Vladimir Zhikarentsev - The path to freedom. Karmic causes of problems, or How to change your life. Read online "the path to freedom, karmic reasons" The path to freedom, karmic reasons

Vladimir Zhikarentsev

Path to freedom




Book 1


Saint Petersburg



Part I. Our thought is our karma…………………………………………………………………….

When you combine the external and internal……………………………………………………….…………

Thought ………………………………………………………………………………………….………….

Like attracts like………………………………………………………….………….

Unconditional love ……………………………………………………………………………………...


Three magic questions…………………………………………………………………………………

Part II. Mastery of psychic energy………………………………………………….…………

Method of Finding Inner Strength ……………………………………………………………

1. Working with your own fears………………………………………………………...

Personal responsibility ……………………………………………………………………………..

Self-esteem …………………………………………………………………………………………...

Universe ……………………………………………………………………………………

Positive attitude…………………………………………………………………………………

Openness to change………………………………………………………………..

2. Materialization of thought on the physical plane ………………………………………………………

a) Creation of a thought form…………………………………………………………………………

b) Creating statements………………………………………………………………..

c) Method of Finding Inner Strength………………………………………………….…………

Part III. Make your life the way you want it to be……………………….………...

Spheres of life ……………………………………………………………………………………………..




Body …………………………………………………………………………………………….…………

Money ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………

Job ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Algorithm for searching for causes of problems……………………………………………………….…………

Algorithm for creating what you want………………………………………………………...




Dedicated to my wife Marina. I will never stop admiring

her patience and ability to love and help people.


I express my gratitude to all those people who helped me write this book. These are the people I

met on my way. I received special help from those who attended my seminars. They gave me material for

thoughts, they asked tricky questions, forcing me to look for an answer to them. Their help is invaluable, without their participation

this book would be impossible to create.

I want to thank Theil Straub and David Gershon, who first introduced me to the principles of the Method

Finding Inner Strength at your Empowerment seminar.

I am sincerely grateful to my son Alexander and wife Marina, who inspired me to write this book.

I express gratitude to my Teachers - artist Nikolai Zhirnov, who introduced me to

principles of work on subtle planes; abbot of a Zen Buddhist monastery in San Francisco.

Rabbi Andersen, who taught me how to live in this world and help people around me, how to always be here and

now, without escaping into the world of illusions generated by my own thoughts, and which generously shared its secrets with me

Zen meditation and Buddhist logic; Doctor of Psychology, American Roger La Chance, who developed

the unique Unicorn Method - a method of releasing negative emotions, stress, phobias, fears - which

patiently unraveled the tangles of contradictions in my life and who introduced me to the kingdom of the human soul and introduced me to

with its depths.


In this book I will talk about thought and the karma it generates. You will learn to work with your mental

energy and change your life in the direction you want, you will understand how to become strong and how to make life the way you want

want to see her. In my opinion, the most important misconception of people, which gives rise to all existing problems,

consists in denial and rejection of the material world. Such rejection is quite natural if you look at

it from the point of view of a person living in this world and constantly experiencing its pressure. Too much

a person experiences pain and suffering. What then should be our natural reaction? Of course, move away

fence yourself off with a wall. Let this world be there, and I be here. And we fall into a trap we created with our own hands.

How can you create a happy life here on Earth if you are constantly running away from this world? Desperate to know

happiness in this life, we reassure ourselves that we will find it after death. I would like to ask the readers the following

Is the physical world the creation of some Higher Power?

And you, of course, will answer “yes”.

Is man a creation of this Power?

And you will again answer in the affirmative.

Is this Force present in every part of our world and in each of us?

The answer is again yes.

Then it becomes incomprehensible why we turn our gaze to the sky, striving to find peace, tranquility and happiness there, and

we forget that we live here on Earth, that the Highest to which we strive has been here for a long time - from the very beginning It

near and in each of us. We strive there and do not recognize life here. We do not accept ourselves and this world, believing that

we will get everything after death. We are in a hurry to live this life in order to “find ourselves in Paradise” as quickly as possible. We strive to become

spiritual, but we do this by escaping from the world in a variety of ways. To be spiritual means to live on this earth, to be in

the thickest of life. Every moment of our life in the material world is progress towards spirituality, progress towards

Higher. By learning to live in this world, we learn to cognize the highest aspects of existence, we learn to be creators ourselves. You

Do you understand what game we play when we run away from here? Denying the physical world, moving away, fencing off from it,

we thereby cut off our path to the Highest.

If we didn't have to be on this earth, we wouldn't come here. Therefore, there are some lessons

which we have to go through here. This is the meaning of our life. Running away from this world, we are running away from

their lessons, missing the chance to know happiness on earth. Heaven exists, and it exists here on Earth. He will reveal himself to us

if we learn to live and cope with the problems that arise in front of us.

In this book I tried to present as simply as possible the principles of searching for karmic causes of origin

problems in a person’s life and methods of working with psychic energy, the energy of thought, so that you can build a life such that

what you want her to be. For only your thoughts, whether in the conscious or subconscious, determine what you

you currently have in your life.

It just so happens that most of the examples given in this book involve women. From this they

of course, they do not lose their vitality and instructiveness. As for men, all that remains is to wish that

they learned openness. Men are very vulnerable these days. Admitting to yourself that you have a problem is by no means

does not make you weak and does not expose you to the ridicule of the whole world, whereas, solving a problem, even with someone’s help, you

gain strength and harmony in life.

they will start happening to you as soon as you turn the last page. Perhaps they will begin much earlier.

This happened to people who read my manuscript. In any case, chances will be given to you, and you yourself

take charge of your life.

I wish success to everyone who will work with this book.

Part I Our thought is our karma

When you combine the external and internal

Why do people face problems? Why do people regularly face almost the same

situations? Why, in the end, do people get sick? Several years ago, in a wonderful book, I read very

interesting thought: “All our countries...

Vladimir Zhikarentsev is a famous Russian philosopher, writer and psychologist, author of popular books and seminars. The circulation of his books exceeds five million copies! Here is a new, improved and expanded edition of the famous bestseller “The Path to Freedom.” Any thought is a person’s karma! Even the smallest ideas and memories shape your life and destiny. It’s worth changing them, and almost instantly the reality around you will become different. Unique author's methods and exercises will teach you to work with thoughts and will open a real path to freedom - physical and spiritual. You will be able to become the master of your life, master mental energy, improve your health and build ideal relationships with people. You will achieve prosperity and prosperity. You will be convinced that heaven exists, and it exists here on earth!

A series: Sage. Teacher. Master

* * *

by liters company.

Our thought is our karma

When you combine the external and internal

Why do people face problems? Why do people regularly face almost the same situations? Why, in the end, do people get sick? Several years ago, in a wonderful book, I read a very interesting thought: “All our suffering comes from the illusion of separation, which gives rise to fear and self-hatred and which ultimately leads to illness.” What kind of division were they talking about there? It was still unclear to me then.

Then I came across another book that expressed a similar thought, but in completely different words: “When you unite the external and the internal, the left and the right, the top and the bottom, you will unite with God.” These words were attributed to Jesus Christ. I don’t know why, but this thought touched something in me, I was struck by some deep wisdom that sounded in these words. I had no doubt about their truth; all that remained was to test them experimentally. And I have devoted recent years to researching this idea.

Essentially, this idea can be presented as follows:

Isn't it true that this entry already leads to some interesting thoughts? This is a symbolic record, and by up and down, left and right, outer and inner, you can understand anything, drawing any analogies.

To be brief, we are talking here about the fact that the external, surrounding us, and the internal, belonging to man, worlds are one. Note that this already exists in reality, and the task of each person is to see it and embody it in himself.

In every world religion you can find testimonies of people who have achieved such unity and describe their experience in very similar words. That is, it actually exists! We just can't see it. But we don’t see many other things that physics describes, but we believe that this is how everything happens. And you will immediately say that all physical postulates have been scientifically confirmed. To which we can answer: the fact that everything in the world is interconnected and that the world is one is also scientifically confirmed; Only for some reason this point of view has not yet entered everyday life. Probably because ordinary people are not physicists and cannot see it with their own eyes, cannot feel and experience this unity.

