Behavior of a woman in a relationship with a man. Wise behavior of a woman in a relationship

Correct and dignified behavior in society is the main indicator of your upbringing, education and inner essence. Looking at your behavior, the ability to behave decently, behave politely and present it correctly, any person will develop about you positive impression. But, unfortunately, many do not know what to do in public and often get lost in conversations, or even worse, begin to behave vulgarly at the same time. To prevent such mistakes in the future, you need to know and adhere to at least the basic rules of etiquette.

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Photo gallery: Proper Behavior in society and in public places

The first thing that would not hurt to learn, especially for a Russian person, is to be attentive to the people around you and to consider their opinion, otherwise you will embarrass everyone, and first of all yourself. If you say everything that comes to your mind, you will pass for an ill-mannered, bad person and you will no longer be respected. In society, you should always keep at ease, and for this you need to have a good general development(to have a general development, you need to communicate more, read, go to theaters, watch educational films, and so on). It will help you always stay on top in any situation, for example, find an interesting topic for conversation, keep up the conversation and answer any questions correctly.

Many people have a habit of remembering other people's mistakes or slandering those who, for some reason (often the reason may be ordinary envy), are unpleasant to them. And it is very important to know that in no case should such conversations be supported, even if you also do not like the person being discussed. Any of your conversations and gossip can be immediately transferred by third parties to this person, and sometimes even in a distorted form and in a different sense. But simply to stop backbiting out of fear that all the rumors will reach the person under discussion is not enough. It is important to understand and realize that gossip is baseness. Try not to stoop to that level.

In any society, they love "light" and cheerful people, so if you like to joke, try to do it in a way that does not hurt someone's vanity and feelings (do not make fun of fat or thin people, do not make fun of names, surnames, etc.).

In a conversation, never interrupt the interlocutor, first let him finish his thought, listen to his phrase to the end and only then ask questions or answer something. But if it so happened that you were interrupted for no good reason, then do not rush to shout and react wildly, listen with dignity and silence to criticism and objections, knowing that you are having a conversation with an ill-mannered person. Also, when talking, try not to call those present faceless “he” or “she”, call them by their names. When communicating, always consider the age, position, interests, life principles and character of the interlocutor. Any person must be treated with respect and care.

A polite person will never forget to say hello first, to accompany any request with the words “please”, “be kind”, etc., to thank for the service rendered or to apologize for someone's inconvenience.

Tact (sense of proportion) is always inherent in a cultured, educated and educated person - this is the ability to find a form of communication with people, feel their mood and reckon with them, taking into account the peculiarities of their characters.

The ability to behave not only in some company, but also in public places - at least important indicator your level of upbringing, development and culture.

If you decide to go to the theatre, you must learn a few basic rules of etiquette. Appearance is of great importance: women are advised to wear Evening Dress(for men - tailcoat or tuxedo), too frank or casual wear V this case will play against you (this is a sign of bad taste). In winter, it is recommended to come with a change of shoes. Changeable shoes are handed over to the cloakroom along with outerwear. Hats are always removed, and lush hairstyles and perfumes that are too fragrant are inappropriate. It's disrespectful to be late for a show. The man is always the first to enter the hall, showing the tickets. You should make your way to your place facing those sitting along the row. If you are already sitting, then stand up and give way to a neighbor in a row. You must not make noise in the theater and you must turn off all cell phones. In no case should you talk, make noise, rustle, eat during the performance (there is a buffet and intermission for this). It is customary to show admiration (without whistling and stomping) at certain moments, usually after the end of each act (or at the end of particularly successful scenes) and at the end of the entire performance.

If you are walking down the street or going somewhere on business, follow the rules for pedestrians, because this is not only a sign of politeness, but also a necessity. Walking along the sidewalk right side, without pushing and giving way (if there is no sidewalk, then you should go towards the traffic). When crossing the street, noticing an elderly or disabled person, offer him your help. It is indecent to blow your nose, sneeze, pick your nose, yawn loudly on the street. Never throw garbage on the road or sidewalk, there are special bins for this.

Before entering a pharmacy or a store, first let those who leave it, it is especially useful for people from our country to know this, since this rule is violated daily. If you notice that there is a old man, a pregnant woman or a disabled person, skip ahead. It is not recommended to take animals with you. With a lit cigarette or ice cream, they also do not enter the store.

