How to understand whether the meeting is karmic. How to resolve relationship problems from a past life. Karmic relationship between a man and a woman

In our life, everything is ordered according to special laws, one of which is, that is, retribution for deeds, thoughts and deeds committed by a person. If you delve deeper into this topic, then you will inevitably come across such a concept as karmic connection between man and woman. What are the causes of its occurrence and how to eliminate it - read about it in our material.

Karmic connection- this is a kind of energy-information connection between the souls of two people, embodied in reality by the Laws of Karma due to specific reasons and for a specific purpose.

Relationships can be of two types:

  • light(positive) - such are observed in the examples of kindred souls, to act harmoniously with each other;
  • dark(negative, gray) - when people are connected due to their negative deeds committed in past incarnations.

There is also such a thing as - it is also a kind of very powerful dark connection, which ordinary people it is impossible to break them on their own until they receive permission from the Higher Forces.

You can give a vivid example of a karmic connection between people when they want to get a divorce, but cannot do this for a long time (some obstacles constantly arise on the way that prevent people from leaving). And even if they do their best to end their relationship, they are forced to continue communication, as well as deal with joint problems (joint children, property, and so on).

This will continue for exactly as long as people need for, until the negative karma is fully worked out and permission comes from above to eliminate the karmic connection.

Varieties of karmic connections

There are such types of communication:

  1. A connection that is rooted deep in past incarnations, in which the souls of people repeatedly intersected and filled each other with negative or positive energy. It should be noted that most of the people who have to us close relationship, are our past karmic connections, both good (making us stronger and better) and negative, carrying destructive energy.
  2. A connection that was planned before the physical manifestation of the souls. This means that two souls agreed to meet each other on Earth in certain period time to do something joint activities. They prepare in advance for their incarnation, consider the tasks that they will have to solve together in the material world. And Karma determines in what place, at what time and under what conditions their joint activity will take place.
  3. Communication option also available who are not relatives. This category includes spouses, friends and comrades, colleagues, business partners- in general, all the people in whom we have close enough contact throughout our lives. Such connections can also be both constructive and destructive.

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Signs of a karmic connection

Yet the most popular type is love attraction between the sexes. How easy is it to distinguish them from harmonious relations? You should take a closer look at the presence of such signs.

  1. There are incredibly strong emotions in relationships.(jealousy, passion, fear, guilt). As a result of such intense emotional experiences people become dependent on each other. At the same time, one of the partners or both tend to exaggerate and respond inadequately to certain moments in life.

The main reason for this- unresolved personal conflicts. That is why people have drawn to each other, to eliminate such wrong behavior. And when the lesson is worked out, and people can completely exhaust their negative karma, then the conflict will gradually come to naught, the partners will either calmly disperse or remain in a relationship, but they will become much more harmonious.

  1. Another clear sign there will be a relationship that has arisen very rapidly. In this case, partners, as a rule, differ greatly in their characters, life positions, worldview, and also have different social status. They often deeply in their hearts treat each other not the most in the best way, but as if they succumbed to the strongest hypnosis and were not able to get out of the relationship on their own.

Usually, the sexual aspect prevails in such relationships - people are so strong subject to passion that they cannot tear themselves away from each other, they want to be filled with sexual energy again and again. An emotional connection is also possible. In very rare cases, there are couples in which lovers are closely connected on all levels. This is the most powerful connection, which is incredibly difficult to break. Partners will be able to leave only when they know everything they need in each other, after which the karma counter will be reset to zero.

