Karmic connections between men and women. Karmic relationships

Today at Morning we continue the topic of difficult relationships between a man and a woman - karmic relationships. Anna Shenkar will talk about how to recognize what kind of relationship happened between you, about the signs of this relationship and how to find out what to expect from them.

More interesting articles You can read more about relationships here.

We continue the topic of sexual astrology, and the conversation will focus on how to understand the “right” or “wrong” person who has come into your life... What does astrology say about this?

In fact, there is so much in astrology different schools and directions that sometimes you even find it difficult to choose a specialist and direction. I found a solution for myself in universal version"mix" - alloy Vedic astrology, numerology and chirology, because it is at the intersection of several sciences that you can get answers to the most difficult questions.

We all love to throw around such phrases when something doesn’t work out, “fate” or “not fate,” without thinking about the meaning of these concepts. But people living in the East would never even think of doubting that “karma” or “fate” exists. Let's try to figure out why “those” or “wrong” ones come into our lives. If you ask any Vedic astrologer, he will tell you that meetings with people in our lives are not at all random and carry a karmic nature, and first of all, this concerns the relationship between Man and Woman.

Eastern philosophy and astrology proceed from the fact that our soul, in a different guise, returns to Earth many times in order to solve those problems that remained unresolved in the previous incarnation. And in our environment there are always people who were close to us and in past life. This is where the feeling of “deja vu” arises when, having met for the first time a certain man in life, it seems familiar to us. Quite often there is mutual attraction, something attractive “hangs in the air”, forcing us to stay together and get to know each other. And most often, strong attraction develops into love relationship. I would like to give a few examples that will let you understand that the partner you have met is karmic.

Signs of karmic relationships, what to expect from them?

The speed of relationship development.

You met and after a very short period of time you became necessary to each other. It’s as if an insight has descended on you, a hypnosis effect.

Relations are developing rapidly, and both are not fully aware of the ongoing changes, only after some long time, they begin to realize what is happening, before that they act under the influence of incomprehensible forces.

Unexpected development of relationships.

Relationships after meeting are tied up completely unexpectedly for both or one of the partners, as well as all those around them. Both can be completely different in character, temperament, status, age, i.e. be completely unsuitable for each other.

Or vice versa, the acquaintance may be long-standing, but the decision to tie the knot becomes an unexpected continuation of the relationship when it is purely friendly relations Once they turned into lovingly intimate ones.

Unexpected move.

Moving to another city, country soon after meeting and getting married, breakup family ties, the beginning of a new life far from the place of birth is also a sign of a karmic connection.

Difficult life situation.

This could be alcoholism or drug addiction of a partner, disability, mental disorders.

Infertile marriage.

This is an indicator of a closed future for the generation through these people.

In this karmic connection, everything depends on how much everyone does the right thing. If both act correctly in a difficult situation, do not quarrel, do not blame each other for infertility, this couple may have a child together.

If one of the partners does the right thing, life will give him another spouse as a reward, with whom he will have children.

Fatal relationship.

Such relationships include: love triangles; situations when, for some reason, marriage is impossible, situations of love-hate, when partners fight with each other all their lives, but cannot live apart, or fate constantly brings them together, whether they want it or not.

There are two types of karmic relationships - healing or destructive. Distinctive feature A healing relationship is that when a man and a woman meet, they feel like soul mates, love and respect each other for who they are, and they enjoy being with each other immensely. In such relationships, partners offer their loved one understanding, support and approval. Both partners are ready to forgive. There is a heartfelt connection between them. In a healing relationship, both may have known each other from one or even several previous lifetimes. This creates an inextricable bond over the next few lives. Such a couple will never separate, will never divorce. They will always be together and happy. A marriage concluded with such a karmic partner will be beautiful and harmonious.

If a relationship causes a lot of suffering, but you cannot break it off, you need to understand that nothing obliges you to stay with that person, strong emotions are more often related to deep suffering, and not mutual love.

The energy of love is calm and serene, joyful and inspiring, not oppressive, exhausting and tragic. If these traits are visible in your relationship, it's time to let go of your partner.

Some women who suffer in marriage from drunkenness or the bad temper of their husband convince themselves that they need to stay together, but this is not so.

Love relationships are not meant to drag us down. When we love, we wholeheartedly want to support each other in both happiness and sorrow, but we should not bear the entire burden of each other's problems.

