Methodical manual "how to design a school wall newspaper". How to make a wall newspaper with your own hands, to school, to kindergarten, template, themes, contests Creative design of a wall newspaper

The life of many educational institutions cannot be imagined without a wall newspaper. Having come to us from the Soviet era, the wall newspaper at school is still relevant. This small poster can contain various information, for example, congratulations on the holiday, talk about current events, warn or agitate, entertain and carry educational functions. From the age of nine or ten, children can design a wall newspaper with their own hands, where they can fully show their creative abilities. We will offer you some ideas on how to properly and originally design a wall newspaper for some holidays.

Wall newspaper design rules

The assignment is creative. There are no strict requirements for the design of a wall newspaper, its content and drawings. It all depends solely on the theme and creative ideas of the authors. But there are basic rules with which you can facilitate the process of its creation.

First, create a reduced layout and sketch out a plan for the future wall newspaper on a draft, determining the places for the drawing, information part and photographs. This will help a lot. If you skip this stage, then the finished project may turn out to be ugly, empty or lurid. The next step is to create the fields. Stepping back from the edge of the sheet by 2-3 cm, draw them with a ruler and a simple pencil. If desired, the fields can be highlighted with a bright felt-tip pen. This will draw attention to the wall newspaper. Then allocate space for the title. It should be big, but not too big. Usually the title does not take up more than 1/5 of the page. In the lower right corner, place the name of the group or class that released the wall newspaper.

Then you need to distribute the content. In the center you need to place the most interesting material, at the edges - less important. Text material should be interleaved with images. If the wall newspaper contains several articles, you need to separate them or make several columns so that they do not merge with each other.


Such a project should be approached seriously and responsibly. Before designing a classroom wall newspaper, you need to prepare a work surface of the right size. If you are working on a project in class, you may need to move a few desks to do this. While working with paints, you need to protect the school uniform with a special apron.

Prepare all the necessary items in advance: whatman paper, pencils and colored pencils, erasers, felt-tip pens, brushes, jars of water and paints. If the wall newspaper has applications, then you will additionally need glue, scissors and colored paper.

There are several tricks. If you apply them, then in the end the newspaper will turn out to be of better quality not only in content, but also visually. For ease of reading and beauty, the text content can be printed separately, and then glued with a glue stick to the main poster. If the text is written by hand, then the handwriting should be beautiful and readable.

Do not spare time for quality drawings. Without them, the wall newspaper will be just a boring "bulletin board". Even better if you find a real professional who can draw well. But do not despair if you are not very good at drawing or there is no artist nearby. In this case, beautiful clippings from magazines on the topic or printed photographs will help.

It is better to decorate the background in calm, non-distracting colors. When considering an overly colorful wall newspaper, it will be difficult for schoolchildren to focus on its content.

Information wall newspapers

A wall newspaper carrying useful information comes to the aid of social life in a school or kindergarten. There are several types of informational wall newspapers for various purposes. In kindergarten, such projects can talk about the rules of the road, the rules for safe living, or about the achievements of a kindergarten, a certain group. An informational newspaper can also be a school or class periodical covering the life of a class or school. The wall newspaper must have a permanent name and a list of the editorial board that worked on it.

A school project can talk about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, contain calls: “Do not litter”, “Protect nature”, etc. A humorous wall newspaper on the topic of the day or a project on any school subject that is interesting will be of great interest to the children at school. and captivatingly written.

Congratulatory wall newspapers

The main difference between congratulatory newspapers and other informational newspapers is that holiday projects contain a minimum of text. The main purpose is to create a festive mood, so the main role will be assigned to the drawing. In addition to the name of the holiday, you can write a short (or long) congratulation, but a wall newspaper option is also possible without inscriptions at all. For example, there is nothing wrong with the fact that, having drawn a New Year's drawing, you will not make an inscription. It will be clear to everyone that this wall newspaper is for the New Year.

