Prayers and conspiracies for all occasions! Conspiracy for the current day. Prayer for Joyful Blessing

In this article:

Something that just doesn't happen to us every day. To get out of any situation as a winner without a problem, use conspiracies for all occasions. It is worth learning them by heart. Huge opportunities open up before man. With the help of magic, you can find and win love, get good luck, wealth, preserve beauty. You can take revenge on your enemies or help your friends. All this is available to those who are not afraid to engage in the art of black and white magic. Many conspiracies are short, do not require special rituals. They can be pronounced at work, in public transport. Help yourself with your power. It is not necessary to be a strong practitioner, these words of power are suitable for beginners as well.

How to pronounce a conspiracy correctly

Before you start working with conspiracies, you need to know the rules. After all, these are not just words, but words containing power. You activate energy, send it purposefully. You need to know that magic does not go anywhere, does not dissolve in the air. It remains, and with it - a particle of your energy. This must be kept in mind. Rules for all conspiracies:

  • Neither white nor black conspiracies can be pronounced to a person who is sick. Even a small cold will be a problem. You are wasting personal energy. For a sick person, this is a big loss that will only aggravate the situation;
  • You must be completely sure that the plot will work. Just trying is not an option. It may be dangerous;
  • It is necessary to have protective talismans and amulets against the "rollback" of magic. Everything has a price, it is better to pay it yourself in the form of a sacrifice than to wait until the Forces themselves take something
  • Do not tell friends or family about your practices. Only if one of them is also passionate about magic, conspiracies. Then you can share the experience;
  • An enthusiastic practitioner needs his own Grimoire. This is the book you keep. Like a diary of magic. There you can record your experiences, spells, incantations, descriptions of rituals, effect;
  • You can not change the words of the conspiracy, rearrange. All texts are strictly learned by heart. You can not read on a piece of paper or keep the monitor on. If you want to pronounce the proper effect, take the trouble to learn the plot.

These are the main points to be observed. Each plot contains additional information. Observe the phases of the moon, day, number. If nothing of the kind is needed, then the conspiracy can be pronounced at any time of the day or night.

Do I need a ritual for every conspiracy

Rituals give special power to your words. You understand that your own energy is not enough for energy intervention. Then essences are called from the smallest, to the Universal scale. The ritual helps to establish a connection with them. For simple everyday conspiracies, rituals are not needed. They can be whispered in the subway, pronounced at work, at the institute. It's best to whisper.

If it is indicated that the ritual is required, do not neglect this rule.

The words that you speak will not reach the goal without a special action, objects of power. The ritual must be observed in full - if it requires the head of a chicken or the rib of a pig, then nothing will work without these items. Each item carries a special energy information, and their combination gives the desired vector of force. If you understand that you won’t be able to find this item or you just don’t want to work with it, choose another plot. It's better to start with simple whispers who don't need anything special.

How to protect yourself from someone else's conspiracy

You are fond of magical art. Perhaps you already know how to bewitch, conjure good luck, induce damage to others. Today this is not so uncommon. There are many people who are passionate about the same. Which means they can hurt you too. It is worth thinking about protection before you get an unpleasant evil eye. Protection methods can be different:

  • Protective conspiracies for the house, car;
  • amulets, amulets, talismans. They will need to be activated correctly;
  • embroidered amulets on clothes;
  • runes-amulets that you will sew into your clothes or will always carry with you;
  • tattoo with protective signs.

Using conspiracies for all occasions, remember that the very first and most important thing is protection. Looking through a person through cards, runes, Tarot, you will see a real shield that protects against influences. Be sure to carry out diagnostics before making damage or a love spell. Such a shield will direct your own influence against you.

In modern conditions of life, when there are many of the most different people, without protection is indispensable.

For good luck every day

Life is a zebra. Black stripe, white stripe. During the white streak, everything is fine, but not the most pleasant moments come to replace it. So that this very strip does not fall on important point your life - use simple and short words of power. They will drive away failures, and they will put the right path and the right decisions under your feet.

A conspiracy on agate

Agate is a special stone. It was used by alchemists, magicians and healers. It has one useful feature. Agate attracts good luck in all endeavors. Its power cannot be neglected - wearing agate every day is a mistake. You can cast a spell on a stone that will serve you long years. Wear it only for the most important events, occasions. You can wear it around your neck, hide it in your pocket, or buy an agate ring.

You will need:

  • 3 church candles;
  • dry lavender;
  • dry clover.

Place the lavender and clover in a sturdy bowl. They will need to be set on fire. When dry leaves flare up, quickly extinguish them. Get a fragrant smoke.
Put your agate into the dry mixture. Place the candles in a triangle, light it. Say:

"Help me, agate, help me, protect me, agate, bring good luck."

Let the candles burn to the end. Leave everything unchanged for 1 day. The next day, wipe the agate and start wearing it. Now he is charged with the energy of good luck. Each of your new luck, luck will feed it. You will have your own lucky stone. You can't give it to anyone. Take care of the stone, do not lose it. It should be kept in a green velvet bag out of direct sunlight.

Herbs have a special power even when dried.

Useful conspiracies for students

Help is needed during exams and tests. Sometimes, there is nowhere to look for it. It remains only to hope for the support of the Higher Forces. Contact them with a request and your day will be very successful. Some interesting conspiracies that help in your studies.

Magic water for passing the exam

Water needs to be spoken in a special way. In general, all energy effects on water are considered to be among the strongest. This liquid stores information for a very long time. You need to buy water with your own money. If there is change, give everything without a trace to the poor.
Pour water into a faceted glass and place it in front of the bed. On the night before the exam, you need to speak water:

“I call for good luck and luck, so that tomorrow brings me good news, I received the mark I needed and was satisfied!”

Say 7 times for good luck. In the morning, drink half a glass on an empty stomach, and wash your face with the other half.
This is a simple but proven way. You will get a lucky ticket, and teachers will be indulgent. Don't tell anyone your personal secret of success - Lady Luck doesn't like to brag.

Conspiracy on the pen

Speak the pen with which you will write the exam. For this you will need:

  • New blue pen;
  • piece of paper in a box.

Take a piece of paper and write on it:

“As the sky is clear and bright, so my thoughts are clear and bright. As my parents cherish and love me, so will my teachers pity me! Amen!".

It must be read aloud three times, folded into a triangle. The triangle is hidden in the pocket of the clothes in which you will go to the exam.
Do not give a pen to anyone's hands - it is already set for your luck. Give it to the wrong hands and lose your luck on the exam. After the exam, the pen must be broken in half and thrown away. Prepare a new lucky pen for each exam.

short love spells

You can attract attention, make a challenge, bewitch and push to action without words. whisper the right words, your lover or loved one can't resist. This is an easy way for those who are shy and can no longer endure separation. Try them and appreciate the powerful effect.

