Scenario of a festive concert for veterans of the Second World War "Dedicated to the Defenders of the Motherland" (Defender of the Fatherland Day). Concert program dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day Theatrical concert dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day script

"Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution

Secondary school in the village of Novoaleksandrovka,

Alexandrovo-Gaisky district, Saratov region"



Lyubov Sergeevna

Aleksandrov-Gai, 2012

Russian army at all times

Presenter 1 Good afternoon, dear viewers! We are very pleased to welcome you to our hall. On the calendar, February has already counted its half. This month is always associated with Defender of the Fatherland Day. At this time, we somehow treat men in a special way, we often remember the soldiers, we want to do something good for them. And it is no coincidence that today we have gathered. And we gathered to congratulate our dear men on the holiday.

Lead 2 Knowledge Day in the army today,

She is not stronger in the world.

Hello defenders of the people

School men

All: Our hello.

Leading 1 We are all gathered in the hall!

Rejoice people and have fun!

Let's start our holiday

In a festive hour for all of us

Dedicated to his birthday

I know, I know, without a doubt

Our own army,

I think that young

The melody "Get up, the country is huge" sounds (music by A. Aleksandrov, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach)

Lead 2 On guard of the country, on guard of the Fatherland,

So that there are no barriers to peace and happiness.

Stands in front of all mankind

Glory-covered Russian soldier!

Presenter 1 At the word "soldier", everyone has before their eyes the image of a fighter, almost a hero, a brave and smart young man.

Lead 2 Recognition of the people

What could be more beautiful!

Worthy of this

I don't know awards.

And dear to everyone -

Private and marshal -

High rank - Russian soldier!

Presenter 1The song "On the valleys and on the hills" sounds (words by P. Parfenov)

Lead 2 Our soldiers are border guards, paratroopers, signalmen, tankers. They all do one thing - they stand guard over the Fatherland. They write poems and sing songs about them. Our concert continues

B. Okudzhava's song sounds "Ah, war, what have you done, vile one ..."

Presenter 1 To the world - peace, "We do not need war" - how often we say these words. Yes, we all need peace, we need our children and grandchildren to grow up, so that our sons serve in the army calmly, so that our men work, not fight.

Lead 2 I know there are big cities

Where lively life is whirling.

But wherever we are, we always give

Native village preference.

Wherever we are, wherever we go, we always remember our homeland, both small and large. And at least for a while, yes, we return to our home.

The song of V. Basner and M. Matusovsky "Where does the Motherland begin ..."

Presenter 1 Defender of the Fatherland Day is a popularly loved holiday. Women always want to admire defenders, and February 23rd gives them a great reason to do so. And how men are proud of themselves on this day! And that's true: they have both prowess, and stamina, fortitude ... We have something to celebrate - so many glorious victories behind us!

Lead 2: Do you know that this holiday was first called the Day of the Red Army, then - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy, and, finally, the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland.

Presenter 1: Yes, this is a holiday of male prowess, because if anything happens, everyone will stand up for the Fatherland. Therefore, give words of admiration to men, inspire them, and then they will really feel like real knights, and next to such men, women will become beautiful ladies.

The song "Katyusha" sounds, music by M. Blanter, lyrics by M. Isakovsky

Lead 2: Dear viewers, we all love our Motherland. This feeling is not temporary. It either burns with a bright and strong fire, or it smolders with a small flame, but it always lives in the human soul.

Presenter 1 We live with you in difficult times. But no matter what, let's live, let's cherish life. Rejoice in the bright sun, summer rain, spring drops and even the smile of a friend. Let's be friends with each other. And to paraphrase the famous saying “Beauty will save the world”, it seems to me that our kindness will save the world. Let's be kind to each other - at home, at work, at school. And then everything will work out for us!

Thank you for your attention!

The song "Solar Circle" sounds (music by A. Ostrovsky, lyrics by L. Oshanin).

students perform 7th grade



Song order

1. “A soldier is walking through the city” Garbuzova Daria

2. "Three tankers" Torlopova Natalia and Semukhina Marina

3. "One hundred days before the order" - Pervina Svetlana

4. "Katyusha" - Yana Lebedeva and Alena Zelenkova

5. “Going on a visit” Tkachuk N.N. and Garbuzova Alena

6. "White peakless cap" - a group of school students.

7. "Cranes" Opletina L.M.

8. "Ivushki" - vocal group

9. "Hope" - Beloglazova N.A.

10. "Officers" - Opletina L.M.

11. “My joy lives” Tkachuk N.N.

12. "Song of Love" - ​​Beloglazova N.A.

13. "Poppies" - Ivanova L.Ya.

14. "Junior Lieutenant" - Prishchepova Maria

15. “The birch gave me earrings” - Tkachuk N.N.

