What is human karma? The law of karma and karmic connection. What is karma

The law of karma, akarma, vikarma.

Karma - a person acts strictly according to the laws of material nature.

Vikarma- a person acts according to his own whim, that is, without knowing the laws of nature, he acts as he sees fit. Ranked among the wrong, criminal and sinful activities.

Akarma- a person with a certain practice can completely get out of the influence of karma, even in one life. A person acts in such a way that the chains of fruitive activities are broken, and the laws of material nature cease to act on him.

You can often meet people who say that you can believe or not believe in the law of karma, this is simply absurd. Karma exists regardless of whether you believe in it or not, whether you know it or not, this is the law of our universe, which is always fulfilled. There are processes that take place independently of our belief in knowledge or understanding.

The law of karma says : the present is the effect of the past and the cause of the future.

According to the law of the Vedas, the human form of life is meant for spiritual development, and those who refuse to progress spiritually, refusing to recognize their position and purpose in this world, and live according to Vedic laws, fall under the category " varna sankara which translates as unwanted population of the planet. And all the unwanted population is doomed to destruction, during " yuga pralaya". The yuga pralaya is a cataclysm that occurs at the change of ages.

IN different eras, people act differently, there is an era where people cultivate akarmu, that is, they are trying to get out of influence, in the next era there are fewer such people and those who cultivate karma, people living strictly according to Vedic laws. In the next era no one practices anymore akarmu, but remained karma and appeared vikarma. Nowadays, the main part of society cultivates vikarma, that is, he acts on his own whim, knowing absolutely nothing about the laws of nature and the universe.

Depending on what kind of activity we are engaged in, all our abilities, life expectancy, level of intelligence, mind, feelings, and so on are determined. Those who practice akarma, that is, who want to break out of the cycle of birth and death, fully possess allmystical abilities and are not affected by karmic reactions. These people do not experience any disturbances caused by their mind (illness, mental disorder), nature (hurricanes, floods, earthquakes) or other living beings (mosquitoes, bandits, spirits) because they are in harmony with themselves, with the world and God.

Five main causes of suffering.

People of this age cultivate vikarma, that is, they live according to their own coming, and even without knowing, every day they commit hundreds and even thousands of sins for which they are threatened with death. Therefore, we see how people die in epidemics, car accidents, from robbers, from floods, a person walks, fell, hit his head and died. The present is the result of the past and the cause of the future. People think it's all random. I was robbed by accident, lightning hit a person by accident, a bear was bitten by accident, dogs bit me, by chance there was a revolution in our country, by chance Lenin came to us, by chance Hitler attacked Russia, by chance Japan was hit by a tsunami, people think that everything is accidental. And this is the first reason why a living being suffers.

There are five causes which set in motion the law of karma and vikarma. The trouble is that in our society people try to deal with the consequences, but it is pointless when the causes are not known. For example, take medicine, speaking objectively, then modern medicine does not cure any disease at all. IN best case modern doctors can stifle a disease for some time, but they cannot cure it completely, a person will always be a carrier of this disease, and under every favorable condition this disease will return, I think that all doctors know this too. Therefore, you can be treated, torment the body with all kinds of medicines, enemas, and anything else, without understanding the cause of your problem.

All problems have their causes, and the Vedic literature speaks first of all of how to stop the cause of these problems. If the cause is destroyed, then the effect also disappears.

An example of a leaky boat is given, the boat is constantly sinking, and a person is constantly busy scooping up water and not sailing anywhere, because there is no time to row with oars. The most important thing is not to drown. And practically the whole life of such a person is similar to the struggle for existence, children, wife, work, money, I didn’t have time to have breakfast, I have to have dinner and everything is faster, faster, faster and there is no time even to row. What lofty goals are there, things are out of hand here - all life goes like this. And it’s not for nothing that they say: “minutes go by, days run by and years fly by” And in fact, a person cannot overcome all these endless problems, it doesn’t matter if you rake out faster, if you have a shovel or a bucket, the leak has not been completely eliminated, the reason remains.

The Vedas reveal these causes, in Sanskrit they are called " panche klashi And here are all these reasons in order.