To meet your loved one

If you passionately desire a meeting, but it still does not happen, remind the person about yourself. It will work for those who already communicate. It's a pity, but it will not be possible to inspire thoughts of you stranger or a girl. Communication is very important. The more often you see each other, talk, correspond on social networks, the faster it will work. For some it works in the first few hours.
You need to take a photo of the person you like, a handful of fine salt. Sprinkle the photo with salt, repeating the text 3 times:

“Lie in the void, without wind and rain. There is no thunder here, there is no storm, only calmness around. Everything will go smoothly, smoothly, and without trouble.”

When you say 3 times, you will need to collect all the salt, throw it out the window. The wind will spread the salt all over the world, one grain will get to your beloved - so he will remember about you and will no longer be able to call. This plot works well in the evening.

Call to the wind

The rite is not needed, just wait until the wind starts outside. The stronger it is, the faster your words will reach your loved one. You need to speak loudly

“Pick me up, Lord, on the road. Give the go-ahead to the relationship. Reveal the secret of dating. Provide me with only what I need. Give me confidence in (name) or disappointment. Save me from wasting time. Let me understand perspective. The heart is worried. Sympathy arose and multiplied. God! Not give me fall into misery. Bring on a date (name). Don't let my chance be missed."

You can say no more than 3 times in one day. Usually, this is not required, because after 1-2 times the call action occurs. One limitation - it can only be read by those who are baptized. Your loved one will appear suddenly or will make itself felt. You can do every day except Sunday.

Whispers of love on a candle

It is made at night. You don't need anything but a candle. One condition: the candle must be melted down. You need to take a whole candle, melt it in some form, melt it down and insert a thread - a wick. On it, write the name of your loved one with a knife on one side, and yours on the other.
Stand at the window at night, light a candle. Bring it to the glass. The flame will reflect on the glass several times - look at this path and say:

Flash, a candle where my beloved walks - remind me of me. Find my beloved, tell me everything about my longing.

Say whatever you want to impress on the person. About your love, longing. If you want me to call, just say so.
You can do every day, but not on Sunday. This whisper is strong, it transmits your thoughts over a long distance, and the effect always comes.

For beauty and health

Say these words every morning or evening. They help you stay irresistible. For girls and women of all ages. Your beauty is the most wonderful, wonderful magic in the world.

Get rid of imperfections

If you are waiting for an important event or holiday, you need to look irresistible. It is difficult if pimples or redness appear on the face. You can quickly get rid of them if you make charmed water.
In the morning, put the water in a jug in a dark place. You need to put a silver spoon or bracelet in the water. Say to the water:

“There were 12 young women, 12 sisters, 12 queens, 12 beauties. From every beauty - in this barrel!

In the evening they wash themselves with this water.
In the morning you will be surprised how good the skin has become. If there were bright spots, they became noticeably paler. Pimples and inflammation go away without a trace. You can do it just like that if you like the effect.

This method is a great opportunity see fast results and be pleasantly surprised

To keep the face fresh and rosy

This plot is done on soap. Buy a new bar of soap. Look for natural, free of additives and flavorings. For those who know how to make soap themselves, this is an ideal conspiracy. Make homemade soap according to all the rules, add healthy oils. Draw your name on it with a new knife.

Wash your face every morning and every evening, saying:

“Water-voditsa, take away all the scars / pimples / wrinkles / spots / cracks (select the right one) from my face. Amen".

You will be surprised how quickly the skin becomes smooth and ruddy. No need for powders and blush if your skin is so wonderful. Russian beauties used this conspiracy and were famous throughout the world for the beauty of their faces.

Try it, this is a simple conspiracy for the beauty and health of the skin.

Conspiracy on a jar of cream

You can talk about the cream for the body, hands, face. This is a universal whisper for beauty and youth. The skin becomes elastic, toned, and you will soon say goodbye to cellulite.
Buy a new cream. Do not be stingy, it must be good. Open the jar and say the plot 10 times:

“As from the first sister I have beauty, from the second - love, from the third - thick hair, from the fourth - gentle hands, from the fifth - a sonorous voice, from the sixth - snow-white teeth, from the seventh - black eyelashes, from the eighth - hot eyes, from the ninth - thin eyebrows, from the tenth - scarlet lips, from the eleventh - the nose is bright, and as the twelfth, let me be all I!".

Now, you have your own beauty secret. Use the cream 1-2 times a day. When the jar runs out, we can make another one. This is an effective tool, because it activates the energy of your skin, its desire to be beautiful, elastic and young. Can be used at any age.

Small damage and evil eye

You can punish the offender quickly. If he hurt you, then the truth is on your side. Power will punish the wrong, and help you. With these evil eyes, you will not cause severe harm to a person, but he will not want to contact you next time.

Damage on 7 pins

Anyone can handle this mess. You will need:

  • Black long candle;
  • 7 pins;
  • black canvas.

On the candle with a knife, you need to write the name of the person who is being spoiled. Insert 7 pins into the candle from top to bottom. Wait for the wick with matches, not a lighter. Think of 7 troubles that should happen to this person. This is not a strong corruption, so it makes no sense to conceive of death - it will not come true. You may wish:

  • layoffs from work;
  • parting with a girl or boyfriend if they are not married in the church;
  • the collapse of an important plan;
  • loss of money;
  • time of property;
  • cold, illness, chiry.

All this can be done on any day of the week on the growing moon. It is done once a month. When another pin falls out, say - so be it! When it burns out, wrap the candle in linen and place it on the crossroads.

The method is proven and effective, it works quickly. You will definitely arrange trouble for your offender. They are also valid for 1 month. Then you can repeat.

Discord in a couple

If you want two people to end the relationship, before the discord is made on the needle. So you can divorce your husband with his mistress, or you can take someone else's man out of the family. The main condition is that these two people are not married in the Church, otherwise nothing will work.

You will need:

  • A photo of a couple or two photos of the people you are breeding;
  • needle;
  • black candle.

At night from Saturday to Sunday, light a black candle. Take two photos and pierce in the area of ​​your lover's heart. Say:

“I read strong words on the needle, I speak it. The discord between the slaves (names of people) will be strong. I entrust their lives to the dark forces, so that there is no peace and rest for them. Let it be so. Amen!"

The ceremony is performed on the waning moon

In the photo of the woman, drip 4 drops of candle wax.
After that, a man will stop loving a woman, he will no longer be able to be with her. After that, you can make calls to it, a love spell or a binding.

