The scenario of a youth wedding without a toastmaster. Wedding scenario for the toastmaster "Triumphal wedding

Weddings are very different, from chic and stunning in their scale celebrations, to modest family and discreet events. Marriage can be customized for any wishes and financial possibilities, but it must be taken into account that a significant day should touch the hearts of the newlyweds and their guests. A wedding script will help create the right atmosphere.

A wedding without a script risks turning into an endless and boring feast with family and friends. Contests and various plot twists are important precisely because they do not let guests get bored. People who do not know each other get to know each other in the process of various games and relay races.

If the wedding is designed for a small number of guests (from 10 to 30), then the presence of a toastmaster is optional.

Who to entrust the preparation of the script and holding?

  • The most organically in the role of leaders will look witness and witness. They, as close associates of the newlyweds, will be able to write a script in tandem with the bride and groom, and then beat him at the wedding;
  • If at the wedding for the most part there will be people of adults and advanced years, you can entrust the holding of the event parents of a new family. Well, the script can be found on the Internet and corrected according to your personal wishes;
  • If you do not want to involve guests in organizing a wedding, invite friend from the side. In fact, he will take on the role of toastmaster, but he will not have to pay money (payment can be arranged by holding paid contests, from which your presenter will take the money for himself).

At home or in a restaurant?

You can hold a beautiful wedding both in a restaurant and at home. But a homemade feast will cost much less than finding and booking a hall, paying for a buffet and the work of attendants.

wedding at home


  • saving money;
  • the ability to adapt to any situation (including quickly washing a white dress with a wine stain, hemming a witness’s unexpectedly torn pants and finding props for a contest);
  • the ability to send "overdone" guests to sleep in the next room;
  • no need to go home after a tiring but happy day, taking numerous gifts with you.


  • "simplicity" and lack of entourage;
  • the monotony of wedding photos (the home environment is not conducive to luxurious photo shoots);
  • the likelihood that in the process of stormy fun the interior of the apartment can be seriously damaged;
  • lack of space;
  • self-service.

wedding in a restaurant



  • serious spending;
  • limited actions (all problems and tasks will have to be solved on the spot, with the help of improvised means);
  • the need to return home with "luggage" of gifts, alcoholic beverages, etc.

As you can see, both options have their pros and cons. However, a good scenario for a wedding without a toastmaster for the closest will compensate for any shortcomings and help people relax.


Before writing a script, choose the direction in which you will move. It could be:

The basis for creating your script you can take the classic plan for wedding celebrations.

  1. bride and groom meet with a caravan, and the mother-in-law sprinkles the young couple with millet. Then the newlyweds are seated in a specially designated place and the parents give a parting speech (opening words prepared in advance). Then the word is passed to relatives and friends of the newly-made family.
  2. After all the invitees have drunk a couple of glasses and the first toasts have been made, you can proceed to the competitive program. Active games are diluted with table games. Relay races are held in between meals and congratulatory words (if guests express a desire to make a toast). Leading events, focusing on the mood of people, can announce musical breaks (disco).
  3. First dance of the bride and groom is announced when the guests have drunk no more than 3-5 glasses of alcohol. It is very important to correctly bring the script to this touching moment. For example, a musical gift from parents may be presented before the dance, and beautiful poems may be read by close family friends.
  4. Toward the end of the festive evening, it is announced disco and group games(for example, boys against girls). ALL guests must be involved in the final competitions. The scenario of a home wedding without a toastmaster can be planned without a disco, replacing it with karaoke singing or dance mini-competitions.
  5. After cutting the wedding cake or loaf. Parents conduct a rite of farewell to the bachelor life for children. Mothers remove the veil from the bride and “hand over” the young wife into the reliable hands of her husband. A beautiful point will be the lighting of a wedding candle, which symbolizes the birth of a new family.

Suitable competitions, mobile and table

The scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster in a narrow circle can be "seasoned" with the most bold and unusual contests, which guests warmed up by alcohol will take with a bang.


Pairs consisting of girls and guys (at least 6 pairs) are called to the center of the hall. Then the representatives of the stronger sex are offered to kiss their partners, voicing the places for the kiss.

For example, "I will kiss Marina on the cheek." It is impossible to repeat, which complicates the task for the following applicants.

The losers are those who did not find a place for a kiss.

heart gift

Couples again participate in the competition. Men write on a piece of paper what they plan to give to their companion. And women, not suspecting what they are going to give, tell how they will use the gift. This is a rather fun contest, because in the process, girls can dress up for a holiday in a new frying pan or hang new earrings on the wall.

inflatable tango

Several people go to the center of the hall and randomly split into pairs. On a signal (when the music starts), the people who are in a pair should join in a passionate dance, holding the inflated balls between their stomachs. Those who burst the balloon the fastest, while performing the original dance, will win.

Walls have ears too

This competition can be held to raise money. The hosts prepare facts about the bride and groom in advance, and the guests need to guess whether the named facts are true or false. Whoever makes a mistake pays a "tax".

my beloved

You can take any number of people to the competition. Everyone is invited to name the most beautiful part of the body of a person standing next to them. When everyone in a circle voices their own version for the neighbor on the left, the host announces that now the “place they like” needs to be kissed.

young mother

For the competition, you need to prepare plastic bottles and nipples that are put on the bottles.

As a "feeding" you can use sprite, cola or fanta.

The winners will be those who drink the contents of the bottle more accurately and quickly.

guessing game

Several men are seated on chairs. The bride, blindfolded, is brought to the participants of the competition. She must find her betrothed, feeling only the noses of the guys.

Knot for good luck

Several couples are selected from those who wish. The united guys and girls are placed shoulder to shoulder and tied with their touching hands. Next, the contestants, using only their free hands, must lace up the sneakers and tie a bow on it. Those who quickly and "purely" cope with the task will win.

You can easily create wedding scenarios that are cool and without a toastmaster, the main thing is to make an effort and not be limited by standard canons holding a celebration.

The more creative and funnier the organization of the celebration, the more pleasant the guests and newlyweds will remember this exciting and joyful day.

