Tantric sex is the highest form of love relationship. Tantric contact of a couple - principle and spiritual merging

There are many techniques aimed at self-development, so tantras can be attributed to them. Regular practices teach you to perceive and cognize your own body correctly, how to reveal your inner energy potential, how to get rid of negativity and achieve inner harmony.

What is tantra?

The technique or tool for expanding one's own consciousness is called tantra. This is a special culture that determines the relationship of man to the world. To expand the boundaries of perception, it is customary to use the energy of the chakras and in most cases it is sexual. Tantra is a way to gain some kind of strength or wealth in a short period of time.

Tantric techniques

There are a huge number of exercises aimed at correcting certain areas of life. It is recommended to conduct sessions in a warm room where it is worth lighting candles or incense. There are some simple exercises on how to practice tantra at home. It is important to note that the presented techniques can be used for various purposes, such as attracting love or improving financial situation.

  1. The simplest exercise with which you can unleash the inner energy potential, sexual attractiveness and just relax. It is necessary to sit in a comfortable position and begin to breathe deeply and evenly through the mouth, but not in the chest, but in the abdominal way.
  2. Another available tantra involves the use of visualizations. You should close your eyes and begin to imagine yourself in a place with which only warm and pleasant sensations are associated. Feel calm and serenity. Being in the world of illusion, a person can attract to himself the desired things in reality.
  3. The correct path of tantra implies the correct perception of one's own body, and for this it is recommended to sit naked in front of a mirror and carefully examine each part of your body, paying special attention to the intimate organs.

Tantra - energy management

To adjust their lives with the help of tantras, they use chakras - energy centers that are able to transform the energy entering them. The main chakra is located on the back of the head and it is responsible for the kundalini energy, which contains information from past incarnations. Energy tantra involves the use of meditations, diets, visualizations and a special worldview. In the initial stages, training may look like this:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position and relax using familiar meditation techniques.
  2. Concentrate on the chakra and imagine how a beam of energy enters it from space, saturating the body and expanding consciousness.

Tantra is the art of love

Relations between a man and a woman who are in a couple, according to tantric practices, should be based on respect and harmonious merging. Partners must perceive each other as higher beings. Tantra of love involves concentration on the love chakra, which is located in the region of the heart. There are techniques that can be used in pairs:

  1. Partners should sit opposite each other and their task is simply to touch different parts of the body, thus conveying their warm energy, tenderness and love.
  2. The next tantra implies the unity of lovers, for which you need to lie on your side and snuggle up to each other. It is important that the bodies are directed in the same direction and have the most identical posture. It is recommended to stay in this state for some time, taking slow breaths and exhalations, feeling like a single whole.

Tantra - the secrets of sexual ecstasy

It is believed that true pleasure can be obtained during tantric sex, the purpose of which is not to get an orgasm, but to concentrate on one's own feelings and emotions.

  1. Partners should be as relaxed as possible so that energy flows can freely interact with each other.
  2. Breathing is of great importance, due to which the connection of souls takes place. It should be deep and smooth. Experts recommend holding each other's hands during the process and focusing on the partner's breathing rhythm.
  3. Sexual tantra for women and men involves long caresses that allow you to explore the body of a partner and give him real pleasure.
  4. It is important to choose positions with maximum sexual contact.
  5. On the body of a man and a woman there are positive and negative poles, and if the former are stimulated correctly, then the attraction will increase. In a woman, the positive pole is in the chest and heart area, and in a man in the genital area. Negative poles, on the contrary.

Tantra of the left hand

All techniques are divided into right and left, and so the latter are aimed at improving consciousness and protecting against harmful mental processes. Practicing "left hand" tantra necessarily involves physical intercourse. The main goal is to invoke and hold the kundalini energy. The left hand tantra uses various sexual practices, meats and intoxications that the right hand tantra does not approve of.

Tantra and Christianity

When analyzed, common features can be found between tantric systems and Christian traditions. The closest tantra is considered to be Kashmir Shaivism, since the main school is called "Trika", which means "trinity", on which faith in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is based. Another similar feature is the coming to the fore of divine Grace as an important condition for the spiritual development and deification of a person. Meditation and prayer are similar in many ways. If we consider the opinion of the church, then tantra and Orthodoxy have nothing in common, and such a comparison is blasphemy.

Tantra - books

In bookstores you can find a huge amount of literature on the topic of tantric practices, for example, the following publications can be cited:

  1. "Tantric Love" by Sarita Ma Anand. This book presents modern tantra in the form of meditations developed by Master Osho. In addition, the secrets of breathing, massage and sex are revealed, which help to improve the quality.
  2. "Introduction to Tantra. Transformation of Desires” Lama Yeshe. Tantric teachings are presented by a great master and famous teacher of our time. By reading this book one goes through all the stages of the tantric art.
In addition, from a sensory point of view, the process of sexual intercourse in Tantra has significant advantages over the style of intercourse characteristic of the West. Orgasm in most Western men occurs on average 2-5 minutes after penis insertion. With such a duration of contact, it is very difficult to fully experience pleasure. Tantra promotes the duration of sexual contact (from insertion to orgasm) from half an hour to an hour and a half, a greater degree of pleasure and extraordinary strength of orgasm.

Tantra and yoga have much in common and are complete psychophysical systems aimed at the physical and spiritual improvement of a person (therefore, instead of "Tantra", the term "Tantra Yoga" can be used). In each of them there are several ways to achieve the goal (and their goals are the same - the achievement of spiritual ecstasy, that is, ultimately the realization of the unity of all that exists): in yoga - through activity, knowledge, love for God, mental exercises; in Tantra - through sounds, visual images, sexual intercourse (sexual intercourse is the most effective means of achieving the goal in Tantra).

Why does Tantra pay so much attention to sexual intercourse between a man and a woman? First, sexual relations can open the door to the subconscious (albeit for a very short time). Secondly, in a state of the highest sexual ecstasy, the barriers of their own individuality dissolve in partners, the ability to realize the unity of everything that exists in the Universe appears; consciousness expands (the word "Tantra" is derived from the Sanskrit root "tan", meaning expansion), and the flow of knowledge overflows the mind (for the stable achievement of such ecstasy, a certain preparatory stage is needed, including special exercises).

If you are mastering Tantra or, having already mastered it, apply it in life, you should stop at a permanent partner. Partners can change, but this should be a rather rare occurrence, because you should study their tastes, affections, habits (including sexual ones) well.

For practicing both exercises and sexual contacts (in Tantra, sexual contacts are, in essence, exercises, because the ultimate goal of sexual intercourse is not to get pleasure, but, as mentioned above, to achieve spiritual Ecstasy) there must be good conditions, because any noise or someone's interference can significantly reduce the effectiveness of classes. It is better to exercise and have sexual intercourse during the day, but in general, night time is also acceptable for exercise.

As mentioned above, the method of Tantra is sexual intimacy, and of such intensity that the partners dissolve themselves in each other. If the partners are not scrupulously physically clean, their senses - smell and taste - will rise up, and the necessary dissolution in each other will not occur. Therefore, before sexual intercourse, great attention should be paid to cleanliness of the skin, oral cavity (it is advisable to clean the surface of the tongue from plaque with your fingers or a teaspoon), and genital organs.

When making love, you must be completely liberated. Allow yourself to cry, call, scream or moan during the pangs of sexual ecstasy (which is why it is so important to have the right conditions - the room must be well soundproofed). If you cannot freely make love, then Tantra is not for you.

Partners perceive and realize sexual intercourse as a completely natural phenomenon, organically woven into their lives. They are aware of the dualism of the universe, expressed in yin - yang, in "pluses" and "minuses", female and male. For them, sexual intercourse is a concrete reflection of the sexuality of the universe. Therefore, they deny a false sense of sin or shame.

Sexual intercourse in Tantra, which includes stroking, sexual games and direct intercourse, requires sufficient time, at least 2 hours. Of course, you can allocate time to all stages of contact, say, 50, 20 and 30 minutes. But the stages of sexual contact are difficult to subordinate to certain time frames, and therefore you should not plan the duration of the stages of contact (although the benchmark - 30 minutes for direct intercourse - should be present in your mind).

Movement during sexual intercourse should be light, effortless. After all, Tantra is also known as Tantra Yoga, and yoga, in order to be effective, eliminates stress in most cases. When you strain your body, the by-products of fatigue accumulate and your physical endurance decreases. (Tension also contributes to a more rapid onset of orgasm.) In addition, the movements must be performed gracefully, rhythmically. Sex in Tantra is like a dance of life and should be performed as elegantly as if you were dancing. Rejoice in the flow of movements, the smooth reaction of your body to the actions of a partner. Smoothly move from one movement to another so that it is imperceptible where one ends and another begins, and there would be a feeling of continuous love and understanding. When you learn to move effortlessly, you will realize that you are losing the sense of time, since time, in our understanding, is a sequence of events following one after another. And the loss of a sense of passing time leads to the dissolution of partners in each other and, ultimately, to ecstasy.

In Tantra, the sexual act must be lengthened, which requires continuous physical effort and the use of muscles that modern men and women rarely train and develop. Exercises are done for 10 minutes a day (in the morning) for 1-2 months, then they need to be performed 1 time for 10-20 minutes a week. The exercises are best done outdoors, and if you are doing them in a room, then do it in front of a mirror. After exercise, you should relax in a lying position for 7-10 minutes.

