An unexpected gift for my husband. Surprise for a loved one

The headache of every woman is what to give her beloved man on the eve of the holidays? And it doesn’t matter if it’s a birthday, anniversary or New Year, February 23, etc. After all, you want the gift to surprise, please and remind you of the donor (you beloved). Let's talk about gifts: how to choose original ones, is it possible to do it yourself, or "give yourself"? And we will analyze many other interesting ideas.

The main thing in the article

Common gifts: what is most often given?

The cycle of gifts for loved ones in nature looks something like this:

  • he to her - flowers, perfumes, jewelry;
  • she told him - lighters, wallets, electronic gadgets.

Common gifts can be classified into the following categories:

  • Useful gifts. Usually these are things or clothes that are necessary in the household.
  • Exclusive gifts. This category includes souvenirs "exclusively for you". That is, it will be very difficult to find another similar instance.
  • Collectible gifts. These can be stamps, paintings, coins, or even chewing gum inserts.
  • Hobby gift. A fisherman - a hook, a mushroom picker - a basket, a coffee lover - unusual coffee.
  • Symbolic- These are small gifts that will remind you of a specific event or date.

What to give your loved one for his birthday?

Every year it's the same, it's getting closer Birthday beloved man, but what to give him, have not decided yet? And have you come up with alternatives yet? Let's throw in a few ideas, of which, for sure, something will work.

1. Universal gifts- this is an ideal option when the relationship is just developing and you do not know his hobbies and tastes or do not quite understand his passions (football, fishing). In such situations, you can present:

  • A bottle of whiskey or cognac. It can be a gift set with stacks.
  • Shaving set.
  • Gift certificate (let him choose a gift himself).
  • Tie or belt.
  • Wallet or purse.
  • A mug or a glass with an inscription (can be ordered).

2. Hobby gifts - if you have been together for quite some time and know everything about his hobbies, then if he is a fisherman, hunter or tourist, you can give:

  • Sleeping bag.
  • Flask.
  • Portable charger.
  • Thermal underwear.
  • Everything for barbecue.

If your lover's hobbies do not belong to the above, then give:

  • IT specialist / programmer - a stand for a laptop, speakers, keyboard, flash drive, etc.
  • Driver - DVR, seat covers, tool kit.
  • Extreme - skydiving, mountain climbing, bungee jumping.
  • For diving - water goggles, fins, snorkel.
  • To the photographer - a camera or "bells and whistles" to it.
  • Athlete - ball, dumbbells, T-shirt, sports bag.

3. Home gifts- this includes slippers, a bathrobe, a warm sweater, a terry towel, underwear.

Relationship Anniversary Gift Ideas

If everything is clear on your birthday, and we make a gift based on the needs and preferences of a person, then on the anniversary of the relationship you need to give a gift full of meaning and romanticism. You can't get by with the usual set of cosmetics or slippers.

On this day, dreams should come true, although if they are global and you can’t do it, then you can give a wish for their fulfillment. For example, a model car in miniature and wishes for its materialization.

You can make a gift with your own hands: tie, glue origami, make a collage, paint the plate itself, write a hundred answers to the question “Why do I love you?”.

Great idea to spend unforgettable time together. It can be a horse ride, a romantic trip, a hot air balloon flight, a romantic dinner on the roof.

Do not forget about yourself as a gift. Candles, dinner, a bath with rose petals, erotic massage, and of course, unforgettable sex for dessert.

DIY gifts for loved ones

If you don’t have much money or you want to be romantically original, then you can always make a gift with your own hands. The easiest will be to bake a cake for your loved one, knitting a scarf or sweater will take a little more time.

You can make an original pillow for the car.

You can approach the issue more romantically and give him a box “with your love”, and see how to do it in the video.
If he loves coffee in the morning, then you can treat him to them in bed, and tie clothes on his favorite mug so that he does not burn his fingers. How to knit such clothes is presented in the video.
Functional, original and inexpensive will be hand-made soap. The scent is up to you. Such a gift always looks beautiful, and also brings benefits.
Any gift made with your own hands is valued more than bought, because a piece of the soul is invested in it. It will always warm the heart and evoke memories of the giver.

An unusual gift for a loved one

You can surprise your soulmate quite easily, for example, present him with a check book of desires. The idea of ​​such a gift is to fulfill his desires, ranging from mini-pleasures to going to football with friends.