The first reason is called "avidya"

Vidya is knowledge, Avidya is ignorance in spiritual science as fundamental factor, a derivative of all material processes. Vedic literature says right away: “the spirit is the basis of everything, the spirit is primary,” everything else is derivative, and subordinate to the spirit. As soon as the spiritual status changes, everything else changes. The ignorance is that the living entity does not know what is the most powerful and from where everything is controlled.

When a person is in ignorance, he takes the temporary for the eternal, the poison for the nectar, and vice versa, the eternal for the temporary and the nectar for the poison.

People smoke, drink, get into a mess sexual relations, and all this brings pleasure, but over time it all turns into what? All this turns into a big big problem, and great suffering. Temporary pleasure, but the result will be very long suffering. When a person is in ignorance, he goes on about his feelings, and interacting with objects incorrectly, every minute gives rise to karmic reactions.

You know that 90% of people have poor eyesight, this is the result of improper contact with the element of fire. But the man does not know whether he took it and blew on a match, or spat, or even worse, got up, took off his pants and put out the fire. Everything, there will be problems with vision, this is an insult to fire, and if a person continues like this, he will eventually go blind. Every time a wrong contact with fire, a person generates a huge chain of reactions associated with his vision. Then people buy glasses, perform operations, but this is all a struggle with the consequences.

The second cause is called "asmita shakti or ahankara shakti"

Asmita shakti is false ego. False ego is born of belief I am the body. That is, when a living being does not know that it is a soul. From this comes the concept: me and mine, I am a Christian, I am a Muslim, I am a Hare Krishna, I am a Buddhist, this is my wife, these are my children, this is my home, a false concept is being generated. Identification of oneself with the material body, and everything that belongs to this material body. The false ego is so strong that a person asks “how is it in another universe, are they not waiting for us there yet?” This is called the egoistic principle.

Everything is perceived only by feelings, and from this arises duality: “good, bad”, “happiness and unhappiness”

The third reason is called "raga klesha"

Raga - striving for material happiness, and the means to achieve it. People think that happiness is in material well-being, and they try to achieve it in the same material way. Happiness is not achieved when you change your eighteenth mistress, or when you earn twenty-fifth million dollars and buy a third Mercedes. Happiness is a state of the soul, and the needs of the soul are spiritual, and nothing material can satisfy this need.

The fourth cause is called "dvesha"

Dvesha is false hatred for false sources of suffering. This is an amazing ability to believe that others are to blame for our problems. It is very rare to meet a person who believes that he himself is the cause of all his problems. Look how we say: everything is because of the government, everything is because of that nation, everything is because of that religion, everything is because of Vaska, because of Mashka, because of Petka, everything is because of my wife, because of for the children, because of the car, the shoes are not like that.

We are constantly looking for the causes of our problems in completely foreign objects, and we believe that they are the cause of our suffering, and since they are the cause of our suffering, we develop a false hatred for them.

Maha Bhagavata Purana "Srimad Bhagavatm" where the cream of all Vedic wisdom is located says:

If you see that something is wrong in your life, look for all the reasons in yourself.

If someone slandered you, it is not because he is such a bad person, it was you who gave birth to this chain, and received the fruit of your past activities.

And the fifth cause is called "aphinivesha"

Aphinivesha - habits and desires brought from past lives. All our habits and desires were formed not from this life, but from the past, of which there were already thousands and maybe millions. Contrary to the distorted interpretation of the law of reincarnation, where it is said that if a living being reaches the human form of life, then in next life 100% to be born as a human being, the Vedic literature says otherwise. There is a law that every living entity can achieve the human form of the body, but also can lose it. If the human form of the body is misused, then in the next life he gets a body according to his desires and inclinations.

Four stages of activity and getting the fruit of this activity.

The first stage of "bija" is desire, after we have wished. the second stage begins - "kutastha" - a plan for the fulfillment of desire, and "pholonmukha" - action according to the plan.

When a person knows which desires are right and which are not, he can orient himself. A person, foreseeing what consequences may be, stops and the chain of karmic reaction breaks. But even desires are material, and if you managed to wish something to someone, they will wish you the same thing, no doubt. But it's still not that hard to bear.

At the stage of plans, a person can also stop himself, you can cancel the plan and together with him the desire is also canceled. But at the third stage, the pendulum of gross karma is set in motion.

All karma happens in time, which in Sanskrit is called "kala". To better understand all this, I will give an example in compressed time.