  1. Fatality and tragic end- another indication of the presence of a karmic relationship. A striking example of this would be a love triangle. The basis of relations of such a plan are the most powerful emotional or sexual attachments. Being in such a relationship, a man and a woman feel that they are unable to part, but at the same time they cannot be harmoniously close, as they constantly face various obstacles and obstacles. In most cases, the end of such a relationship is quite tragic.
  2. Another indication of the karmic connection between lovers- This marriage in which one partner is a drug addict, alcoholic, mentally ill person, or has limited opportunities. And the second partner takes such relationships for granted and believes that he has no right to leave his beloved. Such a connection is strongly impregnated strong feeling guilt (usually representatives of the weaker sex suffer from it), which stretches from previous incarnations.
  3. If a man or woman dies prematurely(up to thirty-five years) - this also indicates a karmic relationship. In this case, the second partner consciously chooses for himself the punishment for certain actions from past.
  4. There is a variant of harmonious communication, in which both sides refer to kindred spirits. In such a couple, there is an excellent mutual understanding, respect, acceptance of all the positive and negative qualities of their soulmate without the desire to change a loved one. Relations between soul mates are very harmonious and filled with love and peace.
  5. Significant age difference (more than fifteen years)- another of the indicators of powerful karmic attraction. Such people cannot harmoniously let go, even if they have a strong desire to do so. This option is very complex relationships in which a man and a woman can both help their partner get on the right path, and, on the contrary, push him in the wrong direction, which increases the amount of karmic debts in the present incarnation.

What is the outlook?

Now is the time to talk about the future forecast.

A typical example of such a relationship is unrequited love, when one person begins to lose his head in love for another, while the second either does not feel anything, or feels sympathy, which is much weaker. The most reasonable advice in this case is to let go, continuing to fill it with positive energy from a distance. Of course, this is very difficult, but this is the only method that will allow you to harmoniously break the bonds without breaking even more firewood.

As a rule, in a non-reciprocal relationship partners simply switch roles from past lives. For example, if in a previous incarnation the husband was crazy about his wife, and she treated him indifferently, then in the current life the situation will repeat itself, but in the opposite context: a man will, for example, walk and cheat, and a woman will love him and fight indifference towards yourself.

It should be noted that two souls in this case do not necessarily enter into legal relations again - it is quite possible that the exchange of energies will take place at a distance.

It becomes clear that any karmic connection for the most part will not be harmonious, requiring the solution of certain issues that have arisen in past incarnations. Solving them on your own may be unrealistic, but there is an option to contact a specialist (numerologist, psychic, astrologer), who, based on the personal information of partners, will help to find the root cause of the problem and successfully deal with it.

We often meet in our life soul mates, but far from always fate puts us with them in favorable situations, forcing us to overcome ourselves.

The question "How to break a karmic relationship?" extremely important, since the untimely end of a fateful union leads to sad consequences. An experienced esotericist should help in quickly working off karma, but you can handle it yourself if you try to reconsider your views on the world.

How to work out karma in karmic relationships?

In some cases, people are interested in how to work out in a relationship that karma that is not directly related to this partner. Let's say you need to work out personal karma, the karma of your kind, family, gender. This is possible in principle within the framework of any relationship: love, family, friendship. The main thing in this case do good deeds. At the same time, one must do the right thing not out of selfish motives, but sincerely wishing the world well.

Sin less in any relationship, help people with all your heart, and even heavy karma will begin to be worked out faster.

Please note that you need to do good deeds when this is not expected of you, you care about others, but at the same time do not forget about yourself. If a person has developed karmic ties with someone, here, of course, it is necessary to work out exactly the karma that was associated with the same partner in past reincarnations on earth. Doesn't usually exist universal advice how to work off the karma of relationships, because the past scenarios of life are different for everyone. But all esotericists and psychologists agree, however, that the task of a person is to realize his mistakes in behavior, worldview, in communication with the external environment.

Fate usually puts a person in the position in which he put his karmic partner before. Therefore, the task of each person in this situation is to atone for their past sins, to show humility and at the same time not to forget about introspection, an adequate assessment of what is happening.

Working off karma is always a manifestation of the absolute and unconditional love: to yourself as a full-fledged person who has the right to happiness, but respects the rights of others, to his partner, to the whole world.

