Meme where is the man. Wrong guy. Girl with soap bubbles

What would users be doing on social networks if it weren't for memes? Carl, Grumpy Cat, Chuck Norris, Philosoraptor? It is impossible not to appreciate their usefulness: memes hold the Internet community together, these are peculiar aphorisms of their time, expressing emotions more accurately than emoticons and helping to correctly place accents in dialogues. Often they carry wise thoughts wrapped in light irony, which helps people of different levels of ingenuity to better understand each other. In honor of the birthday of the WWW, which was invented on March 13, 1989, we have collected 20 memes that have become Internet classics.


As if a muzzle drawn by a child appeared in September 2008. She was spotted on the Deviantart website. Member under the nickname Whynne created it in Paint. Thus, he showed an attempt to pass off an unfounded opinion as trolling after the fact.

The trollface quickly appeared on imageboards and gradually became so popular that it entered the status of a meme.

Sad Keanu Reeves

A good picture was taken by the paparazzi in the early summer of 2010. The actor was sitting in the park with a pie in his hand.

He looked sad, but it was because of this photo that he became one of the most famous memes on the Internet.

Photo-toads (a kind of editing) with Keanu appeared in all social networks for completely different reasons, and often the creators compiled several characters at once, and the pictures were still organic.

stoned fox

Unsuccessful work of scarecrow Adele Morgan. Basically, she worked only with small animals, and in 2011 she made a stuffed fox from the carcass of an animal caught in a trap. As a result, the fox was all skewed, his head tilted to the side, and his muzzle expressed absolute madness.

A year of foxes lay in a box, and then got on eBay. "The fox looks like he's decided he's human," Morgan signed the sale ad. She managed to sell the fox for a decent amount - 330 pounds, which in rubles is about 27 thousand. The producer from Great Britain Mike Burman became the owner of this miracle.

What kid?

The meme comes from a screenshot from a 2011 educational video for kids. Children were taught how to use the toilet properly.

Several children sing the Poop Song while sitting on the toilet, then stand up and say "Bye" to the poop.

After a couple of years of video walks on the Web, the meme became popular in Russia.

disaster girl

In 2007, photographer Dave Roth was walking down the street with his daughter Zoe and accidentally witnessed firefighter training. Against the backdrop of a specially set fire to the house, he filmed the girl.

Today, Zoe is already 18 years old, and she still meets her photo on the Internet, not at all embarrassed by the past.

Bear in the bushes

The funny bear turned out to be a very appropriate image in many situations. It was first posted on Deviantart in 2009. Initially, he screamed about love.

In 2012, artist Madame Fortune made her own version of the strip. She completed the heroine - an athlete who, due to the heat, decided to undress a little. The highly moral bear noticed this action and accused the young lady of debauchery.

Cheerful Leo

In 2010, Leonardo DiCaprio was filmed on the set of the film Inception, when he went on a break, leaving the image of the depressive thief of other people's secrets and dreams of Cobb.

The meme is a contrast to the sad Keanu Reeves.

And it can be successfully inserted into pictures, like a disaster girl.

Also funny Leo looks good with funny Daniel Radcliffe and funny animals.

successful child

In the photo, a little boy is holding a clenched fist, showing that he has overcome some kind of difficult situation.

In the original photo, the boy is holding sand in his hand and is about to eat it. The photo was taken and uploaded to Flickr in 2007.

Later, digging into this story, netizens learned that the boy's name was Sammy, and at the time of shooting he was 11 months old. Moreover, the popularity that came to Sammy Griner helped his family raise money for an operation for his father.

With the image of a successful boy, figurines were even released in the USA. He became a real celebrity.

Now Sammy is 12 years old, and few people will be able to recognize the former cheeky tomboy in him.

Yao Ming

A picture of Chinese basketball player Yao Ming was remade into a meme because of an interesting facial expression.

Yao Ming Face is used on the Web as a reaction to unwise words or to show their contempt.

Girl with soap bubbles

A funny girl in a yellow raincoat became the heroine of the Internet space already in 2009. Since then, she has run away from anyone - from bears, and from bombing, and from dinosaurs.

grumpy cat

A sullen cat named Sauce Tardar appeared to a wide audience in September 2012. His photo was posted by the hostess on Reddit.

At first, the picture was considered a fake - the cat is too comical. The characteristic obese appearance did not at all fit with the touching typical faces of cats. It turned out that Tardar Sauce had congenital dwarfism and malocclusion, but the audience still loved him.

Meme about Karl

The meme came from a screenshot from the American TV series The Walking Dead. In the original, this is not at all about something funny: the main character, Rick Grimes, learns that his wife died in childbirth, starts crying and screaming, and his son Carl, in shock, just stands there and is silent.

The episode aired on November 4, 2012. After 10 days, the first joke appeared, playing on this episode. In the new version, Rick supposedly finds out that his son is gay.

You can't just take it and...

A shot from The Lord of the Rings, where Boromir says: "You can't just take it and go to Mordor."

