Amazing stories about human kindness. Short good stories. A woman came up with a device for the safe movement of blind dogs

Today I saw this: mother and daughter got on the bus. The girl looks at her mother, and loudly says to the whole bus: "What a pity that there are no empty seats." A young guy gives way to her. She again on the whole bus: "What a pity that there is no place for mom."

A week ago I stood at the bus stop and waited for the bus. At that moment, a drunken man with a puppy on a leash was crossing the road. He walked very fast, almost dragging the puppy along the ground. He whined, but did not stop wagging his tail and keeping up with the owner. The man went to the store and tied the puppy at the entrance, when he wanted to follow him, the man kicked him hard: (It made me angry, I untied the puppy, put it in a backpack and ran home. Mom dreamed of a puppy all her life, now the plush miracle lives with us, we won't let anyone raise a hand against him! And tomorrow we're moving to another city, so no one will find us!

Today I put on new shoes for the first time. I rubbed it terribly, I was returning from school already barely dragging my feet. And in front of my house there is an ambulance building, when they have lunch, they often hang around in my yard, because. there is a grocery store. I’m walking limping around the yard, and one guy (doctor or nurse, I don’t know) asks: “Girl, what’s wrong with your leg?”, I say, so and so, he: “Let me help you,” and not only did he carry I was in my arms across the entire yard, and I was raised to the 5th floor! When I thanked him, I heard in response: "Our job is to help people" P.S. goofy eyes, you should have seen the grannies sitting in the yard!

Mom asked for a white kitten for her birthday. I found it in the first ad in the group with "loses" - someone threw out a box in which there were 16 newborn kittens, including a white one. Caring guys took the box home to attach everyone over time. The announcement was 4.5 hours. When I called to find out where to pick up a cat, they told me that they were all taken apart in 2 hours! 16 kittens dismantled in 2 hours! Thanks for being you guys, you give me hope!

Every morning a dog gets on the minibus at my stop and goes clearly to the market, where he gets up and runs about his business. All passengers love her. A fluffy ray of goodness in the morning bus!

Once, when I was in 4th grade, I rode the bus to practice. I hand the money to the driver, and instead of taking it, he asks: “How do you study?”. At first I was taken aback, then I answered that I was an excellent student (and it was true). The driver said: "Well then, keep the money." I remember this driver for a long time.

It was in St. Petersburg. I was crossing the road and overheard a dialogue between a mother and a small child. The child did not want to take his mother by the hand. And then she told him that HE would take her across the road so that nothing would happen to her. That was my very useful observation, because I myself will soon become a mother.

When I asked my grandmother which person was the most significant in her life, I hoped that she would say - grandfather or one of the children, but she said that this man was a German soldier who found her alone, six years old in ruins, did not betray her, sometimes came to her and shared sugar and bread. He was scary, pimply, thin and without eyebrows. She did not understand him and was frightened when he suddenly took her somewhere, but he simply handed her over to kind people in the village. Without him, our family would not exist.

Today I'm on the bus. Another boring day. As usual, out of stupid habit, I move my lips, repeating the words after the singer in my headphones. And then I see: a guy of extraordinary beauty is sitting! I look at him, I can’t tear my eyes away and intuitively sing silently “I think, I love you baby”, and he apparently noticed me and, also silently, as if answers with a slight smile “I think, I love you too”. Ear to ear smile all day long.

I was 10 years old when I was trying to earn my first money. I crocheted doilies and sewed potholders. Then I handed them over to the house of creativity. And when they were sold there, they gave me my pennies. I was insanely proud! And only in my 30s did I find out that, it turns out, it was my grandmother who went, bought all my “needlework” and kept them at home.

Morning. A four-year-old son enters the room, holding the falling pants with his hands, and says: “Mom, I have unpleasant news for you: I have lost weight,” and in fact the elastic band in my pants has burst.