16. "Solar Circle"

A musical fragment of the song "Youth in Boots" from the repertoire of the End of Film group sounds.

All participants of the concert go on stage, applauding.


Hello cloudy sky!

Hello youth in boots!

Away - sadness and longing!

Here we are. Hello troops!

Applause sounds.

Leading(breaking applause).

Today you men will not be sad!

Smiles, songs, joy we hasten to give you.

For you, our defenders,

It's time to start the concert.

We congratulate the warriors!

Whole army - cheers!

The song is being played.

Leading. Dear friends!

It has long been calculated by you that you will not be at home for two years, that is, twenty-four months, seven hundred and thirty days, seventeen thousand five hundred and twenty hours, one million fifty-one thousand two hundred minutes, sixty-three million seventy-seven thousand seconds ... Numbers, of course , stunning. But... imagine when you return home, you will find yourself in a magical lilac paradise!

Leading. Every soldier dreams of becoming a general, and every general should have his own army. We can’t give you a whole army, don’t ask for it! But the song ... we present. Accept!

The song is being played.


My motto is

I hope you understand it:

"Cooked Surprise

Should be pleasant to you all!”

Performed number of amateur performances.

Leading. Today, throughout the festive concert, a vocal group (name) will sing for you! Artistic director - (full name)! Musical operator - (full name)! As a host - (I.F.)!

Applause sounds.

Leading. I think that the performance of the artists of the group did not leave any of you indifferent, as we can judge by your friendly applause. I hope the applause will turn into a standing ovation right now, because this wonderful team is back on stage!

The song is being played.

Leading. Dear friends!

Before the next artist takes the stage, I want to ask you: have you all completed the young fighter course? (Audience response.)

Then I hasten to please you - the course of the young fighter continues! Now let's play elephants! Take out the trunks! (They take out gas masks.) Who knows what it is? (Audience response.)

Who said gas mask? In a year you will get three days of vacation! Who's to say where they wear them? On the head? Well done! This will be our task. So, we have two gas masks and two teams whose members are in the front rows.

At my signal, the first team players quickly put on gas masks, take them off, pass them on, saving their teammates. Is the assignment clear? Then go ahead!

The phonogram of the children's song "Pink Elephant" sounds. The game is running. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Leading. A song for the winners.

The song is being played.

Leading. To find out who the next song will be addressed to, I ask you to help me a little. Your task is to complete these poetic lines. The first three lines sound for the left half of the hall.

For two years an overcoat,

Uniform for two years

But for life

I am responsible ... (for the world)!

For the right half -

For two years an overcoat,

Uniform for two years

For two years of father

Replaced ... (commander).

For all the commanders sitting in this hall, the song "Soldier" from the repertoire of the "Lube" group sounds.

The song is being played.

Leading. Today our eyes are blinded by the stars on the shoulder straps of your commanders: lieutenants, captains, majors, lieutenant colonels... But there is no such bright star that we have prepared for you on their shoulder straps. So that you can see her, I ask you all to stand together and meet her with loud applause!

Applause sounds.

Leading. Meet! The bright star of the vocal group (name) is the soloist (I.F.).

The song is being played.

Leading. Dear young men - beautiful, extraordinary, touching and noble! Happy holiday to you! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

May this holiday affirm in each of you a sense of significance, confidence and heroic scope!

The cycle of numbers is being executed.

Leading. Surely each of you, having started the service, began to prepare a demobilization album. It's time to look into it and remember together the explanatory dictionary of soldier's life.

Dear fighters! Decipher the following words:

1. The labor exchange is a scam.

2. "Smile, stuntmen!" - an obstacle course.

3. In the animal world - order.

4. Shooting range - smoke break.

5. Explosive package - a letter.

6. Haunted house - barracks.

7. An active volcano - a smoking room.

8. The king of animals - the commander of the unit.

9. "They fought to the death", weapons of mass destruction - footcloths.

10. Partizan under interrogation - a cadet at the blackboard.

11. Vacation at your own expense - lip.

I would like to wish you that by the end of the service your album will be replenished not only with cool expressions, but also with photographs, as well as with the words of your favorite songs. I am sure that the lyrics of this song will definitely be included in your album.

The song is being played.

Leading. Dear friends!

Girls always want to admire defenders, and the day of February 23 gives them a great reason to do so. They are ready to give the young men their words of admiration, inspire them so that they feel like real knights.

For you, our knights, songs will be performed now ... (I.F.).

A block of songs is being played.


They escort the guys to the army,

As if in the forty-first to the war,

And again, how many years in a row,

The boys break the silence with a song.

Performed number of amateur performances. At the introduction of the next song, one of the soloists pronounces the words.


We are behind you, like behind a wall!

Love, hope and peace

Give us now!

Soldiers, we sing for you!

The song is being played.


Hold on, soldier!

Hold on my brother!

