Jonas calendar. Astrology and planning the sex of the child. Additional interesting facts

Planning the sex of the child is possible when building an individual Astrological conception calendar according to the method of Dr. Jonas.

The possibilities of astrology in the field of pregnancy planning are wide.

There are several areas of research that help in solving the following problems:

  • Definition of periods in which conception cannot occur;
  • Determining the days on which it is possible to conceive a child of the desired gender;
  • Determination of the periods of the greatest probability of fertilization for couples who have problems with conception;
  • Planning a pregnancy that will proceed without complications for the health of the mother and threats to the fetus.

In astrology, it is possible to predict the sex of a child. Studies of astrologers in the field of planning and conception of children have shown the importance of the influence of the Moon, or rather, its real position in the signs of the Zodiac in different periods of time, on the likelihood of conceiving a child of a certain gender. A special contribution to the study of this issue belongs to the Czech gynecologist and astrologer E. Jonas. Dr. Jonas has been conducting his research since 1968, which has led to an important discovery that allows families to actually plan the sex of future children. Main conclusions: We can use astrology not only in predicting the conception and course of pregnancy, but also in choosing the sex of the child. If a couple dreams of a son or daughter, it is enough to use a specially calculated calendar.

Even without taking into account the peculiarities of the individual horoscope, this method gives an accuracy of 83-87%. The practice of applying this technique by many doctors around the world has shown that children of a certain sex are indeed born.

The proposed calendar will help in choosing a day during the month, the conception on which is highly likely to lead to the birth of a boy or girl. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the days of ovulation (for the reliable determination of which there are special tests) and the most favorable period for conception.

Regardless of the skepticism of many people about the idea of ​​taking into account the phases of the moon when planning the sex of a child, the criterion of truth here is practice. My conversations with practitioners confirm that this technique, taking into account the dates of ovulation, has been used for a long time and successfully.

Every astrologer who is familiar with this technique, applies it to clients and has his own statistics on it, will also confirm the reproducibility of its theoretical provisions in practice. The principles of repeatability, verifiability and reproducibility are the main criteria in any modern astrological research.

Here are some interesting points from F. Neish's book on this method:

After checking 250 birth records in the Bratislava maternity hospital and comparing them with the mothers' dates of birth, Dr. Jonas found an 87 percent correlation between the child's actual sex and his calculations. Later in a similar study, he achieved 94% accuracy. In another case, Jonas determined the sex of a child before birth. He was right 83 times out of 100. Dr. Kurt Rechnitz, director of the women's clinic at the University of Budapest, took an active part in testing Dr. Jonas's ideas. He independently applied the ideas of Jonas regarding the selection of the sex of the child and achieved an 87% success rate. In addition, he identified a factor, taking into account which the accuracy could be 100%.

The effectiveness of the lunar method for predicting the sex of a child is combined with its simplicity. This method is based on the fact that a high probability of conceiving a boy is calculated when the Moon is in the male signs of the Zodiac, and in females, the probability of conceiving a girl is high.

The female zodiac signs are: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

Representatives of the male zodiac signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

When the Moon moves from sign to sign, the probability decreases and is 50/50. This point is important to consider.

In addition, it will be useful to take into account the current lunar day. Favorable for conception are 2, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 21, 24, 26, 28 lunar days. You can find out the current lunar day using special calendars, which are now very common and are in demand for information.

This astrological calendar for planning the sex of a child is compiled taking into account the methodology of Dr. Jonas, and you can use this up-to-date information absolutely free of charge on my website. Date and time are indicated at the latitude of the city of Novosibirsk.

Astrological calendar for planning the sex of the child for June 2015:

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Astrologers of the past millennia have established that there is a relationship between the distance from the Sun to the Moon at the time of a woman's birth and her ability to conceive. The birth horoscope shows the time when she is most receptive to conception. There comes such a time once a month, at the moment when the Moon is at the same distance from the Sun as it was at birth.