If you use public transport, then try to follow following rules etiquette. When entering a bus (metro, trolleybus, tram, etc.), first of all, let other passengers get off. You can not linger at the door (it is recommended to go to the salon). You should always give way to the elderly, pregnant women, young mothers and the disabled. A sign of bad manners and indiscretion is also a loud conversation and laughter in public transport.

If you are invited to visit, it is not recommended to be late. If it is still not possible to arrive on time, be sure to warn the hosts about this. It is indecent to closely examine the furniture and other attributes of the interior in the apartment, as well as ask questions about their cost, otherwise, you will demonstrate your ignorance.

Every woman strives to make her relationship with her beloved better, to bring them into an “ideal” state, the meaning of which, only she herself understands. What we just do not use for this: fashionable clothes, perfume with pheromones, sexual underwear, special “attractive” behavior, and sometimes such aggressive forms as scandals, jealousy, resentment, and most importantly women's weapons- tears!

Here is a far from complete list of women's arsenal designed to help us in the battle for our love. But are the methods justified? And is the result perfect? Sometimes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, isn't it?

Striving for one result, we get the exact opposite and are surprised that we again did not succeed. And it won't work, trust me! If you are aiming for long term relationship, to the sincere union of two hearts, then what does it have to do with, excuse me, the stage of the Bolshoi Theater? After all, when you come face to face in the morning in the kitchen, or in the bathroom, you will be unarmed then, what reaction should follow - disappointment and mockery in the eyes of a loved one? Or the tenderness and caress of your still sleepy lips? Of course the second! And in order to achieve exactly harmony in relationships, do not forget that men are people too! Here are a few golden ones that no woman should forget:

1. Rule number ONE: Treat your man exactly the way you expect him to treat you. It stands for this: if you want your man to respect you, appreciate, love, reckon with you, open up to you, be honest, then respect, appreciate, love, reckon, be honest and open with him.

2. Do not forget that your man needs your love and reciprocity no less than you. The decoding here is also simple: Imagine for a moment that you want to confess your love to a man ... when will it be most convenient and easiest for you to do this? Probably when you feel loved and you have the opportunity to open up. Therefore, one should not think that men are molded “from a different dough” and are not capable of deep feelings and experiences. If you think so, then such men will meet on your way.

3. Don't play games with a man. Competition, deceit and stealth are the qualities of a player who has a specific goal - to win. But you are an adult, smart, kind and honest, and women like diamonds are one, in a million dummies. And do not consider a man more stupid than yourself - he feels your game, just as you would feel him.

4. Find out everything you need to know before you move into the "closer" relationship. It is also deciphered very simply: imagine that you are buying new furniture without even asking about the color of its upholstery, not to mention the functionality parameters and the manufacturer. Represented? Do you think this is correct? I think your answer is no. Toga why, manifestation sincere interest to a man, to his character, habits, lifestyle, plans for the future, some women consider immodest and importunate?

5. Do not allow yourself to communicate with men who are "inaccessible" to you. What does it mean? Yes, very easy! If a man is married, dating and sleeping with other women, engaged or hopelessly in love, he is inaccessible to you, do not cause yourself suffering, dooming you to dependence on his “former” and “present”. Use this rule before starting a relationship so you don't go too far before you know the truth.

6. Choose a man according to your heart, not your wallet. I understand perfectly well that this is easier said than done, we live in a materialistic world where inner spirituality and refinement are given less importance than external gloss, and there were moments in life when I wanted to give up on everyone and everything and fly away into a “beautiful” and light life. The temptation is great, but there is a question, what next? After all, “nothing at all” will pass and you will want to run away from the “golden cage” to hell. Therefore, remember, if you choose a man on the basis of "material solvency", then be prepared that soon this relationship will become burdensome for you.

7. Be fair, do not use "double standards". What does it mean? Double standards- This different attitude to people based, for example, on gender or other criteria. In this case, it is an attempt to desired result, doing the opposite. For example, in order for a man to call you more often - do not call him yourself, restrain your emotions and admiration so that he does not think that you are crazy about him and other such nonsense. It is a matter of your sincerity and true worth.