Ready scripts

Option number 1

Option number 2

Love is a complete fusion of minds, thoughts, souls, interests, and not just bodies. Love is a huge, great feeling, powerful as the world, and not at all wallowing in bed.
A. I. Kuprin

Traditionally, a wedding is held in a cafe or restaurant, however, modern newlyweds today increasingly prefer unusual places for celebrating a solemn event. For example, if the wedding is in the summer, then you can celebrate a beautiful, romantic wedding in nature under tents. The main thing is that a friendly and joyful atmosphere reigned at the holiday. All it takes is a small stroke of a professional brush in the form of fun contests, mind-blowing riddles, wonderful games, jokes and jokes. And then funny wedding script might look like this:

So summer, heat, July... tent.

Dear guests, an amazingly and incredibly beautiful couple is approaching our tent - this is the bride and groom, so let's redeem them with a storm of applause! Good afternoon the name of the bride and groom you have embarked on the path of love, prosperity and family happiness, so your holiday begins from this very moment. We congratulate you on the birth of your family, which will bear the proud name - family Surname!

The path to happiness is different for everyone.
And everyone is allowed to go through it.
But that's the only way to succeed
Who see the light of hope ahead.
So let the family road
Leads you straight to happiness
And the young - we ask loudly
Step forward on it.
And what will she bring you?
Depends only on you.
And it's time for us to congratulate you,
Friendly newlyweds: Guests Hooray!

Host Having taken the first step on the path to happiness, you have come to the most beloved and dear people - your parents! Your mothers hold in their hands your first family bread, your wedding loaf, which turned out to be ruddy and lush, which means that there will always be prosperity and prosperity in your home. Attention, a question for the guests... What do you think should be done with the loaf now? Some guests may say to eat, then we answer - it’s immediately clear who is the hungriest! The loaf needs to be broken first. Take hold of the loaf and break off a large piece from the base. Attention, a question for the witnesses... Tell me, what will we think about, looking at these broken pieces? - Right! Who in the family likes to eat the most, or who will be the head of the family! Well, now you have a unique chance to annoy each other for the last time - salt your bread! Yes, salt more ... Look at each other with tenderness, exchange pieces and feed each other! Ladies and gentlemen, look what a caring couple we have! They won't leave each other hungry!

Host I have some ability to predict the future ... I feel that soon we will hear the clink of glasses! With these words, they bring out a tray with two glasses for the bride and groom.

Host Now make a wish. Guessed? - We drain the glasses and throw them over the left shoulder - so that they love each other passionately! And we, dear guests, will now determine who will be born to them first. If the fragments are large - a boy, if small - a girl.

Presenter And now, everything is according to the law - the marriage is sealed with a crystal ringing! It's time to go into the hall, the newlyweds once again, all together - Hurrah! Guests go to the banquet hall and take their seats in the places that are written on the tables, if this is provided for by the wedding script.

Presenter Do not be shy, dear guests, get ready to raise wedding toasts to the most beautiful couple, eat and have fun. Indeed, according to our today's scenario - the gentlemen look after the ladies, and the ladies make sure that no one is forgotten and that everyone's glasses and plates are not empty.

Host Dear newlyweds, how nice to see you here surrounded by friends, colleagues and relatives. They say that the greatest happiness in life is the certainty that you are loved. You, dear newlyweds, have such happiness! This will be the first toast!

Congratulations on legal marriage
We wish you great happiness.
We're being serious right now...
May millions of scarlet roses
Lie on the path of life
What are you going to go through.
And let the fire of great love
Burning without fading!
Life is easier with love
Everyone knows about it.
Achieve harmony in life
Live to be a hundred years old.
Always respect each other
Love to you and advice!
And now ... Bitter!

Host Dear guests, enjoy your meal and have a fun evening. I think that today you will all help to make this holiday unforgettable not only for the newlyweds, but also for yourself! In the meantime, everyone is having a snack, I want to get to know you a little, find out who is sitting here, with what thoughts, what the guests want to give our young people. And for this we have a magic microphone. As soon as we offer it, it will tell the thoughts of each person. Well, let's get acquainted. The host approaches the guests, stands behind with a microphone, and the DJ, after the host’s question, turns on the composition, for example, questions and compositions can be as follows.

  • Guy - What does he think of himself? (Arkady Laikin (Potap) - Why am I so sexy?)
  • Girl - Let's meet a girl. (Tootsie - And I'm unmarried, someone really needs it).
  • Man - How did this man prepare for the wedding? (Murzilki International - Today, in the morning, I drank cognac).
  • Bride - What does the bride think of her husband? (Natalie - Oh my God what a man, I want from you).
  • Man - What does this man want to give to young people? (Serega - Boomer).
  • Girl - And then this girl will give young people? (ABBA - Money Money Money).
  • A man of large complexion - And another gift from a man. (Winnie the Pooh - The best gift, of course, is honey).
  • We approach the place where several girls are sitting - What do all the girls in the hall dream of? (Gone with the wind - Let's pour).
  • The same where the cluster of men - What do all men want? (Sergey Babkin - You need to drink more, you need to drink more).
  • We approach the witness - Let's find out what the witness thinks about and if it will be in our power to fulfill her dream. (Laurita - I want to dance until the morning).
Leading Well, I think we won’t succeed until the morning, but the dance break ... Please ... Everyone dances ... The guests are dancing. The host is preparing to continue the wedding evening. According to the scenario, the congratulations of the guests and the presentation of gifts are next according to the plan; props are used for this - a small bucket decorated with ribbons and colorful inscriptions, such as: advice and love; our bank is the best in the world; who did not put it, they will put it (a joke, but there is some truth in every joke) and other cool inscriptions.

As they say, when you meet a person
With a bucket filled to the brim
Good luck awaits, and until the end of the century
You will be rich, happy and healthy.
And we are for you, all dear guests,
They saved a bucket for the wedding,
We will fill it so that the young
All my life we ​​have only kept pace with happiness.
Together we will fill the bucket with good luck.
Envelopes, gifts - all here.
Everything that is not a pity, give them in addition.
We're coming to you with a bucket, gentlemen!
Guests congratulate the young, give gifts. If there are a lot of guests, every 20 congratulations, it is necessary to hold cool contests, quizzes, and fun games.

