Wedding contests. Funny wedding contests

No traditional Russian wedding can do without fun contests or competitions. But the contests, which were popular a few years ago, no longer suit the newlyweds. Increasingly, young people have a subtle artistic taste and tact. Therefore, there should be no vulgarity and rudeness at the wedding - 2017. The presenters caught the spirit of the time, and modern wedding contests are distinguished by fun, subtle humor and impeccable taste. The best of them are in our article.

Cool contests for the ransom of the bride

Buying a bride is a long tradition. Today, her goal is not to collect bride price for the bride, but to create a wedding mood. The fun will not be complete without fun contests:

  • "The Unreal Groom". To do this, you need to give a spare bouquet to another man from those present, who, together with the real groom, will compete for the hand and heart of the bride. The host or bridesmaids ask questions about the bride, and the "grooms" must answer correctly and most fully. Whoever tells more - he goes to the bride. Of course, the real groom wins.
  • "Guess". The groom is offered a stack of photographs of the bride. He needs to tell the story, when and under what circumstances this photo was taken.
  • "The Warmth of Love" The key is placed in a glass of water and frozen in the freezer. Before entering the bride's apartment, the groom is given this glass with the words that his hot feelings should melt the ice. The young man must figure out how to get the key out of the glass as soon as possible and open the cherished door.

Competitions and active games in nature

Increasingly, young people choose exit registration and a banquet in the bosom of nature. It can be a country recreation center, a forest glade or a shore of a reservoir.

For the presenter, this greatly complicates the task, since in this case more powerful equipment and more talent will be required to keep the attention of guests in a large area. But in this case, you can include in the scenario a lot of active games and entertainment that require a lot of free space.

Quest "In search of treasure"

Ideal pastime for young people. On the site where the celebration is planned, tips are left in advance in secret places for guests participating in the quest. You can search for any wedding paraphernalia - a bouquet - an understudy, which the bride will then throw into the crowd of girlfriends, a garter. You can combine this competition with the well-known tradition of hiding the bride's things: stealthily borrow wedding champagne or a shoe, and the guests must find them. This is good for those who want to keep some traditional features, but do not accept monetary contests. To prevent participants from getting their wedding clothes dirty, give them T-shirts at the entrance - plain or with wedding symbols. This competition will be good at a wedding without a toastmaster. Then all the preparations will completely fall on the shoulders of the young, but this competition will take well and bring the guests together. And further interference in their live communication is not required.

Water pistol fight

A competition for a progressive wedding whose guests have given up on evening wear and are not afraid to get wet or dirty. You can divide guests into teams according to an unusual principle. Those who believe that the newlyweds will be the first to have a girl are in one team, those who are for a boy are in another. This will preserve the traditional wedding voting in the absence of monetary contests.

tug of war

Ancient Russian fun is great for a wedding contest. This does not require many accessories and complex preparations. And the elegant clothes of the guests are not in danger.

Indoor competitions

A wedding in a cafe or restaurant involves a smaller area than the vast natural expanses. But contests are still fun.

Offer your guests:

  • Competition for the best karaoke performance.
  • Competition for the most beautiful decoration of wedding cupcakes or cakes. Guests are offered a ready-made, but not decorated cake. With the help of several types of cream, jam and glaze, you need to make a work of art out of it.

  • Guess the melody. Participants are offered cuts of famous songs prepared in advance by the presenter or DJ. It can be music from cartoons, movies, popular programs. Be sure to give the winners a cute souvenir or sweets.
  • wedding lottery. At the entrance, each guest is given a "lottery ticket" with a number. The prank takes place throughout the wedding at the most unexpected moments to create intrigue. As a prize, guests are given sweets or cute souvenirs. Accompany each raffled ticket with a funny text or poem: rose-colored glasses - to dream better, a cake - for a sweet life.

Competitions on the water

If there is a pond near the wedding venue, you can offer guests some water activities. For example, a race on catamarans or rowing boats. In this case, focus on safety: all participants must be sober, able to swim and wear life jackets. The competition is most suitable for the wedding of athletes or just with a sports theme.

blow me up
Each of the participants is given a whole pack of chewing gum, for example, Orbit. At the start command, each of the participants begins the chewing process. The task is to chew all the plates faster than the rest and inflate the largest ball. The winner and owner of the strongest jaws - a prize.

