What is useful for society the work of a clothes cutter. What do seamstresses, cutters and tailors do? What is included in the duties

Now there are many specialists, thanks to which various spheres of human life are developing. One of them is a cutter. performing cutting materials for shoes, textiles. They are hired only after passing the training, because without this it will not be possible to perform the activity qualitatively.

Features of the profession

A cutter is a specialist who performs work depending on what the production is doing. These include employees in one direction, for example, a master in clothes, shoes, curtains. In the atelier, the cutter is a universal specialist who allows you to choose a style and fabric for a person. He can also sketch clothes, take measurements, create a pattern, cut fabric.

The finished patterns are handed over to the seamstress, who performs the connection of the parts using professional equipment. Before the full production of clothes, the client must come several times to try on. Measures are necessary to better fit the product to the figure, eliminate defects. At the same time, the wishes of the client are taken into account.

Factory work

At the factory, the cutter is a specialist who does not perform individual work. Such production produces mass-produced clothing, shoes, and accessories.

It is the responsibility of the cutter to create and use patterns for mass cutting. Then the materials are transferred to the sewing workshop, where the completion of the manufacture of the product takes place.

The work of the master can be individual when he performs the functions of a seamstress. Such a specialist is collectively called a "tailor". But in factories and in the atelier, the distribution of duties is carried out. When a cutter has different skills, he has the opportunity to be a fashion designer, constructor, designer.

Required Qualities

The master needs to have an aesthetic sense, an interest in fashion. Mandatory skills are drawing, drafting, volumetric eye. A specialist should have excellent hand coordination, communication skills. With poor eyesight, it is unlikely that you will be able to work in the profession.

In order for the work of the cutter to be performed at the highest level, you need to know about modern fashion trends, as well as understand the decoration. His activities include the ability to work with sketches, so professional design and cutting skills are needed.

Working conditions

The cutters work both independently and in a team. The working place is a cutting table. Helpers are pencils, chalk, pens, instruments, measuring devices. The room should be very light.

If a foreman with disabilities works, then the working conditions must be as required by the rehabilitation program. All items of equipment must be suitable for physiological characteristics. A dressing gown, a headdress - a scarf, armlets are used as working clothes.


The profession "Cutter" is very in demand. You can get it in college, school. Training lasts 1-2 years depending on the program. Usually there are no exams for admission, enrollment occurs after the provision of documents on secondary education.

After training, a diploma is issued on the assignment of a profession. With a document, you can get a job at or in the studio. There is also the possibility of further training to improve professional skills.

You can also get the skills of a cutter at paid courses that are provided by labor exchanges, as well as training centers. In a short time, the main types of work will be mastered, after which there is a possibility of employment. Salary and prospects will depend on performance.

Among the professions that benefit people, it is worth highlighting such a specialty as a cutter who is , what tasks he will perform, what he should know and be able to do - we will consider later in this article.

What is this profession

Electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia , says that the specialty of a cutter is a specialist who works at a garment factory, in an atelier or as an individual entrepreneur and performs certain actions in full accordance with his official duties, most often in one line of activity. Most often, it will be, the master maker:

  1. clothes;
  2. shoes;
  3. curtains.

The most in demand on the labor market are universal cutters who can not only prepare the fabric for further processing, but also help in selecting the style and fabric.

Saying what kind of profession a cutter is, it is worth saying that they should be able to:

  1. create sketches of future clothes;
  2. take measurements from the client;
    create a pattern;
  3. properly cut the fabric, preparing it for subsequent development.

And most often, they are called tailors or seamstresses, which partly shows what they will do most of their working time. After all, he has to deal with cutting fabrics and directly sewing clothes. Some will work with the design and tailoring of shoes, etc.

The cutter must be able to communicate with clients, because only in this way will he be able to choose the right style and prepare everything necessary in order to get high-quality and beautiful shoes or clothes that will be convenient and comfortable.

The description itself will not be complete if you do not tell about the requirements for a specialist.

To become a professional, such a specialist will have to:

  • have creative imagination;
  • be good at art;
  • know current fashion trends;
  • love and be able to draw and draw;
  • have well-trained eyesight, as you often have to try on and determine sizes by eye;
  • have good coordination of movements;
  • be sociable and be able to find a common language with people of different social groups;
  • be friendly;
  • have excellent eyesight.