For example, I don’t like some person, well, I can’t stand him, and suddenly he said something to me, which pissed me off and I decided to click on his pumpkin, I had desires, and I’m starting to make a plan, now I'll go up to him and hit him on the forehead right hand, it all happens quickly, instantly. Once I have gone, I put the plan into action, desire > plan > action, and how gave it. I leave satisfied, I open the door, and there in the doorway, there is some kind of Vasya and how he gave it to me, and I tell him - FOR WHAT ??? What do you think, why? It was I who compressed the time, but if it is real, then this can happen in a year or two, while this fruit sprouts, everything will be forgotten. And then people say, “I didn’t do anything bad to you.” Passed a long period time, but the reaction in space was once generated, and retribution is inevitable. The principle of dominoes, you pushed one domino, everyone rolled and there is such a big domino near you, time has passed, you are already sitting drinking tea, and suddenly you were deafened.

According to the law of karma, the world is divided into the condemned and the performers, and when the performers perform, they immediately become you know who, if there are sins. Thus, there is an "interchange of plusses". This is how everything is arranged, and no one, if he does not have certain knowledge, can avoid such a connection.

I think it's become a little clearer with karma, how things work. And when we see someone was imprisoned, shot, something happens to him, he is a beggar, he was robbed, beaten, all this is generated by his own activity.

Thank God that the Vedas have a section of knowledge that says how absolutely all sins can be neutralized, and how to act so as not to generate them anymore.

I advise you to read the articlebhakti yoga“, and you will learn how to break the chains of karmic reactions.

This is probably one of the most popular words among esotericists ... Often we hear: “I have bad karma, so I’m not lucky”, “It came to me according to karma”, “This is a karmic relationship” and the like. But few people understand the very essence of this process and the essence of the term “KARMA”.

Karma is a program introduced into our planetary consciousness in the era of the Lemurian civilization, created by the Gods-designers of our density together with the Lemurian priests. And the original word for this program was different - SANKARA (it is worth noting that the Russian language is not able to convey all the phonetic features of the Lemurian language, so this spelling is only a little like the first word).

Why was Sankara invented?

The fact is that at a certain stage of our evolution, the Higher Essences needed to weed out souls ready for the transition to higher dimensions from souls that are not yet evolutionarily suitable for this. After all, on the Higher planes, the Creative power of each Essence is incommensurably greater, which means that if a soul is allowed there, which has not yet known certain laws of the universe, does not understand the Unity of All That Is, then it can cause chaos and destructiveness in the well-functioning mechanism of our Creation.

For some reason, when a person says that the Gods see everything, then an image is drawn in his head that the Great Invisible Eye is watching him, which sees his every deed and every thought, writes it all down, and it is impossible to hide anything from this All-Seeing Eye... Yes, all the special services of the world would dream of such a thing. But in reality, the Higher Essences do not have organs of perception of the material plane, that is, they do not see “pictures” as we do with physical eyes. For them everything is energy and information. That is, they perceive every action/thought as an energy process. Moreover, there is no duality on the Higher planes (this is only a property of our 3rd density), that is Higher Essences do not separate good and evil. For example, the Gods do not see that Petya got angry with Vasya and killed him in a fit of anger. No, they just read it as an energy flash.

Therefore, they, together with the Lemurian priests (and they were very strong channelers and could interact with the Gods on such issues directly), created the SANKARA program, in which rules were written that would help souls evolve, learn causal relationships and distinguish constructive from destructive . And every soul incarnating on Earth has accepted these rules.

But in the era of Lemuria, we lived much longer (living 1000 years was considered the norm), that is, on initial stage the soul could commit “bad” deeds, but then, according to the laws of SANKARA, the situations that taught it returned to it, showing the cause-and-effect relationships of the committed deeds. And the soul grew wiser with age, could work out its karmic debts, and then live a blessed life, and after that it was already her choice: to stay and experience further in the physical world, or go to other dimensions. That is earlier process evolution and formation of the soul could take 1-2 incarnations. However, we now live an average of 70 years. Remember, old people on their deathbed often say that now they are wiser and would live their lives differently if they had such an opportunity. But the body dies, and no one canceled the SANKAR program, all thoughts and actions are recorded to it, and then the soul has to work it out. But now we incarnate in a new body... and forget about everything, and the past wisdom is gone. And hail the Wheel of Samsara! Now souls can no longer just leave this circle of reincarnations, incarnating here hundreds and thousands of times.