However, there are such events in the life of a school or kindergarten when it is necessary to convey this or that information to your readers. These can be victories in olympiads, achievements in competitions, or the anniversary of the existence of an educational institution. How to do this, what examples of wall newspaper design for the holidays can be, we will consider below.

Ideas for the background of the festive wall newspaper

Its background will help to decorate the original design of the wall newspaper. It is not necessary to create a solid backdrop with a large brush and paint. You can decorate it by splattering multi-colored paint with a toothbrush, or by mixing several colors at once.

You can quickly and beautifully create a background by applying paint using a regular sponge. The paint for this can be diluted in advance by adjusting the contrast of the sponge prints. You can also paste large confetti over the entire surface or grind off the core of colored pencils with a blade and blend them with a cotton pad.

Do not forget that the background is a secondary element of the newspaper, so it should not be too bright and distract attention from the content.

Mother's Day Project

More recently, a good tradition has appeared in Russia to celebrate Mother's Day on the last Sunday of November. This holiday is very loved in kindergartens and schools, where wall newspapers are prepared for this day. The main task when creating such a wall newspaper is to convey all the warmth and love to dear mothers.

A great idea for creating a wall newspaper for Mother's Day in a kindergarten group will be numerous handprints of children signed by educators and placed on a poster in the form of flowers or rays of the sun. Or you can just leave a "forest" of small palms on the paper. The mother of each child will definitely see the palm of her baby, she will be pleased to see such a wall newspaper.

For schoolchildren, it will be unusual to design a wall newspaper for Mother's Day in the form of a certificate of honor, where the merits of the mother of each child in the class are noted. For example, the keeper of the hearth is Ivanova, the honored mother of two children is Petrova. You can add some humor to the honorary titles of moms.

New Year

Very often in the design of a wall newspaper at school for the New Year there are animals that are symbols of the coming year. Cute little animals will always attract attention. But it is worth thinking about the image in the wall newspaper for the New Year of the Christmas tree, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, as well as New Year's landscapes. At the same time, the plot of the drawing should be thoughtful and not overloaded with all the characters at once.

Volumetric elements look very good in the New Year's wall newspaper. It can be snow from cotton wool or snowdrifts from cotton pads, real tinsel decorating a painted Christmas tree, stars and snowflakes cut out of foil.

If desired, the New Year's wall newspaper may contain an interesting text about the history of the formation of the holiday, about Santa Clauses from other countries and the New Year's traditions of different peoples.

Background ideas

In the design of the wall newspaper for the New Year, the background plays an important role. Since this is a festive winter night, it can be blue, dark blue, with a bright silvery moon and stars. But in this case, the rest of the image against this background should not be dark, gloomy tones. It is better to use bright yellow, red, snow-white tones for the maximum effect of the images and do not forget to draw a general frame for the wall newspaper.

In the New Year's way, the background will look beautiful if you finely chop the remnants of tinsel, and then pour them into places pre-smeared with glue in the form of snowdrifts or curlicues. For the image of snow-covered trees, you can dip a suitable leaf of a house plant in white or blue gouache and print it on a winter background.

Wall newspaper for the anniversary of the school

The work on the design of the wall newspaper for the anniversary of the school is very honorable and responsible. In such a project, it is necessary to indicate the age of the institution. You can make a sketch of the school itself, insert its images, as well as photos of the teachers who work here. It will be interesting to present a brief history of the school, to indicate that, for example, famous personalities studied in it on the scale of a village, city or even a country.

Some Ideas

You can talk about the honored and young teachers of the school. Also, a photo collage will look unusual, where students hold letters that form congratulations on the anniversary. For example: “Native school, congratulations on your 50th birthday!” Poems with congratulations, drawings of textbooks, notebooks and flowers will complement the wall newspaper.