Relationships are worked out by forgiveness and acceptance of the person with whom fate brought you. No need to blame, condemn reproach, you need to care and help.

If you are wondering how to work out a karmic connection, start with a detailed analysis of the current relationship problem. And this problem should be in any case, if this relationship is truly fateful. It is necessary to have time to realize the value of this union as a life lesson, to benefit from it, experience, wisdom. How more like a man will change (or change the situation itself), the sooner the relationship will be completed or reset (if they are more positive), and the karma will be fully worked out.

If the karma of a relationship is worked out incorrectly, a person suffers very much in his soul and feels resentment or even hatred towards his partner. The karmic connection is worked out only in the absence of conflicts, disputes, abuse, jealousy, envy, revenge. Therefore, it is very important not to react to any provocations of a partner and not to keep him with you by force, not to demand obedience in response to ostentatious good deeds.

Working off any karma in any relationship never requires the humiliation of human dignity. Remember that a person humiliates himself only at the moment when his love becomes the subject of bargaining, a bargaining chip in the union.

What happens if you break karma

  1. If you are cunning and stop working off karma ahead of time, then you will have a karmic debt. It can carry over to your next life or affect the next generation.
  2. Completing a karmic relationship without extracting the necessary experience and without spiritual growth, a person simply makes an attempt to escape from an uncomfortable problem for him. But fate disapproves of such decisions, so after a while this individual will again find himself in a similar situation or even in more dramatic conditions. It is possible that a partner in a relationship that you decided to end early will still constantly intersect with you. You will be connected energetically, your sufferings will not disappear anywhere, their external visibility will simply disappear.
  3. When you end a karmic relationship in the right way, your life changes for the better. Life becomes easier and more pleasant, new people appear in the environment, including those who can become new potential partners for life. Improved health, mood, condition energy system. Getting out of the wrong karmic circle allows you to feel own significance and value.

How to end a karmic relationship?

The easiest option to end an alliance associated with the partners’ common karma is simply to take the first step towards changes in existing relationships. You can, of course, sit and wait for insight about the benefits of relationships, but it is much more effective to conduct a conscious analysis of the situation and understand what further actions will help to become better not only for you, but also for your partner.

Ideally, you need to talk with your loved one to decide how to get out of a karmic relationship, mutually. Sometimes discussion alone is enough to bring about a shift in consciousness, a turning point in the denouement of a karmic knot.

Ending a karmic relationship always begins with acceptance of the situation you are in.

  • You need to stop closing your eyes to reality, and show courage.
  • Then the stage of observing oneself begins, so that one can realize the purpose of the karmic lesson in this relationship.
  • It is necessary to analyze the body, psyche, circulation creative energy within the union.
  • You should understand why it may be so important for you to encounter these people and circumstances.
  • After that, you must agree that it is you who are responsible for your own life.

The next stage of such a consistent completion of the union is the opening of the heart. You need to express love for yourself and your partner in karma, then realize how certain emotions within the relationship will help you change, acquire new qualities in character.

For example, resentment should ultimately teach a person to forgive, and anger should teach tolerance. If the individual suppressed his feelings within the framework of communication, in the end he must be able to show sincerity and honesty to himself and the world.

Next, you should thank your companion in this karmic relationship for going through all the trials with you and helping to open the energy reserves that were dormant in your soul. At the end, it is very important to perform the rite of release.

You need to say goodbye not only to the circumstances and to your partner, but also to the thoughts and feelings that accompanied you throughout the relationship.

After such a gradual completion of the karmic union, there are two possible outcomes of the situation: either you will part with your partner because you have learned all the important lessons and fate does not see you together, or you will become even closer, but your karma will be completely reset, and the relationship will reach a happy and free level .

When answering the question of how to get rid of karmic relationships, it is important to understand what you want to achieve as a result. If the desire to cut off all contacts with a person is very strong, you can do it in one second, but nothing will change on the energy plane. You can try to start building relationships with another partner, but it is likely that a similar problem will arise there, requiring you to take decisive action.

