Day of the summer solstice. Day of the summer solstice A person has a creative potential, divine energy, when a ritual is performed, then at the same moment the energy of the Soul and the Universe of the soul is connected, circumstances fill with new energy and with more

On the night of June 20 to June 21, we will witness an event that has not been seen since 1967 - the full moon at the same time as the June solstice.

The sun reaches its highest point in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the start of northern summer, and its lowest point in the Southern Hemisphere, indicating the start of southern winter.

12 hours before that, the Moon will reach full phase and rise again, on the night of Monday to Tuesday, 99% illuminated.
The last time two astronomical events coincided 49 years ago on June 22, 1967.

The next time this will happen is 46 years later, on June 21, 2062.

Why do solstice and full moon so rarely coincide? The full moon occurs between June 20 and 22 quite often, but the date of the June solstice "jumps" within the gap, which is why coincidences are so rare.

How to improve energy on the day of the summer solstice

In order not to run into a problem on the longest day of a leap year, it is better to get a talisman as early as possible. You can do this even from the evening of the previous day, meeting the first full moon of the summer.

You should not choose a talisman at random, but based on your plans and desires. For example, if you are a creative person, and you cannot lose inspiration in your searches, and there is not enough support under your feet, the Sun will help you.

Wear gold jewelry, use yellow clothes, put a positive sun on your computer or phone screen.

And if you have a serious step scheduled for this day, an important exam, a meeting on which the future depends - Mars will help in this, even when the Sun strengthens its influence. Help them negotiate, add notes of red to your image.

Finally, the Moon can help make dreams come true, and the Full Moon is a very good time for money rituals. It is unlikely that Mars, which is not indifferent to the benefits, or the generous Sun will be against the fact that you decide to increase finances with the help of the Full Moon.

The peak of the full moon falls on June 20 at 14.02 Moscow time.
The summer solstice will fall on June 21 at 01.34 Moscow time.


On the night of June 21-22, the Celts celebrated a holiday called Lita. The evening of the Druids began with bonfires. It was believed that on this day the Sun has the greatest strength, then the strength will decrease.

The Lita holiday is the celebration of the Sun, it is the road to the light. It is believed that the period from the Lita holiday to the Yule holiday is a very good time for good magic, communication with good spirits and fairies.

Nature reveals itself in all its might.

This holiday is one of the portals from which the forces carrying various information penetrate. During the day, many wreaths of various flowers were woven, and in the evening people burned bonfires, letting in good spirits that bring light into the world.

Now, according to the Celtic tradition, it is possible to perform a rite of purification of one's subtle bodies in order to attract the energy of health, well-being and a lot of children's laughter into the house.

During this period, you can perform rituals to purify the ancestral energies.

It is believed that during this period the Sun rises to the sky, sits on its Throne, and all the Fairies sing songs to him, so that there would be a lot of children's laughter and fewer children's tears on earth.

You can also perform rituals on the day of Power. They are necessary in order to change the energetic direction of circumstances.

A person has a creative potential, divine energy, when a ritual is performed, then at the same moment the energy of the Soul and the Universe of the soul is connected, circumstances fill with new energy and are more likely to be realized on Earth.

At this moment, the consciousness is turned off, the filters are removed, and the person connects with the energy of the Universe.

What can be done during this period?

There are meta-cards, a Celtic deck, for this period you can choose a card. Fire is meditation, best done in the morning. You can represent fire, its strength. Strength, courage, readiness.

This meditation gives health, confidence. This meditation gives a powerful transformation. You can imagine how a ray of Love breaks out of you and merges with Fire for a symbol, then Fire flares up, with even greater force.

A huge force escapes from the fire, which envelops you, protects, structures your aura and fills it with health. This meditation can be done every day until October.

A stuffy summer day in 1998 for Muscovites turned into a disaster that went down in history. The first month of summer then turned out to be especially hot. The thermometer reached the mark of +30…+32 °C.

The situation changed dramatically on June 20, when the westerly wind brought cooler air masses to the capital. When they collided with the then prevailing warm air, a thunderstorm front began to arise. By evening, the most terrible fears of weather forecasters, about which they, however, decided not to warn anyone, began to come true.

Eyewitnesses observed the beginning of the thunderstorm from 21:45 in the south of the Moscow region. The front was moving north at a very high speed, so an hour later a thunderstorm completely covered Moscow. The events that occurred on the night of June 20-21 are commonly called a hurricane, however, according to the Beaufort scale, it was a squally wind, since its maximum speed reached 31 m / s. According to some eyewitnesses, there was even a tornado then.