Every morning an old grandfather comes to our yard, always holds a package in his hands. With his appearance, the yard comes to life, local cats and their kittens run towards him from all sides, fawn over him, rub against his legs. He tries to pay attention to each, strokes them, talks. Then he goes to the cups under the trees, cleans them, arranges food, pours milk and fresh water. And the whole cat company goes to have breakfast. All this time, his wife is watching him from the window, who is preparing these breakfasts. They are both in their 70s, but with each pension, they allocate money for cat food, canned food and other cat food. Every day, in any weather, he comes to feed them. When meeting with him, I always want to thank him from the bottom of my heart, because he not only helps animals that do not have a home, he changed the attitude of the residents of the yard towards cats. Many began to feed them and try to attach them. There is good!

Yesterday the car spun on the highway and flew into the field, a ditch, a meter and a half. Absolutely all the cars stopped, asked how to help, five men still pulled the car onto the track, despite the snow, at such moments you begin to believe in people. Thank you.

When I was three, I was bitten by a dog on the face. He left a big scar, almost lost his eye. I remember the very moment of the bite and that's it. Further, according to my grandmother: “I feel that something is not right, I went to your house. Your mother and neighbor (her dog) are crying, and you are standing with a towel to your face. I remove it, and your bone sticks out and everything has already curled up. I put pi ** lei in them, put you in an armful and see a doctor. If something hadn’t pushed my grandmother towards us then, I don’t know what would have happened to my face. I am very grateful to her.

I am an artist, since childhood I dreamed of becoming one. And how pissed off my relatives are. Previously, they tried in every possible way to take away pencils and paper from me, saying, “You won’t be full of all sorts of scribbles.” And now they not only ask for a loan, they also want me to draw them. Scum.

As a child, my second cousin dreamed terribly of at least some kind of pet, but her parents did not allow her. Therefore, during a trip to the sea, she laid out the caught jellyfish on a toy boat, affectionately stroked it, saying “Mom, look, this is my pet Kerbick.” Unfortunately, after 15 minutes of exposure to the scorching sun, the pet Kerbick melted and mom had to catch a new one, too Kerbika)

When I start yelling at my boyfriend, he turns away, smiles and barely audibly says “slut”, well, how can you be angry after that?;)))

I was lucky to perform on the stage of the Mariinsky Theatre. Actually, I was in St. Petersburg for the first time, so the associations were with the high culture and rich spiritual life of St. Petersburg residents. I stand behind the scenes, raise my head up and see on such a high wall in large letters on the dust the word “X * Y” is written. oops)))

I do eyebrow tattooing, eyelash extensions, nails, silicone implants in my breasts, I go to the gym regularly, and my fiancé pays for it. No, I'm not a capricious bitch who pulls money from her beloved. It’s just that on the first night of our life together, he saw me without makeup and ordered me to put on my make-up back, because “I don’t want an ugly you.” Cried and painted.

Today my mother-in-law came to visit, and I decided to entertain her with pictures of my grandson at dinner. The folder is not sorted. “We are swimming”, “we are eating”, “this is a developing mat”, “oh, and these are boobs”, “boobs again”, “oops, not that folder” ... The husband choked on fish, could not help laughing.

Today we sit with my mother, we have breakfast. I started telling her that I was already tired of cleaning / cooking, that I had too much housework, etc. Mom shouting: "REVOLT ON THE SHIP!" jumped out of the kitchen.

She got married, frankly, by calculation. After a year of marriage, she became very ill. I couldn't sleep at night because of the cough. Accordingly, the husband also did not sleep. On the third night, she said that it would be better to sleep separately, because. him early in the morning to work to get enough sleep. To which he replied that he would not go anywhere, because. he will still not sleep, knowing that I feel bad, but it will be even worse for him, because. at that moment he will not be there and he will not be able to pity me ... Along the way, I begin to fall in love

It so happened that my loved one was unlucky with birthdays. Relatives died, girls left, they forgot to congratulate, he hated this day. This year, my friends and I decided to somehow break this system, prepared for a couple of weeks, picked up the gifts that he dreamed of, baked a cake. And here is the birthday, I give a signal and all the friends burst into the room in vests, bandanas and with sabers at the ready. The whole day passed with contests, themed music and films, and the face of a loved one at the moment of opening gifts on our pirate ship was worth all the effort :) Now such costumed birthdays are a tradition for us.))