Damage to loneliness

For this damage, you do not need a ritual. It can be quickly whispered anywhere. It is important that you touch the person. You can follow him in transport, at work. You need to install tactile contact, and after that read the corruption:

“Love, lapel now does not work on you. You will be alone forever and ever, and loneliness is an eternal companion. As your hairs burn out, so my words will gain strength. Do not remove the conspiracy to anyone now. Amen!".

It makes a person lonely. Lovers, relatives and friends turn away. He remains alone and cannot understand how it happened.

Protective spells on yourself

Be sure to learn these conspiracies. They help to protect not only from magical influence but also from the physical. In a dangerous situation, say them. They can protect, and sometimes save lives.

Conspiracy from ill-wishers

Very good for those times when your life might be in danger. Returning home late, you can read this plot several times. He will protect you from the views of bad people, take away troubles.

Say 3 times:

“Like spears in a cross, so the enemies are all prone. Who is good - he will pass. Who is with evil - will hook with a cross.

Speak only in a whisper, crossing your index and middle fingers on both hands. This is a gypsy protective conspiracy that always works.

Protection from hostile magic

So you can protect your home from magic. You need to buy a kilogram of coarse salt and fresh meat.
Put 1 kilo fresh meat in salt and leave overnight. In the morning, the blood from the meat will soak the grains of salt. Take it, separate it from the meat. Say 3 times:

“I salted it with salt, soaked it with water. As salt does not rot, so spoilage does not stick to the threshold. Roll back, turn away, turn back! Won gone! I didn't call you!"

After that, the salt is placed in 6 black bags, and the meat will need to be taken to the cemetery and left at the gate. The bags are hung at the front door, windows. Put one of them under the bed. Enchanted blood on salt protects against all types of witchcraft. You can carry one pouch with you, but discreetly. Your sacrifice at the gates of the cemetery will protect you from the encroachments of evil spirits, demons. They cannot enter the house. The evil eye, damage, curses will not pass.
All this - available ways work with forces. Everyone can start practicing with them. You can protect yourself from ill-wishers and the harmful effects of magic, speak love and good luck, bring on the energy of beauty. It's easy, you just have to start. Try these amazing home, country and gypsy spells. Every day will be amazing if you make it like this.

The money magic of money keeps very strong conspiracies to attract money into your life, which until recently were available only to the most elite, but with the advent of the Internet, everyone can now independently conduct a ritual to attract money at home and do it completely free. If a need has come and your financial opportunities read very badly one of the conspiracies presented to attract money to your home and your life, having received a lot of money, will quickly change for the better. The oldest and most strong conspiracy to attract money. To conduct a ritual to attract money at home, you will need two glasses of wheat, a glass of holy water and church candle yellow wax. On the growing moon, as soon as Vespers in the church ends, go to the window holding a glass of holy water in your left hand and a lit candle in your right and say conspiracy words to attract money:

Trade conspiracies: for good luck in business, which you need to read on your own.

All the most powerful and proven conspiracies for trade and good luck in business will help to successfully establish trade relations. Ordinary people from mouth to mouth passed on the words of conspiracies and prayers for trade, which miraculously helped merchants in their affairs. Now almost a quarter of the population is employed in the trading business, which means good trade and the ability to profitably sell any product will bring maximum income. Magic helped many in any life situations with the help of conspiracies. Businessmen have long turned to magicians and psychics for help, it was the same before and even under the rulers there were court magicians, but why the extra spending? Read for yourself ancient conspiracies to trade and see how your business goes uphill.

The strongest prayer for trading

Merchants and merchants at all times appealed to the help of the world of spirits and gods in prayers, wanting to improve trade relations and money circulation. In our world of machines and technology, people are increasingly returning to the ancient origins of magic. So today, for good luck in business, it is worth starting your day by reading the most powerful prayer for trading to the Guardian Angel, which was read by successful merchants on ancient Rus' and the text of which has come down to our days from a remote Siberian village called Kolyvan.

The magic of attracting money and good luck, money will always be found

With the help of magic, you can become much richer and there are a lot of ways to get rich, you can win the lottery, find a large sum money or receive an inheritance from a distant relative unknown to you ... The magic of attracting money will make sure that you will always have money! All the peoples of the World have secret magical rites and traditions that attract money: the gypsy magic of money and the magic of other cultures used secret ancient rites and rituals for amulets that made their owners fabulously rich and influential people.

Prayer for trade

This the strongest prayer for trade which was passed from mouth to mouth and is able to sell any product very quickly with the biggest profit for you. Do not be afraid to resort to reading this conspiracy - a prayer, and if you are a salesman by profession, a conspiracy - a prayer for trade can be read as many times as needed (at least every day).

If you need to sell something quickly, and even profitably, go to church, put a candle on any Saint who is closer to your heart and pray.After reading the following prayer for trading:

The works of the Lord, His pure lips will pray for me. My Lord, Lord, help my soul with faith, increase all my deeds for trade: In change and purchase, and in all that

Operating conspiracies for trade

For trade workers who want to increase the number of sales and faster turnover, there is a love spell that affects successful trade, so that money turns around and multiplies faster. To conduct a magical rite, we need coarse salt. This conspiracy to trade has tremendous power and acts with lightning speed. Memorize it by heart and every morning, going to trade, read the plot 12 times for a handful of salt that you need to hold in your hand.

conspiracy to trade

When luck in trading has turned away, you need to read the plot on good trade which will have a strong effect and very quickly business will improve and business will go up again. Vanga's white magic recommends reading this strong trade conspiracy and conducting a special rite after which the goods will sell well and good luck in trade will never leave you and you should not be afraid to use witchcraft for trade to flourish. You must conduct the magic ceremony yourself for a good trade and read a conspiracy to trade from Vanga's book for a scarf of sugar and salt, which, after reading, you need to throw into the water, after which your trade will go very well and good luck in business will always accompany you!

Black magic ritual - a conspiracy to trade and a quick profit from the money invested

It is necessary to perform a ritual for a successful investment in business strictly on the full moon. Light a green church candle on the table. Rub the black candle with lamp oil from the wick to the base. Then rub oil on a white candle and scratch your initials on the bottom of the candle.

CONSPIRACY WANGI MONEY. Vanga's conspiracy will always have money

Today we are in Once again let's touch on the magic of money, namely Vanga's advice and conspiracies for money. If you perform this magical ritual of attracting money, then you will always have finances. The first conspiracy from the Bulgarian healer Vanga will help you solve such a problem as attracting money every day by following her advice, you will live in prosperity and wealth. Today We will once again touch upon the magic of money, namely Vanga's conspiracies for money. If you perform this magical ritual of attracting money, then you will always have finances.