The Jonas method got its name in honor of its author, the Czech gynecologist Evgen Jonas. Dr. Jonas, who was fond of the works of Tsiolkovsky and Chizhevsky, decided to find out how non-pathological cases are connected with those biorhythms that are inherent in every person. With the official support of a number of health officials, he conducted large-scale studies. As a result, according to a number of provisions, the methodology that has been used in astrology for several centuries has been confirmed (the first developments in this area were published by Claudius Ptolemy in his work called “Tetrabiblos” - “Tetrabook”). By observing more than three thousand patients, Dr. Jonas managed to rework and correct the Ptolemy method, making it more effective. As a result, women who suffered from chronic miscarriages and non-pathological infertility (a form of infertility not due to objective physiological reasons) and followed the recommendations of Dr. Jonas had normal pregnancies and successfully proceeded, healthy children were born. As for gender planning, the dependence of the sex of the child on the date of conception was discovered by chance (as often happens in science) and no one betrayed this discovery at that time. And only 20 years later, the German researcher Dr. Shulman checked and confirmed Jonas's calculations about the influence of the zodiac lunar phases on the conception of a child of one sex or another. Various sources point to the "coincidence" of the sex of the child with the calculated from 80 to 96 percent (the largest percentage was indicated by Shulman himself).

Dr. Jonas has been working since 1956 to establish certain relationships between a woman's optimal time to conceive and the phase of the moon at the time of her birth. And in 1968 he founded the Center for Astrological Research on Fertility Planning. Jonas writes: “We use astrological laws based on 5,000 years of experience and verify them using computer technology. My method helps to avoid abortions, regulate the birth rate, predetermine the sex of the child and plan healthy offspring ... ”In astrological sources that have come down to our time from time immemorial, he met the statement that a woman can conceive during a certain phase of the moon. This discovery gave rise to research, as a result of which E. Jonas made a revolutionary discovery: it turns out that, along with the menstrual cycle, there is a second, individual astrological fertility cycle (ATC) - the period of the greatest predisposition to conception, set already from birth and accompanying the entire reproductive period of a woman's life with amazing accuracy. This second cycle is oriented to the phase of the moon that was at the time of the birth of this woman. Each return of the corresponding phase of the moon means for a particular woman the period of greatest predisposition to conception (fertile period) and reproduction. If the most favorable days of both cycles are used for conception, then 70-85% of fertilization falls on the ADC and only 15-30% on the normal biological cycle. The fertile period occurs at those moments when both cycles intersect. Thus, any woman has the opportunity to accurately calculate the days of the greatest predisposition to conception. The dates obtained can be used to either prevent pregnancy or get pregnant with the highest probability. In addition, Dr. Jonas found that the period in which the conception occurred also affects the quality of the pregnancy. More than 2,000 women suffering from miscarriage (miscarriage) were studied and it was found that in 80% of cases, conception occurred in the most unfavorable period (women were literally attracted to these periods). If cosmobiological recommendations were followed, the number of miscarriages decreased by more than 6 times. Dr. Jonas selected 360 women who came to the clinic with complaints of the inability to become pregnant for several (3 or more) years, while they were diagnosed with "non-pathological infertility". It was recommended to follow the recommendations regarding favorable and unfavorable periods for conception. During the year - 352 women - became pregnant. It was a huge success, because the effectiveness of the method was an unprecedented figure of 97.7%.

Order calculation of individual astrological cycle of fertility

In the late 80s, having considerable statistical material, Dr. Shulman was able to test the assumptions of E. Jonas about the influence of the days of conception on the sex of the unborn child (data from both and one of the parents were taken into account). Jonas' calculations were confirmed: depending on the zodiac sign (male or female), in which the Moon was at the time of conception, a male or female child was born. This method showed an efficiency of about 85 - 90%. A deviation of 10 - 15% is due to the fact that conception may not occur immediately after intimacy. No one can accurately predict how long it will take the sperm to travel down the fallopian tube and fertilize the egg (they can lie safely in the fallopian tube, waiting for the egg to be released from the ovary). According to medical data, spermatozoa in a favorable environment for them can live for 48 hours, during which time the Moon can move into the next sign of a different sex, where a real conception will occur. Also, Dr. Shulman conducted statistical studies on the impact of the periods in which conception occurred on the health of the unborn child. It turned out that the health of the unborn child depends on the same already known factors and on a number of additional ones (for example: if conception occurred during a lunar or solar eclipse, there is a high probability of a child being born with serious mental disorders or disabilities). It also turned out that if conception occurred during an unfavorable period, a woman tolerates pregnancy worse. American astrologer Francesca Naish in 1989 published the results of her research, in which she revealed the influence of lunisolar activity on the activity of male sperm. Her research shows that when a man's lunar phase repeats, sperm counts increase dramatically. In practice, this has become applicable in the case when the inability of a married couple to conceive a child is due to the weakness of the man's sperm. Since it has been established that when a man's lunar phase repeats, sperm counts increase, it remains to shift the woman's ovulation so that it coincides with the male's lunar phase repeat. In this case, a child may appear even among those couples who have long despaired of having him. Thus, knowing the phase of the moon at the time of birth, in order to find a favorable time for conceiving a healthy child, the astrologer calculates the astrological fertility cycle (ADC) using the method called the Jonas-Schulman method. In a year, approximately 13 ADC astrological charts are obtained, built at the time of the natal solar-lunar phase. In each of these cards, the position and mutual configurations of all the planets are analyzed, since not all cards are equally favorable and potentially promising, as a result of which the most optimal periods for conception are selected in the year of interest. If, moreover, in the forecast of a woman's birth horoscope for the year of interest and the next one, there are indicators of the possibility of having a child, the calculation of an individual ADC becomes the most relevant for her.