I rode the subway, as usual, a crowded car. The girl stepped on my foot, but instead of words, she gently took my hand and smiled. I think I'm in love

I get very mad when my grandmother asks me something several times. Grandmother noticed this and said “granddaughter, if I had heard, I would never have asked again.” How embarrassing for myself...

My husband and I decided to experiment after a friend's birthday ... in an elevator. Someone called the elevator, we pressed the stop button too late. Who the hell walks the dog at 4:00 in the morning?! I hope I won’t meet my neighbor downstairs again 🙁

Once on the train I woke up (on the bottom bunk) because a man (who was sleeping on the top bunk) was throwing up on my head. Creatures, do not drink vodka on trains!!!

In a bank branch of a small town, an elderly woman died in line, sudden cardiac arrest. At the time, I didn't know this. Went in to pay bills. In the middle of the hall lay something like a mountain (the woman was not small). Children were playing in the corner in the children's area of ​​the Bank, and everything would have been as usual if I had not seen a human hand peeking out with blue fingers. It turned out that the department was forbidden to close for a break, and people were not embarrassed by the corpse in the hall!

When my brother and I didn’t want to lie down during the day for a quiet hour in childhood, my grandmother offered us 2 options: either we sleep for 5 minutes, or we just lie there for an hour. Naturally, we chose option 1. Fall for it every time)

My daughter, who is almost two years old, loves our cat so much that even out of a sense of solidarity and true friendship, she hides with her in the closet from the vacuum cleaner)))

She taught her child to say “chubby” instead of “fat girl”, well, so as not to offend the girls, so to speak. We go with him, in front of her mother and her plump daughter are walking, the son with admiration: “Mom, look, what a girl! plump!”, the girl turned around, smiled, and the mother turns, with resentment and indignation says: “You yourself are plump! Fuck!” The girl immediately pouted and hid behind her mother ... What I want to say is that half of our complexes and problems are carefully nurtured not at all by a “cruel” society, but by our “golden” parents.

In our relationships with men, we assume different roles. Someone is a woman - a child, someone is a mother, etc. I'm a grandmother woman. I will always feed, knit a scarf for the winter, check whether I am warmly dressed, bake pancakes on weekends. They love me, they come back to me. With me it is safe and comfortable. But I'm not interested in sex.

The guy gave me a dog, I dreamed about her all my life. Later they began to live together and once had a fight, I calmly asked to move out, because my housing. He grabbed my six-month-old dog by the throat, my joy, my happiness. Said he'd break her neck if I didn't beg for forgiveness. The dog began to wheeze and break out, whining with all his might, but he tightly squeezed her small neck with his huge hand ... It was a complete failure in my head, what happened, but they gave me a year on probation for the bitten off phalanx of this asshole's finger.

My mother is a great cook in the past. With age, she began to cook more and worse. Cutlets can sprinkle with sugar or put apples in the soup. On my attempts to cook something, he pushes me out of the kitchen with the words “I didn’t give you two higher educations so that you squirm in the kitchen.” We slowly throw away her cooking and eat with her husband in restaurants. Old age is scary!

It seems to me that I am not quite a full-fledged person and even a moral monster. I have two daughters - 8 years old and 1 year old, I love them, take care of them, sincerely tell them how good, smart, beautiful they are, how I love them and am proud of them, but there is not even an echo of what they sing about in me in songs about moms, write in books and social networks. I don’t feel an emotional lift, I didn’t cry when they were born, I’m not ready to say that children are the meaning of life and its only joy, sometimes their presence bothers me, and when I get very tired, I get very angry with them. For me, children are a big, but still part of my life, and at the current moment, while I'm not working (and I really want to, but I can't get out), my main activity and duty. When I read the statuses of young mothers - classmates and classmates, where they confess their love to their children, I understand that I have never experienced anything like this and I am unlikely to experience it. In principle, we live well, as a friendly family, but something in me is not, has not died, and has not even been born. And I don’t know how to admit it, how to live with it and how to fix it ...