All desires are written on the sheets of the check book and the young man, at his own discretion, presents checks for their fulfillment. You can make such a checkbook as follows.

An ordinary notebook or A4 sheets are taken (so that there are 10–20 pages) and desires are written on each. It can be:

  • a day with TV
  • billiards;
  • striptease from beloved wife;
  • football with friends;
  • erotic massage, etc.

In front, you paint the instructions and how to use checks. A similar checkbook might look like this:

Photo ideas of original gifts

There are many ideas for an original gift for a loved one. There are no restrictions. It all depends on your imagination and the skill of turning an idea into reality. We have selected the most interesting, original and daring photo ideas for a gift to your loved one. Watch and give your loved ones happiness and smiles.

Romantic birthday greetings

When was the last time you confessed your love to your soulmate? And on your birthday, such words are even more desirable. Present your love to a dear person in such a way that he will remember this moment forever.

Initially, think over a future romantic greeting. It should sound at the celebration itself or in the circle of relatives and friends. So you emphasize how dear this person is to you and you are not going to hide your love for him.

It will be original and very romantic to give a declaration of love at the place of the first date or in a “special” place that is associated with the beginning of your relationship. A bottle of champagne would be nice.

You can prepare a place of recognition in advance. Rose petals, small hearts, postcards with names will help out here, it can be a castle with an oath of eternal love, which you hang together and will come to him every year.

When talking about your love, be sincere when looking into your eyes. After all, He is the best for you, so thank fate for bringing you together. Take care of the surroundings, let his favorite music sound softly.

Congratulations for your beloved husband in verse

What can express feelings deeper than congratulations in prose and poetry? We present you a selection of original poems for the romantic congratulations of your beloved husband.

Surprise for a loved one: the best ideas

To surprise your loved one, you can use the following ideas:

  • Make a video about it. You will need to discreetly shoot your loved one for quite a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to start shooting 2-3 months before the event, to which the gift is timed. You need to shoot everything: how he brushes his teeth, wakes up in the morning, watches football. After you shoot enough, download the necessary program on the Internet and upload your work there, while commenting on each frame.
  • Interesting to meet from work. If the celebration falls on a working day and you do not plan to invite guests, you can decorate your bedroom with balloons, candles, light an aroma lamp, turn on relaxing music. Put on a sexy outfit, arm yourself with a bottle of wine and surprise your loved one.
  • Give your loved one a romantic getaway. For this surprise, you will need the help of friends. You simply invite your loved one for a walk, and while walking through a park or grove, you accidentally stumble upon a picnic or a table for a romantic meal. You prepare the table yourself (and ask your friends to guard it) or trust your friends to prepare everything at the appointed time.

Romantic dinner: how to surprise your loved one?

  1. Initially, make sure that no one else is at home except for you. Send the children to their grandmothers. It is desirable that the next day be a day off so that you can enjoy not only dinner with the ensuing consequences, but also a cup of coffee, slowly, in bed with your loved one.
  2. The atmosphere is also of great importance. Romance includes rose petals, fresh flowers, candles, the right music. Be sure to have beautiful dishes and glasses for wine or champagne (whatever you prefer).
  3. You can make a dinner with a specific theme. For example, the husband will be the Sultan, and you will be his concubine, who will fulfill all his wishes. Choose appropriate costumes and create an oriental atmosphere.
  4. Don't forget about yourself. Even if you stood at the stove all day preparing this dinner, you should meet your loved one like a queen. Hairstyle, manicure, pedicure, make-up, slightly revealing, beautiful outfit, and under it erotic lingerie.
  5. Menu. Dishes should not be heavy (if you want to continue), but satisfying, so that the man does not remain hungry and does not think only about food all the time.

Whatever gift you choose for your soul mate, the main thing is that it be given with a soul and carry a certain essence that will be clear to your loved one. Give gifts and make men happy!

New sensations help to refresh relationships and give them new meaning. Surprises for your husband should be done often to emphasize your sincere feelings. How can you make your spouse happy? 20 surprises will come to the rescue that will please the husband. Choose and surprise.

1. Make a music video for it. You don't have to be a great editor to do this. Simply create slides with photos of your loved one and add music.

2. Create a gift with your own hands. Cool photo frames, original vases that he will put in his office or just a beautiful handmade postcard with a beautiful declaration of love will do.

