Archive of civilians by last name. Soul mates


If you remember the full last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth and approximate place of residence of your lost relative, try entering this data into any search engine. You may be lucky, and in just a few minutes close person will be found.

There are all kinds of family tree sites on the Internet, some of which are absolutely free to use. One of these servers is the site of the All-Russian family tree(, equipped with a convenient search and forum. Do not neglect any means to find a dear person. The more sites you visit, the more effective the result can be.

You can also use the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia ( One of the most important missions of this state structure is to help people and search for citizens. In addition, you can call by phone or go to the police station. Believe that law enforcement officers will not remain indifferent to your problem.

Be sure to visit the website of the TV program "Wait for me" ( Over the years of its existence, this TV show has helped to reunite many close people. It is possible that they will help you too.

Try to find a relative in various in social networks, on mail servers, in instant messaging programs. It is especially convenient to search for people on the Vkontakte website ( Knowing the approximate age, place of birth or residence, the number of the school or university in which the person studied, or the name of the organization in which he worked, you can quickly find him and reconnect. If you make a certain amount of effort and spend a considerable amount of time, the relationship with the lost relative will certainly be restored. The main thing is not to lose hope for success and stop the search that has begun.

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So that your relatives and friends can easily find you, indicate your real initials and true date of birth in the registration data on the sites.

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  • how to find relatives by last name
  • How to find relatives?

Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of area, but only the ninth in terms of population. Therefore, it is not surprising that sometimes in such a vast territory it is very difficult to find a person with whom any contacts have been lost. But difficult does not mean impossible.


Check out social media. A huge web of various social networks has entangled the entire globe, and Russia is no exception. According to statistics, one in four Russia has Internet access at home, and almost every Internet user is registered in one or more social networks. The most popular network of this kind in our country is the VKontakte website. The world's most popular Facebook, Odnoklassniki, My World and others are a little behind. It is highly likely that you will be able to find the person you need through networks. This is especially convenient if you know the name of the person, but do not know the city. Remember that you should search not only on your own. Perhaps the person is married or married. Women sometimes take back maiden name. By the way, if you think that your relatives could move abroad, then it is better to use international social networks.

Every year, Russians are becoming more and more interested in their roots. The science of one's own roots attracts more and more people who are not indifferent to their pedigree. Someone is looking for ancestors for the selfish purpose of going abroad or because of the prestige that their grandfathers were someone famous. And someone out of simple curiosity to know their family.

Where should I go to find out the history of the family? What do you need to know and how much will it cost?
You can use the following two methods. First, less costly option- independent search. The second option - attracting professionals, will cost money, but at the same time much faster and more precisely the first way. For initial stage the first two steps are sufficient. For a deeper study, you will need the help of professionals.

Ask relatives to find your ancestors

Before you go to uncles and aunts with questions, you should start a notebook where you can write down all the information. Surnames, names, year, place of birth and other information. It is worth asking the question of what religion the relatives were. All information is important.

Collect documents to find your ancestors

Learning about your family's past important point is the collection of documents. Documents such as marriage, birth, death certificates, and photographs will be a great help in studying your roots.

Go to the archives to find your ancestors

Having collected various information, the next step is to contact the archive. Previously, data on birth, death, and others were recorded by the church. That is why it is important to find out what religion the relatives who lived before belonged to. If they were Orthodox, it is worth looking for information in Orthodox consistories, a Jew - in rabbinates belonging to catholic church- in Catholic deaneries and the like.
Place of birth also matters.

In the archive, you should pay attention to the following documents:

  • Metric books. They contain information about birth, baptism, marriage and death.
  • Service lists. To search for civil ranks - employees of ministries and departments, you should contact the Russian State historical archive in the city of St. Petersburg. In the search for military ranks, the Military Historical Archive in Moscow will help. Information about naval ranks can be found in the Naval Archives in St. Petersburg.

Order a genealogist to find your ancestors

Eat good firms offering their genealogical research services. You need to beware of scammers who promise quick result. Compiling genealogical roots is time consuming and expensive.

Search for ancestors using Internet resources

There are websites with the help of which you can find out information about great-grandfathers and their places of birth. The following sources will be of help - All-Russian Genealogical Tree or Litera Ru, where you can also find out about the prices for genealogical services. It is also possible to order family coat of arms framed, compiling a family tree, books on top level. The International Genealogy Center also offers to make a film about the genealogy of the family. Prices for services start from 130 thousand rubles.

