What folk customs are observed in your family. Family tradition and values ​​of the Russian family. What are there? Key Examples of Family Traditions and Customs

Flowers from dad. An excellent tradition will be flowers from dad for important holidays for her daughter. After all, girls also dream of receiving flowers for their birthday and March 8.

Family recipes with photos. When you and your children or loved ones cook your favorite dishes, take pictures of the process. When there are a lot of photos and dishes, make a photo book with recipes and include the pictures you have taken in it. Such a thing will become a real family heirloom that can be passed down from generation to generation.

Quote of the week. Each week, you and your family can choose motivational words that will set the tone and mood for the next 7 days. You can write a quote on a piece of paper and magnetize it on the refrigerator or hang a chalk board for this purpose.

Time capsule. Every year you can analyze how you spent it, what important things happened, what you achieved. All this can be immersed in a small jar, children's drawings and some little things can be added there and buried for "future generations." It helps children learn to analyze, summarize and make plans. And if you manage to unearth such a time capsule in a few years, it will be very fun to remember and compare the life and interests of the family then and now.

There are many examples of interesting family traditions. Some of them are observed in different countries, some were born in separate families. Creating a sense of unity, warmth and intimacy is priceless. There are no universal rules that say how to keep family traditions. Try it, create the life you love!

What is your favorite family tradition? Please share in the comments.

The family is the cell of society. As cliched as it sounds, it's true nonetheless. And also the family is a small isolated world in which it should be warm and cozy, safe and protected. Each person has a desire to feel the shoulder of loved ones, their support, understanding, the desire to receive family happiness and family well-being. To help you fully feel like a full-fledged member of the family, to create a good spiritual atmosphere, old family traditions can be observed and supported by all households.

In every family, during its existence, some habits are formed, according to which everyone lives, absorbing not only the routine of the family way of life, but also the aura of relationships that arise between family members. Very often, the observance of traditions helps us to live and build relationships within the family. It is very good when established traditions are supported by younger members of the family. Thus, traditions are passed down from generation to generation, and the introduction of children to them forms in them a consciousness of the importance of the family and family relationships. Each of us wants to have comfort in the family, and rather it is not about external comfort, but about spiritual comfort, so that an atmosphere of love, goodwill, and hospitality reigns in the house and family. Each member of the family, no matter how far he is from home, should know that he is expected and loved at home, they will definitely listen, understand and help in difficult times, lending a shoulder. A person should have a sense of family, feel like a part of it. Family traditions play an important role in the formation of a friendly atmosphere and mutual assistance in the family.

Very often, family traditions enter our lives so firmly and naturally that we ourselves often do not even understand that this is a tradition. But, nevertheless, it unites the family very much, helps to remember the people living with you under the same roof, and not only under one, but also about distant relatives, instills elementary attention to people, and does not allow you to forget your roots.

I think many of you remember your childhood, when the family gathered at the table every evening, having dinner, sharing the events of the past day, and making plans for the future. Children share their successes at school, talk about their friends, about their successes, about teachers. Thus, it is possible not obtrusively without unnecessary questions to be aware of what is happening in the lives of children. In turn, at the common table, parents talk about their working day, share their impressions and opinions. This allows the child to have an idea of ​​what his parents are doing.

Unfortunately, now there are cases when in families everyone lives apart. Children do not know what their parents are doing, and parents do not know anything about children. Discussing family matters with the participation of children over evening tea is a good and useful tradition. Reading in the evenings of a jointly selected book can become a wonderful tradition, in defiance of TV with its intrusive advertising. If the children are small, then telling bedtime stories can become a wonderful tradition. You can compose a new fairy tale with your child, but not to the end, so that the child waits with interest for the next evening before going to bed.

The main tradition of your family can be the celebration of birthdays, which are prepared for by the whole family, taking into account the opinions and wishes of not only the birthday person, but also all family members. Here you can bake a cake loved by the whole family with your own hands, publish a wall newspaper dedicated to the birthday man. If this day is joyful and warm, then be sure that the child will eventually transfer the tradition of celebrating a birthday to his future family.