More interesting information about all aspects of healthy and full life read the blog “Secrets of Youth with Anna Shenkar” on your personal page

Karmic relationships: people from past lives
People constantly meet new friends, acquaintances, lovers... Each person on our path can become both a passing point and a critically important turning point. But what can you say about the fact that some acquaintances are not at all accidental? Let's talk about karmic encounters oh and love that lasts for more than one life.
What is a karmic connection?
Even an accidentally spoken word gives birth between people energy connection. At first it is a thin, barely noticeable translucent thread, but as communication progresses it thickens, becomes stronger and stronger. A guy and a girl meet - and at first they feel shy, embarrassed, awkward. Then they get closer, their relationship stabilizes, and the connection is already a completely obvious and clearly visible energy contact. And the most interesting thing. If the connection is strong, then it does not disappear after physical death. Souls are incarnated in new bodies, born on other continents - but that very “thread” between them remains. And here neither distance, nor age, nor gender plays a role - people will be drawn to each other until they meet. Moreover, one may not even suspect such attraction: events themselves will line up in the right way.
Why does a karmic connection occur?
Acquaintance with a person does not always “wander” from one life to another: in many cases this is not necessary. The main reason for the emergence of a karmic connection is incomplete development of relationships. For example, people:
caused each other physical or emotional harm (humiliated, deceived, this also includes situations with murders motivated by jealousy, etc.);
broke up at the peak of their love (during the war, due to a conflict with parents, due to family obligations);
provided important services to each other, and at some point the debt of one of the partners remained unpaid;
experienced strong emotions while being together, and these experiences did not have time to outlive themselves;
made a vow to each other (to love forever, to always come to the rescue, etc.)
People continue to be connected energy level. They must atone for their guilt or experience all the “delights” of their bad deeds. Sometimes their task is to repent, apologize, and receive forgiveness. But always we're talking about about spiritual growth. Karmic relationships are established among those who are able to help each other develop.
Any situation has a manifestation in both black and white light. And karmic relationships can be built in two types:
1. Negative. Brings partners a lot of pain, anxiety and suffering.
2. Positive. Associated with positive emotions and events.
The nature of the karmic connection depends on the actions in a past life. And relationships manifest themselves in exactly the manner that will be most useful for the further development of people. Each case is individual and unique. Trying to force it into a framework is a kind of crime against the beauty of karmic relationships. But without conditions, a person cannot. Therefore, we will try to highlight the main types of karmic connections: lovers, husband-wife, parent-child, boss-subordinate.
Signs of a karmic meeting
Any karmic relationship begins with the first meeting. It is distinguished by the following features:
1. Surprise. The meeting happens suddenly and unplanned - in a store, in a parking lot, in the forest... It is never possible to guess where that very date will happen.
2. Inevitability. It does not depend on the actions of a person at all whether a meeting will occur or not. For example, a girl for a long time refused to meet a young man whom her friends “wooed”. But then she accidentally ran into a certain guy in the park, got into conversation, started dating him... Later it turned out that this young man was that same young man.
3. Repeatability. If people "didn't understand" the first time, fate will bring them together again and again. For example, you can meet the same person several times - in the company of mutual friends, at a corporate party of a partner company, in a fitness club... At some point, people will become interested in each other.
4. Naturalness. No matter what strange circumstances the meeting occurs, it will seem to both participants to be the most normal event in their lives.
5. Swiftness. After the meeting, everything develops quickly. Relatively speaking: they did not have time to get acquainted, but they are already going to the registry office. The second option: people knew each other for a long time - and at some point fell in love, after which events began to spin with amazing force.
And perhaps the most sure sign that there was a meeting of karmic partners - their mutual inexplicable attraction. Even after short-term communication, people continue to think about each other, experiencing pleasant or, conversely, frightening experiences (depending on the characteristics of the karmic connection).
Karmic love, how highest form unity
Love, in principle, is the main energy of the universe. But when people meet whose romantic attachment is predetermined by karma, everything is even more fatal. Such love is always strong and defies logical description. Its main features:
1. People ignoring their complete discrepancy - in tastes, in age, in social status. The wife is 20 years older, the man is a builder and the woman is a director, the husband is the “crown prince” and the wife is a “poor relative.”
2. Absolute contempt for materiality. Behind the shoulders of karmic lovers of the century shared lives. And on a subconscious level, partners know that property and money do not play important role. People can leave everything and move to a poor village. Or give up a good job in order to see each other more often. To others, such actions seem eccentric.
3. The presence of numerological "tips". The brightest numbers from this point of view are 3, 7, 21 and 33. Than more value the stronger the karmic connection. Numbers can appear in different ways. For example, everyone important events in the life of partners (acquaintance, first kiss, birth of a child, etc.) occurred on the 3rd. Or the age difference between the lovers is 21 years. You need to look at a specific situation and find correspondence in it.
Exactly karmic love reveals people, makes them the way they are. Partners have known each other for a long time, they know each other’s pain points - and they actively use this, either hurting their loved one or protecting him. In such unity there is no place for closedness: this is pure communication of souls, hidden behind the mask of the material world.
Why is karmic love so hard
Karmic love is almost always about overcoming. Even when the relationship as a whole seems harmonious, partners still experience a storm of emotions. Their feelings are akin to fire that burns the soul. And until the flame goes out, people will not have too much fun. Karmic love is repayment for past debts. You need to return all emotions to your partner; experience everything sublime or, on the contrary, the bad that was caused to another; fulfill your promises and demand the same from your loved one...
"Mutual settlement" can be pleasant - who doesn't like to return a lot of love and tenderness to each other?) But at the energy level, the process is still very costly. Karmic love exhausts, flattens, makes you languish from an overabundance of feelings or suffer from crazy love or accompanying hatred. Until a balance is established between the partners, the relationship will continue in this vein.
“Karmic” sex – what’s wrong with it?
Any couple, opposite or same sex, opens up energetically during sex. If a person had magical protection, then it weakens or even stops working. This is needed for energy metabolism, which is what sexual contact is: partners feed off and “grow” into each other’s personality. Even after a single sex, a special channel is formed between people (which is why love spells work especially well, provided that the object has at least once been in the bed of the customer of the ritual).
If intimacy was "just like that", then the established connection favors the transfer of low emotions, irritation, anger. Sometimes you can even “catch” a little of your partner’s “negative karma.” Love sex between ordinary people in principle, it is favorable: it gives strength, renews, allows you to get to know each other better.
But the intimacy of karmic partners cannot be compared with it. This kind of sex is the highest manifestation of love on the physical level. Why?
1. Energy systems of partners are united. They find themselves in a “cocoon” - invulnerable and durable.
2. There is an exchange of “pieces” of karma. During sex, partners can work through a lot of mutual debts.
3. Internal ones are harmonized energy systems of people. "Grinded" sharp corners, negativity disappears, grievances disappear.
After sex, karmic lovers become better people - not only for each other, but also in principle. Their character and will develop, and their vision of the world becomes clearer. In addition, intimate intimacy gives partners a lot of pleasure (well, not without it))) Often, even with a negative nature of the relationship, it is sex that turns out to be what unites people and forces them to be together.
Does everyone have a karmic soul mate?
Purely theoretically, every soul that has been reborn more than once can have a karmic connection with someone. But in practice, such relationships arise among those who have already lived through several incarnations. Young souls are mainly engaged in self-contemplation. They are trying to get used to the world and test its strength. They do not have time for serious emotional involvement in relationships with others. Although there are exceptions to every rule.
Signs that a person has a karmic soul mate somewhere:
dissatisfaction with your romances and constant search for “the one,” even if the current partner is good in all respects;
dreams in which communication occurs with someone close and familiar for a long time, although in real life I have never met this person;
bursts of causeless sexual arousal;
inexplicable melancholy and apathy;
obsessive desire to move;
love of solitary walks or trips;
constant internal dialogue with someone.
If there really is a karmic half, then a person will definitely meet with her. You can live peacefully while doing personal matters: fate will not miss its way.