Feel the booty

The competition is fun and interesting. Each participant closes their eyes and puts an object on a chair, for example, a nut, a spoon, a pencil, and so on. Each participant sits down on a chair and tries to guess what is under his soft spot. Whoever guesses the most items correctly will win a prize.

Make up your word

For this competition, the host must think over and choose interesting words. For example, in front of the guests there is an easel and the word - is written. y. nya The facilitator explains that the guests should think carefully and pronounce the word that fits, that is, simply add letters instead of dots. Or, for example, you need to make a word of 5 letters, in which the letters p, z, d, a are necessarily present. Thus, guests will cheer themselves up and enter into courage. But the answers are quite simple. The first option is the kitchen, and the second option is the west.

crazy dancing

Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, one leg of one participant is connected with one leg of the second participant. The host turns on the music and commands are given to dance, for example, lambada, cancan, chunga-changa, hip-hop, and so on. It will be interesting to watch couples interact and dance with their feet tied. The most eccentric and talented couple gets a prize.


The participants are divided into two teams. The first team is customs and the second is people who go abroad. Customs will not let them through until they answer the main question: “what will you take with you abroad first of all?”. Travelers must name things that begin with the same letter as their name.
Whoever names more things wins.

draw the word

The host with the guests come up with a word and say it to one of the participants in the competition. His task is to depict this word on paper without using letters and numbers. The participant tries and draws. The task of the team of players is to guess what word they are talking about. The one who guesses first will receive a prize.

Show me your tongue

The guys are divided into teams. One by one, the participants of each team are invited to the center of the room, the participant takes out his phantom from his hat, in which some specific phrase is written, which is difficult to pronounce, for example, “a somersault with a forward subfold” or “the ships were still able to catch” and so on. Each participant goes to the center and, opening his mouth wide, sticking his tongue out completely, pronounces the phrase he got, and his team must guess as quickly as possible and pronounce this very phrase verbatim. If the team that this participant is a member of guesses, she gets her point, if the opposing team guesses, she gets 2 points. There is an incentive and there will certainly be fun after everyone shows their tongue and tries to say something.

Feet can do anything

Each participant sits on the ass, takes a marker in his feet (between the feet) and must write a phrase on the sheet, for example, I am well done. All letters must be clearly visible. Which of the guys write the phrase faster, he will receive a prize.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood

This competition is attended by those who are ready to show their announcer's abilities for speed. Each participant holds two nuts in his mouth, the leader has a stopwatch in his hands. Each in turn, with nuts in his mouth, says a simple tongue twister: “The cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. Put on a cuckoo hood. How ridiculous he is in the hood! You can choose another. Whoever tells a tongue twister in the shortest time and does not drop a nut from his mouth, he won.

Don't take me for weak

In this competition, the host offers to do one of two things: push up 500 times or:
- drink a glass of vodka (in fact, there will be water in the glass);
- drink a liter of potassium permanganate (diluted cherry juice);
- eat 2 worms (in fact, the worms will be marmalade);
- smear the face with mud (melted chocolate) and so on.
It will be interesting who is not weak to accomplish a "feat" and it is funny to watch surprised faces when the truth turns out to be untrue. Prizes are given to the bravest.

A wedding is a solemn, exciting and important event for the newlyweds, which is attended by friends, colleagues, and, of course, relatives. One of the main parts of the wedding event are competitions and games, thanks to which everyone can have fun. Entertainment should be interesting, active and fun. Cool wedding contests are something that is so lacking in most of these events, so today we will talk about it in detail.

Competition "Do you recognize your wife?"

It is popular in different countries of the world, and now it can be found in Russia at almost every wedding.

If you are looking for cool contests for a wedding without a toastmaster, this game is perfect for you, feel free to add it to the event scenario.

So, now more about the contest itself. Girls with similar data sit on several chairs placed in one row. The groom with his eyes closed must find his beloved among them, but there is one very interesting condition - you can only touch your knee.

Guests will definitely like this contest, because they have the opportunity to take part, and they will have a good laugh at how a man will try to find his beloved.