The first conspiracy from the Bulgarian healer Vanga will help you solve such a problem as attracting money. To perform the ritual, pour water into glassware And say a conspiracy for water out loud a conspiracy for money online:

There are many effective and most powerful conspiracies for money and wealth, today we will tell you how to properly conduct a conspiracy for money that will help you get rich and make sure that the money in your wallet always flows and never runs out. Money conspiracies are very popular and have been helping people for centuries. Having performed this magical ritual and read money conspiracy wealth and big money will come from the most unexpected places: finds, bonuses, successful business deals, etc. Before reading a conspiracy for money, know and follow following rules. Before reading a conspiracy for money on the moon, know and follow the following rules. A conspiracy to the moon, which is spoken during the day, should be directed towards the sun; in the evening - to the west towards the setting sun. Conspiracy for money full moon must be spoken loudly (if you are alone) or softly


Today we will teach you how to make the strongest conspiracy for money and wealth. This magical ritual can be performed only on weekdays, that is, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and leave Saturday and Sunday for prayer in the church. You should know that the conspiracy for money is strong and you need to read it with complete concentration and in complete solitude and in no case tell ANYONE that you performed a ritual to attract money and wealth. As mentioned earlier strong and quick plot for money and wealth it is read on any weekday of the week, you only need to insert this day of the week into the money conspiracy. This is how a conspiracy for money and wealth sounds:

A conspiracy to get a loan approved will help you immediately get a consumer loan and take cash from the bank under the most favorable conditions - a low interest rate (favorable interest rate on a loan). The conspiracy for good luck to give a loan or borrow money is so strong that even a bad credit history of "KI" will not prevent you from getting credit money from any bank that gives consumer loans to the public and approval without checking CI will be accepted immediately after you read this strong conspiracy. You urgently need money and you don’t know which banks give urgent loans, don’t waste your time, start reading the loan approval plot and immediately, without leaving your computer, you can apply online to several banks and you will be pleasantly surprised how quickly the loan approval plot works without verification credit history.

A conspiracy to receive money and a loan will help people who, for a variety of reasons, cannot get it, constantly bumping into a bank refusal. What to do if you need cash, of course, seek help from the magic of money and attract good luck in all money matters.

Conspiracies and prayers for headaches

Overcame headaches, and even the government banned the sale of strong medicines for headaches without a doctor's prescription ... praying for a headache will help to speak the pain - these are time-tested ways to quickly get rid of a headache migraine and a sharp pain of varying severity. We will not discuss the causes of headaches and give lectures so as not to provoke another headache attack, but we will immediately move on to proven and helping miraculous magical methods and tell you about conspiracies and prayers that will help you quickly and independently speak pain and relieve spasm from the head.

How to forget a loved one conspiracy

A plot to forget the person you still love is safe and quite suitable for independent reading. Previously, when people parted at the initiative of one person, it was not easy for the second to be sad, longing tormented the wounded heart, and in order to somehow alleviate these sufferings, people turned to the help of magic and read strong conspiracies to forget and fall out of love with a loved one with whom you need to quickly part. Those who have at least once diverged from loved ones know that the hardest thing after parting is to forget the one with whom nothing connects and erase from memory those wonderful minutes that you were together, it is best to cope with this task with the following conspiracy - an ostuda that has been stored for many centuries and is read for this very occasion. This plot is chanted before washing and after washing for three days in a row, words of a conspiracy to forget a loved one and no longer miss him and not yearn for such

Conspiracy to get a profitable loan

According to people's stories, a conspiracy to get a profitable loan has helped many, and it may help you too. The magical help of obtaining a loan with a bad credit history is becoming a very popular rite among those who cannot get a loan. Since ancient times, mankind has been communicating with usurers (people who gave a loan against receipt from private individuals), it was then that conspiracies for obtaining a loan appeared. Our time has come, and the magic of money is also in demand and helps to get money in debt. Magicians are increasingly offering help: I ​​will help you get a loan with the help of a magical rite, but before spending money for this service, look at this conspiracy to get a loan:

conspiracy for garlic

Try to spend old rite having read the strongest conspiracy for garlic. Many books have been written about the magical properties of garlic and quite a few films have been shot, garlic is actively used in traditional medicine for a variety of purposes, and it is also included in the list of fat burner products. Next, you will learn a plot on garlic for weight loss. Go to the market and buy one of the largest heads of garlic. When you come home, you need to clean each slice and take an odd number of slices (if there is an odd number of slices in the head, take everything, if even, do not use one, throw it out the window). Peeled garlic cloves must be finely chopped with a knife (you can not crush them in a garlic press).
While cutting the cloves, read the conspiracy on garlic to lose weight:

Conspiracy for reconciliation

A quarrel with a person always causes regret and a desire to return the relationship to its former course, but a sense of pride ... Magicians were valued at all times, even in modern world people turn to magical help: conspiracies, love spells ... We have already told how with the help of magic and conspiracy to reconcile would not be complete if it were not for teaching you how to stop a quarrel and get any person to take the first step towards rebuilding a relationship, even if you were wrong.

money attracting spells

Previously, only the elite could read money-attracting conspiracies on their own, time is money, and now you can become richer and attract big money into your life if you independently read a conspiracy to attract money into your life. The magic of money reveals the secrets of getting rich quick only to the elite, but you can also try your hand. We will tell you the ancient conspiracies that attract money, after performing a magical ritual, the cash flow will flow to you as an endless river. We have already published to you magical ways to become rich and fast. get a lot of money. Today you will learn one of the oldest magical rites to attract money and are sure that if you do everything right, the money-attracting conspiracy will make you rich.

Slavic magic

The secret magic of the Slavic peoples brought to us the strongest magical rituals. Slavic magic and ancient conspiracies helping from troubles and ailments helped our ancestors, and now you have the opportunity to comprehend this secret of the Slavic family. Below We will introduce you to the conspiracies of the ancient recalcitrant peoples proudly calling themselves Slavs and revering the Gods and Spirits, bringing them gifts and receiving in return help and protection from the Higher Forces of the Earth.

Slavic magic conspiracies for all occasions

Simoron fulfillment of desires

Today you will learn how to fulfill your most diverse desires with the help of Simoron's technique based on psychotraining. Each of you knows that the power of words and the power of thought are of great power and carry information through space and time. Simoron is a separate branch of the magic of ancient Europe, but it has already received this name in our time. Since its inception, the "simoron" technique has been used as a psychological training, you can even say a pendulum, after the launch of which, it attracts the energy of other people

The practical magic of love

What tricks did the girls go to in order to get married and bewitch the betrothed. Since ancient times, practical magic has contained the most large section after healing conspiracies, this is the magic of love. The secret ancient love spells of a loved one have come down to our days and today the love magic of the ancient magicians will open for you and you will comprehend the ancient power of a love conspiracy that can bewitch anyone you like young man and marry him. If you need to bind a guy to yourself forever, it is best to use a love spell for menstruation, blood magic is the strongest and this is no coincidence.