If you are worried about how to complete a karmic relationship, then you have not yet fully realized what your mission in this union is and why such a partner was given to you. This is not too good, but there is always the opportunity to just sit down and think about which direction you should change in order to no longer fall into such dependence on a person.

Karmic relationships: how to fix

In principle, the procedure for healing karmic bonds is similar to the process of their gradual completion (but not breaking!). The task of a person is to repay his debt, nullify karma and allow two full-fledged partners to decide the future fate of the relationship.

So, the correction of relationships connected by common karma begins with understanding, acceptance and awareness of the problem. There is no need to waste emotional strength and destructive energy on finding out who is right and who is wrong. Also, you should not involve a third party, such as mothers, girlfriends, or just a justice of the peace. It is necessary to calmly analyze the whole process of the origin and development of relations.

It is also useful to compile a list of those events that led to a deterioration in communication and negatively affected partners. Then it is necessary to responsibly declare that in all situations both partners are equally to blame. Conscious efforts allow a person to accept a loved one with his personal karmic goals, begin to respect his choice and surround him with love.

Love is a tool for recognizing the divinity of others and a source of great power to heal any confusing relationship.

If your own skills in working on yourself and your communication are not enough to heal karmic relationships, you can use the advice of a professional.

  • Firstly, it can be a psychologist who will help overcome the crisis of relationships through awareness of their own behavior patterns.
  • Secondly, these are specialists in the field of esotericism - tarologists, astrologers and masters of numerology - who allow us to understand the origins of karmic debts and knots, and also clearly demonstrate the causal connections of our earthly reincarnations.

Correction of the karmic union is also very conducive inner work above oneself. It can be carried out, for example, through rituals with crystals.

How to break the karmic connection with a person

Use deep meditation

Meditative practice allows you to remember past lives at an advanced level and see the cause of your karmic difficulties. With proper experience, within the framework of meditation, you can return your energy, which remained in past reincarnations, purify it and become a whole person.

When you collect all the energy spent on a partner in the past, you cease to depend on him, that is, destroy the karmic connection.

Conscious letting go

One of the easiest and most effective practices - Conscious Release - allows you to clear karma and speed up the passage of a karmic lesson with a partner. First you need to contact the Higher Self and tell him that you want to give up the karmic relationship now in order to free yourself and your partner.

Then you have to introduce yourself loved one surrounded by purple fire. Feel the release and healing at the level of the body, mind, energy, emotions. Say thank you to your partner for his presence next to you in this life, thank you for the lesson of karma.

Think about how this person always did the right thing because he helped you learn from situations, contributed to your wisdom. Your partner has both beauty and love and compassion. Note it out loud. Then forgive yourself for bringing pain to yourself and him as part of a karmic lesson. Confess to yourself in love. Mentally tell your partner that you forgive him too.

Visualize hugging this person, smile. Release your partner, freeing him from your thoughts, feelings, actions. Let yourself go too. Envelop the two of you in purple flames, a symbol of freedom.

Meditations without detailed visualizations

Breaking the karmic connection within the framework of meditation can be done without detailed visualizations. Introduce your partner, take a piece of paper and write down the terms of some kind of contract. Write down all your negative thoughts, your mistakes and misdeeds in the relationship.

Then turn aloud to this person and ask him for forgiveness for all possible evil, including those points that you have indicated on paper. Say that you forgive yourself and him without any expectations and conditions, wish all the best and break the contract. Next, tear up the paper and discard it.

If you are interested in how to break off karmic relationships, you need to understand in advance that leaving a fateful union is a payment for joint karma. If you do not pay for your past mistakes, you will not be able to get out of the circle of relationships. In this case, meeting with a partner is inevitable.

In everyone's life, sooner or later, a partner appears, a relationship with which is like running in a vicious circle. You both love and hate this person at the same time. It is very difficult for you to be together, but without him life seems unbearable. Karmic relationship between a man and a woman are familiar firsthand to almost every adult, but not everyone knows what they are for.