Compiling a family tree and finding your roots is a noble cause. It will be not only interesting, but also useful for the next generations to know where they came from and who their ancestors were. And it's worth it to spend your time, effort and money looking for.

Almost everyone, over time, has a desire to learn more about their family and ancestors. Who were they and what did they do, what kind of memory did they leave about themselves? But, unfortunately, few can boast of a good knowledge of their pedigree. In the daily bustle, people have no time to listen to the stories of elderly family members about distant and, it seems, completely unimportant things. After all, you need to work, raise children, do household chores. Where can you patiently listen to your grandmother's memories of people who have long been dead?

Nevertheless, with age, a craving for one's origins appears in almost every person.

Root search. Where to begin?

So how do you find out the history of your ancestors? You can ask questions to senior representatives of the family - they will tell about their parents, grandparents. Elderly relatives will tell much more than any archive, because they are living witnesses of history. It is better to write down such memories on any medium or take notes, and only then systematize.

Old photographs play an important role in restoring the history of their ancestors. They are usually signed, and in this way you can find out what a relative looked like, with whom he communicated, where he lived.

Diaries and letters must be collected. The stamp on the envelope may indicate where one of the ancestors worked or served, and the notes will help restore the chronology of events.

What can a surname tell about?

You can learn a lot about your ancestors by their last names. As a rule, she can tell about the origins of the birth of the clan, indicate belonging to a certain class. At ordinary people, peasants and artisans, the surname was often formed from the name, profession, nickname or appearance, and for representatives of the nobility from the name of the family's possessions.

Special reference books contain information on Sometimes she can say a lot about her carriers, because it is not for nothing that the main character traits inherent in the family were reflected on family coats of arms and seals

Using archives

Unfortunately, not everyone has relatives from whom one can learn about their ancestors. Surname - both by chance and on purpose can be significantly changed. Some representatives of the nobility could give their children truncated or changed surnames. Records in church books are also sometimes erroneous. Therefore, for exact result you need to go to the archive.

It has been going on in our country since the 18th century. All important documents, such as marriage, birth and death certificates, were issued in two copies, one of which remained in the church, and the other was transferred to the vault.

Visiting the archive requires a lot of free time and painstaking work. Some of the departments are closed to ordinary visitors, and they can only be visited with special passes. A huge number of documents greatly complicates the task of restoring the history of the family. Those who do not have time to visit the archives can turn to professionals for help.

But it is important to understand that before starting the search, you need to collect at least minimal data on your ancestors, find out both the surname and the year and place of birth. Without such information, even experts are unlikely to be able to help.

Search for relatives on the web

Some archival data is now translated into electronic form, and so more and more people are trying to find out about their ancestors on the Internet. By last name and place of birth, you can find the burial places of soldiers who died or went missing during the war, clarify the fate of relatives if information about them was posted on the Web. If there is no data on the Internet, but it is known for sure that they are in the archive, then you can try to write a request there. It is important to understand here that some documents are still classified as classified, and no one can provide this information.

On specialized sites dedicated to genealogy, you can find many useful tips where to begin. The recommendations will help you understand the confusing terminology of kinship, tell you what information and where to look, teach you how to systematize the data obtained, and on their basis correctly compile the genealogical tree of the family.

Drawing up a pedigree

All found papers, photographs, collected in one pile, have an unattractive appearance. Therefore, all known information about their ancestors must be systematized. The generally accepted method is to draw up a family tree of the family, which is a diagram of all family ties.

Exist certain rules design: the roots of the tree are the oldest representatives of the genus, the trunk is the main representatives, the branches are the descendants. Sometimes there is an opposite arrangement of family ties.

When compiling a family tree, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the inheritance of the genus. IN Russian families it was only transmitted male line, and if there were no children in the family or only girls appeared, then the clan was considered interrupted.

You can compile it both on your own and by contacting specialists for help. It will be a real gift for anyone. family celebration and will be passed down from generation to generation, acquiring new branches-descendants.

Moscow was not built in a day…

Drawing up a pedigree is a painstaking task that requires a lot of time and a great desire to understand the history of your ancestors. To learn by name, as practice shows, far from everything is possible, because she could undergo various changes or be lost for several generations.

