Pig photography. How to draw a pig in a New Year's costume in full growth. Holiday inscriptions and congratulations

On the eve of the New Year holidays, many people want to make original gifts and surprises for their loved ones. Using various pictures of the Pig - the symbol of 2019, you can decorate even the most ordinary item and get an original gift. Cute photos and drawings, collages and just ordinary pictures can transform a New Year's card, a cup or decorate a gift box. It all depends on your imagination and desire to make each other a pleasant surprise.

On the eve of this most long-awaited magical holiday, even adults believe that the symbol of the year will help bring good luck. It is no coincidence that all kinds of objects and even interior details will be decorated with images of the Pig in 2019. This will help not only to plunge into the atmosphere of the holiday, but also to make a truly unique decoration, turning the most ordinary toys, souvenirs and crafts into a New Year's gift.

New Year 2019 will be held under the sign of the Yellow Earth Pig, which means that the most popular pictures will be images of these funny animals. They can decorate a poster or wall newspapers, stick on windows or Christmas decorations. Useful tips will tell you how to turn the most ordinary drawing into a festive decoration using improvised materials. Remember that it is very easy to please yourself and your loved ones - you just need to want to!

Holiday inscriptions and congratulations

To make the simplest souvenir, it is enough to make a festive inscription on the picture of the Pig. In some cases, it is enough to write a traditional congratulation, or put the date of the coming year. Such a picture can be attached to a gift, or decorate a Christmas tree with it.

However, it should be noted that not all pictures with a Pig, a Piglet or a Boar are suitable for this option. When choosing an image, keep in mind that it should take up no more than 2/3 of the space (you must leave space for the inscription). Also, do not use pictures that do not have too many small details. It is better to choose a photo or drawing depicting only the symbol of the year.

Examples of the most suitable pictures for New Year's cards and congratulations:

Pictures for posters and wall newspapers

To design a festive poster, it is best to use comic images. You can use hand-drawn pictures, funny photos and other images. When choosing a picture, it is advisable to draw up a plan for a future newspaper or poster in advance, mark with a pencil the intended location of inscriptions and drawings.

The pig is the symbol of the year, so it is better to place its image closer to the center. The size of the pictures largely depends on the total volume of the canvas. Try to choose pictures in the same color scheme so that they blend seamlessly with other images and poster decorations.

Images for decorating gifts and crafts

If you are preparing gifts and souvenirs with your own hands, it's time to think about their design. To please your children, use Pig drawings from popular animated or cartoon films. A great gift for kids 3-7 years old is a postcard or a toy with pictures of the charming Peppa Pig and her friends. For older children and adults, pictures and collages with comic images of Pigs are suitable.

Decorating the craft is very simple - pick up a photo or drawing (depending on the size of the souvenir), carefully cut it out, and stick it on the central part of the item. As additional decorations, you can use New Year's paraphernalia: rain, sparkles, snowflakes, etc.

Interior design

Preparing for the holiday is the most responsible and fun activity in which all family members take part. To create a New Year's atmosphere, you need to decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the room and set the festive table. Pictures with the symbol of the year can be used to decorate any item: add to a festive poster or stick on a Christmas tree toy, decorate a birthday cake or other snacks and dishes. You can put a Pig figurine or a postcard with its image in the center of the table - it all depends on your imagination and desire.

Pictures with a Piglet can be used to make a New Year's garland, decorate outfits or costumes of adults and children with them. When decorating the interior, you can also use any pictures. However, there is one rule that should be followed. All images should please you, and give only positive emotions.

Remember that the new year is the holiday when you can again plunge into the world of childhood and magic. Have fun, and the symbol of the year will support you in this! The kind and cheerful disposition of the Yellow Pig will provide you with not only good luck and well-being, but also charge you with positive energy until next year!

Funny pictures of pigs in video

The pig is an animal of the mammal class and the pig family.

Scientists claim that this animal got its name because of its exceptional fertility. After all, the word "pig" from ancient Latin comes from the word "fruiting".

Pig features

The breeds of pigs are also different, but the external characteristics are more similar.

Their body is quite strong, and noticeably elongated, which reaches up to 1.5 meters. The skin of the pig is noticeably rough, covered with bristly formations. The muzzle of the pig is elongated and has a movable elongated nose-trunk, the tip of which is represented by a patch in the form of a cartilaginous disk.