Today, an announcement was hung in the entrance, where they wrote with a clumsy child's hand "do not hold evil - hold the balls!" Funny inflatable balls with a string dangle on tear-off sheets ... and a couple of people have already torn off a balloon for themselves. I tore it off for myself too and stomped home with huge packages and with a smile.

Today I was walking down the street, my grandmother is walking nearby, it is winter outside, ice. Well, I think I'll help her or something, I have time to work. As soon as I approach her, she falls and starts screaming, “Oh, you are a witch, you want my death?! You won’t wait, ”he calmly gets up and leaves further. So what was it?

I am a student, I work as a waiter and a tutor. I prefer to always and everywhere pay for myself and explain my relationship policy to my young people at the very beginning. Many argue at first, but eventually give in. How infuriating that after a while they ALL go nuts and start “pay for dinner you today”, “loan me money”, “buy groceries/heater for home” (we live together!). I want equality, not a content! It infuriates me so I have no strength, in the next relationship I will be TP and beg for an iPhone

All my childhood, a cat lived at home, when he died, my parents, so as not to upset me, said that he got married and now lives with his wife. I believed and sincerely wished him happiness)))

I’m a strange woman, not a special mind, at the expense of beauty, mother nature also rested here ... But I have two husbands ... I have been living for two families for three years. One trucker, the other business on the Internet. I'm leaving one, I say that I'm going to my grandmother and vice versa. I love both of them .... with the first fuck until we lose our pulse (noisy, passionately, the Kama Sutra is resting), the second quick-shooter .... (quietly, gently, change of position like the presidents have a deadline ... once every 4 years :-) In my hands pregnancy test….positive. Then I will definitely write who turned out to be more agile ...

As a child, she believed, like all children, in Santa Claus. Once my mother forgot to put a gift under the Christmas tree, I get up, I see there is no gift, I wake my mother and then my mother takes out a gift from the chest of drawers and argues like this: “Daughter, Santa Claus got drunk and mixed up”

I went to art as a child. Once we drew a portrait of my mother. Everyone got about the same drawings, but I still stood out. Accidentally. I drew two crescents (such as breasts) for my mother in the chest area. In the corridor our parents were waiting for us, “artists”. And everyone sarcastically asks like this: “What is THIS ???” I am shy (generally shy of the words breast, give birth, love, etc.) and keep silent. Our teacher helped: “how what?? Shadow!" And took my hand. Thank you Boris Petrovich!!! It's like a mountain has been lifted off my shoulders!!!

1. Today my dad came home with roses for mom and me. "In honor of what?" I asked. He said that some of his colleagues complained today about their wives and children, and I could not keep them company.

2. Today, I asked my grandfather for advice on how to be in a relationship and he said: “Honestly, the moment I met your grandmother, I got frustrated trying to find the right woman and just started trying to become the right person. And that's when your grandmother came up to me and said "Hello".

3. Today, it was 10 years since I live with my husband, who would not have become one if there was no graduation. At the time, my family was struggling to make ends meet and we couldn't even afford to buy a dress. He bought me a dress, helped my parents, and through his parents found a job for my dad. We have two kids and I still love him.

4. Today, on our 50th wedding anniversary, my husband took out an old envelope and handed me a love note he wrote back in 7th grade.

5. A couple of years ago, at the exit of the hypermarket, I held the door for an elderly lady. She thanked me and said that she would be lucky for the girl who would get such a good man. This afternoon I went with my wife to the grocery store, we walked hand in hand and on the way out I met the same old lady. She held the door open for us, winked and said, “I told you so.”

6. Today, my mother and I sat down to watch the same movie at the same time, even though we were several thousand kilometers apart. I missed her so much and it seemed to us that we were sitting on the same sofa and it was so warm in our souls.