Competition "New Planet"

This game is considered a group game. Most often, it is held specifically for guests, that is, the newlyweds do not participate in it. So, the guests are divided into two equal teams. Each team is given 50-200 balloons (depending on the number of people, 5-15 balloons per person).

For a certain time (1-3 minutes), the participants of the competition must inflate as many balloons as possible, using markers to draw figures of some people on them.

The team that inflates the most balloons and draws the most people wins. Basically, friendship wins.

Such wedding contests for guests are fun, and it is very interesting to watch them being held, so you can easily arrange such a game at your wedding party.

Competition “Who is attentive here?”

This is a very interesting and popular competition in which only two people participate - it can be a bride and groom, a witness and a witness, or just two guests.

It is also worth noting that cool, interesting and mobile wedding anniversary contests have always been popular, so you can not even doubt, but feel free to hold them.

The essence of the game is that two people become against each other. Between them on a small chair lies a certain prize. The host begins to count: "One, two, three ... eleven, one, two, three ... a hundred ..."

The winner of the competition will be the one who first takes the prize from the chair when the host finally utters the long-awaited word "three".

As you understand, cool new wedding contests are extremely difficult to find now, but we have created a list of such games especially for you, which you can familiarize yourself with by reading the article from beginning to end.

Contest "Guess"

This game is often used at fun weddings where there are a lot of people, since the competition is designed for a large number of people. The more guests will participate, the better, more fun and interesting the game will be.

The most daring guest needs to be blindfolded with a handkerchief or something similar. The hero becomes in the center of the circle, which is formed by all the guests of the event.

The same contests for wedding anniversary cool have always been popular.

So, the blindfolded man begins to clap his hands strongly, and the guests resume their movement. When the brave hero claps his hands again, the guests who walked hand in hand in a circle stop abruptly.

Now the blindfolded man (let's call him the game host) points his finger at one player, of course, without seeing him.

The host must guess the person at whom he pointed his finger. If he guesses correctly on the first, second or third try of the chosen person, they switch places. If the host fails to guess, the game continues, the same person remains in the center of the circle.

If you are looking for second wedding day contests that are cool, interesting and incredibly fun, this game is quite suitable for you and your guests.

Competition "Try it, suddenly it works!"

This competition, like the previous one, is popular only at those weddings where there are a lot of people, and active ones. The event should have a sufficient number of people who will play, and not just sit and watch what is happening. Cool wedding contests will add a bit of fun, laughter and something really interesting to what is happening.

Invite all guests to participate in the competition to make it more interesting and fun. The host ties the same balls to the leg of each of the participants. The essence of the game is that players must pierce the balls of their opponents, but at the same time try to save their own.

Whoever has the last surviving ball on his leg wins, everyone else loses.

Do you need table contests for a wedding that are cool, incendiary and sedentary at the same time? You will have such, but a little later.

Competition "Multi-handed"

Such competitions, unfortunately, are not so common. After all, this is a really difficult game, in which only sober people can participate. We all understand that competitions for the second day of the wedding are cool and should be more interesting than previous games and much more fun.

So, now in detail about the game "Multi-handed". The name of the competition does not correspond to what is happening a little, because according to the rules of the game, the host puts on the floor the number of sheets equal to the number of participants. The players themselves attach a felt-tip pen to one leg so that they can write something.

As a result, it is necessary to write the word “bride” or “groom”, and the best is generally “love”. The winner is the one who first writes this word so that it is possible to read. The game is interesting and funny. Recommended.

Very similar wedding contests for guests are fun and always fun to watch.

Competition "Intimacy"

The first thing to note is that if children are present at your wedding, this contest should by no means be held, since the game was invented only for 18-year-olds and older.

This is a couples game. 2 couples are required to participate. The essence of the game is that the witness and the witness are given 5-10 clothespins each. Girls and men participating in the competition close their eyes.

Players hang clothespins on the intimate places of men: near the fly, between the legs, on the chest, fifth point, and so on. The second half with closed eyes should find clothespins, and you can only remove them with your mouth.

The pair that collects the clothespins faster wins. During the competition, everyone must be silent - hints are prohibited.

If you want to find wedding contests that are cool, new and simply unique, then it’s better to come up with something yourself or make a modification of a certain contest: add new rules to make it more interesting.