8. You can not fall in love with a man, in the hope that he will change. The problem may arise when you cannot understand who is actually dear to you, this man or the armor in which you dressed him? You can waste your time in vain, to help, improve, change, but in the end, it turns out that no one needed your help. So, make sure you love this man here and now and just like that!


As in war, building is hard work. It is necessary to think through each step and calculate so as not to make similar mistakes in the future.
Many girls do not even know how to behave in a relationship. Truth does not exist the perfect recipe Everything is very individual. Each situation has its own approach.

Try to be friendly, easy to communicate with, good mood. No need to load your partner with problems. Share his hobby as your own, be interested in his hobbies. Each of your meetings should be a holiday for him.

It is necessary to present yourself correctly from the very beginning. The initiative should come from the first date from the man, and your role should quietly add fuel to the fire and warm up the passion. You should look interested in communicating with him, but at the same time show a little, as if you are in doubt. This will cause him more interest than a girl who lays out all the cards at once. Let the man conquer you. If he immediately understands that he can do whatever he wants with her, interest is lost. After all, every woman should respect herself.

If a man offended you with his word or deed, you need to wait for time so that he himself understands his mistake and apologizes, and not pretend the next day that nothing else happened, even if your affection is great. At the same time, there should always be an adequate response and sometimes it is simply necessary to call first and create a bridge for communication.

Do not forget to encourage your man when he shows you signs of attention, so that this will further stimulate him. Such a moment brings up responsibility in him, he will want to take care of you even more. Every person, man or woman, wants affection and love. Do not be afraid to show such feelings to your soul mate. Find the golden mean.

Do not be too mysterious and complicated for him, as is often written in fashion magazines. Let it not blow cold from you, your partner is looking for snow queen but affectionate and tender girl. Show your interest in your chosen one, be lively and cheerful, show that you have a very good and pleasant time with him. But at the same time, stay a little out of reach.

Fear. Fear of loneliness, or vice versa - intimacy, fear of choosing the “wrong”, “wrong”, “mistake”. I confess honestly, I myself am afraid not to make a mistake, no. Any mistake is an invaluable experience and I rarely make mistakes. Change the established rhythm of life, Stay. But, I am trying to be bolder and more active, reserving the right to love and make mistakes, because this is what helps me learn new, interesting things, live, learn and move forward towards my cherished goal.

Illusions. In childhood and adolescence, we often fantasize, drawing in our imagination the features of a future life partner, often endowing our beloved with ideal features. Dreams, illusions, hopeless hopes. We are waiting for our prince (princess), but he does not come (that's the trouble!) Behind these expectations, a real person disappears, melts like a mirage. We're making grand plans, breaking away from real world, cherishing our chimera, but point-blank we do not see the one who is next to us, the one who can give real happiness. Down with illusion! When my daughter met her second husband, the first thing she said was: a regular guy", and I answered:" take a closer look. She listened to me and looked closely, now they have a Family, they are happy and both change for each other. Metamorphoses are taking place. The daughter became an avid fan of CSKA (I wish my father would be happy!) And lucky .... fisherman! What are we talking about ex-husband learned only at her wedding, were very surprised and admired the achievements. As for the son-in-law, there is no need to speak here - he is ready not only to change himself, but also to change the World so that his Princess lives better and more fun. What pleases.

Stereotypes and unreasonable demands. A man should be: strong, brutal, ambitious, purposeful, kind, loving, caring and romantic. A woman should be: beautiful, tender, loving, caring, independent, successful, cheerful, faithful, devote herself to the family and .... succeed at work. However, many of the listed qualities are not compatible.

There are no ideal people, ambitious, aggressive man it's hard to be a romantic, and a business lady can't be hot at work and be an exemplary housewife at the same time. However, real woman- everything can!

It is stereotypes and excessive requirements for the chosen one that prevent you from accepting the person you like as he is, with all his advantages and, alas, shortcomings. "You are a man - you must", "You are a woman - you must." No one owes nothing to nobody! The union of two hearts is a purely personal and voluntary matter.

The desire to seem, not to be. Lies, self-deception, illusions. How it interferes with life! Often your reflection in the mirror is unsightly, your voice sounds “wrong”, your actions and thoughts leave much to be desired. But, it's us! This is how God created us. You are the one and only Person of your kind. If you don’t be yourself, don’t accept yourself, lie and pretend, being in a world of illusions, inspiring yourself and those around you with an invented self, then it’s unlikely that anything will work out, including personal life. Hers especially. Years of experience with people shows than more real man evaluates himself (it doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman), the faster it is “determined”. In my case, he finds his “soul mate”, because. i am a matchmaker. Remember?