Separation of karmic lovers - is it necessary and why does it happen?
Sooner or later, karmic love exhausts itself. And people either go out to new level developing your love and relationships and this is the highest feeling unconditional love, or break up. This can happen after a thousand and more lives. The term is unimportant, since by the standards of the universe, a second is no different from a billion years.
With happiness and absolute love, everything is clear! This is the pinnacle of pleasure from joint transformation and growth! But there are also people who, invariably meeting each other in each new incarnation, still separate. Why is this happening? This means that the relationship has been fully worked out:
the emotional connection has “burnt out” - people gave each other everything they could, and they are unable to offer more;
all debts have been closed - many years of betrayal have been avenged and forgiveness received, grievances have been endured, and promises have been fulfilled;
individuals have developed together to the point where they no longer have a path - their further growth will have different directions.
It seems that parting is sad. But this is about liberation. A person throws off the bonds of attachment and, at least for a while, begins to live on his own, experiencing reality through loneliness - the natural state of the individual.
It’s easy to understand that it’s time to leave:
1. Craving and attraction to a partner disappears, giving way to absolute indifference.
2. There is a desire to “look around” - make new acquaintances, change jobs or place of residence, but on your own, without a lover.
3. There is a feeling of satisfaction from the accumulated experience, but there is no desire to repeat it.
So, for example, a woman who constantly returned to her tyrant husband suddenly realizes that’s enough, it’s time to move on. Painful attachment, who was driving her to her husband, disappears. The ability to think clearly without looking at your former loved one appears.
This is an example of a broken negative connection. In the case of positive relationships, everything is approximately the same: people cool down and disperse peacefully. It happens that one of the partners continues to experience feelings, but they are his own business. When karmic love dies, the cold person simply leaves, and there is no way to get him back.

