Competitions for the ransom of the bride. Choosing original bride price contests: funny and interesting

The ransom of the bride is the start of a beautiful and eventful wedding day. Therefore, it is so important to set the right mood for this custom. The portal offers you a fresh look at competitive program for the groom and his retinue. The most original and cool contests for the ransom of the bride will easily cheer up the guests and will definitely be interesting for the groom.

Original buyback contests

Here you will not find competitions with balloons, towels, keys and all kinds of compliments on the steps, because all this has already been used more than once for the ransom of the bride. Choose the most original, funny and unusual contests and tasks for the groom to ransom the bride.

Road signs and duties

  • Members: groom and his friends (or witness).
  • Props: cards with road signs.

Quite an interesting and original competition during the ransom of the bride. The bridesmaids bring the groom to the wall with traffic sign cards and announce the announcement of the driving rules. family life. The girls point to definite sign and the groom calls the duty in the family. Examples:

  • "Faucet with water" - wash dishes more often.
  • "Fork-knife" - pamper your wife with breakfast in bed.
  • "50" - meet the golden wedding together.

Favorite baby

  • Members: groom.
  • Props: baby photos of the bride and other children.

The groom is shown several photos of babies, among which is his bride. It is best to select photos of newborns, so it will be the most difficult to recognize the betrothed groom. A penalty is charged for every mistake.

Music of the Soul

  • Members: the groom and his friends.
  • Props: various musical instruments (pipe, maracas, guitar, harmonica and others).

The groom's team is given a variety of musical instruments and given the task of playing a melody. The groom acts as a conductor and solo performer of the song for the bride. If the guests approve of the result teamwork, the groom goes further, if not, you will have to pay a fine. For a more original competition during the bride price, you can pick up unusual or funny things, for example, a water bottle, a rustling bag, a handful of coins. Also, sounds can be made by movements - clapping, stomping, clattering the tongue. It all depends on the imagination of the groom's team.

Bouquet of sweets

  • Members: groom.
  • Props: a vase with sweets in beautiful wrappers, wire, satin ribbon.

The groom is presented with a vase with sweets and auxiliary material. He will have to build a bouquet from this for his beloved. If the result is approved by the guests, the groom is allowed to see the bride, and he gives her a hand-made bouquet. You will have to pay for a failed attempt.

Goodbye single life

  • Members: groom.
  • Props: a trash can and an object symbolizing the groom's bachelor life (for example, a ball with an identical inscription).

Is the groom ready to say goodbye to the bachelor life? This question is asked by bridesmaids. An affirmative answer will have to be confirmed by actions. At a distance, a bucket is placed into which you need to throw your bachelor life. The groom has only three attempts, and then it’s up to generous payoffs, so that the bride doesn’t hear rumors about her unwillingness to part with the life of a bachelor.

You and I are one field of berries

  • Members: fiance and friends.
  • Props: a photograph of the bride and potential halves for her together with the groom.

The time has come to listen to the evidence of why he (the groom) is the best match for the bride. In the center is a photograph of the betrothed, and around it are laid out photographs of men face down, including a photograph of the groom. In turn, choosing photos, the groom must give three iron arguments why this representative is not suitable for his beloved (or present himself above a competitor). Having chosen their photo, guests should hear why this couple is the most harmonious and successful. The funniest thing is when the photos of the opponents are too different from each other. For example, a photograph of a world star, a witness, a dwarf, an animal, an old man, and others. Friends of the groom can help with advice.

love letter

  • Members: groom.
  • Props: pieces of paper with the inscription of paired parts of the body, a bag, a template for the finished text.

The groom is handed text love letter to fill in the missing words. Words are pulled out of the bag while reading. Word examples:

  • eyes,
  • lips,
  • brows,
  • hair,
  • nostrils,
  • elbows,
  • knees, etc.

Text of the letter:

Beloved, I look into your radiant ... and talk about my love. Do you remember our acquaintance? You were nervous and constantly hid your wonderful ... It was cold, I threw my jacket over your sophisticated ... Then we looked at the night sky, and I touched yours ... I hugged you behind ... I kissed your unsurpassed ... That night I could not sleep , your divine ones again appeared in front of me ... I don’t believe that today we will become husband and wife and I will admire all this every day!

Calm, only calm

  • Members: groom.

Bridesmaid names various life situations associated with the bride, and the groom comments on them with a single phrase: “My beloved wife”, but with a suitable intonation. Funny Situations:

  • She has prepared a culinary masterpiece.
  • She crashed your car.
  • She is pregnant.
  • She gained 10 kg in a week.
  • She is waiting for you from work in lacy lingerie.
  • She got herself a tattoo with the name of another guy.

hard box

  • Members: the groom and a strong representative from the side of the bride.
  • Props: boxing gloves, helmets, bibs.