Left and right in the formula primarily imply the masculine and feminine principles, that is, to unite with God it is necessary to discover the masculine and feminine principles in yourself, see how they work, and unite them. The techniques of working with yourself by Tibetan lamas clearly show that this is real and quite achievable. I think these techniques exist in any serious teaching, but they are not available to everyone.

Above and below primarily mean Heaven and Earth. Here the words of Hermes the Thrice Greatest come to mind: “As above, so below,” which are at least three thousand years old. Therefore, another task for us is to see the identity of Heaven and Earth. It follows that our Earth is the Heaven we are so eager to get to, and that heaven can be found on Earth.

In this book we will explore only the first equality: “External = Internal.” Once you understand how it works, you will have a powerful tool not only for surviving in this world, but also for achieving your own well-being. And don’t let the words “your own well-being” scare you. This is not selfishness. If, by solving your problems, peace and love reign within you, then the same will surround you outside. External is equal to internal. Very simple, isn't it?

My goals do not include imposing my views or stupefying minds and creating another sect. All I want to offer you is to check in your own practice what will be discussed below. Only you are your own authority. Ultimately, only you decide whether to accept this or that point of view or not. Start checking this, start noticing what is happening to you and around you, and you will see that the world is truly one, that the outside is equal to the inside, left is equal to right, and up is equal to down.

So, the most important conclusion that follows from the equality “External = Internal” is the following:

You, and only you, are the reason for what happens to you in this life.

Neither God, nor the democrats, nor perestroika, nor your husband, nor your wife, nor your boss at work - no one is to blame for what is happening to you. You are the source of your problems. They are always there and will always be until you figure out how you generate them.

At first glance, this thesis does not inspire any optimism. Moreover, it destroys the entire habitual way of thinking, and behind it the habitual way of life, because you are accustomed to shifting the blame for your failures and problems onto someone else.

So how is it? It works?

Problems and failures have disappeared from your life forever, everything has improved and you are now thriving?

It is very easy to assume the role of victim, but what do we achieve by doing so? In one case, we fill life with the poison of disappointment, in the other, the role of the victim helps us to manipulate those whom we blame for our failures with a sense of guilt. Have you noticed how you always try to make someone guilty? This is very beneficial because the one you make feel guilty seeks to make amends for it to you. You have achieved your goal, you have gained power over this person. A very simple and very elegant move, which does not lead to anything in the sense of a radical solution to the problem “How to become happy.”

One woman, having given up her career, got married, gave birth to children, and spent her entire life caring for her husband and children. This continued until the children grew up. She would like to return to her old life, start working in her profession, but she told herself that time had already passed and she would not be able to catch up. She blamed her husband for her misfortunes. And she tried to live life again through her children, forcing them to do what she herself would like to do.

But this, as a rule, does not work, since children have their own lives. When this works, children, following the advice of their parents, live their lives, and sooner or later a moment comes when they realize that they did not do what they would like to do in their lives. Growing up, people feel trapped, but they don't know what to do. Hence neuroses and other disorders of the nervous system that lead to illness. Do you remember your life?

How often have you done something you really wanted to do?

You've tried one behavior model - blaming the world around you and other people for your own failures - and it doesn't work. Why don't you try a different model, shifting the emphasis from the outside world to yourself? I would like to suggest that you do not beat yourself up or blame yourself for what you have done in the past. The past has gone and taught you a lesson. Now is the time to take action and change your life. And why not try, why not start building your own life the way you want it to be?

People usually prefer to avoid this path, because somewhere deep inside they all are - including the most powerful! – feel weak and defenseless in front of this world, which they perceive as a hostile place where a person can be crushed and destroyed at any moment. Hence the shift in emphasis to the outside world, placing blame on it for one’s own failures and existing problems. But you don’t see one elementary thing, so elementary that it simply escapes your attention. If you had the strength to create a problem or illness in your life, then you have the strength to solve this problem, you have the strength to recover. When you understand this, you will be able to easily resolve any difficult situations, because in fact the power lies within you.

One man got cancer. He found out about this when the disease had already gone very far. He was admitted to the hospital to have the tumor cut out, although there was virtually no chance of survival. But at some point the man decided that he had to take responsibility for his life into his own hands, and ran away from the hospital just before the operation. Then he fasted for forty days, this stopped the development of the disease. He then began to study the effects of herbs and experience his newly acquired knowledge. Now he is healthy and is helping other people cope with illnesses.

What triggers this mysterious mechanism of creating problems in our lives and what helps solve them? Our thoughts.

Thought is the beginning and the end of everything. Everything that is created around us and inside us - houses, roads, works of art, our relationships, our attitude towards ourselves - all this was first a thought within us, which later became embodied in matter. In other words, it was you who told yourself, for example: “Don’t trust people/wife/husband,” after which you began to act accordingly, pulling away and surrounding yourself with loneliness. And now you suffer from lack of attention, love and support. It is you and no one else who ultimately chooses whether to accept this or that thought or not, and behind it - the model of behavior. And if with the help of thoughts you can change your life (and this is really the case, and you will see how this is done), then it turns out that we ourselves choose our own path. Either we change our thoughts about ourselves and the world around us and become masters of our lives, or we don’t.

Are you satisfied with your life?

In all its aspects?

Decide right now whether you want to change it or not.

Thought is that internal thing that completely and completely determines what happens to you in the external world. The outside world completely and completely reflects what is happening inside you. I do not deny the influence of the external on the internal, that is, the influence of the surrounding world on a person. We have learned this idea well since school. But we forget or for certain reasons we don’t want to see that the internal influences the external. This book, in fact, is dedicated to how we influence the outside world, how we attract or create our own problems and illnesses.

So why do certain events still happen to us? Please note that throughout our lives, each of us faces almost the same situations and problems; we are pursued by similar, sometimes very similar people, similar to each other in behavior, manners, and appearance. Years and decades pass, but the situation does not change. The problems remain the same. We still continue to be rude, we are not appreciated at work, someone constantly loses their wallet, someone is betrayed every now and then, someone gets divorced many times, someone very often lacks money or has none at all, someone gets attacked on the street all the time. These are all very common situations that often happen to you. Why?

If we assume that we ourselves generate all this, then this is an external reflection of our inner world, a reflection of our thoughts about ourselves and the world around us. Consequently, by analyzing our thoughts, we can understand why certain events happened to us in the past, we can predict and find out what will happen to us in the future. And vice versa, by analyzing what happened to us or is happening now, we can say what is inside us.

One woman told a very instructive story about her sister, who had just turned sixteen years old. This young girl, very beautiful, according to her sister, at one time had many friends among her peers who looked after her. At some point, this girl got the idea (!) that she was ugly and her body was no good. Gradually, fans began to disappear from her life, and now she has no friends among the guys at all. This further confirmed her negative beliefs about herself.

One day she was walking down the street with a friend who also had an unflattering opinion about her appearance. A guy was walking towards them. Approaching and looking at them, he muttered in a low voice: “Where have all the beautiful girls gone?!” It's called: "We've arrived!"

The outside reflected exactly what was inside these young girls.

Start to notice what is happening to you and ask yourself if you have ever been in a similar situation. Start to notice what thoughts came to you at this moment. Analyze what is common in all these situations you find yourself in. What do they have in common with your thoughts? All situations have the same unifying factors. This kind of search will help you solve problems.

One man had the following situation: he began to lose money both literally and figuratively. Partners began to let him down, deals stopped being concluded or fell through at the last moment, he got into an accident on a seemingly completely empty road, etc. It’s quite a common situation when a person begins to learn some next lesson in his life in which money is used as a tool to make a person think about something. As can be seen from the description, the common thing in the events that happened to this person is money.