What to do to work out karma faster?

First, express your intention to God/Universe/Higher Forces that you are ready for accelerated evolution and working off karma. Yes, situations will fall on you, and not always good ones, but this is necessary for the spiritual evolution of the soul.

Secondly, everything is an energy exchange and everything counts - your every action and even thought. That is, be aware and consciously choose the path of constructivism and goodness. If you cook food for your relatives, cook it with love and the intention that through this you bring beneficent energies to the world. Give alms, do it with the intention that by doing this you are helping this soul. That is, each of your actions should turn into conscious steps on the Path of spiritual evolution.

Coming into this world, each person makes an exciting journey of a lifetime. Someone will have an easy road filled with pleasant and happy events when each new day brings joy and satisfaction. Other people manage to find their happiness and gain family well-being through relentless struggle against obstacles and hardships, at the cost of heavy losses and disappointments. There are those whose life is an unequal battle with troubles and hardships, and no matter how hard these people try to change their lives in better side, they are everywhere pursued by failures and disappointments.

Why is it that some people are constantly smiling with luck and joy, while others are unhappy from birth? The answer to this question can be found in esoteric and occult teachings. According to mystics and esotericists, a person's life directly depends on his karmic path.

What is karma?

Karma is the law of the universe, according to which every action committed by a person in past life, certain consequences follow, directly affecting all his subsequent lives.

The human being consists of a material component (his flesh) and an energy component (his soul). Unlike the flesh, the soul is immortal. When a person dies, his flesh turns to dust, while his soul, not subject to death and decay, acquires new life coming into this world in a new physical body.

If in a previous life a person led a righteous life without committing evil deeds, then his soul, not burdened by the mistakes and failures of past incarnations, begins a new earthly path, not burdened by the burden of misfortunes and failures.

If in a previous incarnation a person committed unkind deeds and led an obscene lifestyle, offending and harming others, then his soul begins a new earthly life burdened with uncorrected mistakes of past lives, and in order to develop further, it needs to correct these mistakes and sins, overcoming various life obstacles. It is impossible to evade overcoming obstacles and correcting mistakes, not corrected in this life, they will pass and overtake in the next rebirth of the soul, since this is her karmic path.

Possible karmic mistakes and their consequences

According to esoteric ideas about the karmic law, the misdeeds committed by a person during life do not always mean only those very obvious grave sins that everyone knows about.

Of course, murder, theft, betrayal will have the most severe consequences for the soul in its subsequent rebirths. But besides these atrocities, there are others that people sometimes do not think about.

For example, it happens that people often do not value their parents, neglect their care and attention, do not help and do not participate in their fate, in this case, in the next life they may be born in dysfunctional family or become orphans. In order to correct a karmic mistake, they need to overcome this life test, not give up, becoming like the destructive lifestyle of the family in which they were destined to be born, but grow up as responsible people and become loving parents for their children. Thus, the karmic mistake will be corrected, and in the next rebirth the soul will no longer suffer so much.

It happens that two people sincerely love each other, but for certain reasons they cannot live in peace and harmony, constantly being in quarrels and scandals. Sooner or later this relationship comes to an end loving hearts part, while each of them could not let go of the situation and forgive his lover. In this case, these two souls can get a second chance by meeting again in new incarnations. If two loving person will be able to overcome all obstacles and misunderstandings in new karmic relationships they will end up with a happy, joyful life. If again the relationship ended unsuccessfully with mutual claims and insults, it is likely that in the next reincarnation they will meet again.

It happens that a woman in a past life committed a sin, not allowing her child to be born. Having been reborn and coming into this world in a new body, she dreams of the joy of motherhood, but fate does not send her children as a punishment for the mistake made by the soul in her past incarnation. The care and love given to the child from the orphanage will help to atone for the fault and correct the deed. Often there are cases when a childless couple adopts children, and after a while a biological son or daughter appears in their family.

How to understand if there is karmic connection with a person

Considering that many things that happen in a person’s life are destined for him by fate, the question involuntarily arises, how to recognize karmic relationships?