The game "Know your lover by body parts"

A similar competition, but only for the groom, was described a little higher, but this game is especially for the bride, who also has to somehow, for example, recognize her beloved man, for whom she got married.

For this competition we will need 8-10 people (not only men, but also women). Everyone knows the rules, so if you want, include this contest in the script of your wedding evening, it will be fun.

Every bride wants to find cool wedding contests, but not everyone succeeds, and this article contains the best contests for a wedding event.

Contest "Pass us an orange"

The guests, along with the heroes of the occasion, are divided into two equal teams, stand in two approximately identical lines opposite each other.

The meaning of the game is that everyone, starting with the first and ending with the last player of the team, must pass the orange to the next and previous player. The most important and difficult thing is that you can pass the fruit only with the help of your shoulders and chin - it is forbidden to use your hands and any other parts of the body.

If an orange falls, the game starts from the beginning. The winner is the team whose members quickly passed the orange from the very beginning to the end of the line, and then back. It will not be easy to do this, but it is interesting and fun to watch what is happening.

Such funny and cool wedding contests are popular.

Table contest "Guess me"

The essence of this game is that the player writes on a piece of paper the name of something that is directly related to the wedding ceremony, after which he sticks the piece of paper with the inscription on the forehead of the person opposite.

The number of players must be even so that everyone can stick an inscription on the forehead of the person who is sitting opposite. You can’t prompt, the player can ask various questions to everyone, but you only need to give answers to them: “Yes” or “No”. The first person to guess the word wins.

Such competitions for a wedding at the table have always been cool, are and will be in fashion.

Merry wedding and good mood!

Princess Jasmine is visiting her family. Game for girls and girls! Princess Jasmine goes to the family, a game for girls and girls. Spring break is finally here and Jasmine can't wait for her last day of school. She is about to pay a surprise visit to her family and she is very excited. Jasmine has chosen the clothes that she is going to wear on this last day of school and it must be flawless as she is about to have lunch with her love. She then needs to change and get dressed to go out with her friends before leaving campus and heading home. Help the princess look amazing by designing her makeup and her outfits. Have fun!

Princess Jasmine visits her family

Princess Anne is getting married. Game for girls and girls! Princess Anna is getting married, a game for girls and girls. Elsa received wonderful news today, her sister Anna is getting married and she needs Elsa as soon as possible to help her plan her wedding. Girls help Elsa get ready and fly to be with her sister. You have a lot of work to do in this game. First, you have to help Elsa prepare for the journey, and then you have to help the sisters choose wedding outfits, as well as create their own make-up and hairstyle. Have fun!

Princess Anne is getting married

Princess Elsa has a language problem. Game for girls and girls! Princess Elsa has a language problem. - This is an online game that you can play for free on Nyashki. In cold weather, Princess Elsa has problems with her tongue, so she is scheduled to see a doctor. Players must use the mouse to click and act as a doctor to help the princess recover. Hope you like it and have fun!

Princess Elsa has a language problem

Pony hairstyle for Bella. Game for girls and girls! Pony hair style for Bella, a game for girls and girls. Bella is one of the royal beauties in this fashion world. She suddenly decided to try pony hair. It is time to choose the best hairstyle and color her beautiful hair. Then choose the best outfits for her. Have a great time with Bella girls.

pony hairstyle for bella

Easter egg hunt. Game for girls and girls! The fun is just getting started! In Elmore, the bright holiday of Easter is about to come. On this day, adults hide colored eggs in their yards, while children look for them. And not just looking for, but opening a real hunt for bright trophies. In Easter Egg Hunt, you will help Gumball and his friends. The Ice King's henchmen are going to steal all the eggs and take away the holiday from the inhabitants of the city, but this will not happen. The action of the game will take place in the central park. There are two large tents where Easter eggs are hidden. You only need to let the guys in, but not the penguins. Bears will stand at the switch, and you must help them adjust the doors to the tents. When one door opens, the other will close. Thus, you can launch the kids into the tents, and slam the front doors in front of the penguins. Have a good game!

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt 2. Game for girls and girls! Easter egg hunt. Easter egg hunt has 5 levels of easter egg hunt. There is a time limit to hunt all the eggs. Let's test your hunting skills here. Happy easter!

