist Sidney Sage, rainbows, butterflies, and world peace immediately turned out. In addition, "Blood Ties" did not turn out to be far-fetched, but became a very concise continuation, picking up the reader exactly where "The Last Victim" left him. In the end, all the characters whose future fate was pushed back by explanations, as everything is now in flowers with Rosa and Lissa, appeared in the new part with old problems, shattered nerves and emotional wounds, which, no doubt, they earned thanks to these two girlfriends .

    But don't think that "Blood Ties" is all about the same thing. Rose was part of the vampire world, and Sidney is a man who fears and despises the so-called unnatural beings. It's an outsider's view of vampire society that also allows you to cover the people who still live here. And the action of the spin-off moves to our world, where the characters go to a regular school and try to get a regular job. In addition to Sidney in "Blood Ties" you will meet: the royal Moroi Adrian Ivashkov, who still has fun, drinks a lot and penetrates other people's dreams; the found sister of Queen Basilissa, Jill; and charming guardian Eddie, still trying to masterfully fulfill his destiny. The new series, of course, will again recall the terrible strigoi and Moroi criminals, but will also delve into the life and tasks of alchemists, and will also tell about vampire hunters. The ball becomes even more tangled, now everyone is in the same bundle.

    Writing a spin-off is a risk. Reading spin-offs is a thankless task. But Richelle Mead did well. Before us is a new series with old and beloved characters, new adventures and, fortunately, the absence of new Russian names. The “Blood Princess” part is more of an introductory part, like “Hunters and Prey”. It is impossible, perhaps, to judge it as a separate book, otherwise indistinct plot twists will open. But it's a great start to an exciting sequel. And if, again, to compare with "Hunters and Victims", the first introductory book for the spin-off came out more interesting. But now all hopes for the "Golden Lily".

princess by blood Richelle Mead

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Title: Blood Princess
Author: Richelle Mead
Year: 2012
Genre: Horror and Mystery, Foreign Fantasy, Vampire Books, Love Fantasy

About "Blood Princess" by Richelle Mead

Sydney Sage has a special blood, she is an alchemist, one of those who practice magic and serves as a link between the world of people and the world of vampires. It was she who was assigned at the vampire council to protect the princess of the Moroi, young Jill Mastrano. What was Sydney's surprise when an ordinary California school turned out to be the place to fulfill her responsible mission, and she herself had to act as an ordinary schoolgirl, friend and classmate of Jill ...
For the first time in Russian, a book that opens a new series that continues the cult cycle of novels about the Vampire Academy!

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Richelle Mead

princess by blood

An Academy of vampires. blood ties - 1

OCR : mist ; spell check : mist

Richelle Mead « An Academy of vampires. Blood ties. Book 1. Princess by Blood »: Eksmo, Domino ; Moscow, St. Petersburg 2012

original Name : Richelle Mead « Bloodlines ", 20 11

ISBN: 978-5-699-56205-3

Translation: A. Ovchinnikova


When Sydney is assigned to protect a Moroi princess named Jill she doesn't expect that with this mission you will have to go to a private school for mortals in Palm - Springs. And this is just the beginning.

You, dear reader, are waiting for new and old acquaintances, and all the same friendships and romance, betrayals and battles that you are used to while reading the fascinating Vampire Academy, but this time the stakes will be higher, and blood - everything is desirable.

Richelle Mead

princess by blood


I couldn't breathe.

Someone's hand clamped over my mouth, the other squeezed my shoulder, pulling me out of a heavy sleep. In one heartbeat, thousands of desperate thoughts flashed through my head. Began! The worst of my nightmares is coming true.

"They are here! They've come for me!"

I blinked wildly around the dark room until my eyes fell on my father's face. I stopped thrashing about, completely bewildered. My father released me and took a step back, looking at me coldly.

I sat up in bed; the heart was still beating fast.

Sydney, you didn't wake up.

Of course, he never thought to apologize for scaring me to death.

Get dressed and make yourself look decent, - continued the father, - Quickly and quietly. Meet me downstairs in my office.

I opened my eyes wide, but didn't hesitate. There was only one acceptable answer.

Yes, sir. Certainly.

I'll go wake up your sister.

My father turned to the door, and I jumped out of bed.

Zoya? - I exclaimed, - Why do you need it?

Shh,” he snapped. “Hurry up and get ready. And remember - be quiet! Don't wake up your mother.

Without saying another word, my father closed the door, and I was left to stare at her. The panic, which had just subsided, began to awaken again. Why does he need Zoya? The fact that I was woken up late at night meant that there was work for the alchemists, and Zoya had nothing to do with them. Theoretically, I was no longer involved with them either, since I was suspended indefinitely for bad behavior this summer. Because of what is the cheeseboard? What if they send me for retraining and are going to replace Zoya?

For a moment the world spun, and I grabbed the bed to keep my feet. Retraining centers. They were the nightmares of young alchemists like myself - those who made friends with vampires were removed to these mysterious institutions and taught how wrong such behavior was for an alchemist. What exactly happened there was a mystery - one of those that I would never want to reveal. I had little doubt that the word "retraining" was just a pretty substitute for the term "brainwashing."

I only once saw a man who returned from there, and, to tell the truth, after that he didn’t even look like a man. He looked more like a zombie, and I didn’t even want to think about what they could have done to him to make him like that.

My father's urging echoed in my head, and I tried to shake off my fear. Mindful of another father's warning, I tried to be quiet. Mom slept soundly. It was usually okay for her to catch us doing alchemy errands, but lately she had taken a dislike to her husband and daughter's employers. Ever since the alchemists brought me to my parents' doorstep last month, the house has looked like a POW camp. Terrible quarrels broke out between my parents, and my sister, Zoya, and I walked on tiptoe then.

"Why did he need Zoya?"

This question haunted me as I fussily got ready. I understood what "decent appearance" meant. And there was no question of pulling on jeans and a T-shirt. Instead, I wore gray slacks and a crisp white button-down shirt. They were followed by a dark gray cardigan, which I neatly girded with a black belt. The only decoration that I allowed myself was a small golden cross - I always wore it around my neck.

Hair was harder to manage. Although I slept only a couple of hours, they were already sticking out in different directions. I smoothed them down as best I could and then sprayed generously with varnish in the hope that it would help give me a decent look in anticipation of what was coming, whatever it was. Light powdering - that's all my makeup; there wasn't enough time for more.

I spent six minutes on all the preparations, I think this is my new personal record. In complete silence, I rushed down the stairs, still trying not to wake my mother.

It was dark in the living room, but because of the loosely closed door of my father's study, light filtered into the hallway. I took it as an invitation, opened the door and slipped into the room. The muffled conversation stopped as soon as I appeared on the threshold. My father looked at me from head to toe and approved of my appearance in his best way: simply refraining from criticism.

Sidney,” he said sharply, “I think you know Donna Stanton.

A formidable female alchemist stood by the window, her arms folded across her chest. She seemed as strong and slender as I remembered. I spent a lot of time with Stanton not too long ago, although we were hardly friends - especially after some of my actions led to the fact that we both fell under a kind of "vampire house arrest." But if Stanton harbored a grudge against me, she never showed it. She just nodded politely to me with the same impenetrable face.

In addition to the father, three male alchemists were present in the room. They were introduced to me as Barnes, Michaelson and Horowitz. Barnes and Michaelson were the same age as my father and Stanton, and Horowitz, who was now laying out the tattoo artist's tools, was younger, about twenty-five. The clothes of the alchemists were similar to mine - business suits in nondescript colors. We have always strived to look elegant, but not to draw attention to ourselves. Alchemists have been playing Men in Black for centuries, long before people dreamed of living in other worlds.

When the light fell on the faces of the alchemists at a certain angle, each of them had a tattoo in the form of a lily, the same as mine.

Again, I felt a growing uneasiness. Is this some sort of test? I'm being tested to see if I became a traitor when I decided to help a renegade half-vampire girl?

I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to maintain a neutral expression, hoping to sound confident and unflappable. If I still had a chance to defend myself, I was going to use it to the fullest.

Before anyone could say a word, Zoya entered the room. She closed the door behind her and looked around at everyone present with frightened eyes. Father's office was huge - for the sake of it he made an extension to the house - and everyone easily accommodated in it. But, watching my sister, I realized that she felt trapped, simply suffocated here. I met her eyes and tried to silently show my sympathy. I must have succeeded, because she approached me with a more calm air.

Zoya, - said the father.

Richelle Mead

princess by blood

I couldn't breathe.

Someone's hand clamped over my mouth, the other squeezed my shoulder, pulling me out of a heavy sleep. In one heartbeat, thousands of desperate thoughts flashed through my head. Began! The worst of my nightmares is coming true.

"They are here! They've come for me!"

I blinked wildly around the dark room until my eyes fell on my father's face. I stopped thrashing about, completely bewildered. My father released me and took a step back, looking at me coldly.

I sat up in bed; the heart was still beating fast.

Sydney, you didn't wake up.

Of course, he never thought to apologize for scaring me to death.

Get dressed and make yourself look decent, - continued the father, - Quickly and quietly. Meet me downstairs in my office.

I opened my eyes wide, but didn't hesitate. There was only one acceptable answer.

Yes, sir. Certainly.

I'll go wake up your sister.

My father turned to the door, and I jumped out of bed.

Zoya? - I exclaimed, - Why do you need it?

Shh,” he snapped. “Hurry up and get ready. And remember - be quiet! Don't wake up your mother.

Without saying another word, my father closed the door, and I was left to stare at her. The panic, which had just subsided, began to awaken again. Why does he need Zoya? The fact that I was woken up late at night meant that there was work for the alchemists, and Zoya had nothing to do with them. Theoretically, I was no longer involved with them either, since I was suspended indefinitely for bad behavior this summer. Because of what is the cheeseboard? What if they send me for retraining and are going to replace Zoya?

For a moment the world spun, and I grabbed the bed to keep my feet. Retraining centers. They were the nightmares of young alchemists like myself - those who made friends with vampires were removed to these mysterious institutions and taught how wrong such behavior was for an alchemist. What exactly happened there was a mystery - one of those that I would never want to reveal. I had little doubt that the word "retraining" was just a pretty substitute for the term "brainwashing."

I only once saw a man who returned from there, and, to tell the truth, after that he didn’t even look like a man. He looked more like a zombie, and I didn’t even want to think about what they could have done to him to make him like that.

My father's urging echoed in my head, and I tried to shake off my fear. Mindful of another father's warning, I tried to be quiet. Mom slept soundly. It was usually okay for her to catch us doing alchemy errands, but lately she had taken a dislike to her husband and daughter's employers. Ever since the alchemists brought me to my parents' doorstep last month, the house has looked like a POW camp. Terrible quarrels broke out between my parents, and my sister, Zoya, and I walked on tiptoe then.

"Why did he need Zoya?"

This question haunted me as I fussily got ready. I understood what "decent appearance" meant. And there was no question of pulling on jeans and a T-shirt. Instead, I wore gray slacks and a crisp white button-down shirt. They were followed by a dark gray cardigan, which I neatly girded with a black belt. The only decoration that I allowed myself was a small golden cross - I always wore it around my neck.

Hair was harder to manage. Although I slept only a couple of hours, they were already sticking out in different directions. I smoothed them down as best I could and then sprayed generously with varnish in the hope that it would help give me a decent look in anticipation of what was coming, whatever it was. Light powdering - that's all my makeup; there wasn't enough time for more.

I spent six minutes on all the preparations, I think this is my new personal record. In complete silence, I rushed down the stairs, still trying not to wake my mother.

It was dark in the living room, but because of the loosely closed door of my father's study, light filtered into the hallway. I took it as an invitation, opened the door and slipped into the room. The muffled conversation stopped as soon as I appeared on the threshold. My father looked at me from head to toe and approved of my appearance in his best way: simply refraining from criticism.

Sidney,” he said sharply, “I think you know Donna Stanton.

A formidable female alchemist stood by the window, her arms folded across her chest. She seemed as strong and slender as I remembered. I spent a lot of time with Stanton not too long ago, although we were hardly friends - especially after some of my actions led to the fact that we both fell under a kind of "vampire house arrest." But if Stanton harbored a grudge against me, she never showed it. She just nodded politely to me with the same impenetrable face.

In addition to the father, three male alchemists were present in the room. They were introduced to me as Barnes, Michaelson and Horowitz. Barnes and Michaelson were the same age as my father and Stanton, and Horowitz, who was now laying out the tattoo artist's tools, was younger, about twenty-five. The clothes of the alchemists were similar to mine - business suits in nondescript colors. We have always strived to look elegant, but not to draw attention to ourselves. Alchemists have been playing Men in Black for centuries, long before people dreamed of living in other worlds.

When the light fell on the faces of the alchemists at a certain angle, each of them had a tattoo in the form of a lily, the same as mine.

Again, I felt a growing uneasiness. Is this some sort of test? I'm being tested to see if I became a traitor when I decided to help a renegade half-vampire girl?

I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to maintain a neutral expression, hoping to sound confident and unflappable. If I still had a chance to defend myself, I was going to use it to the fullest.

Before anyone could say a word, Zoya entered the room. She closed the door behind her and looked around at everyone present with frightened eyes. Father's office was huge - for the sake of it he made an extension to the house - and everyone easily accommodated in it. But, watching my sister, I realized that she felt trapped, simply suffocated here. I met her eyes and tried to silently show my sympathy. I must have succeeded, because she approached me with a more calm air.

Zoya, - said the father.

He let her name hang in the air, as he always did, making it clear that he was disappointed. I immediately realized what was the matter. Zoya was wearing jeans and an old sweatshirt, and her hair was braided into two cute but messy pigtails. From the point of view of any other person, she had a "decent appearance" - but not from the point of view of her father. Feeling Zoya shrink next to me, I straightened up and tried to look taller and more solid. Satisfied that Zoya felt disapproval, her father introduced her to the others. Stanton also greeted her with a polite nod before turning to her father.

I don't understand, Jared. Which one are you going to send?

That's just the point, - answered the father, - They demanded Zoya ... But I'm not sure that she is ready. In fact, I even know that she is not ready. She has just completed her first course. But in light of recent events in Sydney's life...

I immediately started putting the pieces of the puzzle together. First of all - and this is the most important thing - I was not going to be sent for retraining. At least for now. It was about something else. My initial suspicions were confirmed. They wanted to involve Zoya in some task, because she, unlike some other members of our family, never betrayed the alchemists. Her father was right in saying that she received only basic training. Our work was handed down, and many years ago I was chosen as the next alchemist in the Sage family. My older sister, Carly, had been stripped of that honor, and now she was far away in college and too old. My father chose Zoe instead of her as a fallback in case something happened to me - for example, I got hurt in a car accident or I was bitten by a vampire.

I stepped forward, still not quite sure what I was about to say. Only knowing for sure - I can not allow Zoya to be dragged into the machinations of alchemists. I was more afraid for her than I was afraid to go to a retraining center - and the latter was quite frightening.

After what I did, I had a conversation with the committee. It seemed to me that the motives of my actions became clear. I have been fully trained and am able to provide you with the assistance you need. My qualifications are much higher than my sister's, and I have experience in the real world. I know my business thoroughly.

If my memory serves me right, you have a little more experience in the real world than required," Stanton said dryly.

Blood Ties - 1

Someone's hand clamped over my mouth, the other squeezed my shoulder, pulling me out of a heavy sleep. In one heartbeat, thousands of desperate thoughts flashed through my head. Began! The worst of my nightmares is coming true.

"They are here! They've come for me!"

I blinked wildly around the dark room until my eyes fell on my father's face. I stopped thrashing about, completely bewildered. My father released me and took a step back, looking at me coldly.

I sat up in bed; the heart was still beating fast.

Sydney, you didn't wake up.

Of course, he never thought to apologize for scaring me to death.

Get dressed and make yourself look decent,” my father continued. - Fast and quiet. Meet me downstairs in my office.

I opened my eyes wide, but didn't hesitate. There was only one acceptable answer.

Yes, sir. Certainly.

I'll go wake up your sister.

My father turned to the door, and I jumped out of bed.

Zoya? I exclaimed. - Why do you need her?

Shh, he snapped. - Hurry up and get ready. And remember - be quiet! Don't wake up your mother.

Without saying another word, my father closed the door, and I was left to stare at her. The panic, which had just subsided, began to awaken again. Why does he need Zoya? The fact that I was woken up late at night meant that there was work for the alchemists, and Zoya had nothing to do with them. Theoretically, I was no longer involved with them either, since I was suspended indefinitely for bad behavior this summer. Why the fuss? What if they send me for retraining and are going to replace Zoya?

For a moment the world spun, and I grabbed the bed to keep my feet. Retraining centers. They were the nightmares of young alchemists like myself - those who made friends with vampires were removed to these mysterious institutions and taught how wrong such behavior was for an alchemist. What exactly happened there was a mystery - one of those that I would never want to reveal. I had little doubt that the word "retraining" was just a pretty substitute for the term "brainwashing."

I only once saw a man who returned from there, and, to tell the truth, after that he didn’t even look like a man. He looked more like a zombie, and I didn’t even want to think about what they could have done to him to make him like that.

My father's urging echoed in my head, and I tried to shake off my fear. Mindful of another father's warning, I tried to be quiet. Mom slept soundly. It was usually okay for her to catch us doing alchemy errands, but lately she had taken a dislike to her husband and daughter's employers. Ever since the alchemists brought me to my parents' doorstep last month, the house has looked like a POW camp. Terrible quarrels broke out between my parents, and my sister, Zoya, and I walked on tiptoe then.

"Why did he need Zoya?"

This question haunted me as I fussily got ready. I understood what "decent appearance" meant. And there was no question of pulling on jeans and a T-shirt. Instead, I wore gray slacks and a crisp white button-down shirt. They were followed by a dark gray cardigan, which I neatly girded with a black belt. The only decoration that I allowed myself was a small golden cross - I always wore it around my neck.

Hair was harder to manage. Although I slept only a couple of hours, they were already sticking out in different directions. I smoothed them down as best I could and then sprayed generously with varnish in the hope that this would help give me a decent look in anticipation of what was coming - whatever it was.