During the heavy rain that hit Moscow that day, the city received a monthly rainfall of 35 mm.

In the capital, bad weather raged for about an hour and a half, after which the wind carried the storm front to the north of the region. One of the eyewitnesses said that at the time of the arrival of the elements, he was at home on Tsvetnoy Boulevard and, since it was stuffy, opened all the windows and balconies. Without suspecting anything, he sat down to prepare for the upcoming exam. “At some point, looking up from the notes, I realized that the end of the world would now begin: it became sharply dark and the curtains danced over notebooks and textbooks,” he said.

That day, the weather seriously disrupted the plans of a young man who was going to have a good time with his friends. At a certain point, he had to separate from the company, because he urgently needed to call home. He left the subway with absolute certainty that now he would take everything he needed and go back to his friends, as he himself put it, "to continue the banquet." But fate and weather conditions seriously changed his intentions.

“I get out of the subway into the underpass, and I don’t see the stairs up – there is naturally a wall of water. I have never seen such a rain anywhere else, ”he shared. He did not see his friends that day. This "luck" did not end there. In the area where he lives, there were almost no serious consequences. Only one tree fell, but “very successfully” - on the wires of street lighting, while blocking the exit from the yard.

One of his friends told an interesting story. The guy went out onto the balcony and witnessed an unusual phenomenon: an automobile “shell” flew past him and hit the corner of the house. The balcony was on the 7th floor.

According to various sources, from eight to 11 people became victims of the squally wind then. Approximately 150-200 people were injured.

The number of fallen trees is estimated at about 50,000. Damage was caused to the roof of the Bolshoi Theater and the Grand Kremlin Palace. The wind also touched the Moscow Kremlin: 12 battlements of its wall were broken by tree trunks. Gusts also tore off the crosses of the Novodevichy Convent. Damage from the elements on the night of June 20-21 was estimated at one billion rubles. At the same time, the restoration of objects of worship and cemeteries cost approximately 23 million and 5.5 million rubles, respectively.

In the resolution of the Mayor of Moscow dated July 7, 1998 "On the elimination of the consequences of the hurricane that passed over Moscow on the night of June 20-21, 1998" it was said that the lighting was broken on 193 streets, 905 houses were left without electricity, 147 km of electrical networks and 947 lighting poles were damaged, and 62 electrical substations and approximately 3,400 lamps were completely switched off.

Power outages were perhaps one of the most common problems that day. One of the eyewitnesses tells how at one moment not only he, but also his neighbors lost electricity for a long time.

“Unexpectedly, we saw lightning very close, 300-400 meters from the house, a terrible roar was heard, after which the lights went out in all the houses. as it turned out later, lightning struck a transformer that provides electricity to almost three hundred houses of our garden partnership, ”he said. To this, the family of the eyewitness, who at that moment was celebrating some kind of celebration, shrugged their shoulders: “Nikolaich, pour it!”

After some time, another sharp sound was heard, after which all the people in the house ran to the window. As a result of strong gusts of wind, the neighbor's maple fell on the site of the witness of what was happening. The tree tore the wires and brought down two poles. The scariest part of the story was that the maple had fallen on the eyewitness's uncle's car, purchased just a month before.

Being tipsy at that time, the man could not assess the scale of the disaster, and therefore responded to the news of the fall of the tree indifferently. Awareness came to him only in the morning, when he ran out into the street, without even having time to fully dress. But luck still turned out to be on his side, so there was no significant damage to the car, only a couple of scratches remained.

In addition to power lines, squally winds damaged 2,157 residential buildings that day, with roofs partially destroyed on 1,719 of them.

Eliminate the consequences of the disaster was entrusted to all emergency services of the city. In total, more than 50 thousand people did this every day.

It was later noted that it was possible to avoid a large number of victims and victims of the hurricane if it had been warned about this in advance, but this was not done.

The maximum that weather forecasters predicted was a thunderstorm with periodic wind gusts up to 20 m/s. Yes, and they, according to weather forecasters, can easily be extinguished by Moscow high-rise buildings.

After the events of June 20, weather forecasters were heavily criticized. After such a precedent, at the initiative of the mayor of the capital, the Moscow Hydrometeorological Bureau was founded.

Map of surface baric formations and atmospheric fronts for June 20 (left) and June 21 (right), 1998

Very hot weather set in those June days in the central regions of European Russia. The anticyclone centered over the Middle Volga along its western periphery continued to bring very warm air here from the hot steppes of the Volga region and Kazakhstan with southeasterly winds. As a result, new absolute maximums were set in Moscow for six days in a row: June 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, when the air in the daytime was heated up to 30…34°С.