If your relationship with your loved one is protracted and exhausting, but it seems to you that you are meant for each other, then perhaps you are going through a karmic relationship, and your task is to learn a lesson from it!

Karma¹ is the influence of our past lives on our present life. Related term Western tradition, used to describe similar influences is fate.

Now not everyone takes karma so seriously, but many people are interested.

To believe or not to believe in all these “astrological things” related to karma, past and future lives is up to each of us. But suddenly this knowledge can be useful?

An excerpt from a letter from a woman seeking advice on astrology

“Six months ago I got divorced... I had quite deep feelings for my husband, but after some time we separated on his initiative. When the mental wound healed², I tried to look at our relationship objectively and I myself realized that he was not suitable for me as a spouse - different tempers, different views for life…

But all this time I am periodically overcome by a strong feeling that we should not have parted as quickly as we did. That we have not given each other a lot. And sometimes it seems that if we break off our connection completely, something irreparable will happen..."

Every astrologer familiar with the eastern direction of astrology knows that many meetings with people in Everyday life far from random and carry a karmic character.

Some data suggest that there can be many such karmic encounters throughout a lifetime. Coming into this world, we find ourselves surrounded by people who help us realize our karmic tasks.

These are our children, friends, relatives, bosses, work colleagues and just passers-by.

But in this article we will talk about the karmic relationship of a man and a woman, about the relationship of the sexes.

If you can’t shake the feeling that you are close people?

The karmic relations of the sexes are the relations of people who knew each other in past lives and experienced deep emotions in relation to each other.

One of the signs of a karmic relationship is when he or she, or maybe both, carry unresolved emotions within themselves, such as jealousy, addiction, or something similar.

Without ever giving an outlet to their emotions, they are attracted to each other in the next incarnation.

Why are karmic relationships needed?

Target new meeting is to provide each other with the opportunity to resolve the pressing issue. This happens by recreating the same situation on certain period time.

Having met again, karmic partners feel an urgent need to become closer friend friend, and after a while they begin to repeat their old emotional roles.

All events take place in such a way as to re-encounter the old situation and perhaps deal with it in a wiser way. The spiritual purpose of this meeting for both lovers is to make a different choice than the one they made in past incarnations.

How does this work in life?

Imagine a woman who had a very jealous husband in her previous incarnation. He loved her madly, but at the same time tormented her with his jealousy.

At some point, the woman decided that she could no longer live like this and left him.

Not having survived the divorce from his beloved wife, the husband fell ill after a while and died. The woman feels remorse. She believes that she is to blame and regrets that she did not give him a chance to improve.

She goes through this feeling of guilt for the rest of her life.

In another life they meet again. An inexplicable attraction arises between them again. At first, the man seems to her to be the best in the world, he idolizes her. Close relationships develop...

From this moment on, the man becomes an incredibly jealous owner. He constantly suspects her of cheating. The woman is angry and upset that he wrongfully accuses her, but she also feels an unusual obligation to forgive him and give him another chance.

She believes that the man is exhibiting a fear of abandonment, and wants to help him cope with this. A woman justifies staying close, but the relationship does not improve, it negatively affects her self-esteem and depresses her.

The right decision!

The most the right choice for a woman it will be to break off the relationship and go her own way without feeling guilty. The “complexes” of her husband (fiancé, lover) are not her responsibility. The meaning of a new karmic meeting is that a woman learns to let go of a relationship without feeling guilty, and a man must learn to tolerate emotional experiences steadfastly.

The only right decision is to break off the relationship.

The “mistake” the woman made in her past life was not that she left her husband, but that she felt responsible for his illness and death.

Leaving a relationship in this life will once again leave the husband alone with his experiences and fear, which will give him new opportunity face your emotions rather than run from them.

The karmic relationship between these two people will be repeated until the lesson is taught correctly.

How to recognize karmic relationships?

For this purpose, you can contact an astrologer. A professional astrologer, analyzing the synastry of partners (compatibility horoscope), will help you find out the answer.

Indicators of karmic relationships

A certain age difference between partners can also serve as an indicator of karmic relationships.

  • Age difference 5 or 10 years between a man and a woman is absolutely non-random meeting. It is more than likely that there is a karmic connection between these partners that requires working off mutual debts. Karma keeps them close to each other. They must go through life in one direction, but at the same time one of them must take on the role of a guide, and the other must become a follower.
  • Age difference 15 years- an indicator of very strong karmic attraction. It is difficult for such people to break up, even if they want to do so. But these relationships are complex - they either help each other choose the right path in life, or, on the contrary, they lead astray from the true path, increasing karmic debts even more.

Some unusual situations also serve as indicators of karmic gender relations. Such situations are not a mandatory sign of karmic relationships, but they also need to be taken into account.