There is also a very good holiday with which you can start creating family traditions, if you don’t have them yet, this is the New Year. New Year is a holiday that everyone loves and celebrates, so the annual trip for the Christmas tree, decorating it, decorating the house is already a tradition. It’s good if you support it by making simple Christmas tree decorations with your children, gifts, letters to Santa Claus, and then you will all live together in anticipation of a miracle. Family traditions will help the child feel pride in himself and in his family.

A very good tradition will be the annual trip on May 9 to the Eternal Flame with flowers, because in Russia there are no families that were not affected by the Great Patriotic War, and it will be very useful for a child to know that his grandfather or great-grandfather made his contribution to his happy and peaceful childhood.

In addition to holiday family traditions dedicated to a particular date, there may be a large number of traditions that apply only to your family. For example, it may be a traditional annual family trip to the sea; on Wednesdays or Thursdays, or on a day off, a trip to the village with the whole family to their beloved grandmother to help with the housework. And the grandmother is waiting for you with her traditional pies, the recipe of which she inherited from her grandmother. Even according to tradition, every or a certain weekend can be spent together, visiting exhibitions, zoos, a trip to the skating rink, to the forest for mushrooms. In general, it is not so important what you do, what program you choose for yourself, the main thing is that your family traditions form in the child a sense of the constancy of the family way of life, and create unique childhood impressions that he will someday share with his children and transfer to his life.

Each of us can create family traditions that will be passed on to children and grandchildren. It is only necessary that these events be remembered, be vivid, observed in a strict order, influence the feelings of the child and his attitude to the world. It is necessary that family values ​​​​and attitude towards loved ones come first, and what will it be - weekly Sunday dinners at home or with relatives on a return visit, an annual trip to the mother-in-law for pancakes, preparation for Easter with coloring eggs, baking Easter cakes with their consecration in church , collecting something together, taking pictures, creating a family genealogical tree, for which you also need to know a lot about your ancestors - it's up to you and your family members. The main thing is that the traditions that have taken root in your family unite it and create a favorable mental atmosphere in the house.

Loneliness is the worst condition. A person is deprived of many joys that family people have - no one is waiting for him at home, the holidays turn into everyday life, he is not familiar with New Year's fuss, and for his birthday no one will bring him a cake with candles in bed in the morning.

But as soon as you have a wonderful family, everything changes. And most importantly, family traditions appear: a kind of sacrament that cannot be violated. And I don’t want to, because they are pleasant, and not a burden.

But! Some of the details can be annoying. Let's talk about the pros and cons of family traditions.

Standard traditions

Family people do not think for a second that they perform certain rituals every day or on holidays, which are inalienable in their family, however, as in many. Even the wish of “Restful sleep” or “Bon appetit” is also an inconspicuous daily tradition. But what are they?

Joint dinner

Breakfasts on the run, lunches scattered - some at work, some in kindergarten and at school, but in the evening the whole family sits down at one table.

This is a wonderful tradition that unites the younger and older generations. This is a short time when each member of the family can talk about what happened to him during the day, consult, complain, laugh.

This is a little later, everyone scatters around the rooms on their own business. But the family tradition has not been broken - everyone had half an hour to unite.

One can only feel sorry for those families where such a good joint dinner does not exist - it means that among the household there is neither trust nor special love.


The method of their upbringing is also a family tradition. The younger generation most often adopts these methods from their parents, and when they themselves have children, they try to raise them in the same way as they once did. It seems logical: everyone considers himself a good person, and therefore they are sure that the upbringing was correct.

But there are also often disagreements, for example, the father of this opinion:

I was punished with a belt and put my knees in a corner on peas! So I grew up as a man!

Mother objects:

What angle, what belt, what peas! You only need to talk to children, you can’t even shout at them!

And so, in order to resolve this dispute, wise grandparents come to the rescue, pitying their grandchildren and looking for a balance between carrot and stick. Everything is decided traditionally - in the family circle, without blaming either the teachers or the environment of the baby's communication.

Only if young parents are somehow offended by their ancestors for their difficult childhood, then they no longer want to repeat their mistakes. Grandparents are not taken into account, a new, kind tradition of education is being created, finding a compromise between adults and children.

Hospitality and holidays

What a rare phenomenon in the modern world - trips to visit. It is much easier now to turn on the computer and meet with your family and friends, for example, via Skype, even if you live on the next street. And what is very convenient. No need to stand at the stove, set the table. What a time and money saver! "Chock" a glass on the webcam after the toast - and the holiday was a success.