Together, we determined the moment when the series of failures had just begun, and it turned out that it was precisely in those days that he fired his partner, with whom he had once organized his own business. To the question “Does he have friends among men?” he replied that practically not, because he moved to this city only ten years ago. Additional questions revealed that he tried to avoid men and always strived to become a boss, and then the head of a company, so as not to give men power over him.

When we analyzed his childhood, it turned out that before his eyes, his father often punished his brother, and cruelly. This is what gave rise to his rejection of men. The dismissal situation was just the last straw. A karmic lesson began with her, the meaning of which was to bring the student to the moment when he learns to accept his masculinity. He must learn to let men into his life by communicating easily, interacting with them and not viewing them as potential enemies.

Now do you understand how to look for commonality in situations?

Let's explore in more detail what thought is.

People strive for freedom. We all strive to be beautiful, strong and harmonious beings. But, oddly enough, few people succeed. Those who succeeded remained in the memory of posterity.

What prevents us from becoming beautiful, strong and harmonious? Our thoughts. Mostly those that are in our subconscious. They are so hidden from us that only by looking at the situation can we guess what thought caused this or that incident. In a hidden way they manipulate us. If you like, we are robots, puppets, manipulated by our own thoughts.

This happens unnoticed. Any thought that comes to our mind can turn into our master. Do we know this? Of course we do. There is even a common expression: “Thoughts control our minds” - and, therefore, us. And thoughts are reflected outside, forcing us to act in a certain way. What can help us see this? Expression: “We are slaves of our own desires.”

It is very easy to see in our desires how our thoughts control us. For example, one of us came up with an idea (!), and he had a desire (!) to buy a car. Returning to this thought again and again, a person strengthens it, makes it stronger and stronger. Until finally this desire consumes him. From this moment on, our life is already subject to thought-desire. We think, feel and act in accordance with this desire. And this is just one of the endless many examples from our lives in which we constantly want to achieve something, get something, control someone so that he or she acts in accordance with our desires and beliefs.

So the question is:

Are we the masters of our desires, or do they at some point consume us, subjugating us and beginning to manipulate us?

See how it happens.

How does it happen that a thought that has gained strength begins to manipulate us? Our programming occurs in two ways. In the first case, this is an unexpected situation, which, as a rule, is associated with our survival in this world. For example, you entered the entrance and were scared of something. The release of strong emotions associated with this event instantly and very firmly wrote into your memory that entering the entrance is dangerous, and the next time you enter it, you will automatically tense up, experiencing a feeling of fear and thus intensifying it.

In another case, it is repeated repetition of the same thought or emotion. We are constantly telling ourselves things, consciously or subconsciously. For example, when meeting with friends, you discuss prices, how difficult it has become to live, how little money there is and how it is not enough to live on. The more often you participate in these discussions, the stronger your thought forms become: “Life is difficult,” “I don’t have enough money,” “Our government is good for nothing,” etc. Then these thoughts begin to live their own lives, reflecting outwardly and creating your own reality in which you really start to lack money, in which your life really becomes difficult. And even if the government changes, if you have money, you will still think the same, because the thought has already been recorded in the subconscious. Repeated repetition of the same thought sends it to the subconscious, where it takes on a life of its own, beginning to control us and our actions. It begins to be reflected outward.

One woman, in order not to give money to her son - she believed that they were spoiling him - in response to his requests, she constantly answered: “We have no money.” Some time passed, and she suddenly discovered that the money had disappeared, she really didn’t have it anymore. Since she was already experienced in working with thought forms, she stopped responding to him in this way and remade her thought. Money appeared in her life again.

Thoughts have a very interesting property. Whether in consciousness or in the subconscious, they, being part of ourselves, completely determine our understanding and vision of the world. We look at any event in some area of ​​our life through the corresponding thought. It's like we take off and put on glasses of a different color and shape in each case. But we don't see how this happens. A person is not able to see this process unless he has been specially trained to do so. The only thing that can give us a hint that some thought has begun to control us is the situations that are happening to us at the moment. It is they, being external, that fully reflect what is happening inside us. As soon as something begins to happen to us, this means that the corresponding thought stands on the surface and models the situation.

Because we look at the world through a certain thought, for example: “I don’t have enough money,” we receive constant confirmation of this opinion. Every time we see how we lack money. We see and note only these situations. The thought begins to intensify, it begins to create situations that are similar to each other, and the reality it creates confirms it even more. A vicious circle. It seems that the thought is building itself, updating and strengthening. And indeed it is! In some cases, uncontrolled thought grows to enormous proportions. This is where obsession comes from, when a person suffers from some kind of obsession.

In Agni Yoga it is written that thought is a living entity with independent existence. It may well be, if you carefully consider what was said above. And on the other hand, why not, since the body also constantly renews itself, develops in a certain direction and eventually ages and dies? And if there are opposites in the world, therefore, the laws of the physical world must be reflected in the world of energies. As below, so above.

The same Agni Yoga says that the era of mastering psychic energy, that is, the energy of thought, is coming. So let's master this energy by changing our lives the way we want it, and not bowing our heads in powerlessness and repeating to ourselves that “this is God's Will.” If God wanted to twist us all into a ram's horn, this would have happened long ago. However, this did not happen, and everything is happening just the opposite. And many of the worthy people of the past and present demonstrate this. They understood something about this world, they understood some laws that gave them the opportunity to live and act effectively in this Universe.

What exactly did they understand? They realized that their thoughts determine their lives. Having realized this, they became masters of their own destiny. And if they do not follow the general laws by which this world is built, they can safely act in it. The Universe does not tell us: “Don’t act, submit, be powerless, bow your head under the blows of fate.” She tells us: “Live, love each other, help each other, act and walk boldly through this life.”

So, only thought can make us strong in this life. If someone is now thinking that it is more likely that money makes us strong, then I dare to object here. Money is also subject to thought. We thought that we need to earn money for something - we go and earn this money. We thought that we need to help someone - we go and give this person money if that is what he needs at the moment. We thought that we needed to do something bad to someone - people often, if not always, use money for such purposes. Only money is a means, not an end. Money is a very sophisticated means of working with the outside world and with yourself.

Why do you often not get what you need at the moment? Because you don’t know clearly what you want or whether you want it at all. Instead of a clearly formed thought, some formless, cloud-like formations are wandering inside you.

Before you have something, decide for yourself whether you want to have it and whether you intend to have it. I dare say that if you still don't have something that you really would like to have, then you haven't fully decided whether you need it. In short, you don't need it, you don't want it, and you don't intend to have it. Are you offended? Are you outraged by such sacrilege? You really need this thing, but here they say this! A very common reaction. And yet it is so. If you go within yourself right now and begin to honestly analyze your desires, intentions and desires to have something, you will see that there is a gap somewhere. The energy needed to acquire the thing you need flows through this gap.

I once gave a lecture on the topic of the work of thought and how money is connected with thought. After the lecture, one of the participants attended my seminar, where she told the following incident that happened to her immediately after the lecture.

She was riding down the escalator and suddenly realized that she really didn’t really want and didn’t intend to buy trousers for herself, when she needed them. She suddenly clearly saw that she herself was not letting this thing into her life. And then she decided that she really needed them. That evening, at the dinner table, her father suddenly (?!) asked her what she needed. She said she wanted to buy some pants and he gave her $50 to buy them.

Another example:

At the seminar, one woman was terribly indignant when she heard me say that she herself did not want to buy a tape recorder and all her arguments about the lack of money were far-fetched. But when we probed her thoughts, she realized that she didn't really want to have one because she was actually content with the music she heard on the radio.

One more example:

One woman at the lecture said that she really wanted to have a separate apartment, she was tired of living in a communal apartment, and here I am arguing that it is she who is slowing everything down. I immediately asked her what conditions she lived in as a child. She replied that she was in a communal apartment. The problem immediately became clear in all its glory. If she has been accustomed to a communal apartment since childhood, then the thought lives inside her that a communal apartment is fully consistent with normal human living conditions. This thought has firmly entered into her subconscious and, having created there a template for how a person should live, now prevents her from making real efforts to change her lifestyle. She will only move to a new apartment when she really wants to do so.

