Scenarios of the meeting of the bride and groom instead of a ransom. How can a groom pick up a bride without a ransom: alternative options

Natalya Erofeevskaya July 27, 2018, 09:37

In former Soviet and post-Soviet times, it was hard to imagine wedding celebration without a ransom of the bride, but the generations of the young are changing, and the wedding fashion is changing. By virtue of the most different reasons the newlyweds refuse to wander the groom along the porch of his beloved pasted over with homemade posters, solving simple problems for him and fishing out small things and sweets from his pockets. Yes, ransom becomes unpopular, but the question of how to pick up a bride without ransom from the house beautifully remains.

If the young people decide to do without the traditional bride price - so be it, you can always find an alternative

One of the reasons for the reluctance of the ransom is the need for serious preparation for it on the part of the witnesses and the groom. In fact, on the eve of the wedding, there is where to send useful energy without it - the last chores, calls, confirmation of agreements, meeting and accommodation of visiting guests, women's manicure and decorating the cars of the wedding procession. And on the day of the wedding, you can just sleep longer with good mood and a solid supply of time to complete the last preparations, meet the groom at the bride's house without a ransom and go to the main celebration.

Photo of a traditional bride price

If you decide to do without the ransom of the bride

At the request of the bride and groom, the ransom time, which both decided to refuse, can be spent on sleep, wedding fees, beauty salon or a photo session. This is probably why young people are increasingly refusing the home-grown entrance tests of the faithful - anyway, everything has already been decided, this couple will get married, and there is no need to arrange a free show for neighbors in the unsightly entrance of an old Khrushchev.

The simplest, most worthy and very short-term alternative to ransoming the bride is that the groom at the head of the wedding procession drives up to the bride’s house (at this moment you can honk all the cars), goes up to her apartment and asks the beloved’s parents for permission / blessings to marry their daughter. It is clear that symbolic moment, because it has long been discussed, but still beautiful - you can present expensive cognac to your future father-in-law, and a chic bouquet of flowers and a box of elite chocolate to your future mother-in-law. After that, the groom goes to the bride's room, kneels down and gives her bridal bouquet, happy lovers go down to the cars - a farewell victorious car horn, and the whole cortege goes to the registry office.

Photo of the wedding procession at the bride's house

How to professionally hold a wedding without a ransom?

Usually such ideas come to the mind of people with extreme professions - firefighters, rescuers, climbers, industrial climbers. physically fit and brave men for obvious reasons, I want to exclude the passage of the entrance of the betrothed from my wedding route. Therefore, drive a lift to the bride's house or fire truck with a ladder and climbing it to the n-th floor or descending from the roof on climbing equipment is worthless to such desperate individuals. Original? - Yes! Very unsafe? - Yes, too. Having made such a, frankly, rather risky decision a man must be confident in his skills and steel nerves of the bride.

Photo of an extreme groom at the bride's house

Those who do not have experience in climbing and passing obstacle courses through fire, water and copper pipes should not despair. If the groom is rich musical ability, can play musical instrument or great (and even if not great, it’s still possible) sings, a romantic mini-concert in the bride’s apartment or a flash mob dance will definitely delight the entire female half of those present. You can give a beautiful, hand-painted portrait of the bride (and here professionalism is required: an ugly image on canvas will definitely not delight anyone). With fantasy and good intentions, the witnesses and the groom will always figure out how to replace the ransom of the bride at the wedding.

Photo of the dance of the groom and his friends at the bride's house

An alternative scenario for the meeting of the bride and groom without a ransom

We have considered the options when the bride is taken from home - such ideas are more traditional and often just habitual. In addition, they are easy to shorten in time if the couple is late for the registry office. But there are also romantic ones, very beautiful scenarios who will leave unforgettable memories and amazing photo and video footage.

For example, witnesses can arrange a meeting of lovers at the place where they first saw each other or had their first date (first kiss, declaration of love, etc.). A park, a theater, a beach or a promenade, a university square can become such a place - the lovers go towards each other, their touching meeting took place, memories flooded in, and maybe even tears. What ransom in the entrance can be compared with this? And, of course, such moments must be captured in memory.

Photo of the first meeting of the bride and groom in the park instead of a ransom

Instead of a ransom, you can make a buffet- in nature, if the weather permits (for example, in the same park or on the embankment), or at the bride's house. The young people met, hugged and kissed, those present were happy for them, everyone drank symbolically, ate light sandwiches and went to the registry office. Such a light snack will actually turn out to be very timely - this is both a relaxation of the situation and an opportunity to relieve some nervousness, and a nutritious boost of energy for this long and joyful solemn day.