Esotericists say that fateful meetings impossible to confuse with anything. It can be love at first sight, when, by chance meeting eyes, people instantly realize that they are made for each other. Often there is a “déjà vu” effect, when it seems to people that they have already been to similar situation or have already met this person somewhere.

Karmic connection is always accompanied by the development of violent feelings and emotions. At the beginning of a relationship, a loving couple is in euphoria, often in the first months of dating people experience the happiest moments in their lives. However, over time, emotions subside and conflicts and disagreements begin to occur in the family, which loving couple to be decided (after all, it was for this that two souls met again). If compromises are found, relationships are improved, bringing peace and harmony to life. If frequent quarrels led to parting and mutual insults, then the karmic path has not been passed, and, perhaps, these people will meet again in the next life.

Whether there are karmic connections or not, it is impossible to say for sure. No one has yet been able to confirm or deny this. mysterious phenomenon. However, it is worth noting that those thoughts and actions that are considered good and kind in esotericism do not contradict issues of morality and conscience in their generally accepted understanding. And this means that, even without believing in karma, but doing good deeds, you can eventually find happiness and harmony.

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Finally, it's Karma's turn. For those who do not want to delve deeply and believe in their intuition, there is a great temptation to confirm that it simply does not exist, but I will restrain myself and justify my message.

Here are the most popular definitions:

  • Karma is the law of causes and consequences that determine human destiny (yes, that means there is also destiny!).
  • Karma is the totality of all our actions and their consequences in previous and current incarnations, which determines our future.
  • Karma is the law of retribution for good and bad deeds, according to which the righteous or sinful actions of a person determine his fate, the suffering or pleasure he experiences.

However, working in the key, for example, regression therapy, you gradually acquire an alternative opinion (I almost wrote "but in fact") - during the so-called "life between lives", before the next incarnation, the soul chooses the scenario itself future life based on what experience she wants to gain. She may decide to supplement her experience, begun in previous incarnations, deepen it or start getting a new one. Also, the soul may decide not to continue with the planned skills, even if it has not completed this process!

That is, the so-called "karmic debts" are nothing more than a delusion or a disguised manipulation of people on the basis of guilt.

During the formation of the scenario for the future incarnation, the soul can "negotiate" with other souls about the mutual experience that it wants to acquire. Roles, tasks are assigned, and rough plan interactions for a chosen experience that is naturally reciprocal. That is, a soul that has agreed to become a partner in a future incarnation will also benefit from the planned scenario, just sometimes "from the other side."

For example, one soul needs to experience the pain of betrayal, while another has not had the experience of inflicting mental suffering on anyone. They agree that, being in human bodies, enter into a relationship in which one person betrays the other so that both souls get the experience that each of them needs.

What can be in this case "karmic lessons" or "debts"? And even more so, what kind of punishment can we talk about if everyone got what they wanted, and even by mutual agreement? Moreover, it is not at all necessary that these souls will change places in the next life - perhaps one of them already has a similar experience.

If we are talking about getting, for example, the experience of committing a crime (according to earthly laws), then this very experience may include punishment for this very crime ... or it may not include (for example, the criminal was not caught), so the concept of "justice" is also very conditional.

I think you can easily figure out the concept of "sin" yourself.

So, what we accept or interpret as " karmic lesson", just the desire of the soul to complete the conceived scenario, to gain the experience that she did not have time to realize during one life, and not a reward (and even more so, not a punishment) or forcing an impassive law to "work out" something there.

Karma is your soul's desire to achieve balance in life experience. You should not perceive karma as some kind of punishment for the known or secret actions of your current or past life. "Up there" there is no divine being who can watch over you, recording your current score. Karma is independent and independent. Each soul grows and develops, living its life in a new way, considering it from the position of its next incarnation.

How can karma affect you? current life?

The main reason why we continue to appear on Earth in more and more incarnations immediately after death is that when we find ourselves in a world full of trials prepared for us by fate, we do not understand that we are the creators of our reality.

Karma is not created to deprive us of strength and opportunities. Karma is meant to be our guiding light. Every time we face a problem, we appeal to our own karma, but we do not notice it and do not understand all the power and strength that it can give us.

How can we work with karmic energy?