There will come a day like this

The order will go throughout the country:

"Home, home, home!"

Performed number of amateur performances.

Leading. Dear defenders of the Fatherland! Once again, we congratulate you on the holiday and wish you excellent service and a speedy return home!

Goodbye! See you soon!

Concert program for the Defender of the Fatherland Day

The script of the festive concert for February 23: "We hasten to congratulate you"

Children come out to cheerful music with balloons.


The winds blow in February

Howling in the pipes loudly

Snake rushes along the ground

Light ground.


Rising, rushing into the distance

Aircraft links -

It celebrates February

Army is born!


At night the blizzard raged,

And a blizzard of chalk

And with the dawn we are quiet

This holiday brought.


Defender of the Fatherland Day -

The main holiday of all men!

Girl. And so today

We hasten to congratulate them.

Music sounds. Children descend from the stage into the hall, give greeting cards to veterans of the microdistrict. A cheerful dance is performed on the stage. The leaders come out - a boy and a girl.


Good afternoon, dear viewers!

We are happy to see you

In the hall of our school

Today and now.


To you, valiant defenders of the Fatherland,

Ready to save the world, all mankind,

We bring our congratulations

And we give this performance!

A concert number is being performed.


Men got to die

Either in a clean field, or in cramped dungeons

With inaudible words on your lips...

What was in them - the last, unknown:

Farewell to life, about native places

Remembrance?.. Greedy supplication

About a miracle?.. Wild crazy fear?..

A persistent contempt for your killers? ..

And fell on stones or sand

Face, tortured by death,

And a thin hair broke off

Holy word to betrothed and wives.

But so much lurked in the unsaid

Male love, care, kindness,

That all this, without perishing, was embodied

In imperishable sounds of bitter purity.

They are only when you are vigilant with your heart,

To the words of children and the crying of birds is not deaf,

Through the noise of rain and snow a vague rustle

Will catch your imperfect hearing.

From the darkness of the distant mournful copper

"Sorry for the pain brought by death...

Be comforted... And be happy with another..."

And will ring out with a prolonged weak groan,

Like a fading string:

"And yet with him - both faithful and worthy -

Tearlessly, silently, remember me."

Y. Ryabinin. "Spell"


In memory of those who died

On the Great Patriotic

Afghan, Chechen wars,

We declare a moment of silence.

A moment of silence. A concert number is being performed.

(This could be playing a musical instrument or a patriotic song.)

Speakers are children of all ages.

2nd reader.(Catches up with the 1st reader - "dad", hides something behind his back.) Dad, and dad,

Were you, dad, a soldier?

1st reader. It happened. Served once.

2nd reader. And what kind of troops?

1st reader. Was a paratrooper for two years.

2nd reader. So he went skydiving?

1st reader. Right. Jumped, and a lot.

2nd reader. Tell me, was it cool?

1st reader.

Cool? Anything happened.

But the paratrooper knows the business

And I'm always confident...

2nd reader. So, were you, dad, brave?

1st reader.

Maybe to some extent.

I'm not used to being discouraged

Even if it fell from the sky...

2nd reader.

Well, then take a look at the diary,

Gives the 1st reader a diary, runs away.

1st reader(takes the diary, looks through it).

Stop, son, wait,

I'll blow your mind!

Y. Pogorelsky. "Landing passions"

Runs after the 2nd reader. A musical number is being played.

The presenters come out with the newspapers "From Hand to Hand". They start looking at them.


Announcements, announcements,

The announcements are endless.


Here are the ads

Found for our guys.


Let them take note.

We will read them here.

They begin to take turns reading comic announcements on behalf of boys and girls.

Leading.“I rent excellent hair for transplantation anywhere. Petya Lishaev.

Leading.“A pleasant girl in all respects is looking for a smart, handsome young man for mutual dreams in the classroom. Come to 6th grade. Ask Verochka Voronoschetova.

presenter. “Guys, an experienced boxer will create a unique manly image for you. Once and for all. 10th grade. The last part. Ask Vasya.

Leading.“Tired of messing around, swap with those tired of studying. Bureau of exchange "Let's wave without looking."

Leading. "Artistic snoring. An excellent student in singing, Kolya Kontrabasov, will teach those who wish the course "Masterpieces of classical music in a dream."

Leading. Let's go and we'll put up some ad.

Leading. And at this time, the next number will be shown to the audience.

A concert number is being performed. Leaders come out.

Leading(he has a thick notebook in his hands). My brother recently returned from the army. He was an excellent student in both combat and combat training. He always carefully took notes in class. Every question has an answer in his notebook. Ask me something, I'll find you an answer right away.

presenter. Fine. What is a soldier?

Leading. A person without a passport.

presenter. And the soldier in the gas mask?

Leading. Amphibian Man.

Leading. Running in a gas mask?

Leading. Earth in the porthole.

presenter. Hourly?