Host So, dear newlyweds! A counting commission consisting of two mothers - now mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law - is sent to find out how much luck this wedding bucket has brought you. They'll be here in five minutes while we warm up. 10 applicants needed... Let those who wish to stand in a circle, place chairs in the center - one object less than the participants. To the music, everyone will start moving in a circle, and at the moment the musical accompaniment stops, all participants must take a chair. A late guest enters his signature into the wedding contract, which is announced by the host. After the loser is eliminated, the game continues, but one chair from the center is removed. And the columns of the wedding contract can be as follows:

  • I undertake in a month, visiting the young, to carry out a general cleaning of their homes.
  • Two months after the wedding, I undertake to visit the newlyweds and cook dinner for them.
  • In three months I will organize a field trip for them with a shovel and a whisk.
  • In four months I will present financial assistance in the amount of 1,000 rubles.
  • In five months I will send the newlyweds a bouquet of flowers with a note from (a relative, even if it is not him).
  • After six months of living together, the young will come with a gift in the amount of 3,000 rubles.
  • In eight months I undertake to buy room slippers for the bride and groom.
  • In ten months I will cook shish kebabs, heat a bathhouse, invite the young people to take a steam bath and drink to their health.
And so on, you can come up with and add your columns to the contract, and when you get together at the first wedding anniversary, you need to check the implementation of this contract.

Presenter Everyone participates in the next contest, I have prepared a surprise for you. I ask everyone to stand in a circle. Participants stand in a circle. The music turns on, the guests pass each other a bag. When the host turns off the music, the participant who happened to have a bag, without looking, takes out the first item of clothing or accessory that comes across. You can put various items in the bag - from baby caps and nipples to huge panties and bras of size 60. You got some surprises. It lies in the fact that you must put all this on and wear it until I tell you to take it off. Half an hour of wearing such a surprise is enough.

Host In the meantime, for the next competition, strong men and beautiful women are invited. A certain number of volunteers are invited, to whom pre-prepared sheets with the written names of any institutions or places are attached to their backs. Only the guests see the signs, and the participants themselves do not know about the content. For example, you can mention a nude beach, a refrigerator, a job, a brewery, a fast food restaurant, etc. It is desirable to distribute the tablets randomly so that unexpected combinations are obtained. When everything is ready, the facilitator in turn asks all the participants questions about their places. The options may be:

  • Do your loved ones know about this?
  • Do you often go there?;
  • How do you get there;
  • What are you doing there?;
  • Do you have photos from there?
  • Does someone close go there with you?;
While the guests are watching the competition, young people are invited to write 5 animals on a piece of paper. Then the toastmaster enters them into the prepared form and reads them out.

Host All the guests certainly want to know more about the bride and groom, and they agreed to help us with this. So, here is what the bride thinks of her husband:
Affectionate, like (the first name of the animal)
Acts like a (second) in bed
Handsome like (third)
Caring as (fourth)
Kind as (the fifth name of the animal).
The same is read out about the bride, but with the husband's answers.

Presenter So, I propose to raise glasses for a beautiful, caring girl and a reliable, strong man, who today before your eyes have become a strong and happy family!

Lead Friends! I propose to smoothly move on to the competitive and dance part of our event.

Most often, the presenter invents words on the go, thereby doing even more wedding script funny and cool. In fact, there are many options for the competitive program, be guided, first of all, by the preferences and desires of the newlyweds, because the choice of the theme of the wedding celebration is entirely their prerogative. To make the holiday unforgettable, the newlyweds come up with unusual original scenarios, choose unexpected topics, and determine the style of the holiday. There are many different ideas that can become the basis for compiling a holiday program.

As a rule, all this happens in a playful way. This is not surprising, because a successful ransom is a unique sight. He is usually remembered for a long time by both the newlyweds and their guests. The ransom of the bride should not last too long. The most suitable option is 15 minutes for all the main actions. Competitions must be chosen, starting from the ability of the groom to freely cope with the proposed tasks.

It is necessary to compose such that the bride and groom have time to take a break from the hustle and bustle, laugh, cry. The guests were able to say important words and congratulate the newlyweds. If you approach this issue with knowledge of the matter, then you can please absolutely everyone! The script is compiled for the venue of the wedding banquet, taking into account the composition of the guests. The success of a festive celebration lies in careful planning, where there should be no trifles. Do not forget about the needs and preferences.

The task of the wedding organizer is to make the holiday so that the guests would be pleased to remember the events of the day. The host should not offend, offend or hurt anyone's feelings, but he must pay attention to all those present. Therefore, an experienced toastmaster conducts comic competitions and games according to scenarios agreed with the newlyweds and annually comes up with new entertainment. What will be the wedding scenario for the toastmaster with contests in 2016?

Necessary components of each scenario

There are generally accepted norms according to which the leader draws up a plan for the wedding day. Mandatory components that include a fun wedding scenario for the toastmaster:

  1. Meeting of the newlyweds before the celebration.
  2. Acquaintance of guests with each other.
  3. Wishes to the young from the guests with the presentation of gifts.
  4. Invite guests to come to the table.
  5. Introduction and filling glasses for the first toast.
  6. The beginning of the meal.
  7. Solemn speech of parents and reciprocal gratitude of the young.
  8. Toasts from witnesses, grandparents of the bride and groom.
  9. A wedding dance.
  10. Bride kidnapping (at the request of the young).
  11. Rite of distribution of household chores.
  12. Finding out the gender of the unborn baby.
  13. Throwing away the bride's bouquet and garter.
  14. Dance and singing competitions.
  15. Lighting the hearth of the family and cutting the cake.

By adding cool contests to the required elements, you will fill the typical wedding scenario for the toastmaster with unique content, make it original and interesting. Thanks to the author's highlights, the wedding will not be like one of a thousand, and guests will appreciate the novelty.

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Classic wedding program

Every year, wedding scenarios change depending on the preferences of the newlyweds. But the classic version remains in vogue. Familiarize yourself with its varieties and make your holiday plan by combining contests.

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Meeting young people after a walk

The host greets guests with the words:

The young people came to us in a wedding cortege, accompanied by witnesses. The holiday is in their honor. Let's greet the newlyweds and congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts! Your union was blessed by angels in heaven, now accept the blessing from your parents.