Moreover, in large organizations, the cutter will perform a certain operation, which will impose on him the requirements for qualifications and practical experience.

What is included in the duties?

To understand what a cutter does, it is worth considering how the working day of such a specialist goes:

  • reception of the client, recording of his wishes;
  • take all the necessary measurements;
  • making a sketch and agreeing it with the client;
  • selection and preparation of fabric for subsequent tailoring.

Such a specialist performs complex and responsible work, which will determine what future clothes or shoes will be like. After all these works, either the seamstress takes over or he continues to work, bringing the order to its logical conclusion.

What is the nature of the profession?

A professional cutter specializes in various areas of work with clothes or shoes. Of great importance is the field of activity in which this specialist is involved.

For example, working in an atelier, a cutter must be able to select not only a style for the customer, but also the material. Engaged in the development of sketches of the future finished product or its element. Makes all the necessary measurements, as well as selects the fabric, makes markings and its cutting. After that, he can transfer the prepared materials to the seamstress or independently engage in tailoring. Moreover, all the necessary fitting and fitting will be carried out through the cutter.

If a specialist works in production, then here all types of work go through a certain cycle and are performed by specially designated specialists.

In this case, the cutter performs a narrow segment of the action, working only with a template when cutting fabrics or other materials of the product. After that, the prepared material is transferred to the masters of another workshop.

For those who work as a sole trader, the activity will be somewhat similar to that of an atelier. At the same time, in some cases, he will need to carry out the entire production cycle for the production of finished products. It is for this reason that cutters are often referred to as tailors.

Speaking about the features of the specialty, you need to take into account all the pros and cons of the profession.

So, this type of activity should be chosen by people:

  1. who are interested in modeling at a professional level,
  2. who follow fashion and strive to produce something original,
  3. who likes to draw and draw various models of clothes.

This is due to the fact that very often cutters can act as fashion designers, developing new models of clothing. Having accumulated more experience and built up a client base, he can open his own atelier or start working as an individual entrepreneur.

Among the factors that negatively affect the choice of profession, it is worth mentioning the almost lack of career growth. This is a very difficult and very often monotonous work that requires patience and endurance. In addition, very often orders can take a very long time.

It is worth considering the contraindications to this profession. It is not advisable to dwell on it for people who have problems with:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • problems associated with the cardiovascular system;
  • with diseases of the apparatus;
  • if there were injuries to the hands;
  • there are disorders of the nervous system;
  • with problems with the organs of vision.

Considering various factors, it is worth understanding whether it is necessary to strive to master this profession, or is it better to give up and look for yourself in something else.

Where can you get a degree?

You can get training in the specialty of a tailor with a specialization as a cutter in various secondary specialized educational institutions and colleges. You can start to learn a specialty by attending circles, which is more available for, while adults can complete special paid courses.


We examined the features of the specialty of the cutter who he is, what duties are assigned to him, where he can work.

Cutter (cutter)- a specialist in cutting materials in the manufacture of clothing, footwear and other textile and leather products. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture and work and economy (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

What exactly a cutter does depends on the specialization and place of work.

Cutters can specialize in one of the areas (clothes, shoes, curtains, etc.).

Cutter clothing atelier helps the client in choosing a style, fabric, sketches the chosen option, takes measurements, and then makes a pattern and cuts the fabric.

He passes the resulting blanks to the seamstress, who sews the parts (first “on a live thread”).

Before the ordered dress or suit is ready, the cutter meets with the client several times and tries on. He adjusts the product according to the figure, eliminates shortcomings, clarifies the wishes of the client, monitors the quality of the seamstress's work.

working at the factory where clothes, shoes, accessories, furniture upholstery, etc. are mass-produced, the cutter does not work individually with the client. He develops and uses patterns for mass cutting of raw materials, and then entrusts the blanks to the masters of the sewing workshop.

working individually, the cutter can do the work of a seamstress himself. Such a master is called the generalizing word "tailor" / "dressmaker".

Usually in sewing studios and factories, a clear division of labor is observed. But if the cutter is fluent in all operations, he can work in a group serving a fashion designer (constructor, designer) of clothes. He can create exclusive copies - the first copies of models from the fashion designer's collection.