Victory Day

In the design of the wall newspaper by May 9, it is important to use both images in the form of military photographs, drawings, and textual content describing the exploits of front-line soldiers, songs and poems of the war years. You can tell about the heroic deeds committed by the children of that time. You can also indicate information about the grandfathers or great-grandfathers of students by attaching copies of their photographs.

The often used St. George ribbon in the wall newspaper for Victory Day is quite easy to make from orange and black colored paper. Using a glue stick, you need to stick the orange stripes on a black background. As decorations, you can use images of front-line awards and orders, making them from colored paper. The combat red banner, made in the technique of volumetric application from napkins, will look spectacular.

Teacher's Day

With the help of a wall newspaper, you can congratulate and please teachers. Often there are images of autumn foliage and school supplies on it. A pleasant surprise for teachers will be their photographs on the festive wall newspaper, congratulations in prose or poetry.

Design options

An original element of such a newspaper will be a painted tree of knowledge, on the crown of which small wishes from students will be placed. You can glue natural autumn leaves in the wall newspaper for Teacher's Day, after collecting them, washing and drying them according to all the rules for making a herbarium. Applications of leaves made of colored paper, or voluminous decorations made using the unusual quilling technique will look great.

The meaning of the wall newspaper

Creating a wall newspaper is a fascinating and interesting activity that helps to develop creative abilities in a child, promotes the manifestation of fantasy, teaches you to formulate thoughts and look for ways to convey them. Since several people usually create a wall newspaper, this is also a great opportunity for children to interact with each other. Together they share ideas, skills and abilities, learn to work in a team, which, of course, will be useful to them in their future life.

Of course, the children's team needs help from adults. It can be a teacher who guides and helps children, or parents who are actively involved in the school life of their children. It is important to show not only practical, but also ideological help, patiently showing the basics of creative work. The fruits of adult labors will not keep you waiting - starting from the 6th-7th grade, children will be able to design wall newspapers on their own, and then they will take an active life and social position.


So, the design of a wall newspaper is a great way to interact with the younger generation. Creating such a project will help the guys learn how to communicate with each other, communicate and negotiate, come to a common decision. In addition, this will help to pass on to the younger generation the knowledge and traditions that are so familiar to their parents from their own, still Soviet past.

The wall newspaper is a special informative material that is published on various topics by the hands of the editorial board in schools, universities, kindergartens, technical schools, colleges and even kindergartens. In each educational institution, in a group or in a class, members of the editorial sector are selected, who are responsible for the creative corners, the publication of posters and wall newspapers. The publication of material requires certain rules, today we will just talk about them, consider templates and ideas for publishing.

Anyone from a group or class can draw a newspaper, usually this task is given to those who are elected by the team to the editorial sector or, in short, the editorial board. In order for the poster to have an aesthetic appearance and be designed in accordance with all the rules, it is necessary to take into account the standardizing recommendations:

  • Wall newspaper size. For complete disclosure of information, it is customary to choose the following formats as a blank: A 0, A1, A2. Whatman paper sheets of the given diameter are sold in stationery stores and are sold from 1 piece;
  • Fields. First of all, the margins are outlined at the newspaper. Before designing, it is important to decide whether they are needed in your material. If this is appropriate and the sketch will contain not just space, but headings, lines and photos, then indent (1.5-2-3 cm) and draw the sides with a line thickness of 1 to 5 mm. There may be more than one frame in a newspaper. It all depends on the dissection of the topic. The fields of the wall newspaper can also wear their own style. They can be integral, dotted, open drawings and ornaments;
  • Title. This is one of the important details of the newspaper. You can issue it in the center of the newspaper, at the very top in a line, from the upper left corner in the form of a ladder, vertically on the left side of the sheet, in several lines. The width of the title should not exceed 15 cm. The height of the font will be harmonious if it is approximately 1/5 of the width of the entire paper. The color and style of the font must be combined with the general text, the emphasis on letters, ornament, stroke is allowed. In general, letters should be legible and legible. Among the letters, the presence of symbols, drawings, emoticons, necessary punctuation marks is allowed;
  • Thematic material. It should be related to the chosen topic. The central place on the Whatman paper is given to the title article; additional texts, sketches, and a selection of photos are attached around it. All material must be in harmony, match in style, be part of the article, not be repeated;
  • What can / can not be used in the article? It is allowed to use up-to-date information in the article, without insults and foul language. Texts should be free of errors: logical, syntactic, spelling. The use of jokes, collages, sketches, newspaper clippings, printed texts is encouraged;

  • Photo. Posting photos is allowed only with the permission of their owners. The same applies to company logos, family names, and other personal and commercial information. Photos must be clear, relevant, understandable, they can be printed on a color printer or ordered from a printing studio and made glossy;
  • Drawings. Any text will be decorated with drawn pictures. It doesn't matter if it's an accent in the picture or the usual dilution of text between lines. The main thing is that the drawing should be expressive, not cover the text, and be combined with the theme of the wall newspaper;
  • Publishing material. In the course of drawing paper, paints, felt-tip pens, pastels, pencils, ink, gels, sparkles can go. Try to keep it in harmony with the overall picture. You can put envelopes, pockets, lacing, balusters, rhinestones, reflective stripes, etc. on top of whatman paper. Do not overdo it with the amount of decorations and stylishly add an addition to the plot of the wall newspaper;
  • Signature. At the bottom, under all texts, up to the frame (field), a signature is made. For example, “Newspaper on the topic “Rules of the Road” 7 “B”, or “Editorial Board 8 “C”.

How to make a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day, photo with explanation

The wall newspaper for Teacher's Day is of a congratulatory nature and is drawn up on a large A1 or A0 drawing paper. The design style is most often classic with a heading in a flat, straight font. Although, the direction in the publication can be absolutely free. Newspaper headlines can be: Happy Teacher's Day!; Happy Teachers Day!; Happy day, teacher!; Happy teacher's day, Marya Konstantinovna!

The purpose of the newspaper is to congratulate the class teacher or the teaching staff. The basis should be a plot greeting: drawings, a poem, prose, signatures of class students. It is allowed to use colorful drawings, carved explications in the newspaper, as one text will look very modest.
The selected format of the newspaper must be harmoniously distributed among the material. Draw the edge of the newspaper with margins 1.5-3 cm wide. Colored lines drawn with pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons can be used as markings.

Place a poem or handwritten greeting in the center. Several options can be used as a drawing, flowers, teacher's attributes are considered the most win-win: a globe, a pointer, books, bells, a teacher's board. Decorations made of colored paper, felt, corrugated paper are acceptable as decorations.

Wall newspaper how I spent the summer kindergarten, photo with explanation

The duties of the cultural sector and the editorial board in preschool institutions fall on the shoulders of educators or enterprising parents. Immediately after a short vacation, the first topic in kindergarten is "How I spent my summer." Interesting conversations between the teacher and the children are confirmed by wall newspapers, as a fact about the work done. Such work is carried out on the drawing paper A1 or A0. It makes no sense to choose smaller formats, since photographs of babies, their drawings, palms, tree leaves are used to participate in the sketch.

  • Choose a blank sheet of paper. Draw a frame if it suits the chosen design style. In order to save money and contain a large amount of information, it is better not to draw fields;

  • Consider the style in which the work will be done. How exactly do you demonstrate the rest in the summer. It is possible to design in pictures, list enumeration, photo demonstration. Basically, educators ask parents to bring a photo and make a collage with a caption for each photo on some thematic background: flying butterflies, sunny clouds, sea waves, palm trees, flowering greenery;

  • Text. As an addition, between photos or pictures, you can insert euphonious quatrains, reminiscent of summer and vacations, funny quotes, anecdotes or family signatures for each member of the wall newspaper.