But a deep bow to those families who still observe the tradition of a family feast with relatives and friends. Moreover, hospitable hosts clearly distinguish between when, how and with whom to celebrate the holidays.

For example, the New Year is traditionally celebrated only by the family: as a rule, by three generations: children, parents, grandparents. Salads, Christmas tree, sweets, gifts, champagne. And only in the following days it is customary to visit guests or invite friends and relatives to visit.

Hiking under the city Christmas tree, walking to fairs, performances, various festivities are also an integral tradition of many families. And it’s hard to imagine that this custom can be violated, because the chance to miss entertainment for a long vacation time will be very disappointing.

On March 8, men tie aprons, the birthday boy is naughty on his birthday, eggs are painted on Easter, the hostess prepares her best signature dish for the holidays - all these are elements of annual traditions that are performed as if by themselves, habitually, but always with some kind of ceremony.


Unlike gifts prepared for friends and acquaintances for some kind of celebration, it is customary in the family to give them according to the principle “Everything in the house” and “According to the budget”. Gifts for children on New Year's Eve from the Frost case are given in each family in different ways, according to tradition:

    Santa Claus himself comes with the Snow Maiden and gives the child toys and sweets in exchange for a rhyme or a song. Such a tradition was common in Soviet times, because religion was not welcomed in those days.

    At night, parents put gifts under the Christmas tree. This custom is now most common. Or as an option - in a sock or boot. True, this tradition in other countries is performed at Christmas, but in Russia, of course, they love the New Year more.

    Many children, again, of the Soviet era, remember another tradition in the family for the New Year. Just waking up in the morning, the pillow was thrown off the bed as a rhinestone - it was there that the long-awaited gift was waiting. Or near the pillow, if it is voluminous. This custom is rooted in the day of St. Nicholas (December 19), but in the USSR, many families equated it with New Year's Eve.

But the most interesting gifts are from the kids themselves. Usually, children give their parents postcards that they decorate themselves, or homemade crafts. And this is what the family tradition is - it is these ridiculous trinkets and "scribbles" on pieces of paper that are stored for years until the child himself becomes a parent.

Joint trips for recreation and entertainment

A strong and loving family does not tolerate separation. Even a short time of parting with one of the household members knocks out the usual rhythm of the whole family. Therefore, one of the best traditions is to relax together.

Rest on the sea, a picnic in a clearing, barbecues in the country - everything is assembled, everyone is having fun, everyone is busy (or vice versa - they are idle), and it does not hurt that "she is resting there alone, and we are plowing in the city." Or vice versa: “What a pity that I am alone here, and my relatives do not see this beauty around me.”

Joint trips to the cinema, theater, circus are a great family tradition. Generations have something to discuss when everyone has seen the performance: everyone's opinion is taken into account and analyzed, there are disputes, but this is how mutual understanding between the elders and the younger is born.

Almost every family has its own traditions, which they adhere to. They came up with it themselves - they observe it themselves, and they would very much like their traditions to be passed on to the next generation. But whether they adhere to it or not is the master's business. Here are some examples:

    The young couple decided to surprise everyone on their wedding day and jump with a parachute. Surprised! But they liked it so much that they made a promise to themselves - to celebrate every anniversary with skydiving. And they never change their tradition.

    A family that loves nature and extreme hiking decided this: “in the furnace” all these summer cottages and wallowing on the coast, we will conquer something every vacation. Mountains or stormy rivers on alloys, and if possible, we will fly to the Arctic. No sooner said than done.

    No boring holidays! Why is it necessary to be in costumes for the New Year? You can make any celebration original. For example, arrange themed evenings on holidays with appropriate dishes. So they wanted to make Italy at home - pizza and spaghetti are on the menu, the daughter suddenly became Malvina, and the son Pinocchio. And in the summer we’ll go to dad’s birthday and play primitive tribe around the fire with a piece of meat on a spit.

    The family has a meager budget, and no one canceled the gifts? It doesn’t matter, but in the summer mom will always have a bouquet of wild flowers from dad in a vase. And for the father's anniversary, the whole family will prepare a theatrical scene. It will be recorded on camera, and there will be a memory instead of a trinket.