So, the very first step to acquiring something is your determination, desire and intention to have it. Next, you must determine exactly what you need. I will demonstrate this to you with a very clear example.

Working with thoughts is like cutting a diamond. You must refine every facet of your thought to get what you really need. Do you remember how often it happened in your life that you bought something you didn’t need, say, a dress, shirt, trousers? And something like this happened. At first you had a desire to change your wardrobe. One of your friends offered you what you were looking for, but it soon became clear that it was not that at all. There was something you didn’t like or didn’t like about the item you bought. But you didn’t like it and didn’t fit because you didn’t cut the diamond of your thought, you didn’t specifically define what you need. Instead of a clearly formed thought, a shapeless cloud-like thought floated inside you - the desire to buy something new for your wardrobe. And you bought, and then you shoved it much deeper so that you would no longer see the purchase and experience negative emotions.

If you want to have a new dress/suit, clearly define its style, when and where you will wear it, texture, size, color and other characteristics. Ask yourself as many questions as possible about what you want to have. The more precisely you define for yourself what you need, the more positive emotions you will experience when you receive it. The same principle applies to any other material or immaterial, such as human relationships, thing. I repeat, we don’t have something because we either don’t want it, or don’t intend to have it, or don’t know exactly what we need.

When the girl I mentioned came to the store to buy trousers, she did not buy them because she did not know exactly what kind of trousers she needed. The ones she liked were already sold. She left the store empty-handed.

Another woman, before the New Year, drew herself a dress style that she would like to wear on New Year's Eve, and determined exactly what and how she would use it. The next day she saw exactly the same dress in a store window. Another day later they brought her money for her work (and usually she couldn’t get money for what she did for a long time), and when she put on this dress on New Year’s Eve, it played exactly the role for which it was intended.

One man thought that he needed to buy a sofa. He needed the sofa so that he could have guests or relatives over at night. He determined the place where he would stand, and even drew a line so that he would not forget. Almost the next day he was offered a part-time job, and this money was enough to buy the necessary sofa. When the movers brought him into the room, without asking, they placed the sofa exactly in the place where the man had planned to put it. Even the line matched.

Thought is the force that makes up the essence of this world. It is also our karma. You need to be very careful with your thoughts. And you need to know when to switch one thought to another, so as not to feed unwanted thoughts.

This is the meaning of the concept of karma: if there is a thought - it doesn’t matter whether it is in the subconscious or on a conscious level - therefore there is an action. If there is action, then there are consequences for our actions. If there are consequences for our actions, there is our reaction to those consequences. And so on endlessly. We can change our karma by changing our thoughts. We can interrupt karma when we remove a thought from ourselves or when we master the process of non-attachment to our thoughts. In this book we will explore how to switch thoughts, how to replace them with the opposite ones.

It should be noted that in my work with people I am not interested in who and how conveyed this or that fear or problem to a person and who was the root cause, although sometimes it is interesting to trace the roots. It is clear that nothing arises out of nowhere.

Every event has a reason. The same is true for our thoughts, beliefs, fears or problems. They come to us from our parents or from one of our ancestors, that is, genetically, or thanks to the environment in which we grow up, or we generate them ourselves, or this is programming from the outside (the evil eye). In the latter case, an interesting question is: why did we attract such programming to ourselves, why does the evil eye not affect some, but does it affect others? I think this happens because a person has certain fear thoughts that weaken the defense system and thereby allow someone else’s evil eye energy to enter his field. Fears in general always weaken us. For example, if you have a fear that you will get some kind of disease, then in this place of your body the protective field is weakened and becomes permeable to microorganisms. The fear of getting sick affects the immune system.

Thus, fear affects both the physical body and the human energy field. If you just told yourself that you were never afraid of anything like this, but still got sick, then this can also be explained very simply: in this case, your thoughts/fears about yourself and about the world around you gradually led you to such a state. In the appendix at the end of the book you can clearly see how this happens.

It is thought that ultimately creates the corresponding situation, and we must learn to solve this situation. This thought belongs to us. The lesson we learn is to overcome the situation and resolve it, coming out stronger and wiser. I have a question for the reader:

What do you prefer: learning to cope with situations yourself or constantly looking for a magic wand? What if there is no one nearby?

If you too often return in your thoughts to the fact that your problems are caused by some offense that you committed in one of your past lives, you risk falling into another trap. It is human nature not to remember past lives or the lives of your ancestors, therefore, by increasing this thought form, at some point you may feel powerless in the face of a problem. The question of past lives, in my opinion, is idle; in most cases it only veils the problem facing a person, disorients him and deprives him of the strength to learn to act on his own. The laws of this life are such that you can solve any problems in it, no matter where their roots are or who gave birth to them. Take action, and help will always come. The situations we find ourselves in are lessons we must learn. If we have not applied enough effort to resolve this situation, then it will continue and will not go away from our lives. But as soon as the lesson is completed, help immediately comes and the situation is resolved. And it will never happen again. The next lesson begins. This is your key when you are dealing with problems or illness.

The principle of our interaction with the outside world could be represented in the form of a Mobius strip. Take a strip of paper and glue it together, turning the ends over. Now, if you place your finger on the inner surface and start moving it along it, then after a while you will suddenly find that you are already on the outer surface. Without crossing the edge, you have reached the outside of the tape! When did it happen? You can't pinpoint the transition point. If you do the opposite, you'll end up inside. It is never possible to determine when we begin to move from the inner surface to the outer surface, and vice versa. This is how, in my opinion, internal and external interact. This is how thought works, manifesting itself from the inside out. Thought has no boundaries, it is simultaneously present both inside us and outside, only in the form of a situation, a problem, a material form. By examining the external, you can find out what is happening inside a person.

One day, after a lecture, a woman came up to me and asked for help with the following problem. Her husband was hungry all the time, even immediately after getting up from the table, and sometimes he did not eat anything at all.

If the external completely and completely reflects the internal, in other words, if what is inside us structures and shapes the events that happen to us in the external world, it means that inside this woman there must have been corresponding thoughts that gave rise to this situation. The husband, as if in a mirror, showed this woman what was inside her.

After I asked a few questions, it turned out that this woman survived the siege as a child, and, accordingly, she had a very specific attitude towards food and hunger. That is, while fighting for survival in childhood, she formed powerful thought forms within herself regarding food and hunger. After I helped her bring these thought forms out of the subconscious and let them go, completely spontaneously she suddenly sighed with relief and said: “I don’t feel sorry anymore (when they eat my food).” To check if she still had any thought forms inside that could simulate a similar situation, I asked her a control question: “What does your husband say when he gets up from the table?” Just as spontaneously, without thinking, she answered: “I’m full.” Since the external reflects the internal, the new thought form that has arisen in it will begin to create from that moment a new reality, where the husband will feel full.

One woman was supposed to have guests. At that time, she did not have the opportunity to purchase enough food, so she was very worried that there might not be enough for everyone and the guests would remain hungry and dissatisfied. While preparing food and setting the table, she had only one thought and prayer: “If only the guests ate little and remained full.” According to her, when the guests arrived, they barely touched the food and all of them declared that they were full. The table remained almost untouched.

Isn't it true that this story is very reminiscent of the famous story of the five loaves?

Also, thought has the properties of a magnet. Its effect as a magnet cannot yet be measured, but it can be noticed if you carefully observe the situations that happen to us. And to be more specific, we could say that it is precisely this magnetic action of thought that is the karma that always follows us. As long as we have certain thoughts, they attract to us very specific situations associated with these thoughts. By analyzing the situations we find ourselves in, we can understand what is inside us, we can change our thoughts and beliefs so that this does not happen to us again.

How does this magnet work?