Karmic patterns are meant to let you know that you have deviated from your core, divine and soul essence. Whenever you face major challenges in life or cannot get off the ground, examine your karmic patterns by allowing the knowledge of your soul essence to fill your mind. You can gain this knowledge using past life regression or any other healing technique more familiar to you. After that, you will be able to find balance with your true essence. Karma is designed to give you that life-giving force that will help you understand your problems, heal them and continue your spiritual growth, allowing your divine essence fill every moment of your daily life.

By what signs can one determine the presence of a karmic connection with other people? What should be done to detect these signs?

The paths of our souls always pass side by side, passing through many incarnations. Feelings of instant love, amazing devotion or sudden dislike - sure signs the fact that you met the owner of a soul that you loved very much or hated fiercely in your past life.

Why are we inextricably entangled in karmic bonds? What role do they play in our life?

Before moving on to our new incarnation, we independently plan what problems and questions we want to face. In addition, we choose souls who can help us to understand the essence of the problem more deeply or give us the strength necessary to solve them.

It turns out that we are forever united with the souls with whom we have karmic connections? In other words, will we meet the same souls in each new life, or are they only called to help us solve our problems?

In order to more accurately answer this question let me tell you about my understanding of fate and free will.

I perceive fate as a set of topics and lessons that we ourselves prepare for ourselves before plunging into the world of a new reincarnation. We are creating a set of challenges that will allow us to achieve mastery and move to new level. Such life lessons are aimed at self-development. Such lessons have no specific goals, except for our personal growth and mastery achievements that will expand our ability to create a new reality for ourselves. That is why, even the process of creating our own destiny, is entirely based on free will.

After we dive into the world of our new reincarnation, we continue to exercise free will. We get the opportunity to use any method available to us to work with a set of pre-selected topics and problems. Some of us show amazing zeal in this process, passionately following the light at the end of the tunnel, choosing for himself a path full of trials. Others prefer not to get involved in the trials of a new life, refusing any competition because of the fears that prevent us from moving on.

Even before being born on Earth, we can choose the people who will meet on our new life path, however, the free will inherent in each of us forces us to choose completely different life paths. That is why our original plan is undergoing a serious adjustment. Plunging into our dreams, we constantly communicate with our higher essence, our guardians, angels and the souls of other people, constantly changing the course of our lives in order to receive as much knowledge as possible that is provided to us in this world.

If karmic connections can have Negative influence on our current life, how can we break this vicious circle and avoid repeating negative situations in the next life?

We can do this by fully learning the lesson of life, by forgiving such souls and generously letting them go. If you try to simply run away from the problem without knowing forgiveness and generosity, then another soul will appear in your life who will try to teach you a similar lesson. Sooner or later, we will be able to learn about the existence of a karmic pattern that needs to be resolved. We can dedicate ourselves to resolving this pattern and rebalancing with our true selves.

Finally, do you have a specific technique that you can recommend to our readers for dealing with their negative karmic connections?

Below are a few steps you can follow:

  1. Try to perceive karma as a real possibility that will allow you to achieve balance with your natural, divine and true essence.
  2. Examine your karmic pattern. Understanding the problem is the first step towards solving it.
  3. Open your notepad and write down the answer to next question: What information about this problem do I consider clear and unambiguous? Your beliefs are your own understanding of the reality in which you live several incarnations. Your beliefs allow you to create and perfect this reality.
  4. Use the past life regression technique. You can use one of my step by step instructions, which you can find on the site or contact me to arrange a personal meeting. Regression will allow you to get deeper and more complete understanding of the essence of the problem and find ways to heal such negative karmic patterns.
  5. Open the list of your beliefs and create new list full of positive and encouraging theses concerning this problem. Try to strengthen your beliefs by all means possible, putting them into your actions, thoughts and words.
  6. Constantly remind yourself of the following - you create every piece of your reality. Only you have the power to achieve a happy, fun, and fulfilling life.

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Mira Kelly is a world-renowned expert on past life diving and the author of the best-selling book Beyond Past Lives and the acclaimed CD recordings of Healing Through Past Life Regression and Beyond. She conducts seminars individual sessions and meetings around the world, telling how you can be healed, and what opportunities open up through immersion in past lives. Stories from Mira's workshops are included in Wishes Fulfilled by Dyer Wayne and Miracles Happen by Brian L. Weiss; they are also featured on Oprah.com. Learn more about Mira and how to contact her at www.mirakelley.com.