For those who do not want to bother with a meeting before official registration- time, for example, does not allow - you can just come to the registry office in different cars and meet at solemn ceremony. Remember the Catholic wedding rites: the groom patiently waits for his beloved at the altar, and she slowly walks to him, accompanied by her father or other relative, catching the admiring glances of those present. Of course, there is no altar in the registry office, but a similar beginning official ceremony it is possible to think.

Photo of the bride and groom in the registry office

It should be understood that the ransom of the bride “according to the rules” can be really very interesting and positive only for men who are liberated and sociable, prone to acting and active communication. Believe me, a modest and romantic groom who does not know how to improvise can be brought to a semi-conscious state by passing contests, ribbons, coupons, sayings and jokes. For such personalities, either something natural is better - like “came and took it away”, or intellectual, without dancing in a basin, soap bubbles and other ransom tinsel. For such suitors, a wedding quest is optimal.

Quest for the groom instead of ransom

Let the meeting with the bride turn into extraordinary adventure ! The essence of the quest consists in various tasks that the groom must solve with the help of tips and his true friends. The tasks, of course, are compiled taking into account the wedding theme - these are questions about the bride and her parents, about the moments of acquaintance and candy-bouquet period etc. Having solved one riddle, the groom receives the key to the next, passes through the key points of the route - at each such point, one of the bridesmaids will give a new clue. Step by step, solving riddles, puzzles, charades the groom is moving towards the cherished goal.

Photo of the quest for the groom instead of ransom

Of course, bridesmaids need to prepare for such a quest in advance: create a clear script, beautifully arrange hints, and provide for unexpected turns of events. You should not think of something very complicated - this will slow down the pace, overload the groom too much, the pauses that arise are not very conducive positive mood and romantic mood. So that the sweets, fruits and small change prepared by the groom and his friends are not in vain, you can take a certain fee for each clue to the riddle: if you didn’t guess the first time, we will give you another hint for the candy.

If the bride lives in a private house, the wedding is held outside the city or just on outdoors, Can script bind in the map of the area- such a picture, supplemented with newspaper clippings and pieces of photographs, looks stylish, and makes the adventure more understandable and original.

Any alternative traditional buyout should be interesting and safe, it is designed to emphasize the solemnity and romance of the moment of the first meeting

Many couples start life together long before the wedding, so there is nothing more natural than spending the wedding morning together. You can arrange a cozy homemade breakfast or rent a room in a luxury hotel, take your pet or have a stylized shoot in the studio in fun pajamas.

Choose the format that suits your couple and the mood of the holiday, and forget about signs and prejudices - it's so nice to spend these happy moments before the most important day together with your loved one!

Author of the photo: |

2. Shooting the morning of the bride

There are a lot of options for holding it, it all depends on the style and format of the wedding, as well as on the mood that you want to convey in the photo. For example, if the wedding takes place in a country hotel with a beautiful territory, the bride’s morning can be arranged in nature, you just need to choose the right props and think over the image.

If you want to get more sensual photos, it is better to have a boudoir shoot in a studio or hotel. Do you want more lively emotions and fun on this day? Invite your friends to shoot. And don't forget to take a few touching shots with your mother - they will be the decoration of your wedding album. Read about what to consider when planning a boudoir shoot.

3. Shooting the first meeting + walk

One of the most popular options that can be arranged in almost any location. The first meeting of the bride and groom becomes a separate stage of the day, which is thought out with all care: a suitable location is chosen, you can even turn on your favorite music ...

The classic version of the shooting: the bride slowly descends from the second floor, and the groom is waiting for her downstairs with a bouquet, and by the middle of the way, tears come to his eyes. Or he is waiting for her in the park on the path, and she comes up to him from behind and gently closes her eyes.

This scenario allows you to save all the most reverent and elusive emotions, which is simply impossible to do in the conditions of a ransom surrounded by guests. After the meeting, shooting of a love-story follows - depending on the venue and its scenario, you should allocate 1-2 hours for it in the timing of the wedding.

4. Separate fees

The morning of the wedding is such an exciting time not only for the bride, but also for the groom, so he also needs to pay attention to the shooting. Separate gatherings can be held, for example, in neighboring hotel rooms or, while the bride is being collected at home, the groom can be photographed in the barbershop.

If planned youth wedding V country house, then the bride and her bridesmaids can gather in one room, and the groom with his friends in the other. Such a morning will pass in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere. Of course, in order to be in time and not to miss important points, it is better to invite a second photographer.

Search for a bride

We must be honest - it is quite difficult to come up with something new for the already outdated tradition of redemption. All scenarios have already been played a thousand times, and some competitions make the bride and groom nervous, and sometimes even late for the registry office. It looks like you can still do something extraordinary! If you look at the same orange from the side, you can create a scenario for a real adventure game - a quest for the groom. And if the newlyweds and guests have time, then you can include the bride in this fun. Not all the same, she should look out the window and wait for her prince. Let's have some fun too!