  • Surprise

Relationships begin unexpectedly for both partners or one of them, as well as for their friends and relatives. The surprise is that these partners can be completely different in character, temperament, differ in social and financial status, have big difference aged.

In another scenario, partners may have known each other for years, but the decision to get married itself turns out to be an unexpected continuation of the relationship. For example, a couple long time communicates in a friendly manner, and suddenly one evening the situation turns into a very intimate direction, and after that the couple in love decides to get married.

  • Rapidity

Relationships are formed after very short term dating lovers (day, week, month). This is a situation where partners seem to have an epiphany. Such relationships are often marked by the effect of hypnosis.

They begin in such a way that a person is not fully aware of all the changes and only after a year or more begins to perceive the situation consciously. Before this, he is driven by forces and reactions that he is unable to fully explain. The question of whether these partners will want to look at each other “waking up” often remains open.

  • Moving

After marriage, spouses can move to another city or even abroad. Moving far away somewhere after meeting and getting married, breaking family ties, starting a new life somewhere far from the place of birth is another important sign karmic connection.

  • A difficult situation

The most common type of karmic relationship between the sexes is a partner who is a drunkard or a partner who is a drug addict. There may be any health problems (the person may be in wheelchair, to be mentally ill) The early death of one of these partners also indicates a karmic relationship.

Such relationships can certainly be called “punishment.” Apparently, this “punishment” is arranged by the person himself, unconsciously choosing a problematic partner. Most likely this happens due to hidden feelings guilt that came from the past, but the question “for what reason” remains open.

Probably, the problematic partner himself is attached to him through the genetic memory of a past life. Perhaps in the past incarnation the roles of the “problematic” and “good” partner were opposite, but in this life they change places in order to “restore justice.”

  • No children in marriage

This is an indicator of a closed future for the generation through these people. Such karmic relationships between spouses are closed in on themselves and are needed to understand their own character traits.

To some extent, this relationship can be called a short circuit.

As a rule, after years or even almost immediately, such relationships turn out to be empty and lead to separation. In this karmic connection, everything depends on how “correct” each partner was in his actions.

If the partners showed themselves “correctly” (from the point of view of Fate and Cosmos) in this relationship, for example, they did not quarrel and blame each other for infertility, but adopted a child from orphanage, then this couple may later have a child together.

If only one of the partners tried to behave “correctly”, but did not receive support, then as a reward, life can give him another partner, from whom he will have children.

  • Fatality

Relationships in a couple are marked by a certain inevitability, predetermination, and often in a negative sense in the style of “Tristan and Isolde.”

These include: situations with love triangles; situations of “impossible” love for any objective and subjective reasons; situations of love-hate, when it seems that partners have been fighting each other all their lives, and yet they are unhappy without each other. It’s as if they both madly love each other and hate each other madly.

Often fate deliberately brings partners together, whether they want it or not. Karmic relations between the sexes of this kind are clearly reflected by the characters of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger in the famous film “The Marrying Habit.” In the karmic relationships of such a couple, little changes; these relationships seem to carry themselves along according to a predetermined plan.

These options very often describe precisely the karmic relationship between the sexes.

Also, during a karmic meeting, it seems that this person has known each other for a long time. Quite often there is mutual attraction, something attractive “in the air” that forces us to be together and get to know each other.

Given the opportunity, a strong attraction can develop into a loving relationship. This is what happens most often.

How long do karmic relationships last?

It depends on what type of connection the karmic relationship is - healing or destructive.

Healing Karmic Relationships

They enjoy being with each other greatly, but do not feel anxious, jealous, or lonely when their partner is not around. In such a relationship, understanding, support and approval of the loved one is gained without trying to solve his or her problems brought from past lives.

Relationships are filled with freedom and peace.

Of course, misunderstandings sometimes arise, but they do not last long. Both partners are ready to forgive. There is a heartfelt connection between them. Emotionally, both partners are independent of each other. They do not fill a gap in their life, but, on the contrary, add something new, important, vital.

In a healing relationship, partners may have known each other from one or even several previous lifetimes. This created an unbreakable bond over the next several lives.

Such a couple will never separate, will never divorce. They will always be together and happy. Marriage with such a karmic partner can be a wonderful and amazing journey!

Destructive karmic relationships

But it also happens that the emotions you experience about a new love can be so overwhelming that you think that you have met your soul mate.

Carefully! Things may not be as they seem!

If you are bound by unresolved emotional problems from the past, they will sooner or later come to the surface. The spiritual lesson to all souls bound in this way is to let go of each other and become free and independent beings.

The example mentioned above is about jealous husband and the wife blaming herself clearly demonstrates destructive karmic relationships. Such relationships are almost never long-lasting, stable, or loving.

Often, the main purpose of the meeting is to free each other from this love.

If you suddenly find yourself in a relationship that causes a lot of suffering and tears, but which you cannot break, try to understand that nothing obliges you to stay with this person.

Understand that strong emotions often have to do with deep suffering rather than mutual love. The energy of love is not so emotional - it is extremely calm and serene, joyful and inspiring! It does not oppress, does not exhaust, does not give rise to tragedy. If these traits are visible in your relationship, then it’s time to let them go, and not “work them out” again.

Some women, suffering in marriage from drunkenness or the bad character of their husbands, convince themselves that they still need to stay together, because “this is fate” and they need to “go through it together.” They appeal to karma as an argument for prolonging the relationship, but they distort the concept of it.

What is karma?

Karma is individual for each person, it is impossible to go through your karma together with someone!

Karma in the gender relationships mentioned above often requires that you be able to let go of your partner by abandoning the relationship that is tormenting you. Your goal is to understand that you are whole within yourself.

Sometimes you can be so connected with your partner’s complexes that you feel as if you are the only person who can “resolve” the situation and save your loved one from problems.

But nothing good will come of it.

You will only reinforce the emotions of powerlessness and victimhood in the other person, when it would be more helpful to draw the line and stand up for yourself. Your purpose is to be a free person.

Painful relationships can set you back spiritually, and because of them, your karma can become even more severe and carry over into your next incarnations.

Do you want that?

You may only have a few months to resolve the past situation between you and your problematic partner. You can help if you think your help will be helpful, but you are not obligated to involve yourself in relationships that are detrimental to your spiritual growth.

Love relationships are not meant to drag us down. When we love, we want from the bottom of our hearts to support each other in both happiness and sorrow, but we should not bear the entire burden of each other’s problems.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Karma, Kamma - one of the central concepts in Indian religions and philosophy, the universal cause-and-effect law, according to which a person’s righteous or sinful actions determine his fate, the suffering or pleasure he experiences (

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Do you believe in karma? I have repeatedly heard from my clients about a certain karmic connection between partners, which is retribution for previous incarnations of souls. Surprisingly, not a single one happy couple did not declare that their union was karma. But those who have serious problems in relationships we often tend to blame a higher power for everything.

I decided to figure out why adults, smart, adequate, educated, instead of making an effort and trying to change something in their lives, prefer to go with the flow and blame karma for everything. Or maybe I’m wrong to be skeptical about this issue and the karmic connection between a man and a woman really exists?

Karmic connection and its types

First of all, you need to find out what it is and what meaning magicians, astrologers and other lovers of mysticism put into this concept.

Karma is the influence of past earthly incarnations of the soul on our present life. Simply put, if in one of hundreds, or even thousands of incarnations you have committed a crime, karma will poke your nose again and again until you correct the situation or atone for your guilt.

The same principle applies to partners connected in past lives by strong emotions and experiences. Moreover, those who lived happily ever after are not haunted by karma. But if the relationship was difficult, love was unhappy, and the breakup was tragic, then retribution will surely follow in the next life.

According to experts in the astral world, partners will meet in new incarnations until one or both of them change the scenario of past unsuccessful relationships. Only in this case will their souls be able to break the karmic connection. To make it clearer, let's look at examples.

  • A guy and a girl fell in love, were dating, and were going to get married. But he cheated on her and abandoned her just before the wedding, and she committed suicide out of grief. Now their souls will meet again and again until the situation is resolved peacefully. Either the guy will remain faithful to his beloved, or the girl will decide that the unfaithful groom is not worth her tears, and even more so her life.
  • The husband and wife loved each other. Over time, the husband began to drink a little, and then completely turned into a binge alcoholic. One day a drunk got into an accident and lost both legs. His wife did not leave him, because she believed that it would be a betrayal, but she was unhappy until the end of her days. This couple will meet in future lives until the husband wins alcohol addiction, or the wife does not realize that she is not to blame for anything and is not obliged to carry this cross on herself.

The situations can be very different, but the principle is clear - if one partner was unhappy due to the fault of the other or both poisoned each other’s lives, they are given a new and new attempt to correct the mistakes.

What kind of karmic connection exists? Conventionally, it can be divided into three types:

  • The first is that the couple experienced a tragic situation and now in new incarnations they repeat it again until they can find another way out.
  • The second is that one partner made the other’s life hell. In the future, the tyrant turns out to be, and the partners meet until the karmic debt is worked off.
  • Third - once one or both partners took an oath to be together forever. And now the Universe is testing this oath for strength, again and again bringing their souls together and placing them in difficult life circumstances.

I would really like to see a fourth type. Something like: they lived a long time happy life, until the end of their days they loved and supported each other, and therefore they met again to live together happily ever after for an encore. But alas, experts say that karmic soul connection is used exclusively as a form of punishment.

“Symptoms” of a karmic connection

They say that relationships that arise as a result of a karmic connection are not difficult to recognize. There are a number of signs indicating that it was not you who chose each other, but cosmic forces planned your union.

Love at first sight

If the relationship broke out on empty space, if you rushed into the pool of passions without even trying to get to know each other better, don’t even doubt that your meeting was not accidental.

Volcano of Passions

A clear sign of a karmic union - emotional instability one or both partners. They may feel overwhelming sexual attraction to each other, the need to constantly be near your soul mate, to control every step even at a distance. If there is no opportunity to satisfy one's desire, a person experiences severe stress, falls into depressive state and may even experience such discomfort like body aches or fever.

Dolphin and Mermaid

If you remember, the heroes of this old song were not a couple at all. And all your friends say the same thing about you. Subtle energies sometimes link destinies so different people that those around you are just amazed. A huge age difference, a bottomless social abyss, absolutely opposite views on life ... But come on - they are drawn to each other like a magnet, and nothing can be done about this attraction.

We are a long echo of each other...

“We understand each other without words!..” - you enthusiastically tell your friends. Indeed, it seems that you even think synchronously or telepathically transmit thoughts to your partner - at the same time you get up to put the kettle on, choose the same movie for the evening viewing and often finish the phrase started by your soul mate. Friends admire such a powerful emotional and spiritual connection, but experts advise to beware. If you feel each other so subtly, perhaps your souls have already met in past lives.

I'm on you like I'm at war...

Your relationship truly resembles a minefield. Moreover, you never know what exactly will explode - wild passion, all-consuming jealousy or anger at a partner and a desire to immediately burn bridges and dissolve in a foggy haze. You constantly then, then put up, then burn with love, then tear up common photos and pack your bags. If it were your will, you would have parted long ago, but the Universe has other plans for you.

One way ticket

One more characteristic feature An unexpected move is considered a probable karmic connection. Especially if before the start of the relationship the partners did not plan to travel anywhere. It is argued that this fate destined from above pushes the couple on their way, makes them leave their native places, and sometimes cut off all contacts with relatives and friends.


A powerful spiritual connection also does not have a mystical background. Most likely, you and your partner treat each other with respect and trust, are interested in his life, and know his habits and preferences very well. And therefore, it is not at all difficult to predict which film your significant other will like, how he will act in a given situation and how he will comment on some events.

Adultery, unfortunately, is far from uncommon in modern society. Of course, the partner who has turned “left” usually carefully hides his adventures. But if something like this suddenly comes to light, you need to make a serious decision and either save the relationship or put an end to it. Although sometimes it is very convenient to hide behind karma: one partner does not need to take decisive actions and ruin the usual life of a cozy swamp, and the second can continue to have fun without fear of being called to account.

But what about alcoholics and drug addicts sent to punish the guilty soul? In this case, karma is just a beautiful excuse for such a serious problem as. One partner slowly but surely steps towards the abyss, and the second spends all his energy and other resources to pull him out of this abyss.

It would seem that the wisest decision in similar situationserious conversation. If an addict wants to get rid of painful cravings for alcohol or drugs, help him with this. If not, step aside and don’t interfere. In the end, every person is free to do as he sees fit. But no, a codependent cannot allow himself to reconcile.

He will be constantly nearby, always ready - he will give money for the next bottle or dose, he will run around with a basin during intoxication, he will justify it to children, bosses, relatives and friends, he will give the thousandth lecture on the dangers of psychotropic drugs or alcohol... Everyone feels sorry for the poor thing, but he sighs : “Apparently, this is my karma, my cross...”

But no, it’s not about karma at all. It’s just that a person has developed a kind of addiction - he revels in his sacrifice, feels like the savior of a lost soul and receives energy recharge from those around him who sympathize with him. Leaving a partner is the same for him as losing his importance. Therefore, all that remains is to endure, be close and sigh about karma.

For those who have decided to throw off the shackles of codependency, the great news is that it is easier than you think. And I’ll help with this with the recommendations of psychologists Berry and Jenae Weinhold, set out in the book “ Freeing yourself from the trap of codependency”.

I apologize in advance to those who firmly believe that our souls are connected by magical invisible threads. Personally, I believe that the karmic connection is used as a shield by those who are afraid to take responsibility for what happens in the relationship. This is how people justify their inaction.

Of course, if you decide to work off karma, hoping for more good fortune in the next incarnation - this is your sacred right. But personally, I prefer to live a bright, full-blooded life here and now, which is what I wish for you!

Do you believe in karma or do you think that your destiny depends more on you than on circumstances? Share your opinion in the comments.