Suspect Dog

This series of memes does not have an ancestor, but any dog ​​with a characteristic squint looks appropriate in any dialogue where you need to show your doubt.

Facepalm (rukalitso)

The meme expresses emotions well in case you saw stupid or mediocre material. A lowered head with a hand covering his face very intelligibly explains to anyone - "you did it very, very badly." The gesture became popular in the performance of the captain from the American TV series Star Trek.

Famous politicians also use the gesture. For example, one such case occurred when the head of the Ministry of Agriculture, Alexander Tkachev, made a mistake with geography, which caused Russian President Vladimir Putin to laugh.

Johnny Catsville

The cat's owner uploaded the picture to imgur on March 31, 2013, signing: "Sorry for the selfie, guys" and providing the hashtags #nomakeup #poser #ginger #whiskers #YOLO. The cat was in an unremarkable room and, playing with his owner, tried to grab his camera.

After that, they made a fotozhab from the photograph, parodying Johnny Knoxville in the show "Jacks", where he and his friends set up various experiments on themselves.

For some time, until January 2014, no one paid attention to Catswill, until this meme was picked up on RuNet.

The number of photo collages featuring a cat that seems to be about to do something crazy is simply endless.

Matthew McConaughey is a famous Hollywood actor who can easily be ranked among the actors of the first magnitude of the Dream Factory. He started with comedies and adventure action movies, then he felt that he was able to knock out a tear with dramatic roles and became an actor in “serious cinema”. There are quite a few pictures with his participation, so there are also a lot of memes with especially successful shots on the Internet. So, if you were looking for which movie the Matthew McConaughey meme is from, then we are pleased to offer you several options. You are sure to find the right one.

Meme with Matthew McConaughey No. 1: what movie?

The so-called McConaughey meme, in which he weeps bitterly. The picture shows Matthew, who is unable to hold back the tears, and, hell, tears welled up in the audience when watching this film.

This film is called "Interstellar", and in it McConaughey plays an astronaut who has to go through a black hole (wormhole) no one knows where to find no one knows where a new haven for doomed humanity. His children remain on Earth, who will live with the usual flow of time, when, as for McConaughey's hero, Cooper, it will run several times faster. He will not see how they become adults, he will not see how their fate will turn out, perhaps he will never see them at all again. Very sad. Remembering this, I myself knock on the keyboard, spraying tears that have fallen on the keys in all directions.

Meme with Matthew McConaughey No. 2: the series "True Detective"

Matthew McConaughey in a meme where he is shown sitting at a table and genuinely surprised by something. Or making a statement. Lots of variations.

He has a burning cigarette in his hand (smoking is harmful), there are cans of beer on the table (excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health). Hands spread out in surprise. A look of genuine disbelief is written on his face. If you are wondering what movie this meme with Matthew McConaughey is from, I’ll say right away that this is not a movie, but the True Detective series. There, he and his partner investigated some kind of intricate murder, many critics tend to consider this cinematic creation the best detective series. Here, as they say, the taste and color, there are no comrades.

Do you know more memes from films with Matthew McConaughey? Tell!

If you know other popular memes from films with Matthew McConaughey, I will be happy to supplement the article. You can tell through the comment form, I will be grateful.

To be recognizable, to earn worthy, to receive film awards is good. Becoming the character of an Internet meme is priceless, if only because only a few of the actors have received this honor. We remembered the ten most popular memes with movie stars.

Leonardo DiCaprio has probably generated more memes than any other actor. It all started with mass reposts of a sugary photograph of young Leo from Titanic (1997), in which his character was subjected to comprehensive ridicule. Then there was a massive fascination with “phototoads”, when the image of DiCaprio cheerfully walking somewhere was implanted in a variety of backgrounds. After The Great Gatsby (2013), a photo of an actor raising a glass became a convenient template for proclaiming any kind of toast, and after The Beginning (2010), DiCaprio’s dialogue with Cillian Murphy in pictures became a fashionable topic for photojabs (actors exchange phrases , after Killian's answer, Leo squints).

But the “comic” made from the frames of “Shutter Island” (2010) gained the greatest fame: the characters of DiCaprio and his partner Chuck Oul are discussing some topic, Oul is trying to joke, instead of answering, the gloomy Leo makes a dreary face. The dialogue of two men in hats turned out to be a universal form in which any topic of the day can be packaged - from vile weather to the loss of your favorite team. The high popularity of the meme led to the fact that the craftsmen drew it, turning it from homemade into a completely real comic.

Example: Owl: What city do you live in? - DiCaprio: In Togliatti. - Owl: Is it in Italy? - DiCaprio: …!!!"

Keanu Reeves - "Sad Keanu", "What if? .."