The main condition is not to send the groom to distant lands in search of permission for the next task. And in general, let there not be so many of these tasks and key points. A tired and angry groom is also useless to us.

morning bachelorette party

Well, who else, besides beloved friends, is able to support the bride on such an exciting morning? Down with outdated fees, we say yes to bachelorette parties! Come with your friends to the bride early, drink coffee and eat an incredibly delicious dessert (you can buy it on the way). You can afford a little champagne and start a truly feminine morning: photos, makeup, hairstyle, gossip, laughter and good stories O family life. By the way, this idea can be implemented in some spa or beauty salon, if you agree with the administration in advance. The main thing is to be beautiful, stylish and insanely fun! And the groom and his friends will be able to pick up a beautiful and happy bride and her bridesmaids from the salon. Perfect morning, right?

Revealing the secret

How to replace the ransom of the bride? If the future bride was smart and did not show off her wedding dress in front of the groom, then you can support touching idea the first meeting of the bride and groom. Do you think that nothing can make the groom shed a mean male tear? We will surprise you, but look at the reaction of these suitors! Catch this idea, because such truly gentle and love pictures you can't do it every day!


How often do modern newlyweds ask to organize a ransom for them? What redemption topics are currently relevant?


Redemptions with long walks on landings and the same scenarios are a thing of the past. And we, the organizers, are extremely happy about this. We try to convey to the newlyweds that the ransom is a village tradition, not in a bad sense, but in the most direct way. Ransoms were arranged in exchange for the dowry of the bride in villages and villages, which is not found now, apart from the preserved traditions in the outback or among certain peoples. If the newlyweds did not want to organize a wedding in a rustic or eco-style, then it is better to replace the ransom in the sense in which we know it with a romantic meeting of the bride and groom.

But, if you really want to torture your future husband, then I advise you to come up with small quests - questions arising from one another or a blitz survey on a given topic or in the style of the entire wedding, and the celebration style is usually selected in accordance with the desires and interests of the couple. The style should touch on the text of the ransom, and questions, and the surroundings, it is worth considering the costumes for the hosts of the ransom, paraphernalia. For example, we held a “police ransom” - the bride worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and we dressed up the leading girls in police uniforms - with shoulder straps and stripes, and one of the competitions was to check the groom for alcohol - we borrowed a breathalyzer from friends. The script was written specifically for this ransom, everyone really liked it, and the meeting between the bride and groom turned out to be very touching.

During the entire existence of the company, we were asked to organize and carry out a buyout only three times. The first time was in 2012, the last one in early autumn 2014.
Now there are a lot of couples who do not conduct a buyout, because modern couples consider this a relic of the past and are guided by European weddings. Now the ransom is rather the prerogative of low-budget weddings. Of course, there are always exceptions, but the above is purely from personal experience.

What redemption topics are currently relevant? From my own experience, I can say rather not about relevance, but about which topics were more common. Descending: the groom undergoes a physical; the groom takes a law exam; classic ransom where everything is in a row and there is no style; style: casino, Chicago, etc.; quest (all tasks are interconnected, one task follows from another).


How to organize an interesting or even non-standard buyout? What needs to be considered? What "pitfalls" can be and how to avoid them?


The main thing is not to waste time. Ransom in the style of ditties with twenty questions and tasks, a la “toothpicks in an apple” or “put the name of your beloved with money”, which are taken from the Internet, firstly, is of no interest to anyone, and secondly, it can turn into torment for the groom and guests. It is better to prepare five oral questions on a given topic, the answers to which suggest a detailed, funny answer.

Second: if the ransom is still classic, then the questions should be related to positive emotions. For example, the date of the last joint vacation. And here it is important: if the groom does not tend to remember dates, limit yourself to the month and year, because the date, and often the month, you yourself may not remember.

Third: let the groom answer all these five questions in one place - without going up the stairs in untidy entrances against the backdrop of a garbage chute. If this is a hotel, the ransom can be arranged in the courtyard of the hotel, if there is one. If, nevertheless, a residential building, then it is worth finding a suitable background, maybe next to the front garden, but not near the benches near the entrance. Maybe even in the apartment, at the door of the room where the bride is, if the interior allows. Photos and videos should have beautiful shots - this is the only thing left after the wedding!

Place and time must be taken into account. I have not met a single operator or photographer who would like to work for ransom. And here are the reasons:

1. Young people who really want to hold a ransom most often spend it at the entrance. I have not seen a single beautiful entrance. Most often it is darkness, graffiti, etc. Decorating the entrance with balloons or printed products does not save the situation. If the ransom is held in a hotel, then the picture is much better.