You are drawn to each other by an irresistible force and you yourself cannot explain why he hooked you so much. How to get out of a karmic relationship and what to do if you met a karmic partner - we will try to dot the “i” in this article.

What is a karmic relationship between a man and a woman and why are they needed?

Yes, you heard right: karmic relationships are not a problem, not bad luck, this is one of the necessary lessons that the Universe teaches us in accordance with our karma. We need karmic lessons to work through situations from the past, to “pay off” karmic debts, to do things for ourselves. correct conclusions and gain skills that will help in the future.

Why do we enter into karmic relationships?

Repetition is the mother of learning, and this saying is the best suited to the situation of karmic relationships. Sometime in past life(and it is possible that not in one, but in several), you have already met this person and each time in a relationship the situation between you remained unresolved. Emotions did not find a way out, you did not draw conclusions, and so you did not learn anything from your previous meetings in the past.

That is why a karmic relationship between a man and a woman is needed - in order to finally learn an important lesson, and then begin to live in harmony with oneself and the world.

Karmic relationships can be so unbearable that your suffering will eventually lead you to decide to break the connection with your karmic partner. How to do this so that the karmic lesson is not in vain?

  1. Most importantly, you need to understand what exactly the Universe wanted to tell you. teaching this lesson. Analyze your condition, remember key situations, your behavior and results. Formulate what mistakes you made, but do not give in to guilt - accept the past as experience. For convenience, write down your conclusions on paper.
  2. Recognize that you and only you are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Don't shift the responsibility to your partner. This is your life and you live it the way you see fit. All in your hands.
  3. Answer yourself the question: “What did I gain (-la) in this relationship?”. For example, you have become tolerant towards others, you have learned to openly express your feelings, etc.
  4. Thank your partner sincerely for the fact that he went through the lessons of the Universe with you, taught you something new, reminded you of important things(for example, that it is important to love yourself).
  5. Say goodbye to your partner and those unpleasant feelings and thoughts that accompanied you in a relationship. Mentally tell them: "Goodbye!" and release on all four sides. Letting go is an important part of getting out of a relationship, don't neglect it.
  6. If you live together, move to another apartment, if there is a desire and opportunity - to another city. Stop communicating, do not respond to attempts to contact you - your partner may not want to let you go. Cut off all the strings that bind you. Lesson learned - you should no longer be bound by anything.
  7. Don't try to jump right into a new relationship. Learn to spend time interestingly alone with yourself. Practice meditation, yoga, mudras, pamper yourself with gifts, walks on fresh air, trips to exhibitions. Get inner harmony, feel that main man in your life is yourself.
  8. Don't shut out communication and new acquaintances, but remember the lesson learned and the conclusions that you have drawn from the experience of karmic relationships. Take your time to live, enjoy every moment, tune in a positive way and necessary people will be drawn into your life!

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How to heal karmic relationships?

Karmic relationships between a man and a woman are not always negative experience destined for the final. If you both feel empowered and ready to work on healing the relationship, correcting your mistakes, and moving towards harmony, you can do it.

Think with your partner about the lesson you have been taught. higher power and draw conclusions (you can write down) what you have learned in relationships, what qualities you have acquired.

Deal with the resentment you hold against each other. Recall all the negative situations and accept shared responsibility for what happened. Do not blame each other, but honestly admit that each of you is responsible for everything that happened in your couple. Calmly discuss what led you to certain results.

Think back to the good times you spent together. Think about why it was good for you, what actions and thoughts led to this. Thank each other for the time spent together and for the experiences (positive and negative) each had.

If both partners sincerely and openly approach the healing of the relationship, a karmic reset will occur, and you can start everything from scratch.