Gypsy money magic

Gypsies worship strongly magical talismans and amulets and sacredly believe in their power. Their goal is very different: some attract money, others - the strongest , others - protect from trouble, etc.
The ancient gypsy magic of money uses the following magical rituals and ceremonies to attract money.If you are in need of money, use the ancient magical way to attract money and wealth.:

Conspiracies of black magic

People come to black magic when all the possibilities have been tried and there is no other solution to the situation that has arisen. We have collected secret conspiracies of black magic of ancient sorcerers and witches that will help resolve any case in your favor. The ancients used conspiracies of black magic extremely rarely, and before you start this or that practical black ritual, think about whether you can solve the problem in another way. The first magical ritual of the ancient magicians that we will tell is black magic conspiracies:

Vanga spell for good luck

Vanga revealed to people good spells for good luck in all matters, they are really working and have been tested by many people who independently had a chance to read this strong conspiracy for good luck in life told by Vanga. A conspiracy for good luck, according to Vanga, makes a person who has performed a magical rite a real lucky and very lucky person. Immediately after performing a magical rite, luck goes hand in hand with a charmed person, and former failures will sink into the past. Today you will learn how to do a magic ritual and learn how to perform Vanga spell for good luck.

A conspiracy that awakens fortune - they read good luck early in the morning, before the morning service in the church, having previously washed themselves with running water. No wonder they say: Who gets up early - God gives him. To independently read Vanga's strong conspiracy for good luck, which is done at home, take a wide ceramic vessel and pour water at room temperature into it, then say the words of the conspiracy for good luck over the vessel:

Conspiracies from high pressure

If you have hypertension and a headache has become almost daily, know that conspiracies from high blood pressure will help lower blood pressure without pills and quickly restore health without pills. Treatment with conspiracies and prayers was practiced at all times, herbalists, healers and sorcerers at all times helped people and prepared infusions and decoctions on herbs, some sorcerers read water conspiracies after which headache and weakness quickly left and never returned. Modern people have forgotten these methods, and today healing magic will help you with the help of a quick and effective conspiracy get rid of such problems as hypertension and regular high blood pressure. The following prayers will help you lower your blood pressure, and after reading them, relief will come to you.

Prayer from high pressure addressed to St. Alexander

Conspiracy to win the lottery

If you read a plot to win the lottery, you can win the biggest prize very quickly. It is not for nothing that in money magic, until recently, this fastest way to become richer and get a lot of money was kept a big secret. Luck will help us win the lottery, which we will magically invoke by making the next plot to win the lottery, but you need to spend a little money and buy a winning lottery ticket, which will make you richer. A plot to win the lottery will help you win money or another prize. The winning conspiracy given in this article does not help everyone and not everyone, but if you try to fulfill all the conditions of the magical ritual, you may be lucky because such strong conspiracies to win big in the lottery or loto can bring you quick money and good luck in the game.

A conspiracy to dream about a guy

The desire to dream of a beloved guy who likes arises for many, but not many people know that this can be done with the help of magic if you read an uncomplicated plot before going to bed. If you want to remind your loved one of yourself and come to him in a dream, a strong and very old conspiracy to dream about a guy. This magical ritual was used by girls who wanted to see their lover as soon as possible, who for a number of reasons had not seen you for a long time. After reading the following conspiracy, a beloved man who sees you in a dream will want to see you in reality as soon as possible. Managing other people's dreams is a witchcraft action built mostly on visualization.

A conspiracy to dream about a guy needs to do the following magic ritual.

Conspiracy how to remove the stomach

Many do not know how to quickly remove fat from the abdomen and problem areas with the help of magic, and this is not difficult to do if you read the conspiracy to lose weight and get rid of fat and you don’t have to go anywhere, you need to read the conspiracy at home! Fat on the sides and abdomen, the most problem areas and if you don’t know how to restore them, a conspiracy that can remove the stomach and excess fat will help you. Our ancestors used the magic of beauty and these secrets have come down to us. If you need to quickly remove the stomach, magic will help. This is the easiest rite for those who do not know how to lose weight and how to remove the stomach. To do this, every time you wash your hands, speak a strong conspiracy how to remove the stomach

Conspiracy to win a case in court

IN modern society litigation has become commonplace. Here regular readers have asked to give a strong conspiracy to win cases in court. Many people know the situation when neighbors go to court for any reason - a flooded ceiling or a rude phrase. Litigation may end a marital or business relationship, i.e. everyone can become both defendants and accused. We have selected the most powerful and at the same time simple conspiracies and rituals to win a case in court.

If you are summoned to court and charged. In order to ruin the enemy’s business, do the following magical rite, after which any business will be winning

Conspiracies for children

We have selected a collection of magical conspiracies for children. In it you will find conspiracies for sleep, from fear, from diseases of children. I am sure that you will use these conspiracies for children more than once. Children are very mobile and it often happens that from overwork they have a nose there is blood. These magical rituals will help not only the child, but also the adult. You can stop a nosebleed with a simple magical action that does not require any conspiracies. To do this, take the most ordinary scissors in that hand from the nostril with which blood flows, and raise your hand above your head (behind your head), throwing your head back or lie down. From an insect bite children often scratch themselves until they bleed. This is a conspiracy for children and adults to bite

Conspiracies for the birth of a child

My husband and I decided to have a baby, but we can't get pregnant. Before running to the doctors, perform a magical rite and read the old conspiracy to have a baby. After this ritual, it was possible to get pregnant even for those to whom modern medicine predicted hopelessness.

If you want to safely get pregnant and give birth to a child, take a long rope made of natural material (cotton, hemp, etc.) and tie a knot on it for forty days at midnight, each time reading from memory conspiracy to have a baby.

Luck is exactly the component that is sometimes so lacking in life. And we can talk here not only about failures in personal life. Quite often, many complain about the lack of luck in the workplace, the constant lack of money and, accordingly, a bad life. Conspiracies and prayers for good luck in business and business will help you solve this problem. Some of these magical rituals will be discussed in this article.

Conspiracies and prayers for good luck in business belong to white magic and have long been practiced not only by professional magicians, but also by ordinary people.

In some cases, it turns out to almost completely change the course of a person’s life, directing it towards right direction and improved financial position.

However, magic does not always work as we want, especially when it comes to rituals for good luck.

Here are a few rules by which rituals are made for good luck:

It is best to do the ceremony during the growing moon or on the full moon.
The strongest prayers for good luck are read on the night of the full moon. Naturally, there are other rituals that can only be done on a single day of the week or lunar month.

The person must perform the ritual on himself
Since luck is a very sensitive and subtle matter, if someone else makes a conspiracy for success in business, it may not work out.