The bride and groom approach their parents and receive their blessing for the wedding. Then the guests sprinkle them with rice grains, coins and sweets. Further, the program involves the presentation and section of the wedding loaf.

From today you start earning your own bread. So try the last bread from the parental home - break off an impressive piece from the loaf, dip it in salt and feed each other. And let this salt be the sign of the last discord between you.

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The beginning of the feast and the opening speech of the toastmaster

A full wedding scenario for a toastmaster with contests usually includes congratulations from guests and the first competition right on the street, and in an abbreviated one, the invitees immediately go to the hall where the toastmaster delivers an opening speech:

The guests passed, sat down and smiled - this means you can start the meal. Men, be courteous and do not forget to take care of the ladies, and women - accept the care of gentlemen with gratitude. And now let's say the first toast to the happy life of the newlyweds.

Notice their happy faces. They deliberately fettered themselves by marriage and are happy about it. And so that the binding bonds are indestructible and under no circumstances open, let's drink to the young! So let's start clinking glasses. And do not forget the main word that includes any wedding program. That's right - "Bitter"!

The guests drink, the bride and groom kiss. Toastmaster invites you to participate in the first competition - "Reflections on Happiness".

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Happy Thought Contest

We wish the newlyweds a lot of happiness. And what does this word mean for them, now we will find out. (He puts a cool multi-colored hat on the groom's head and continues to address the guests). On the head of the newly-made spouse, you now see a telepathic device that allows you to read the most intimate thoughts. So what is happiness for you?

The song is playing - "I'm getting married, what questions can there be ...".

After the groom, the host invites the bride and guests to try on a hat to express their thoughts about the celebration. Chooses mainly men, so as not to spoil women's hairstyles. Possible questions:

  1. What is happiness? Answers: I will pick flowers and give a bouquet, I want to get married, call me.
  2. What do guests think about salary? Answers: without you, everything became unnecessary without you.
  3. Thinking about work? Answers: yeah, when we wake up, it will be evening - there will be weekends!

After an interesting competition, the guests raise their glasses to the young. Presenter's toast:

An indispensable symbol of a wedding celebration is wedding rings. They denote fidelity, infinity, purity. Gold never rusts, which means that your union will not succumb to the "rust" of quarrels, domestic overloads and conflicts. Let the rings hold your marriage together for many years - let's raise our glasses to this. Bitterly!

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Table entertainment for guests

The presenter in an official setting presents certificates for the bride and groom. He reads out the text from diplomas and gives out medals to young people. For high awards, a toast sounds, and the guests drink.

The last table competition is professional. The host says:

I recently learned that people of different professions love differently: a firefighter is hot, a baker is sweet, a doctor is deadly, an accountant is prudent, and a lawyer is eloquent. Let's ask young people how much they love each other in accordance with their professions.

When the groom, bride and invited guests exhaust the supply of enthusiastic words for their love, the host smoothly proceeds to read out congratulations from postcards. He does it himself or passes the word to the guests in turn.

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Active competition on the dance floor

A cool modern wedding scenario for a wedding in 2016 is filled with table entertainment. But in the development of holiday agencies there is a trend towards maximum involvement of guests in active games and competitions.

The evening opens with the first wedding dance of lovers. After him, the toastmaster announces a dance break - the guests warm up, leave the hall, dance, communicate. In order not to delay the pause, the host allows you to dance with separate parts of the body - only with your hands, feet or face.

After the rest, the toastmaster holds a competition for the distribution of household duties of the new family on the dance floor. He puts the newlyweds with their backs to each other and gives them a cornflower in their left hands, and a chamomile in their right hands, and says:

Cornflower is a spouse, and chamomile is a spouse. I will ask questions, and you will lift up a flower, denoting the one who will do this or that household chore. If both raise a camomile, the responsibility goes to the wife, if a cornflower - to the husband. If the flowers are different, they do the job together.

List of duties for the scenario competition:

  • earn;
  • spend;
  • wash the dishes;
  • scold children;
  • lie in front of the TV;
  • stay late at work;
  • go on business trips;
  • carry coffee in bed;
  • partying.

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Determination of the sex of the unborn child

After the competition, a new toast sounds and an invitation to continue dancing. At the desire of the young, at this moment, the bride is stolen, followed by her search. If the theft is not provided, the host starts a contest to determine the sex of the child. He hands the young two halves of a cabbage head with the words:

One half - to the groom, the second - to the bride. Notes are hidden between the leaves in each half, on one the inscription "boy", on the second - "girl". Whoever gets to the note faster and reads it aloud, this gender will be the baby.

When the young begin to enthusiastically dig into the cabbage, the leader says:

Such adults, and still want to find children in cabbage! They are not there!

Then he offers the bride and groom a dish on which two boxes lie. One nipple is pink, the other is blue. Which one is chosen, such a child will be.

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Wedding cake and family hearth

A wedding cake is brought into the hall, and the toastmaster accompanies this procedure with a speech:

We all want to take a bite out of the cake and expect it to be delicious. The right to cut off the first piece goes to the young, and whoever tries it is the one who is most willing and ready to pay. The starting price of a commemorative piece is 50 rubles. Let's start the auction. Who will offer more?

Guests offer their prices, buy a cake and taste it. The rest of the pieces are given away by the bride and groom for free. A toast sounds, and the ceremony of lighting the hearth of a new family begins. The toastmaster invites the mothers and gives them a lit candle each, and passes one unlit candle to the bride and groom. Makes a speech:

Dear mothers! It's time to pass on a part of the hearth that you have cherished for many years to your children. You know that the family hearth is the core of a strong and lasting relationship. This is the start of a family. Bring your candles and light a new hearth.

Guys, until today you had an independent life - now you will share all the difficulties and joys for two, go together on the thorny paths of life. You must help and take care of each other. Over the years, your life path will expand - children will appear. And wherever it takes you, hold hands tightly and don't leave each other.

After lighting the hearth, the guests dance the final dance, and the wedding evening ends.

