Sister-in-law sister-in-law brother-in-law. This is someone related. Other family ties - glossary of terms

If today one child in a family is a common phenomenon, then in ancient times in Rus' everything was completely different. Families were large, there were many relatives, and the person was constantly surrounded by brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents and other close people. And after marriage, this circle expanded even more: father-in-law and mother-in-law, mother-in-law and father-in-law, brother-in-law and brother-in-law appeared. Who they are, not everyone knows. If there are in the arsenal of any married man, then many find it difficult to say, for example, about who the sister-in-law is. Today we will try to understand the confusing

Doorman - who is it? The answer to this question should know the girl who is going to get married. After all, if her future husband has a brother, he will be her brother-in-law in relation to her. The woman, in turn, will be considered a daughter-in-law for her husband's brother, as, indeed, for the rest of the senior members of his family.

By the way, brother-in-law is not just a husband's brother. This man used to have great authority for a young family, and he was given an important role in the wedding ceremony. For example, during matchmaking, when the parties agreed on a wedding (and this was called “handshaking”), it was the brother-in-law (who it is, we have already figured out) who was a witness from the groom’s side. In the event that the young man did not have a sibling, his role was played by another relative, necessarily married. Then it was called "manual brother-in-law". Whoever it was, it was their duty to escort the bride to her parents to receive their blessings. By the way, if the groom asked a relative to be his brother-in-law, he had no right to refuse.

After the wedding, the bride was surrounded by new relatives. In relation to them, she became a daughter-in-law or daughter-in-law. The father and mother of the husband became father-in-law and mother-in-law, brothers, as we have already said, brothers-in-law. And if the husband had sisters, they became the sister-in-law of the young brother-in-law, and in some places they were also called the sister-in-law. This name is associated with an interesting rite of “ashing”, which consisted in sprinkling the bride with ashes from her own stove. With what the sister-in-law did not rhyme in old Russian songs and proverbs! “The sister-in-law is a viper’s head”, “the sisters-in-law are cunning in tricks”, and simply the “sister-in-law-beater” ... Apparently, the newlywed's relationship with her was by no means friendly. But with brother-in-law, as a rule, the opposite is true. No wonder many peoples in ancient times had a custom according to which a woman, in the event of the death of her husband, had to marry his brother.

And what about the youngest husband? He also had new relatives. And a strict father-in-law, and a mother-in-law who does not leave the language of folk jokers. But the brothers became brothers-in-law and sister-in-law to the newlywed. Who is the brother-in-law and brother-in-law? It turns out that the first is the brother of the wife, and the second is the husband. As you can see, understanding family relationships is quite simple. It is much more difficult to live in peace and harmony in such a large family. But some people still succeed. And then relatives replace a loving mother, caring father, brothers and sisters.

A Russian person has a lot of relatives. And each relative has a strange name that requires decoding.

"Father-in-law" - the father of a husband for his daughter-in-law (derived from "mother-in-law").

“Mother-in-law,” used to sound like “all blood”, “bred blood”, the head of the clan, which unites all blood relatives. Another version is “one’s own shelter” (earlier in Rus', the bride was brought to her husband’s house, so the house of the mother-in-law became native).

"Dever" comes from the word "trust".

To whom, if not this man, the young wife could entrust what she considered the most intimate. According to another theory, a relative was called brother-in-law not for the reason that they trusted him, but because, unlike others, he was often pointed to the door (you are not needed here with your advice, do not be smart). As an option, the brother-in-law was pointed to the door after being trusted too much.

"Sister-in-law" - comes from the word "evil", so in some regions of Russia it was pronounced as "zlovka".

This term may be associated with an old rite, when after the wedding, the bride was sprinkled with ashes on her head (her husband's sister also participated in this rite). This word is found in literary works written before the 18th century. The sister was always jealous of her brother for his young wife, and believed that she was doing everything wrong, shameless, so basically the term has a negative meaning.

"Daughter-in-law" - "who knows who."

This meaning is due to the fact that when taking a girl from a foreign clan, or other lands, as a wife, the husband’s relatives did not know anything about her (her customs, character, skills), which means they take someone who is not clear into the house. The etymology of the word is associated with the patroness of the hearth - Vesta, who lived in ancient Rome.

“Daughter-in-law” is a daughter-in-law, the wife of a son, a brother-in-law, or an experienced wife who already has children (“to be demolished”, “to demolish”).

The concept of "daughter-in-law" is not just a designation of kinship, but also a certain status. Another option - "daughter-in-law" comes from the word "son" - son's wife. But where did the "ha" part come from? The groom's parents considered the daughters-in-law to be clumsy, so they could both laugh at them and find fault (teach). Therefore, the word "daughter-in-law" has a derisive character.

“Father-in-law” - comes from the words: “tyaty”, “father”, “amuse”, “honor”, ​​parent of the wife.

A person who must monitor the observance of all traditions, the laws of honor in the family.