Lie on the floor face down, forearms and palms on the sides of the chest. Straining your back muscles, raise your chest and tilt your head back, looking at the ceiling. Perform the exercise 3 times.

Stand against the wall, heels, buttocks and back touch the wall. The whole body is relaxed, especially the muscles of the buttocks. Squeeze the buttocks, draw in the stomach so that the pelvis rises and protrudes. In this case, only the buttocks lose contact with the wall. Relax after 5-10 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

Stand against the wall. The walls touch only the forehead and chest. The legs are slightly apart, the knees are slightly bent, the toes are slightly moved away from the wall. Try to lift your pelvis as high up the wall as possible without going up on your toes. Repeat 3 times.

Sit on the floor with your legs extended and your hands on your knees. Alternately tighten the muscles of the buttocks so that they “drag” you along the floor forward, first on one side, then on the other. While moving, bend your knees slightly, but straighten them before each tension. (This exercise is effective not only for strengthening the muscles used in sexual intercourse, but also for reducing the size of the hips and buttocks.) Repeat 3 times.

Standing, legs apart 30 cm, focus on the heels. Rotate the toes inward, then in the opposite direction. Make 7 movements (back and forth). Then shift your weight onto your toes and rotate your heels in and then out. Make 7 movements.

Exercises to increase the receptivity of the senses contribute to the dissolution of partners in each other and the expansion of their consciousness. When performing the exercises, we will shift the center of consciousness to each of the sense organs. To make it easier to do this in exercises to increase the susceptibility of the sense organs, we will work out the movement of consciousness as a separate exercise. Let's say you want to move your center of consciousness in the head area to the ankle of your foot (let's say your right foot). Close your eyes and imagine your right leg growing from the top of your head; ankle - in the center of the head, then the calves, knee, thigh, inguinal region and the rest of the body rise up with the head reduced in size by the distance and resting on the blue sky. Holding this image for a while and imagining that the ball of the foot and the toes come out where the eyes and nose are, and the heel protrudes from the back of the head, you may at first feel dizzy and your picture will blur and fade, returning consciousness to the head. But you will notice that the right ankle is warm and tingly. This exercise is not difficult, it just takes some skill. Therefore, after several attempts, you will be able to hold the image for several minutes; and the more warm and tingly you feel, the more successful you have been in shifting your consciousness.

Let's go directly to the exercises to increase the susceptibility of the senses.

Take five samples of different fabrics (pieces of velvet, wool, cotton, silk, synthetic). Look at them, touch them, trying to remember their texture, then close your eyes, mix them up and use your fingers to try to determine which piece of fabric you are touching. Now ask your partner to run each piece of fabric in turn over any of your exposed areas of the body. Try to determine which piece of cloth touched you. If you have difficulty recognizing pieces of tissue, move the center of your consciousness to the part of the body with which you are trying to recognize the object.

When listening to chamber music played on 3-5 instruments, try to highlight the playing of one instrument, that is, you should follow the performance of the part on this instrument, as if you were following the voice of your good interlocutor, who is telling a story among many other conversational faces. Then highlight the play of other instruments in the same way. Walk late at night on a quiet road and note all the sounds you hear. After two days, try to note additional sounds. Late in the evening close the door of the room, turn off the light and try to listen to all the sounds of silence: the sounds of breathing, the beating of your heart, the sounds in your throat when you swallow, and others.

The quality of any color is determined by hue, chiaroscuro (density) and chromatic scale. Hue refers to the base color. So, the red color has dark red, scarlet, chestnut, pink shades. Chiaroscuro reflects the light or dark tone of a hue. Chromatic gamma refers to the intensity of a hue. Look at a color reproduction by some old master. Make a list of colors, different shades, density and chromatic range. Then look at the reproduction through a magnifying glass and compare how many more color nuances you have not identified in the first case. Next time take another reproduction and do the same experiment. Do the exercise for a week. Gradually, the definition of color nuances will be more successful. Practice in your room. Determine what colors of walls and objects can be listed. Repeat this a few more times, comparing the result with previous observations.

Find six items with different but not overpowering odors and hone your sense of smell. You can take toilet soap, a toasted slice of bread, orange peel, lemon peel, a pinch of tobacco, a pinch of starch. Lay them out on the table and smell each item separately to get a clear idea of ​​the scent of each. When you are sure that you can distinguish each smell well, blindfold your eyes and ask your partner to bring a tray with all the items to your nose. Identify items by smell. When you guess four items out of six, try to have the items grouped in twos, that is, three groups of items will be formed. Smell them blindfolded and try to identify the constituent elements of each group. Then try to identify the constituent elements of the two groups (each group has 3 items).

Before each lesson on working out the susceptibility of taste, you need to clean your mouth and tongue, rinse your mouth with cool water. Put a little sugar in a glass of water, stir to dissolve the sugar. Taste it. If you don't taste sugar, add a little more, stir and try again. Note how much sugar must be in order for you to taste it in the water. Repeat this experiment with salt and then with lemon juice. Do the exercises every day until you can distinguish half of the original amount of sugar, salt and lemon.

Just as there is nothing dead in the world, there is nothing neuter in it. Everything that is characterized by roundness, softness, crevice, inflow, suction (the warm roundness of an electric lamp, the gentle touch of the breeze on your cheek, a crack in the ground, rainwater flowing down a drain) is all feminine. Everything that protrudes, angularly, peels, jets (the hard surface of a metal blank driven into the ground by a pile, a fire hose throwing water onto the asphalt) is masculine. You need to see femininity in every woman, in every man - the masculine principle and to distinguish between the feminine and masculine principles in everything that surrounds you. For example, you can think of a tree trunk as a woman's rounded thigh, swaying balloons as a girl's firm breasts, a synthetic rug as a man's chest hair. Add to such visualizations that you can create casually (on the way home or to work, on an evening walk, and sometimes at home when you come from work and change clothes), the exercises that will be given below, and you will gradually break through the mental barriers and see the real reality of the universe, expressed by the sexuality of everything in the universe. The colors, smells, sounds, tastes and touches of things will become more vibrant and you will smile for the simple reason that you are alive. People on the path. Tantras should live as if in a spring fever that never ends, love for everything that is in the world. And they can come to this through the development of sensitivity to the sexuality of the universe.

All this does not mean that the Tantric is always sexually aroused. It is completely indifferent to him whether any person is sexually available to him at the moment. The main thing for a Tantric is to see the sexual beauty in everything that surrounds him (based on the sexuality of the universe). In practical terms, this ability to see the sexual beauty in everything is a necessary step towards acquiring the ability of spiritual ecstasy.

The first exercise is performed in a relaxed state, preferably in bed, before falling asleep. Imagine that you are lying naked in a boat floating down the river. Warm sunny day, blue sky with scattered bunches of clouds. The boat slowly floats under the branches of trees hanging over the river. Listen to the sounds of water lapping the sides of the boat, the buzzing of bees in the flower-filled meadows that the river flows past. Feel the smells in your lungs and feel their pleasant bouquet on your tongue. Feel the warm effect of sunlight on your body and the cool effect of shadows, a slight breeze, as well as the rigid structures of the boat. Now imagine that your partner is swimming with you, lying naked in your arms. It is not necessary to move your arms in order to more clearly feel the body of your partner: make sure of his presence with the help of your senses: feel his aroma, the sounds of breathing; feel the touch of your partner's skin, hair on your body. It is possible that because of the brightness of the performances, you will feel a slight desire. Don't stop it, but don't do anything either. Let your excitement become part of the sensitive perception of the scene being presented.

Let the boat float - float, float until you fall asleep.

The exercise is performed every day for 5-7 days (usually during this time the imaginary picture of events stabilizes). On the 5-7th day, a picture of events can arise without much effort, as if by itself. In this case, minor events may occur in an imaginary scene, but this is not so important. Another thing is important: no one else should intrude into your picture, because this is your river, it is removed from all outsiders, and only you and your partner are swimming along this river.

After 5-7 days, use the worked out picture of events for a week as a means of relaxation and calm. For relaxation, it is not necessary to take a lying position, you can restore the worked out picture in a sitting position. Lying and sitting postures can also be used to calm the nervous system (if you are worried about something). And in this, and in another case, it must be remembered that it is not enough to present a picture of events. You should, as far as possible, smell, taste, touch. (For men, this exercise is also useful in a purely sexual sense: it will teach them to control an erection, keeping the erotic element of an imaginary picture within the framework of physical control.)

The purpose of the second exercise is to become fully familiar with your body, learn to look at it with interest and enjoy it (and in addition, learn not to be embarrassed by your body, to discard shame and shyness). Undress and sit in front of a mirror. Straighten up so that your back is straight, tighten your stomach, spread your legs apart. Try to breathe deeply, but without tension, naturally. Now look at yourself honestly and without any shame. Imagine that you do not just see yourself as a person, an individuality: you see the personification of your gender, a man or a woman, Adam or Eve. Move your consciousness outward from the head area: imagine that you are secretly peeping at yourself, admiring the body reflected in the mirror. Be sincere, free in assessment, critical and admiring, if there are grounds for this.