How to design an autumn wall newspaper, kindergarten

Along with autumn crafts in each group, with the onset of autumn, it is necessary to draw up an autumn wall newspaper. Rowan branches, crimson leaves, cones, nuts and other fruits of the end of summer - this is not all that can be depicted on the collage. You can start the design of the newspaper right from the frame, draw maple, linden leaves along the contour, and cut the edges of the newspaper along their lines. The contour will also be considered complete if you cut out the figure of an animal from a sheet of drawing paper, for example, like this hedgehog, in the photo below.

On such a handsome forest, you can stick poems and congratulations on the upcoming autumn holiday, which is celebrated in every group of preschool institutions. It is permissible to make a wall newspaper frame from autumn crafts, from plasticine, for example, maple leaves or already dried blanks.

In honor of the new school year, which is celebrated not only in schools, but also in kindergartens, you can publish a wall newspaper with reminders of the summer. Collect photos of the kids who want to be placed in the autumn newspaper, stick the images on whatman paper and supplement them with beautiful sketches and poetic works of Russian classics.

Wall newspaper for the day of the educator

Teacher's Day is not the biggest holiday, but all preschool workers know that it is celebrated on September 27 of each year. It is on this day that they are waiting for congratulations. As a congratulation, the editorial board or the parent committee publishes a wall newspaper dedicated to the teacher's day. The easiest option is to make a heading, write poems in gratitude to the educators and their assistants, and supplement everything with colorful drawings.

Each group in kindergarten has its own name: "Bells", "Fireflies", "Ladybugs", etc. If your preschool educational institution is deprived of such names, then we suggest using the name of the kindergarten. Some of the institutions have been called “Teremok”, “Birch”, etc. since Soviet times. Draw several objects on the wall newspaper, for example, if the group or DS is called “Bee”, draw 20 bees. Place them harmoniously on the wall newspaper, paste a photo of a child studying in each bee, place a photo of the educators you are going to congratulate next to it, also indicate the kitchen workers, the medical office workers. In a free space, apply a caricature or paste relevant drawings, and write lines of a suitable poem next to it.

Do-it-yourself wall newspaper for your birthday:

Creativity has become an essential attribute of every holiday. We suggest considering options for congratulatory newspapers for the birthday of the teacher and his classmates.


In stores for decorating the holiday, you will find a lot of decorations and ready-made wall newspaper templates. Among them, there are also posters for the birthday of a classmate or classmate on sale.

Photos from memorable holidays are pasted into the free cells, if desired, poetic or prose lines with congratulations are added. If you purchased a black and white poster, then color it to your liking, but it is better to buy a ready-made drawing. You can also draw a wall newspaper for a classmate or classmate yourself. A box of watercolors, paper and a brush are all we need for a festive masterpiece. Think about your classmate's preferences. Perhaps your "colleague" loves the Ninja Turtles or some other heroes. Decorate his wall greeting card and give him a pleasant impression.

For classmates, you can make newspapers that are not only hung on the walls, but also those that contain sweets. Lay out the path of sweet congratulations, for example, like this wall newspaper, below.

And another option that is suitable for all students in the class would be a general newspaper called "Class Corner". Take a separate column for birthdays. Name it "Birthdays of this month" and put in there a list of students who celebrate their birthday on the dates of the current month.


The newspaper "Happy Birthday, Teacher" should have an aesthetic meaning. The main rule that should be observed at all times is that you do not need to indicate the age of the teacher. Come up with a bright signature and a beautiful wish that you will present from the whole class to a respected teacher. An original idea for congratulations would be to make a collage with tablets in the hands of children. A wish must be printed on each plate (sheet of paper). An example is in the photo below.

Wall newspaper by September 1:

The very first wall newspaper for kindergartens and schools is a newspaper by September 1. You need to draw it in advance in order to have time to place it for the upcoming holiday in a specially designated corner of the class or group.