This structure of the nose and mouth allows the pig to dig its food out of the ground. Pigs have 44 teeth, of which 4 are sharp fangs. The upper fangs are more curved.

Various photos of pigs show that their weight is far from small. The weight of pigs can vary from 50 to 400 kg, depending on the species and age. The legs are short, four-fingered, the lateral toes are well developed for working with the ground.

An interesting tail, which is bent in a corkscrew. The pig has large ears but very small eyes. Even from their wild ancestors, animals inherited poor eyesight, but a very good sense of smell and hearing.

Pigs are not dirty animals, as most people think. Many farmers and ordinary people who have domestic pigs often notice that the pig is bathed in mud.

The large weight and very short legs do not prevent the pig from being an agile animal. The pig runs very fast, sometimes the running speed reaches 18 km / h.

Pigs at home have a pinkish tint, but there are individuals with a gray color, and even black. Rarely, but still there are spotted and white animals.

Under good living conditions, a pig can live up to 10-15 years. Large breeds are long-lived, and sometimes reach 30-35 years of age.

Classification of pigs and their habitat

Currently, there are more than 20 separate types of pigs. From these 20 species, more than 100 different breeds of individuals have already been obtained by selection.

Pigs live all over the world, except in Antarctica, where climatic conditions do not allow pigs to live.

Scientists identify

Type of babirus. A very rare specimen, which is even listed in the Red Book. They are very different from ordinary pigs: the legs are long and thin, the back is arched, and the body is almost naked without visible bristles. They live mostly in Indonesia.

Big forest pig. The body can reach 2 m in length. The hairline is very dark, warts may be present on the body. They live in tropical forests, in equatorial Africa.

A species of African warthog. The key distinguishing characteristic is the large skin growths on the muzzle of the animal. There is a thick mane on the neck. They live exclusively in the African savannas.

A wild boar. A common individual, a distant ancestor of domestic pigs. The fangs are more developed, and the legs are quite long. They live in many forests.

The pig is bushy. It has an amazing color - a black skin tone with white circles around the eyes, like a panda. There are growths in the form of sideburns. The ears are shorter than those of domestic pigs.

There are many more species that can be viewed in various sources on the Internet.

In the wild, wild boars get their own food. And at home, they should be given combinations of various herbs, fodder beets, potatoes and pumpkins, cereals, dairy products, meat waste, and you can also use a special feed concentrate.

The breeding of pigs began before our era. This process began in China, where raising pigs was not easy and required a special approach.

And now it is easy to raise a pig at home, the main thing is to feed it on time and provide full living conditions.

Pig photo

Already drew +8 I want to draw +8 Thank you + 128

Hello! Now I will tell and show you how to draw a cute pig holding a bag of gifts. For this we need:

  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • black gel pen (or marker, whichever is more convenient for you)
  • pencils or markers
  • corrector (can be replaced with gouache)

We draw a pig in a New Year's costume with a bag of gifts

  • Step 1

    First, let's draw a circle. This will be the base of our pig's head.

  • Step 2
  • Step 3

    Then draw some triangles to build a hat. We will also draw a circle from below, this will be a bobon.

  • Step 4

    We finish the arms and legs of the pig. They are about the same size.

  • Step 5
  • Step 6

    We erase excess from the face. We finish the fur on top of the New Year's hat and the tie of the bag.

  • Step 7

    We draw a sketch of a patch and a mouth from below. Also lines for building eyes.

  • Step 8
  • Step 9

    We detail the tied part of the bag and the scarf with which it is connected. Don't forget to draw stripes on the scarf!

  • Step 10

    Then we will draw a suit and fur on it. Let's draw hooves and boots.

  • Step 11

    Now let's draw the face along the lines. Pay attention to the eyes, correctly draw the iris, highlights and eyelids with eyelashes.

  • Step 12

    The stage with the sketch is over, we circle the pig and move on to an important stage in which the illustration will take on colors. Let's move on to the coloring stage.

  • Step 13

    Let's start with the eyes, they are brown in the pig. Draw the eyelids according to the principle from dark to light or from shadow to light. Set the highlights with a corrector or gouache.

  • Step 14

    Let's start painting the patch, paint according to the same principle. Let's not forget about highlights and a mouth from the bottom!