The continuation of this exercise, the second part of it, performed after 2-3 days, is the following. Imagine your naked body in the institution where you work. You are at your workplace. Present in full detail the reaction of all those present. And again, the picture should be as clear as possible, for which use all the senses: you see frightened looks, hear exclamations and the rumble of falling chairs, feel the clothes of people running past you, smell perfume or coffee, tea. When the panic reaches its climax, calmly enter your boat (imagine a river flowing through an institution) and set sail again away from human eyes, drifting out of time, out of the final destination, in peace and tranquility.

The last exercise that helps to get closer to understanding the sexuality of the entire universe is the exercise that develops the ability to penetrate people's clothes with the mind's eye. Imagine again your calm drifting in a boat. As soon as you get off the boat naked (the drift of the boat passes through your establishment) and those present begin to express their fear and surprise, turn on your internal X-ray machine (imagine that you have such a machine) and shine their bodies through their clothes. This exercise requires a certain amount of time (2-3 weeks) in order to achieve a kind of real vision of naked people. After 5-6 minutes, leave the people in question, return to the boat and continue your drift.

Several exercises are designed to develop a state in which partners spiritually merge with each other.

Mutual penetration is the last moment before reaching the state of spiritual ecstasy.

It is desirable to perform exercises individually, in the same place, every day (for each exercise for 5-6 days). The practitioner should be warned against wanting to achieve greater success in these exercises compared to his partner. The fact is that with the help of these exercises, one of the partners becomes almost obsessed with the other, which is important for achieving a state of ecstasy in the process of sexual contact, in which, as it were, one’s own “I” dissolves. But the obsession must be mutual: a man must be attached to a female partner, as she is to him. If there is no balance in attachment, one of the partners (having a lower degree of attachment) may feel dislike and even disgust for the attachment of the other and, as a result, want to break off the relationship. Therefore, partners need to constantly exchange information about their success in these exercises. If the achievement of one exceeds that of the other, the successful partner should suspend the practice and wait for the corresponding success of the other.

The first exercise promotes mental relaxation and separation of your "I" from consciousness (which is the first step in thought control). Sit in a comfortable position and relax your body, close your eyes. Imagine that you are, as it were, suspended in the air over a vast plain. While this plain is in pre-dawn darkness, but you know that soon the sun will rise and you will see forest, fields and lakes, a meandering riverbed, distant trees and a mountain range. on the horizon. And now try to feel the details of the picture lying under the cover of darkness: the brilliance of the water surface of the river and lakes; the breeze stirring the grass; haze on the tops of the hills. As you experience this, you will begin to realize that your consciousness can move freely throughout the landscape like a patch of fluff. You will soon be filled with a sense of calm, peace and quiet joy. On this calm wave of peace and joy, smiling, go even higher, as it were, and let this picture disappear from your head. Then a stream of consciousness will slowly arise: first, thoughts about memorable pleasant situations for you and emotions associated with them will appear; then thoughts will arise, generating optimistic plans associated with these situations, and a further upsurge in mood; then thoughts will flow about your success in life as a result of the implementation of these plans and a further rise in mood and pride in yourself.

In the stream of consciousness, a thought rarely reaches its logical conclusion, since it gives rise to another thought before any conclusion is drawn from it. You should not influence or change your stream of consciousness. Stay away from the kaleidoscope of thoughts and calmly observe them. It is this position of yours that is correct; with such a position, thoughts will gradually, as if by themselves, dry up or disappear.

The second exercise enhances your ability to focus on a single subject so that it fills your entire consciousness. In a comfortable position, look at any object (pencil, coin, your finger) for 3-4 minutes. The gaze must remain within the subject at all times. Look at the object up and down, find all the new smallest details. After a few days, focus on the flame of a candle placed in front of a mirror. Your attention should be captured not only by the flame of the candle, but also by the air space around it: the flickering of thermal radiation, the “microscopic” rustle of fire, the faint smell of burning. Let the flame completely fill your senses - you should see the vibration of radiation, feel the sound and smell of burning. Merge with the flame, become it, so that it is around you. You yourself are the flame, and the flame is you, your life.

The third exercise is from Mantra Yoga. Centuries ago, the ancient Hindus paid considerable attention to the repeated repetition of sacred names and phrases. It turns out that if you repeatedly repeat (or sing) the name of a person, then a strong energy exchange between you can occur and you can have a great influence on each other. You can strongly attach this person to you or you yourself become attached to him.

Sit in a free, relaxed position in front of the flame and, excluding all extraneous thoughts (all attention should be concentrated on the flame), begin to sing the name of your partner, giving full force to each syllable, concentrating the power of the syllables on different parts of your body (the sound "and" should be high in tone to excite the upper part of the skull, while you should feel a ringing or tingling at the top and center of the head; the sound "e" fills the throat with vibration; at the sound "a" feel the resonance in the chest; at the sound "o" direct attention on your hips, and if you do it right, you can feel a tingling sensation in your pelvic area). The name is stretched for one full exhalation, but for each syllable - an equal length of time. When you finish saying the name, take a breath and repeat it many times over. For the first 6-7 days, when singing the name, express the syllables clearly, with full resonant force. For the next 7 days, do this: sing the name, as usual, out loud 10 times, and then sing mentally until the end of the session, and the duration of singing the name should coincide with the heartbeat (soon the mental pronunciation of the name will not require any effort, it will become a subconsciously performed part of your life ). In the future (two weeks after the start of mastering the exercise), you will mentally sing the name whenever you have a free moment or when you want to relax. As you become more proficient in mentally singing the name, you will find that you are not actually singing, but are simply aware that your song is being sung subconsciously (at this stage you will realize that you have touched reservoirs of calm and serenity that you had no idea about). slightest idea).

In the last exercise we will learn the so-called penetration (embodiment). Apart from the fact that penetration allows us to go to the stage of spiritual ecstasy during sexual contact, it is an essential component of a person's spiritual life. Penetration does not express an abstract empathy for the joy or pain of another. No, these are your own sorrows, joys and pains. It can be considered that you are filled with insight when you look at the world through the eyes of others. Penetration is evident when you ask yourself: “How would I feel if I were this person?”

Sit in a comfortable position in front of a mirror in the nude, place a lit candle in front of you so that the flame of the candle is below eye level. Place a photo of your partner next to the candle and put some of his things nearby that would remind you of him with their look and smell. Only one candle is lit, all other light sources are off. Breathe easily, freely; examine your body and evaluate objectively. Criticize it, admire it if there is a reason for it, but be proud of it as a body that represents your gender. When your senses are aroused with self-praise, look at the flame. Look at it and fill your brain with it: fix its shape, quality, color, intensity (the flame is one of the symbols of the sexual power contained in us, which you aroused by looking with love at your naked body). Now take in the image of the flame and close your eyes. Imagine that you are immersed in the heart of the flame. The life-giving fire surrounds you, you bathe in it. You are the flame and the flame is you. Your material body is burned, and only your real self is on fire. A few minutes after plunging into the flame, begin to say (or rather sing) aloud the name of the partner. Repeat the name over and over. Gradually you will feel how the flame is filled with the essence of your partner; now the flame and your partner are one and the same, and your brain is, as it were, filled with the partner's thoughts. Now bring your consciousness closer and closer to the flame. You must again fall into the flame that is already occupied, and you must merge not only with it, but with the face that burns, but does not burn out in it - with your partner. Align the center of your consciousness with the center of the flame, merge with the flame and with your partner (while repeating the name of the partner all the time).

At the last stage of the preparatory stage, the partners conduct joint classes, acquiring the skills of containing and controlling sexual emotions, due to which the duration of sexual contact is achieved (including sexual games and sexual intercourse itself). This stage of the preparatory stage has a duration of only 3 days, during which the partners must be free from their usual activities, including work. The best thing is to go away together somewhere these days. These three days require strict sexual abstinence. You should stop doing all the exercises described above.

Walk a lot on the first day. Imagine that you met for the first time and felt attracted to each other; you hope to find the love you were looking for. Take care of each other. Courtship reflects the process of mutual attraction, including courtesy, gallantry, charm, courtesy, respect. Show these qualities to each other.

Start the second day with an exercise that allows you to develop the skills to contain sexual emotions. Undress and sit opposite each other. Start stroking each other very gently and delicately. Touches should be light, devoid of erotic content. Just touch and stroke for half an hour. If you feel that you are ready to explode from your desires, stop stroking, lean back, breathe deeply and calm down. In this case, the yoga pose Sarvangasa-na (candle) helps a lot. This posture promotes the ebb of blood from the genitals and reduces pain from a prolonged rush of blood in them.

In the evening, also stroke for 20-30 minutes, but now it will be of a slightly different nature. When you stroke your partner, try to feel the touch as if your partner is touching you. For example, when you touch your partner's shoulder, you should feel this touch on your shoulder; when you touch your cheek, feel the touch on your cheek. In this case, your partner will also touch you, but you should not pay attention to this. You should feel your touch, not your partner's. Also, the partner should not feel your touch. In fifteen minutes you will master the technique of such stroking. And when you reach out to touch your partner's neck, you will begin to feel a tingling sensation in the neck; when you put your hand on his shoulder, the skin on your shoulder will also tingle. You will have a feeling of lightness and, as it were, the unreality of what is happening, because in reality you are trying to transfer your center of consciousness to your partner. Your sexual emotions will be intense, but they will resemble an inner heat, and holding back sexual emotions in this case is quite easy.