Meanwhile, cyclones followed from west to east across the north of the European territory of Russia, and by June 11 a vast altitudinal trough began to form over Western Europe, which led to an increase in cyclogenesis over the interior of Europe. With the weakening of the hot anticyclone over the west of the ET CIS, a low-gradient baric field formed, which, against the background of high daytime temperatures and the proximity of a much colder polar air mass from the west, created ideal conditions for intramass thunderstorms. And on June 15, a cyclone swirled over Ukraine, rich in thunderstorms and squalls. In Moscow, that day was the peak of the heat - the air in the afternoon heated up to 33.9 ° C. But with the passage of the cold atmospheric front of the mentioned cyclone, which left for the Baltic states, it became colder by June 17 to 26°C. Due to the fact that the cyclone passed much to the west of the capital region, its cold atmospheric front was strongly washed out, so it did not give significant precipitation in Moscow.

With the departure of the cyclone and the formation of an anticyclonic core over the Volga region, on June 18-20 in Moscow and the region, a return of hot weather was observed with the establishment of daily maxima at the level of 27...31°C. But this time the anticyclone moved rather quickly to the north, and a new cyclone swirled over Ukraine. The cold atmospheric front associated with this process with waves on June 20 turned out to be near the southern - southwestern borders of the Moscow region. The temperature contrasts behind and in front of the front were very significant - up to 10 ° C, so weather forecasters issued a storm warning in advance about upcoming thunderstorms, showers and squally winds.

By evening, cumulonimbus clouds with individual cloud tops reaching 14 km approached the metropolitan area. In the south of the region, the first thunderstorms began to rumble, during which a squally wind was observed. The chronology of events looked something like this:

1400 - 1800 Moscow time

In Moscow, with partly cloudy, thermometers show + 30 ... + 31 ° С. Wind from the southeast, 3-8 m/s. Atmospheric pressure falls slightly, but remains near normal.

In Serpukhov (south of the Moscow region, about 80 km south of Moscow), the first thunderstorms began.

Calm in Moscow, +28°С. Atmospheric pressure dropped by 3 mm Hg in 4 hours. The sky is partly cloudy, but a gloomy cumulonimbus cloud has appeared on the southern horizon. Stuffy. Dogs howl anxiously, the old people have long gone home, feeling unwell.

In the south, bright lightning flashes, dull rumbles of thunder are heard.

Stuffy, the Moscow sky is every second illuminated by lightning, which rarely occurs over Moscow. Quiet. The air is electrified. Many do not yet suspect that it will soon begin ...

In the south-east of Moscow, it began to rain, the wind intensifies.

2246 - 2247 Moscow time

In the south-east of Moscow, the strongest gusts of wind, heavy rain. Trees fall, car alarms go off.

A strong squally wind falls on Moscow, accompanied by a heavy downpour (half the monthly rainfall falls) and a very intense thunderstorm. Falling trees, billboards. Overturned garages-"shells". In the south of Moscow, some eyewitnesses claim to have seen a tornado. Wind speed in some places reaches 30 m/s. The wind is especially strong and destructive in the yards between the houses.

Snapshots of lightning before that flurry (based on amateur video)

From the message of Rosgidromettsentr:
“Yesterday afternoon, Muscovites, exhausted by the heat, called the Hydrometeorological Center continuously, asking when these long-awaited heavy rains and thunderstorms would begin, which were only a few hours late. Already at 21:45, the first thunderstorms began in the south of the Moscow Region. This is vertical the atmospheric front, moving from the south to the north, reached Moscow by 10:30 pm, and those unusual phenomena began in the capital, with which media reports began today. winds are the name of large-scale processes.These are squally wind amplifications.For a short time the wind increased up to 15-20 m/s. 15 m/s was in the center, near the All-Russian Exhibition Center and Tushino, and 20 m/s in the area of ​​MGU. And the strongest wind was observed in the Moscow region at 21 m/s in Dmitrov, because the front subsequently, by 24 hours, moved to these areas. Such phenomena were associated with the passage of an atmospheric cold front. As already noted, very dry and hot air prevails in our Volga region, and a cold air mass from the western regions approached it. Over the place of their meeting, cumulonimbus cloudiness developed to very high altitudes, in connection with it all these dangerous phenomena are associated: severe thunderstorms, heavy showers and increased winds. On the streets of Moscow, these squally increases in wind could be transformed into microscopic cyclones (eddy movements that caused the disturbances we see this morning). Today the weather in Moscow will no longer be so dangerous: all dangerous phenomena have shifted to the east.