Discuss your plans for the future, think about how you can refresh your relationship: perhaps this is a joint vacation or a trip to nature, updating the interior of your home, a new joint hobby. This will bring you even closer after resetting. Agree on rules: for example, no more reproaching each other, giving everyone personal space and time, not mentioning unpleasant past events (if the situation has already been resolved and feelings have been worked out), refuse bad habits etc.

Finally important advice: talk to each other! It sounds simple, but from omissions, hints, misunderstanding is born, a wall appears between partners. It can only be destroyed with a word. Discuss with each other your feelings, emotions, talk about what worries you or vice versa, makes you happy. If something does not suit you, tell your partner about it, but not with reproach, but in a calm tone. And be ready to listen and accept what your partner has to say. Relationships are work, and if you do not invest in them, you should not expect a good result.

Good luck and personal happiness!

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"How right and left hand -
Your soul is close to my soul.

We are adjacent, blissfully and warmly,
Like right and left wings.

But the whirlwind rises - and the abyss lies
From the right to the left wing!

Marina Tsvetaeva

Numerous customer examples inspired this blog.

How often do we see examples of relationships in which there is passion, an inexplicable attraction, often at first sight, a literal “kinship of souls”, but at the same time terrible conflicts, misunderstanding, lack of prospects and development, the inability to be together and constant suffering.

Participants in such relationships are regular customers (more often clients) of this site. Requests to return, hold, tie, bewitch, etc. from this opera. But is it necessary in similar cases"tie"?

A karmic relationship is a union of two people who were closely acquainted in a past life (husband and wife, relatives, lovers or enemies), but they still have some debts to each other (unresolved situations, emotions and feelings that have not found a way out) . In the present incarnation, fate brings these people together again to give them the opportunity to work out this karma (to atone for guilt, correct mistakes, give vent to feelings, live through the situations that were given in the previous incarnation), which is usually accompanied by causing pain and negativity to a partner.

So, for example, if in a past incarnation a man was madly in love with you, but you left him, betrayed him, deceived him, thereby accumulating negative karma, there is no doubt that this situation will repeat in subsequent incarnations.

Any karmic relationship needs to be worked out, conscious actions, more wise behavior aimed at otherwise getting out of a similar situation. The purpose of such a relationship on a spiritual level is a different choice than was made in a past life.

Most convenient option redemption of karmic debts - love relationships, where each of their participants can change themselves, their worldview, undergo purification and transformation.

Such relationships are distinguished by certain signs (almost all of them interfere with love; it is not necessary that all signs be present in the aggregate, but a combination of several of them may indicate a karmic connection):

    a big difference in age (over 5 years - already the probability of a karmic connection). An age difference of 15 years or more characterizes a very strong karmic attraction. It is very difficult to break such a connection, while relationships are always very complex and either help the partner choose their true path in life, or, on the contrary, lead them astray, increasing karmic debts in future;

    the speed of occurrence (love at first sight, the rapid beginning and development of relationships almost immediately after they met, the partners do not doubt and do not analyze the reasons for their actions, acting as if on a whim, on impulses and under the influence of inexplicable forces);

    distance ( different cities or even countries) or moving together after starting a relationship;

    marriage of one of the partners love triangle in a different form;

    complete opposite, incompatibility of characters;

    mismatch of temperaments of partners;

    different social and financial status;

    fatality (inevitability, predestination): fate seems to bring people together, but the development of their relationship often follows a predetermined negative scenario;

    situations of love-hate, when partners are in a state of eternal confrontation, irritate each other and yet are unhappy apart;

    the inability to have children (a sign that the relationship in this incarnation has exhausted itself);

    unforeseen situations and other obstacles (forced separation, alcoholism, drug addiction or a serious illness of one of the partners).

Not all karmic relationships are inherently destructive.

There are cases healing karmic relationships, when the main task is to gain unity, freedom and peace. Such love can last forever without trying to change a partner, it is distinguished by the emotional independence of partners, the ability to understand and forgive, and the introduction of a new, important, significant into the life of another. But such cases are quite rare. More common destructive relationships that characterize pain, suffering, tears, strong emotions. They need to be properly terminated.