Family dynasties

No, it's not about kings and queens. It's about the profession. The grandfather was a military man, the father too, which means that the grandson should follow the tradition in their footsteps. Or everyone in the family is a doctor, and whoever is born, he simply must be in a white coat when he grows up.

On the one hand, this is right - being brought up in a family of experienced professionals, a child absorbs their skills like a sponge. He understands all the features and special terms - literally "raw material" for candidates for this field. But on the other hand, the child may not be interested in such work and even hate the very prospect of the future.

For example, the boy was tired of this military drill of his father in the family. And they want to make an officer out of him, they shove him into a cadet school. Ah as same — tradition, dynasty! And the boy, by the way, is a talented artist, and instead of a machine gun, he wants to hold a brush in his hands. This is the minus of the family dynasty.

Adhering to this tradition, the main thing is to take into account the desire of the child. So that later it doesn’t work out, as in the reasoning of the polar bear cub:

It's strange, my grandfather had a polar bear and lived in the Arctic. Dad was also a polar bear and also lived in the Arctic. Why is it so painfully cold here?

"Their" customs and religion

Very often, young girls and women dream of marrying only a foreigner. Someone sees himself as the wife of a respectable American, someone goes crazy with oriental tales and imagines himself as Scheherazade in a marriage bed with a black-haired handsome man. But then such a bride goes to a foreign land to her beloved and understands that the ending of the fairy tale is terrible. Because nothing came together - neither mentality, nor faith, nor traditions.

Here are some examples of family traditions from different countries:


Well, not everything is so bad, except that there is not that warm and reverent attitude towards each member of the family, depending on the age, which we have. The attitude to children's upbringing sometimes seems strange: "snitching" is encouraged, for example. And the independence of an adult child is in the first place - parents almost personally pack their offspring's suitcase so that he can independently settle in life. In general, on the one hand, this is even a plus.

It is not customary for grandparents to babysit their grandchildren, as is done in our families. For this, there are special services with coming nannies. By the way, families don’t stand on ceremony with sick old people either - there are nursing homes for this. Living there is very expensive. But we must pay tribute that the conditions there are the same as in our best sanatoriums.


It seems like we should be close in mentality with the Europeans. But even there, in every family hut, there are rattles:

    In Scandinavian countries it is forbidden to punish children - services will be taken away and they will not blink an eye. This is especially true for Russian mothers. Even a small bruise or a child’s complaint about aggression from their parents is an excellent reason to remove a child from the family forever.

    In the UK, it is not customary to show violent feelings. Hence the legends about the English "coldness". From small nails, children are taught to restrain emotions.

    If a woman is a slob, then she has no place in a German family. Pedantic Germans love order in everything: in the house, in business, in personal life. By the way, the grandmothers there are also far from hospitable to the visits of their grandchildren. If you want to leave your grandson to your parents, pay them.

    In Italy, there is no “mother-in-law-daughter-in-law” problem. The mother-in-law decides everything there, and God forbid the daughter-in-law to utter something against her husband's mother. The same mothers and Jewish men. Mom is the head of the family!

Eastern countries

Usually in these countries, parents choose a bride for their son, but if a Slav woman did everything to get into a Muslim family with strict rules, then be kind:

    Observe all the customs of the family and take their faith.

    Gifted jewelry from your husband, you can only shine at home.

    Going outside is allowed only at the behest of the husband.

    Feasts are for men, a woman has a place in the kitchen.

    You shouldn't have a "headache" from sex. By the way, forget about many carnal pleasures, since sex is supposed only for conception.

    You don’t study the Koran, you don’t read prayers and stare at other men - be kind, get out of the house! Without their children.

Many modern families have their own traditions. In fact, some people don't realize it. Indeed, even an ordinary daily walk with the whole family or the wish to “be healthy” after another sneeze is also to some extent characteristic of each individual family. What can we say about joint trips to the cinema or to nature, the celebration of any events close only to this family - all this is nothing but family traditions.

What do traditions give?

A family is not just a community of people connected by marriage and kinship. It is also the union of several people in everyday matters and responsibility for everything that concerns themselves and loved ones. In a family, people not only live together, but also help, support each other, have fun together and experience various events. Family members are constantly learning to respect each other's personal opinions.

There is something else that unites them into a common whole, relating only to them. And these are their family values ​​and traditions. They can simultaneously be similar to the traditions of other families, and at the same time differ from them. After all, in every cell of society they do something in their own way, and this is also traditional.

Family traditions are norms, customs, style of behavior and worldview, transmitted in the family from older to younger successors by inheritance.

They give the following:

This is only a small part of the advantages that family traditions give. There are actually many more benefits.

Types of family customs

In different countries you can find many customs adopted in families. They can be divided into two conditional groups. The first includes common traditions - those that are very common in almost all families . These include:

Another kind of tradition - special. They are specific to a particular family. It can be a weekend picnic, a trip to relatives or something else.

In addition, all traditions are divided into those specially introduced into a particular family and those that have developed in it themselves.

How they are created

Creating a tradition in the family is quite simple. To do this, you need your own desire and the consent of loved ones. Then you can act according to the following algorithm:

It's good to bring examples of family traditions to the classroom for a portfolio. This will characterize the child as a person who is instilled with moral values.

Very often, newlyweds, creating a young family, are faced with the problem of too different family traditions, since they differ in different families. In this case, you need to compromise and look for some way out that will suit everyone. Even if an agreement fails, it will be possible to create a completely new tradition that will suit both. For a sample, you can use family holidays and traditions in the families of Russia and other countries.

What is accepted in Russia

In Russia, family traditions and customs have always been respected and carefully preserved. Having become a part of the culture and history of the country, they still influence the consciousness of modern Russians. Here are examples of what family traditions were in the family:

Some of these traditions have been forgotten, while others, albeit rarely, still exist. And this means that not everything is lost yet and can change for the better.

Family values ​​in different countries

In England, the goal of parents is to raise a true gentleman. Therefore, they raise children strictly, teaching them to hide emotions.

In Japan, literally all children's desires are fulfilled until the age of six. Mothers up to this age raise the child themselves. And then the children are sent to school, where they get acquainted with order and discipline.

In Germany, there is a tradition to start a family after thirty years.

In France, mothers choose a career. Therefore, after the birth of the baby, after a short time they again go to work, and the child is sent to a nursery.

In America, children are taught social life from infancy. Families with crumbs can be found at parties and in cafes.

What rules can be introduced

In fact, in the world you can find a huge number of unusual and very interesting family customs. Here are just a few options:

Thus, there are many traditions, but their main goal is the same - to make native people living under the same roof closer to each other. Give them patience, teach them to give positive emotions and give happiness to loved ones.

Loneliness is the worst condition. A person is deprived of many joys that family people have - no one is waiting for him at home, the holidays turn into everyday life, he is not familiar with New Year's fuss, and for his birthday no one will bring him a cake with candles in bed in the morning.

But as soon as you have a wonderful family, everything changes. And most importantly, family traditions appear: a kind of sacrament that cannot be violated. And I don’t want to, because they are pleasant, and not a burden.

But! Some of the details can be annoying. Let's talk about the pros and cons of family traditions.

Standard traditions

Family people do not think for a second that they perform certain rituals every day or on holidays, which are inalienable in their family, however, as in many. Even the wish of “Restful sleep” or “Bon appetit” is also an inconspicuous daily tradition. But what are they?

Joint dinner

Breakfasts on the run, lunches scattered - some at work, some in kindergarten and at school, but in the evening the whole family sits down at one table.

This is a wonderful tradition that unites the younger and older generations. This is a short time when each member of the family can talk about what happened to him during the day, consult, complain, laugh.

This is a little later, everyone scatters around the rooms on their own business. But the family tradition has not been broken - everyone had half an hour to unite.

One can only feel sorry for those families where such a good joint dinner does not exist - it means that among the household there is neither trust nor special love.


The method of their upbringing is also a family tradition. The younger generation most often adopts these methods from their parents, and when they themselves have children, they try to raise them in the same way as they once did. It seems logical: everyone considers himself a good person, and therefore they are sure that the upbringing was correct.

But there are also often disagreements, for example, the father of this opinion:

I was punished with a belt and put my knees in a corner on peas! So I grew up as a man!

Mother objects:

What angle, what belt, what peas! You only need to talk to children, you can’t even shout at them!

And so, in order to resolve this dispute, wise grandparents come to the rescue, pitying their grandchildren and looking for a balance between carrot and stick. Everything is decided traditionally - in the family circle, without blaming either the teachers or the environment of the baby's communication.

Only if young parents are somehow offended by their ancestors for their difficult childhood, then they no longer want to repeat their mistakes. Grandparents are not taken into account, a new, kind tradition of education is being created, finding a compromise between adults and children.

Hospitality and holidays

What a rare phenomenon in the modern world - trips to visit. It is much easier now to turn on the computer and meet with your family and friends, for example, via Skype, even if you live on the next street. And what is very convenient. No need to stand at the stove, set the table. What a time and money saver! "Chock" a glass on the webcam after the toast - and the holiday was a success.

But a deep bow to those families who still observe the tradition of a family feast with relatives and friends. Moreover, hospitable hosts clearly distinguish between when, how and with whom to celebrate the holidays.

For example, the New Year is traditionally celebrated only by the family: as a rule, by three generations: children, parents, grandparents. Salads, Christmas tree, sweets, gifts, champagne. And only in the following days it is customary to visit guests or invite friends and relatives to visit.

Hiking under the city Christmas tree, walking to fairs, performances, various festivities are also an integral tradition of many families. And it’s hard to imagine that this custom can be violated, because the chance to miss entertainment for a long vacation time will be very disappointing.

On March 8, men tie aprons, the birthday boy is naughty on his birthday, eggs are painted on Easter, the hostess prepares her best signature dish for the holidays - all these are elements of annual traditions that are performed as if by themselves, habitually, but always with some kind of ceremony.


Unlike gifts prepared for friends and acquaintances for some kind of celebration, it is customary in the family to give them according to the principle “Everything in the house” and “According to the budget”. Gifts for children on New Year's Eve from the Frost case are given in each family in different ways, according to tradition:

    Santa Claus himself comes with the Snow Maiden and gives the child toys and sweets in exchange for a rhyme or a song. Such a tradition was common in Soviet times, because religion was not welcomed in those days.

    At night, parents put gifts under the Christmas tree. This custom is now most common. Or as an option - in a sock or boot. True, this tradition in other countries is performed at Christmas, but in Russia, of course, they love the New Year more.

    Many children, again, of the Soviet era, remember another tradition in the family for the New Year. Just waking up in the morning, the pillow was thrown off the bed as a rhinestone - it was there that the long-awaited gift was waiting. Or near the pillow, if it is voluminous. This custom is rooted in the day of St. Nicholas (December 19), but in the USSR, many families equated it with New Year's Eve.

But the most interesting gifts are from the kids themselves. Usually, children give their parents postcards that they decorate themselves, or homemade crafts. And this is what the family tradition is - it is these ridiculous trinkets and "scribbles" on pieces of paper that are stored for years until the child himself becomes a parent.

Joint trips for recreation and entertainment

A strong and loving family does not tolerate separation. Even a short time of parting with one of the household members knocks out the usual rhythm of the whole family. Therefore, one of the best traditions is to relax together.

Rest on the sea, a picnic in a clearing, barbecues in the country - everything is assembled, everyone is having fun, everyone is busy (or vice versa - they are idle), and it does not hurt that "she is resting there alone, and we are plowing in the city." Or vice versa: “What a pity that I am alone here, and my relatives do not see this beauty around me.”

Joint trips to the cinema, theater, circus are a great family tradition. Generations have something to discuss when everyone has seen the performance: everyone's opinion is taken into account and analyzed, there are disputes, but this is how mutual understanding between the elders and the younger is born.

Almost every family has its own traditions, which they adhere to. They came up with it themselves - they observe it themselves, and they would very much like their traditions to be passed on to the next generation. But whether they adhere to it or not is the master's business. Here are some examples:

    The young couple decided to surprise everyone on their wedding day and jump with a parachute. Surprised! But they liked it so much that they made a promise to themselves - to celebrate every anniversary with skydiving. And they never change their tradition.

    A family that loves nature and extreme hiking decided this: “in the furnace” all these summer cottages and wallowing on the coast, we will conquer something every vacation. Mountains or stormy rivers on alloys, and if possible, we will fly to the Arctic. No sooner said than done.

    No boring holidays! Why is it necessary to be in costumes for the New Year? You can make any celebration original. For example, arrange themed evenings on holidays with appropriate dishes. So they wanted to make Italy at home - pizza and spaghetti are on the menu, the daughter suddenly became Malvina, and the son Pinocchio. And in the summer we’ll go to dad’s birthday and play primitive tribe around the fire with a piece of meat on a spit.

    The family has a meager budget, and no one canceled the gifts? It doesn’t matter, but in the summer mom will always have a bouquet of wild flowers from dad in a vase. And for the father's anniversary, the whole family will prepare a theatrical scene. It will be recorded on camera, and there will be a memory instead of a trinket.

Family dynasties

No, it's not about kings and queens. It's about the profession. The grandfather was a military man, the father too, which means that the grandson should follow the tradition in their footsteps. Or everyone in the family is a doctor, and whoever is born, he simply must be in a white coat when he grows up.

On the one hand, this is right - being brought up in a family of experienced professionals, a child absorbs their skills like a sponge. He understands all the features and special terms - literally "raw material" for candidates for this field. But on the other hand, the child may not be interested in such work and even hate the very prospect of the future.

For example, the boy was tired of this military drill of his father in the family. And they want to make an officer out of him, they shove him into a cadet school. Ah as same — tradition, dynasty! And the boy, by the way, is a talented artist, and instead of a machine gun, he wants to hold a brush in his hands. This is the minus of the family dynasty.

Adhering to this tradition, the main thing is to take into account the desire of the child. So that later it doesn’t work out, as in the reasoning of the polar bear cub:

It's strange, my grandfather had a polar bear and lived in the Arctic. Dad was also a polar bear and also lived in the Arctic. Why is it so painfully cold here?

"Their" customs and religion

Very often, young girls and women dream of marrying only a foreigner. Someone sees himself as the wife of a respectable American, someone goes crazy with oriental tales and imagines himself as Scheherazade in a marriage bed with a black-haired handsome man. But then such a bride goes to a foreign land to her beloved and understands that the ending of the fairy tale is terrible. Because nothing came together - neither mentality, nor faith, nor traditions.

Here are some examples of family traditions from different countries:


Well, not everything is so bad, except that there is not that warm and reverent attitude towards each member of the family, depending on the age, which we have. The attitude to children's upbringing sometimes seems strange: "snitching" is encouraged, for example. And the independence of an adult child is in the first place - parents almost personally pack their offspring's suitcase so that he can independently settle in life. In general, on the one hand, this is even a plus.

It is not customary for grandparents to babysit their grandchildren, as is done in our families. For this, there are special services with coming nannies. By the way, families don’t stand on ceremony with sick old people either - there are nursing homes for this. Living there is very expensive. But we must pay tribute that the conditions there are the same as in our best sanatoriums.


It seems like we should be close in mentality with the Europeans. But even there, in every family hut, there are rattles:

    In Scandinavian countries it is forbidden to punish children - services will be taken away and they will not blink an eye. This is especially true for Russian mothers. Even a small bruise or a child’s complaint about aggression from their parents is an excellent reason to remove a child from the family forever.

    In the UK, it is not customary to show violent feelings. Hence the legends about the English "coldness". From small nails, children are taught to restrain emotions.

    If a woman is a slob, then she has no place in a German family. Pedantic Germans love order in everything: in the house, in business, in personal life. By the way, the grandmothers there are also far from hospitable to the visits of their grandchildren. If you want to leave your grandson to your parents, pay them.

    In Italy, there is no “mother-in-law-daughter-in-law” problem. The mother-in-law decides everything there, and God forbid the daughter-in-law to utter something against her husband's mother. The same mothers and Jewish men. Mom is the head of the family!

Eastern countries

Usually in these countries, parents choose a bride for their son, but if a Slav woman did everything to get into a Muslim family with strict rules, then be kind:

    Observe all the customs of the family and take their faith.

    Gifted jewelry from your husband, you can only shine at home.

    Going outside is allowed only at the behest of the husband.

    Feasts are for men, a woman has a place in the kitchen.

    You shouldn't have a "headache" from sex. By the way, forget about many carnal pleasures, since sex is supposed only for conception.

    You don’t study the Koran, you don’t read prayers and stare at other men - be kind, get out of the house! Without their children.