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Interesting scenarios for a non-standard wedding

In 2016, creative, interesting toastmaster wedding scenarios will be increasingly popular, in which the newlyweds can act as pop stars, natives or space aliens. Variants of thematic scenarios can be different - arrange a wedding of bikers or knights for the newlyweds.

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Wedding ceremony for bikers

The meaning of the scenario is that the newlyweds and guests move around the city as part of a motorcycle column. In the first half of the day they go to the registry office, register a marriage, then arrange a walk and a photo session. The banquet is held at the recreation center in guest houses, having previously prepared equipment and musical instruments. After the guests have settled, the toastmaster gathers them at the table and asks:

Dear guests, is there enough space for everyone? Is everything visible and audible? If yes, then I invite newlyweds. We meet standing to the sounds of rock and roll!

Young people go to their seats to the sound of music and applause. The first toast for the newlyweds sounds:

So, friends, we have gathered to congratulate the bride and groom on their marriage. What to wish? And until today, you have had what makes you happy - chrome iron horses. The feeling of freedom, the wind in your hair, the speed. Now your happiness has doubled. It's great that you share the same passion - do the same with every moment of life. Share joys and sorrows. Happiness to you! Bitterly!

The following toasts are made for children and parents, and then the newlyweds take oaths on the bible of bikers - a catalog of motorcycle parts. Leading:

Young fiance, do you swear not to disappear into the garage 7 days a week, to wash thoroughly after repairing your horse, to wash your bandanna once a week?

Bride, do you swear to love the smell of gasoline in the house, not to try to clean up your husband's garage, spend the last money on spare parts and help your spouse with repairs? Do you agree that the first word of your baby was the word "bike"?

After the oath, the host "baptizes" the young with a wrench and brandishes a "censer" made of a chain.

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Marriage of a knight and a beautiful lady

An alternative to a cool modern wedding scenario is a knightly wedding. It is unique and attracts with its unusualness, immerses guests in an atmosphere of nobility. Guests are warned and dressed in traditional costumes. The toastmaster announces the beginning of the celebration and assigns titles to the guests. After the opening speech and the start of the feast, he invites to competitions:

  1. Glory Tournament. The toastmaster asks the girls to tint their lips, selects two or three "knights" from the men present and invites them to collect kisses from the ladies in every possible way. The winner is the one with the most lip prints on their face.
  2. The perfect man. The host invites the girls to assemble the perfect guy and gives them clippings from magazines where the images of men are cut into pieces. The winner is the one who quickly collects the whole guy without confusing the parts.
  3. Sonnet for a lady. Five or six men receive a piece of paper with words - 5 pieces on each. Their task is to compose a poetic message from words and win the lady's heart. The winner is determined by applause.

Wedding scenarios are different, but the best one is the one that the toastmaster selects, taking into account the characteristics and wishes of clients.

What should be in the wedding script

1. The arrival of the young, a solemn meeting.

2. Introduction of guests.

3. Giving gifts.

4. Congratulations from the guests.

5. Inviting guests to the table.

6. Opening speech of the presenter, filling glasses.

7. The first toast, the beginning of the solemn feast.

8. Comic documents of the newlyweds.

9. The word of the parents.

10. Gratitude to parents from the newlyweds.

11. Word of witnesses.

12. The word of grandparents.

13. The first dance of the young.

14. They stole a shoe!

15. Competition for witnesses.

16. Stole the bride!

17. Distribution of family responsibilities.

18. Determination of the sex of the unborn child.

19. Throwing the bride's bouquet.

20. Throwing the garter by the groom.

21. Dancing (several blocks).

22. Contests.

23. Something to sing.

24. Dance competitions.

25. Cutting the wedding cake

26. Ignition of the family hearth.

Wedding Scenario #1

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with several wedding scenarios. We will be very grateful if you tell us your fantasy of organizing your wedding. We will be able to translate any of your desires into a fairy tale of its fulfillment!


The host of the wedding celebration, together with the groom's parents, meets the young, addresses them:

Dear newlyweds! By tradition, the people dearest to you, your parents, meet you here. Mom has a wedding loaf in her hands as a symbol of well-being and prosperity. Newlyweds! Break off a piece of bread and season with salt! You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, salt more ... And now exchange slices of bread. Look at each other with tenderness and feed each other! Music sounds, exclamations of guests, the newlyweds “feed” each other.

And now parting words of parents before family life.

The groom's parents say parting words to the newlyweds.

And now the way for the couple -

May only happiness await in life.

Come on, hurry up

The wedding feast is calling you!

We invite everyone to the feast,

To the wedding hospitality.

The newlyweds pass along the corridor formed by the guests, take their place at the wedding table.


Dear newlyweds!

Today you got married.

Happy day for you.

Once you lit the beacon of love,

May it shine on you for the rest of your life.

Everything turned out the way you wanted

And now the desired hour has come -

You put on chastity rings

Flowers and music - for you!

You have beautiful outfits,

We are starting this feast.

Complied with articles, rituals,

Love, advice to you, eternal peace.

In anticipation of family ties,

When hearts and souls are wide open

We bless your union

For constancy and happiness!

Well, the guests stood up together,

The glasses were cheerfully raised.

Let's wish them much happiness

And three times we say together:


The guests are chanting.

It's time for everyone to drink

Friendly newlyweds:

Guests pick up -

So that happiness is in full,

Drain the glasses to the bottom!

After the first wedding toast, you can introduce the guests to the rules of conduct at the wedding.

Opening the celebration

And greeting you all

We would like to be together

Bring the Decree to you.

He touches the guests

How to behave, keep.

And, of course, this decree

Everyone must comply.

Well, first, to the wedding

was merry,

It is necessary that the whole estate

Ate and drank a lot.

Stealing a bride is a custom

But we immediately say -

Stealing is not a fight, but decently,

How to take a fifth.

You can take the shoes off the bride

Only with cunning, with the mind,

And again, carefully

And not at the table.

Kohl stolen, your price

Should be announced immediately

And our bride is not allowed

Keep barefoot for half an hour.

And the bride, shoes too.

It's not good to steal twice

So that you are not more expensive

Don't take the groom at all!

Well, if you are not timid,

The shoe was stolen, moreover,

Drink not from shoes, from a pile,

Perched above the heel.