On the afternoon of the third day, continue stroking with mutual penetration (which we have just described). Stroking the whole body, including the genitals, is already allowed here. The touch should be light and again felt on your own body. When a woman strokes her penis, she should feel a touch on her genitals. So is the man. Stroke for 30 minutes, then relax and breathe deeply for 3 minutes. Then the man lies on his back, the woman sits on him, legs wide apart, facing him and very slowly, very carefully inserts his penis into herself. After that, there should be no movement. The woman stretches and lays down on him. Both partners lie quietly until the man's erection weakens. Orgasm should not be, only calmness, deep mutual penetration.

In the evening, the same stroking as in the afternoon. After half an hour you can enter, for the first time in three days, into sexual intercourse. You will experience an orgasm of extraordinary power. And most importantly, you will be ready for the spiritual trance that comes after the orgasm.

Question: Beloved Osho, the search for the highest is individual, but can you explain the importance of the role of the Beloved in Tantra and our search for ourselves?

Osho: It is very complicated and confusing, but it needs to be understood: if you are not in love, you suffer from loneliness. If you are in love, really in love, you become self-sufficient. Loneliness is sadness, self-sufficiency is not sadness. Loneliness is a feeling of inferiority. You need someone, and the one you need is not around. Loneliness is darkness, without a single ray of light. A dark house waiting for someone to come and turn on the light.

Self-sufficiency is not loneliness. Self-sufficiency is the feeling of being fulfilled. No one is needed, you are enough. And this feeling is possible only through love. Lovers become self-sufficient, through their love they touch their inner fulfillment. Love fills you. Lovers share with each other, not because they feel the need for it, but because the energy overflows them.

Two people who suffer from loneliness can make contact, can live together. They are not lovers, remember. They continue to suffer from loneliness. Now, because of the presence of the other, they don't feel alone - that's all. They deceive themselves. Their love is nothing but a trick to delude themselves: I am not alone, there is someone nearby. Since two people who suffer from loneliness meet, their loneliness is doubled, or even multiplied. This is how it usually happens.

You suffer from loneliness when you are alone with yourself, and when you are in a relationship you feel miserable. This is what you see every day. When people suffer from loneliness, they feel it and look for someone to get rid of loneliness. When they are in a relationship, then suffering begins; then they feel that it is better to be alone – this relationship is too hard for them. What is going on?

Two lonelinesses meet - this means that two gloomy, sad, unhappy people meet. Their suffering is multiplied. How can two ugliness become beauty? How can two lonelinesses walking side by side become a fullness, a totality? This is impossible. They exploit each other, they somehow try to deceive themselves through the other. But this deception will not lead to anything good. By the time the honeymoon is over, the marriage will be over too. These relationships are very short lived. It's just an illusion.

True love is not a search to get away from loneliness. True love is the transformation of loneliness into self-sufficiency. To help another, if you love a person, you will help him become self-sufficient. You don't fill him/her with yourself. You help the other to be self-sufficient, to be so filled with his/her own essence that you will not be needed.

When a person is absolutely free, then dialogue is possible out of this freedom. Then lovers give much to each other, but not because it is necessary to give; they give a lot to each other, but it doesn't seem like a good deal. Lovers give a lot to each other because they have something to give. They give because they enjoy it. Lovers are self-sufficient, and a truly loving person will not violate your self-sufficiency. You will always respect each other's self-sufficiency. It's sacred. Lovers keep their distance and do not violate this sacred space.

But usually, lovers, so-called lovers, are very afraid of each other, his/her self-sufficiency, his/her independence; they are very much afraid - because they think that if the other is independent, then they will not be needed, and then they will be abandoned. Therefore, a woman tries to make her husband remain dependent on her, so that she remains valuable to him. And also the husband tries in every way to make the woman need him, and he remains valuable. It's a deal
ah, and it is a constant conflict, a struggle. The struggle to win the freedom of another.

Love gives freedom, not only gives, butand amplifies it. Anything that takes away freedom is not love. It's something else. Love and freedom go together; they are like two wings of the same bird. Whenever you feel that your love is contrary to freedom - this means that this is not love, you only hide behind it.

Let this be your criterion: freedom as a criterion; love sets you free, makes you free, sets you free. And then, when you completely belong to yourself, you will feel gratitude to the person who helped you. This gratitude is almost religious. You feel something divine in the other person. He made you free, or she made you free, and love didn't become a possession.

When love is destroyed, it turns into possession, jealousy, power struggles, politics, domination, manipulation - a thousand and one nuances that are all ugly. When love soars high in the clear sky, it is freedom, absolute freedom. This is moksha - absolute freedom.

And now the question is:“The search for the highest is individual, but can you explain the importance of the role of the Beloved in Tantra and our search for ourselves?”

Tantra is love in its purest form. Tantra is a way of purifying love from everything that poisons it. When you are in love, I am talking about LOVE, your true love will help the other become whole. Your true love will have a cementing power for the other. In your love, the other will find inner harmony, because your love gives freedom; in the shadow of your love, under the protection of your love, another will begin to grow.

All growth needs love, unconditional love. If love sets conditions, then growth cannot be total, because those conditions become obstacles in its path. Love unconditionally. Don't ask for anything in return. A lot comes by itself. Don't be a beggar. In love, be an emperor. Just give and see what happens....it will come back a thousandfold. But this needs to be learned. Otherwise, you will remain a miser. Most often, they give a little, but expect a lot in return, and these expectations and hopes of yours destroy the whole beauty of love.

When you wait or expect something, the other feels that you are manipulating. He may or may not say it, but he will feel that you are manipulating. And when you feel that you are being manipulated, you want to rebel against it, because it is contrary to the needs of your soul, because any demand from the outside violates your integrity. Any demand from the outside divides you in half. Any demand from outside is a crime against you, because it pollutes your freedom. You are no longer sacred. You are no longer perfection itself - you have been used. And the most immoral thing in the world is to take advantage of someone.

Every being is a goal for itself. Love accepts you for who you are. You shouldn't have any expectations. Tantra is the highest form of love. Tantra is a science, the yoga of love.

So remember a few things. First: love, but not as a necessity, but as a dialogue. Love, but don't expect - come on. Love, but remember that your love should not be a prison for the other. Love, but be careful; you are "walking" on sacred ground. You enter the highest, purest, holiest temple. Be vigilant! Leave all the dirt outside the temple. When you love a person, love him like a god, no less. Never love a woman like a woman and a man like a man, because if you love a man like a man, your love is ordinary. Your love goes no further than lust. If you love a woman like a woman, your love will not soar in the clouds. Love a woman like a goddess, then love becomes freedom.

In Tantra, a man who wants to make love to a woman must worship her as a goddess for months. He must visualize the mother goddess in the woman. When the visualization becomes total, then there will be no lust at the sight of a naked woman sitting next to him, he will simply feel a shiver from the divine energy. There will be no lust, the woman herself will become divine, all thoughts will stop, and only reverence will remain - only then can he make love to her.

This sounds like an absurdity or a paradox. When you no longer need to make love, then you can make love. When a woman becomes a goddess, then a man can make love to her – because now love can soar high in the sky, love can reach its peak, its pinnacle. Now it will not be earthly love, will not be the love of this world; will not be the love of two bodies, but the love of two essences. It is the meeting of two existences. Two souls meet, merge, mix, and both will come out of it absolutely self-sufficient.

Self-sufficiency means purity. Self-sufficiency means it's just you and no one else. Self-sufficiency means that you are the purest jewel, just gold and nothing else... just you. Love makes you self-sufficient. Loneliness will disappear, but self-sufficiency will appear.

Lovers are grateful that their love was accepted. They feel grateful because they were so overwhelmed with energy and they needed to pour it out on someone. When a flower blooms and spreads its fragrance to the winds, it is grateful to the wind - the fragrance got bigger and bigger and became heavy for it. It has become almost an unbearable burden. It's like a woman who is pregnant, nine months have already passed, and the child is not born. At this moment it is very difficult for her; she wants to give the baby to this world. This is the meaning of birth.

Until that moment, she had carried the child in her. It was her child. But now it's hard; she can no longer wear it. It must be given; the child must be given to the world. The mother has to give up her greed. The moment a child leaves the mother's womb, it no longer belongs to her alone; step by step he leaves her, and goes further and further away. He becomes part of this vast world. The same thing happens with a cloud full of rain and ready to pour rain, and when it rains, it rains, the cloud feels freed from this burden and happy and grateful to the thirsty earth, because it receives this rain.

There are two kinds of love. First: love, when you suffer from loneliness - as a necessity, you go to another. Second: when you do not suffer from loneliness, you are self-sufficient. In the first case, you go to get something, in the second, to give. The one who gives is the emperor.
Remember, Tantra is not ordinary love. It has nothing to do with lust. This is the greatest transformation of lust into love. The basic search is individual – but love makes you an individual. If it doesn't make you an individual, if it tries to make you a slave, then it's not love - it's hate pretending to be love. Pretending to be love, hate hides behind it and somehow it tries to control you by pretending to be love.