Reasonable arguments at the very beginning of such a connection prevent it from continuing, but blind and very strong passion, coupled with psychological dependence and quite frequent feeling that you have already met this person and you are one with him, literally paralyze the mind. Having met with a karmic partner, you are irresistibly attracted to him, you feel a desire to get closer, and after certain time 2 scenarios are possible:

        partners continue to play the emotional role from the previous incarnation;

        partners switch roles in a new incarnation. So, for example, in the past, a girl did not receive reciprocity in response to her selfless and selfless love, but in a new incarnation (or later in this life, which also happens very often), a mirror situation occurs: a man loves her, and she leaves him, thereby providing an opportunity to experience what it means to be abandoned and not experience negative feelings at the same time.

A strong mutual attraction often develops into love, and here a complete dissimilarity of partners is revealed, discontent, and it turns out to be almost impossible to end these relationships: neither quarrels, nor endless pain and tears allow them to part, as if some irresistible force keeps them together.

Such relationships often lead to love addiction(“it’s bad with him, and it’s impossible without him”). In its action, a karmic connection resembles a love spell. The stages of attraction - conflict - distance - new attraction constantly alternate, creating vicious circle. A person commits illogical, unusual actions for him, but it is with this partner that he cannot do otherwise.

It must be remembered that strong emotions are often related to suffering, and not mutual love, but breaking up such relationships without working out karmic debts can result in unpredictable consequences. In the case when the relationship is destructive, the karmic lesson is to let go without guilt and regret, to stop experiencing negativity, hatred. The thirst for revenge, hatred, negativity of a different kind will lead to the emergence of new karmic connections, and the necessary lesson will not be learned. Escape from such love is useless - such a connection will overtake again. Karmic relationships will be repeated with this or another person until the lessons are learned and the only right decision is made. The denouement of the karmic knot will be the absence of claims against the partner, negative intentions and thoughts about him - you need to learn to forgive and accept a person as he is, either letting him go or working together karmic lessons. As a result, you should feel a state of peace, relaxation, harmony, contentment. By correctly untying the karmic knot, you can even be cured of a serious illness.

What to do in order not to burden karma further, you can write endlessly.

At least necessary of all conflict situations go out forgiving. The stronger the unreleased negative emotions, the more likely the accumulated karmic connection will be. The ability to “let go” of negative emotions will lead to the fact that further collisions with this person will not bring torment.

I will focus on the two most serious mistakes: 1) abortion, 2) relationships with married man especially if there are children in the family.

Communication with a married man can deprive a woman in the future normal relationship co free man. Invasion of the energy of the family is punished by endless tears, heartache, possible infertility, inability to start a family, problems with women's health, and also aggravates the karma of a woman's future children, especially girls. In such a relationship, love is a poison that deprives a woman of the opportunity to create her own family. Undoubtedly, a man also makes a mistake by cheating on his missus, but the karmic consequences in this case are much more serious for a woman.

It is clear that everyone wants love. For a woman, this desire is exacerbated by the biological timing of the birth of children, the established public opinion about the need to get married as soon as possible, an example married girlfriends, pressure from relatives, but this is not a reason to consider a person who is obviously unsuitable, not free as a life partner.

Remember that we come into the world in order to improve. In order to meet a person with whom you will live together for many years in love and harmony, love truly and mutually, without trying to change your partner, you need to go through all karmic tests, work out lessons, correct previous mistakes, eradicate negative qualities in yourself, learn accept and forgive. You need serious work on yourself, the ability to go through life with an open heart, love yourself and give this love. Then Happiness will surely come and be yours, not stolen.

Be happy and loved!