7. Five years ago I took a puppy from a shelter for sick dogs, he had constant seizures. Today he has grown and recovered and is now my service dog.

8. My daughter was 28 years old when a firefighter saved her life when he carried her out of a burning building. In the process, he injured his leg, and doctors said he would never be able to walk properly again. Yesterday he put down his cane and slowly led my daughter down the aisle. I didn't want a better husband for my daughter.

9. Today, for the first time in six months, I called my best friend and apologized for not being able to support him in difficult times. To which he told me: “I knew that you would call me ... Come ...“

10. Today was my little sister's 14th birthday. She has Down syndrome and has no friends. My boyfriend came to dinner with flowers but said they weren't for me. He went inside the house and gave them to his sister. She was so excited. He took the two of us to a restaurant and we had a great evening.

11. I am a poor student, I always have no money and this makes me feel unhappy. But when I receive an e-mail from my father, who stayed overseas, saying how much he loves and misses me, I feel like the richest person on Earth.

12. My parents help heroin addicts with rehabilitation. They themselves were like that, 17 years ago, but changed when they found out that my mother was pregnant with me.

13. My grandmother passed away today. She was the glue that held our family together. There were so many people at the funeral today. It turns out she was loved by many and everyone came up and said thank you for the fact that we took care of her until the last day.

14. Today I found out that my biological mother is a drug addict who died of an overdose when I was three years old. But today I can say that I will proudly call the woman who raised me and took me from the shelter mom.

15. Today, after we all watched our grandmother blow out 100 candles on a cake, she looked up, looked at all of us, 27 family members, and said: “You are my family. I am very proud to be a part of your life"

16. Two years ago, our mother was attacked and left scars on her face. And my brother and I every week, wherever we are, call and say that she is the most beautiful with us.

17. Today I helped cook food for the homeless. The person to whom I gave the sandwich said that he did not want to and asked to give it to a friend who was standing behind him. "It's his birthday and I want to give him a present, but all I can do is sacrifice myself for him." His friend was delighted. People who have nothing appreciate the little things that we don't notice.

18. Today I passed by a woman with two dogs. One dog was missing a leg, but they were both lame. I asked what happened. The owner smiled and said that one dog lost a leg while protecting the second and now the second is lame because she is grateful to her.

19. Today, while playing with my 20-month-old daughter, I pretended to be asleep. She covered me with a blanket, patted my back, and then kissed me softly on the lips. That's exactly what I do when I put her to bed myself.

20. My two-year-old daughter, who did not know how to swim, fell into the pool, I was in the kitchen, and when the yard dog ran up, she was already pulling her out of the pool, gently clutching her dress in her teeth. Now we have a dog.

We have prepared for you a selection of stories in which kindness is given an honorable first place! We just want to remind you once again that goodness still exists and it is nearby, even if you are surrounded by the gloom of gray everyday life. Happy reading:

I am a student. After the summer holidays, I went to study in another city 3,000 km away by train. My neighbor was a man of about 50, with whom we immediately found a common language. An hour after the train left, I realize that my wallet with all the money and cards was left in my mother's bag! There is no network on the road to call, so I start thinking about how to withdraw money. Suddenly, my neighbor hands me 1,500 rubles with the words: “If this happened to my son, I would go crazy.”

I am 40 years old. I got up well, and now it's time to fulfill an old dream: I set up an almost win-win machine with toys! I asked the engineer to set it up so that the toys cling well and do not fall when the “pincers” go up. I bought about two thousand small toys in bulk and put this miracle in my store. For me, this machine is unprofitable, but I will not remove it! I see how the children rejoice, and I rejoice with them.

I work at night as a cashier in a pizzeria. A different contingent comes, but tonight I was pleasantly surprised by one young couple. They came before the technical break. It's very cold here, I'm a little cold. They came in, we talked, and she noticed that I was cold and had ballet flats on my feet. This girl hands me woolen knitted socks and says: "This is for you." It was the sweetest and most unexpected act.