"Mother-in-law" - has Slavic roots and comes from the words "amuse", "comfort". After the wedding, the mother rarely sees her daughter, so amuse herself when she comes. Another option - the mother-in-law comforts small children (grandchildren).

"Shurin" - brother of the wife.

One of the points of view of the designation of the word "brother-in-law" is to scold (it turns out that he was scolded all the time). Another version - the word comes from "SHCHUR". To protect themselves from the evil eye in the old days, people squinted. The brother-in-law is a young friend who knows a lot, so it’s sly to squint. The verb "to make a fuss" was used when knitting brooms, weaving hedges and other products from branches. Therefore, the word "brother-in-law" means related by family ties (we introduced you to ourselves, therefore we are in the same family bond).

On the wedding day, not only a new young family is created, but each of the newlyweds officially receives new relatives. And if we all know who the mother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law and father-in-law are, then with the definition of the brothers and sisters of the bride and groom, everything is much more complicated. Here, for example, brother-in-law - who is this? Do you still not know either? Then our article is especially for you!

Determine relationship

Let's turn to explanatory dictionaries. If a girl who has a brother gets married, after the wedding he is the brother-in-law of her husband (groom). It is this version that is offered to us by the dictionaries of Ozhegov and Dahl. It turns out that the question: “Who is this brother-in-law?” You can confidently answer - the wife's brother. The terms of sister-in-law define "folk", not consanguinity. In official documents and explanatory documents, you are unlikely to ever have to write the words "brother-in-law", "father-in-law" or "son-in-law".

Deciphering explanatory dictionaries insists that only a sibling should be called in a special way, and not a cousin or half-cousin. However, if a woman considers her “conditional” relative to be a close and dear person, it is also appropriate to call him “brother-in-law”.

Origin of the word

From the point of view of linguistics, the word "brother-in-law" has many cognates with a variety of meanings. This is “rustling”, and “whispering” and “shuffling”. There are also rarely used names for the earthworm, borrowed from colloquial Latin "shur" - a stranger, and "chur" ("chur, not me!"), - it is quite possible that the word "brother-in-law" came from them.

Who joked like that in a relative way? If we turn to folklore, a lot of not very pleasant and good sayings and proverbs have indeed been invented about the brother-in-law and son-in-law. In addition, in the real history of our state, there are enough brothers of the wives of famous people who distinguished themselves by not the most decent deeds. But are all brothers-in-law bad? Of course not, remember at least the words of V. Vysotsky: "Listen, Zin, do not touch the brother-in-law, which is not, but he is relatives ...".

Is it a relative?

We figured out the definition and we know that the wife's brother is the brother-in-law. Who can use this word except the husband? In fact, it is appropriate to use this term of sisterhood only on behalf of the spouse of the sister of the person in question. But if someone else wants to point out a relationship, you can use a popular definition with a mention of who it refers to. For example, a mother-in-law might say, "This is my son's brother-in-law" or "This is my sister-in-law's brother" - in both cases, we are talking about the same person, you guessed it.

What is the relation of a husband to his wife's brothers and sisters? Everything is somewhat simpler here, after the wedding, the groom (husband) becomes a “son-in-law” for all close relatives of his chosen one. Accordingly, this is how both the wife's parents and her brothers and sisters can call him. A pair of brothers-in-law are men, usually around the same age group. If the husband and sister's brother met recently, it makes sense to try to communicate more and look for new common interests. It's so nice when relatives communicate regularly and are truly friends! Start new family traditions and cherish family ties. And most importantly, never hesitate to answer the question: “Who is the brother-in-law?” Because now you know the only correct answer.

Second cousin - grandson of a brother or sister of a grandfather or grandmother = son of a cousin of an uncle or aunt = cousin of a parent. Cousin - a woman in relation to the children of a cousin or sister = cousin of the father or mother. For you, these are fathers and (or) mothers. Children of fourth cousins ​​​​are five cousins. A sister-in-law is the wife's sister. She is the wife of a brother-in-law.

People communicated more closely, because help was needed, it was hard to live without the support of relatives and friends. When two people decide to start a family, not only they become relatives, but also their loved ones.

In the person of her husband's sister, a young woman acquires a sister-in-law, and her husband's brother becomes her brother-in-law. The newly-made spouse will intermarry with the father and mother of the wife, who will acquire the status of caring father-in-law and mother-in-law. The brother of his soulmate and his wife will now be his brother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Kinship by blood - this group unites immediate relatives.

Brother-in-law - who is related? Who is a brother-in-law and brother-in-law?

So, the brother-in-law is none other than the brother of the wife. From what word did this name come from? Probably, this proverb says that the wife's loving brother is watching intently to see if the young husband offends his sister. These two men can get along well, especially if they have a slight age difference. The strengthening of such a connection, of course, is influenced by the intra-family mentality. In order for a brother and husband to become closer and closer to each other, a sister must remember that there are holidays that they can celebrate together.

Rarely, but it happens that the relationship of these relatives by marriage does not add up. Sometimes, however, two women can compete a little with each other. It's not scary. Both close relatives and family friends can become godfather and godfather for a child. It is impossible to give unequivocal advice on whom to choose as godparents.