It turns out that along with the hormonal cycle of conception, there is a second, individual cycle of the greatest predisposition to conception, set already from birth and accompanying the entire reproductive period of a woman's life with incredible accuracy. This second cycle is oriented to the phase of the moon that preceded the birth of this woman. The discoveries of Dr. Jonas in the field of family planning have been thoroughly tested in practice. He also developed an approach to choosing the sex of a child.

As the experience of people for whom the calculation of the conception calendar was performed according to the Eugene Jonas method shows, this method works well: children are born, and exactly the gender that the parents wanted. BUT! It is very important to take into account the risk factor, which is always indicated in the calculations for each specific case! Because when conception occurs at a high level of the risk factor, a child can be born with anomalies - sometimes more serious, sometimes less. Therefore, do not trust calculations that do not take into account the risk factor. You can get a calendar according to the method of Dr. Jonas, taking into account and indicating periods of risk on our website by filling out the form. And now about the technique itself.

While still a student, in 1947 Dr. Jonas became interested in astrology. In some Babylonian-Assyrian sources, he met the statement that a woman can conceive during a certain phase of the moon. This discovery gave rise to research, and after some time, Dr. Jonas led the Astra clinic, which more than successfully solved four problems:

  • Definition of sterile days when conception cannot occur.
  • Definition of days of increased fertility for women who are unable to conceive, despite the absence of physical obstacles to this.
  • Determining the days when a boy or a girl is most likely to be conceived, depending on the wishes of the future parents.
  • Determination of the days when a healthy baby, without developmental defects, is most likely to be conceived.

Conception - "official" and "unscientific"

According to the views of scientific medicine, conception can only occur immediately after ovulation - the stage in a woman's hormonal cycle when the egg matures and is ready for fertilization. That is, in fact, within one or two days in a month. As a result, a woman cannot conceive on other days of the month, as well as during those periods of life when ovulation does not occur - as a result of pregnancy, breastfeeding, or taking hormonal contraceptives.

However, even official gynecology knows many documented cases when conception occurred during menstruation, during pregnancy, or while taking contraceptives. And how many cases, when the real age of the fetus does not correspond to the period determined by the doctor, remain undocumented ... How can this happen?

Dr. Jonas discovered and proved as a result of his research that the probability of conception is very high in that period of time when the phase of the moon (that is, the angle between the moon and the sun) repeats the phase that was at the birth of a woman. Moreover, the probability of conception rises sharply, regardless of what period of the hormonal cycle falls on the repetition of the lunar phase. The highest probability of conception is when the repetition of the phase coincides with ovulation, but in second place in terms of probability is, oddly enough, the coincidence of the repetition of the phase with menstruation.

Research results suggest that up to 85% of conceptions occur precisely during the repetition of the phase, and only 15% - during the scientifically substantiated period of readiness for conception. Mysteriously, the body is so eager to conceive during the repetition of the lunar phase that any obstacles along the way may be ineffective. Official medicine, of course, considers all this unscientific. However, there are still a lot of secrets in Nature that the official sages never dreamed of.

Where are the differences?

And indeed, why does it turn out that there is a hormonal period of conception, but there is a lunar period, which in the general case differs from it? Francesca Naish, in her book The Cycle of the Moon (1989), suggests that ideally these two periods should coincide.