Such love kills, destroys your individuality. It allows you to be individual less and less. She pulls you down. You don't get better, you don't get attractive. You are dragged into the mud. And you start to feel like you're sinking into something dirty. Love should give freedom - never settle for less. Love should make you a white cloud, absolutely free, floating in the sky of freedom, without a single attachment. Love is not attachment, lust is.

Meditation and love are two ways to approach the individuality I am talking about. Both are very, very, very connected to each other. In fact, these are two sides of the same coin: love and meditation.

If you love deeply, step by step you will realize that your love is becoming more and more meditative. An elusive quality of silence enters you. Thoughts disappear, there are gaps of silence. You touch your depth.

Love makes you meditative if it is true love.
Meditation makes you loving, if that is true meditation.

And basically, in the world, there are two types of people: those who come to meditation through love, and those who come to love through meditation.
For those who come to meditation through love, this is the way of Tantra, this is their way. For those who come to love through meditation, this is Yoga, this is their way.

Tantra and Yoga are the only two ways - basic and very fundamental. But in both cases, you can go in the wrong direction if you don't get them right. So the criterion is – listen – if you meditate and it doesn't become love, know that you are going nowhere. You will find 99 yogis out of 100 who go the wrong way. The more they go into their meditation, the further they are from love. In fact, they are afraid of love. They begin to think of love as a distraction. Then their meditation is not real. Meditation from which love does not emerge is not meditation at all. This is a departure from reality, this is not growth. It is like if a seed is afraid to become a plant and a flowering flower, and afraid to spread its fragrance in the air, the seed will become miserable.

You will find such yogis all over India. Their meditation did not blossom. Their meditation somewhere stopped halfway. They got stuck. You won't see gratitude on their faces, you won't see wisdom in their eyes. You will feel an atmosphere of boredom and stupidity around them. You will not find them alert, aware, alive. They are dead....because if you are alive, you will become loving. Avoiding love is avoiding life.

And these people run away to the Himalayas, somewhere where they can be alone. It won't be self-sufficiency, it will be loneliness - you can read it on their faces. They are unhappy in their loneliness. On their faces you will see the anguish - what nonsense! – as if they are sacrificing themselves. Ego you will find there; not humility, because when humility comes, then love also comes. When the ego becomes too strong, then love is destroyed completely. Ego is the antonym of love.

Yoga is in the hands of the wrong people. And the same thing happens with Tantra. Under the name of Tantra, people simply began to satisfy their lust, sex and perversions. She never becomes meditative. It has become a valid excuse for lust, sex and passion. It became a ruse; you can hide behind it. Tantra has become a front for all kinds of perversions.

So remember. The man is very cunning. He destroyed yoga, he destroyed Tantra. Stay vigilant! They are both very good, they are extremely healing, but it should be remembered that if you do one correctly, the second follows the first like a shadow. If it doesn't, then you're going in the wrong direction.
Step back, start over. Go into your mind, analyze your mind. Somewhere you deceived yourself. And it is not difficult - because you can deceive others, but you cannot deceive yourself. This is impossible. If you just look within and observe, you will find where you have deceived yourself. Nobody can deceive himself, it is impossible. How can you deceive yourself?

Osho "Search"

“The hedgehogs cried, pricked themselves, but continued to eat the cactus…”

Once upon a time in Moscow there was a very nice, bright and talented coach. Not ordinary, like the coach of a football team, but outlandish - in the practice of tantric sex. At one far from perfect moment, he climbed onto the windowsill and jumped down from the top floor of the skyscraper. The ending is sad, but from the point of view of modern science, it is quite understandable. Ignorance of the laws (of nature) does not exempt from responsibility.

Tantra, NLP, Hellinger constellations, any "personal growth" seminars - all these are really working psychotechnics. Why all this is good is described in detail in the relevant promotional materials, but tips like "Don't fit in - it will kill you!" and "Do not stand under the load and the boom!" - are extremely rare. Not a single bad word has been said about Tantra at all. And we won't tell. But we will show from the point of view of physics how tantric sex (in the situation “The monkey is playing with a grenade”) can undermine health or even take life.

Interest in tantra, tantric sex(as a practice of spiritual growth), healing through the management of sexual energy, and simply the techniques of "virtuoso" sex - a huge one. It is a pity that there is little reliable information. And, besides, there is no cultural "bed" at all, in which the ancient spiritual tradition could take root. We say "sex" - we mean "bed". We say "Indian spiritual practice" - we mean the aroma of incense and the singing of mantras. One with the other is somehow not mounted. In an attempt to understand the issue, the most important thing is not to be clever and not to roll your eyes meaningfully. Just everything! And tough! Because at first, as usual, there was a word. And the word, of course, was God. Or Absolute. Or Spirit. In this case, it doesn't matter. The main thing is to understand that it means a certain higher principle, by uniting with which a person acquires the Meaning of Being, Happiness, Health.

A "cool bonus" to all of the above - the strongest sexual (bodily) experiences. The modern purely materialistic society, which has forgotten about such a concept as individual Spirituality, is ready to be content with only a multiple orgasm, which is promised to them in the form of a learning result.

Again the cold, winter - for years, And the angels fly to the south. Tomorrow we will fly, you - at sunrise, And for me, in everything - at sunset.
But I will break off the ground, Like a dog from a chain, And I will rise to the clouds. And I will enter the clouds, My country is far away, But I will find you there. Oh, cardboard wings - These are the wings of love.

("Time Machine")

So, at first there was an idea - white and fluffy. And where there is an idea, there is also a symbol - the fullness that arises from the merger of male and female. In other words, Yin and Yang, day and night, dry and wet.

This is how it always happens in general: something positive, natural, creative is born, grows ... Suddenly - Bang! - Bad Uncle comes and makes white black, using a sound idea for his own selfish purposes.

So it was with the swastika, an ancient symbol that became the emblem of Nazism. Recent (in a historical context) history crossed out the tradition of antiquity. Today, this symbol is strongly banned in Germany, as giving rise to "unhealthy" associations among the townsfolk. At the same time, they also banned the deep philosophical postulate “To each his own!”, With which the Nazis managed to “decorate” the gates of the concentration camp. Castration of ideas and labeling is generally a sign of the present time, when quality (meaning) is being exchanged with frightening constancy for quantity (form).

Tantra appeared in those ancient times, when the greatest spiritual experience of past civilizations was rapidly degrading. Indian society, strictly divided into castes, was ruled exclusively by brahmins and military nobility - kshatriyas. The mass of "biological people" (in India, this is the caste of "attendants" - Shudras) is inert and passive. Without guidance from the "party and government," biomass simply cannot move forward, or anywhere at all. Creativity, foresight, striving for goals - this is the lot of not only “reasonable people” (middle-level commanders), but to a greater extent “spiritual people” (according to the condition of the task of top management) who are able to understand and accept the laws of Nature and, following them FEEL what, when and why should be done.

What does Tantra and tantric sex have to do with it?

Yes, despite the fact that initially tantra was invented as a real tool for ensuring the viability and effective social activity of the top leaders of the state. What a fidgeting on the bed and a two-hour orgasm, built into an absolute result. This is not true!

An absurd situation: a passenger enters the cockpit of an airliner - a stoned pimply teenager and asks the pilot: "Uncle, let me fly!" He, of course, will be refused, because he is not a pilot. But from a different point of view, the situation does not seem so absurd if we are talking about “flights” to the subtle planes of the existence of matter, that is, penetration into the levels of bodies of subtle dimensions. Ancient practices (not understood, but tested), modern technologies and technical devices allow "non-pilots" to fly high and far. True, and falling from there is very painful, since a parachute is not provided.

You don't have to look far for examples. In esoteric circles and among fans of alternative medicine, a device called "Pharaoh's Cylinders" is well known. The pharaoh was indeed the real one - a sample of miraculous cylinders was found in his tomb. They sawed it, looked at how the curiosity works and set up mass production. It works - and great! How exactly it works is the tenth thing. It turned out that this device “collects” the subtle dimensions of the practicing individual into a harmonious body structure. At first, a person really feels a surge of strength, but there is a nuance. The “vibrated” problems of the higher planes – mostly karmic – begin to manifest themselves in the form of an exacerbation of chronic and hereditary diseases. Here "the tail falls off, then the paws ache." An amazing thing is that antibiotics (drugs with mental bodies) taken throughout life begin to activate (at the level of program impact)! Fear and horror, and complaints to the manufacturer. Now "Cylinders of the Pharaoh" is no longer on sale. But there are "Wands of Power" - similar devices with a weakened "penetrating ability".

Bad, wrong device? - Great tool!

The catch is that it was intended personally for the pharaoh. That is, the supreme social hierarch, who has undergone special training since childhood and has not had defeats that shatter to pieces and halves those who are “not a pilot”, “not a pharaoh”, but want “with a pig's snout, but in the Kalash line”.

Tantra is a virtuoso mastery of energies and bodies of subtle dimensions, focused on the power energy system of a person, namely, the sexual one. This is an effective tool for dynamically creating a neutral bisexual object. Not to be confused with hermaphrodite. The “right hemisphere”, intuitive woman and the “left hemisphere”, logical man, through the ritual of tantric sex, were combined into an amazing structure that has a unique penetrating ability in the bodies of subtle dimensions. The combat task is to get into direct contact with the Spirit (the causal plane of the existence of matter), to switch to the mode of "vertical" polarization of brain activity. This is nothing but a natural standard. The analogue is a neutron, an elementary particle that has mass but no charge (compound of alpha and beta particles). This is, of course, an analogy, but a very accurate one.