And, of course, this stack,

Having appeased dashing guests,

According to the people's will

The witness drinks, not the groom!

Place for honeymooners

No one to borrow.

Well, for the bride and groom,

For Decree! Please raise!

The second toast at the wedding is traditionally proclaimed to the parents. They say words of congratulations, wishes, parting words to the newlyweds. After congratulations, the presenter asks the newlyweds to bow to their parents.

Dear newlyweds!

Bow down to your parents

For your wide roads,

For the paths that opened before you,

And for not going astray.

Bow down to your parents

For birth and anxiety

That they have already forgiven you.

Bow down to your parents

Let sometimes be strict

So they wanted your happiness,

So I wanted to save from misfortune.

Let's raise the hello

For those who raised this glorious couple.

Who in life knew neither sleep nor peace.

For those who saved for them great happiness!

The guests standing support a toast to their parents.

For those who, taking honorable care,

From now on, I owe many years in a row

Follow with desire, with joy, with pleasure,

So that there is peace and harmony in the family,

So that the wards walk together

Dear bright, joyful, big

Before their silver wedding at the beginning,

Well, and then - before the wedding, golden!

Our guests, as you noticed,

For young witnesses!

At one of the moments of the wedding feast, the host offers to get to know each other better with the help of a test.

Take a look, dear guests, in what color clothes did you come to the wedding celebration. Who came in red clothes? These people are joyful, beautiful, independent, they appreciate the fullness of life. Always ready for love, in a sense, for a great feeling. They prefer to spend holidays and vacations in the south.

Who is wearing white? Often naive, honest people, with a spotless reputation, kind and decent. They prefer to rest among the snowy plains and polar bears.

The black color of the clothes indicates that we have talented people who are able to bewitch absolutely everyone. They love black caviar and black coffee. Sexually attractive, prolific in everything! They like to relax in the country with lovers.

Blue clothes guarantee their owners a noble origin, romance. These are faithful, glorious people, they literally worry about everything and everyone.

They like to relax everywhere, just to fly a plane.

The green color of the dress indicates that these are people overwhelmed with hope and dreams. Always fresh and attractive. For recreation, they prefer the nearby forest.

Who came in yellow clothes? These people are pleasant, warm, romantic, but ... insidious. From jewelry prefer gold. Striving for a position at the top

estates. They like to relax on Golden Sands, they like to listen to Golden Ring, they like to be called Golden Sands.

Thank you dear guests! So we have become a little closer and more understandable to each other.

The presenter announces the hour for the presentation of gifts, and together with the witnesses, brings out a large, beautifully designed jar with a wide neck.

The Swiss bank opened its branch.

I have it in my hands - reliable and beautiful.

The Swiss bank sent us such a safe,

So that young people would live happily.

We take stones and furs,

Banknotes of any color.

We will open a bank together with you,

And let's have a cup of tea.

We are glad to all the guests at the wedding,

We open an account for the newlyweds.

Contribute quickly -

Philanthropists - kudos!

The presenter and witnesses go around the guests, who congratulate the young, drink a glass of wine for their health and put postcards and envelopes in the “bank”.

At the noisy wedding table

Like a beacon of friendship, kindness

Light you now together

Star of hope and dreams.

The newlyweds approach the music to a special place where a beautiful large candle is fixed, holding candles in their hands. In advance, the host arranges candles on the tables of the guests, and asks when the newlyweds light their “star” so that they also light candles on the tables. After the "star" of the young people is lit, the young people dance the wedding dance.

So let this bright light

You shine in life to the end,

So that endlessly, for many years

Two rings intertwined ...

Seeing off the newlyweds, you can arrange a "Rite of farewell to the veil." Guests stand in a circle, music.

Now you are together, you are one

And therefore it is necessary

Quietly remove the veil from the bride,

Say goodbye to girlhood.

The bride takes off her veil and gives it to her mother.

Take off the veil, beautiful bride,

And here the applause will be in place.

Kiss the husband, the young wife

In the holy moment of unity!

The newlyweds leave the circle, leaving the guests.

Second day

When the guests have gathered, the host builds a “live” corridor, distributing rose petals, coins, grain to the guests, prepares a tray on which there are two glasses filled with champagne tied tightly with a beautiful ribbon. Newlyweds appear, the presenter addresses them.

Everyone has gathered, please note

And you don't mind asking a question.

We ask you now to answer -

What has changed this night?

The bride took off her veil

And so our question is in place -

Well, who is she to you now -

Answer, Vasya, to us -

And you, Katyusha, answer already -

Who is now Vasily?

Now you are together, you are one

Forever intertwined halves.

And so the turn has come

Dry your glass first.

The newlyweds drink champagne without untying the glasses.

So don't let the fun fade away

Now take your throne again.

May your life be beautiful

Like the path you take here.

The newlyweds pass along the "corridor" of the guests, they throw grain, coins, rose petals under their feet.

We throw grain under our feet,

May it grow with happiness.

We throw copper under our feet,

To never get sick.

We throw copper coins under our feet,

So that you don't be poor.

Throwing rose petals

So that you do not know grief or tears.

Host (first toast):

Lights, golden fireflies

Bright light lit up today.

Relatives to the young for a walk

And friends all gathered again.

I see happy faces here

And all eyes are turned to the young.

And I want, friends, to turn

At this hour solemn to them.

You walk hand in hand together,

There is only one way for you now.

You were just a bride and groom

Now they are husband and wife.

And we raise a glass to that

So that trouble does not touch you,

And from the bottom of our hearts we wish

Happiness, joy to you, young people,

Forget sadness forever

Like bouquets of flowers golden

Life is just as beautiful for you!

The host invites the guests, passing a bouquet of flowers to each other, to say only one word to the newlyweds - a wish. For example: peace - happiness - joy - well-being - prosperity, etc. After the toast, which the Newlyweds proclaim for their parents, saying words of gratitude to them, the presenter (s) again asks them questions.

Quiet, sit down, everyone sit down,

I will ask the bride.

Our wedding will take off,

Your family will live

What will you call your mother-in-law?

The bride replies: Mom!

How will you honor your father-in-law?

The bride replies: Dad!

And now you have our verse,

Our young husband is the groom.