When I walk in the park, I like to feed the pigeons. When I was feeding the pigeons, I noticed that one of them had a paw wrapped in barbed wire. I took off my jacket, caught a pigeon in it and ran closer to the house. There I carefully unwound the wire from the pigeon. A month has passed. This pigeon always flies and sits next to me when I come to feed the other birds. A month later, I looked out the window, and my friend was sitting there.

She jumped into the subway car a second before the door closed. Of course, my bag was left outside. A teenage girl standing there quickly grabs her and shouts: "Wait for the next one, I'll bring it!". The train is running. Phone and driver's license in the bag. I'm leaving for the next one. And they really did bring it. Gave away a bag with 50k cash!

We walked with a guy in the evening, then a tipsy man and his wife call us, they say, there is no flashlight, shine on the stairs, the kitten is stuck there, crying for the second day. While we were doing rescue activities, four more people joined us. They opened the ladder with a crowbar, took out the poor fellow, took it for themselves. I went to a nearby store, where everyone is aware of what is happening. Talked to salespeople. The man standing in front of me bought me a lollipop, and the saleswoman gave me food for free, "for salvation."

Somewhere they cut my wallet, discovered it was missing at the bus stop and began to sob, as I took off the “baby ones”, and there was money to pay for the repairs made. Everything is back to back, it means that we can live on water and bread for a month with a child. A drunken man comes up, his pants are torn, he starts to find out “what made you cry”, I blurted out from hopelessness that they had stolen 30k. He takes out a spatula full of five thousandth bills, starts shoving money into my hands, I refuse. As a result, he grabbed my hands, shoved the money down the collar and, wiggling and giggling, ran away.

For lunch I go to a nearby cafe, the path to which runs through the park. For the past three months I have been passing there at 12:10 and every day I see my grandfather walking his dog. She, apparently, is also old, something like a husky, and he always addresses her very affectionately, “my good Dina” or “Dinochka”. Not sparing affection, he will always praise the dog for going to the toilet, or just stroking its head! Yesterday, as usual, I went to dinner and again saw this grandfather ... in his hand instead of a dog leash - a handkerchief, tear-stained eyes and a sad look ... I immediately understood everything, I felt so sorry for my grandfather that today I left earlier for lunch, bought it on a bird market for a puppy of an ordinary mongrel for three kopecks, waited for my grandfather in the park and slipped him a dog in a shoebox. Such happy eyes as he had at that moment, I have not seen for a very long time.

I went home at 9 o'clock, it was dark. Behind me, two men grab me and drag me into the bushes, I yell with all my strength. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a guy runs up to us and, screaming, splashes them in the face from some spray can. While they are writhing on the ground, he grabs my arm and we run. I don’t know how much we ran, but everything ended well, he walked me home, and when asked how I could thank him, he gave me a can with the words “carry it always with you” and left.

About five years ago I was walking down the street in winter. I see a woman standing, leaning against a tree. I think something may have happened, I come up and understand that it’s bad for a person. The ambulance arrived very quickly, when asked who I was, they answered that they did not check my daughter. The hospital said that they were lucky - they called me on time. I found her daughter's number on her phone, called, described the situation and, making sure that she would arrive soon, left. I saw her in the park today. Happy, with a granddaughter in her arms. Such peace within.

I go around the supermarket, I look at all sorts of sweets, a security guard comes up to me and says: “There are delicious chocolates over there, 12 rubles are written on the price tag, and 7 rubles are breaking through at the checkout. This is a secret,” and left. And it turned out really tasty))

I was late for my first exam, I was a terrible teacher, I was late - I didn’t pass. I run to a stop, cross the road, and a policeman stops me, they say, cross the road in the wrong place, he began to threaten. And for no reason I began to cry, I told everything. And he with such a stone face: "Let's get into the car." I sit down, and he too, and with such a smile: “Well, it’s okay, we’ll have time, where are you going?” And with flashing lights drove me!