2. No sincerity. Worst of all, if the ransom takes place in poetic form.

There are girlfriends who hold a ransom, very serious about the ransom. A ransom is essentially a bargain. And you can trade as you like and for anything. But responsible ladies, at times, follow a clear scenario of the ransom program and do not give any chance to the groom's sense of humor. Because of this, the ransom may not be interesting.


Do you think it is necessary to somehow prepare the groom for the upcoming tasks at the ransom? And if so, how.


If you need an interesting ransom, and not “for show”, then you don’t need to prepare - ask easy questions that the groom can quickly and with interest answer, and not remember what kind of gift he gave to his beloved. It is worth considering the questions clearly - will the groom be able to answer them if the question is difficult or uncomfortable (for example, the date of birth of the future mother-in-law), he will think for a very long time on the answer, and the ransom will turn out to be crumpled, with long pauses, the guests will get bored, and you will lose such precious time on this day.

I believe that the groom should not be prepared, otherwise what is the point of the action? The calculation should be on the sense of humor of the groom and his entire company.


Tell me about the best buyout you've hosted.


We had an interesting ransom, which took place right under the windows of the hotel, where the bride spent the night before the wedding. We specifically agreed with the hotel administration that the windows of the booked room overlook the courtyard, and the room was on the first floors. And the last task for the groom was a declaration of love to the bride - he sent her balloons message from a small gift. Moreover, it was a surprise for the bride, which cheered her up before a difficult day. Nobody went to the hotel itself, so as not to disturb the guests - the groom and his friends were waiting for the bride in the yard, where we dressed up a beautiful arch. There was a tender meeting of the young, and a photo session with the guests. The hotel helped us with a small buffet, and as a result, the entire ransom came out in 45 minutes - 15 minutes for questions and a gift, the remaining 30 for a photo shoot, buffet and seating in cars. No one was in a hurry, no one was late, and the mood was great.

I can tell you about the best ransom I've ever filmed. This is the ransom quest I mentioned. The atmosphere is a typical high-rise building entrance. Not very beautiful, but there was a plot, and this is the main thing.

The ransom was hosted and organized by three bridesmaids. They were in black robes and scary masks. They handed out assignments that were interconnected. For example: “Go to the floor whose number is ***” (time spent with the chosen one or date of birth of the chosen one, etc.). On that floor, there is also some kind of riddle on the cards, the answer is the number of the apartment on this floor, the bell of which you need to ring. The door opens, a hand sticks out and gives a piece of paper with next task, etc. Nobody could guess what would happen next. And it was interesting.

and her team create thematic and original ransoms and weddings.

A wedding without a bride price is becoming more and more popular among newlyweds every year. The ransom has long lost its relevance and carries only symbolic overtones. Moreover, not every groom likes to complete tasks and participate in competitions. Serious grooms prefer to have a wedding without all the excess. If you decide to hold a wedding without a ransom of the bride, you should think over the scenario in advance wedding day to make your celebration warm, beautiful and harmonious. You should think about what you can replace the ransom to make your first meeting romantic and memorable.

On the site’s wedding portal, you will learn how grooms take brides from home without a ransom, as well as how you can replace the traditional ransom.

What is a bride price?

Most often, newlyweds are well aware of what a ransom is, because almost no celebration can do without it. This tradition goes back to Ancient Rus', where the bridegroom actually had to pay a rather large amount of money for the chosen one, as well as pay with cattle: bulls and sheep. IN modern world the meaning of the ransom has long been lost, but this tradition is so rooted in the celebration of weddings that not all newlyweds are ready to give it up. Typically, bridesmaids try to come up with a new buyout scenario or use some ideas from the internet. Modern ransom brides are numerous competitions, tasks and tests that bridesmaids prepare for the groom and his friends. The groom has to pay for incorrect answers - the amount of payment is not specified, it all depends on the generosity of the groom. As a rule, the organization and conduct of this ceremony is carried out by a witness, who comes up with all the contests for the ransom of the bride and then takes the money collection for herself in return. After the future spouse has overcome all the obstacles on the way to his beloved, the marriage will finally take place. long-awaited meeting bride and groom, where they first see each other in wedding dresses- beautiful and happy. If classic version scenario seems boring to you, you should consider several options than to replace the bride price.

How to replace the ransom of the bride at the wedding?

It is difficult to imagine that the wedding will take place without a ransom and how to hold it without it traditional rite. However, the tradition of holding a ransom is a bit outdated, and many couples come up with alternatives that are no less interesting and unusual. What can be done instead of ransoming the bride, so as not to waste time on contests?