3. Be a maid for a day. He is the king, and you are his faithful and meek servant. All day fulfill any of his desires. Men like to lead.

4. Order a song for him on the radio. The good old way of confessing love. Surely you have "your" song. That is what it is worth ordering. She will remind her husband of the sweetest and most romantic moments.

5. Have a sexy marathon. Create a love entourage, light candles, put on your most provocative underwear. And seduce your loved one.

6. Arrange a surprise date. For example, send him to the supermarket for a carton of milk. And then suddenly appear in the trading floor with two movie tickets. Joy will be provided.

7. Throw a party. Secretly invite your friends. Don't bother with food preparation. Just buy chips, beer or soda. Coming home from work, the husband will be happy to sit with his comrades for a couple of hours.

8. Write down on a nice piece of paper a list of the qualities you love in your husband. Give your spouse this little souvenir. Men are always pleased when they are praised.

9. Update his old stuff. Surely your husband has an old worn jacket, which he categorically refuses to throw away. Take it to the workshop. There it will be updated, and the spouse will be able to wear it as much as he wants.

10. Write a love note. And put it in a place where it will definitely find it. For example, when he is going to work, hide a love confession in his pants pocket. At work, he will definitely reach into his pocket and read.

11. Be your personal hairdresser. In the morning, volunteer to shave your spouse. Most likely he will refuse. But it's worth trying. Some men really enjoy being shaved.

12. Dine under a full moon. Wait for the full moon and have a picnic. You can choose a restaurant with an outdoor terrace. Or go out of town and have a picnic in nature.

13. Create a wish map together. It will be fun! On paper, draw your dreams, describe what you want to have in 10 or 20 years. Think about how your life will change.

14. Plan an unexpected trip. Think about where you can go on the weekend. Buy tickets, book a hotel and spend an unforgettable vacation with your spouse.

15. Take a bath together. After a hard day's work, a man will be pleased to plunge into warm water with fragrant foam. And taking a bath together usually ends in hot sex.

16. Go fishing with him. And don't whine. This will be a real surprise! Usually you grumble, but here you yourself volunteered to go with him to the river.

17. Get a massage. Men love touch. They melt and melt when the beloved touches their buttocks, inner thighs, neck, head. With light strokes, you will bring your husband to ecstasy.

18. Cook him a snack for work. Schedule the time to bring him a box of something tasty right in time for dinner. Think about what is original you can cook for him. Just not sandwiches.

19. Flirt. Every man enjoys being flirted with. This raises self-esteem and perfectly stimulates reciprocal courtship. Flirt more often, it really turns you on.

20. Another surprise for your husband - try something new. Take a look at the nearest sex shop and buy a new thing. Surprise your spouse with new sexual experiments.

Men are prone to some coldness in relationships. But they still want pleasant surprises. In their hearts, they are waiting for us to please them and demonstrate our love and care.

You can amaze and surprise your soulmate at any time, without tying the gift to a specific date at all. Then the surprise will be even more unexpected. On the other hand, you can surprise your husband on his birthday or Valentine's Day. When and what gift to give to her husband directly depends on your imagination.

Surprise for a loved one at home

Feature films offer a huge selection of interesting but difficult-to-perform surprises. Of course, such gifts can not only impress a loved one, but also cause a state of slight shock. For example, to come to his office only in outerwear or order a huge cake with a gift inside, in the form of your beloved. But not every woman dares to walk down the street without underwear, and a huge cake is far from cheap. Therefore, the question arises: what a surprise to make a man a beloved woman, in whose arsenal there is a little enthusiasm and imagination?

Before embarking on the implementation of the plan, it is necessary to remember the nature of your beloved. A modest and quiet husband is unlikely to like a seductive beauty in lingerie and stockings who meets him at the door. For such men, romantic surprises are good, such as a candlelit dinner or a family photo album of their own making. You can, for example, make a puzzle from a family photo or, if you have artistic skills, a T-shirt with a picture of your spouse.

To spice up a traditional gift such as a romantic dinner for your husband, you can organize a themed evening, for example, in Japanese or French style.

Such a romantic dinner involves cooking national dishes, appropriate drinks, decorating the room in a traditional style, and yesterday he offers the hostess to play the role of a geisha or courtesan..

If you are a business or sexy woman, and your lifestyle involves frequent business meetings with dinners in restaurants or a varied sex life, your spouse will be very surprised by a self-cooked dinner.