Easter Egg Hunt 2

Newborn care for four Labrador puppies. Game for girls and girls! Newborn care for four Labrador puppies. Help in the wonderful life and help the labrador mother to deal with her little kids once they are in the real world. You will perform medical activities which include checking the mother's condition and then bathing and preparing the puppies. After a pearl bath and a serious massage, you will continue your courtship. Create a cute and comfortable environment for newborn quads and mommy, then create a nice atmosphere in the room. Play for free and enjoy!

Newborn Care for Quadruple Labra Puppies

Beauty is cleaning the house. Game for girls and girls! Beauty is cleaning the house. Have another wonderful experience with one of these cleaning games that belongs to us. Help the beauty queen rebuild her home and be ready to take on any challenges she may have in her next steps. First, you will be doing kitchen makeup. Make sure you remove the cobwebs and dirt that has accumulated all over the place. Do the same for the bathroom, but with additional tasks, as well as in the dressing room. Play for free and enjoy!

Beautiful woman is cleaning the house

Harley wants to be a princess. Game for girls and girls! Harley wants to be a princess! Her villainous days are over and Harley wants to be a princess in this new dress up game! Help Harley find the princess and try out new outfits. She wants to try all the princess outfits and decide what she wants to be. Help her choose the perfect outfit from all the princesses in this cute new dress up game!

Harley wants to be a princess

Cherry blossoms in Japan. Game for girls and girls! Cherry blossoms in Japan. Not only its inhabitants admire the most beautiful miracle of nature. Tourists from all over the world come to admire the Japanese sakura. The sisters from the Cold Kingdom, Princesses Elsa and Anna, also arrived in Japan to enjoy a picnic under cherry blossoms. Girls, do you want the princesses to get as much pleasure from their trip as possible? In this case, arrange for them a luxurious self-assembly tablecloth and dress them in beautiful outfits. Good luck! Control the game with the mouse.

Cherry blossoms in Japan

Date with your loved one. Game for girls and girls! Princess Rapunzel has a date with Flynn today. Oh no! With such a face, the princess cannot go on a date with her beloved guy. By the appointed time, Rapunzel should look perfect and you girls will do it. Start by taking care of her face. Burn her pimples. To improve the condition of the skin, use masks Correct her eyebrows. Put drops in your eyes. Well, that's a completely different matter. Now decorate the princess's face with beautiful makeup and start choosing hairstyles, outfits and accessories. Great! Flynn's turn. When dressing a guy, try to make him look no worse than your girlfriend. And then help Flynn choose and arrange a bouquet for Princess Rapunzel. Today, for the first time, he intends to officially declare her his beloved girlfriend. From which Princess Rapunzel will be delighted. To control the game - "Date with a loved one" - you need a mouse. Good luck!

Date with your loved one

Bunny quest. Game for girls and girls! "Bunny Quest" is an exciting multi-level puzzle game in which you have to help the bunny get to the finish line. You will do this with blocks. Redistribute them so that nothing interferes with the bunny on the way and at the same time he can eat all the carrots. Good luck! Control the game with the mouse.

Bunny quest

Barbie: Princess or pop star (pop star). Game for girls and girls! For some time now, our sweet diva Barbie has become interested in pop music. In this genre, the girl is attracted by easy-to-perceive melodies and songs in which human emotions are really traced - joy, sadness, love. An excellent musical ear and a marvelous voice are not all that an artist needs for success. The artist must also captivate his audience visually. This is the problem that Barbie is concerned about today. She, of course, can appear on stage in the form of a gentle princess. But Barbie has another option for this case. To attract more attention to herself, she is ready to appear before the audience in an extravagant form of a pop star (pop star). Barbie is confused. She doesn't know where to stop. Girls, make a choice Barbie - you will help. First dress her like a princess, then like a real pop star. And then just trust the image evaluation calculator. Good luck!

Barbie: Princess or Pop Star (Pop Star)

Disney Party: Easter Bunny. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Elsa, Rapunzel Ariel - celebrate Easter together. In honor of this important event, the princesses are throwing a fun themed party with the funny name "Easter Bunny" for their girlfriends. Of course. girlfriends want to meet guests at their own party in beautiful, festive outfits. This time, you girls will be responsible for their amazing look. Start beauty for princesses with a beautiful make-up. Good luck! Control the game with the mouse.

Disney Party: Easter Bunny

Audrey and Eliza Insta Photobooth. Game for girls and girls! Audrey and Eliza Insta Photobooth. Welcome to the Insta photo booth. Audrey and her best friend, Eliza, decided to have fun together by taking some pictures in a photo booth. Will you help them? You will need to choose clothes and hairstyles for the girls, as well as their expressions and poses. Then it's time to decorate the photos they take with stickers and filters. Have fun! Play for free and enjoy!

Audrey and Eliza Insta Photobooth

Stack Panda. Game for girls and girls! Stack Panda. In Stack Panda you will need to help the little panda develop their agility and ability to jump. You will see her standing in front of you in the clearing. Stone blocks will fly out from all sides at different speeds. When they fly up to the panda, you will need to click on the screen. Then the panda will jump and be on top of the plate.

stack panda

Bohemian vs Floral. Game for girls and girls! Today, Princess Elsa bought herself some floral dresses. She had dreamed of these for a long time. Her friend Princess Merida is sure that bohemian-style clothes are more suitable for her, so she replenished her wardrobe with just such outfits. This is how the bohemian style was opposed to the floral one! How do you know if the princesses made a mistake with the choice of styles? Do you want to understand it? Then dress the princesses in the best outfits bought, take a photo and try to evaluate their choice against the captured background. It seems to us that the princesses were not mistaken. And what is your conclusion?

Bohemian vs Floral

Game of Thrones: Hairstyles. Game for girls and girls! Girls, of course, you have heard about the American television series “Game of Thrones”, which takes place in a fictional world, on the continent of Westeros. This series is not intended for kids, but there were enough episodes in its plot that inspired the fans of this film to create children's online games based on them. Game Of Thrones Hairstyles is one of them. In this game, you girls have to become an employee of a hairdresser's to decorate her heroine's head with a hairstyle that was spied on by the author of the game in his favorite series "Game of Thrones".

Game of Thrones: Hairstyles

New spa salon for Disney princesses. Game for girls and girls! A new spa has opened today at Disney with a wide range of treatments - with a steam room, a huge whirlpool bath, a classic and relaxing massage room and a make-up artist. It is clear why on this day any other pastime girlfriends - Belle, Cinderella, Jasmine and Elsa - preferred to relax in the new spa. Today, the princesses intend to use all kinds of services, so their visit to the spa will be a long one. To give the princesses a park, pour some water on hot stones. From the steam room, I will fight the girls for a hydromassage. So that the princesses can relax properly, give them a back and neck massage. Fuck it, fuck it! For the sake of beauty, the princesses are ready to stay in the spa for at least a whole day. So, girls, get everything you have in stock. It's time to bring the beauty of princesses to perfection. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

New spa salon for Disney princesses

Disney Princesses: Easter Squad. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Cinderella, Rapunzel, Ariel and Snow White - united in the Easter party, decided to celebrate Easter together. The preparation for the holiday of the princess began with the choice of beautiful outfits. Having coped with this task, a squad of princesses began collecting Easter eggs in a hare meadow. Then the princesses took up the decor of the room in which they planned to arrange a festive event. According to established traditions, painted eggs should always be at the head of the festive, Easter table. Therefore, the festive preparations of the princesses, of course, should be crowned with the production of beautiful Easter eggs. We hope you girls have already understood that you will be the main assistants in all these events. Use the mouse to control the game. Good luck!

Disney Princesses: Easter Squad

It's spring break at Disney. Game for girls and girls! Finally, the Disney princesses - Rapunzel, Moana and Belle - having waited for spring break, were able to go on a trip. Arriving at their destination, the princesses wanted to take a photo for memory and, of course, send it by mail to their friends and girlfriends. Girls, to make the princesses in the photo look amazing, help them choose stylish, spring outfits and hairstyles, cool jewelry and spring accessories. Don't forget to offer them light shoes. Good luck! Control the game with the mouse.

Disney Spring Break

Special outfits for Disney princesses. Game for girls and girls! Shopping is a fun activity. Isn't it, girls? Princess Belle has a different attitude to this occupation. She finds shopping boring. Her friends - princesses Rapunzel and Moana - do not agree with her and want to convince her otherwise. Just the case contributes to this. Rapunzel, Moana and Belle are invited to a masquerade ball and they need special outfits for this occasion. When choosing a costume for a masquerade, Princess Belle decided to use the theme "My little pony". Rapunzel, on the other hand, wished to appear at the masquerade ball in the form of one of the princesses, whose existence we learned from famous cartoons or fairy tales. But Princess Moana decides to appear at the masquerade ball in the form of a pop star princess. Is it boring to do shopping associated with the implementation of these grandiose plans? Of course not! In addition, in parallel with shopping, Disney princesses will be able to receive the services they need. So Belle can update her manicure, Princess Rapunzel will touch up her makeup, and Princess Moana will decorate her legs with a lovely pedicure.

Disney princess special outfits

Fool Fashion Festival. Game for girls and girls! Fool Fashion Festival. Girls, have you ever heard of such a festival? No? Then it's time for you to join these three girlfriends and even become those stylists who will help them create the most stupid images so that in such an unusual way they can appear at the stupid festival of stupid fashion. Be prepared to show the public a real challenge. To do this, you will have a lot of crazy, eccentric outfits at your disposal. Choose for girls those who, in your opinion, will most of all surprise, and perhaps outrage the public unprepared for such treachery. Don't forget the fancy accessories. They will further enhance the wacky effect of wacky fashion. Good luck!

Wacky Fashion Festival

Disney princesses as Easter heroes. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses celebrate Easter. In honor of this event, the girls decide to have a fun Easter party. Only those princesses who come to the party in the form of some funny Easter hero will be able to become participants in such a cool action. Girls, join your favorite princesses - Anna, Moana and Rapunzel - and help them transform into the right character. To get started, put some fun makeup on their faces. And then move with the princesses to the dressing room and choose suitable outfits, hairstyles and jewelry for each of them. Special, Easter accessories will be the final step in this cool transformation. Good luck!

Disney princesses as Easter heroes

We treat the throat of the princess. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to play the role of an otolaryngologist doctor. An otolaryngologist diagnoses and treats diseases of the ear, nose and throat. It is for this reason that this specialist is called by the people - the doctor "ear, throat, nose." And so, seat the sick princess comfortably in a special chair. With the help of dilators, fix her mouth open and start treating her sore throat. Do you want to eliminate misunderstandings with the use of certain medical instruments in the treatment of the throat? Then do not forget to follow the hints in the form of a lilac arrow. Good luck!

We treat the throat of the princess

Create traffic for Rapunzel. Game for girls and girls! Traffic Creation for Rapunzel is a cool game that you can play to test yourself how well your memory is developed. The game has two levels of difficulty. By clicking on the selected difficulty level, for a moment you will see a picture of the intersection. After the picture disappears, you will have to recreate traffic for Princess Rapunzel from memory. To do this, you will use the pink arrow located in the upper right corner. If necessary, you can test the hint button "HINT". Good luck!

Create traffic for Rapunzel

Japanese Girls' Day: Hinamatsuri. Game for girls and girls! In Japan, there is one glorious holiday dedicated to girls. This festival is called Hinamatsuri. On this day, in houses where there are girls, hina ninge dolls are put on public display. As a rule, dolls are placed on a multi-tiered stand covered with red cloth. According to the scenario of this game, you ended up in one of these families. And now you have a task ahead of you. Help the cute family fill all the rows of the tiered dolls with dolls. Be careful! Dolls are all different!

Japanese Girls' Festival: Hinamatsuri

Legendary fashion: Japanese geisha. Game for girls and girls! Being a real geisha in Japan is a real art that these girls learn all their lives. A geisha is part of the culture of the Land of the Rising Sun, according to which she must be tender as a flower and flexible as a willow, at the same time open and mysterious, naive and wise. She must be able to have a casual conversation with men, be able to liberate them and flirt with them without losing dignity and without overstepping the allowed boundaries. And remember - contrary to all sorts of myths - the kiss of a real geisha has no continuation. Dressing, makeup, hair and accessories like this, a mysterious lady, you, girls, now have to do. Get ready - you will be surprised and admire the legendary fashion of Japanese geishas at the same time. Good luck!

Legendary Fashion: Japanese Geisha

Test: Love calculator about the compatibility of a couple by name. Game for girls and girls! Girls, you have a boyfriend and would like to know how compatible you are with him. Nothing is easier. For this, there is a “Test: Love calculator about the compatibility of a couple by name”. Enter in the required lines the names - yours and his. In return, you will receive a percentage. This is what you wanted to know about. If the number is encouraging, the game will additionally give you a text such as that you and your boyfriend look great together and it would not hurt you to take the next step in your relationship. And then you will be offered a suitable dressing room in such cases. If the percentage is very low, or even completely zero, the game will also give out a dress-up game, but with a hint of drastic changes. Like change your style and life.

Quiz: Love Compatibility Calculator

Detectives Princess Jasmine and Ariel. Game for girls and girls! Princesses Jasmine and Ariel are tired of listening to crime reports about bad guys, and they decided to do their part to eradicate crime. From tomorrow, our lovely girlfriends Jasmine and Ariel are detectives. Girls, you understand, our beauties, of course, must have an appropriate outfit. So don't waste your time. Get the $1,000 owed to each princess and go shopping with them. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

In a narrow circle, they can not do without games and entertainment. There are competitions for girls, guys, competitions for dating - and depending on the theme of the holiday, you can create your own unique and very funny script. We tried to pick up the most successful contests for girls. We divided the selection into categories, according to party themes.

on February 23

"Declaration of Love"

Each girl is given a newspaper, scissors, a sheet of paper and glue. In 5 minutes, the participants must cut out the necessary headlines and individual words from their newspaper in such a way as to compose an original letter - Of course, the sympathy of the audience will be able to determine the winner.

Competitions for girls on Valentine's Day

"Fortune telling with a handkerchief"

To do this, you need, you guessed it, a handkerchief. The girl takes it so that all the corners are clamped in her hand. The guy takes one corner, the girl chooses another for herself, they simultaneously pull each of them for their own corner. If they pulled on the opposite corners of the handkerchief, then they got a triangle - which means there is sympathy. The girl kisses the guy on the cheek. If they pulled on the neighboring corners, then the handkerchief folded into a rectangle - which means there is no love, and the girl continues the game.

"Perfect Man"

To conduct this competition, you need to cut out the silhouettes of men from magazines in advance, cut them into several large pieces and mix them.

Participants must glue together the image of their “ideal” man from separate pieces. The most harmonious and original collage wins.

Competitions for girls on March 8

"Spring Landscape"

To play this game you will need paper and paints. One of the girls should draw a spring landscape blindfolded. To do this, the second girl leads, tells where to lead the hand, what to draw, where to dip the brush. The couple who gets the most original spring drawing wins.

"Mistress in the Office"

The girls are invited to compete in housekeeping: how to make sandwiches and coffee in the office without the help of cutlery?

For the competition you will need bread, sausage, cucumbers, cups, bags and sugar. The contestants need to make the most of their imagination and dexterity to make beautiful sandwiches and delicious coffee with stationery. For example, sausage can be cut with a ruler, and an empty ballpoint pen can be used to stir sugar in a cup.

Competitions for girls - any holidays


Several teams are selected - two girls and one guy each. The girls are blindfolded. The first girl must tie three bows anywhere on the guy. And the second - then find these bows on the guy and untie them. The team that quickly tied and untied the bows wins.

"Real princess"

In the old, old fairy tale, there was a wonderful way to determine the real one of all. Remember? Just one pea under a pile of featherbeds - and only a sensitive princess will be able to detect it.

In this competition we will need beans, peas and dense matter. On a chair you need to lay out various beans, cover them with a cloth on top. The girls take turns sitting on a chair and trying to guess how many beans and peas are on it. The one with the correct number wins. She is honorably awarded the crown and the title of gentle princess of this evening.

Well, and finally, one piece of advice: so that there is no spoiled mood and resentment, competitions for women should always be kind and tactful so that there are no awkward situations. Then they will participate in them willingly and with pleasure, and the impressions from the party will remain the most positive.

Good luck and good mood!