You must absolutely believe in the result
Read conspiracies and prayers for good luck or perform rituals for success only with faith in the power of the chosen ritual. If you yourself do not believe in the effectiveness of what you have planned and do a magical rite out of curiosity, then nothing good will come of it.

It often turns out that failures in business and various undertakings are the result of negative energy.

That is why, before starting any conspiracy or prayer for good luck, you should cleanse your energy and prepare it for magical effects.

You can make a rite of purification of your energy with the help of a simple ritual with salt. To perform the ceremony, you will need a harvest of white salt and a glass of holy water.

Instead of holy water last resort can be used spring water or tap water that has stood in a dark place for seven days.

On any Thursday of the month, you can do this ceremony. Place a glass of water on the table in front of you, and hold the salt in your palms.

Looking at the salt, say the words of the prayer:

“White salt, pure!
Cleanse me too, servant of God (name),
Take everything bad and dark from me.

You need to repeat the words of the prayer seven times, and after that the salt from the palms is slowly poured into a glass of water. When the salt is in the glass, say the words:

“Together with the salt everything is gone, together with the salt everything is gone.

Leave the glass overnight in a dark place, and pour it out in a deserted place in the morning.

On this, the preparatory ceremony is considered complete and you can begin to perform the ritual for success and good luck in business.

The most popular magical rite for good luck in our time is business conspiracy.

It is mainly used to attract positive developments in a person's work area and the prosperous course of all affairs.

If you are just planning your business or have just started a career, then a morning water ritual will help to attract success in business. Its duration is 30 days.

Every morning, as soon as you wake up, on the water with which you will wash yourself, read the words of the prayer:

“Water-water, a mighty element,
I speak, I conjure for good luck, for success
Servant of God (name).
So that everything that you start goes uphill.
Everything he did was profitable.
My word is castle, my word is law.

The words of the prayer are repeated only once, and after that you should wash yourself with the charmed water. As a rule, it is most convenient to collect water in a small vessel, read a prayer and rinse your face with this water.

Good luck spell on Wednesday

If you decide to use conspiracies and prayers for good luck in business and business, then wait for the growing month and perform the ceremony on the first Wednesday.

The ritual should be done at midnight, when the sky is clear and the month is clearly visible.

To complete the plot, you will need a cup of holy or spring water, a few coins of their yellow metal and a gold ring.

At midnight, dip the coins and the ring into the cup, grab it with both hands and read the plot:

“Send me, Lord, great help, heavenly help!
There is no place for me in the world without your help and without strength.
I will bring you a cup of water and ask you to give me good luck on my way.
Touch my destiny, my life.
Add with your palm a line of light, a line of well-being.
Accompany me in all my endeavors, in all my ideas.
Bless me for good luck and for success in my work, in my labors.

Soap conspiracy

This ritual is most often done when business is not going well.

Such a rite helps to protect the negative impact and stop the black streak.

To complete it, you will need a bar of soap, a coin and a red thread.

In a deserted place, dig a small hole where you put soap, thread and a coin and say the words:

"How quickly this soap ends,
And so my bad luck will end.
How coins jingle in wallets
So it will always be in mine.
Like a red and bright thread brings good luck and luck,
So success will follow me.
As I say, so everything will be fulfilled.

When you read the plot, you can dig a hole. At this point, draw a cross with the index finger of your right hand with the words:

"The word is the law!",

and leave from there without looking back and without talking to anyone along the way.

Special conspiracies for success in all endeavors are considered effective and effective means when you want to make your business successful and profitable.

Spells for good luck at home

Remember that no matter what conspiracies and prayers for good luck you choose, you need to do them all alone and in a calm atmosphere. And, even when your business goes uphill, no one should talk about what you did a magic ritual.

Magic is a sacrament and no one, except the performer himself, should know about it. Enlist Support higher powers not so difficult.

It is enough to choose a suitable magical ritual and make it in full accordance with the recommendations for the ritual.


I call upon the earthly miracle to reveal itself in the name of the Divine Virgin and my requests
will be heard, and through the power of the great Feminine Nature I ask the Lord
pour the spirit of Life into my organs and give the strength to fight against manifestations
unwholesome, and seven golden Rays from the Wondrous Crown will touch me and
will help to get rid of earthly ailments and cleanse me of growing in me
stratifications of the unwholesome, for Feminine Beginning The blessing of the world is born. Amen


I turn to You, Lord and Creator of all things in the earthly world, and
I ask my nature to be preserved from decay and decay, to give strength to my blood,
to reject all previous negative influences and gain protection from influences
future, lest an evil eye and evil speech touch my heart and
poisoned my soul, for I am revealed / and / now I am only before the Lord. Amen.


Consciously imagine the process of the growth of the child and address the Lord's power with the words:
Send, Lord, the growth of the body of my child, let the development not be stopped by
sickness, nor a dashing will, for the power of the Lord will help to grow, and His help
destroy all negative influences. Satisfy, Lord, my child with the power of life and
give him blessings for the future earthly existence. Amen.


Take a big apple, press your sides a little and say:
I will ask the Lord for the fruit that has grown, saturated with His grace-filled power,
help my child's body trouble and give him a blessing to get rid of
bodily ailment.
The Lord will hear my request through the power of the great Vegetative Spirit, and so
will help that the child's body will no longer experience suffering
unnecessary, and the fruit eaten by him will bring new strength for a great
change and recovery. The disease will leave the body, and the Lord will give strength
endure, for the Spirit of the Plant will give support to my request and the Lord's
will satisfy the fruit for my child with strength. Amen.
Let the child eat the whole fruit, and expect a speedy healing.


Pour a little poppy into one hand on an open palm, and hold a lit candle in the other. Speak:
He will be sated with the miracle of the Lord, the power of nature will be manifested by the Higher Light.
In the name of the Lord, the evil of the impure influences will be reflected, and the Vegetative power
protect me from them. All troubles and sorrows will leave my dwelling forever,
when poppy seeds, the vegetable good spirit will be called. That good one will be revealed
The source that brings good and peace to the world, and the walls of my house will become strong
protection from manifestations of the impure. Amen
Scatter poppy in the corners and do not sweep for seven days.


There are three brides with the Lord, and none of them has advantage, but
only the Light of the Lord brings to each of them that illumination of the body and soul, which
people call beauty. Only the Light of the unearthly gives birth to the beauty of the earth, and not
I ask the Lord for new features to my body and face, and I ask the Light to give them
for the beautiful human good, for the great harmony
the world has touched my members and my face. I ask you to saturate with the beauty of Heaven
me so that everyone can see in me the miracle of touch
I was sated with the Lord and His Light through the perception of this miracle.
My simple beauty will shock everyone who sees me. happiness
my heart will be filled that I bring heavenly beauty for people. Miracle wondrous
the Lord will do, and I thank Him for a firm touch on the exterior
mine. Amen.