It is also difficult that much information was lost or deliberately destroyed in the whirlwind of bloody events of the 20th century. Revolution and wars that claimed millions human lives, hundreds of thousands of children who ended up in orphanages after the loss of their parents, and sometimes do not even know and do not remember their family - all this is a serious obstacle in establishing genealogical roots.

Great desire, patience and diligence are indispensable in this difficult task. Many give up what they started in the middle, unable to get through the intricacies of family ties, a huge amount of documents and information. But when the information that was collected bit by bit begins to take shape, it becomes the best incentive to continue such a great work as restoring the history of your Family.

Elena Kiseleva

Practicing genealogist.

Everyone at least once thought about their roots. Of course, we know where our parents were born. If we are lucky, we are familiar with the history of grandparents. So what is next? Dispossession, wars and repressions erased a lot of information from family archives. Yes, and the system of passports in Russia was introduced relatively recently - at the beginning of the twentieth century. Until that time, documentary information about a person was stored in public institutions or in churches.

Because of this, the families have only vague memories and legends about the ancestors. But the older and wiser you become, the more clearly you understand how important it is to know your roots. We will show you how to get information about your ancestors.

Step one. Organization of information storage system

A pedigree is a family archive, which implies an information storage system. A variant of such a system is sites for compiling pedigrees.

Their advantages:

  • Possibility of access from different devices and anywhere in the world.
  • Ability to upload photos, documents and other information.
  • The ability to invite relatives to the site, who will be able to enter information and share their documents and photos.

After choosing a suitable site, fill out personal cards for each relative with the information that is currently available.

Step two. Parsing family documents and photographs

Surely, somewhere on the mezzanine, everyone will find a box, or even a suitcase with such a heritage. Forgotten documents, photographs, postcards, letters and other traces of history can be useful. Carefully study and analyze their contents.

Pay attention to:

  • Dates in documents. Enter the dates and related events in the card index for each person. In building a pedigree, dates are key starting points for subsequent work in the archive.
  • Signatures c reverse side photos. Sometimes, along with the year when the photo was taken, you can meet the age, which allows you to calculate the year of birth. Open frames with old photos. On the back you can find cherished dates and other messages of ancestors.
  • Photos of relatives in uniform. From the uniform, you can understand the type of troops and the rank of the military, as well as approximately determine the year of the photograph, if it is not indicated on the back. It doesn't matter if you are not an expert in this field. Now in many forums on genealogy (for example, the Genealogy Forum of IOP) you can find enthusiasts who understand the topic and will be happy to help with expertise.

At this stage, gaps in family history. For example, you can find a photo with a person you do not know, or, conversely, you will not meet a single card of your beloved grandfather. Perhaps from the documents will open earlier unknown facts that you would like to know more about.

Step three. Communication with relatives

Surely you have a lot of questions after parsing photos and documents. In order not to miss anything and make up more complete picture about an ancestor, when talking to, use these questions:

  • Surname, name and patronymic (for a woman - maiden name).
  • Date and place of birth.
  • Date and place of burial, if the person is no longer alive.
  • Surname, name and patronymic of the father and mother.
  • Nationality.
  • Brothers and sisters, their dates of life.
  • Children, their dates of life.
  • Surname, name and patronymic of the wife (husband).
  • Where and when did you study, what kind of education did you receive, who did your specialty.
  • Occupation and place of occupation: where, by whom and when he worked.
  • What events of wide social significance did he participate in (war, development of the north or virgin lands).
  • Religion.
  • Awards, titles.
  • What class did he belong to (until 1917).
  • Character traits, interests, inclinations.
  • Sources of information about a person: publications in the press, networks, letters, memories.

Record answers during the conversation in a convenient format. Make a note about the source of information: indicate the surname, name and patronymic of the relative, who he is related to the ancestor under study, the current date.

Ask if your relative has photographs of an ancestor or documents from which you can find out additional facts life. But don't limit yourself to just them. At this step, facts and dry dates are filled with emotions and memories. Record everything interesting events, even if they did not have a significant impact on the course of family history.

Step four. Search on the Internet

Our ancestors did not catch the boom of social networks. Information about them is stored on paper in public institutions. However, some information can still be found on the Web. Yes, in last years a lot of data from the military archives of the times of the First and Second World Wars was declassified, digitized and published.