Even the smallest "inhabitants" of the country of Knowledge know what September 1 is. The teacher or parents from the parent committee can use this idea: collect painted palms from each child and stick them on the wall newspaper. To give the newspaper autumn motifs, it is advisable to paint the palms in yellow, orange, red-brown colors, reminiscent of leaf fall. Thus, all the kids from the kindergarten group will take part in the production of the newspaper. In the center of such a newspaper or along the edges, place quatrains congratulating educators and their pupils.


A welcoming poem, quote or school anthem as the main material in the wall newspaper will be quite enough. Beautiful drawings from the school theme and an elegant title will complete the school creation.

A special design deserves a newspaper for a first grader. Its headlines can be called “From September 1, a first grader!”, “For the first time to school (to first grade)”. As a material for decoration, choose instructive quotes, parting words, poems.

Children's wall newspaper template, photo

Poems for a wall newspaper

  • Poems for a first grader;

  • About school;

  • Poems about the beginning of the school year;

  • For a classmate's birthday

  • For the birthday of a classmate;

  • About kindergarten;

  • For the educator;

  • For teacher's day;

  • For the teacher's birthday;


Almost every school has a tradition associated with the release of wall newspapers. They can be created on the occasion of any holiday:

  1. September 1.
  2. Teacher's Day.
  3. New Year.
  4. Anniversary of the school.
  5. Victory Day.
  6. In honor of outstanding scientists, writers and poets.

Often, students who have received a task for the first time do not know how it is desirable to enlist the help of a class teacher at the first stages of work. This article provides recommendations for creating an original wall newspaper that will decorate the school.

Plan development

First of all, you should decide on a plan for the future wall newspaper. You need to know what the event is about. When the subject and purpose of the work are precisely known, you can make sketches on a regular notebook sheet.

For example, a wall newspaper in a school is dedicated to a Literature teacher should give the task what information to place on whatman paper. Let's say:

  1. Portrait of the poet, printed on an A4 sheet.
  2. A handwritten poem.
  3. Biography.
  4. Painted fallen leaves, pen, or illustration related to the poem.

After preparing the plan, you need to present on a regular piece of paper where and how all the elements of the wall newspaper will be located.

What should be the basis

  • height - 420 mm;
  • width - 594 mm.

You can buy this paper at a stationery store. Keep in mind that it must be large. It is not necessary to purchase a sheet that is too thin, as this will greatly degrade the quality of work after gluing photographs, quotes from books, when painting with watercolors and gouache.

If, for example, a lot of information needs to be placed on a wall newspaper by May 9, and the images must be large, a larger sheet, for example, A1, may be required. It is also sold in stationery, but has the following dimensions:

  • height - 594 mm;
  • width - 840 mm.

Accordingly, the density of the paper must also be high. After acquiring this material, you can talk about how to design a wall newspaper.

An important point should be noted: when the sketch is ready, and if there is material, you need to lay it out in the planned places.

Material preparation

It is best to write the text of a biography, poetry, various historical information or other information by hand. But not on the drawing paper itself, but on a separate thick sheet of paper. Such work should be entrusted to the student who has a beautiful and neat handwriting. If errors occur, blots can always be written again on a clean piece of paper.

Photos must be clear. If they are printed on a printer or cut out of newspapers, you should be very careful when gluing. It is recommended to use pencil dry glue.

It is good to use auxiliary material: rhinestones, ribbons, applications and other elements. Only in this case it is necessary to understand whether this decoration is combined with the theme and color of the children's wall newspaper.

Base design

You should decide on the color of the paper. Usually it is chosen based on the subject. If the supporting material is attractive enough and the background needs to be white, then no color change is required.

For example, a wall newspaper may have a greenish-yellow background by May 9. Students need to bring large brushes for painting, as well as enough paint to work with.

You should carefully and evenly paint the entire paper. It is better to entrust such a responsible task to a student who draws well. The paint should not be made too thin or thick to avoid damage to the base.