Important qualities

Precise aesthetic sense, interest in fashion, ability to draw, sketch are needed; volumetric eye; good hand coordination; sociability.

Poor eyesight is a contraindication for working as a cutter.


Salary as of 20.02.2020

Russia 20000—70000 ₽

Moscow 40000—100000 ₽

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to know modern fashion trends, understand the principles of decoration, be able to “read” sketches of clothing models and understand what constructive means can bring them to life. To do this, you need to master the methods of design and cutting.

Where do they teach

The specialty of a tailor-cutter can be obtained in college, vocational school, as well as in paid courses.

Cutter according to the definition of the explanatory dictionary Ozhegova S.I. - This is a master of closing material for sewing dresses (clothes).

Today, clothing performs both its direct "protective" function and aesthetic. Requirements for clothing today are very multifaceted. Such concepts as "business woman", "modern man", "fashionable girl" have entered our lives. It reflects the role of clothing as an essential element in the design of not only the appearance of a person, but also his life style in general.

We can order clothes according to our style and modern fashion in the atelier - a workshop for sewing clothes. In the process of making clothes on an individual order, the cutter is the link between the client and the executor of the order - the sewing team. He organizes and controls the work of the team, is responsible for the quality of the executed order.

The cutter works with fabric (leather, fur) and cuts out clothing details from it. Performing this work, he uses patterns (ready-made patterns) or builds a style drawing on his own, taking into account the measurements taken from the client's figure. A bespoke cutter must be able to perform all types of sewing jobs for men's and women's outerwear, children's clothing or light dresses. In all these areas of clothing manufacturing, cutters specialize and constantly improve their skills.

The cutter works in tailoring and repairing ateliers, as well as in garment factories.

The profession of a cutter is characterized by a large number of manual operations. Therefore, the quantitative and qualitative indicators of labor depend on the skill of the worker.

  • taking measurements from the client (customer):
  • clarification of the client's wishes and a sketch of the selected style option, drawing up an order passport;
  • making patterns for cutting;
  • performing an economical layout of the pattern on the fabric and cutting the fabric;
  • reshaping of individual parts (when repairing clothes);
  • determining the order of sewing operations and their distribution among the masters of the sewing team;
  • execution of fitting and delivery of the order to the client;
  • quality control of finished products, elimination of identified defects.

The main goal of the cutter is to help in choosing a style and cutting products in accordance with the direction of fashion, the features of the figure and appearance of the customer, the purpose and sewing properties of the fabric.

In his work, the cutter uses manual tools (centimeter, ruler, patterns, chalk, pattern drawings); mechanical (scissors); electrical (knife-cutter, electric machine) means of labor.

Professionally important qualities

Sense of proportion and color harmony

Spatial imagination

Visual-figurative thinking

High level of hand coordination

Endurance of the visual apparatus

Personal organization

Neuropsychic stability


Medical contraindications

Related professions

Fashion designer, tailor, furrier-cutter.

Profession cutter

A cutter is a profession in the garment industry. A cutter can work in garment factories, ateliers, salons, in shops in the fabric departments, teach in general educational institutions, teach cutting and sewing courses, and work at home.

Functional and job responsibilities of the cutter

The cutter advises the customer in choosing the style of the product, takes measurements from the client’s figure, sketches the style of the product, taking into account the wishes and preferences of the customer, makes a pattern, cutting, distributes the work of sewing the finished product among the seamstresses, tries on the product, delivers the order to the client. The cutter also organizes the work of tailors and seamstresses to repair clothes.

Qualification requirements for a cutter

It is enough for a cutter to have a secondary vocational education, good sewing skills, the ability to work with drawings, and to know the properties of various fabrics. The cutter must have a good eye, spatial imagination, artistic taste, navigate the fashion trends of the season, possess such qualities as attentiveness, stress resistance, goodwill, perseverance, accuracy.

Career and salary of a cutter

The profession of a cutter has an average level of demand in the labor market, the level of wages is medium or high, depending on the place of work, the level of professionalism. Career opportunities are limited. With sufficient work experience, professionalism, clientele, the cutter can organize his own business.