Do you know how to write poetry and draw? Incredibly, men are delighted with surprises made in a style that a woman does not own. If you draw a scribble or write a funny poem, then a man, especially a man with a sense of humor, will be absolutely delighted.

How to Surprise Your Husband Outside the Home

The simplest gift that does not require any special imagination is to write a note to your husband that you will be waiting for him at a restaurant or at the place of your acquaintance, etc.

Such a date can be a little more complicated by arranging a small quest for your spouse, with a gift in the form of you. Here you may need the help of friends, the essence of this surprise is that the lover is offered clues, moving along which he will find you

There should be few riddles, two or three. Otherwise, the spouse will simply get tired and lose all interest. However, he must be in the car.

You can also order a surprise, special agencies now offer many options on this topic. From skydiving to hot air ballooning.

Sometimes you want your spouse to give you more attention and care. Then the question arises: what surprise to make so that the husband “remembers” you. Take the first step. Invite him to a match of your favorite team or to a concert. The result will exceed all expectations.

If you still have not decided on a gift, you can ask your friends who made what surprises to her husband. After all, the fantasy of a beloved woman is limitless and can work wonders.

Every woman will be able to make a pleasant and unusual gift for her beloved man with her own hands. It can be timed to coincide with some kind of celebration or presented just like that. A present made by the hands of a beloved woman will help surprise a young man, delight him, cheer him up, and strengthen relations between lovers. The main thing is to make a gift for conscience. You should not take on those ideas that will be difficult to handle. Even if it is a simple gift, you need to stop at an option that can be done with high quality and accuracy. Then a surprise for a loved one will bring a lot of positive emotions.

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    Wish Fulfillment Certificate

    Any young man will like a gift in the form of a certificate for the fulfillment of a wish. It can be just one dream or several at once. Such a present should be made for a beloved husband or boyfriend who you want to surprise and amaze, give him pleasure.

    To make a certificate, you can use decorative scrapbooking cardboard or print a ready-made template on thick paper, entering the necessary words into it.

    How to give an erotic massage to a man

    wish book

    Another unusual option that you can give to your beloved man is a book of desires. You need to write down what will be pleasant for a man, while leaving free pages on which he can write down what he wants most of all. These may be desires that begin with the first letter of the young man's name.

    The book can be made in the form of a collection of checks, each of which contains small amenities for a guy. The idea of ​​the gift is that the man himself chooses a check with a desire and gives it to his beloved.

    To make a book, you will need a simple notebook or 10–20 A4 sheets, on each of which wishes are written. Desires can be written as:

    • watching TV all day
    • billiards;
    • striptease performed by a beloved girl;
    • Erotic massage;
    • football with friends.

    On the first pages of the page you need to write detailed instructions.

    How to cheer up a guy

    Gift certificate with points

    This simple idea for creating an original DIY card is to write a wish list on one sheet and assign a certain number of points to each of them. Next, you need to print the list and put it in a romantic postcard. When one of the wishes is fulfilled, it is simply crossed off the list. This gift is perfect for Valentine's Day.

    For a loved one to call

    beautiful little things

    To create a good mood, it is not necessary to wait for a celebration. You can give a gift just like that, for no reason. To do this, you can make pleasant little things that every day will remind a man of the warm feelings of his wife.


    A stylish keychain can be a great gift. This necessary thing will become a small talisman for a young man. A guy will always think about his caring girlfriend. Simple, but original is a keychain in the form of a tie. It can be made in a few minutes. Such a present will look very creative and unusual.


    In order to give a gift with meaning, a bracelet is suitable. There are many ways to create such a present, but the most stylish and unusual decoration for your chosen one can be made from leather. A young man will be pleased to wear such an accessory on his arm.

    To make a gift, you can buy ready-made leather cords or cut an old leather thing into thin strips.


    Another present that will enable a guy to think about his sweet girlfriend every day is a housekeeper. This is a stylish and convenient gift that will always be at hand. To make, you need a small piece of leather and a little patience.

    Photo souvenirs

    Presentations with photographs are always very valuable, as the pictures capture pleasant memories and the best moments of life. They charge with positive energy, cheer up and carry a lot of meaning for lovers. To create a presentation, you need to choose an original idea, pick up the best photos and get to work.

    photo stand

    A photo stand can adequately decorate a guy's desktop and will always remind you of his beloved. You can make this thing with wire, cardboard, even clothespins. It depends on the capabilities and imagination of the girl. After the stand is ready, you must not forget to print and place a photo there, which depicts a young man with his chosen one.