She found that in women who lead a healthy lifestyle, free from significant stress and listening to the rhythms of their body, the lunar and hormonal phases eventually synchronize. In addition, for medicinal purposes, you can shift the period of ovulation, and in place with it, the rest of the phases of the hormonal cycle, so as to synchronize ovulation with the repetition of the lunar phase.

Such synchronization not only favors health in general, but also provides purely pragmatic conveniences. For example, if a woman wants to conceive, then the probability of conception when ovulation coincides with the lunar phase is very high. And if he wants to warn against conception, then only one clearly defined period will be "dangerous".

A special case is when the inability of a married couple to conceive a child is explained by the weakness of the man's sperm. Studies show that when a man repeats the lunar phase, all sperm indicators increase sharply, by an order of magnitude, or even several orders of magnitude. It remains to shift the woman's ovulation so that it coincides with the repetition of the lunar phase of the man - voila! The child appears in those couples who have long despaired of having him.

Some figures and facts

In practice, this has become applicable in the case when the inability of a married couple to conceive a child is due to the weakness of the man's sperm. Studies show that when a man repeats the lunar phase, all sperm indicators increase sharply, by an order of magnitude, or even several orders of magnitude. It remains to shift the woman's ovulation so that it coincides with the repetition of the lunar phase of the man. The child appears in those couples who have long despaired of having him.

The effectiveness of these methods turned out to be obscenely high. Moreover, an intelligible scientific explanation for these phenomena (with a huge number of hypotheses) has not been given. But facts are stubborn things - and therefore the method, called the "Jonas-Schulman method", is currently perhaps the most effective in the field of family planning.

Thus, knowing the phase of the moon at the birth of a woman and taking into account the "risk factors", we calculate the "individual fertility (fertility) calendar". Each date of potential conception in a year is considered and the most optimal one is selected from the point of view of the cosmic configuration. There are a number of rules for choosing the best moment of conception.

Now about the possibility of predicting the sex of the child. Actively involved in testing Dr. Jonas's ideas was Dr. Kurt Rechnitz, Director of the Women's Clinic at the University of Budapest. He independently applied the ideas of Jonas regarding the selection of the sex of the child and achieved an 87% success rate. In addition, he identified a factor, taking into account which the accuracy could be 100%.


Dr. Farsky from Switzerland, who also used Dr. Jonas's technique to help his patients both conceive and avoid pregnancy, came to a similar conclusion: the combination of the moon phase and menstruation is often a way out of impasse in cases of alleged infertility.

Francesca Naish "Moon Cycle"

According to the observations of astrologers, the probability of conception, the course of pregnancy and the sex of the unborn child largely depend on the astrological situation at the time of intimacy. Therefore, if you are thinking about replenishing the family, you will be interested in the technique that will be discussed in this article. This is especially true for couples suffering from infertility. Sometimes these kinds of problems can be solved with a well-chosen day.

In 1968, the Czech gynecologist E. Jonas made a revolutionary discovery - it turns out that along with the hormonal cycle of conception, there is a second, individual cycle of the greatest predisposition to conception, set already from birth and accompanying the entire reproductive period of a woman's life with incredible accuracy. This second cycle is oriented to the phase of the moon that preceded the birth of this woman. The discoveries of Dr. Jonas in the field of family planning have been thoroughly tested in practice. He also developed an approach to choosing the sex of a child.

As the experience of people for whom the calculation of the conception calendar was performed using the Jonas method shows, this method works well: children are born, and exactly the sex that the parents wanted. BUT! It is very important to take into account the risk factor, which I have always indicated in the calculations for each specific case! Because when conception occurs at a high level of the risk factor, the baby is born with abnormalities - sometimes more severe, sometimes less. Therefore, do not trust calculations that do not take into account the risk factor. You can get according to the method of Dr. Jonas, taking into account and indicating periods of risk on our website by filling out the form. And now about the technique itself.

While still a student, in 1947 Dr. Jonas became interested in astrology. In some Babylonian-Assyrian sources, he met the statement that a woman can conceive during a certain phase of the moon. This discovery gave rise to research, and after some time, Dr. Jonas led the Astra clinic, which more than successfully solved four problems:

- Definition of sterile days when conception cannot occur.
- Determination of days of increased fertility for women who cannot conceive in any way, despite the absence of physical obstacles to this.
- Determining the days when a boy or a girl is most likely to be conceived, depending on the wishes of the future parents.
- Determining the days when a healthy child, without developmental defects, is most likely to be conceived.

Conception - "official" and "unscientific"

According to the views of scientific medicine, conception can only occur immediately after ovulation - the stage in a woman's hormonal cycle when the egg matures and is ready for fertilization. That is, in fact, within one or two days in a month. As a result, a woman cannot conceive on other days of the month, as well as during those periods of life when ovulation does not occur - as a result of pregnancy, breastfeeding, or taking hormonal contraceptives.

However, even official gynecology knows many documented cases when conception occurred during menstruation, during pregnancy, or while taking contraceptives. And how many cases, when the real age of the fetus does not correspond to the period determined by the doctor, remain undocumented ... How can this happen?

Dr. Jonas discovered and proved as a result of his research that the probability of conception is very high in that period of time when the phase of the moon (that is, the angle between the moon and the sun) repeats the phase that was at the birth of a woman. Moreover, the probability of conception rises sharply, regardless of what period of the hormonal cycle falls on the repetition of the lunar phase. The highest probability of conception is when the repetition of the phase coincides with ovulation, but in second place in terms of probability is, oddly enough, the coincidence of the repetition of the phase with menstruation.

Research results suggest that up to 85% of conceptions occur precisely during the repetition of the phase, and only 15% - during the scientifically substantiated period of readiness for conception. Mysteriously, the body is so eager to conceive during the repetition of the lunar phase that any obstacles along the way may be ineffective. Official medicine, of course, considers all this unscientific. However, there are still a lot of secrets in Nature that the official sages never dreamed of.

Where are the differences?

And indeed, why does it turn out that there is a hormonal period of conception, but there is a lunar period, which in the general case differs from it? Francesca Naish, in her book The Cycle of the Moon (1989), suggests that ideally these two periods should coincide.

She found that in women who lead a healthy lifestyle, free from significant stress and listening to the rhythms of their body, the lunar and hormonal phases eventually synchronize. In addition, for medicinal purposes, you can shift the period of ovulation, and in place with it, the rest of the phases of the hormonal cycle, so as to synchronize ovulation with the repetition of the lunar phase.

Such synchronization not only favors health in general, but also provides purely pragmatic conveniences. For example, if a woman wants to conceive, then the probability of conception when ovulation coincides with the lunar phase is very high. And if he wants to warn against conception, then only one clearly defined period will be "dangerous".

A special case is when the inability of a married couple to conceive a child is explained by the weakness of the man's sperm. Studies show that when a man repeats the lunar phase, all sperm indicators increase sharply, by an order of magnitude, or even several orders of magnitude. It remains to shift the woman's ovulation so that it coincides with the repetition of the lunar phase of the man - voila! The child appears in those couples who have long despaired of having him. Here are the tricks Francesca Naish does.

Some figures and facts

Here is a translation of the most interesting fragments from Francesca Naish's book.Her research shows that when the lunar phase repeats in a man, all sperm counts increase sharply, by an order of magnitude, or even several orders of magnitude.In practice, this has become applicable in the case when the inability of a married couple to conceive a child is due to the weakness of the man's sperm. Studies show that when a man repeats the lunar phase, all sperm indicators increase sharply, by an order of magnitude, or even several orders of magnitude. It remains to shift the woman's ovulation so that it coincides with the repetition of the lunar phase of the man. The child appears in those couples who have long despaired of having him.

The effectiveness of these methods turned out to be obscenely high. Moreover, an intelligible scientific explanation for these phenomena (with a huge number of hypotheses) has not been given. But facts are stubborn things - and therefore the method, called the "Jonas-Schulman method", is currently perhaps the most effective in the field of family planning.

Thus, knowing the phase of the moon at the birth of a woman and taking into account the "risk factors", we calculate the "individual fertility (fertility) calendar". Each date of potential conception is considered (there are 13 in a year) and the most optimal one is selected from the point of view of the cosmic configuration. There are a number of rules for choosing the best moment of conception.

Now about the possibility of predicting the sex of the child. Actively involved in testing Dr. Jonas's ideas was Dr. Kurt Rechnitz, Director of the Women's Clinic at the University of Budapest. He independently applied the ideas of Jonas regarding the selection of the sex of the child and achieved an 87% success rate. In addition, he identified a factor, taking into account which the accuracy could be 100%.

One of the studies was on contraception. It involved 257 couples who were protected for 6 months only by following the recommendations of Dr. Jonas. Only in 5 cases an unwanted pregnancy occurred. In January 1969, the commission processed the data received from 1600 women who used the method of contraception proposed by Jonas for 4 months. The efficiency turned out to be 98.5%.

Dr. Rechnitz, practicing in Budapest, has obtained very good results in cases of infertility. The cases were few to statistically evaluate, however he claimed to have achieved a 98.2% success rate in birth control and 100% success rate in sex selection.

Dr. Farsky from Switzerland, who also used Dr. Jonas's technique to help his patients both conceive and avoid pregnancy, came to a similar conclusion: the combination of the moon phase and menstruation is often a way out of impasse in cases of alleged infertility.

conception calendar

Offered to your attention shows the probability of conception, the nature of the course of pregnancy and the predicted sex of the unborn child, depending on the date and time of proximity.

When choosing the time for conception, be sure to take into account the Risk Factor. According to Dr. Jonas, if conception occurs at a high rate of risk. The risk factor is indicated in the table by a certain number of characters! - depending on the number of relevant astrological aspects. Ideally, at the time you have chosen for conception, there should not be these signs at all, or, in extreme cases, no more than one.


1. Alexander Kolesnikov "Conception Calendar"

2. Francesca Naish "Lunar Cycle"

The calculator will calculate the phase of the moon in which you (and, if necessary, the father of the child) were born. After that, the lunar phase is determined in which the probability of conception according to the Jonas method is greatest (taking into account your location).

About method

In the mid-1950s, a young Slovak doctor, Eugen Jonas, made a discovery: in women, along with the menstrual cycle, there is a second, individual cycle, according to which the greatest predisposition to conception can be calculated. This cycle is “set” at birth and is based on the position of the moon.

The main position of the method:

The greatest predisposition to conception (increased fertility) in a woman will be in the phase of the moon that was at her birth. In this case, the peak of the probability of conception falls on the lunar birthday (LDR).

In total, the Moon has 4 phases: 1st quarter, full moon, 3rd quarter, new moon. The beginning and end of the phases will be different for different time zones, which is why the place of birth and the place where the child will be conceived are important for calculating the method.

Interesting facts and calculations of the Jonas method that go around the network

Statistics were collected, according to which 85% of fertilizations occur in the phase of the moon favorable for the woman and 15% - on the days of ovulation in other phases. That is, the fertile period often occurs at the intersection of favorable lunar and menstrual cycles (see).

According to Jonas, the period of conception also affects the quality of the pregnancy. A study of more than 2,000 women suffering from miscarriage was conducted. It turned out that in 80% of cases, conception was carried out in the most unfavorable period according to their personal lunar fertility calendar. When patients began to comply with cosmobiological recommendations, the number of miscarriages decreased by more than 6 times.

The favorable phases of the moon also helped those women who had non-pathological infertility. If the recommendations were followed during the year, 352 women out of 360 examined became pregnant.

The method is also used when the inability of a couple to conceive a child is explained by the "weakness" of the man's sperm. Jonas's research shows that when a man's lunar phase repeats, sperm counts increase dramatically (by an order of magnitude or even several orders of magnitude). In this case, it remains to choose a period so that the woman's ovulation coincides with the repetition of the man's lunar phase.

Is it possible to plan the sex of the child, based on the Jonas method

Jonas also talked about the possibility of planning the sex of the child while following certain rules.

The moon every 2.5 days passes the way between the "female" and "male" signs of the zodiac. If your fertile period coincides with the period when the Moon is in a female sign (with a negative solar-lunar phase), then it is more likely to conceive a girl when a boy is in a male sign.

  • "Female" zodiac constellations (even signs): Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.
  • "Male" zodiac constellations (odd signs): Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Having determined the desired period, you need to have time to conduct a PA, starting a day BEFORE and ending 6 hours AFTER.

Currently, the calculator on the site does not calculate such periods (this requires collecting a database of the positions of the Moon relative to the signs of the zodiac), but if there are wishes, the development of such functionality is quite possible. In the meantime, you can just look in any lunar calendar where the Moon is located during the period in which you are planning to conceive.

By the way, there are independent studies on the network that refute the possibility of planning the sex of the child using the Jonas method with a high probability. Here, for example, (it's good that now any material can be easily translated by browser plugins, even without knowing the language).