Applying material to the base

It is recommended to ask high school students and teachers how to design a wall newspaper so that everything is perfect. But you can also experiment on your own. But in case of damage to the material or drawing paper, you will have to start all over again. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to practice, make a trial application.

For example, when gluing a photograph cut out of a magazine to the base, you need to glue about 1/8 of the part. Then see if there are any defects on the surface. If everything is smooth and without streaks, you can continue to work. Auxiliary elements are also carefully glued together, but with the help of transparent liquid glue.

in our review, information was provided on how to design a wall newspaper. But the main work is unique ideas. Therefore, for each student, a wall newspaper is a responsible job and creative development.

Pustunchik knows the secrets of the perfect design of the New Year's wall newspaper and today he will be happy to share them with you, my friend.

The first step is to create a layout for the New Year's poster-newspaper. Take a draft and conditionally indicate on it the title, articles and illustrations that you plan to place in the newspaper. Pay attention to the size of each component: articles should not be too small, and headings should not be too large. Now, barely noticeable, do the same on whatman paper.

Whatman A1 is best for a New Year's wall newspaper. If this is not found, you can glue several sheets of A4.


So that the New Year's wall newspaper does not look “empty”, you can tint whatman paper by making an interesting background.

Paper will look spectacular if:

1. Dip a dry brush into the paint and apply it with a poke on the paper,

2. Make strokes with a dry brush,

3. Make a tone with a toothbrush by spraying paint from it on paper,

4. Take some paint on your finger and leave prints on paper.

Applications look cool on the wall newspaper. You can make clippings from magazines, make voluminous snowflakes, Christmas decorations, etc., and it would also be a great idea to print out coloring pages, color them in and stick ready-made drawings on the wall newspaper.


Pay special attention to the title. Here are a few ways in which the heading can be positioned relative to the text.


Winter holidays suggest relocations of comic winter riddles. Think about it. Pustunchik made sure that your New Year's wall newspaper was meaningful, full of many winter poems and interesting things. Read useful information about the New Year holidays and their heroes, and use the materials to create a unique holiday newspaper poster:

Here is an example of a New Year's wall newspaper that you can print for a festive evening.

The newspaper consists of 8 parts A4. The finished New Year's poster will be A1 format.

Posters surround us everywhere - we see them every day on the streets or in print media. This is mainly advertising and less often announcements of any events. A political poster appears in our field of vision immediately before the elections, when the campaigning begins, and therefore is quite rare. What should be a good poster? First of all, the poster should be informative. People need to instantly read the message - and the task of the designer is to present the idea of ​​​​the poster in the most understandable way. And it doesn’t matter at all by what means this will be done - the main thing is that people immediately understand what they want to tell them.

As a rule, the design of a poster begins with the choice of its size. In this regard, there are no restrictions - a poster can be small, for example, A4 format, or vice versa, giant, the size of a house wall. Of course, there are certain size standards, but this is not a design issue, but a matter of the capabilities of typographic technology. Poster orientation can be either vertical or horizontal, but vertical orientation is most commonly used.

How do you tell a good poster from a bad one? This is, of course, a matter of taste, but a well-designed poster has some hallmarks. FreelanceToday brings you 10 signs of a good poster.


Let's say we have a poster that announces some upcoming event, such as a concert by a popular artist. The key information placed on the poster should be read from afar and attract people's attention. Accordingly, the text of the poster should have a visual hierarchy. If there is a lot of text, then there should be at least three hierarchical layers.

header. This is the most important and largest text design element. It should be contrasting with the background and typed in such a font that would be clearly distinguishable even from a long distance.

Details. What? Where? When? All such information is located at the second level of the hierarchy. The person who is interested in the poster will definitely want to get acquainted with the detailed information, so it must be presented in an understandable, but at the same time concise form. For the second level, a smaller font is used than in the heading, since this information does not need to be read from afar.

Small font. The third level contains additional information. Very often, small print is found on movie posters and advertising posters.