Leading. Living Dead.

presenter. An obstacle course?

Leading. Why can't I fly?!

presenter. Breakfast.

Leading. Eat yourself - help another.


Leading. The return of the prodigal son.

Leading. Yes, a highly artistic summary. Give me a few days, please.

Leading. For what?

Leading. You know I have a brother. He will soon go to the army. Let him get acquainted with the sciences in advance.

The leaders leave. A concert number is being performed.


To rush into the fray, a man

And the first is protection of the native country,

The second is the debt that the ancestors bequeathed,

He commands all men:

Risking yourself to protect women

As in the duels of Pushkin's time.


To sing a song, you know, a man

There are only two good reasons:

And the first is love for the native land,

Which entered both flesh and blood

And became an inextinguishable star,

The second is love for a woman.

R. Gamzatov

A concert number is being performed. The song sounds.

Leading(and all participants of the concert).

Among worries, among smiles,

Such as in the hall, kind eyes

I say "thank you" to life

For every moment, for every hour,

For a ray of sunshine

For the joy of the day.

If only you were immortal

The land that nourished me!

And the witchcraft of white birch,

And maternal eternal call

And the cry of a baby in the cradle

And laughter, and joy, and love,

And the sky is blue without edge

Above the golden field of rye...

We congratulate all of you people

With this great happiness - to live!

I. Rovnyagin


Thank you for your attention!

See you! Goodbye!

Presenters output:
1 presenter: Hello dear friends and distinguished guests!

2 leader: We are glad to welcome you on this holiday - February 23!
There is a day like this on the calendar
It is marked with a red date.
Great holiday in February
Warrior Day. Russian soldier

Lead 1: This holiday had different names in different years. Today we call February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

2 host: This day is our tribute to all generations of the heroic Russian army.

1 presenter: The whole country congratulates the warriors of the defenders today and honors the memory of the heroes of past years.

2 host: This is truly a men's day!
Today, all representatives of the stronger sex, from boys to gray-haired veterans, hear words of congratulations and receive gifts.

1 presenter: on stage for a celebratory greeting

2 host: And on behalf of all the women present in the hall, we join in the congratulations, and we dedicate today's festive concert to our courageous, valiant, so different and so dear men. The congratulations are joined by...

concert number

Lead 1: Meet the dance team

Concert number:

Lead 1: We wish the men a peaceful sky, so that you use your determination, strength, mind in peaceful conditions.

Concert number:

Lead 2: May success always accompany you in business, beloved women are waiting at home. What else is needed for happiness? The warmth of simple human relationships, reliable rear in the form of a family and a successful career.
1 presenter: joins the congratulations ...

concert number

Lead 1: Dear men, accept a musical gift from the smallest artists of today's holiday concert, meet with applause .... with the song: "Butterfly"

concert number

2 presenter: hurrying to the stage with musical gifts ....

Concert number:
Concert number:

1 leading: on this festive day, Lyudmila Chernetskaya gives you a cheerful mood

Concert number:

Concert number: "I will become a star" -
2 leader: Ah. I also dreamed of becoming a star all my life. And here I am on stage as the host of the holiday concert. I'm so happy…

1 host: I am also very glad that your dream came true. And just by the way, I remembered one popular expression every man in his soul is a boy, and every boy dreams of becoming a warrior

2 host: but which of the boys is a warrior, let him first grow up, mature and protect the fatherland

1 presenter: but I think that serving the fatherland should be prepared from childhood.
This holiday of military prowess
What protects us from harm
Let me tell you guys
About how we love you.

Leading 2: We welcome boys and young men, school students - future defenders of the Fatherland, the time will come and they will stand in the ranks of valiant warriors.
Now we invite you to the stage (distinguished guests) __________________________________________________________________________________________

Presentation, congratulations "Conscript's Day"

1 host: Safely protect your home
On enemies, drawing a sword,

1 presenter: On this day, we congratulate
The male half of humanity
We dedicate poems and songs
To their defenders of the fatherland.

Lead 2: Dear men - You are our support in life,
And behind a strong man's shoulder.
Not afraid of any adversity
We don't care about failure.
For you the next musical gift. Meet

Concert number:

1 presenter: Do not try to fight with feelings,
Let love and passion boil in you!
You always remain men
After all, this is your strength, your power.

Concert number:

2leader: unfortunately our holiday concert is coming to

1 presenter: and we, on behalf of all the women sitting in this hall, want to once again congratulate you, dear men

2leader: Happy Army Day!

1 host: From the holidays of the warriors,

2 leading: Happy holiday brothers,
Fathers and husbands
their aspirations,
Worthy of glory
1 presenter: The world is saved on the planet of people.

2 presenter: our men are the best for a reason
Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated in only one country in the world and its name is Russia
Concert number:

The curtain is closing

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