Information can be found on these resources:

  • World War I 1914-1918. Alphabetical lists of casualties of the lower ranks.
  • The Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.
  • VIPTS "Fatherland".

All databases have a search bar where you can enter the name you are looking for and find the person you need in the drop-down list. In some databases, it is possible to view and download the original document where your ancestor is mentioned.

All databases were created manually by transferring data from paper sources. Therefore, when searching, it is worth considering the human factor and looking for a surname in different variations.

Step five. Working with archival documents

In archival documents, you can find information that relates to personal data: full name, date of birth, date of death, date of marriage. Depending on the statute of limitations and the type of document, information may be stored in the registry offices or the archives of the city. The websites of these institutions indicate the conditions for the provision of such services, the terms and the address where you should contact.

Mandatory searches are the full name, year and place of birth of the person whose information you are requesting.

Electronic requests can be sent to both institutions, but the registry office will ask you to come in person with an identity document to receive information, and will ask with the person for whom information is requested.

The archive responds within a month. In response to the request, a receipt for payment for services is sent.

After receiving payment, workers begin the search, which can last another month.

You may be told that there is no information on this person in the archive. This could happen if one of the three criteria was invalid. In this case, it is recommended to expand the search circle by years or neighboring settlements.

If the search is successful, you will receive a certificate from the archive about your ancestor. It will contain all the information that is in the original source, but the archive does not send a copy of the historical document itself. If you are interested in a copy, check the website for the opening hours and the procedure for accessing documents and visit the archive in person.

If you live or often visit Europe or the USA, there is another option. Resident database former countries The Church of Jesus Christ of Saints has CIS last days(Mormons). In the 90s, they toured the archives and digitized most of the documents: parish registers, population censuses, revision tales. For relatively a small amount you can access this information. The data is stored at the Mormon headquarters in Salt Lake City in the form of microfilm, which can only be viewed on equipment located on the territory of churches in cities in Europe and the United States.

Microfilm is ordered from the FamilySearch website. There you can choose a convenient city and make a payment. Shipping takes about a month. The site states that copying materials is prohibited, but not everything is so hopeless. The argument “I flew from distant Russia specifically for this purpose” is considered weighty, and it is quite possible to obtain permission.

Drawing up a family tree is a fascinating process, similar to archaeological excavations and the work of a detective. When you find information about ancestors, you get the feeling that you have found a treasure. And this is not far from the truth, because this grain of family history is really priceless.

Family ties are the warmest and closest. Friends, buddies, classmates, colleagues come into our lives and then leave. Sooner or later, communication with everyone who enters your daily life at work or school comes to an end. Best friends become friends, and from friends to acquaintances. Thus, people gradually lose each other. The only exception is the family, which ideally should always be with us. But life is unpredictable. Sometimes it turns out that communication with close relatives is lost. Twenty years ago, a family break could stretch for decades, if not forever. But today, in the age of information technology development search for relatives turns into a completely feasible and even enjoyable task. Our site - "Search for people" is an effective tool that will help you find anyone, anywhere. You do not actually need anything - just fill out an information application. Indicate in it the maximum information about the lost relative or any other person - his name, surname, age and any other data that will help get on the trail. In some cases, even the most insignificant information can become key. So try to be as complete as possible.

The search process is carried out by experienced volunteers who do their work for free. Their main source- Internet and its resources. The search is carried out through social networks, forums and popular thematic blogs. It was the spread of social networks that made the search relatives by last name an easy process. It is enough to write the name of a relative in the search line, specify the data by age and location, and it is possible that the missing person will be found in a matter of seconds. But social media is not the only way search. It is likely that for some reason the person is not registered there. And then the volunteers try alternatives- thematic forums and blogs. Throughout the history of the project, there have been different situations. One day, the father of a lost family was found using a fishing blog. The man was actively interested in fishing and left his contact details for communication with associates. This helped in the final search, since it was not on social networks.

Searching for relatives in archives is another way to find lost man. There are many websites that help our volunteers in this endeavor.

The Internet is not the only way to search. Volunteers use reference books, both old and new. "Search engines" are trying to find friends of the lost person and interrogate them.

Search for relatives by last name for free- This great way restore family ties. You don't have to do anything complicated to do this. All that is required is to simply leave a request with detailed information about the person. And then our volunteers will make every effort to fulfill their goal and find your beloved relative.