Throughout life we ​​meet many people. We are encountering some of them for the first time, and some have already crossed paths with us in past incarnations. The turnover of people in our lives is considerable, but not all of them leave an indelible mark on the fate of each of us.

The meeting, as a rule, of opposites for the common finding of solutions to karmic problems is usually called karmic connection.

Karmic connection has many sides in its nature.
Positive communication will be realized upon meeting kindred spirits who are old acquaintances and meet again in order to swim in the same direction of the current of real life, harmoniously complementing each other.

The karmic connection between such souls is rooted in the attractions they experienced in past lives. Many times and over many thousands of years, they return to Earth together for the sake of help and mutual understanding.

The negative side is characterized by a relationship that ends up in a dead end, from which it is not easy to get out. Unfortunately, partners are forced to pay for past debts, and the interaction of such souls faces a very difficult task, the solution of which is accompanied by the inevitable infliction of pain and negativity on each other.

Such a karmic connection is different from other relationships because in the past it was the result of a conflict, the consequences of which left one of the partners or both simultaneously with feelings of guilt, jealousy, addiction, fear, anger or other unresolved emotions within themselves.

The key point in this case is feelings and emotions. When, as a result of a conflict with someone, a person harbors a grudge or a thirst for revenge in his heart throughout his entire earthly life, he develops a new karmic connection. And what more negative emotion, the more bitterness this connection will bring in the future. But if, after the conflict, he painlessly says goodbye to the other person and does not attract him emotionally, then the likelihood of their destinies crossing in the future will not be a problem.

Signs of a karmic connection

There is an interesting allegory: "Left my heart there"- this is what they say when one person experiences strong emotions towards a certain place or another person and after some time mentally returns to them, thereby putting a piece of his soul into it.

That's why they have attractive force souls who once “caught” on each other with strong emotions. This can also be a consequence of a karmic connection based on the date of birth.

When souls meet again and again, there is a feeling of strong attraction or strong repulsion.

And the purpose of the new meeting will be to give each other a chance to “work off” common karma or forgive each other. This is realized by repeating the same situation that once united them. Depending on their task, partners change roles or play the same roles.

Examples of karmic connections between people

    • Imagine a woman who was abandoned by her husband in a previous incarnation. Through strong experiences, she attracted a new karmic connection, and therefore in the future she will experience a break in relationships, which she initiated.
  • The two had a big fight or disagreed about something in the past. One of them harbored resentment and anger. Having met, they will again sort things out, but their main task is to find a decent way out of the situation, getting rid of hatred and anger. If they don’t succeed, then the next meeting will be even more cruel.

How to recognize a karmic connection?

It is not difficult to recognize the meeting of karmic partners, their meeting always has a connotation of something unusual, bright and sometimes fatal. Often a difficult karmic connection is the so-called love at first sight. At first, souls experience a strong attraction and great interest in each other, while sensitive people experience deja vu, the so-called feeling that this once happened, they were waiting for this moment, they were going towards it.

At first, this is ardent love with fiery feelings, but, as a rule, such people are not at all similar to each other and as soon as closer relationships begin, problems will certainly arise. conflict situations and mutual misunderstanding that brings pain to both.

Karmic connection with a man

Therefore, these relationships revolve according to this circular scenario: attraction - rapprochement - clarification of relationships - separation - attraction. The main task in this case is to correct the mistakes once made by going through the situation again. And again, both partners have the opportunity to behave with dignity and correctly.

Karmic relationships can last for several months, or they can drag on for many years., it all depends on the partners, or rather on how quickly they can correct their mistakes. Sometimes the karmic connection is interrupted by the flight of one or both partners, but their task remains unfinished, so sooner or later the karmic connection overtakes again.

Most reliable way determination of karmic relationships - compilation of synastry by an astrologer.

It will help to more easily recognize the karmic connection of our material on the psychology of communication with men. Analyze new ones too personal relationships you are guaranteed.

How to recognize non-obvious signs of a karmic connection

At chance meeting there is a mutual attraction to each other and a feeling that you have already met this person or were previously acquainted.
The emergence of inexplicable emotions that another person evokes in you.

Behavior and actions that are unusual for you, accompanied by illogical feelings that seem to force you to act in relation to your chosen one exactly this way and not otherwise.

Spontaneous and unexpected relationship. There is a certain predetermination in such relationships, and partners can change little. Such a connection is negative in nature and resembles a love spell in its effect. Despite the strong attraction, people do not feel good together, they are very different in character and cannot agree or separate. It's hard to break this relationship “Together is bad, apart is impossible”, because the image of your partner will haunt you throughout for long years, because, having left the work, you did not complete what you started.

Unraveling a karmic knot is possible if claims against another person are lifted, and evil intentions and thoughts are eliminated.

The sign is a state of satisfaction, inner peace, healing of the consequences of a difficult disease.