Desire to change partner. As soon as Mendelssohn's march is played (and sometimes much earlier) begins:

You are not like that;
- You are not like that;
- Change!
- Here with neighbors, with parents, with friends, with acquaintances, but - at work ...!
- Kindly ask, give up hobbies, friends, interests;
- Change jobs, lose weight, cut your hair, grow your hair, go to the dentist, beautician, stylist, ophthalmologist.

Familiar? The list of wishes, demands and ultimatums is endless. I want to disappoint you: it is not possible to change another person. You won't be able to. When criticism, accusations and claims sound, the music of Love falls silent. You run the risk of drowning it out completely. "When the guns speak, the Muses are silent." They can listen to you, but not hear you, no matter how loudly you speak, even shout. And only open, benevolent interaction, calm discussion, specific requests can lead to positive results. In the name of Love, in the name of you, beloved and loving person, your Man, your Woman - will begin to change. If he wants it - himself.

Dominant. Many, many people like to command, "lead" in relationships, dominate. They like it, maybe clone family relationships, stereotypes triumph. Often, in this way, they exalt themselves in their own eyes. Unfortunately, this also happens. But nobody needs it. Gradually, the relationship will turn into a "barracks". With a “senior in rank”, regardless of gender, living under the same roof is unbearably difficult, practically impossible. Yes, I have certain rules, "respect for a man", Domostroy, Patriarchy, so to speak, and something like that. But it's all very, well, very relative. And according to my observations, the dominant changes throughout life. “Love is not tap water,” as my first husband used to say. Perhaps at first - a more active (dominant in relationships) - husband (let's say he is older, more solid and more experienced), but then everything can change. Most likely, this will happen. The wife will “grow up”, get stronger, “gain strength and mind” and the banner will pass into her hands. But, clever woman, will never show this, especially in public, respecting and appreciating his spouse.

However, there are tyrants who are "knee-deep". Such people should be wary of family life in particular.

It is quite realistic to see such behavior at the dawn of a relationship. People of a similar warehouse - "show" themselves. Indecent, humiliating behavior may not concern you yet, may not spread. He can carry you in his arms, literally and figuratively. But in relation to others, he may well develop a character, dictating the game according to his own rules. So - take a closer look at the person with whom you plan to enter into marriage Or at least just develop a relationship. Be more careful, you have to be more careful. Don't look at your Hero through " pink glasses”, they must be removed or wiped in time, so that later you would not find yourself face to face with the Beast. What a surprise? With domestic tyrants - we are not on the way. This road is clearly not to the Temple.

Losing yourself. Many love without looking back. This applies mainly to women. This is how we are brought up, they write about it in novels, show it in popular films, sing sincerely and heartbreakingly in songs, romances, this is taught by mothers and “experienced” friends.

You know, “this cup” did not pass me by! I will say, hand on heart - there is nothing good in this. Not for the wife, not for the husband, not for the family as a whole. Is not healthy relationships, not partner, but dependent, very painful, it is difficult to break them, but living in such a marriage is unbearable. That's where you can get lost, "lost in the three pines", fulfilling all the desires of a loved one, adjusting, sacrificing oneself and ... rebelling, "exploding" as a result. And the most unpleasant thing is that no one will ever appreciate your sacrifice, do not rely on it - do not. Waiting for gratitude, devotion, love and the same dedication is a waste of time. Appreciate - Personality! Love - Man! The slave is used, but not respected and not appreciated, taking it for granted, considering it to be “as it should be”. It becomes a habit - homemade truth of life, of our mortal existence.

Games. People who play games and Games that people play. My diploma topic was about the Games. Well, it's very interesting, even tempting - I won't hide it. How many times I tried it myself, it started, and ... I was deeply disappointed, because this is a road to nowhere, this is the death of Love. Lists broken hearts like stars on the wings of a fighter. Is there anything to be proud of? You think? Perhaps, but this is how Real Life passes, leaving behind the ashes of a burnt soul, unfulfilled love. And then - emptiness, silence and silence. Loneliness.