These are people who, it would seem, are not immediate relatives for a young family. Lena, your sisters have nothing to do with your husband's father, so you need to address him by his first name, patronymic or just by his first name. Everything depends on the relationship. Your grandmother's children (i.e. father or mother) will be cousins ​​to the children of the grandmother's sibling. Maria, you can say for sure who the wife of a cousin is, her husband is Brataniha.

Julia, your grandmother’s sister’s daughter is your great aunt, and your children in relation to her are “great cousin-nephew” and “great cousin-niece” (in other words, second cousins). Uets (uychich, vuyets) - (obsolete) maternal cousin = son of uncle, mother's brother. Great-niece - girl / woman in relation to the uncle or aunt of the parent = granddaughter of a brother or sister = daughter of a nephew (tsy).

The development of technological progress has led to the fact that people close to each other now communicate less and less. A young wife acquires a father-in-law and a mother-in-law, which her husband's parents become for her. For them, she will be a daughter-in-law, or daughter-in-law. Brother-in-law screwed up his eyes.

Scheme of family ties in social kinship

The word brother-in-law most likely has a common root with the word "sew". If a brother does not have a wife, then his sister can take care of introducing him to a pretty single friend who can become his soulmate. Relationships between brothers-in-law can develop in different ways. In some families, they become friends, communicate "in their own way" and even make friends.

A cousin is the daughter of a cousin or sister. That is, this is a relative who is “attached” to a young family through the marriage of a sister. The sister's husband - the brother-in-law should understand this - needs his help in establishing relationships with his wife and her parents.

A Russian person has a lot of relatives. And each relative has a strange name that requires decoding.

"Father-in-law" - the father of a husband for his daughter-in-law (derived from "mother-in-law").

“Mother-in-law,” used to sound like “all blood”, “bred blood”, the head of the clan, which unites all blood relatives. Another version is “one’s own shelter” (earlier in Rus', the bride was brought to her husband’s house, so the house of the mother-in-law became native).

"Dever" comes from the word "trust".

To whom, if not this man, the young wife could entrust what she considered the most intimate. According to another theory, a relative was called brother-in-law not for the reason that they trusted him, but because, unlike others, he was often pointed to the door (you are not needed here with your advice, do not be smart). As an option, the brother-in-law was pointed to the door after being trusted too much.

"Sister-in-law" - comes from the word "evil", so in some regions of Russia it was pronounced as "zlovka".

This term may be associated with an old rite, when after the wedding, the bride was sprinkled with ashes on her head (her husband's sister also participated in this rite). This word is found in literary works written before the 18th century. The sister was always jealous of her brother for his young wife, and believed that she was doing everything wrong, shameless, so basically the term has a negative meaning.

"Daughter-in-law" - "who knows who."

This meaning is due to the fact that when taking a girl from a foreign clan, or other lands, as a wife, the husband’s relatives did not know anything about her (her customs, character, skills), which means they take someone who is not clear into the house. The etymology of the word is associated with the patroness of the hearth - Vesta, who lived in ancient Rome.

“Daughter-in-law” is a daughter-in-law, the wife of a son, a brother-in-law, or an experienced wife who already has children (“to be demolished”, “to demolish”).

The concept of "daughter-in-law" is not just a designation of kinship, but also a certain status. Another option - "daughter-in-law" comes from the word "son" - son's wife. But where did the "ha" part come from? The groom's parents considered the daughters-in-law to be clumsy, so they could both laugh at them and find fault (teach). Therefore, the word "daughter-in-law" has a derisive character.

“Father-in-law” - comes from the words: “tyaty”, “father”, “amuse”, “honor”, ​​parent of the wife.

A person who must monitor the observance of all traditions, the laws of honor in the family.

"Mother-in-law" - has Slavic roots and comes from the words "amuse", "comfort". After the wedding, the mother rarely sees her daughter, so amuse herself when she comes. Another option - the mother-in-law comforts small children (grandchildren).

"Shurin" - brother of the wife.

One of the points of view of the designation of the word "brother-in-law" is to scold (it turns out that he was scolded all the time). Another version - the word comes from "SHCHUR". To protect themselves from the evil eye in the old days, people squinted. The brother-in-law is a young friend who knows a lot, so it’s sly to squint. The verb "to make a fuss" was used when knitting brooms, weaving hedges and other products from branches. Therefore, the word "brother-in-law" means related by family ties (we introduced you to ourselves, therefore we are in the same family bond).

“Sister-in-law” - comes from the word “one’s own” (one’s relative is not blooded, but not a stranger either).

For a young husband often become the best friend.

"Svoyak" - earlier in Rus' this was the name of those with whom it was pleasant to spend time, especially to eat and drink.

Later, distant relatives who are not blood relatives began to be called that. In this case, such a person is neither a relative nor a stranger. Even with relatives, sometimes there were no such warm relations as with brothers-in-law (after all, a brother, for example, may turn out to be a non-drinker).