So, the coordinated center of consciousness of a woman and a man united for the time of the “contract” can penetrate through the bodies of higher dimensions to very high levels. In fact, this is communication with the absolute, that is, God. For what?

And then, that the created standard exists in linear time for quite a long time. After parting after such tantric sex, a man and a woman remain carriers of the qualities of this standard. Recall that in the past, tantric events were held in a limited space (palace). Moreover, the entourage of tantra participants were members of the higher castes, the circle of the elite, whose "tactical and technical characteristics" (the main characteristics of brain radiation) were in a narrow and similar range. Hence - the phenomenon of resonance, "induced holiness." That is, the adjustment of all those in the near zone to the natural standard created in the process of Tantra.

The "vertical" orientation to the Spirit, the Absolute has the most favorable consequences for people engaged in intellectual activity, whether it is the management of large teams (military leaders, politicians) or the implementation of commercial activities (financiers). People “switch on” creativity, intuition, foresight at the level of clairvoyance… At the highest levels of power, the speed and non-linearity of thinking is literally supernatural (from the point of view of a simple layman, a sudra). This is what, in fact, and not at all for carnal pleasures, tantra was originally intended for!

Higher leaders, one way or another, forced to communicate directly with the lower levels, very quickly "drained" (and even now) their potential and, remaining members of higher castes in form, in essence (the nature of the energy-information structure of bodies of fine dimensions and potencies) turned into Shudra For such people, communication with tantrists, touching the standard is the only way of social, and in the future, physical survival. Lost vigilance did not "count" the situation - then you "flew". From which side, it doesn't matter.

All this is good and healthy, and all this is theory. Because practice has shown that "it was clean on paper, but they forgot about the ravines." The ancient documents on tantric sex do not say a word about the individual spirituality of a man or woman. The woman there is just a “battery”. A man is a “receiving-transmitting device”.

Initially, the tantra ritual itself was lengthy, laborious and gave a rather low efficiency (efficiency factor) at the output. The room where the act of merging was planned was prepared for a long time and carefully. Directly in the process of tantric sex, a huge role was assigned to the procedure: aromas, rituals, ablutions ... All this was preceded by psychological training. You can even say that the worldview. A man was supposed to think about the image of his beloved. Continuously. Ideally, he should recognize the object of desire even by the touch of a silk handkerchief on his hand. Quite, by the way, a possible situation. This is an instant inclusion in physical contact, when the bodies of subtle dimensions are synchronized in advance.

With a woman, it's the same. It was even easier for her: there is nothing special to do in the palace, they are fed well and regularly. All that remains is to think about a partner :-). It's so easy to get overwhelmed by prolonged abstinence and incessant fantasies. Cases are described when a woman practicing tantra literally materialized her beloved next to her in the form of a felt body.

Sometimes I forget about love, But I forget about everything while loving. I don’t live without you, I don’t happen, Even if I live without you.
I look at you, as in a mirror, To dizziness. And I see my love in him and think about it. Let's not see the small In a mirror image. Love is long, And life is even longer.

(Yuri Antonov)

Fantasies about each other are nothing but a bridge of constant connection, formed according to the law of interaction of living systems. It sounds like this: "The strength of the interaction between the source and the receiver of the signal does not depend on the distance between them, but depends only on the degree of their coordination."

If the coordination is ongoing, then there is a transition from quantity to quality. The bodies of subtle dimensions are synchronized and united.

There may be such a situation: the subtle planes have already united, and the physical shells (bodies) are still running somewhere on their own. At a distance of 10 meters from each other, partners are already irresistibly attracted to each other, so they simply have no other options than to connect physically.

Real sexual relations do not take place in a variety of positions or intensity of interaction, but in establishing contact and freezing one partner near the other. This is the pleasure of slowly flowing orgasmic streams in both bodies. These are voluptuous but creative sensations. Due to such a connection, the permeability of bodies of subtle dimensions increases sharply and a channel of direct communication with subtle planes is established. God in such a situation joins with these bodies - a short circuit, is called.

That's what it is White Tantra!

This type of tantric sex serves to heal both partners, their emotional saturation and reconciliation with the divine standard.

The idea of ​​a paired relay (man and woman) of vertical creative energy into horizontal, socialized energy is present in many religions and cults. For example, in Buddhism there is a statue of a seated Buddha. This is nothing more than an analogue of the reducer: the vertical energy flow passes through the body of the Great Initiate and is transformed by his sexual energy center into social energy radiated through the knees. This quality of life energy arising from amounts of spirituality.

Visitors to the temple are allowed to use this device for the fulfillment of desires and gaining health. Such a “miracle” occurs if a TRUE believer, that is, a resonating comrade, brings his bodies of subtle dimensions into line with the proposed standard. By the way, this image of the Buddha has soft feminine contours of the body, but the genitals are assumed to be male. This is nothing more than a symbol of the harmony of both sexes. And it is written like this: “Where two or more unite in my name (vertical), there my Father will arrive among them and everything will be given to them, whatever they ask for.” Where there are two - male and female in a high degree of agreement.

As mentioned earlier, "production commanders" who have the opportunity to join the divine standard in the process of tantric sex, retain physical health, intuition, and the ability to make healthy creative decisions.

Each "commander" has some specialization. In any effective management mechanism, it is important to sit higher and look farther. That is, on the distant approaches to detect incoming enemy bombers. Not having such location stations or not believing them is fraught. In Pearl Harbor, the first radar station reported objects flying up to the base, but they were rudely “sent”, answering that it was, they say, a flock of geese, and the day off and the sailors should not be released ... But those were not geese. Now it is customary to trust early warning stations and raise troops on alert.

What does this mean in real practice? Any more or less capable person has bodies of subtle dimensions. On the creative channel, a person is able to rise to sufficiently high levels of the sustainable existence of matter and “see” those energy-informational structures that, passing through his individual informatorium (a set of knowledge, experience, available images and symbols), give rise to pictures - prophetic dreams, insights.

It's dark in the yard, I'm lying, watching a movie. Sleep sat down on a stool, Embroidering a birdcage. A crocodile is dancing in a cage, How did he get into the cage?
It's dark in the yard, I'm lying watching a movie. A crocodile is dancing in a cage, How did he get into the cage? Here we wake up, here we wake up, Here we wake up - we'll figure it out!

(Sergey Nikitin)

For example, the director of a defense enterprise sees that, according to the documents received, its production should be removed from its familiar place in the city center (now there will be a business center) and moved to new areas in the provinces. The documents say that new spacious buildings are ready, and access roads, and warehouses, and even the guards seem to have already stood still, standing on the towers ... But intuitively, the manager understands that there is not even a foundation there, and the money for construction has been stolen. On-site verification shows that this is the case. Conclusion: tear up and throw away the “pointer”, and suggest that those pointing to arrange a comprehensive check. But if he would fit into a move to an unexplored territory in advance - it’s his own fault!

All in all it turns out that tantra is an excellent invention. Why not organize your own “tantra services” at the enterprises and, thanks to the increased insight and wisdom of the commanders, not “catch up and overtake” everyone who is supposed to be in the shortest possible time?

And the thing is, there is a catch.

The present time, namely the period after 1998, is the era of individual docking with one's Spirit. Nature sets a task for every person personal spiritualization(and not paired, as originally conceived in tantra), as a condition for further survival.

Yes, only who listens to her, nature. In fact, we live in an atmosphere of total lack of spirituality and ignorance of the population. In ancient India, there were at least castes, the highest of which kept themselves at least in some kind of energy-informational purity. In our country, after 1917, there was a great mixing of peoples and social strata, to the point that even a cook was sometimes allowed to govern the state. In Europe and America, the situation is similar - militant materialism and practicality imply the adoption of the form of ancient spiritual practices, but an absolute unwillingness to understand their true meaning.

Caste is not a sign of superiority, but an inherent natural property. This is only the degree of maturity of the Spirit. It just so happens that the highest (high-frequency) information in its natural form is categorically harmful to representatives of the lower castes. They cannot become "conductive" enough for a powerful information flow without harm to their own health.

When they say that someone is engaged in higher practices - meditation or karmic corrections, then I want to immediately ask two questions. First, how long did a person go to initiation. Secondly, what personal health and social problems he solved with a real risk to his life.

It takes decades to put oneself in order, to “ripen”! This is a gigantic work on cleaning the bodies of subtle dimensions, building a system of worldview. Being in society, such a person is forced to constantly keep himself in a harmonious form. How exactly does he do it, and does he do it at all? After all, the real work is done on subtle plans a little bit, because he took a step and the “roar” goes from top to bottom - all plans are reset and the specialist “shakes” in a completely unchildish way. If the above conditions are not met, then falsification or self-deception takes place when a person lives in the world of his illusions. Illusions and delusions are contagious, as they are easily attainable and sometimes pleasant. That's just to pay for the pleasure of "wandering through the heavenly beds" have a real, not a fictitious price. These joys are not released on credit!