One of the top cool wedding contests. Bridesmaids prepare men for a bloody duel for love. The guests present line up in an imaginary boxing ring. The judge in the form of a girlfriend reads out the rules: do not hit below the waist and on the head, fight to the end. A signal of readiness sounds, a children's song is turned on and sweets are handed over to the boxers. The task is to deploy it faster than the opponent.

Such contests will create a relaxed and fun atmosphere at the ransom. You will find interesting scenarios for the ransom of the bride on our portal

    Script for the ransom of the bride

    The tradition of the ransom of the bride is as old as the marriage ritual itself. And rarely which wedding in Belgorod dispenses with the ceremony of ransom of the bride. Even though at a modern wedding ransom of the bride- just a game, but, as a rule, this is a mandatory game, in which the bridesmaids and relatives of the bride take part - on the one hand, and the groom with his friends - on the other. So on the day of the wedding, the groom and his retinue go to the bride's house, where the bride's relatives and friends are already waiting for them. The latter are entrusted with the task of creating as many obstacles for the groom and his friends as possible in order to get the most bride price. If the bridesmaids are not too lazy to show imagination and come up with or find an interesting bride price scenario, then on the way of the groom's wedding procession they can build entire fortresses, which the groom will have to take with the help of resourcefulness and wit. That's why ransom of the bride accompanied by contests, riddles and comic tasks for the groom and his friends according to a pre-thought bride price scenario. And if the bride before the wedding is worried about how she will look, what emotions she will experience on the wedding day, how the celebration will go, then the bridesmaids are worried and prepare not only beautiful dresses, but also bride price scenario. Many want find cool bride price script some want to play themed bride price script but all are limited in time, and therefore one has to choose from a multitude. Which ransom of the bride will be yours, you decide. Our website contains interesting competitions for the groom which you can include in your bride price scenario. Choose those bride price contests that suit you best, and make your own unique bride price scenario. All the following contests were used at various weddings in different cities of Russia and deliver a lot of positive emotions to guests both during the wedding and after watching the wedding film that will create your videographer.

    How do they buy the bride? Usually flowers and sweets and a symbolic amount of money that the groom pays the bridesmaids if he does not cope with the tasks that they have prepared for him. So…

    Bride price scenario:


    There are a lot of guests

    From all distant volosts.

    At the parade, everyone is beautiful,

    It's a miracle, it's such a miracle!

    Come on, guests, do not grumble!

    May I ask you a question?

    Well, you are like this with the whole herd

    Surrounded by this house?

    What draws you to this place?

    Answer me...

    Guests :

    Bride !


    Oh bride, speak

    But then don't bother!

    Get ready to give a ransom,

    To take the bride.

    In the house of all the guests do not count,

    But the owner of the house is the father-in-law.

    So anxious, sick...

    If he does not drink, he will die!

    You, guests, for appearances,

    Yes, according to our custom

    Give him some vodka

    So that there is no grief in the house.

    Oh, and how the mother-in-law is crying!

    My daughter won't let me out of the house.

    But we will convince her

    If we give her champagne!

    The groom must pour champagne to the bride's guests.

    Redemption of the bride contest No. 1

    The witness offers three packaged bouquets - one contains a homemade broom, the second contains a bath broom, and the third contains wedding flowers. The groom points to one of the bouquets, if it is taken incorrectly, the witness demands a ransom.

    It can be seen, a little blundered,

    Kohl you took a bath broom.

    For trying for the second

    Give some money...

    Oh, and this one is no good,

    Know you have to pay.

    The groom pays some money ...


    Well, this bouquet is in place,

    The bride liked him.

    Now it's time to go -

    Just what's on the way?

    Redemption of the bride contest No. 2

    A sign is fixed on the door of the bride's house: "Cooperative for the issuance of brides"

    In our house, businessmen -

    Real talents.

    The chance was not missed -

    The cooperative was opened.

    You will be found by order

    Quickly , clearly , right away !

    The witness opens the door to the bride's house. Right at the threshold, two or three girlfriends are drinking tea ( chatting / lounging / peeling seeds). Or if it is possible to put a small table and on it is a sign “Lunch break from ... to ... hours" The time of arrival of the groom to the bride's house is indicated.

    Yes... Dinner... That's bad luck...

    A bribe is your luck!

    Give businessmen a bribe

    And choose a bride!

    The groom and the witness give the bridesmaids a "bribe". They put on the table three bowls, in which three "barrels" from " kinder surprises". Cards with the signs of the bride are hidden in them. Near each bowl there is an index “Height”, “Eye color”, “Name”.

    Girlfriends :

    Here is a computer - a pointer,

    Get it right here, buddy.

    It's clear, it's clear

    All information is paid.

    Witness, addressing the guests:

    Well, groom, you try,

    Look, don't be mistaken.

    Help him -

    He became a beggar in our house!

    The groom chooses a "barrel" from the first bowl. Variants of inscriptions on cards (Growth): Eiffel tower, Forest opening, and the third indicating the height of the bride. If the groom is wrong, he pays.


    You do not judge us strictly,

    Do not need a tower - pay.

    Kohl is not needed and honey agaric -

    We are waiting for your money again!

    With growth, we figured it out.

    Well, fiance, buckle up.

    Let's look for the right color.

    Which one do you want to take?

    The groom chooses one of the "barrels". Options for inscriptions on cards with color: Gray-brown-crimson, black with yellow polka dots and the color of the bride.

    Girlfriends :

    We did not please with the color?

    But we are still waiting for payment.

    Oh, what a picky!

    Hurry, it's time for lunch!

    Well, the last task -

    Money to us, since failure.

    The groom chooses a "barrel", in which there is a card with a name. Variants of inscriptions : Traktorina , Olimpiada and the bride 's name .

    Do you need the Olympics?

    And you need money to work.

    What is your mine?

    Not satisfied with Tractorina?

    Do you still have money?

    We are waiting for the calculation, guys!

    The groom pays for mistakes.

    Redemption of the bride contest No. 3

    Next is the stairs. Three leaflets lead to the stairs or to the bride’s apartment, on each of which is written on the reverse side “By calculation”, “By necessity”, “For love”. The groom is invited to choose a piece of paper at random and say why he is getting married. If the groom chooses " By calculation" or " By necessity" - he must pay money.

    Bride ransom contest number 4 - very fun for liberated groom!

    When the groom passes one flight of stairs, a basin is placed in front of him. The witness says the words: “For the beauty of the bride, dance the groom on our pelvis!” And the groom must buy a basin and, climbing onto it, dance a dance.

    You can use these words:

    “So that we give the bride, you would dance on the basin!

    After all, a basin is not a trifle, after all, a tradition, after all!

    And in order to buy a basin for you, you need to pay money!

    After the basin is purchased, the groom dances on the basin to the music.

    Bride ransom contest No. 5 - for a strong witness

    The next flight of stairs has been passed. The Witness says to the Bridegroom:

    You easily go, but that's bad luck - further without arms without legs overcome the flight of stairs. If the groom guesses that a witness or guests should carry him, they will pass, if not, they pay a ransom.

    Bride ransom contest number 6 - does the groom know his bride well?

    Bridesmaids are preparing a chamomile for the ransom of the bride, on each petal of which questions are written:

    Can you name the day you met your fiancee?

    Where was it?

    What color are the bride's eyes?

    What time of the year does she like the most?

    What flowers does she like?

    Where did you kiss her for the first time?

    Etc. Before that, the correct answers must be asked from the bride. If the groom answers incorrectly, he pays.

    Bride ransom contest No. 7 - guess the bride by kiss

    A pre-prepared sheet with various kisses of girls is glued on the wall or on the door, one of which belongs to the bride. The groom must guess which kiss belongs to his beloved. Doesn't guess - pays.

    And here is a piece of paper with a tricky riddle,

    Will you find the lips of your betrothed?

    Bride ransom competition No. 8 - for knowledge of the Russian language and attentiveness

    There is a sign on the door in the hallway

    "A grey-eyed girl languishes in this tower."

    The witness offers the groom:

    “If you find a mistake, you will immediately fall into the tower (you need to find a mistake in the inscription).”

    The catch is that the groom is likely to find a mistake in the word "languish", but is unlikely to notice that his bride was called gray-eyed, although her eyes are blue.

    Redemption of the bride contest No. 9 - how old? ..

    Put as many coins on a plate as you will live with the bride for years.

    Bride ransom contest No. 10 - three glasses

    The witness offers the groom and his retinue:

    "You can not get around, show your mercy,

    Fill the glasses so I'm not ashamed:

    In one, to rustle,

    In another, to ring,

    And in the third, so that the stormy foam hissed "

    The groom must put paper money, coins and pour into a third glass of champagne.

    Bride ransom competition No. 10 - vocal

    Here is the path ahead of you

    You follow it and sing

    Sing a song to the gate

    Then you will reach the gate.

    The groom must walk along a flight of stairs, for example, or along a pre-spread path and sing a love song.

    Bride ransom competition No. 11 - a promise ...

    The groom is offered an apple, in which matches are stuck in advance. The groom must take out a match from an apple until he finds a broken one and promise what he will do at home.

    "And now, my dear friend,

    Do not disdain our apple

    Think at your leisure

    How can you help your wife?

    You take a match from an apple,

    How can you help your wife tell me? .. "

    Redemption of the bride competition No. 12 - in memory of the groom

    On each step of the stairs there are leaflets with certain dates, for example, May 25, 2010. The witness addresses the groom:

    And now another question

    You, our dear groom,

    Break your head

    And guess all the numbers.

    Redemption of the bride contest No. 13 - at the door of the bride

    So the groom came to the room in which the bride was hidden. Three balls hang in front of the room, each of which contains a piece of paper in advance, only in two balls the words are written on the pieces of paper - “Pay money, look further!”, And in the third “You found the key !!!” The groom must guess the ball in which such a symbolic key to the bride's door is hidden. Doesn't guess - pays and searches further.

    Redemption of the bride contest No. 14 - shoe

    Often at weddings they make such a competition - when the groom has already entered the bride's room, the bride sits in one shoe. Standing nearby closed boxes With various shoes. The groom is invited to put on the bride's shoes - to find the box in which the bride's second shoe is located. As a rule, suitors are found very quickly.

    After all the competitions, the script for the ransom of the bride ends beautifully with the following words of the witness:

    Well, everyone was pleased like ...

    We announce in front of the people -

    We have such a girl.

    Go straight ahead, turn left here.

    Here she is, her light,

    Here the bride languishes.

    Witness addressing the bride:

    Your fiancé promises

    Be gentle, be quiet.

    He won't forget this day

    Will carry bags of money.

    He will give everyone, please,

    Do not run away from worries.

    He took everything, as they say.

    How do you like the groom?

    The bride replies:


    Take care of the bride, groom,

    From adversity and dashing storms.

    To flourish, to bear fruit,

    Happiness in her is yours - take care of her!

    Well, we are here with the whole herd

    Let's pour some cups together!

    And the witness invites all the guests for the first small feast in the bride's house.

    To wedding day was fun and interesting, it is worth considering not only the details of the painting and wedding banquet but from the very beginning celebratory event- ransom. Bridesmaids long before the wedding try to come up with original ransom, choosing the most funny contests for the groom. But sometimes it is not so easy to find something really original and suitable for your celebration. If you don’t know that he will charge you with positive energy for the whole holiday, the portal has selected for you some fun contests for the ransom of the bride.

    Since most newlyweds live in high-rise buildings, then wedding contests for the ransom of the bride can be selected in accordance with several locations, in each of which interesting tests can be organized:

    For each individual case, we will give a few ideas so that you can choose for yourself original and funny contests for ransom.

    Competitions for redemption in the yard

    The starting point for the ransom of the bride can be her yard, where you can hold many interesting competitions, because the space allows you to come up with anything you want.


    • Members: the groom and his team.
    • Props: children's musical instruments (tambourine, bell, pipe, whistle, rattles).

    The groom and his team are given musical instruments on which they must perform a serenade for the bride.

    Sweet words

    • Members: groom.
    • Props: crayons.

    On the pavement, from the entrance to the courtyard to the entrance, footprints are drawn with chalk, the groom, stepping on them, must call the bride with affectionate words.

    Knight on a white horse

    • Members: groom.
    • Props: scooter or any children's transport, obstacles (stones, boxes, etc.).

    The groom is given a transport, on which he must drive to the entrance of the bride. To complicate the task, you can put various obstacles in his way (boxes, stones, etc.), which he must go around.


    • Members: groom.
    • Props: A4 sheet for signatures, pen, folder.

    You should prepare an A4 sheet with a folder in advance, on which you should write “Marriage with Elena” and draw two columns “for” and “against”. The task of the groom will be to collect signatures from passers-by “for” marriage with the bride. Time is limited to 3 minutes.

    Contests at the entrance of the bride

    Tests for the groom at the entrance can be organized in the form of small mini-competitions, the correct passage of each of which allows the groom to go up to the floor above. At the ridiculous bride price, you can choose tests related to both motor activity as well as mental activity.


    • Members: groom.
    • Props: cards with questions.

    In advance, you should come up with questions for the groom related to the life of the bride, moreover, these will be both real facts and fictional ones. The groom must correctly guess whether this is true or not. For each correct answer, he goes up the stairs/floor. Questions might be:

    • Do you believe that your future wife went to a dance club as a child?
    • Is it true that the bride was a member of the KVN team?
    • Is it true that your betrothed can play the guitar?

    Happy moments

    Above each step or on each floor, you should hang a joint photo of the bride and groom from their acquaintance to the present moment. The task of the groom is to tell at what point in life is done this photo(for example, first date, meeting parents, first joint New Year and so on.).

    Future life

    • Members: groom.
    • Props: drawing paper, felt-tip pens.

    A large drawing paper with a blank drawn there should be hung on the wall in the entrance happy life spouses: grass, sky and sun. The groom must supplement this drawing at his discretion. Ideally, he should draw a house, children, a car, etc. You can complicate the task of the groom by blindfolding, and the witness will have to help him in the creative process.

    Contests for the groom in the bride's apartment

    In room ideal option there will be not very noisy and not very active competitions for the ransom of the bride. For example, these could be tests related to creativity groom.

    build a house

    From the details of the designer, the groom must build a house in which they will live with the bride in the future.

    Photofit of the bride

    • Members: groom.
    • Props: photo portraits of the bride and her bridesmaids, scissors.

    They take a photo of the face of the bride and her bridesmaids in advance, cut the pictures horizontally to get separate parts of the body: forehead, eyes, nose, lips, chin. On the poster, cut photos are hung in a chaotic manner. The groom will have to make a portrait of the bride from the proposed pieces.

    The smell of the bride

    • Members: groom.
    • Props: several handkerchiefs scented with different perfumes.

    It is necessary to spray handkerchiefs in advance with different toilet water, among which one will belong to the bride. The groom must recognize the favorite scent of his beloved.

    Bouquet for the bride

    • Members: groom.
    • Props: sweets in bright packages, wire, scissors, wrapping paper.

    The groom must make a bouquet of sweets, wire and wrapping paper. He has 3 minutes to complete this task.

    Competitions in front of the bride's door

    The last obstacle for the groom during the ransom of the bride will be the door to her room, which can also be beaten with the help of cool contests.

    Favorite color of the bride

    Buy balls in advance different colors, among which there must be one in the bride's favorite palette. The key to her door (or a note with the word “key”) is placed in it, all the balloons are inflated and hung near the door. The groom must guess the favorite color of his beloved and, having burst the balloon, find the key.


    • Members: groom.
    • Props: ribbons.

    You should prepare in advance several ribbons from 130 to 180 cm long, one of which corresponds to the height of the bride. The groom must guess which ribbon is the same length as the height of his beloved.

    Bride's door

    In advance, you should seal the doorway with ribbons of different colors. The groom will have to cut the ribbons, each of which will need to compliment the bride.

    Choose those contests for the ransom of the bride that you like! Just remember that you should not test the strength of the groom by offering him difficult tasks. Wedding contests for the bridegroom at the ransom should be simple and easy, so that they are performed with a bang, the portal advises! Then not only the bridesmaids, but also the groom and his team will receive a million positive emotions and positive charge for the whole wedding day!

    Bride ransom - old rite, during which the groom showed his financial solvency to the bride's parents. Nowadays, it has turned into a real performance and is more entertaining. We offer you exciting competitions for the ransom of the bride, with which the wedding day will become more fun and interesting.


    Usually creation holiday scenario falls on the shoulders of bridesmaids or close relatives. If you want to have a good time and please the main characters of the celebration, use the ideas of playful contests for the ransom of the bride:

    • The test of musical talent takes place on the street, under the entrance. When the betrothed arrives with a team of friends, each is given musical instrument. The instrument is an old saucepan, two empty bottles, a baby whistle, a rattle, etc. (the louder the better). To the sounds of the "symphony" born, the betrothed sings a loud serenade to melt the heart of his beloved. If he succeeds, the bride will drop a symbol of her location from the window - a “bouquet” of onions or radishes.
    • A funny contest for ransom is a recognition of the future spouse in love. He must talk about how he adores his bride, using only gestures and facial expressions. If the presenters are satisfied with the acting, they let the betrothed go for free.
    • Identikit. In this competition, a lot of printed photographs with parts of the face lie on the floor in the hallway. Of these, the groom must make a portrait-identikit, as similar as possible to the bride. It will be even more interesting if, among the photos of strangers, parts of the face of your beloved (for example, nose or lips) really come across.
    • The bridesmaids ask who the groom came to see. When he answers, the girls ask to draw a portrait of their beloved in order to understand exactly who the young man is talking about. This contest will be funnier if the future spouse does not know how to draw at all.

    Interesting competitions for the ransom of the bride will allow the groom to show ingenuity, dexterity and once again prove to his betrothed that he is worthy of her.

    • Bridesmaids draw a road labyrinth on a sheet of paper in large format. Instead of the usual "Finish", they write at the end of the full name. bride. The future spouse is given a small radio-controlled car. He must get to the end and follow all traffic rules. For careless driving, the future spouse will receive a fine.
    • The prank-recognition does not require serious preparation. The host holds out a hat with two dozen pieces of paper - each has a word or phrase written on it. Task for the groom: taking out randomly selected words, he must use all of them in recognition of his beloved. If he stumbles, he pays a coin.
    • The groom is asked why he called the girl to marry, but he must answer by standing on the step in the entrance that corresponds to his reason (Advised, I'm afraid to sleep alone, etc.). "For love" is at the very top step. He needs to guess ask a witness to carry it or pay for the passage. However, especially dexterous men sometimes manage to get to the step without someone else's help.

    • A good way to show ingenuity is the contest "By letter". Maiden name bridesmaids write down, breaking into letters, on separate sheets of paper. The future spouse must remember and say at least three compliments for each individual letter.
    • Target test. A paper “target” with the names of the gifts is glued on top of the darts target. These gifts future husband must do to his wife after the wedding, if he gets into them. The hosts offer to play until the number of gifts reaches five. Serious things (an apartment, a car, a fur coat) and comic things (a mop, a poker) can act as them.

    In verse

    If one of the script writers has the talent of a poet, you can try to compose poems for each task for your future husband.

    For example:

    • Redemption with a kiss. The girls, along with the bride, paint their lips with bright lipstick and kiss a piece of paper. The future spouse must guess what mark his beloved left:

    On the sheet - bright lipstick, these prints make out,

    You need to guess the sponge bride. If you can't, pay money!

    • They give the groom old childhood photographs and say:

    We give you a stack of children's photos in your hands.

    Guess your bride or we'll take the money!

    • To make sure of the strength of the future husband, the host says:

    Are you ready to carry your spouse in your arms? Let's check on the witness now!

    You carry it at least five steps.

    Weak? Then open your wallet for us!

    • Dance test. Witness:

    And the groom is not lame? Come on, stomp your foot!

    Does as ordered.

    Don't make people laugh

    Sleep a gypsy for us!

    Starts to dance, the witness continues:

    The beautiful bride loves fun

    Dance not alone, but together with everyone!

    A witness and friends join the dance. If they fail or the participants refuse, then the future spouse pays a large ransom.

    In the photo there are several options for tasks in verses that will make simple contests at the ransom of the bride is even more fun.

    For the groom

    There are many various competitions for the groom. Here are a few great ideas, which are easy to modify and vary, according to your imagination:

    • A saucer with flour is placed in front of the future husband. To show how well he will “blow off dust particles” with his beloved, the betrothed must blow off all the flour at once. If he can't complete the task, he pays.
    • When almost all obstacles are passed, the following draw is held: main character gets to the room of his beloved and finds her barefoot. To take his beloved to the registry office, he needs to guess which of the three boxes contains the shoes. If the betrothed guesses right away, the girlfriends congratulate him and his future wife and let him go. For a mistake, he pays with a coin.

    • Oath. The bridesmaids, together with the bride, come up with ten to twenty abbreviations, of which the husband must choose five. Girls decipher the meanings capital letters, and the future husband swears to fulfill everything. For example, GSI - wedding anniversary in Italy, ZP - breakfast in bed, BUT - new clothes, KVDC - give flowers every weekend, VR - take them to restaurants.
    • A classic prank on the knowledge of the Russian language and your soul mate. The future spouse comes to the door, where his beloved is waiting for him, and on the door there is an inscription: "A blue-eyed / brown-eyed / gray-eyed girl is languishing in this room." Girlfriends give him a marker and offer to correct what is wrong on this inscription. In addition to the grammatical error, the presenters must incorrectly indicate the real color of the betrothed's eyes. If he does not accept the mistake, he pays.

    • There are a dozen inflated balloons in the room next to the bride's door. Each of them contains a piece of paper with a designated ransom amount, and only one of them has the inscription “key”. The test will end when the hero reaches the coveted leaf.
    • From a deck of cards, the groom is offered to choose his betrothed. Pasted on their surface in advance funny pictures, cartoons and photography of the bride. Each new attempt costs money.

    An example of the ransom of the bride, see the video:

    For the groom's witness

    The hosts do not disregard the witness - an important guest in the wife's house. Here interesting contests for the ransom of the bride for the witness:

    • The witness chooses one of three glasses of water, in one of them it is bitter, in the other - with salt, in the third - with sugar. They say to him: “With what face you will drink water, with such a wife and husband we want to live!” If the witness chooses a glass of bitter or salty water, he should try not to show it. Sometimes the presenters are cunning and add sugar to all three glasses.
    • A test where the witness must show a candidate for husband with better side. While the groom is walking up the steps, at each step the witness compliments him, names his talent or achievement, in order to present his friend in front of the presenters more beautifully.
    • In order for the groom to practice dancing with his beloved, the witness is offered to choose one of five songs. Only now the witness and the groom will dance to this song with each other.

    Rites for the ransom of a future wife are exciting festive events. It is interesting to beat all contests for the ransom of the bride thematically - the kidnapping of the bride by the mafia, the capture of an evil witch, the gypsy ransom. Organization of an event requires time and effort, but the result justifies the costs - this day will be remembered by guests and lovers for a long time.

    If you have experience organizing a buyout, or you know original ideas for contests - tell us about it in the comments.

    Must be fun first and foremost. Leave the official part for the ceremony at the registry office. Choose for this event unusual and truly creative contests. Let the guests and heroes of the occasion have something to remember.

    sex symbol

    To run this competition, you will need huge poster or image in full height female idol or sex symbol. Johnny Depp, Bruce Willis, Tom Cruise, Dmitry Bilan or Sergey Lazarev - that's sample list to choose from. If you want to turn the competition into a joke, then instead of the above characters, you can purchase a poster with the image of Igor Nikolaev, Mikhail Boyarsky or one of the political figures. The head of our state, Vladimir Putin, is perfect for this role. Girls and women who are present in the bride's house or apartment should put lipstick on their lips and kiss the star on the poster in any place they want. Already at this moment they will receive a charge of positive emotions and good mood. The groom will be asked to guess where the imprint of his bride's lips is.

    After a few failed attempts the witness or host of the ransom will have to shame the hero of the occasion, reprimanding him for allowing himself to admit the idea that his beloved was kissing someone else's man. Even on a poster, even a star.

    Gypsy prediction

    It's no secret that the essence of the ransom is to extort as much money as possible from the groom. A witness or one of the bridesmaids dressed as a gypsy can perfectly cope with this task. For entertainment, you can dress up a whole crowd of people - men and women. For one of them, as a joke, you can “lead” a large toy bear on a thick chain. A gypsy woman should offer the groom a traditional fortune-telling by the hand. She can roll her eyes and make a frightened face, intrigue the groom and then ask for money. You can say compromising things, for example, does your fiancee know that you were with a beautiful blonde last summer ... and so on. At the end of the test, she must say that the family of the bride and groom will be unusually strong and they will live together happily ever after. You can also predict the birth a large number children, there may be five, ten or even twenty - let the hero of the occasion grab his heart. Complete this cool contest aimed at luring money from the groom, as follows: a gypsy spreads on the ground large scarf and demands from the groom decorate every corner of it with ringing, intoxicating, rustling and sweet. And for each donation, he must make a wish out loud. The gypsy assures everyone present that now, according to old tradition their camp, all the wishes will surely come true.

    tree of happiness

    It does not matter where the ransom will be held - in a private house or in an apartment building, in any case, the tests will begin on the street. For this contest, you will need any tree that should be decorated in advance. paper hearts and bows. To several branches you need to attach with satin ribbons envelopes with photos of celebrities. It can be Christina Aguilera, Scarlett Johansson, Angelina Jolie, Penelope Cruz. Dilute pleasant experience the groom can be pictures of Alla Pugacheva, Larisa Dolina in her youth with incredible makeup or Boris Moiseev. The groom must be brought to the tree and invited to tear off any envelope with the image of his future wife. The photo chosen by him needs to be praised and offered to lead this candidacy to the registry office. For every wrong envelope torn off, he will have to pay. After the hero of the occasion discovers that there is no image of his beloved in the last envelope, he will naturally begin to resent. To this, the witness and other bridesmaids will have to reasonably state that brides don't grow on trees. And in order to achieve it, you should try hard.

    To whom what?