    To make a beautiful photo frame, you can use ordinary buttons, cardboard, glue and a romantic photo, which depicts a happy couple in love. A man will keep such an unusual gift on his desk, often admire it, thinking about his beloved with warmth and tenderness.


    To congratulate your loved one on his birthday or wedding anniversary, you can use a collage. This is a pretty creative way to express your wishes. To make it, you first need to think over one or more sentences that you want to say to your loved one. Then print each word on a separate sheet of paper in the form of tablets. After that, you need to ask your acquaintances, friends or relatives to take a picture with one of the plates. It will be necessary to make one big collage from all the pictures. The result will be unusual and will please the man.

    Another kind of collage is the manufacture of a touching pillowcase for a pillow that is in the husband's car. There can be a joint photo in the center of the pillowcase.

    To make such a gift, you need to select the necessary photos on the computer, print them on an inkjet printer using thermal transfer paper. Then you need to cut out the image, put it on the pillowcase with the picture down. It is necessary to iron the picture with a hot iron without steam. After that, you should remove the paper backing, and the surprise for your loved one is ready.

    You can buy a regular Rubik's Cube and put parts of family photos on its squares.

    Notes with confessions of feelings

    One of the best gift options that can please your loved one every day is a box with declarations of love or just good wishes.

    You should start by buying an original gift box. Or you can make it yourself according to the templates and paste over it with gift paper that you have at home.

    A lot of small hearts of different colors are cut out of colored paper, each of which has a declaration of love written on it. Let there be a new surprise for your beloved every day in the form of pleasant words. The guy will be interested in pulling out a new heart over and over again and reading a confession.

    You can cut the leaves in the form of rectangular strips and wrap each with a red satin ribbon. All scrolls can be placed in a glass container, decorated with a ribbon.

    romantic sweets

    This option is more original than just love notes in a box. To make it, you need to buy a man’s favorite candy, carefully open it and insert a note in the middle. The young man will enjoy not only the taste of sweets, but also the beautiful declarations of love of his chosen one.

    You can stick sweets on a box in the form of a laptop. This will give the presentation even more originality.

    Cookies with warm words

    If a woman knows the culinary arts, then she can bake romantic cookies and give them to her beloved so that he can take them with him to work, study, or on a trip. Such sweets will remind you of the girl's feelings at a distance. He will be able to drink tea and think only about his beloved.

    Diary "Just For You"

    An original gift is a diary with dates stamped on each sheet. The surprise is that the woman will write something nice corresponding to the memorable dates indicated on the corresponding pages.

    To improve the gift, you can not only write something nice, but also paste a photo, rewrite some of the SMS sent to each other.

    It's a good idea to just write something nice on each page. In this case, each new day of a beloved man will begin with a reading of warm words or a confession of feelings. Such a gift would be appropriate for the anniversary of the relationship.

    Erotic gift

    The next present can be prepared for a loved one after a long separation. For preparation, you need to cut out several large hearts and many small ones. Large ones should be placed in those places where the lovers had sex, and be sure to write a few words about how it was, what feelings and emotions overwhelmed at that moment. Then, starting from the front door with small hearts, you need to lay out the paths to these places.

    After a loved one finds one heart, he will want to find all the others. Men like the process of searching for treasures. After all the hearts are found, you can safely repeat everything that is written in the hearts again. A man will remember such a romantic gift for a long time.


    Everyone likes to hear nice words addressed to them. Men are no exception. In order to tell a young man about how wonderful he is, you can use a crossword puzzle.