Like attracts like

One woman wanted to change jobs. After completing my seminar and learning to work with thoughts, she specifically determined for herself what she would really like to do and what conditions the new job should satisfy. In short, she compiled a thought form for her new work. The next day, a complete stranger approached her and offered her a job that exactly met her conditions.

One woman told an interesting situation that constantly occurs in her life. She never has hot water in her apartment. No matter what she did to try to fix the column, after a while it broke down again. Moreover, when a woman went to the bathhouse, shortly before her arrival, the hot water in the bathhouse ran out; when she was going on a business trip, the hot water in the hotel she booked for herself disappeared either two days before her arrival, or on the day of her arrival.

We all know the laws of the physical world very well, but we often don’t think that the laws of the physical world completely reflect the laws of the world of the spirit. They are practically the same. Just as charges of the same polarity are collected at one pole, evenly distributed over the surface of the ball, so in the world of energies a certain thought attracts to itself a somewhat or completely similar thought, event, problem. Since people knew about the existence of this law, in different languages ​​there are sayings that are similar to each other, such as: “The apple does not fall far from the tree,” “A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar,” “What goes around comes around,” etc.

Having certain thoughts about ourselves and the world around us, we attract a specific situation. If we are afraid of snakes, snakes will always come our way; if we are afraid of getting hit by a car, some unpleasant situations always happen to us on the roads; If we are afraid that we will be robbed or deceived, we are constantly faced with situations where we are robbed and deceived.

Like attracts like. A thought, whether it is fear, worry or worry, attracts us to a situation where what we fear most happens to us. And vice versa. If there is a strong, undoubted belief that people are honest, it attracts people to us who will never deceive us. Now is it clear why deception can be seen so often in business? Like attracts like.

One woman told me that strange things were happening to her. When she walks down the street or enters a vehicle, she always sees drunk people. In any crowd of people, she always singles out the drunk. Moreover, if a drunk is lying on the ground, then when other people walk past him, he lies calmly, but when she passes, he extends his hand to her, asking for help. And this happened dozens of times.

The first thought that came to me was that she had a strong aversion to alcoholics and alcohol, and since her body told me that she had very strong energy, it means that this energy formed that powerful thought form that attracted all these situations.

When we began to understand the reasons for what was happening, it turned out that she really couldn’t stand alcoholics and alcohol. But such an attitude cannot appear out of nowhere. Therefore, something must have happened in her past that formed this attitude.

It should be noted that most of what we have as adults was formed in our childhood. Each of us has a childhood experience that shapes our adult attitude towards life. Paradoxically, as adults, we are guided in our relationships with ourselves and the outside world by childhood experiences. He's manipulating us.

At first, the woman could not remember anything that would give rise to such an attitude towards alcoholism. However, after leading questions, she remembered that her mother also hated alcohol. It was she who conveyed to her her attitude towards alcoholics.

Our analysis of the problem helped her see that she had a very strong aversion to alcoholism due to the presence of a powerful thought form that had lived in her for many years, simulating the situations in which she found herself. It was the thought of not accepting alcoholism that attracted her to all these situations. This was one of the lessons she learned for many years - to learn to be tolerant of this side of life and to accept and love people, no matter what they are. For her, this was one of the lessons of unconditional love. When she saw this and understood, when she was ready to come to terms with this side of life, I was already able to help her release the block as much as she wanted. As a result, she stopped seeing drunk people on the street, they stopped pestering her, and her life became much calmer.

When you learn to accept yourself and others as they are, you will solve almost all your problems.

Concluding the conversation about the magnetic properties of thought, I would like to say a few words about prayers. If you look closely, prayer is the same thought that can attract situations to itself. By repeating a prayer many times, a person strengthens the thought form until it begins to materialize or attract what he asks for.

Why doesn't it always work? Because, firstly, somewhere inside you resist its implementation - you do not want and do not intend to (really) let it into your life. You are not open. Secondly, you may doubt that you will succeed, and doubt is a poison that destroys your thought. Thirdly, prayer is a special state of the soul, and you cannot raise this state in yourself, which is why you weaken it. Fourth, you fail to recognize when what you ask for comes to you and do not accept it. How so? This will be discussed below.

Unconditional love

We all go through these lessons, lessons through which we learn to accept and love ourselves and other people unconditionally. Ultimately, all life lessons come down to one thing - learning to love unconditionally. This is both easy and difficult.

I am often asked: “What is unconditional love?” Before answering this question, it is necessary to understand what conditional love is. Conditional love is when we love conditionally: “If you behave well, I like you, I love you”, “If you bring straight A’s from school, I love you”, “If you don’t deceive me, I love you”, “If you bring home a lot of money, I love you,” “If you don’t cheat on me, I love you,” etc. Got it? That is, conditional love is when we set conditions, when we love for something. Can you accept a person as he is? Do you want to be accepted for who you really are?

Take a close look at yourself, hear how you pronounce these conditions. Many of them sit on a subconscious level. But they can be seen from those situations, from the problems that we encounter in life. This is a message to us from ourselves - how we do not love and do not accept ourselves and how we do not love and do not accept our loved ones. We all need love like air, and our loved ones need it too.

Unconditional love is when we love and fully accept ourselves; it is when we love and accept those close to us and those around us as they are, and not as we would like them to be. Do not impose on them your ideas about what to say, how to behave, and how and what to do. Ultimately, all this shows you what you would like to be yourself. So become like that! Don't demand the impossible from others! They have their own tasks in this world. They came into this world for their own lessons, not yours. They came into this world to live their own life, and not yours, which, as you may tell yourself in moments of self-revelation, “failed” or “didn’t quite work out.” Don't try to change the world without changing yourself. Don't try to change your neighbor. This is how violence enters our lives. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions!” Change yourself first. By changing, we change the world around us. If we change, those around us will change, our lives and our loved ones, who are connected to us by very close ties, will change. Not right away, have patience, but it will definitely happen, because the external is a reflection of the internal.

Unconditional love is similar to the love a woman experiences when she gives birth to a child and holds him in her arms for the first time. At this moment she is all glowing. Then it becomes clear that love is light. She loves her child in every way. He doesn't let her sleep, sometimes he hurts her, he messes her diapers, he takes up her time, but she loves him, loves him unconditionally. But months pass, and conditional love begins to creep to the surface, gradually displacing unconditional love: “If he sleeps peacefully and doesn’t scream, I love him,” “If he gives me the opportunity to do household chores, I love him.” If the opposite happens, irritation, anger and other negative energies enter life, and these, in turn, attract other situations. The wheel of karma begins its run. The external reflects the internal. Like attracts like.

Hate attracts hate, love attracts love. Only unconditional love can heal a person and help him realize himself in life. I was struck by one example related to unconditional love, very revealing. An evangelical preacher from Finland spoke about this in a sermon. This is the story of his life. He had a brother who was a drug addict who lived in New York and a father who was an alcoholic. This went on for a very long time, and he could do nothing to help them. At some point in time, he realized what unconditional love is and let it into himself. And, as they write in the books, “a miracle happened.” My brother recovered from drug addiction, and my father stopped drinking. He realized that he loved them conditionally. He realized that he loved thoughts about them, not themselves.

Another example that happened to me. We all have problems communicating with our own children. We all don't like something about their behavior. However, we don't even realize that our children reflect ourselves. They reflect some trait in us that we don’t like, for which we don’t like ourselves, and sometimes even hate us. But we never admit this to ourselves, because that would mean looking directly and honestly at ourselves, at our own face. And it can be very unsightly. Therefore, we put on all kinds of masks, just so as not to see the truth and not show people the true thing that is inside us. That's why we don't like it when people show us ourselves.

In addition to the fact that we have passed on our own fears and blocks to our children genetically, in addition to the fact that they have absorbed our beliefs from the atmosphere at home - in addition to all this, we literally provoke them by the presence of our fears, blocks, and beliefs. They reflect ourselves as if in a mirror. Our thoughts simulate a situation in which they behave this way. If you don't like something in others, then it is present in you. Search. Like attracts like. The external reflects the internal.