    For its implementation you will need a large sheet of cardboard or plywood and twenty pictures printed on a printer. Sheets of paper with images will be laid out on cardboard in four rows of five pieces. The first ten will contain photographs of the following relatives and friends of the bride:

    1. Father.
    2. Mother.
    3. Sister.
    4. Grandmother.
    5. Grandfather.
    6. Brother.
    7. Best friend.
    8. Aunt.
    9. Uncle.
    10. Neighbor grandmother.

    The other ten cards will show the items that the groom will have to give to these characters. You do not need to hand them over personally, just put them on an inverted card. Here is a list of items required for redemption:

    1. Wine.
    2. Vodka.
    3. Cognac.
    4. Box of candies.
    5. Champagne bottle.
    6. 100 rubles.
    7. 500 rubles.
    8. 1000 rubles.
    9. A handful of little things.
    10. Bottle of beer.

    The essence of the competition is as follows: the groom in turn opens the cards from the first two and third and fourth rows.

    Comparing the photo and the picture, he loudly, so that everyone can hear, announces how he will pay each person, for example: the grandmother-neighbor gets a bottle of beer, the father-in-law gets a box of chocolates, the mother-in-law gets a bottle of vodka and so on.

    Merry confession

    For this challenge, you will need balloons filled with helium. Everyone knows that helium, getting into the lungs, makes a person's voice funny, squeaky and cartoonish. The groom and his friends need to inhale this gas and take turns describing the bride, saying as many compliments about her as possible. The final joke will be a detailed confession of the groom about how much he loves his chosen one and about what he is ready to do to make her happy.


    For this competition you will need darts and darts. On the circle in which the groom will throw pointed devices for the game, you need to place small pieces of paper with fun tasks. Here is a sample list of them:

    • Hug your father-in-law.
    • Kiss your mother-in-law on the cheek.
    • Give the bride's aunt or grandmother a box of chocolates.
    • Carry the witness one hundred meters in your arms.
    • Drink a glass of vodka from your elbow.
    • Dance the dance of the little swans with your friends.
    • Eat a lemon.

    It is worth noting that any task for the groom can be performed by his faithful and devoted witness.


    In this competition, instead of the round component of the game of darts, there will be World map. The groom will have to throw a dart at her, look at the place he hit, and tell how he will take his chosen one there in Honeymoon. The witness or host of the ransom should ask him leading questions. Here is a sample list of them:

    • What will you ride?
    • What will you take with you?
    • How would you like to dress?
    • What places are you going to see?
    • What souvenirs will you bring to friends and relatives?
    • Where will you stay?

    Well, we will look at the third option of darts in next video, only the groom will not use darts, but a water pistol:

    Competition is touching

    This test should initially be positioned by the witness or host of the ransom as power. To do this, they hand the groom a pair of boxing gloves and take out his sparring opponent. For this role, you need to choose a man or woman of large build and tall of the bride's guests. The sparring partner and the hero of the occasion are each given a candy or a banana and are offered to deploy them at speed without taking off their gloves.

    Unexpected replenishment

    A girl or woman should come out to the groom with a bundle in her hands. It must be wrapped baby doll. The girl tells the groom that she is tired of raising a child alone, hands him a package and retires in an unknown direction. The witness begins to groan about the fact that the groom is with a dowry, and then wrinkles her nose and says that the baby needs to be changed. She brings the hero of the occasion to the table, where they have already prepared:

    • diaper,
    • vest,
    • sliders,
    • diaper,
    • bonnet.

    The purpose of the groom is to dress the baby and swaddle it. A friend should help him with this. It is not surprising that young people, after a few minutes of ordeal, want to pay off.

    But the witness will not want to take money from them, veiledly hinting that when children appear, no money will help in this situation, but only connections will help. Groom and witness must guess ask for help from the future mother-in-law or the mother of the hero of the occasion. After the child is dressed, the girl who handed this unexpected gift, should reappear, pick up the bundle and apologize loudly, saying that she mixed up the apartments.


    Before this competition, all guests from the side of the bride must sign on a large sheet of drawing paper. The bride must also do this, and sign already, taking into account the fact that very soon she will take the name of the groom. The witness will offer him to find the painting of his chosen one. The hero of the occasion will certainly look for the old name of his beloved on the paper. Every mistake will cost him money.

    Dish for the beloved

    This contest will require cards with an image or product name. They need to be put in a round cup or wicker basket and offered to the groom to pull out five at a time. After studying the images or inscriptions, he will have to say what dishes he will cook for his chosen one for a romantic dinner.

    Do not use all of the above tests, select several options from the list and use them in your scenario. Good mood before the trip to the registry office will be provided!