Haven't used the car for a few days. I come to the parking lot, and a wagtail jumps around the car. I look, and she darted under the hood of the car. I open it - she has a nest there, and has already laid her eggs. I read on the Internet that nests should not be touched. So until September I will ride public transport.

Peter. Moscow avenue. Shower. We're on the bus. Suddenly we slow down in the middle of the street, the carrier jumps out and runs away through the busy traffic to the opposite side. Everyone is in shock, making bets, where he took into account. And there, on the road, a turtle, he picked it up and returned.

How to give a drink to a cat that the neighbors forgot on the balcony above the floor, and they themselves drove off to the country for the weekend? You take a dozen condoms, fill them with water, bend over on your balcony, and throw it at your neighbor's. Not everyone reaches the goal, some fly down and random passers-by quickly dodge them, and you smile stupidly at them and wave ... But some reach the goal, the animal pierces with a claw and quenches its thirst, and stops yelling. But for some reason, after a couple of days, a neighbor yells at his young daughter ...

Hundreds of strangers camecongratulate the veteran on Victory Day

Several hundred people gathered on Victory Day to congratulate 90-year-old war veteran Vladimir Podolsky on the holiday, who could not go to the parade due to poor health. His granddaughter asked to support his grandfather in social networks. “Grandfather is happy, he cried with joy,” she said later. “I haven’t seen him like this for a long time, the feeling that I’ve rejuvenated!”

Having missed the last train from London, Nicole was forced to spend the night on the street. A homeless man came to help the girl. A man named Mark took her to a 24-hour cafe and walked her to the station the next morning. In gratitude, Nicole organized a fundraiser for Mark and others like him. In just a few days, she managed to raise more than 13 thousand pounds.

The cleaning company offersfree services for women with cancer

Founder Debbie Sardon came up with the idea when a client admitted she wouldn't be able to use their services while she was undergoing cancer treatment. Debbie's goal is to relieve sick women of unnecessary worries and allow them to concentrate on treatment.

92-year-old Norwegian Olav Tun has decided to donate his fortune - about $6 billion - to fund medical research. It is worth noting that he has no children, so no one will lose his inheritance. “I still can't take them with me,” Olav laughs. “I have a bike and skis, but I don’t eat much.”

The policeman, who was supposed to issue a fine for the lack of a child seat in the car, habitually asked: “Why are we violating?” Having learned that the detainee was barely making ends meet, the law enforcement officer ... went to the nearest supermarket and bought a car seat with his own money.

In Alabama, two guys volunteered to mow the lawn of a 93-year-old woman for free - and over time it grew into a big deal. Now, a whole team of volunteers is helping old people, the disabled, and single mothers take care of the lawns. And kind people from all over the world transfer money for the tools and materials necessary for gardeners.

The Polish authorities warmedand fed homeless cats

Poland is full of stray cats, and local authorities have figured out how to help them. For homeless cats, special insulated houses are being built here at the expense of the budget. Anyone can put such a "cottage" at their house and get a supply of food for the winter.

A native of India, living in Canada, feeds the needy in his restaurant for free. "If you're hungry and don't have the money to pay, just ring the bell or come by for a box of free food or coffee anytime," it says on the door. The businessman explains that he himself went through difficult times, but was too shy to ask for help.

An imposing-looking man began to behave aggressively, swearing, shouting and rushing around the car. Everyone was wildly scared, and only one 70-year-old woman firmly took his hand and held until he calmed down and quietly sat on the floor with tears in his eyes. The person who took the photo asked why she behaved this way, to which an unexpected answer followed: “I am the mother of two sons about his age, I know how life sometimes brings them, and all they need at this moment is not to feel lonely."

The woman adopted 6 girls,not to be separated

A young single woman really wanted to become a mother and decided on a foster child. It just so happened that there were four adopted children at once. Later, she took two more daughters of the same biological mother “to the load” with her four sisters! “Life without them would be empty,” says the mother of many children.

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