Miscarriage in the first month of pregnancy. Early spontaneous miscarriage: the main symptoms of the condition. Is it always necessary to clean

Approximately every fifth pregnancy ends with the onset of spontaneous miscarriage. In most cases, miscarriages occur at a very short time, when a woman does not even know about her pregnancy. Signs of miscarriage in the early period up to 2 weeks of pregnancy are practically absent.

Symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage after the third week of pregnancy:

1. Vaginal discharge mixed with blood

The most reliable, but at the same time, the most formidable symptom of the onset of spontaneous abortion is the appearance of uterine bleeding of any intensity - even a slight discharge of ichor. As a rule, at the beginning of a miscarriage, the blood has a brownish color, and as the bleeding intensifies, it acquires a bright scarlet color. The intensity of bleeding can also be very diverse and vary from a few drops to very, very intense. Bleeding without medical intervention can continue for quite a long time. With severe blood loss, the child can no longer be saved, but if the discharge is still spotting, then it is necessaryurgently seek help from a doctor.

2. Pain in the uterus and ovaries.

There is an opinion that a miscarriage is always accompanied by severe pain. However, this is not always the case - in some cases, spontaneous abortion is absolutely painless. But more often than not, the pain comes and goes again. In no case do not ignore the pain in the back or lower abdomen - this may signal a threat of termination of pregnancy or the onset of a miscarriage. If pain occurs, consult a doctor immediately - only a doctor knows for sure how a miscarriage occurs and whether it is still possible to try to save your pregnancy.

3. Regular and painful uterine tone

Sometimes during pregnancy there is a feeling of intense tension in the lower abdomen. in the early stages it is not so noticeable, but any woman can feel if she pays attention to this symptom. Increased tone is a contraction of the muscles of the uterus.
What are the symptoms of uterine tone?
The tone of the uterus during pregnancy is accompanied by a number of symptoms:
- Tension and heaviness in the lower abdomen;
- Pain in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of contractions;
- Pain in the pubic area and lower back;
- Hardness to the touch of the abdomen;
- Sensation as if the uterus were turning to stone;
- Shortening of the cervix - this can be seen by the doctor during the examination;
- Bloody issues. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance and see a doctor.

Does uterine tone lead to miscarriage? Most physicians tend to think that no, if the tone is not regular and not painful. With the appearance of tone, gynecologists recommend using safe antispasmodics and lying down until everything returns to normal.

Causes of spontaneous miscarriages in the first trimester (first 12 weeks).

1. Violation of the hormonal background, incl. increased content of male sex hormones in the body of a pregnant woman

If a woman who is in early pregnancy is disturbed by the normal hormonal background of the body, spontaneous abortion is possible. Most often, miscarriages are the result of a shortage in the body of a pregnant woman of the most important hormone - progesterone. If the problem is detected in a timely manner, the pregnancy can be saved in most cases. To do this, a gynecologist-endocrinologist prescribes a course of treatment for a pregnant woman with hormonal pharmacological preparations.

Another hormonal problem is the increased content of male sex hormones in the body of a pregnant woman. These hormones significantly reduce the normal production of progesterone and estrogens, which are responsible for the normal development and course of pregnancy. For the successful course of pregnancy, those hormones that are produced by the adrenal cortex and the thyroid gland are also responsible. Be sure to monitor the condition of these organs before pregnancy. Quite often, spontaneous miscarriage at an early date is caused by this very reason.

2. Causes of an immunological nature

Sometimes a pregnant woman has such a complication as an Rhesus conflict. This happens if the fetus from the father inherited a negative Rh factor of the blood, and the mother has a positive Rh factor. As a result, the body of a pregnant woman perceives the fetus as something alien to him, and begins to reject them. In this case, to prevent spontaneous abortion, doctors also use the treatment of a pregnant woman with drugs containing the hormone progesterone, which in this case is the strongest immunomodulator.

3. The presence of genetic disorders in the embryo

According to doctors - geneticists, approximately 75% of all spontaneous abortions occur precisely because of the presence of various variants of a genetic disorder in the fetus. However, do not be afraid - in most cases, these genetic defects are random. The cause of such mutations can be a variety of environmental factors - exposure to various viruses, radiation, and so on. And a pregnancy interrupted for this reason is a kind of “natural selection”, which is necessary for nature in order to get rid of non-viable and sick offspring. Most often, avoiding such miscarriages is almost impossible. And is it worth it? After all, if nature itself tries to avoid the birth of such a child, it means that he really suffers from the most serious pathologies, perhaps not at all compatible with life. After all, if nature itself provokes a miscarriage, the reasons are quite serious.

The only thing that can be done in this situation is to try to avoid its onset long before the intended pregnancy by visiting a doctor - a geneticist who will give you advice on how to do this or, at least, reduce the risk to a possible minimum. However, unfortunately, given the large number of negative impacts of various factors in the modern world, the risk of developing such gene mutations always remains.

4. The presence of infectious diseases in a pregnant woman

There is a huge number of various sexually transmitted infections that provoke spontaneous abortion in the early stages: toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, syphilis, gonorrhea and others. And herpes and cytomegalovirus are responsible for 20% of all miscarriages in early pregnancy.

A large number of different infections can often occur without any signs of the disease, that is, asymptomatically. Therefore, before you decide to get pregnant, be sure to undergo a complete examination of the body, incl. and for sexually transmitted infections.

A miscarriage occurs as a result of the fact that pathogenic viruses and bacteria lead to infection of the embryo and damage to the membranes. In order to avoid this, you need to undergo treatment even before pregnancy. If this could not be avoided, treatment should be started as soon as possible in order to reduce the risk and degree of negative effect on the fetus.

5. Chronic diseases of internal organs and weakened immunity

If a woman at the very beginning of pregnancy suffered a disease that is accompanied by intoxication of the body and a significant increase in body temperature, the probability of spontaneous abortion is very high. The most dangerous are diseases such as influenza, viral hepatitis and rubella.

However, even the most banal sore throat or runny nose, suffered in the first weeks of pregnancy, can provoke a miscarriage, not to mention such serious diseases as pyelonephritis, pneumonia or appendicitis. Such diseases are a very serious complication that threatens the successful course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.

It is very important to undergo a complete medical examination before planning a pregnancy. This measure is necessary in order to identify all the foci of chronic inflammation in the woman's body and start treatment in a timely manner aimed at eliminating them. But even if it was not possible to get rid of chronic diseases before pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

6. History of abortion

Many women have had abortions for various reasons. Abortion is not just a surgical intervention in a woman's body, but a very serious stress for him. As a result of artificial termination of pregnancy in a woman's body, complications may occur: significant dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, ovaries and the occurrence of various inflammatory processes of the genital organs. They very often lead to disruption of the normal process of carrying subsequent pregnancies. And habitual miscarriage, and secondary infertility - all this is a consequence of artificial abortions. That is why it is so important to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancies. And if, nevertheless, an abortion could not be avoided, at the onset of the next pregnancy, inform the gynecologist that you have previously terminated the pregnancy.

7. Taking medications and certain herbs

Drugs have the ability to penetrate the placental barrier and have a negative effect on the fetus. It is especially dangerous to take drugs inI trimester (first 12 weeks) of pregnancy, because it is during this period that the laying and formation of all vital organs of the fetus occurs. And if drugs act on the fetus during this period, it is possible to form defects in the development of the fetus and, as a result, premature termination of pregnancy.

The most dangerous are painkillers containing codeine, some antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, especially Postinor. If during pregnancy, while you did not yet know about it, you took these medicines, be sure to inform your gynecologist about this. Such pregnancies require more careful monitoring by doctors. And, if such a need arises, drugs with a threat of miscarriage should also be prescribed only by a doctor.

An absolutely false belief that a woman needs to be treated with traditional medicine, that is, herbs, is very widespread. In fact, a pregnant woman should be extremely careful with the use of herbs. Many herbs have a very strong negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman and the formation of the fetus. The most dangerous in the early stages are herbs such as: tansy, St. John's wort, nettle. Also, a pregnant woman should remember that such a harmless seasoning, like parsley, which is familiar to everyone, often causes an increase in the tone of the uterus and, as a result, spontaneous abortion.

8. Stressful situations

The causes of miscarriage in the early stages are often commonplace. Very often, various stressful situations have an extremely negative impact on the normal course of pregnancy. Such a stressful situation can be the death of a loved one, divorce, or strained relationships with relatives. However, close people should remember that under the influence of certain hormones, the emotional background of a pregnant woman becomes very, very unstable. And the cause for severe stress can be even the most insignificant reason - an accidentally dropped word or a broken cup.

If, for some reason, a pregnant woman is still forced to undergo various stressful situations, she needs to tell her doctor about the situation, who will prescribe her sedatives that have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. In no case should you take any sedative medication without consulting a doctor, because. many of them can bring significant harm to the fetus and provoke spontaneous abortion.

Lifting weights and other physical activity provokes spontaneous abortion in only 5% of all cases of miscarriage, but such a danger should by no means be ignored. Try to give up hard physical work during pregnancy, or at least evenly distribute the load, alternating it with rest.

And it is absolutely unacceptable to lift heavy objects. The maximum allowable weight for a pregnant woman is five kilograms. However, very often the actual weight of bags with groceries is many times higher than it. And if the family already has an older child, then pulling sleds, strollers, bicycles becomes a sacred mother's duty. But you should not do this - it is better to ask one of your friends, neighbors or relatives. Especially if a woman already has symptoms of a miscarriage.

10. Falls and other injuries

And a pregnant woman may find herself in an extreme situation, for example, getting into a car accident or simply slipping and falling. As a rule, in such situations, the embryo suffers extremely rarely, as it is well protected: by amniotic fluid, the walls of the fetal bladder, the mother's muscle mass and her fat layer. However, if such a nuisance happened to you, play it safe and seek medical help.

11. Taking a hot bath

Very rarely, but the cause of spontaneous miscarriage can still be the abuse of baths with excessively hot water and a long stay in it by a pregnant woman. No one urges a pregnant woman to completely refuse to take a bath, but you need to remember some simple precautions. In particular, the water should not be too hot, and the duration of the bath should not exceed 15 minutes. Otherwise, there is a risk of spontaneous abortion.

12. Bad habits

The course of pregnancy is very negatively affected by the presence of such bad habits in a pregnant woman as smoking or alcohol abuse. But the lack of walks in the fresh air, the daily routine, the abuse of caffeine-containing drinks also have a very negative effect not only on the health of a pregnant woman, but also on the development of the fetus. Otherwise, spontaneous abortion is also possible.

Often a miscarriage can be avoided if you seek medical help in a timely manner. There are several stages of spontaneous miscarriage: in the first two, the pregnancy can still be saved, the rest inevitably lead to the loss of the child.

1. The threat of miscarriage

This stage is characterized by the appearance of aching pain in the lumbar region and / or lower abdomen. After that, slight spotting from the genital tract may appear. If such signs appear, a woman should immediately call an ambulance or seek help from a medical institution herself. If at this stage to begin immediate treatment, then in most cases the pregnancy can be saved. Some women are in this state for almost the entire pregnancy.

2. Started abortion

This stage is characterized by the appearance of tangible pain in the sacrum and abdomen. In this case, the pain sensations are cramp-like in nature. Following the pain sensations, bloody discharge from the genital tract appears, which is greatly enhanced by the movements of the woman. Soon the woman begins to complain of a feeling of weakness and severe dizziness. However, even at this stage of spontaneous abortion, the pregnancy can still be saved if you immediately seek medical help.

Therefore, with any, even the most insignificant bleeding, immediate medical attention is simply necessary.Of course, in some cases, treatment is carried out at home. But most often in such situations, gynecologists prefer to place a woman for inpatient treatment in gynecological departments. Under no circumstances should a pregnant woman refuse a proposed hospitalization.

You should also not be afraid of hormonal treatment offered by doctors - after all, most often it is hormonal disruptions that threaten the normal course of pregnancy. And the hormonal background just needs to be normalized. Thus, the factor provoking the threat of abortion will disappear. And those hormones that doctors inject you with are precisely those that the body would have received naturally in the absence of hormonal disruptions.

3. Miscarriage in progress

In the stage of spontaneous abortion in the course of the woman feels a sharp and severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Pain is accompanied by significant blood loss. At this stage of miscarriage, the fetal egg dies, and it is no longer possible to save the pregnancy. But sometimes the death of a miscarriage occurs a few days before the onset of a miscarriage. In this case, the fetal egg will not leave the uterus entirely, like a rounded grayish bubble, but in parts. This phenomenon is called an incomplete miscarriage.

4. Complete abortion

After the dead fetal egg is expelled from the uterine cavity without a trace, it begins to contract, restoring its previous size. Bleeding after the expulsion of the fetal egg and contraction of the uterus almost completely stops. A complete miscarriage must be confirmed by ultrasound.

There is another option for spontaneous miscarriage - frozen pregnancy or failed miscarriage.

With such a phenomenon, the fetal egg dies under the influence of any reasons, but its expulsion does not occur. The signs of pregnancy disappear in a woman, and her general well-being worsens significantly. With an ultrasound examination, the doctor notes the death of the fetus. In this case, the question of whether cleaning is necessary after a miscarriage is not even worth it - a miscarriage as such does not occur. And the only way to eliminate the fetal egg and remnants is precisely the curettage of the uterine cavity.

Curettage of the uterine cavity

After a miscarriage, if it happened outside the hospital, the woman should seek medical help. Only a doctor can objectively assess the condition of a woman, as well as whether cleaning of the uterine cavity is necessary. In no case do not refuse curettage of the uterus if your doctor insists on it. The consequences can be serious, because the complete expulsion of the fetus and membranes is extremely rare. In most cases, a woman needs surgical curettage of the uterine cavity to remove the remnants of the ovum or membranes. Otherwise, they will immediately begin to decompose, forming an excellent breeding ground for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, which will immediately lead to the development of various inflammatory processes in the female body.

The procedure for surgical curettage:

1. Preparation

First, the woman will be given an enema and pubic hair removed. After that, the anesthesiologist will talk with the woman, who will find out which type of anesthesia is best for her.

2. Examination by a gynecologist

The gynecologist who will perform the curettage will conduct a general examination of the woman using mirrors to determine the condition of the cervix and vaginal mucosa. This will also be followed by an obstetric manual examination, the purpose of which is to determine the size of the uterus, its shape and location.

3. Anesthesia

This may be general anesthesia, in which the woman is unconscious and does not realize what is happening. This type of anesthesia is used most often - this allows you to save a woman from additional stress, and doctors - to calmly and quickly do their job. However, in some cases, if there are contraindications, the operation is performed under local anesthesia. To do this, injections with an anesthetic are made into the cervix, which blocks the nerve endings responsible for pain.

4. Operation

The woman is on the gynecological chair during the entire operation. Before starting the manipulation, the woman's genitals will be treated with a solution of iodine (5%). After that, the mucous membranes of the vagina and the cervix will be treated with an alcohol solution, after which the scraping itself begins directly.

With the help of vaginal mirrors, the gynecologist will expose the woman's cervix. After that, if the cervical canal is not open enough, with the help of dilators, the doctor will expand it to the desired degree. After that, with a special spoon-shaped curette, the doctor will remove the remains of the fetal egg or membranes. After that, with the help of a sharp curette, the doctor will scrape the uterine mucosa. This measure is necessary in order to exclude the development of inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity.

5. Histological examination

After the curettage of the uterine cavity is performed, the biological material will be sent to the laboratory for histological examination. Histology after a miscarriage is simply mandatory. And if this miscarriage is not the first, or there is a habitual miscarriage, then for a genetic study. Such a measure will help to establish what exactly was the cause of miscarriages.

After the operation, be sure to follow postoperative physiological rehabilitation requirements :

1. Watch for vaginal discharge. If you have the slightest doubt, consult a doctor immediately.

2. Control your body temperature. Its increase, as a rule, signals the beginning of the inflammatory process in the body. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience the slightest increase in body temperature.

3. Keep your genitals clean. Wash your genitals with antiseptic solutions at least twice a day. Change sanitary napkins regularly to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Don't neglect advice on psychological rehabilitation after a miscarriage, they are just as important as advice on a woman's physical health.

1. Accept this loss and tune in to a new, positive result. The body is physically ready for a new pregnancy 1-2 months after the miscarriage. However, much longer time is needed for psychological rehabilitation. Often a woman cannot come to terms with the loss of a child for many months, especially if the pregnancy was desired and long-awaited.

2. Don't withdraw into yourself, experiencing pain and despair alone. Be sure to tell about your feelings to close people - husband, mother, girlfriend. If after that you do not feel better, it would be much wiser to seek help from a psychologist. Ignoring such a problem can lead to the development of prolonged chronic depression.

3. There is a specific mental disorder of women who have lost a child as a result of a miscarriage. Very often they have an obsession that the miscarriage did not occur, and the baby was also not affected when cleaning. As a rule, such women buy a pregnancy test in a pharmacy, which often turns out to be positive. And the test results are such because the hormonal background of the woman simply did not have time to return to its original state. But it is precisely on the basis of the content of the hormone in the urine that the test determines the presence or absence of pregnancy.

4. No matter how hard it is to think about it immediately after a miscarriage, the best way to get rid of melancholy will be the onset of a new, successful pregnancy. However, one should not forget that, in order to avoid a repetition of the tragedy, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it. A woman must undergo a complete examination, take tests for all latent infections, and do an ultrasound. And only after obtaining permission from a gynecologist, pregnancy after a miscarriage is possible.

5. Never despair. It will take quite a bit of time, and you will again see two such long-awaited stripes on the test. And this time you will definitely go through the whole path of pregnancy from the very beginning to the birth of your baby! Do not be afraid that after a miscarriage you will no longer be able to see two strips on the test. And how to do it as quickly as possible - read the best book on how to get pregnant.

A miscarriage in the first trimester is such an event that no lady wants to face. After the pregnancy test showed the coveted two strips, a completely new period begins. Parents are now busy choosing a name for the child, planning the future children's room. Passing by shops, they involuntarily look at strollers, high chairs, clothes for the baby. Unfortunately, not every pregnancy ends with a favorable outcome. The thing is that many ladies have to deal with such a problem as pregnancy. What the embryo looks like (photo) in the first trimester can be found in the specialized literature. In this article, we will talk in more detail about miscarriage, its main causes and symptoms.

general information

A miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy that occurs due to a variety of reasons. As a rule, this problem is diagnosed for up to 12 weeks. Late miscarriages are quite rare.

How is this problem developing?

A miscarriage is a direct rejection of the fetus by the female body due to the influence of any factors. The fetus can leave the mother's womb completely, which happens extremely rarely, or partially. The first option is found only in the very first weeks of the existence of the embryo in the womb. Women in some cases may be clear signs of a problem.

If there are any causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy, for example, an infectious disease, the woman's body begins to actively fight the fetus. As a result, the formation of the so-called placental mass, which is responsible for the connection of the little man with the mother, does not occur. In the body of the fetus, bodies are also successively formed, which by all means prevent the union with the female body and the receipt of various nutrients from it. As a result, the internal organs of the embryo receive all kinds of pathologies, and its shell is consistently destroyed.

As a result of rejection, the fetus leaves the uterus, which is a miscarriage. Depending on how the interruption of a new life occurs, specialists can determine its causes.

Types of miscarriages

  1. Incomplete miscarriage in early pregnancy. Symptoms in this case include sharp pains in the lumbar region, accompanying severe uterine bleeding.
  2. Complete type. The fetus leaves the uterus completely. Hemorrhages during this period stop, discomfort is minimal.
  3. In this case, the embryo dies, but at the same time it continues to stay in the mother's womb. This condition can only be confirmed by a specialist, when the child’s heartbeat is not heard during the next examination.
  4. Anembryony. In this case, fertilization occurs, but the formation of the embryo is not carried out. The egg cell independently attaches to the wall of the uterus, the gestational sac develops along with the yolk sac, but the fetus itself is not in the uterus.
  5. Repeated miscarriage. It is observed when a woman has already recorded similar cases of miscarriage in the first weeks. According to available statistics, approximately 1% of families are faced with this kind of pathology.
  6. chorionadenoma. In this case, the egg is fertilized, the genetic information changes, but instead of the embryo, a small piece of tissue is formed

Why does miscarriage occur in early pregnancy? Causes

  • Violations at the genetic level. According to statistics, 73% of miscarriages happen for this reason. It is important to note that such defects of a genetic nature are not hereditary in nature, but are a single mutation that occurred in the germ cells of one of the parents under the influence of negative environmental factors. Spontaneous miscarriage in this case is perceived as natural selection, that is, the destruction of weaker offspring. It is almost impossible to prevent the development of this problem.
  • Hormonal disorders are another factor that leads to miscarriage in early pregnancy. The reasons for the development of this problem lie in the lack of a hormone called progesterone. With the timely detection of such a situation, there is a possibility of saving the pregnancy.
  • Causes of immunological nature. As a rule, this problem is diagnosed in the presence of an Rhesus conflict. The embryo "takes" a positive Rh from its father, and the mother's body (Rh-negative) begins to actively fight the fetus, perceiving it as a foreign body. To prevent the development of the Rh conflict, pregnant women are recommended to take progesterone preparations.
  • Sexually transmitted infections (toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, herpes infection). Pathogenic microorganisms gradually infect the fetus and its membranes, resulting in a miscarriage.
  • Having a history of abortion. Abortion, according to experts, is not just an ordinary medical manipulation, but a serious stress for the body. This procedure very often provokes the development of ovarian dysfunction, contributes to the formation of inflammatory processes.
  • The use of herbs and certain groups of drugs. In the first trimester, doctors generally do not recommend taking medications. The thing is that many of them are able to provoke the formation of various kinds of developmental defects in the fetus itself. You should also be especially careful with such medicinal herbs as parsley, cornflower, St. John's wort, nettle.
  • The causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy can be hidden in frequent stress.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle.
  • Falls, intercourse, heavy lifting. Contrary to popular belief, exercise alone rarely causes a miscarriage. However, they often become a trigger for spontaneous abortion in the presence of one or more of the above reasons.


How does a miscarriage occur in early pregnancy? What does a woman look like? If a miscarriage occurred in the very first weeks of gestation, the lady cannot avoid very unpleasant symptoms. Termination of pregnancy is almost always accompanied by discharge of a brown tint, as well as painful discomfort in the lower abdomen. If these signs appear, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. You should not postpone the visit for a more convenient time or wait until the morning.

If a woman is not yet aware of the presence of a new life in her womb, she may take bleeding for normal menstruation. In some cases, there are no obvious signs of a problem, but there are indirect ones. How does a miscarriage occur in early pregnancy? Symptoms of an indirect nature may be as follows:

  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Nausea.
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  • The appearance of mucus of an uncharacteristic shade.
  • Violation of the usual work of the digestive tract.


If she feels unwell or has an uncharacteristic discharge from the vagina, it is recommended to visit the doctor immediately. There are various manifestations of this pathology, however, experts take into account only clinical symptoms.

Ultrasound is considered the main way to confirm a miscarriage. It also allows you to choose the method by which treatment will subsequently be carried out to maintain the pregnancy.

Miscarriage, as practice shows, can be prevented at some stages. If this is only a threatening stage, bed rest and antispasmodic therapy are sufficient. With a spontaneous abortion that has already begun, it is possible to save the fetus if all available measures are taken in a timely manner. According to experts, the specific treatment plan depends on the cause of the early miscarriage.

  • With isthmic-cervical insufficiency, for example, sutures are applied to the cervix, which are subsequently removed before the birth itself.
  • If the cause lies in infectious diseases, the doctor selects the appropriate antibacterial and / or antiviral therapy.
  • When hormonal disorders are observed, the endocrinologist prescribes replacement treatment.
  • The situation is much more complicated in the case of an abnormal structure of the uterus. The thing is that sometimes a woman simply cannot bear a child on her own. As for this kind of pathology, today doctors are increasingly practicing surgical correction.

What to do with the threat of a miscarriage?

If a woman has any of the above symptoms, then it is urgent to seek medical advice. Initially, the specialist conducts an ultrasound scan to assess the condition of the fetus, to determine the tone of the uterus. Then a number of tests are prescribed for intrauterine infection, a smear for mycoplasmas, etc.).

Miscarriage in early pregnancy. What to do after?

If a spontaneous abortion nevertheless occurred, then the doctor should tell the woman about further actions.

It is recommended to take a vacation for a while in order to restore the psycho-emotional and physical state. Taking into account the fact that not a single woman is insured against abortion, it is considered appropriate to pass the necessary tests to determine the possible causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy and prevent their occurrence in the future.


If a woman had a miscarriage at the beginning of pregnancy, then appropriate treatment was prescribed, then the likelihood of complications is almost zero.

On the other hand, a miscarriage in early pregnancy without cleaning (curettage) can lead to the formation of inflammatory processes. As a result, infertility may occur due to the lack of normal functioning of the appendages.


Unfortunately, it is beyond the power of a modern person to change genetics, but absolutely everyone can make adjustments to their lifestyle. The recommendations below can help minimize the chances of miscarriage in early pregnancy, the consequences of which are often devastating for the whole family.

First of all, doctors advise to start planning a child in advance (approximately one year in advance). At this stage, both a man and a woman should give up all bad habits, try to eat as balanced as possible, undergo a diagnostic examination and pass the necessary tests.

When the desired pregnancy nevertheless occurs, the expectant mother is recommended to direct all her efforts to preserving the fetus. To do this, avoid passive smoking, heavy physical exertion and stressful situations. This is a great time to start doing yoga or swimming. Of course, you should not neglect visiting a gynecologist at all stages of pregnancy.


In this article, we talked about the causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy. Photos and stories of happy women who managed to survive this problem and later gave birth to healthy children prove that even after an abortion there is an opportunity to try on the role of a mother again. Be healthy!

The threat of early miscarriage: causes, timing, symptoms, how to keep the pregnancy


Spontaneous rejection of the fetus during pregnancy called a miscarriage. According to statistics, in recent decades, the number spontaneous miscarriages women increased to 16% of all planned pregnancies . This material details the causes of spontaneous abortion, describes the signs of a threatened miscarriage, how a miscarriage occurs and looks like, as well as the timing of early and late rejection of the fetal egg.

What signs of a threatened miscarriage should I pay attention to first of all during pregnancy?

If a woman is regularly disturbed by weak pulling pain in the lower abdomen and periodically appear smearing highlights of red with an admixture, you should immediately go for an examination to a gynecologist, since such symptoms can be harbingers of the onset of fetal rejection . The sooner the threat of spontaneous miscarriage is identified and treatment is started, the more the probability of preserving the fetus and carrying the child safely until the end of the gestation period.

Severe bleeding and the like contractions constant pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy are symptoms of the rejection of the fetus in the uterus (photo). In this case, prevent risk of spontaneous miscarriage does not seem possible. It is extremely important to call an ambulance as soon as possible in order to promptly stop bleeding and replenish .


In case of spontaneous miscarriage at 5-7 weeks of pregnancy , a fetal egg will come out of the uterus with grayish red streaks the size of a quail egg (see photo below). What does a miscarriage look like at 8- 12 weeks pregnant - if the fetal egg comes out completely with all the shells, then it will be the size of a chicken egg, elongated, possibly flesh-colored with veins. On later pregnancy miscarriage, as a rule, comes out with shell fragments.


- hormonal disorders. If during pregnancy in the female body there is an imbalance hormonal background , then it might happen early fetal rejection . Typically, the cause of a miscarriage is lack of the hormone progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman . If this problem can be detected in time, then the threat of miscarriage can be prevented by treatment with special preparations with progesterone.
thyroid function and adrenal glands can cause early fetal rejection. If the content of male hormones in a woman's body is too high, then they suppress the release of estrogens and the same progesterone. Androgens often cause 2 miscarriages in a row or more (recurring).

- genetic abnormalities in the developing fetus. Reduce the risk of miscarriage in this case, it is extremely difficult, since the mechanism of natural selection is turned on and the woman's body gets rid of the embryo with abnormal deviations in genetic development.

-pathologies of internal organs, infectious diseases.
Often viral hepatitis , rubella And flu are a threat of early miscarriage, especially with a weakened immunity of a pregnant woman . If an infectious disease causes a woman's temperature to rise to 38 C and above, as well as severe intoxication, that is chance of fetal rejection . Before pregnancy planning it is necessary to eliminate all foci of the spread of infection in the body ( pyelonephritis , pneumonia, etc.).

- some medicinal herbs and medicines.
Medicines should be used with extreme caution during pregnancy and only with the permission of your doctor! Some drugs can cause fetal defects and induce a miscarriage. At an early stage - in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, it is advisable not to use any medications and folk remedies at all. For example, hormonal drugs and analgesics can cause a threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy. Even such common greens in folk methods of treatment as parsley, tansy, St. John's wort are not recommended for use. in the first trimester of pregnancy , especially - at 4-7 weeks .

- Rhesus conflict in a pregnant woman.
Immunological disorders during gestation can provoke early spontaneous miscarriage . If a woman has an Rh-negative blood factor, and the embryo has inherited an Rh-positive factor from her father, then the female body can identify the fetus as a foreign body and begin to reject it. If reveal Rhesus conflict up to a possible threat of miscarriage , then you can prescribe immunomodulatory therapy using drugs with progesterone.

- stressful situations, emotional instability, severe fear.
Frequent mental stress, unexpected fear, severe grief can cause spontaneous miscarriage (see photo). If you are often stressed or depressed, talk to your doctor about the use of sedatives such as valerian.

- lifting and carrying heavy objects, severe falls with bruises can cause spontaneous abortion. Try to take care of your safety, as you are responsible not only for your health during pregnancy . The threat of early miscarriage is especially high if you neglect your own safety.

- and another common reason in recent decades, capable of causing miscarriage both early and late pregnancy Unhealthy Lifestyle. If a pregnant woman eats food that is harmful to her body and fetus, drinks a lot of coffee, drinks alcohol and smokes, then the chance cause spontaneous miscarriage increases significantly.


Miscarriage in early pregnancy - symptoms

Miscarriages that occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy , are called early, and in the period from 12 to 23 weeks of gestation - late miscarriages.

How does an early miscarriage happen?

- How does a complete miscarriage happen?
During spontaneous interruption, the fetus completely leaves the womb, while pain disappears and bleeding stops.

How does an incomplete (inevitable) miscarriage happen?
The fetal membrane bursts and an increase in the lumen appears in the cervix . Uterine hemorrhages begin lower abdominal pain and in the lumbar region.

- How does a recurrent miscarriage occur?
Occurs rarely. Spontaneous interruption occurs 3 or more times.

- How does a miscarriage happen?
Often found during a visit to the gynecologist. When listening to the fetal heartbeat, there is no heart rhythm. The fetus dies, but does not come out with secretions but remains in the uterus


If a woman does not know she is pregnant , red highlights can take for normal menstruation.
How to distinguish between menstrual flow from bleeding during an early miscarriage, if there are no obvious signs of spontaneous interruption?

There are indirect signs of a miscarriage:

- frequent urges of nausea;

Cramps and pulling pains in the lower abdomen;

Noticeable weight loss;

Possible mucus discharge ;

Problems with the digestive system;

Aching pain in the lumbar region.


- chronically feeling unwell and nausea;

Severe pain in the lower abdomen;

Red and brown discharge ;

Frequent urge to urinate;


If there is sudden heavy discharge in late pregnancy, the fetus can no longer be saved.


Miscarriage 4 to 6 weeks

According to statistics, miscarriage at such an early stage in most cases occurs due to malformations and genetic abnormalities. Often the cause of these pathologies is the use of potent drugs by a woman on the eve of conception.

Miscarriage 6 to 13 weeks


- Chronic ill health and a weak immune system body of a pregnant woman. A weakened female body is simply not able to withstand the load during the period of bearing a child.

Another common cause of miscarriage during this period of pregnancy is inflammatory processes, provoked by gynecological diseases, curettage after an abortion, flu, tonsillitis.

- the fetal body is rejected by the female body due to the fact that it was not properly fixed in the womb. It can happen due to endocrine disorders .

- Rhesus conflict provokes the production of antibodies that attack the fetus and causes a threat of miscarriage in the early stages;

- hormonal imbalance in the body of a pregnant woman, it can cause an increased tone of the uterus, which leads to a miscarriage (photo), if the balance of hormones is not corrected in the early stages of pregnancy;

During this period of pregnancy, the anatomical features of the structure of the uterus (bend, other defects) do not allow the fetus to develop normally further and spontaneous miscarriage may occur.

Miscarriage 13 to 22 weeks

The causes of miscarriage in late pregnancy can be immune disorders, anatomical pathologies, endocrine diseases, and infections.

Also, the common causes of late miscarriages include isthmic-cervical insufficiency - a weak cervix opens, as it cannot hold the fetus.

Miscarriage after 22 weeks of pregnancy

The most common cause of miscarriage at this late date is severe damage to the reproductive organs (from bumps, falls). Also spontaneous abortion at a later date, it can cause a woman to perform heavy physical work.


According to statistics, the risk of spontaneous termination of pregnancy in the later stages is significantly reduced if the fetus had the opportunity to successfully develop during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. . Moreover, if the interruption occurs after 22 weeks of bearing a child, then in medical practice this is already considered a premature birth and there are many means for gynecologists in the arsenal of nursing a premature baby.

As a rule, disturbances in the development of the fetus are not the cause of late miscarriage. Causes of late miscarriage include:

- severe stress experienced by a pregnant woman;

Premature exfoliation of the placenta;

Inflammation of the walls of the uterus or placenta ;

Operations on the uterus or vessels can also provoke a miscarriage at a later date.


Cleaning after a miscarriage and further treatment

In the event that the life and health of a woman after a miscarriage is not in danger, the attending physician suggests allowing the remnants of fetal tissues to come out with secretions on their own within a few days. If the remnants of the fetal membranes and the fetal egg have not come out completely, then a cleaning of the uterus after a miscarriage is prescribed. Cleaning is performed by scraping the uterine cavity (vacuum removal of residues or removal by curettage). Further treatment and the restoration of reproductive functions in a woman after a miscarriage takes place in several directions: the complete elimination of inflammatory processes in the body and detection of latent infections, periodic examination changes in basal temperature and planned ultrasound of the intrauterine cavity, the imposition of a circular suture on a weak cervix (if necessary: ​​if a woman has already had 2 miscarriages in a row, then a possible reason is weak cervix ), restoring the hormonal background in the body.

Period after miscarriage

Any deviations that occur during the menstrual cycle after a miscarriage should be a reason to seek advice from a gynecologist.

Often after interruption, monthly discharge resume a few weeks later or other pathological conditions are observed menstrual irregularities in a woman - for example, bleeding does not end.
It is possible that in the womb, even after cleaning, there are still particles of the fetal shell. In this case, it is necessary to do an ultrasound scan and, if necessary, repeat scraping. If everything is in order, the doctor prescribes hemostatic drugs that help the uterus contract more actively and recover after scraping.

Pregnancy after a miscarriage

After a miscarriage, you must definitely undergo the necessary examinations and pass the necessary tests. It is important to accurately identify the cause of spontaneous abortion and completely eliminate it.

You can not rush into a new pregnancy after an early or late miscarriage. A woman must restore the emotional and physical balance in the body. It is advisable to plan a new pregnancy after a miscarriage not earlier than 1 year later. Theoretically, you can get pregnant 2 months after a spontaneous abortion, but each subsequent miscarriage reduces the chances of a woman

The loss of a long-awaited pregnancy is always a huge psychological trauma for any woman, but if there was a miscarriage in the first pregnancy, then the stress can be even greater. The main question that worries a woman is why did this happen to me, and who is to blame for what happened?

Unfortunately, up to 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Of course, there are known causes that contribute to early pregnancy loss. These include:

  • Genetic abnormalities in the fetus;
  • Violation of the hormonal background in a woman;
  • Some diseases of the reproductive sphere;
  • Viral diseases transferred during pregnancy;
  • Sexually transmitted infections;
  • Stress, trauma, falls;
  • Bad environmental situation.

But in some cases, doctors will not be able to reliably determine the cause of the first miscarriage. And this is also a fact. Therefore, the correct formulation of the question after the tragedy will not be “why did this happen”, but “what needs to be done so that the miscarriage does not happen again”. And such a position will be much more productive.

The first signs of a miscarriage

Sometimes a woman may not notice at all that she was pregnant. For example, if she had a miscarriage in the first week. Small spotting is very similar to menstruation, just a little delayed. If a pregnancy test has not been done, most likely the first miscarriage will never be known.

In most cases, the causes of early pregnancy termination are genetic abnormalities of the fetus. These are random chromosomal mutations that cause the fetus to become unviable. A miscarriage in the first week is no exception to the rule, and usually occurs almost painlessly for a woman. The longer the pregnancy, the more pronounced the symptoms may be.

It is worth alerting if you suddenly feel unwell, you have a fever, dizziness. But the first signs of a miscarriage are the appearance of spotting and pain in the lower abdomen or back.

Depending on the gestational age and on the characteristics of the female body, pain sensations can have a different intensity - from cramping regular pains to ordinary sensations like during menstruation. Allocations can also vary in abundance - in some women they appear not too abundantly, in others - with great intensity.

If you know that pregnancy has come, but suddenly you no longer feel its signs (morning sickness, breast swelling), this may also be a symptom of the beginning of the first miscarriage. You need to see a doctor urgently.

How dangerous is a miscarriage in the first pregnancy

By and large, the first miscarriage is no different from those that occur in women who have already given birth. True, if the interruption occurred due to the Rhesus conflict of the mother and fetus, during a miscarriage, their blood inevitably mixes. This means that with a second pregnancy with an Rh-positive fetus, antibodies in the mother's blood will begin to be produced faster. However, this is not an obstacle to re-pregnancy, but only a reason for more close control of doctors over it.

If the first miscarriage occurred due to the weakness of the cervix - isthmic-cervical insufficiency - then during a second pregnancy, most likely, the woman will be stitched on the cervix or an obstetric unloading pessary will be installed.

Many couples sincerely believe that after the first miscarriage, they should try to conceive a child as soon as possible. From the point of view of psychology, this is understandable: immersion in a new pregnancy will help a woman recover faster from what happened. But from the point of view of medicine, this step can be very dangerous.

Firstly, the body during pregnancy is experiencing a real hormonal explosion. And its abrupt cessation also has a very negative effect on the hormonal background. It will take at least 3 months, and sometimes longer, for it to bounce back. Moreover, if the first miscarriage occurred precisely because of a violation of the level of hormones, then the woman will need to undergo appropriate therapy.

In many cases, after a miscarriage, a woman has to undergo a gynecological cleansing procedure to remove the remaining particles of the fetus in the uterus. In this case, the upper layer of the endometrium is scraped off. It also takes time and the passage of certain therapy to restore it.

If the first miscarriage occurred due to the presence of sexually transmitted diseases in a woman, of course, it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment not only for her, but also for her sexual partner, and only after repeated tests should the next attempts to become pregnant be made.

From the point of view of physiology, it is possible to become pregnant after a miscarriage literally immediately, since it is the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. But to do this is absolutely not worth it, as we talked about above. The risks of miscarriage during a second pregnancy 1-2 months after the first miscarriage increase dramatically! And if a spontaneous abortion occurred three times in a row, doctors attribute this to miscarriage. You shouldn't let this happen.

The optimal period for a new attempt to get pregnant is 6-12 months. However, only a doctor can tell you for sure. During this period, you need to undergo a full examination and treatment, if it is prescribed, and also try not to dwell on the problem and, of course, lead a healthy lifestyle. Then everything will definitely work out.

Text: Olga Pankratieva

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  • The doctor will most likely do an ultrasound, which can see the presence of the fetus in the uterus. If you are pregnant, an ultrasound will also allow the doctor to see if the fetus is developing properly. In addition, for longer periods, the doctor can check the fetal heartbeat.
  • The obstetrician-gynecologist will examine the vagina, so that he can see if the cervix has dilated.
  • The results of blood tests will allow the doctor to evaluate your hormonal levels.
  • If you have brought tissue with you in an airtight container that you think may be fetal tissue, the doctor will conduct the necessary examination to confirm or refute your fears.
  • Find out about the possible diagnoses your doctor can give you. These include:

    • Risk of miscarriage. This diagnosis can be made if there are symptoms of a possible miscarriage. But do not worry ahead of time, because the threat of a miscarriage does not always lead directly to a miscarriage. If you are having cramps or bleeding but your cervix is ​​closed, your doctor may diagnose you as a threatened miscarriage.
    • If it is impossible to prevent a miscarriage, then, unfortunately, the doctor will diagnose you with a miscarriage. The doctor will make this diagnosis if the uterus contracts and the cervix opens. In this case, a miscarriage is inevitable.
    • A complete miscarriage is characterized by the complete exit of all tissues of the fetus and the fetal egg from the uterus.
    • An incomplete miscarriage occurs when tissue has passed, but some parts of the fetus or placenta have not yet passed out of the vagina.
    • A missed pregnancy occurs when the fetus dies for some reason.
  • Follow your doctor's advice if you've been diagnosed with a threatened miscarriage. Not always the threat of a miscarriage leads directly to a miscarriage. However, in some situations, miscarriage is inevitable. However, your doctor may often recommend the following to help prevent a miscarriage:

    • keep calm until the symptoms subside;
    • do not exercise;
    • refrain from intimacy;
    • refrain from traveling to places where you will not be able to receive fast and high-quality medical care, if necessary.
  • If a miscarriage occurs, but not all the tissues of the fetal egg come out, follow the recommendations of the obstetrician-gynecologist. However, the doctor will take your opinion into account when prescribing treatment.

    • You can wait until the remaining tissues are shed. In this case, it will take about one month.
    • You may be taking medications that will cause the remaining tissues to be shed. This usually happens during the day. The drugs can be taken orally or used as suppositories inserted into the vagina.
    • If you have signs of infection, your doctor will remove any remaining tissue.
  • Allow enough time to recover physically after a miscarriage. It will likely only take you a few days to feel healthy again.

    • Be prepared for the fact that periods can resume as early as next month. This means that you can get pregnant again. If you do not want this, use contraception.
    • Do not have sex or use tampons for two weeks, as this can interfere with tissue repair on the vaginal walls.
  • Take time to restore your mental health. Research shows that a woman can experience intense sadness no matter how long she has lost a child. Therefore, do not beat yourself up for your feelings, but rather surround yourself with people who will help you cope with your grief.

    • Enlist the support of friends and family members you trust.
    • Find a support group.
    • Most women who have had a miscarriage in the past were able to carry and give birth to a healthy baby. A miscarriage does not mean that you will not be able to have a child in the future.