I ask the great Lord for the good of the family, bearing the complete fusion of the soul
my soul with (name), my husband, for there is no greater happiness in the world than
to be part of a whole Family, and I do not ask for earthly blessings, but I ask to strengthen
our union and protect (name) from worldly temptations and the first step to a new
I will do my own family life so that there are no obstacles to our rapprochement.

Try to forget the grievances and spend the evening with your husband relaxed, without tension.


I ask the Lord to give great help from Heaven. There is no place for man
world without the power of the Lord. I will bring a bowl of water of painful suffering to
the bright face of Heaven, and I will ask the three powers of the Lord to give me good luck and
Give light to my path.
Touch my life, Lord, with your hand and draw a line of Light from
me to you. Give me the strength to live until the end of my days in mind and body
natural state, and do not give serious tragedies to my loved ones. by faith
I will draw near to You for the relief of suffering, and my gratitude to
You have no limit. Amen.


Lord Light of Heaven, touch my soul, bring her a new Light, happiness
give me a new and new decision of fate. Let me meet in the world
where there is so much deceit and suffering, who can wound my soul with his spirit
to heal with light, with the touch of your hands to return to my body the vitality
strength, and the Light of Heaven will give new happiness for family life and
for physical intimacy. I will ask the Lord not to refuse to help me.
Nothing is impossible for His Light. Amen.


O Lord, I will ask You with Your hands to take trouble away from me, a slave
Your / Your servant / (name). I will be a rare miracle for the river of my life, face
The living power of the Lord is hidden from trouble / a /, and my soul will not endure
wild and unnecessary suffering, from which the Lord will allow me to evade.
By His power I will sanctify my path, and the threat will depart, and the line of life will not
will be broken before the deadline. The storm will not blow me down, the rain will not flood, life
Trials will not destroy me as long as I drag out my days by the power of the Lord.
I thank the Lord for this strength. It is indestructible and gives a way out of any test. Amen.
Read three times before an approaching threat or disaster, and the Lord will help take it away.


Think of a wish, take a handkerchief in your hand and say three times: It will be
my great desire is fulfilled with the spirit of the help of the Lord, for by this the Lord
helps those who ask for help.
Help will come in unknown ways, and my desire will grow into reality,
by events will acquire the way for fulfillment, and by the spirit of the Lord it has been given to me
will be what I ask Him. I'll tie a scarf and wait. Amen.

Tie a scarf in a knot and carry it with you until the wish is fulfilled, and then burn it without untying it.


Put a glass yellow juice on the table, preferably between the window and the lit candle, and say:
My words will reach my merciful Lord. The ladder of Heaven will save you from
low passion, petty, insignificant desire, let my prayer
will be destroyed.
The zones of the frontal brain will be broken by the yellow Heavenly help from the Lord, for the Light
Its rays will touch my soul, a change will come to my soul, my head
consecrated for treatment. The power of life will return, for there is still a future. River
life is not yet shallow, and the evil human desire to drink will not be able to me
resurrect. The blockade of the intoxicating potion of the liquid will be the same liquid
overcome in the name of the Lord. Amen.
Drink juice and drink water, you can tea. Do this every morning for a month.


Sit down in front of a lit candle and say, raising and lowering both hands at once:
I am asking for a new path for my essence. Anxiety will not be fulfilled
new, for the Lord will not leave me in the earthly world, where I was born and
I will be able to fulfill the vow of renunciation of impure attraction to poisons and unnecessary
substances that lead my body to premature death, and my soul to
suffering and destruction.
A little time will pass, and I will become independent / a / from the habits of withering and
smoldering will stop and open new source life force and happiness
liberation will come and the hands themselves will reach out to Heaven to praise the power,
giving me life. Amen.


Take paper and write:

I vow not to smoke as long as I live. I swear to the Lord never
do not take in my mouth a poisonous potion that does not allow me to breathe
full chest. I will always remember that there is no such force that will force
break my word to the Lord, and I will be delivered forever from
the madness of self-poisoning by inhaling a poison unnecessary to me and
harming all my organs. For a new tobacco-free life
existence, I will endure only three days, and then the Lord will take
unnecessary thirst and will give me strength to resist the temptation of the earth, for
only the Lord's power can overcome the power of habit. Amen.
Write the date, subscribe and endure three days with God's help. After
the craving for smoking will go away, and you will be freed forever from harmful addiction.


O Jesus, Son of the Lord, bring me comfort, and I will pray to You and
ask for help to give for the purification of my soul from old bad deeds, and
to change my essence for the possibility of atonement for my sins. For the new
give me strength, Jesus, and call the Light of the Lord upon my soul. WITH
I will fall asleep with a prayer, I will wake up with a prayer, and the Lord’s power will irrigate the withered
soul. Amen.


Place a ring of yellow metal without stones on the stomach and say seven times:
Belly, give me the head treatment, ah, ring, give the stomach the strength to do so. I
I release the life force of the ring and ask the Lord to put it on a clean
heart and take the pain away from the head into the ring, and transfer the power of the ring to the soul
mine to get rid of torment and earthly influence. Tina river let him take
my pain forever, and I will gain strength. Amen.

Throw the ring into the river where the mud is.


Poppy seeds that have grown on the ground will be sanctified by the power of the Fire of the Lord.
What has grown up in nature will be saturated with the power of the Spirit of the Lord, with the peace of Heaven,
will give me renewal, health, purification, will enter me with particles of strength
blessings for great bodily healing. This is the plant of the Lord
will be saturated with the miracle of unearthly influence on my body, on my organs, on
my brain. Amen


O good power of the Lord, bringing Light into the souls of people and giving a feeling
unity with the Creator of the world, give me the power of bodily formation without
suffering and sickness so that with renewed vigor by the miracle of Heaven
the touch of the blessing of the Lord in the world carried / carried / and I thank the Lord for
his help. Amen.


Take any object that the child constantly comes into contact with and say:
I ask the Lord to give joy to my child so that he cannot
to know in life what brings grief, what will break his connection with
The higher power that brought him into the world.
Give, Lord, different tests to him, but do not give such that they will destroy
his soul. Bring joy to him for life, for only Your strength gives
way to the Light of Heaven.
May my request be accepted! Let it be so. Amen.
Return the item to the child and make sure that the child does not part with it for the first three days.


Hold the money in your hand and say:
Seven vitality and gold strength, give me an even and quick saturation
monetary. Krepit not yellow gold my ways, and those seven of my life
forces that I call for help, but help will reach me with world power
The Lord will not give yellow gold, to whom there is no help from the world's complex
law, which gives to those who multiply, but at the same time gives his own without
regrets. You must first give without a doubt, and then the yellow gold
wait. Amen.