Who is to your right

Who is your family now

Who will you be friends with, together,

What will you call your father-in-law?

The groom replies: Dad!

Well, mother-in-law, tell me straight

What will you be called, okay?

The groom replies: Mom!

Immediately two moms, two dads,

They took all the glasses in ... paws.

Even I pour myself -

A toast to a friendly family.

Wedding script #2

Beautiful lyrical music sounds.

The host pronounces the 1st toast - "Love Story".

(This toast is prepared in advance when meeting with the bridegroom, the bride, their parents and friends. The host asks everyone and the childhood of the young, about their hobbies, occupation, zodiac signs and much more. From this information, the Host writes the “Love Story” of this couple , and the more interesting information he learns about a young couple, the more interesting the love story can be written).

At the end of the toast, the host asks all the guests to join this toast and, on a signal, repeat the words “Love each other!”, And he ends his toast with a poem:

To get out of the vicious circle -

Love each other!

In order not to be offended when it's hard -

Love each other!

During work and leisure time -

Love each other!

In winter, a blizzard rages outside the window,

And you still love each other!

The plants of the meadow bloom in bright colors,

And in the hot summer Love each other!

Remember the commandment - Love one another!

Young and old, science says it all:

By all means - Love each other!

Toast: For the young, for their love!

(Feast 5-10 minutes. Accompanied by the work of a disco or a musical group. Further, according to the scenario, after each toast, musical compositions and songs corresponding to the moment sound)

Today I would really like to see all the names in our city changed. And then our newlyweds could settle on Love Street, go to work on Respect Avenue, shop on Care Boulevard, walk along Tenderness Alley, relax on Passion Embankment, meet friends on Attention Square.

Toast: let's raise our glasses to make it so! And also for the fact that the bride and groom would never find themselves in a dead end of Jealousy and on the road of Indifference.

Board Game-survey "Ideal couple"

(For this game, a sheet of paper with text is being prepared. The host invites the guests to make a portrait of an ideal couple. To do this, he asks the guests from the groom’s side to express their wishes, what kind of wife, in their opinion, should the bride be; and the guests from the bride’s side express their wishes - what kind of husband the groom should be in family life. The host writes down their words, then the result is read out; that the situations that the couple finds themselves in during the day are entered in the form, the host does not inform the guests)

What is the groom doing? What about the bride?

Waking up

On charge

At breakfast

On the way to work (study)

At the reception of the authorities

Communicating with colleagues at work (study)

Relaxing with friends

Visiting theaters (museums, restaurants, etc.)

(This list can be continued and choose the situations that are most suitable for a young couple)

Toast: for the perfect couple!

Let's raise a healthy spell For those who brought up this glorious couple, Who in life knew neither sleep nor rest, Forged such great happiness for them. So they wanted your happiness, So they wanted to save them from adversity. Let time fly, but they do not grow old, Let the grandchildren grow up and become younger in soul. I propose a toast to those who are closer and dearer than all, who rocked you in the cradle, did not sleep for long nights. Who shared the joys with you in half? Let's drink to dads and moms!

Toast: for parents!

A young man decided to get married. He found a bride, invited guests, but suddenly thought: who should be in charge in the family - a husband or a wife? He asked this question to his father, but the father could not give an answer and sent him to the sage who lived on the edge of the village, but even there the young man did not find an answer to his question. People told him where the wisest man on earth lives. He lived high in the mountains and never went down to the plains. The young man walked for a long time, climbed the mountains with great difficulty and sat down to rest in front of the door of the sage's hut and suddenly saw his reflection in a puddle of water: a gray beard to the waist, wrinkled hands barely holding a stick, his legs hardly made each next step - he himself became an old man, and it was simply too late for him to marry ... So let's not look for an answer for the same long time, but find out everything here and now! Let's choose the head of the family.

Competitive program "Determination of the head of the family"

1. Speed ​​baby swaddling. The bride and groom are given dolls and diapers. Who will swaddle the baby faster and more accurately? Young parents can help.

2. Speed ​​feeding children with a spoon. “Child” can be one of the guests, but in order not to stain it, you need to pick up a bib, use yogurt as food.

3. High-speed money counting. Each of the young is given the same amount of money in coins of different denominations. They must count them and accurately name the amount.

Toast: for equality in a young family.

Do you know how the joint path of a young family begins?

(Guests answer)

From matchmaking, during which each side praises their children ... And now we will do it differently. I invite young people to boast to each other of their greatest wealth - relatives and friends. Here you can imagine them. ... And look, dear wife, what kind of parents I have, etc.

(The bride and groom introduce their relatives and guests)

Toast: for parents, relatives and friends - the main wealth of the young.

And now I give the floor to congratulate the people who have taken on the honorable duty of witnesses.

Congratulations to the young from witnesses (congratulations are prepared in advance)


Today should be light and bright

If married to

So he's the luckiest!


Today you can not be sad and gloomy,

Let's drive away separation, treason and evil,

If goes for,

So she's the luckiest of all!


In life, where there are many tears and doubts, Only the one who knows how to love is happy!


You can live without wealth and money, But without love it is impossible to live!

Toast: To a wonderful couple! May you live happily ever after!

Toastmaster for the wedding 8903-763-5510 Anatoly

Wedding script for toastmaster for free

This script was compiled by me around 1998

When writing the material, various methodological literature on the theory and practice of holding holidays was used. Unfortunately, I don't remember the authors. As well as personal work Of course now I'm working on other scenarios, but some interesting points from this, I still sometimes use it. I hope you can find something useful from it too.

Sincerely, host of the holidays Anatoly

Wedding scenario

Meeting with a loaf

Toastmastermeets the newlyweds at the entrance together with their parents with a loaf on a towel.

Guests sit in a semicircle.

Dear newlyweds!
traditionally acceptparental mandate

Parting words to the newlyweds from their parents when meeting with a loaf.


Now break off a piece of this loaf and annoy each other for the last time.
(The newlyweds break off a piece of loaf, dip it in salt and feed each other, the toastmaster asks the guests to support the young with applause)

I'll tell you a story:

Sociologists from one of the Russian cities conducted the following experiment:

They invited 100 men and said:

"Men! Which of you has a wife in the house, go to the other side of the room.