Designers have only one opportunity to attract the attention of the viewer. Therefore, the poster should "cling". This can be achieved with the help of contrasting elements. On the web, you can make a pale illustration with a smooth gradient and fashionable thin fonts - this method is not suitable for a regular poster. The sharper the text or illustration contrasts with the background, the more noticeable the poster. When starting to design, you first need to decide on the contrast of the elements and constantly check it during work. If a designer is working on a color poster, you need to periodically check how it looks in grayscale - the contrast of the main elements should be clearly distinguishable in this mode as well.


Very often the designer knows in advance where his poster will be placed. Based on this information, he must correctly select the size of the poster. It is important that the message of the poster is not interfered with by various visual hindrances - it must occupy a dominant position. As for the color scheme, here you also need to proceed from the realities - if it is known that the poster will hang on a wall painted green, then it is better not to use shades close to green in the poster.


Very often, novice designers refuse tasks that require creating a large poster, say, 10 by 6 meters. For some reason, it seems to them that creating such a poster is much more difficult than some poster the size of an A4 sheet. This is a big misconception. If the poster is laid out correctly, it will look equally good regardless of size, and scaling does not affect it in any way. If a designer is commissioned to create a poster, which will then be used in advertising and will be released in a variety of sizes and formats (including digital), he should think first of all about the composition and the main idea and not worry about where it will be placed. his creation.


If an image is used in a poster, then it should take a dominant position, as well as in the case of text. The image should be clearly visible from afar, while it is very important to take care of the recognition of the image. It’s not worth complicating the visuals too much - you need to use as many elements as you need to convey the main idea. This principle applies to all types of posters, including movie posters, which can be overly detailed at times.


A poster is not a painting, so the designer just needs to work with free space. You should not strive to fill the entire poster - you need to "leave the air." There are several effective ways to increase the readability of a poster. For example, you can increase the spacing between letters. Tight kerning might look good on a postcard, but readability is still more important for a poster. If the letters are too close, then from afar the text becomes hard to distinguish, which is highly discouraged. You can also increase the distance between the lines - this will also benefit the poster.


The purpose of any poster is to get people to take some kind of action, such as attending a show, an exhibition, buying a product, or going to an election. The call to action is the most important, central element of the poster and the designer should give it the main attention. Unlike web design, graphics do not work interactively, so you cannot use its principles in a regular poster. A graphic designer has other tools to communicate a message to people and must make every effort to ensure that the call to action is clear at a glance.


A poster is exactly the genre where you can safely experiment with typography. Some of the most famous posters are made without the use of illustrations and graphic elements, and at the same time perfectly express the idea. Using high-quality typography will give the poster a personality - the main thing is that the designer does not overdo it. You should not use 10 fonts in one poster - the design will not improve from this. It is best to pay attention to the visual hierarchy and the use of negative space. The letters themselves carry a certain message and a proper understanding of the principles of typography will allow designers to create emotional and memorable posters.


The advent of computer graphics clearly did not benefit the art of the poster. Previously, the designer worked with living materials and posters looked completely different than they do today. Today, the hallmark of a good poster is its execution technique. And it doesn't matter that the designer created it on a computer - if the poster has a soul and it looks like the designer drew it by hand - it's a good poster. Well, if the poster went to print as before, from a physical medium, this is generally wonderful.


Any good poster is inherent in some outrageousness - this greatly enhances the emotional message. So do not be afraid to go beyond and use unusual elements in the poster. By breaking some established rules, the designer draws attention to the poster, and this is exactly what is needed.

CONCLUSION A: The poster is a very interesting type of graphics that allows designers to let their imagination run wild. It's also a great way to learn a new technique or improve your skills. Sometimes the creation of a poster is very difficult - after all, you need to convey the idea using a minimum of funds. But in any case, it's interesting - especially when the poster turned out to be successful and attract people's attention.