“There is no sex in the USSR!” It's funny, but it's not new at all. From the heyday of tantra, tantric practices in ancient India, to its decline, a little more than a century passed. It just so happened that the beautiful Taj Mahal has become a tombstone of creative love. Then there was a reaction in society. Its apogee in a long historical perspective was the European Inquisition. In the Middle Ages, a beautiful woman was automatically considered a fiend, a witch who, with her beauty, embarrassed men and distracted them from prayer (in this case, prayer means a logical procedure that excludes the process of including one's body in natural processes).

The concept of "marital duties" - this is from there. But about the "mysteries of oriental love" - ​​this is just from India. These sacraments were brought on Her Majesty's ships by the curious Doctors Watson, officers of the expeditionary corps, who during the period of the British occupation had access to Indian libraries and real carriers of knowledge.

But only the form of tantra (but not its deep meaning) was transferred to the Old World. Then to America. And with the fall of the iron curtain to Russia.

Today, in the vast majority of cases, tantra (tantric sex) is practiced in a castrated version. That is, bodily sensations may be present (for some time and not for everyone), and the true result is not available simply by definition.

This procedure looks wild to varying degrees. Let's immediately put underground salons out of the brackets, where under the guise of tantra, the audience simply engages in bizarre group sex. This is not relevant at all. We are talking about tantra seminars, excluding physical contact between a man and a woman, but involving the contact of their bodies of subtle dimensions, at least astral.

This can be seen in numerous videos on the Internet: desperately different in age, social status and other characteristics, people gather in the school gym or other inappropriate place. Dressed in T-shirts and sweatpants, individuals of both sexes somehow poorly fit in with the concept of the art of high love. One way or another, but all of them TECHNOLOGICALLY, that is, according to a certain tantric ritual, are “synchronized” by the energy centers of the body. And there is a law: As above, so below, as below, so above“... People who are unfamiliar with each other, with undischarged problems of different levels, “stick together” on the higher planes of the existence of matter. At the same time they inevitably exchange energy-informational problems. This is nothing more than a "gangbang", only not on the bodily, but on a higher level. Unlike traditional sex, problems do not spread from the bottom up, from the physical body to the bodies of subtle dimensions, as high as the emotional impulse received in the process of intercourse is enough, but vice versa - from the top down. Participants receive a portion of someone else's energy-informational "shit" in a concentrated form!!!

At the same time, history played tantra and fled» does not work! Any sexual connection (even established not at the physiological, but at the energy level during tantric sex) exists in the past of a person (and affects his present) until it is technologically broken. But they don't talk about it in seminars. Because they don't know anything about it. As sad experience shows, even the best representatives of tantra clubs and schools do not know about it.

And people go on and on just to join the eastern mysteries of tantric love and sex. They are interested.

It happens that at first the sensations are really interesting and pleasant. But you have to pay for such pleasure: the unification of energy shells is an extremely intimate act. It implies the presence of spiritual purity, equal social and cultural levels of partners. A participant in such an action should at least be free from energy ties with former sexual partners and genetic relatives - living or deceased. A person must have his own “full-valuable” energy and be “self-sustaining”. Only then does the talk of tantra begin to make sense..

If there is a closure of the energy centers of the bodies of people who are not equivalent in their potential, then there is a “drain” of energy from a pure person to a low-frequency one. Of course, this is good for the “poor fellow Sivolapom”. But not for long, because the acquired good is very quickly taken away by his personal vampires. And he still wants to! It's called addiction! (You can read more about this in the Reiki article.)

And what happens to the once "white and fluffy"? And he, out of curiosity and stupidity, simply participates in the act ... Bestiality!

Is it possible to have sex with a sheep? Technically, yes. There is even a benefit from this - it’s very good that the herd suddenly begins to understand the shepherd - their field characteristics are aligned: “I and you are of the same blood.” Once upon a time, a person who had potencies exchanges them for membership in a flock or a flock - that's how lucky anyone is. But for a modern cultured person, this is unacceptable! Remember castes? So if a person is initially at the level of an animal or close to that, then “ promiscuous tantra' is normal for him. He is at his level and remains - that's all. But if we are talking about people who are not just intelligent, but also spiritual in some places, then according to the field laws, it is not clear with whom to unite at the energy level with whom - it is simply unacceptable!

First - energy correction of subtle plans and karmic cleansing. After that, a sexual partner close in Spirit is searched for. And, here's the marvel - (at least the sensations that are expected from tantric practices) happens by itself! In the individual, one on one (man + woman), option. To “get it” you will not need incense or candles in a row. Just a little knowledge and a couple of technical tricks.

But, as already mentioned, the sensations of sex as such are a secondary matter. Can tantra perform a healing function today and stimulate social success? What did we say about Brahmin or Kshatriya castes? Are there any analogies? Certainly. In Moscow, in the business environment and power structures, people work with their brains at such speeds that they are already compared in their hierarchy with the ancient (or even current) spiritual hierarchs. With the proviso that they are equally manifested in the social horizontal, and not the vertical spiritual plane. And then such a high-frequency "Electronic" comes to the club of Tantra lovers and in a matter of days crumbles to smithereens and in half, draining its potential to the gray mass of the inhabitants. According to the Indian classification - Shudra. It is no coincidence that marriages between representatives of different castes are still prohibited in India!

How unhappy we are princesses We are forbidden by law to love In royal families - such an ancient order By calculation you need to get married ....

(m / f "Flying Ship", Song of the Princess of Fun)

What brings people to the gym of the school, where non-contact group "tantric" sex is practiced - is understandable. Young people are just interested. Newly created couples want something "spicy". As for people of middle and even older age, they are just energy vampires, who, according to the principle of the least common multiple, are guaranteed to receive “a little bit of life” from young, but stupid ones. Well, how else to call people who voluntarily give themselves as food to others?

All the action takes place in pairs. Don't have yours? The facilitator appoints one of those present. That is, he appoints, completely ignoring the tasks and needs of a particular Spirit of a particular person. The situation is worse than ever. It's like a lack of hygiene in a women's exam room - flies crawl on the instruments and the smell is disgusting.

When working in the "wrong" pairs of good will, the "once strong" merges not only their own potential, but also, in transit, the potential of their parents and business partners. This is called a transit energy-information "drain".

Although this is not taught at school in anatomy lessons, one has to admit it as a given that a person is not only a physical body, but also a whole “shelf” of bodies of subtle dimensions crowned with the Spirit. You can read in detail about how this economy is arranged.

We are now occupied with a situation where two individual physical bodies meet - male and female. Each person's Spirit is oriented towards their gender polarization. The spirit of a man, tuned to the Y-chromosome, interacts with the body of a man. In turn, the Spirit of a woman communicates with a woman, provided that she fulfills her incarnation task. That is, he mainly works with his body, and not with his brains. If a woman becomes “too smart”, then she gets a “Pseudo Y” defeat according to the male scenario. It’s not that she has grown a beard and other male joys, but such a “commander in a skirt” begins to “crumble” thoroughly, because “brains from the wrong body” are obtained.

Similarly, an intuitive creative man often acquires the wrong sexual orientation. He needs another uncle just to remember at the level of sensations what it is like to be a man. This is just one of the many reasons for changing the natural sexual orientation, but nevertheless ...

One way or another, but our boy and girl connected (in tantra), but never separated. Very quickly charisma (orientation to the Spirit, one's incarnation task) goes astray, the tuning of the brain to a true natural orientation goes astray. This is a betrayal of your Spirit. As a result, there is a sharp decrease in "frequency" and a step back on the path of one's own evolution. Nature does not tolerate such a "sticky" state for long - up to two hours. Therefore, they "mutually interacted" - be kind enough to disperse each to their positions. Otherwise, such troubles as loss of attention, loss of clarity of thinking, fog in the head and, in general, loss of capacity, as such, are inevitable. This is often followed by “strange” car accidents (distracted or fell asleep at the wheel), “show masks” at the enterprise (he said something wrong, he said the wrong thing, he filled out the wrong document incorrectly) - errors multiply and it’s not clear where it will “break” , because "thin" everywhere. It becomes impossible in principle to show one's true potentials, any creativity and creativity.

This nightmare and horror is a high-level energy-informational social defeat. One can imagine two skydivers inadvertently approaching so close that their parachutes are tangled. As a result, the domes are “extinguished” (connection with the Spirit is lost) and an uncontrolled fall begins. Lasts, it is, as you know, very short. However, during these moments (in linear time, the margin for “fixing everything” can be very large) you need to have time to “disconnect” (cut the lines) and again orient yourself to your Spirit (roll over onto your back and release the reserve parachute). Appropriate technologies for disconnecting from sexual partners are discussed in detail here.

Those who are now engaged in tantric sex according to the old methods, not knowing the safety precautions of tantra, are those very confused skydivers. But you can’t “get confused” with just anyone. As already mentioned, a partner can and should be chosen from those that (quite by accident) failed own Spirit , and not recommended by a certain trainer, just pointing his finger at the crowd who came to the seminar.

A separate story - married couples. Well, if they want to improve their skills in sexual relations - I will not save you. Tantra for such couples is quite suitable fun. The main thing is that the sexual energy received as a result of "mergers and acquisitions" should be properly utilized for specific actions and accomplishments. Whether creative or physical. Otherwise, in the process of tantric sex, overheating of the bodies of subtle dimensions occurs, in the literal sense, thermal shock. If such a misfortune happens, then the repeated “ascent to the peak of the highest pleasure” will no longer be possible. The self-preservation instinct kicks in.