The advice of an outsider or from stupid books: “Let him (she) run after me” will never lead to anything good. Relationships are sincerity, respect and understanding.

Passionate love - then develops into Love, when you really feel a person, gradually growing together with him into a single whole.

Tatyana Tasueva, professional modern matchmaker, founder and head of the international dating club "FortunaTa"

Lovers rarely think about why quarrels arise. And least of all they think that the reason may be that she or she does not know how to behave in this or that situation. Unfortunately, statistics show that many couples break up because they do not know how to build a love relationship correctly.

But it’s not enough to love and be loved, you still need to try to look worthy in the eyes of your chosen one or chosen one. This is especially important for men who need to be gentlemen in all situations - self-possessed, polite, self-confident - those who are called "comme il faut".

By the way, the literal translation of the word "comme il faut" means - "a man that is necessary." This is the essence of a man's behavior - to behave as it should, as the situation requires. And, if a man doubts that his act will be regarded as a gentleman, then it definitely should not be done. And no matter how strange it may sound, but it is this approach that should be considered the main code of conduct in the relationship between a man and a woman.

Many rules of behavior of a man next to a woman were described in our articles. But, nevertheless, it is worth repeating the main points. And, of course, it is better to take them into account if you really want to please a woman, win her over, and not lose her interest with an awkward act.

According to the rules of etiquette on the street, a man, as a rule, goes to the left of the lady. On the right are only the military, who should be ready to salute.

The man accompanying the lady must not smoke. If both smoke, then it makes sense for them to stop for this, find a comfortable place, but in no case do not smoke on the go.

Before entering the room, the man opens the door for the woman, and he enters after it.

If a man and a woman go somewhere by taxi, then the man, approaching the car, opens the right rear door. The woman sits first, the man sits next to her.

The man gets out of the car first and helps the woman out. If a man drives the car himself, then at first he helps the woman sit on front seat and then he gets behind the wheel.

Going down the stairs the man is walking one or two steps ahead of the woman, and when going up - a couple of steps behind, in order to have time to support if the woman stumbles or slips.

In the cloakroom, a man helps a woman to undress, and, leaving, gives her a coat.

A real gentleman will always help a lady of any age carry heavy things or give her a seat on public transport. Unfortunately, this seemingly simple rule is rarely remembered.

A well-mannered man will never be frank about his relationship with a girl or a woman with another person (this is called gossip and humiliates both the narrator and the listener).

A well-mannered man can afford to enter the room in front of the woman only if it is dark and he needs to turn on the light so that she can enter.

A well-mannered man will never sit in the presence of a standing lady or sit down uninvited.

It is not customary to start a conversation with a woman or bow to her until she recognizes you. Although there are exceptions to this rule. If a man wants to attract the attention of a certain acquaintance, he can catch up with her and gently touch her hand or call her quietly by her first name and patronymic (but by no means by her last name).

An educated man will never talk to a woman about her age, the exception here is when they are on duty official duties. A priori, they follow the rule here: a woman is as old as she looks.

You should never touch a woman unwillingly, take her hand, touch her during a conversation, push her or take her hand above the elbow, except when you help her get into or out of a vehicle, or cross the street .

Even if you think that your mutual feelings allow you hugs and kisses, then in any case you should not do this on the street and in the presence of strangers.

A man should not talk at the table about unpleasant things, touch on ambiguous, offending others, and especially ladies, topics.

Well-mannered people are not late, especially since this rule applies to men hurrying on a date. If a man meets a lady at an agreed place, being late for 5-10 minutes is acceptable, but ... highly undesirable. According to the rules good manners the man arrives at the date a few minutes (but not seconds!) earlier. His lateness can put the lady in an awkward position. In case of unforeseen circumstances, you should try to inform her about it.

A man in love never forgets to arrange the next meeting and does not say goodbye first. If your friend behaves differently, then you should not flatter yourself about him.

Well, a woman usually expects her lover as long as the strength of her feelings allows. A woman may be a few minutes late for a date. But you should not test your beloved for stability and endurance in the rain or in bad weather.

A woman who really likes a man tries to keep pace with him on walks, visits the hairdresser every third day and carefully chooses a toilet before a date, and, having received an offer to take a walk, does not refuse, referring to bad weather. Otherwise, a man's chances for reciprocal feelings are small.