  • Step 15

    We completely paint the face in pink, make the shadows in the right places crimson. We put glare.

  • Step 16

    We color the ears leaving light places on top. Here it is better to act according to the principle from dark to light.

  • Step 17

    We color the bag and fur on the whole costume. We make the scarf with which the bag is tied red and white. We make shadows on them.

  • Step 18

    We color the suit and boots. Add shadows to them. All is ready!

Video: How easy it is to draw a PIG symbol of 2019

Draw a pink pig with a New Year's gift

Hello! And today I will teach you how to draw a cute pink pig for the New Year! For this we need:

  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • pencils or markers
  • corrector or gouache
  • black pen or market
Everything is clear with the materials, let's get started!
  • Step 1

    To begin with, let's draw 2 ovals, one smaller horizontal and the second larger vertical. This will be the basis of the body of our pig.

  • Step 2

    Then draw the base for the ears. Try to make them the same as shown in the picture.

  • Step 3
  • Step 4

    Draw a patch to make it easier to decide on the placement, draw a middle horizontal line.

  • Step 5

    Draw cheeks and eyes. Draw a circle around the left eye, this will be the birthmark.

  • Step 6

    On the body of the pig, also draw a speck. Draw dirt at the bottom and don't forget to draw the ponytail and leg.

  • Step 7

    Draw the ears. Draw a hat, be sure to draw a balabon at the bottom.

  • Step 8

    Draw a present. It's not difficult at all. You can do it, just draw a square then a couple of ribbons and a bow.

  • Step 9

    Circle the pig with a black pen or marker, do not erase the spot! Tip: if you're tracing with a pen, wait 1-2 minutes before wiping off the excess.

  • Step 10

    Color the piglet bright pink, make shadows on it. Paint over the speck with the same pencil with which you made the shadows.

  • Step 11

    Completely paint over the piggy, do not forget to make shadows, with them the piglet will look more beautiful.

  • Step 12

    Color the dirt brown. Shadows better make black as well as a hoof.

  • Step 13

    Color the fur on the hat. We do the same with the balabon.

  • Step 14

    Then we paint the hat in bright red. We make the shadows on it dark crimson.

  • Step 15

    Let's color the gift. Color the box green, and the ribbon and bow red.

  • Step 16

    Using a proofreader or gouache, draw snowflakes on a hat and dots on ribbons. Everything, the pink pig with a New Year's gift is ready!

How to draw a pig in a skirt symbol of 2019

Hello, now I will tell you how to draw a cute pig in a crown, holding a sign that says 2019. Interesting? Then here's what we need:

  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • colored pencils and markers
  • marker and black gel pen
  • corrector or white gouache
Let's start!
  • Step 1

    First, draw a trapezoid with rounded corners (you can do this with a ruler) this will be the base for the body of the pig. Next, draw a rectangle on top of the trapezoid, this will be the base for the plate.

  • Step 2

    From below, draw the base of the skirt, as well as a line for ruffles. Attention! Start drawing the skirt from the body, not under it.

  • Step 3

    Draw a patch, eyes, a base for the ears (2 triangles) and a blush. Also draw the crown, try to make it as symmetrical as possible, you can also draw guide lines like I did.

  • Step 4

    At this stage, we draw ruffles and polka dots on the skirt, hands and the inscription on the plate. For decoration, you can add a Christmas tree inside zero.

  • Step 5

    We finish with a sketch. We circle everything with a black pen and proceed to the next step, leaving polka dots on the skirt and a blush.

  • Step 6

    Let's move on to the coloring step. We paint the piggy pink, make the shadows raspberry. The blush should also be raspberry, and do not forget to put highlights on it.

  • Step 7
  • Step 8

    Let's color the crown of the pig in yellow. Let's make brown shadows, and also put highlights with a corrector.

  • Step 9

    We make shadows on the ruffles and the plate. We paint the Christmas tree inside zero.

  • Step 10

    The final stage is to paint the numbers black, decorate them with white dots, for beauty, you can circle the pig with a green felt-tip pen. Done!

How to draw a full-length pig in a New Year's costume

For the lesson you will need:

  • Colored and pencils
  • Black helium pen
  • sterka
  • Step 1

    First we need to make a small sketch of the head. To do this, first draw an oval, then add the top of the head.