  1. Major change in appearance. If you are a blonde, you become a brunette. And vice versa! And you can even become a redhead or - or.
  2. A declaration of love on every product that is in the refrigerator. Write confessions (various) on the packages of each of the products. Want to eat - read. Write confessions with a bright marker so that your loved one notices the inscription for sure.
  3. A huge heart (on the entire wall) above the bed. It can be drawn, and weaved from beads, and “built” from a huge number of balloons. It should be even and neat.
  4. One hundred and one postcards with confessions. Buy many, many, many postcards. They must be different from each other. Make sure that when buying, there is not a single inscription on them. You must decorate the postcards with inscriptions yourself, these are surprises for your loved one.
  5. Bed in the shape of a heart. Collect enough money (you must calculate for which holiday you want to make such a surprise for your loved one). Put a crib instead of the sofa on which you sleep (if you live together). If the matter has not yet reached cohabitation or marriage, put the bed on the landing next to his apartment.
  6. Something very reminiscent of childhood. If a loved one appreciates things reminiscent of childhood, then give them to your loved one! They will be a surprise, because it is unlikely that anyone (except you) will be able to guess that such a gift can be made.
  7. Traveling in a hot air balloon. Arrange to rent a small balloon. Fly on it with your loved one. He will remember and appreciate this flight. If you are not afraid of heights!
  8. Meeting with a celebrity. What kind of music does he like? What transmissions? Which films? Choose the time and look for an opportunity to arrange a meeting of your loved one with the "star". Let this meeting last for a short time. And three minutes will turn into a surprise!
  9. Huge glass of coconut beer. It is very possible that he did not buy such beer. He must have only heard of it. And you buy the largest beer glass for your dear one and pour coconut beer into it.
  10. What a wonderful surprise to make? - In advance, a ticket to an important football match. Likes football? Don't buy him a ball! Buy your coveted match ticket! He will get incredible pleasure. And he won't be able to forget about it for a long time.
  11. A diary dedicated to him. This diary should contain stickers with confessions, photos of you and descriptions of everything that happened to you. He will “swallow” such a diary (its contents) with great pleasure!
  12. One hundred notes with reasons (about love). Make exactly one hundred notes using a set of colored paper and bright felt-tip pens. On each note, write down the reasons why you love him so much. Reasons must not be repeated!
  13. Seven pairs of cool socks (different). Have you guessed (guess a little) why there are seven of them? Right! Tuesday, Monday, Wednesday, Sunday…. The days are mixed up on purpose so that you would rather run to choose socks.
  14. Romantic CD. On this disc, write down all your photos, making a lot of pretty slides out of them. You can insert verses under each photo. It is desirable that you compose each of the poems yourself.
  15. The tablet is beautiful. Beautiful but multifunctional. One that really will bear a well-deserved name…. "Surprise!". And you can play with them yourself, by the way.
  16. Scarf, hand knitted. Can you knit? Try to learn if time permits. Maybe something good will come of it. Good luck should come to you too!
  17. Notebook table. Essential item! Much needed! But a man won't buy it himself until you guess. And you take it and guess that it will be a surprise!
  18. Two netbooks. Why exactly two? Because this number will really be a surprise! And there is also a “plus” in the fact that your loved one will not be afraid to use the netbook as he wants, because he will remember that there is a second one. And you are well .... The computer has broken - you are in a hurry to one of the netbooks (to the one that is free at the moment). Cool, yeah? Still would! Any surprise is always cool.
  19. Surprises for your loved one. - A set of ties. The set is ten ties. Choose different. So they will be very pleasing to the eye. Yes, and hands, because there will always be a huge selection of these "accessories".
  20. Puzzle box. On the puzzles, as a result of “picking up”, your photograph should be depicted. Choose the best photo. The most favorite photo of your loved one ....
  21. Body in chocolate. Douse your naked body with chocolate and lure your loved one into bed. He will be delighted! And never forget such a surprise! Most likely, he will ask you to repeat ....
  22. Backlit keyboard. You sleep while he often surfs the Internet at night. And it's hard for him to navigate in the dark. And he does not turn on the light, so as not to disturb your sleep. Have pity on his eyes! Take care of his condition! Think about its comfort!
  23. The camera of his dreams. Do not spare financial means! Deny yourself everything, but buy your loved one exactly the kind of camera he wants. Considering every little thing in it.
  24. Coffee drawing. This surprise will suit you if you know how to draw well. Take a lot of coffee beans and glue. Take a huge sheet of paper or cardboard and draw on it while dipping your index finger in coffee. You can use a thin brush. Draw whatever you want. When finished, fix the drawing with glue.
  25. Dress made of wrappers from chewing gum "Love Is ..." (surprise from chewing gum "Love Is ..."). It will take a long time to do this on your own, but if ordered, it will be faster. Take your savings and look for a man who will sew a dress so unusual for you.
  26. Website. For what? What if he wants to do his own business, but does not know where to start better. So you give him a surprise with a hint! Maybe he will become famous as a result. Well, and you will be “captured” with you immediately.

Continuation. . .