As for precipitation, according to the Russian Hydrometeorological Center, on the night of June 20-21 in Moscow, it fell from 19 to 36 mm. The most precipitation fell in Tushino (36 mm). At the meteorological station Balchug, the amount of precipitation was 31 mm, in Sheremetyevo 26 mm, in Serpukhov 21 mm. VDNKh weather station showed the most modest result - 18.7 mm. The strongest wind was recorded by the meteorological observatory of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy and in Domodedovo - up to 26 m/s, and in Sheremetyevo wind gusts reached 22 m/s.

The summer solstice occurs at the moment when the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation in the direction of the Sun takes on the smallest value.

It is more obvious to those living at high latitudes that the summer solstice falls on the longest day and shortest night of the year, when the height of the sun's rise in the sky is at its highest. Since the summer solstice lasts only a brief moment in time, other names are used for the day when the summer solstice occurs, for example: "midsummer", "longest day" or "first day of summer".

Depending on the calendar shift, the summer solstice occurs on June 20 or 21 in the Northern Hemisphere and on December 21 or 22 in the Southern Hemisphere.

Summer Solstice 2018: what date

The summer solstice is the longest day of the year, lasting 17 hours and 33 minutes.

Usually this day falls on June 21, and only in leap years - on the 20th of the same month. So, in 2018, this event will take place on June 21 at 13:07 Moscow time.

But why exactly the solstice? The fact is that on June 21, an ordinary observer gets the impression that the Sun seems to freeze at its zenith and does not move anywhere throughout the day.

The longest day of the year 2018, how long does it last, date

The Summer Solstice is the longest sunny day of the year. As a rule, it falls on June 21, and in leap years a day earlier - on June 20. And since 2018 is not a leap year, this year the longest day falls on the 21st of this month.

The name solstice arose because people who observe the Sun on this day see a picture of a star frozen on the horizon. Another name for the Solstice is the Solstice, also on this day it is customary to celebrate a folk holiday associated with these phenomena and there are traditions.

History of the Summer Solstice

The sun has always played an important role in people's lives. This explains the fact that the solstice began to be celebrated long before our era. According to scientists, at the dawn of mankind. True, at what exact moment of the "dawn of mankind", historians have not yet figured out.

Meanwhile, it is known that the holiday of the summer solstice was revered in the cultures of many peoples. Moreover, he was especially loved by the inhabitants of the north, who, after a long winter, had more reasons to enjoy the sun, summer and warmth than others.

The Slavs, on the day of the summer solstice, celebrated the main holiday of summer - Kupala (however, after the adoption of the Gregorian calendar, it ceased to coincide with the longest day of the year).

In general, during the time of the pagans, the summer solstice holiday was at the peak of its popularity. The rituals adopted on this day were so important that few people dared to ignore them: it was believed that these rituals determine what a person’s life will be like for the next year (in particular, happiness, health, and luck depended on them).

But after the advent of Christianity, pagan traditions were not held in high esteem. The church tried to ban them in every possible way, but it failed to make people forget about the summer solstice. Until now, this day is celebrated in many countries around the world. And in Finland, the longest day of the year (they call it Juhannus) is even an official public holiday.

Signs for the Summer Solstice

There are many signs for the summer holidays. Here are some of them.

If there is a lot of dew in the morning, the harvest promises to be plentiful. Dew, by the way, was collected in a vessel, as they believed in its rejuvenating and healing properties.

Bad weather for crop failure.

If the sky is starry on the night of the solstice, mushroom abundance is expected in early autumn.

For those who meet the dawn in nature, health and strength are provided for the whole year.

If a guy pours on a girl that day, they will soon get married.

Those born on June 21 are carriers of the "evil eye", they can jinx anyone. Now, however, it is believed that these children were lucky - nature endowed them with strong energy and magical abilities.

If you make a wish on this day, it will certainly come true.

What to do on the summer solstice

To get the most out of this day, you need to:

June 20 to 23 are the strongest energy days. If you are self-development, use this time to cleanse and practice what you are doing. If you do everything right, the results will be good.

On the night of June 20-21, you need to swim in the pond. At this time, water has healing properties.

Start the morning of June 21 with a greeting to the Sun. A very good greeting will be yoga gymnastics Surya Namaskar (Salutation to the Sun). It is desirable to spend the whole day in nature.

Prepare yourself sun tea. Brew the tea you like and expose it to the sun. Drink it with honey.