  • Step 2

    More clearly draw the head around the edges. This will give it shape.

  • Step 3

    We draw the nose, mouth and eyes of our pig. After that, we outline the fur on the hat. At the same time, it is barely old on a pencil.

  • Step 4

    After that, we begin to draw a hat. Then add the ears.

  • Step 5

    We begin to draw the central part of the fur coat. Then we move on to the legs, and then we begin to draw the hands.

  • Step 6

    We draw in more detail the clothes and the pig itself. We do not touch the fur.

  • Step 7

    Outline everything except the fur with a black helium pen.

  • Step 8

    We start coloring, starting with fur. First, we draw its borders with a blue pencil (as if we are drawing risins, it is very similar). Then add a little more blue around the edges a little from the inside.

  • Step 9

    We take a red pencil and start coloring clothes. At first, we do not put much pressure on the pencil, but gradually approaching the shadow areas we increase pressure on it.

  • Step 10

    We paint over the body of the pig in pink in the same way. To apply blush, take a bright pink color. Closer to the center we increase the pressure, and further from it vice versa. It remains only to paint the eyes and mouth, the drawing is ready.

How to draw a cute New Year's pig with an open

In this lesson we will draw a cute New Year's pig with a card with a pencil in stages. For this we need:

  • HB pencil,
  • black gel pen,
  • black marker,
  • eraser and colored pencils.
  • Step 1

    We draw the outline of the head and two ears.

  • Step 2

    Then we draw a hat, and a balabon.

  • Step 3

    We draw eyes, cilia, patch, mouth, blush and eyebrows.

  • Step 4

    Then we draw a postcard that our pig is holding, the inscription Happy New Year on it, and Christmas trees and houses inside it, and we draw gloves and snowflakes on gloves.

  • Step 5

    Then we draw the sleeves of our pig, coat, and boots.

  • Step 6
  • Step 7

    Let's start coloring. First we will decorate our postcard. We take a blue pencil and decorate the sky, we take a blue pencil and lightly decorate the snow with it, we take a green pencil and decorate Christmas trees with it, and we take a brown pencil and decorate houses with it!

  • Step 8

    Then we decorate part of our pig's coat, part of the hat and gloves. We take a yellow pencil, and decorate with it the sleeves, the lower part of the coat, part of the cap and the balabon on the cap! And we take a green pencil and decorate gloves with it!

  • Step 9

    We take a red pencil, and decorate the mouth, heels and blush with it, take a black felt-tip pen and a blue pencil and decorate the eyes with them, and take a gray pencil and decorate the eyebrows with it!

  • Step 10

    Then we take a pink pencil and decorate the skin of our pig with it. And we take a brown pencil and decorate the shoes with it.

  • Step 11

    And at the final stage, we take a red pencil and decorate the second part of the coat with it! And that's it !!)))) our New Year's cute pig with a postcard is ready !!!)))) good luck to everyone !!)))

How to draw a girl with a garland in the costume of the symbol of 2019-pig

Now I will tell you how to draw a cute chibi girl with a garland in the costume of the symbol of 2019-pig. For this we need:

  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • pencils or markers
  • corrector or white gouache
  • pen or marker
Let's get started!
  • Step 1

    To begin, draw the girl's head spiraling into a circle. Don't forget the ear!

  • Step 2
  • Step 3

    Then draw the hair as shown in the picture. Also add a bow.

  • Step 4
  • Step 5

    According to the trapezoid outlined earlier, we will draw a costume. Don't forget to draw the hooves.

  • Step 6

    Draw lines as shown in the picture. This will be the base for the hands.

  • Step 7

    Let's draw the handles and the garland she holds. We will also draw a small tail.

  • Step 8

    Then we draw a face and a mouth. Add blush.

  • Step 9

    Outline everything with a pen or marker. Leave only the rosy cheeks and the iris, the glare of the eyes not circled.

  • Step 10

    Let's start coloring. First of all, we paint the face, make the shadows brown, paint the eyes with green, blush with shades of red and pink. We put glare on the blush with a corrector.

  • Step 11

    We dye our hair orange. We make the shadows brown, put the highlights with a corrector.

  • Step 12

    Paint the hood pink. We make the shadows crimson in those places as in the figure.

  • Step 13

    We paint the bow and all the hooves. First paint the hooves brown and then add black on top. The bow is first brown and then red.

  • Step 14

    We paint the suit pink. We make the shadows crimson. Be careful around the garland!

  • Step 15

    We paint a garland. Light bulbs are painted red, blue, green and yellow. Add a highlight on each bulb with a corrector. Ready!!!

We draw a New Year's pig in a New Year's hat and with a Christmas tree

In this lesson we will draw a New Year's pig in a New Year's hat and a Christmas tree with a pencil in stages. For this we need:

  • HB pencil,
  • black gel pen,
  • eraser,
  • black marker
  • colour pencils.
  • Step 1

    We draw the outline of the head.

  • Step 2

    Then we draw a hat, patterns on it, a balabon, a ribbon on the head from the hat and a bow on the ribbon, and ears.

  • Step 3

    We draw a muzzle, chin, heel, eyes, inside the eye, eyebrows, blush and mouth.

  • Step 4

    We draw the chest, paws, hooves and a Christmas tree in the hands.

  • Step 5

    We draw the body, the tummy with hairs, two more paws and hooves and a tail and hairs on the tail.

  • Step 6

    Carefully outline the entire drawing with a black gel pen and erase everything superfluous.

  • Step 7

    Let's start coloring! We take a black felt-tip pen and decorate the eyes and nostrils with it, we take a dark pink pencil and decorate the heels and blush with it, we take a red pencil and decorate part of the cap with it! And we take a green pencil and decorate with it a Christmas tree, part of a hat, ribbons from a hat, a bow from a ribbon and a Christmas tree! And we take a light green pencil and decorate the balabon with it!

  • Step 8

    We take a brown pencil and decorate the hooves with it.

  • Step 9

    And at the final stage, we take a pink pencil and decorate with it the head, ears, paws, tummy, body and tail! And that's it !!)))) our New Year's pig in a New Year's hat and with a Christmas tree is ready !!!)))) good luck to everyone))))

How to draw a fun and cute New Year's pig with colored pencils

In this lesson we will draw a fun and cute New Year's pig! For this we need: HB pencil, black gel pen, eraser and colored pencils!

  • Step 1

    We draw the outline of the head.

  • Step 2

    We draw a hat and balabon.

  • Step 3

    We draw a heel and a mouth.

  • Step 4

    We draw eyes, inside the eye, cilia, muzzle and blush!

  • Step 5

    We draw a scarf, sleeves, paws and hooves.

  • Step 6

    We draw a jumpsuit, buttons on it, two more paws and hooves.

  • Step 7

    Then we draw patterns on the overalls, as in the picture.

  • Step 8

    Carefully outline the entire drawing with a black gel pen and erase everything superfluous.

  • Step 9

    Let's start coloring! We take a red pencil and decorate the jumpsuit and part of the cap with it!

  • Step 10

    Then we take a green pencil and decorate the sleeves, scarf and Christmas trees on the overalls with it! And we take a yellow pencil and decorate the patterns on the overalls and buttons!

  • Step 11

    We take a pink pencil and decorate with it the paws, muzzle, head and ears of our pig!

  • Step 12

    At the final stage, we take a blue pencil and decorate the balabon and the second part of the cap with it! And we take a brown pencil and decorate the hooves with it! And that's it !!))) our fun and cute New Year's pig is ready !!!)))))))) good luck to everyone))))

Cute pig with a big inscription Happy New Year

In this lesson we will draw a cute New Year's pig with a big card with the inscription Happy New Year and New Year's toys! To do this, we need: an HB pencil, a black gel pen, a black felt-tip pen, an eraser and colored pencils!

  • Step 1

    We draw the outline of the head and two ears.

  • Step 2

    Then we draw a hat, balabon and Christmas tree branches on the hat!

  • Step 3

    We draw eyes, inside the eye, cilia, eyebrows, heels, mouth and chin!

  • Step 4

    We draw a body, paws, a tail, a speck on a paw and hooves!

  • Step 5

    Then we draw a large circle, this will be our future postcard.

  • Step 6

    Inside the card we write the inscription Happy New Year.

  • Step 7

    Then we draw New Year's toys and Christmas tree branches.

  • Step 8

    Carefully outline the entire drawing with a black gel pen and erase everything superfluous.

  • Step 9

    Let's start coloring! We take a pink pencil and decorate with it the head, ears, body, paws and tail! And we take a dark pink pencil and decorate the heels with it!

  • Step 10

    Then we take a brown pencil and decorate the hooves and eyes with it! We take a black felt-tip pen and decorate it inside the eye! And we take a green pencil and decorate the Christmas tree branches with it!

  • Step 11

    We take a blue pencil and decorate the balabon and part of the cap with it. And we take a red pencil and decorate the second part of the hat with it!

  • Step 12

    And we take a raspberry, red and yellow pencil and decorate New Year's toys with them! And we take a green pencil and decorate the branches of the Christmas tree with it.

  • Step 13

    At the squealing stage, we take a red pencil and decorate our big postcard with it! And that's it !!)))) our cute New Year's pig with a big postcard with the inscription Happy New Year and with New Year's toys is ready !!)))))) good luck to everyone))))

How to draw a New Year's pig on skates and in a scarf

In this lesson we will draw a New Year's pig on skates and in a cute scarf! For this we need: HB pencil, black gel pen, eraser and colored pencils!

  • Step 1

    We draw the outline of the head.

  • Step 2

    We draw a hat and stripes on it, a balabon, ears and inside the ears.

  • Step 3

    We draw the cheeks, heels, mouth and a big bow!

  • Step 4

    We draw eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, a scarf, blush and a big ball.

  • Step 5

    We draw the overalls, front and hind legs and hooves, and on the hind legs there are skates and patterns on the overalls, as in the picture!

  • Step 6

    Carefully outline the entire drawing with a black gel pen and decorate the eyes and cilia with it!

  • Step 7

    Let's start coloring! We take a green pencil and decorate with it part of the jumpsuit, part of the scarf and part of the cap!

  • Step 8

    We take a red pencil and decorate with it a bow and patterns on the bag, the second part of the scarf, and the second part of the cap!

  • Step 9

    We take a yellow pencil and decorate the bag with it, the third part of the scarf, the third part of the hat and the second part of the jumpsuit!

  • Step 10

    At the final stage, we take a pink pencil and decorate the muzzle, head, ears and paws with it, and take a blue pencil and decorate the skates with it! And that's all))) our New Year's pig on skates and in a cute scarf is ready)))) good luck to everyone))))

How easy it is to draw a pig in a Christmas hat for a child

In this easy 10 step tutorial I will show you how to draw a pig with a Christmas hat. We will need:

  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colour pencils;
  • black marker.
  • Step 1

    First, draw the head and ears.

  • Step 2

    Now draw a New Year's hat.

  • Step 3

    Draw the torso. Draw the front hooves of the pig.

  • Step 4
  • Step 5

    Draw the pig's eyes, mouth, heel and eyebrows.

  • Step 6

    Carefully circle everything with a black felt-tip pen and erase the pencil lines. Color in your eyes.

  • Step 7

    Let's start coloring! Color the hat with a bright red pencil.

  • Step 8

    Color the pig's heel in dark pink.

  • Step 9

    Brown the pig's eyebrows and hooves.

  • Step 10

    Light pink paint the pig's head and torso. That's all! Ready!

How to draw a happy pig: symbol of 2019

In this lesson we will draw a pig! We will need:

  • colour pencils;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • black marker.
  • Let's get started!

How to draw a cartoon pig with a hat and scarf

In this tutorial I will show you how to draw a pig with a hat and scarf. We will need:

  • a simple pencil and eraser;
  • colour pencils;
  • pink, red and black pen
  • .

We draw a cute pig in a New Year's hat, a symbol of the new year 2019

Hello! Now I will tell you how to draw a cute pig in a New Year's hat. For this we need:

  • simple pencil (preferably HB)
  • eraser
  • black gel pen
  • colour pencils
  • corrector
  • Step 1

    First, draw the base of the pig's body - a circle. Then we will draw a piglet.

  • Step 2

    We draw all the other details of the pig. Ko, face, hooves.

  • Step 3
  • Step 4

    Outline everything with a black pen or marker.

  • Step 5

    We paint the skin of the pig with pink, make the shadows raspberry or dark pink.

  • Step 6
  • Step 7

    Paint the pig's hat red.

  • Step 8

    We add a blush and set highlights with a corrector. We decorate the hat with them. Add some blue and you're done!