So, here's an example from my own life. My daughter had one bad habit. In certain situations, she began to behave as if she was deliberately irritating me, which I naturally did not like. I tried to somehow cope with this situation, tried to reason with my daughter, educate her, but this, of course, did not help. Before changing others, change yourself first! At some point, it suddenly hit me, and I realized that with such behavior she wanted to tell me something about myself. She reflects me! (I wonder why I was blind until that moment?) And I went inside myself. At first I couldn't see anything. The mask “I’m not like that, I’m fine, they need to change” can be very strong, and here you need to have a great desire to find out the truth, honesty and courage to see yourself as you really are. And this can be very painful.

And I saw it. I saw that there was something in me for which I did not love my daughter. And I saw something for which I did not love and did not accept myself. The light of consciousness illuminated one of the dark corners of my soul. Then all I had to do was forgive and accept myself for who I really am - not a very attractive process, especially considering that all our lives we have been taught that we should (!) strive to become better. And this really should be so, but how will we become better if we don’t see who we really are?

When this happened, when I saw the real me and forgave, and this happened within an hour, my daughter immediately changed her behavior pattern. I never saw this character trait in her again. I changed, she also changed with me.

What does it mean to accept yourself as you are and forgive yourself? In lectures I usually give the following example. Imagine that your one-year-old child took something very dear to you and accidentally broke it. What are your thoughts, feelings and actions? Now imagine that your ten-year-old son or daughter did the same, only before that you asked them a hundred times not to touch this thing. Do you feel the difference? In the first case, you reconciled yourself, forgave the child - what will you take from him? – and accepted what is. You have accepted the fact, you have accepted reality as it is. In the second case, you don't want to come to terms with the fact, you don't want to forgive. Close your eyes and imagine both of these situations right now, without procrastinating, and compare the feelings. You will understand what it means to forgive and accept. You will understand what it means to take a situation for granted. A person does not know how to forgive either himself or others, which is why I gave the example of a baby. The feeling of unconditional love is still alive here. The process of forgiveness and self-acceptance is very similar to the process of repentance, repentance and humility. All this must come from the heart, otherwise nothing will happen.

Notice your behavior in relation to the people around you and loved ones. Notice what you don't like about their behavior, what irritates you about them. This is your next thought form (belief, block) that has risen to the surface from the subconscious and is modeling the situation so that you can once again try to learn the lesson of forgiveness and unconditional love. And you will constantly encounter this until you complete the lesson. If you don’t like rudeness, it means that either it is inherent in you, or you have the conviction that you are a weak person and a victim. In both cases, you will attract situations to yourself until you understand something definite about yourself and the outside world.

Yes, what has just been said, at first glance, does not inspire optimism and love for life. But this is only at first glance. In fact, it's the other way around. This is perhaps the most optimistic information you have received in your life. In order to move forward, we need to know where we are and what we really have.

How can we change ourselves if we don’t know who we are and what we are? What should we change then?

How can we grow spiritually if we don’t even admit to ourselves that we are capable of lies and deception?

You may lie to others because sometimes it can be painful and dangerous to open up to people. They can use this against you. They, just like you, are afraid of this world and take measures to protect themselves. Just notice how you do it every time. But don't lie to yourself. Information obtained from honest dialogue with yourself is the most optimistic information that can appear in your life. Because the light of consciousness drives out darkness from our souls. This is a step towards unity with oneself, this is a step towards unity with the world, this is a step towards unity with God.

Which of us can say about himself that he is a saint? Nobody. Therefore, we must learn to look honestly into ourselves and accept ourselves as we really are. We need to learn to love ourselves for who we really are. How can we take a step towards inner perfection if we do not accept ourselves? A runner must push off the ground to run forward. In the same way, we must see and accept what is hidden within us in order to begin to move forward. This is true self-love. Otherwise, we will again and again push the negative sides of our personality deep inside, afraid to look ourselves honestly in the eyes, and situations will happen to us again and again in which we will suffer.

Dealing with our own masks, we can endlessly “strive for perfection,” but nothing will ever change until we see our true selves.

Having learned to understand and accept ourselves, having learned to love ourselves, we will learn to understand, accept and love other people. This is love and compassion for one's neighbor.

How can we love another person if we don't know how to love ourselves?

How can we help another person if we have failed to help ourselves?

How can we give to our neighbor what we do not have ourselves?

How can we understand that we are loved if we do not know what self-love and respect are?

Our life lessons are written into us in the form of energy blocks. Blocks are those thoughts, beliefs, fears that create problems, recurring situations and illnesses in our lives; these are what prevent us from acting effectively in this world. Blocks are what we don’t know about this world, what we must understand and what we must learn. We receive blocks from our parents genetically in the form of fears and illnesses. In addition, we ourselves form blocks in childhood, getting into certain situations, so that we can then go through the lessons that we set for ourselves for the rest of our lives. One way or another, this is our karma that we must work with in this life. For example, if you constantly encounter situations where you are being deceived, this deception exists in yourself, and you need to see it and learn to trust yourself and people. By being in the same situation many times, we learn.

Before we are born, we ourselves choose our gender, family, class, place, country, time. I'm not even talking about what we bring with us from other lives. All this forms a unique pattern of our blocks, with which we deal for the rest of our lives, trying to solve the tasks set for ourselves. It is we, and no one else, who are responsible for what happens to us, for the problems we have in our lives. It is very easy to blame your parents, neighbors or someone else for your failures, but, nevertheless, to act in this way is to place yourself in a trap, in a vicious circle from which there is no way out. Because by blaming someone for our problems, we do not act; we deprive ourselves of the strength and opportunity to solve this problem. And now, as always, I have a question:

If we came into this life to learn some lessons and we ask ourselves them, can we ask ourselves an unsolvable task?

Does this make sense?

So, blocks are what we don’t know about the outside world. Or what they must learn about the outside world. And here again a very interesting situation is created. Why do doctors’ actions very often turn out to be ineffective, why do we continue to get sick despite the course of treatment we have completed? Because we have not changed our thoughts about ourselves and the world around us, we have not completed the lesson to the end. If our liver hurts, then often treatment does not lead to anything, because we have not changed our view of the world. Years pass, and the liver begins to hurt again. Anger is concentrated in the liver. Anger has different bases; to get rid of it, you need to learn to love and enjoy life. Then the anger will go away and the liver will stop hurting.

Why are the actions of those who heal using biofields often ineffective? Why does some time pass and people again turn to the same problem, but to a different psychic? For the same reason - they did not understand what lesson they should have learned from the existing situation or illness. They did not understand the specific message that this situation or illness carries for them.

This situation may be considered hopeless, but take your time. Below will be given methods on how to understand what is happening to you. The main thing in this situation is that neither doctors, nor psychics, nor God himself will solve your problems for you. Only you yourself can solve your problem. This is how the Universe is structured, these are its laws. You, and only you, can deal with your own problems, and people will help you when you make enough effort to do so. Remember? If you had the strength to create this problem or illness in your life, then you have the strength to get rid of it. If you make the necessary efforts, then the Universe takes a step towards you in the form of doctors, or psychics, or someone else who helps you understand something about yourself and the world around you. Then the block dissolves by itself, and either you move towards recovery, or the problem or situation disappears from your life.

Each block is a classroom. We need to understand something about ourselves and the world. Therefore, visiting doctors and psychics is a useful thing in the sense of a temporary measure; you will have to do the rest of the work yourself.

By the way, those who work with fields could ask the following questions:

It is well known that the human field consists of several layers of the aura.

What aura levels do you see and what aura levels do you work with?

You removed the block, say, from the second level of the aura, but what about the remaining levels?

After all, the block is reflected at all levels, and in order to completely heal a person, one must be able to work at all levels, including the physical.

So what aura levels are you working at?

Do you heal the patient completely?