Take water in the morning. On this day, the water is considered healing.

On this day, wear yellow clothes and jewelry.

Take time to be aware and clear your emotional realm. We look into all corners of our consciousness and clear it of everything negative. In return, we are filled with love and joy.

Forgive all your offenders, mentally thank them for the lessons they taught you.

Rest as much as possible on this day.

If you can, find a group of people who celebrate that day. At the festival in round dances and through rituals you will receive purification.

However, listen to your intuition. Not all holiday groups will be useful to you.

Engage in creativity on this day: sing, embroider, express yourself.

Have fun with friends or like-minded people in Nature.

On this day, it is customary to purify the body (bathing in a pond), purify the soul (jump over a fire) and purify the spirit (walk barefoot on hot coals).

The day is coming Summer Solstice - the longest day of the year and the shortest night.

In Rus' and in many European countries, the days of the Solstice were celebrated as a celebration of the birth of the Sun. On the night before it, the people arranged magnificent holidays and followed centuries-old traditions. Fires blazed until dawn, people sang songs, laughter was heard from everywhere, and the whole night was saturated with joy and fun. Ritual bathing, wreaths of flowers, dances around the fire - all these are the elements without which this holiday is not conceivable.

Now let's look at this day from the point of view of Chinese metaphysics. Day 21 June 06:35 begins the 10th season of the Chinese calendar, which is called - summer solstice.

Incredible strong fire! There is also a semi-triangle of Fire, which the Horse brought us months with the dog of the day, there is a double fusion of the Rabbit hours with the dog day, and all this has an exit to the Heavenly Stems.

Therefore, on this day it is very important to behave consciously, internally and externally calm trying to catch, to feel the state that allows you to rise Higher together with Fire — in your thoughts and actions.

Moreover, if you look at the 12 rulers of the day, then this day of stability when you can start long-term projects, play weddings, open a business, that is, implement all those ideas from which you want to get a long-term effect. Just remember that Qi has not gained its strength, it does not have the power that would be an unconditional assistant in your endeavors.

I suggest not to leave this day unattended, and if you don’t jump over the fire, then nevertheless arrange a small holiday for yourself. Invite guests, brew Chinese green tea, which in summer so well prevents thirst, and with pure thoughts and wishes of success, happiness and health, pass the evening.

The untwisted energy of the sector will provide you with the protection of the subtle power of the stars, peace in relationships and the help of higher persons.

True, people born in the year of the Dragon it is better to refuse this activation, because the day is a personal destroyer for them, but drinking tea and dreaming does not cancel it.

Do you remember with what excitement, joy and enthusiasm we met the God of Wealth in winter? Why don't we saturate this day with rituals that enliven our lives so much. All in our hands.

Tie colorful ribbons on everyone's wrists, hang a printed deity of the demon lord named Zhong Kui on the door, decorate your house with freshly picked wormwood .. and all this to protect your home, family and from the machinations of evil evil spirits that are rampant these days.

The demon lord Zhong Kui 钟馗, one of the favorite deities in China, was associated with a club made of peach wood, driving away evil spirits.

You can conduct a ritual "sacrifice" - boil rice, say a common desire to it for the whole family and feed the birds together, which are a symbol of Fire.

And if you want to please your close friend with an unexpected gift, you can present her with a fan. After all, it is customary to exchange fans on the Solstice holiday in China, because fans help to survive the summer heat and serve as a kind of talisman to attract positive energy to the house. Yes, and a tastefully selected fan can serve as a wonderful accessory to a summer outfit.

You can jump over a fire, let wreaths flow down the river, or look for a blooming fern all night, or you can hang an image of Zhong Kui and disperse the benevolent Qi around the apartment with a fan ... It all depends on your desires, preferences and capabilities. But the main thing to remember is that by living in peace and in accordance with your thoughts, bringing joy to others, charging everything and everyone around with positive energy, you yourself become happier, and, therefore, giving - you receive.

It is the day of the Solstice that is considered the day of the turn from the Yang half of the year, when energy grows and accumulates, to the Yin, and therefore it is also called the Solstice. It is for this reason that the day preceding it is called parting day, when Qi is dead, there is no vital energy that helps to realize, to realize what was planned.

Pay attention to June 20, do not plan significant events for this matter, because you are unlikely to wait for the result, all your actions will simply be a waste of time. On this day, the best recommendation would be: calmly do the current work, meditate, show more kindness, bring joy, charge other people with a good and bright mood.

Good luck and prosperity!
Natalya Pugacheva.

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