We had a case in practice. The truth is not from tantra, but when using the sublimation of sexual energy into physical. One very "advanced" student was resting at her dacha. A friend came to her husband and the men retired for a long time in a bathhouse - they drank, steamed, talked, and refused to take part in economic activities, which is inevitable at any summer cottage. It should be noted - in a rather rude form. And so the day passed. And not only that “the cow is not milked”, but also the husband had no strength left for his wife, as if beloved. Not wanting to keep in herself either the accumulated rage or the sexual fire, to which the long-awaited “moth” did not fly, our student, using a certain technique, translated the excess of sexual energy into physical forces. The technique (somewhat modified by us) has been known for a long time, in particular in the special forces.

"Three days without sleep, three days of walking For the sake of a few lines in the newspaper."

It so happened that in the yard of a student for a week already there was a whole car of sawn, but not chopped firewood. All my husband's hands did not reach. In short, during the night the student (a rather fragile girl) cut through everything and was not at all tired. The next morning, cheerfully waving an ax, she went to the house and saw ... Frightened men, who, at the sight of such a "Terminator", lost all their hops.

This is to the question of WHAT potential a simple sublimation of sexual energy has. As for the energy potential obtained through tantra, it exceeds the norm by orders of magnitude! It's like comparing a car battery and a nuclear power plant (nuclear power plant)! If such a Chernobyl "explodes", then it will not seem enough!

There is another nuance in the family tantra class. The fact is that family life implies a lot of claims to each other. But the claims are not turned off at the level of energy-informatics. This is not accepted. There is no such thing in our culture (“Forgiveness Sunday”, devoid of the context of the Faith, has become a formality). When, with the help of the Tantra technique, a husband and wife “jump” to the higher planes, then undischarged problems and claims of the past that have not been turned off are instantly felt in the energy-information field (they are recorded there), old “sins” are inevitably recalled, and resentment and anger appear, usually with violent force. Because old grievances really hurt. They wanted good sex - but they got a "divorce and maiden name."

And in the family, as at the front. When, for some reason, the warring parties stop shooting at each other, a truce is declared. What does it mean? Ceasefire. The withdrawal of troops to reserve positions - so that they do not accidentally fire. Clearing minefields(this is an analogue of many years of claims to each other in the margins). Then an indemnity is paid to the injured party and moral damage is compensated. And only after these obligatory measures peace comes. And you can live on. That is to cooperate.

People don't even ask for forgiveness. But no one canceled the act of repentance. This is how the accumulation of destructive programs takes place, the existence of which you don’t even know, but they, nevertheless, exist! And after the practice of tantric sex, all this "G" accumulated on the subtle planes over many years, as a rule, sharply "swells up", like an abscess, and requires emergency disposal. And if such a situation occurs, then one cannot do without knowledge of the relevant energy-information technologies for "demining" the past. Otherwise, the aggravation of health problems will be an inevitable consequence of such a violation of safety precautions and the sequence of actions during the practice of tantra.


Tantra is a wonderful high-level spiritual practice, but before you start mastering it, you need to study in detail the technique of energy-information security, learn how to bring both your physical body and your bodies of subtle dimensions into a coordinated, stressed, pure state. And the same must be demanded from your partner (-rshi) in tantric interactions! Because tantric sex, unlike the usual one, is a very open mode of interaction between partners on the subtle planes of the existence of matter (on the physical, astral, mental and causal planes). Of course, with the help of the "correct" tantra and the correct pair interaction during tantric sex, you can "fly up" to a very great height. But the price of non-compliance with safety regulations is very high here.

Why is everything wrong, everything seems to be the same as always: The same sky is blue again, The same forest, the same air and the same water, Only he did not return from the battle.

(Vladimir Vysotsky)

"International Institute for Social Ecology"

Want to know a lot more about this topic?

Tantra is an esoteric teaching, the purpose of which is the expansion of consciousness and knowledge of oneself and the world. What is tantric contact? This is a connection of the energy flows of two lovers for a sense of unity and spiritual merging. How does this happen, what exercises need to be performed for the energy merging of two bodies? Consider the questions in the article.

In tantric sex, the leading role is given to both partners, however, the role of a woman has its own characteristics. Eastern sages claim that it is a woman who saturates a man with energy. In order for a woman to generate the necessary energy, she needs to be charged with positive emotions. A woman gives a man the energy with which he can succeed in life. He, in turn, supports a woman in this world and fills her with emotions.

If the partner does not receive positive emotions, she is not able to generate positive energy. Such a couple is doomed to parting. In tantric sex, the interaction of the sexes occurs at a distance or physical connection: both partners are filled with the desire for love and excitement. The consequence of this is the connection of energy flows, in which the partners dissolve into each other.

Note that tantric sex requires a regular partner, casual relationships are unacceptable.

Both partners should experience a mutual feeling of love and admiration. This allows you to reach the highest moment of pleasure in the connection.

Tantra principle

What is needed to connect a pair in a single energy flow? The spiritual connection of a man and a woman opens the subconscious, the partners feel unity with each other and the whole world, they are filled with delight and bliss. Space and time disappear, the highest point of bliss is felt in the realization of the infinity of ecstasy. How to achieve this? You must follow the rules:

  • Sexual games should take place with a permanent partner.
  • It is necessary to strive to satisfy the sexual desires and preferences of the partner.
  • The goal of tantra is spiritual fusion, not physical contact.
  • You need to be able to throw out your emotions outward, and not be shy to show them. Shy tantra is contraindicated.
  • Thoughts about sin and the fall will not allow you to practice tantra, they need to be thrown out of your head.

During actual physical contact in tantra, one must be graceful and graceful. It is impossible to allow physical aggression, to tire the body with active movements. Tantric sex should last at least two hours, so it is unacceptable to expend energy right away.

Great importance in tantric sex is given to stroking, touching and caressing. Contact in intercourse should be easy, without rough and sudden movements. This is a dance of love filled with the breath of romance and dreams. Tantra has nothing to do with everyday sex: the goal is different. If ordinary sexual contact implies physical relaxation, then tantra aims to achieve the spiritual beginning of sex and the union of souls together.


To learn the correct tantric contact, you need to train your senses. To do this, you need to perform a small set of exercises daily, which will not take more than ten minutes.

  1. Lying on the floor on your stomach, you need to raise your head and look at the ceiling - 3 or 5 times.
  2. Stand with your back against the wall so that your heels and buttocks are in close contact with it. Tighten and relax your stomach several times in a row.
  3. Stand facing a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent. Touch the wall with your forehead and chest and lift your pelvis as high as possible.
  4. Sit on the floor with straight legs, put your hands on your knees. Tightening the muscles of the buttocks, move forward. Help yourself by bending and straightening your knees.
  5. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Leaning on your heels, slide your socks in and back out. Do the same exercise with support on socks - move your heels.

What are these simple exercises? If you perform them for at least two months daily, sensitivity develops during sexual contact.

Displacement of the point of consciousness

Consciousness plays an important role in tantric contact, so it must be given due attention. Let's get started.

Imagine that your left leg is growing out of your head. Hold this visualization for as long as possible with your eyes closed. There may be various sensations, up to dizziness. With practice, you will be able to create and hold this visualization for as long as it takes.

Development of the senses

A person has 5 senses with which he perceives the world. These organs must be developed to the maximum in order to receive maximum pleasure during sexual contact.


You can do this exercise on your own or with a partner. You will need several samples of fabrics of different textures - cotton, silk, nylon, etc. Examine each sample by touch. Then, with your eyes closed, try to determine which fabric you are holding in your hand. The next exercise is for a partner to touch a piece of fabric in your skin, and you determine its texture.


Make swatches with several types of smells. It could be a scented fabric or something else. First examine the smells with your eyes open, and then identify them with your eyes closed. It is not recommended to exercise for a long time, since odors can merge with each other: then their determination becomes difficult. Do not touch your nose with a piece of cloth so that the fragrance does not remain on the skin - it will interfere with the perception of another fragrance.

Color perception

Choose a painting and study its color scheme in detail. Classify colors and shades. Then look at the painting with a magnifying glass and note which colors you didn't notice when viewing without a magnifying glass.

Sound perception

Turn on the music and listen to the song until the end. Now turn on the same composition and try to isolate the sound of any one instrument and listen only to it. With practice, this will become easy. Listen to another musical instrument next time.

Listening to the singing of birds, the melody of a running stream and other sounds of nature helps the development of sound perception. You can listen to your partner's heartbeat.

Development of taste buds

To develop taste sensations, you need to dissolve any products in water. For example, salt and sugar, honey and lemon - separately. Then try and try to determine the product to taste.

The tantra of love is the supreme art of attaining true bliss. Man and woman in this art are compared with deities. The main thing in tantra is to give maximum pleasure to the partner, to fulfill his desires of the heart.

First exercise

Sit opposite each other and touch different parts of your partner's body with your fingers. At the same time, it is necessary to catch internal sensations and fix attention on them. Do not rush, all movements should be leisurely and light. Note which touches give your partner the most pleasure.

Second exercise

Lie on your side, take the same pose. Your bodies should be in the same position, that is, both of you should lie on the same side. Cling tightly to each other, connect the rhythm of breathing and try to feel that you are a single being.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card: