A simple script for the ransom of the bride. The original meeting of the Bridegroom instead of the ransom of the Bride! Wedding without a ransom of the bride script

No matter how much they call the ransom of the bride an old-fashioned tradition and bad taste, however, to this day, most brides prefer to carry out this fun ceremony (of course, with the consent of the groom). The easier and more fun the contests, the better the ransom will be. The bridesmaids must be cheerful, and the groom's friends must be bold, then success is guaranteed.

How to meet the groom without a ransom

A fun ransom action that allows the bride to feel like a princess, for whose hand a knight is fighting, not every knight likes it. Sometimes both the groom and the bride do not want to conduct a ransom due to the lack of friends who agree to this, or simply do not consider it necessary.

In these cases, there are no special requirements for meeting the groom. You can meet at the registry office according to Western custom. The bride and groom come to the registry office separately. The groom arrives earlier and, together with the witness, prepares to meet the bride: he buys champagne, a bouquet in advance, and, if desired, sprinkles the floor with petals. The bride arrives with her father or brother, who brings her to the groom and passes her hand to the future husband.

If there is a desire to still keep some of the traditions, the bride and groom can spend the night before the wedding separately. In the morning, the bride gets ready, dresses, decorates the room and waits for the groom. You need to meet the groom and other guests with a buffet and light snacks, so it would be nice to set the table in advance. The bride can decorate her home with balloons, flowers, candles, and rose petals. From the petals you can make garlands and hang them in the opening of the room like a curtain. Then the moment of the appearance of the groom will look especially solemn.

Even if you are not planning a ransom, think over in advance all the details of how beautiful it is to meet the groom without a ransom. If it is difficult for the groom to speak without preparation, then you need to think about what compliments he will say to the bride, what the bride's parents and guests will say, where the young people will stand and from what angle the photographer will work.

After the future husband has arrived at the house of his beloved, you can uncork a bottle of champagne and drink to the health of the young. Romantic persons can be invited to pronounce pre-prepared oaths. Then all the guests and young people go to the registry office.

Bride ransom: how to meet the groom

The ransom of the bride traditionally begins with the meeting of the groom. This is an exciting moment for both newlyweds.

  • If the meeting of the groom and the entire ransom as a whole will be filmed, the bridesmaids should take care of the presentability of the entrance and entrance. A painted and dirty entrance will not decorate memorable pictures. The abundance of balls, posters, flowers, petals and other paraphernalia will hide the unpresentable appearance of the entrance.
  • It would be good to discuss with the photographer in advance from what angle to shoot the ransom in order to avoid unpleasant little things in the pictures.
  • By, the bridegroom is met by girlfriends at the entrance to the entrance with pre-prepared contests.
  • Girlfriends should not only prepare contests and draw various posters, but also think in advance with what words to meet the groom at the ransom. It is good if the words are memorized.
  • First of all, one of the bridesmaids who starts the ransom (usually) should ask the groom why he came, and the groom replies that he wants to get married. In all ransom scenarios, this part is the same: the future spouse must express his desire to marry and express it with feeling.
  • If desired, you can hire a toastmaster or a leader to conduct a ransom. Then the young will be calm that everything will go smoothly.
  • The meeting of the groom is not always accompanied by contests. Sometimes a small dialogue between the girlfriend and the groom with his friends is enough, during which the task of the future husband is to praise himself beloved. Everyone around should believe that he is the most worthy groom.
  • Jokes and jokes sound good in the presence of rhyme, so quite often bridesmaids wonder how to meet the groom at the ransom in verse. You can find a lot of different ransom options on the Internet and memorize ready-made poems, but the most inventive girlfriends can rhyme the introductory word themselves. This will not take much time and will add a personal touch to the ransom, because the poems were written for a particular groom. In addition, you can do without the traditional "good fellows" and "red maidens", replacing such appeals with more modern associations.
  • The ransom in prose is also not bad, given that the groom will respond in prose, not poetry. The ransom can be thematic, then the appeal must correspond to the topic. For example, if the ransom is called “Princess Liberation,” then the girlfriends greet the guest with the words: “Hello, brave knight! You have come a long way to reach this enchanted castle where the princess lives. Tell us why you came here?" After that, the groom replies that he wants to get married, and the girlfriends ask him to tell about his exploits in honor of the beautiful princess.

The ransom precedes the wedding and sets the mood for the whole day, so it is very important to spend it fun and without misunderstandings. The bride should feel like a beautiful lady, for whose hand and heart the groom is fighting, and not isolated from the general fun. Therefore, it is possible to involve the bride in absentia in the ransom using the Internet, telephone and other technologies.

  • If you have already decided how to meet the groom at the bride price, have prepared tricky contests and funny sayings, remember that the groom must come to the registry office without stains on his suit and twisted ankles. It is better to refuse jumping on the steps, drinking three-liter cans of juice and eating onions.
  • Frankly, at almost every wedding there is an overly cheerful guest who pulls the blanket over himself. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to think right away who will participate in the ransom, and explain to the other guests that only the groom and a few of his close friends are buying, and not all relatives who will push through the entrance. If there will be some grievances from the relatives, then this slightly unpleasant moment is worth it so that the ransom goes smoothly, as planned.
  • Guests, the groom, his friends and girlfriends should be warned that it is not worth drinking for courage before the ransom. Excitement can be calmed by willpower or a light sedative, but appearing at a ransom in a tipsy state is a bad form. This will not look fun at all, as is commonly thought, but will only add awkwardness.
  • The groom, of course, should try with all his might to pass the test, but you should not show excessive greed. It looks ugly and may offend the bride.
  • It is necessary to exclude all vulgar contests from the ransom, and also ask all the groom's friends to avoid indecent jokes during the ransom. There are bachelor parties for such things, and since you have come for the bride, then you need to behave with proper upbringing.
  • If there is a competition with pulling papers on the topic “why are you getting married”, you don’t need to write on them “on a whim”, “because I’m out of my mind”, “I was forced to”. It is quite possible to come up with other funny answers or even remove this contest. If you are planning to make the guests laugh, then you do not need to do this by offending the bride.

Meeting the groom near the entrance or near the gate of the house.
(This role is better suited to host)

What's that noise? What's the hum? Who came to us?
Boys, what do you want? Marmalade? Chocolate?
Suit, white collar (looking at the groom)
Are you the fiance?

Come on (Name of the groom) the way to your chosen one
lay out bills, brand new and clean.

Do you want to intermarry with us? So let's take the exam!

On a tray "tickets" with similar questions:
- Answer a simple question - what is the bride's height?
- Answer, if it's not a secret, but how old is the future mother-in-law?
- Well, surprise us with the answer, what is the color of the father-in-law's eyes?
- We are very interested in finding out what size the bride's legs are!
- And now tell us exactly how many classes the bride graduated from!
- Give an answer to a tricky question: Do they put beets in an omelet?

Right in front of the door.

Three envelopes are glued to the door, and in one of them there is a key to the door.
The groom chooses, makes a mistake - pays a fine.

Door to any room.

In front of the door, the groom reads poetry or sings a song for the bride to come out.

Well hello honey. Do you want to see the bride? Give grandma a raise in her pension.

The groom is given a handkerchief and there are many kisses on it. He must guess
which belongs to the bride. Wrong - penalty.

The groom enters the room.
On both sides, brothers or sisters, nephews sit near the bride ...
One person on each side.

Well hello guests!
- Welcome!
- You have overcome the path to the bride. Do you want the groom to take a seat next to the bride?
- I'm waiting for your reward. So that (Names of those who are sitting next to the bride) would be glad to give way to you.

Cheerful scenario of the ransom of the bride in verse

Redemption of the bride in verse "Lost and Found"

- What kind of guy came to us?
Lost what, al found?
What are you looking for in this place?
Answer us (BRIDE)

Oh, bride, well, let's see
I remember that they were, yes.
So you need to go to the warehouse.
Can you find something else?

Maybe a key, keychain, umbrella
Maybe a notepad?

No, okay. Let's see.
Hey helper, come over.

(uncle exits)

- What's happened? Removed from place.


Look where our brides are.

Bride ransom in 15 minutes

When arranging the ransom of the bride, do not delay it, 10-15 minutes will be enough. When choosing contests, think about whether your chosen one will cope with this or that task (do not go too far so as not to spoil his mood). Contests are offered here, among which there are those that will please both the groom and you.

1. On the steps you can write various letters, the groom, going up the steps, will say compliments to the bride, starting with these letters.

Redemption of the bride in pioneer style

The ransom process at a wedding is no less important than the ceremony itself. After all, it is he who sets the mood for the celebration, brings people together and, finally, allows the groom to take possession of the bride on almost legal grounds.

This ransom is written in the pioneer style. Characters: a couple of bridesmaids and a young man.

The entrance is plastered with posters: “Life has become better, life has become more fun”, “Give youth”, “Give over-fulfillment of the demographic plan”.

Scenario for the ransom of the bride "6 trials"

At the entrance door (at the gate of the house), where the bride lives, the host greets the groom with his friends and guests with whom he arrived.

Leading: Hello Hello! Are you passing through or visiting us? Why did you come?

The groom answers , who came for his beloved, begins to negotiate in order to go to the bride without trials, but naturally they do not let him through.

Original bride price

This scenario is suitable for ransoming a bride living in a private house.

Almost reaching the house, the bridegroom is met by girlfriends

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Where are you from and where???
And what do you even want? Well, pass by!
The groom is coming to us! We are looking forward to it here!
He will pay us a lot of money, we will go to the registry office together with him!

Oh! So are you the groom?
Why is it so quiet then?

Where is your zealous horse then? Where mustache and gallant look?
Come on in if you've arrived, because you can't go back!

Is the wedding date coming up, are the preparations in full swing? A wedding dress for the bride, wedding accessories have already been bought or at least chosen, a restaurant has been chosen, many minor issues regarding the wedding have been settled. It is important not to ignore the ransom of the bride, which must certainly be at your wedding.

The ransom of the bride is a Russian tradition, without which almost no wedding can do. Usually, the witness is involved in compiling or selecting the ransom scenario, but the bride herself can help the witness. Moreover, no one knows her groom better than the bride: what questions will put him in a stupor, what tasks will captivate the guests and the groom himself.

Even if the witness or the bridesmaids completely take over the development of the ransom scenario, in any case it is necessary to consult with the bride herself.

We bring to your attention the script. Let's try together to make the bride's ransom unforgettable, original and interesting - so that all the guests would admire and remember this day for a long time!

Bride ransom scenario: meeting the groom

The groom and his guests drive up to the bride's house, near the entrance they are waiting for guests from the bride's side, the witness, the bridesmaids, who will carry out the ransom of the bride. Once the groom and witness are out of the car and ready to listen, the witness begins:

And now we will say to the point:
We need to redeem the bride.

What kind of gentlemen have come here to us?
Why did fate bring you to us?
What do you guys need? Vodka? Beer? Lemonade?
Or what else do you want? Feel free to ask.
Why did you come to us, maybe you forgot something?

(Give time for the groom's response)

For the bride! Here are those times!
Well, do you have money?

(Response of the groom or witness)

After all, we take dearly, and we do not give change:
You came for the bride, but did you bring the ransom?

(Response of the groom or witness)

In order for us to let you into the house, you need to pay
In general, our advice is this: Fill the tray to the brim
You ... (name of the groom) do not rush - on the tray, write the name of your sweetheart with money.

As soon as the groom fills the tray with money, puts the name of the bride on the tray, you can invite all the guests to the entrance.

Bride ransom scenario: closer to the goal

The first obstacle has already been passed, the guests entered the entrance, arranged themselves so that everyone could see everything. Before climbing the stairs, the groom should put the most expensive thing that he brought to the bride into a basin or a large cup.

If the groom realizes that the most precious thing he brought to the bride is himself, then he needs to stand in a bowl or cup. Therefore, the basin should be such that the groom could stand in it with his feet.

Bride price scenario: questions on the stairs

Now you can climb the stairs, but just climbing is not interesting. During the ascent, we will ask questions to the groom, there will be one question on each step.

If the bride lives above the fifth floor, then questions can be asked every 3 steps so as not to torture the groom and guests at all. Questions on the steps can be absolutely anything, but we offer an approximate list of questions:

    What day of the week did you meet your fiancee?

    Shoulder width beloved?

    How tall is your bride?

    What color are the eyes of the future mother-in-law?

    What time is it now?

    Length of the bride's legs?

    When's your birthday?

    What day of the week was your father-in-law born?

    How old, months, days, minutes is your bride?

    The size of the hips of the bride?

    Has Gagarin returned?

    How many steps have you already taken?

    Favorite dish of the bride?

    What school did your fiancé go to?

Questions can come up with a huge number. The main thing is that the groom should answer questions immediately, and if he hesitates or is confused, he will have to pay off. Questions like “Has Gagarin returned?” they should definitely drive him into a stupor and make the audience laugh.

In the flights of stairs, you can hang posters with prints of the hands, lips or feet of the bride. The groom must guess which print belongs to his beloved, otherwise he will have to pay a ransom.

Scenario for the ransom of the bride: approached the apartment

Attached to the door are three hearts with three different keys. To open an apartment, the groom needs to choose a heart with a key.

Here you stand at the door
How to open it quickly?
Here are the hearts, they contain the keys,
Pay to get them
Pay and choose
Pick the right key.

Scenario for the ransom of the bride: we go into the room

The bride can be shown to the groom not the first time. We all went up to the room together, we enter (the groom enters first and sees a little girl instead of his bride). A little girl reads a poem:

Hello dear fiance,
I've been waiting for you
You came for the bride
And I didn't get lost!
Look at me
And think quickly
Well, why do you need her?
I'm younger, prettier!
If you did not change your mind
And (name of the bride) you want to take,
You'll have to pay
Give me a dowry.

The bride, meanwhile, is waiting for the groom in another room, to which we approach. The doors of this room are walled up with strings, the groom must cut off one thread at a time and speak affectionate words to the bride.

sealed door,
What do you do now
Need to cut the strings
And (name of the bride) gently call.

When all the strings from the door are cut, he says:

That's all the passage is open,
Come honest people
The bride sits by the window
Only next to her brother,
Bargain for a place
So that the brother is happy and happy.

Near the bride sits a native or cousin, who can only be moved by paying him a ransom for the bride. The brother begins to bargain with the groom, selling first the bride's glance, the bride's hand, a kiss, and so on.

A wedding without a bride price is becoming more and more popular among newlyweds every year. The ransom has long lost its relevance and carries only symbolic overtones. Moreover, not every groom likes to complete tasks and participate in competitions. Serious grooms prefer to have a wedding without all the excess. If you decide to hold a wedding without a bride price, you should think over the scenario of the wedding day in advance so that your celebration turns out to be warm, beautiful and harmonious. You should think about what you can replace the ransom to make your first meeting romantic and memorable.

On the site’s wedding portal, you will learn how grooms take brides from home without a ransom, as well as how you can replace the traditional ransom.

What is a bride price?

Most often, newlyweds are well aware of what a ransom is, because almost no celebration can do without it. This tradition goes back to Ancient Rus', where the bridegroom actually had to pay a rather large amount of money for the chosen one, as well as pay in cattle: bulls and sheep. In the modern world, the meaning of the ransom has long been lost, but this tradition is so rooted in the celebration of weddings that not all newlyweds are ready to give it up. Typically, bridesmaids try to come up with a new buyout scenario or use some ideas from the internet. The modern ransom of the bride is the numerous contests, tasks and tests that the bridesmaids prepare for the groom and his friends. The groom has to pay for incorrect answers - the amount of payment is not specified, it all depends on the generosity of the groom. As a rule, the organization and conduct of this ceremony is carried out by a witness, who comes up with all the contests for the ransom of the bride and then takes the money collection for herself in return. After the future spouse has overcome all the obstacles on the way to his beloved, the long-awaited meeting of the bride and groom will finally take place, where for the first time they see each other in wedding dresses - beautiful and happy. If the classic version of the script seems boring to you, you should consider several options than to replace the bride price.

How to replace the ransom of the bride at the wedding?

It is difficult to imagine that the wedding will take place without a ransom and how to hold it without this traditional ceremony. However, the tradition of holding a ransom is a bit outdated, and many couples come up with alternatives that are no less interesting and unusual. What can be done instead of ransoming the bride, so as not to waste time on contests?

According to an old tradition, the future husband and wife should spend the night before the wedding separately. There are many different scenarios of the classic rite of redemption of the bride by the groom, in which the future spouse must perform various tasks, and the witness must offer money for the bride. Modern newlyweds are increasingly refusing such events, considering the ransom to be outdated and meaningless. What is the best way to meet the groom without a ransom? There are many ways to organize a beautiful original meeting of the young.

How to organize a meeting of the bride and groom without a ransom?

The second stage of the wedding story comes after the bride's preparations and is to meet the groom. Having abandoned traditional ransom rituals, it is necessary to come up with a worthy alternative. You should not solemnly meet the groom in the entrance of an apartment building, especially if the corridor does not look too well-groomed. There is a possibility of unpleasant pictures of the groom and guests against the backdrop of ugly walls among the wedding photos.

You should stock up in advance with several bottles of champagne, sweets, fruits, and elegant tartlets. Organize a small buffet table. Delicate flower petals, laid out from the threshold of the house to the bride's room, will become a spectacular decoration of the apartment, help meet the groom, showing him the way to his beloved. A curtain or drapery thrown over the face will add romance and showiness to the moment of meeting. The original version - the groom in the image of a romantic in love sings a serenade for his beloved under the window of her room.

Traditionally, when the groom meets his beloved, he presents her with a bouquet of flowers, for example, delicate roses, says a pleasant compliment, and then, throwing back the curtain, gives his beloved a light kiss. The bride should think in advance about what to say to her chosen one at the meeting. In such an incredibly touching and exciting moment, it is difficult to remain collected, not to get confused, so it will be useful to carefully consider your speech.

How can the parents of the bride arrange a meeting of the groom?

The parents of the bride and her friends will help meet the groom on the wedding day. The tradition of meeting a daughter's future husband with bread and salt has its roots deep in history, but is preserved by many couples to this day. If you have no desire to organize any traditional rituals, arrange with your parents that they meet the groom by offering him a glass of champagne and giving a solemn speech. Parents say parting words at the buffet table before the newlyweds leave for a photo shoot or at the registry office.

Happy mom and dad, as a rule, say how glad they are that their daughter has found a worthy husband, wish the young people advice and love, a long and happy family life, strong love, respect for each other, more kids. After the wishes of the parents, their first congratulations are said by relatives and friends. Traditionally, parents say the words of blessing at the doorstep of the house. If you wish, just ask mom and dad to say good wishes not at the buffet table, but at the door of the apartment.

Scenarios of the meeting of the bride and groom without a ransom

After the bride meets the groom, the young people will go for a walk or to the registry office. The absence of a buyout in the wedding program allows you to allocate a little more time for a pre-holiday buffet or a photo session in nature using original paraphernalia: balloons, flowers, cardboard hearts and other accessories. Newlyweds do not need to rush to do everything. Refusal of the ransom rite releases a significant period of time.

Meeting of the young at the door of the registry office

Those young couples who do not want to arrange a ransom and pre-holiday turmoil at home organize a meeting at the door of the registry office. This is a classic European approach to the wedding program. The bride and groom, bypassing the ransom, come separately to the wedding palace, meet each other immediately before the registration procedure. To make the moment of the meeting more spectacular, hire two identical cars for the young in advance, arrange for them to arrive at the registry office at the same time.

Rent a hotel room

Some young modern couples rent a beautiful hotel room for the night before their wedding. If you stick to traditions, then the future wife spends the night in the room, and the groom comes to pick her up only in the morning. Another option is to spend the night before the celebration together. In the morning, the newlyweds will arrange a romantic dinner, a hairdresser, makeup artist, and photographer will arrive at the hotel. After the gathering of the young, the photographer organizes a small photo shoot for lovers.

Romantic date

A romantic date is another interesting version of the scenario of meeting the groom without ransom. For example, in the morning a small child dressed as an angel will bring a letter from his beloved to the groom. The message will contain an invitation to a romantic date in some interesting, unusual or significant place for lovers. A park, a greenhouse, a cafe or even a hotel room are great places for a pre-wedding date. A photographer is invited to the meeting, who will capture the amazing moment of the meeting of lovers before the wedding.

Video: an original alternative to a traditional buyout

Below is an incredibly touching and moving video that captures an interesting alternative to the traditional hackneyed custom of ransom. The wedding video tells a stunningly romantic story. An invitation by the bride to the groom for a romantic date just before the wedding is an interesting and original version of the meeting of lovers.