In the summer of 2010, a photo of Keanu Reeves spread around the Internet - unshaven, very modestly dressed, dejectedly eating a sandwich on a park bench. Taken by the pararazzi, the picture was circulated with a heartbreaking text to the load: “Father left the family when he was 3 and has never communicated with him since. His mother was married six times. Due to moving, I went to different schools. As a child, he suffered from dyslexia. The dream of becoming a hockey player evaporated after an injury. Dropped out of school to become an actor. The daughter died without being born. The daughter's mother died in the accident. Never married. Avoids relationships. Atheist. Refuses big roles if he thinks the character is too cruel. Cut his pay for filming The Replacements so that Gene Hackman could star in it. Previously, he cut his fee by $ 2 million so that Al Pacino could play in the movie The Devil's Advocate. He donates most of his income to charitable foundations and to the staff involved in filming. His best friend is his sister. She has leukemia, and he spends all the remaining money on paying her medical bills, earning money by playing the guitar.

In fact, the actor was preparing for the role of a drug addict in the art-house drama Three in New York, but many compassionate Internet users believed that Keanu was not taking care of himself because he was in a prolonged depression, and discussed this fact for a long time - on Facebook even the Cheer up Keanu Reeves community appeared. At the same time, there were many jokers who photoshopped a picture with an unshaven actor - they put him on a bench with Forrest Gump, made him a member of the gopnik company and placed him in the same frame with the eccentric physicist Grigory Perelman. It all ended with the release of a plastic figurine of unshaven Keanu, which anyone today can order on the Internet for $ 45 (the "author's" copy at the first opportunity was presented to the actor himself, much to the delight of the latter). As a result, no one liked “Three in New York” and were forgotten immediately after the release, but the “homeless Keanu” does not even think of disappearing from the Internet, having already reached the popularity of the old meme with a photograph of young Reeves from the time of “120 Days of Sodom” by Pasolini - but Pakhomov played the village idiot so selflessly that instead of horror, it turned out to be almost a comedy.

Until the end of the 2000s, only thin connoisseurs of trash knew about the film, then someone uploaded The Green Elephant to YouTube - and the roof was blown off the youth. Users pulled the film into quotes and made Brother and Poehavshchi (this is how the characters of the tape address each other) the heroes of thousands of “photozhabs” crammed across social networks, and also created hundreds of videos in which they were forced to sing with the help of auto-tune. No less popular is another genre of video art, in which scenes from famous films are dubbed with phrases from Baskova's film to achieve a comic effect. In Russia today, gatherings of Slonik fans are being held, covers are recorded for a song from the film, a photo of Pakhom rolling his eyes is printed on T-shirts, and enthusiasts have even developed several computer games based on the film universe. Epifantsev, who has managed to build a successful film career over the past years, considers The Green Elephant a mistake of youth, is ashamed of the film and is not at all happy with the unexpected explosion of its popularity, Pakhomov, on the contrary, is pleased with everything, and gives interviews to film publications, explaining that he copied his crazy character from a neighbor . We cannot cite the most popular memes generated by “Elephant” here for censorship reasons, we will only clarify that the seemingly harmless phrase “Brother, I brought you something to eat!” in fact, it does not mean anything good - most likely, the speaker intends to sell something low-quality, useless, fetid to the interlocutor. Nuff said.

Examples:"Hello!", "It's time for ***ing stories", "Breakfast is going to go bad!", "How did you sleep, brother?", thousands of them.

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Disloyal man, Distracted Boyfriend, Me and my weaknesses is a meme based on a stock photo of a guy walking down the street hand in hand with his lover and looking back at a beautiful girl in a red dress.


The template for the meme was a regular stock photo from Shutterstock. In the photobank, it is called like this: "The unfaithful guy walks with his girlfriend and looks back at another beauty." In January 2017, the Turkish prog rock community posted a joke about musician Phil Collins who wants to change rock with pop.

In February, an Instagram user under the nickname _dekhbai_ published photo by inviting other users to mention in the comments their friends who fall in love every month.

In mid-August, this picture was adopted by Twitter users and began to churn out their options for who this guy could be and what he could look back at with such an expression.

In the wake of unexpected popularity, the author of the picture, Antonio Guillem, showed up. he was interviewed by Wired magazine and gave details about the shoot. The man revealed the names of the heroes: the guy who played the wrong one is called Mario, and his offended girlfriend is Laura. Unlike the events shown in the meme, they have a good relationship with each other - the guys work together in a photo agency. The heroes of memes learned about their popularity by accident - after friends began to mark them in photographs.

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The Wrong Guy meme consists of three characters: a conditional self, a conditional dream or desire, and a conditional obstacle on the way to this desire. And then there is fantasy. According to the plot, the hero refuses something real and existing, something that he is tired of. Looking back at the girl, he shows his secret desires and preferences.

Most often it is a conflict between the useful and the pleasant, between the old and the new. In the literal sense, the guy in the photo, being in a relationship, still looks at the other girl. In life, it happens the same way: we often give up old habits or unnecessary knowledge in favor of something else, not always useful.

In part, this meme resembles a meme, where conditional dreams and difficulties are shown using the example of drawn characters.