Ellen, thank you for your feedback!
As for the destructive and healing (creative), I indicated. And I did not attack, but the laws of life show that a woman who invades a family is unhappy.
Yes, love is not eternal, but family ties, cementing two or more (if there are children) family members still remain and are protected from intrusion by what is not subject to us. He broke his family - he earned negative karma in any case. And in the body of a woman and on her energy level everything is too subtle, so women suffer more from such actions.
It happens that after working off people stay together, I do not deny this, although the percentage of such cases is extremely small.

Often it seems to us that certain events in life were destined by fate. According to psychics, in such cases we are dealing with karma. Any relationship can be karmic, not just love.

Many have experienced the feeling that the person they see for the first time in their life has been familiar to them for many years. This is one of the signs that you are facing your past and the relationship with this person will be karmic. They can be dangerous for you, so you need to know what you are dealing with.

What is karma

Many people have heard this word but don't know what it is. true value. Karma is the reflection of our past lives in the current one. The past never lets anyone go, so all your good and bad deeds will be reflected in future lives.

Karma can be very long lasting. Karmic reflections of the past can last even a thousand years. Many experts in the field of esotericism say that there are only two ways out of a difficult karmic situation: either accept everything as it is and rid yourself of this burden, or try to end the relationship. In the latter case, karma will not go anywhere - it will go into next life or try to disturb you again in the current one.

On the other hand, you can try to clear karma. There are many methods for this. You can try using mantras to cleanse karma, meditation, or seek help from specialists who practice karmic energy cleansing. In any case, diagnostics will be required first, and only then purification. To do this, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort, but the result will be worth the resources spent.

Types of karmic relationships

Karmic relationships are rarely positive, although anyone can meet them. This includes, for example, love to the grave, when people meet at the age of 20-25, get married and live together all their lives without any problems.

Types of positive karma:

Obviously, there is nothing in positive karma that could be dangerous. Negative karmic relationships can be dangerous. Among these:

  • friendship or love followed by betrayal;
  • childless marriage;
  • causeless marriage;
  • friendship or love with disagreements.

Karmic relationships can destroy fate. They appear in order to repay a debt from past lives. If a person cheated on his husband or wife or betrayed someone, this will happen to him. But exactly when, no one knows.

Usually karmic relationships begin in the same period. To understand what this period is, it is necessary calculate karmic number. To do this, take your date of birth, add up all the numbers one by one. For example, you were born on February 15, 1987. 1+5+0+2+1+9+8+7=33. Your karmic number in this case is thirty-three. This means that every 33 years in your life there may be what psychics call a karmic meeting. You either meet a person who should make you pay your debts to fate, or something happens to you without the participation of other people.

If the karmic numbers of spouses, friends, relatives are equal, then you are dealing with karmic relationships, the purpose of which is punishment for past sins. A karmic connection between people can last a lifetime, or maybe five minutes. If your relationship is bound by karma, but you feel good together, then everything is in order - do not be afraid to continue it.

It is also worth noting that a karmic marriage or any karmic connection between people can be almost harmless, or it can be destructive. Such relationships are dangerous because your life can turn into a real nightmare. Until you experience it, you will not get rid of karma and its pursuit. On the other hand, you can always "carry over" the payment of bills for later, avoiding punishment for the sins of past lives.

The danger of relationships based on karma is obvious:

  • unhappy marriage;
  • betrayal;
  • disappointment;
  • deterioration of health.

IN love relationship pay attention to the age difference. 5 and 15 years of difference indicate the presence of a karmic connection. Try not to worry ahead of time, because this is only a possibility. Moreover, even if you feel negative and think that karma has gotten to you, try to live through this period of time in order to maintain the relationship that you hold dear.

If the situation repeats itself from time to time, for example, you help a person with something, and then everything goes into the abyss, then try to change your attitude towards this. Don't forget that there is nothing in this world that could destroy true friendship or love. Desire is the determining factor.

May luck smile on you always. Love compatibility, like any other, is a complex concept that includes a great many aspects. Treat the person the way you would like to be treated. These are not just words - this is the truth that can help you overcome karmic relationships and clear karma. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and