And one moment. There are two levels of the aura over which the person himself has power. This is the seventh and third. And this is reassuring - in the sense that since this exists, therefore, each of us has everything necessary to solve problems. At the seventh level, our thoughts and concepts about the structure of the world and our relationships with it are recorded. From this level, erroneous beliefs such as: “Everyone for himself”, “I am above everyone else”, “My destiny in this life is suffering”, “I am afraid to act”, “I will not succeed” - penetrate to other levels of the aura , forming blocks in them and ultimately causing corresponding diseases in the physical body. By reading the appendix at the end of the book, you will understand how this happens.

By analyzing your thoughts, you can actively work with this level, replacing old beliefs with new ones. Your life will change along with them, becoming more harmonious and fuller, and illnesses will leave you forever. Eventually you will come to the conviction that you are one with the world. Then the formula given at the beginning of this book will be fully realized, and you will connect with the Primary Source.

The third level of the aura is the level of the logical mind and feelings. Here a person uses dual vision or, if you like, dual thinking, which a child especially readily uses, forming beliefs about himself and his place in the world.

To make it clearer, let's devote a few lines to explaining what a dual vision of the world is. If you pick up a pencil, you will see that it has two ends. If you look closely at the world around you, you will notice that everything in this world has its opposite. A person, as a rule, does not notice opposites and does not combine them into himself, which is our ultimate task, but gets stuck in one of them, fixating on his feelings and thoughts like “good or bad,” “win or lose,” etc. n. In this regard, I would like to cite one ancient Chinese parable.

One peasant had a son. He had a hump (rated “bad”). Other families also had sons. They all grew up as normal, healthy children (“good”). The war came, all young and healthy men began to be drafted into the army. Sorrow (“bad”) reigned in all families, but happiness (“good”) reigned in this peasant’s family. One day his son went to graze the horses, and one of the horses got lost (“bad”). He went looking for her and found five more horses that didn’t belong to anyone (“good”). I started driving around one of them, fell and broke my leg (“bad”)... And this could continue endlessly.

The moral of this fable is that with our logical mind we attribute one or another assessment to events and become attached or, if you like, fixate on it. In fact, any event that happens to us in life has two sides. But we don’t see this, preferring to choose and rigidly adhere to one of the assessments, depending on the mindset of our mind. In my opinion, it is precisely this property of the mind that leads to the pain and suffering that we have more than enough in life. Conclusion: get rid of a one-sided view, try to see other sides, accept things or people as they are.

But let's return to our main topic. A child’s conclusions about this world are of a dual nature, they are very specific, unambiguous and mostly negative, since a child at his age is practically defenseless and is unable to withstand the pressure of the adult world. He is often humiliated, his initiative is suppressed, and his actions are controlled. It is not difficult to imagine what beliefs children form in themselves about this world. It is these beliefs formed in childhood with the help of dual thinking that determine our lives as adults. In other words, as adults, in our conclusions and actions we rely on our childhood experience, which lies in the subconscious. Only by questioning the patterns of dualistic thinking can one release the block from this level.

What does "question" mean? This means questioning all the criteria that you use in your life, asking yourself the questions: “Is this really good?”, “Is this really bad?” Ideally, it would be useful to question all your knowledge, throw it away and, using an already adult mind, begin to rebuild your worldview, based on the specific experience of real life, on what is happening to you now. Then children's patterns will partially or completely lose their power over you, and you will feel more free to make decisions.

Only as a result of the conscious efforts of the person himself to deal with his problems at these two levels does change occur. Here it becomes obvious the important role that psychologists, psychoanalysts, spiritual mentors and Teachers should play in our lives.

End of introductory fragment.

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Path to freedom. How to change your life (V.V. Zhikarentsev, 2008) provided by our book partner -

Zhikarentsev Vladimir - The path to freedom. Looking Inward - read book online for free

Vladimir Zhikarentsev

Path to freedom


Book 3


While working on this book, I was once again convinced that we humans are strongly connected to each other.

invisible threads. Every person I've encountered in the last ten years has, in one way or another

otherwise made his unique contribution to the writing of this book. As I understand now, there was neither

not one chance meeting, not one chance situation that would not reveal something to me

new things about yourself and about life here on earth. Sometimes it was a painful experience, very painful,

but, in the end, everything turned out for the better.

The faces of these people floated before my mind's eye as I tried to generalize

your experience of communicating with the world in order to convey it to the reader as clearly as possible. Thanks everyone.

I give special thanks to the readers who sent letters, called and

came to my seminars. These are people from all over our country. They are the most

gave me confidence that people needed my work. They inspired me to continue

started business. Thank you.

I express gratitude to my friends and family. Their advice helped me polish

some subtle points, without which this book would not have acquired the appearance it has

Part I Experiencing Reality


A more vague and meaningless title for this part could not be imagined, and

nevertheless, there is nothing left for me to do. This is how I should define the topic we are talking about

will talk. The thing is that through our feelings we experience not what is

outside, but what is inside us. Communicating with the outside world, we experience our

internal, but not objective reality.

Since between us and the outside world stands our mind - thought forms, beliefs,

beliefs, feelings, fears and blocks that are dual in nature, that is, carrying the assessment “bad”

It’s good,” then you can only experience internal reality - our thoughts, beliefs,

beliefs, etc. That is, we experience only what is contained in our mind. And since External

Equal to Internal (see the first book “The Path to Freedom. Karmic reasons for the emergence

problems"), then our thoughts are automatically realized outside.

If you accept a new thought about an event or person, you

you begin to look at them through this thought, and it manifests itself for you as reality, then

that is, you regard what is happening as an “objective” reality.

For example, someone who has a negative belief towards rain and wind,

experiences such weather as something terrible, like a small personal catastrophe. Human,

someone who has the opposite belief enjoys this weather. It is clear that in such

moments, both of these people live in completely different realities and

experience diametrically opposed emotions.

In each of us there live thousands and thousands of thought forms that form the universes,

in which we live, and these universes are sometimes completely different from each other, like,

Vladimir Zhikarentsev

Path to freedom. Karmic causes of problems, or How to change your life

Dedicated to my wife Marina. I will never cease to admire her patience and ability to love and help people.

© V. Zhikarentsev, 2008

© Publishing House Fantastica Book Club, 2016


I express my gratitude to all those people who helped me write this book. These are the people I met along the way. I received special help from those who attended my seminars. They gave me material to think about, they asked tricky questions, forcing me to look for an answer to them. Their help is invaluable; without their participation, this book would not have been created.

I want to thank Gail Straub and David Gershon, who first introduced me to the principles of the Finding Inner Power method in their Empowerment seminar.

I am sincerely grateful to my son Alexander and wife Marina, who inspired me to write this book.

I express my gratitude to my Teachers - the artist Nikolai Zhirnov, who introduced me to the principles of working on subtle planes; to the abbot of the Zen Buddhist monastery in San Francisco, Rabbi Andersen, who taught me how to live in this world and help people around me, how to always be here and now, without escaping into the world of illusions generated by my own thoughts, and who generously shared secrets with me Zen meditation and Buddhist logic; Doctor of Psychology, American Roger La Chance, who developed the unique “Unicorn” method - a method of releasing negative emotions, stress, phobias, fears - which patiently unraveled the tangles of contradictions in my life and which introduced me to the kingdom of the human soul and introduced me to its depths.


In this book I will talk about thought and the karma it generates. You will learn to work with your mental energy and change your life in the direction you want, you will understand how to become strong and how to make life the way you want it to be. In my opinion, the most important misconception of people, which gives rise to all existing problems, is the denial and rejection of the material world. Such rejection is quite natural if you look at it from the point of view of a person living in this world and constantly experiencing its pressure. People experience too much pain and suffering. What then should be our natural reaction? Of course, distance yourself, fence yourself off with a wall. Let this world be there, and let me be here. And we fall into a trap we created with our own hands. How can you create a happy life here on Earth if you are constantly running away from this world? Desperate to know happiness in this life, we reassure ourselves that we will find it after death.

I would like to ask the readers the following questions:

Is the physical world the creation of some Higher Power?