99 men crossed, and one remained standing still.

He is asked the question: “How did you manage to become the head of the family?” To which he replied: “My wife brought me here and said: “Until I come, don’t leave the place!”

And now we have a great opportunity to find out which of the young spouses claims to be the head of the family.

To enter the family path

Forever, not somehow

You must decide here

Who will do all the work

And to solve this question for you

I ask you to taste this caravan.

He is magnificent, he is beautiful, he is tasty,

It has the aroma of the native land ...

And more who will bite off a piece,

To be the head of the family

(If the groom has a larger piece, the toastmaster says:

“The head says the husband, and the wife says the neck, wherever she turns, the head will look there!”)

Dear guests!

It was not by chance that the newlyweds broke the loaf, so that, according to custom, before sitting at the festive table, you would tempt the loaf as a symbol of goodness and prosperity in family life.
Young! Treat guests with a wedding loaf as a sign of your hospitality.

Well, now, dear guests, on behalf of the hosts,

We invite you all to the festive table!

( Sounds likemusic)

Well friends, we are all already assembled:

Bride in wedding dress

The groom has already been in place

And faithful, as always to the bride

Friends sit in a feast nearby,

Follow the wedding ceremony

And so, with great excitement,

If it happened to become a toastmaster,

I want a short introduction

Our table holiday begins!

Dear guests, please fill your glasses

for the first toast.

First toast to the young

Dear newlyweds!

You decided to connect two destinies into one

Congratulations on your legal marriage!

As people used to say in the old days,

We say to you: "Good afternoon!"

Show respect to each other

Divide everything difficult in half

May that moment last forever

Let people only rejoice at you.

Not enough words will be said to you today

Heart words and gentle and simple

Let's raise our glasses

For the happiness and health of the young!

(Song "We wish you happiness")

Dear (Names of the newlyweds)

Today, however, as always, next to you, your closest people are your parents.

They are very worried.

Time has flown by imperceptibly since you were born.

Your moms and dads didn't get enough sleep at night.

Then they took you by the hand to kindergarten,

took you to first grade, helped you study

and always worried about you. Bow to your parents for their affection, care and patience.

Young to the applause of the guests bow to their parents

Second toast to parents

Everyone was shouting "hooray" here

In honor of the bride, groom,

But look to the left, to the right

On fathers and mothers

What tirelessly raised

Sons and daughters

Turned gray like a hair

Brighter than the veins on the arm

And confusion in their soul

It's very hard to part

With older people

We wish them to remain

Forever young people.

So let's pour, fill up,

Let's move the cups, tighter,

Standing we will drink for the main

For fathers and mothers!

(Song "Parental House")

Dear guests. I want to express the hope of the heroes of the occasion,

that all of you arrived at the wedding with a pure heart, good wishes and good mood.

And so that from the very beginning of our wedding feast

you feel simple and at ease, I suggest to everyone

quickly get to know each other.

Now I ask all the guests invited by the bride to stand up ... And let the groom's guests greet them with applause. And now I ask the groom's guests to rise, and the bride's guests greet them. Well done, good. But the acquaintance did not end there. Now I propose to play a table game that will help everyone get to know each other a little closer. So, we will divide the guests into two teams: the groom's team and the bride's team ...

A game. Summing up the results of the competition

Dear guests. Please fill your glasses.

Let's raise a glass to the love of the young.

(Song "Let's drink for love")


Well, now put the cups, cook

wedding gifts.

Wedding gifts and congratulations to the newlyweds

And the first to congratulate the young, of course, are the parents.

(Money is collected in a 3-liter jar with the inscription "BANK" At the end, the jar is handed over to the groom)

This is your family bank, the most trusted bank in the world, and it needs to be shut down for safety.

We give this right to the president of the bank (Name of the groom) (The groom is given a lid and a key for rolling) Closed? Now tell the Minister of Finance.

And we hand the minister (bride) the key to the bank (opener)

Fanfare sounds.

Dear guests! Please fill your glasses.

We dedicate this toast to you. Many thanks to everyone for the gifts and good wishes.

May your life be full of joy, happiness and all the best!


And now we want to invite the newlyweds to their first family dance, and the guests to support them.

( Song "I love you to tears")

(During the dance, the guests form a circle and shower the young with rose petals. You can light sparklers, etc.)

Dance program with competitions and games

Prize giving. Table invitation.


Dear friends! Fill your glasses.

Words for parents of newlyweds

Dear Parents!

You are a little sad today

Your children are leaving you.

But maybe that's how it's supposed to be

So that the hour of parting has come.

How long have they not been bold?

Barefoot walked under the table?

Clumsy, clumsy,

Plowed the floor with their feet!

And today it’s already with adults,

You had to leave your children.

Bitter, bitter, parents, bitter!

To make the children happy!!!

Parents are sad!

(Song "Don't Cry Mom, Don't Cry Dad")

Dear Parents! From today, you have twice as many children. Parents of (Name of the bride) have a son (Name of the groom) and parents of (Name of the groom) have a daughter (Name of the bride)

But, at the same time, you received new titles:

Father-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, and mother-in-law.

Ceremonial presentation of certificates of awarding honorary titles

(Tush or fanfare sounds.)

Presentation of certificates of conferring the honorary titles "Son-in-law" and "Daughter-in-law" (Handed by parents)

Third toast to moms

Wedding dance and entertainment program.

Competition for the best dance performance "Gypsy Girl" "East" ...


Table invitation.


Wedding telegrams.

Presenting a gift to the groom, in memory of a bachelor's life. (Humorous poster)

A toast to the end of a bachelor's life and entry into a family life.

Game for the newlyweds: "The distribution of family responsibilities"

Husband's oath. The oath of the wife The oath of the young.

Toast so that family responsibilities are not a burden, but a joy.

Board games for guests "Question-answer" "seasons"


dance program.

The bride throws the bouquet.

Festive takeaway of the wedding cake.

The newlyweds cut off the first two pieces and hand them to their parents


Bride and groom toast to guests


Wedding script download

Musical accompaniment of weddings, musical accompaniment of holidays, corporate banquets, anniversaries in Moscow and the Moscow region