And you, of course, will answer: “Yes.”

Is man a creation of this Power?

And you will again answer in the affirmative.

Is this Power present in every part of our world and in each of us?

The answer is again yes.

Then it becomes incomprehensible why we turn our gaze to the sky, striving to find peace, tranquility and happiness there, and forget that we live here on Earth, that the Highest, to which we strive, has been here for a long time - from the very beginning It has been nearby and in each of us. We strive there and do not recognize life here. We do not accept ourselves and this world, believing that we will get everything after death. We are in a hurry to live this life in order to “find ourselves in heaven” as quickly as possible. We strive to become spiritual, but we do this by running away from the world in many different ways. To be spiritual means to live on this Earth, to be in the very thick of life. Every moment of our life in the material world is progress towards spirituality, progress towards the Highest. By learning to live in this world, we learn to cognize the highest aspects of existence, we learn to be creators ourselves. Do you understand what game we're playing when we run away from here? By denying the physical world, moving away, fencing ourselves off from it, we thereby cut off our path to the Highest.

If we didn't need to be on this Earth, we wouldn't come here. Therefore, there are some lessons that we need to learn here. This is the meaning of our life. By running away from this world, we are running away from our lessons, missing the chance to know happiness on Earth. Heaven exists, and it exists here on Earth. It will reveal itself to us if we learn to live and cope with the problems that arise before us.

In this book, I tried to outline as simply as possible the principles of searching for karmic causes of problems in a person’s life and methods of working with psychic energy, the energy of thought, so that you can build life the way you want to see it. For only your thoughts, whether in consciousness or subconscious, determine what you have at the moment in your life.

It just so happens that most of the examples given in this book involve women. This, of course, does not make them lose their vitality and instructiveness. As for men, we can only wish that they learn openness. Men are very vulnerable these days. Admitting to yourself that you have a problem does not make you weak and does not expose you to ridicule of the whole world, whereas by solving a problem, even with someone’s help, you gain strength and harmony in life.

You can read this book from the beginning, from the middle or from the end. If you want and are ready for changes in your life, they will begin to happen as soon as you turn the last page. Perhaps they will begin much earlier. This has happened to people who read my manuscript. In any case, you will be given chances, and you will be in charge of your life.

I wish success to everyone who will work with this book.

Our thought is our karma

When you combine the external and internal

Why do people face problems? Why do people regularly face almost the same situations? Why, in the end, do people get sick? Several years ago, in a wonderful book, I read a very interesting thought: “All our suffering comes from the illusion of separation, which gives rise to fear and self-hatred and which ultimately leads to illness.” What kind of division were they talking about there? It was still unclear to me then.

Then I came across another book that expressed a similar thought, but in completely different words: “When you unite the external and the internal, the left and the right, the top and the bottom, you will unite with God.” These words were attributed to Jesus Christ. I don’t know why, but this thought touched something in me, I was struck by some deep wisdom that sounded in these words. I had no doubt about their truth; all that remained was to test them experimentally. And I have devoted recent years to researching this idea.

Essentially, this idea can be presented as follows:

Isn't it true that this entry already leads to some interesting thoughts? This is a symbolic record, and by up and down, left and right, outer and inner, you can understand anything, drawing any analogies.

To be brief, we are talking here about the fact that the external, surrounding us, and the internal, belonging to man, worlds are one. Note that this already exists in reality, and the task of each person is to see it and embody it in himself.

In every world religion you can find testimonies of people who have achieved such unity and describe their experience in very similar words. That is, it actually exists! We just can't see it. But we don’t see many other things that physics describes, but we believe that this is how everything happens. And you will immediately say that all physical postulates have been scientifically confirmed. To which we can answer: the fact that everything in the world is interconnected and that the world is one is also scientifically confirmed; Only for some reason this point of view has not yet entered everyday life. Probably because ordinary people are not physicists and cannot see it with their own eyes, cannot feel and experience this unity.

Left and right in the formula primarily imply the masculine and feminine principles, that is, to unite with God it is necessary to discover the masculine and feminine principles in yourself, see how they work, and unite them. The techniques of working with yourself by Tibetan lamas clearly show that this is real and quite achievable. I think these techniques exist in any serious teaching, but they are not available to everyone.

Path to freedom. Karmic causes of problems, or How to change your life Vladimir Zhikarentsev

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Title: Path to Freedom. Karmic causes of problems, or How to change your life

About the book “The Path to Freedom. Karmic causes of problems, or How to change your life" Vladimir Zhikarentsev

This book will help you find the path to Freedom - physical and spiritual freedom. You will learn how a thought form affects a person’s karma, and you will be able to:

Change your destiny;

Improve health;

Harmonize relationships with people;

Become the master of your life;

Achieve prosperity and well-being.

Many practical exercises will help you master your psychic energy and make your life the way you want it to be. Heaven exists! And he exists here on Earth!

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Quotes from the book “The Path to Freedom. Karmic causes of problems, or How to change your life" Vladimir Zhikarentsev

Emotions are the driving force that attracts material and immaterial substances into your life.

However, they declare out loud that they don’t need anything, they have everything. But what is written on their faces is not satisfaction from life, not peace, tranquility and openness, but rigidity, isolation, need or suffering. They will be pressed until they take a step towards the physical world, until they understand that life with all its paradoxes is the spiritual process of development to which they so strive. They must learn to live in this world and cope with difficulties. And this is our main task in this life.
Or is that not true?

By “outside world” we mainly mean relationships between people. Subconsciously, and sometimes consciously, you view people as hostile to you and unable to satisfy your need. You make a request to people, and they give you half a glass of water. The external reflected the internal. Like attracts like. And nothing will change until you reconsider your attitude towards this world, until you learn to be grateful for the little that you are given. And this means taking a step towards the world, towards people. Then the world and people will take three steps towards you.

We have all been hurt in one way or another as children (you, of course, understand that we are not just talking about physical pain). Having grown up, we continue to carry this pain, these memories of what was not received. This is how our attitude towards the outside world is formed as an inherently hostile place where we must always be on guard.

You need to understand that your parents did what they could for you. They raised you the way they raised them. They couldn't jump over their heads and give you something they didn't have themselves. They loved you as they loved them. They simply did not know how to love differently. They didn't know how else to express their love.

This is the task of tasks - to feel gratitude for what comes to us. Learning to enjoy little things is a great art. This is also one of the lessons we learn on this Earth.

By answering these questions honestly, you will reach your blocks.
It is rare, very rare to meet a person who would objectively assess his own strengths. To achieve this, a lot of inner work needs to be done. And it should be noted that after this, evaluation of oneself and one’s activities completely disappears from a person’s vocabulary. He just does it, and everything works out for him. But to achieve this state, you need to clearly identify your fears and erroneous beliefs.

One of the clear signs that you have broken this law is when changes suddenly begin to enter your life. How does this usually happen? Up to a certain point, everything is going great: husband, wife, family, work, position. And suddenly everything starts to collapse in one beautiful moment. A husband or wife leaves, they are fired from work, relatives get sick, the person himself begins to get sick, something absurd happens to the children - in short, the world seems to go crazy. Everything is falling apart. This is a sign that it is time to work with yourself. You sat in one place and missed the moment of change, without letting it into your life.

Formulate your limiting belief in clear and understandable words and write it down - this is very important. By doing this, you formulate the problem - perhaps for the first time in your life, you have the opportunity to face it and begin to work with it. You bring it into the light of consciousness. What happens when we turn on a light in a dark room? Our fears are like darkness - they recede and dissolve under the light of consciousness.

There are many areas where we form beliefs that influence our lives. I invite you to examine your beliefs regarding the following issues: personal responsibility; self-esteem; Universe; positive attitude; change. It is clear that the line between topics is very arbitrary, and often the same belief can be attributed to several areas at the same time. This only once again emphasizes that everything is connected within us and that the problem cannot be solved by changing any one area of ​​our life. Changes must proceed in parallel in all directions.