Talk like that money and give it to the beggar. Good luck will come and then there will be profit when you give without regret.


Take two knives and connect them with a cross. It is necessary to arrange the knives so that the blades are outward. Move your hands over them and say:
I will drive the bad force out of my dwelling with my hands, and the lunar curse,
sent, it will go out in a salty stream to where it came from, and by the power
power will be destroyed. Heaven will support him who is the root of the house, and the spirit of the Speech
God's will carry away the spirit of evil and dark power from my dwelling.
May the ailment sent by me melt away and the Light of Heaven cleanse my body and
free from diseases, a rare glorious miracle will be performed for the sake of achieving
the triumph of the powers of the Lord on earth.
The night struggles with the day, and the bad with the good, but everything is decided by the Sword of God, for His Power is in everything. Amen.
Separate the knives and put them side by side on the table, blades facing out. Do this for seven days, and the evil will go away.


Saturate, Lord, my soul, frontal open protection and take enough
Light of the Lord. There will be joy to my organs, and the body will receive the rays of Light
of the Lord and thousands of particles of Heavenly Rain will pour into my soul, and
The Lord will touch for my wondrous deliverance from the old influence
sins and mistakes that have placed a burden on the path of my soul, and my soul will become
clean, and for a long time I will thank the Lord for the forgiveness of my sins
life. Suffering will recede, and I will be filled with the good of the Lord / a /.


Cut off the nail and put into the melted wax. Roll up a lump and warm it with the warmth of your hands and say:

Let the unwholesome desire of my body to take into itself more than
necessary for his activities, and the Lord will melt the support of the superfluous in the body
my body, how the wax will soften the warmth of the body and the Lord will hear my request and
will help to remove both unnecessary fats and harmful substances that have been accumulated during
to me. Where the incorruptible of the Lord will pour in, there the corruptible earthly will leave in the name
Great Lord, and I will find the Essence of the Lord firmly clean body. Every
the cell of my body the Lord will strengthen and purify by the miracle of earthly manifestation, and
The love of the Lord will manifest stronger than earthly negative influences. clean
By the light of the Lord a clean body will come to me. Amen.

Bury a lump with a nail in the ground before sunset.


Bring, O Lord, an even and natural attraction to the marriage bed and not
let the great force of the universal vital principle fade away and become only
memory. All my youth, come into my members and fill them with new
strength to continue and strengthen the intimacy of the body. Will become a boon
every night, as well as for me, and for the Light that has merged with me
Lord's woman, who with her whole body gives immeasurable bliss
my body.

In the name of the Lord, I call on the powers of Heaven to help me in this. Amen.


I ask the Lord with His great power to help my body return that
state, strong and productive, which is saturated with great youth
strength, and decrepitude will not come to me inaudibly, and bodily suffering will not
will cover me before the deadline. My faith, fear will drive away old age, and the body
by the power of Heavenly Light will acquire freshness and elasticity, and there will be
miraculous restoration of my lost youth, the blood will become hot,
and the muscles are strong, the eyes will marvel at the bright colors, and I will lift
gratitude to the Lord for the miracle of my great renewal. Amen.


O my Lord, my Creator, I ask for Your help, grant healing to the slave
God's / servant of God / (name), wash her / his / blood with Your rays. Only with
with your help, healing will come to her / him /. Touch her/him/ by force
miraculous, bless all the ways of her / him / to salvation, recovery,
Give her / his / health to her / his / soul, blessed lightness to her / his / soul,
her / his / heart is a divine balm. The pain will recede, and the strength will return,
and her / his / bodily and spiritual wounds will heal, and Your help will come. Rays
Yours from Heaven will reach her / him /, give her / him / protection, bless
for healing from her /him/ illnesses, strengthen her /him/ faith.

May the Lord hear this prayer. Glory and thanks to the power of the Lord. Amen.


A plot of land must be chosen next to the dwelling, seven steps from the entrance to
house, in the shadow area of ​​the house. In sunny weather, when only a shadow will cover
chosen place, sit on the ground and say:
Let the Earth heal me, and let Heaven give the Earth the path of my bodily
healing from earthly ailments and will help my new triumph of life,
for the Lord will send a great miracle with a mighty hand to his servant / servant
his / (name). The earth will bear my torments and the hand of the Lord will leave the sickness
from my body into the Earth, and I will hide myself from illnesses with the shadow of my house, and Heaven
the network will cover me with the great solar protection. Amen.

Get up and go to a sunny place, stand there for three minutes.


The power of the Lord will heal me, the servant of God / servant of God / (name), from the strength
curses. I will be cleansed / a / from all impurity, from human evil, from
ailments. Verily, everything that enters me will come out with miraculous power, will wash
the blood of purity is the strength of the Lord. Rays of Divine Light will give to the slave
to God / servant of God / (name) health, healing, purification. Everything will be updated
touch of the Lord. May the Lord grant the power of renewal, cleansing, healing
in your name sacred. I will feel the power of the Lord's help throughout
my life. Amen.


The body grows fruit by the power of the Lord's good, and I ask the Lord not to cancel
the miracle of the birth of a new one and give me the strength to endure my child until the deadline
desired. May the Lord protect him from evil influences and not give me
dangerous paths, so as not to interfere with the correct distribution of the forces of life
and development will not be distorted and disturbed, for the hand of the Lord will help me and
V the right time will bring into the world the one who is under my heart. Amen.


Strengthen, Lord, my faith and give me the strength to endure difficult trials of the body
mine, give him relief from bodily torments, find ways out for the fruit of the body
mine such that there will be no injuries to me or the fetus, and will not cause unnecessary
suffering to bodies bound by a common leash until they are broken and released
a new being, for there is no greater joy for me than to give it life.
The light of the Lord will illuminate with his touch new life, and will no longer be
suffering, but only happiness and goodness will enter me with this Light. Miracle
The Lord's work will be done, and I thank the Lord in advance for His help. Amen.


Put a vessel with water in the place where the rays of the Sun fall and say:
My Lord, give the power of protection from bad influences to the water that is in front of
me. The great spirit of the Lord will protect me through the water,
saturated with the Light of the rays of God's blessing, and the influence of an alien
touches me when I sprinkle my body with water. May the enemy's bad eye
then look at me without harm to me, for I will be protected / a / I will be the Lord
a power that accepts good things and returns bad things to those who are evil
wishes. Amen.

Sprinkle yourself with water (face, palms, feet)


You need to pick up a candle, light it and say:
I turn to the Lord, and there is no other support for me in the world than His strength,
who brought me into the world to suffer, and it's too early for me to think about
transition to other worlds that await me only after the natural and
The Lord provided for the end of the life test given
me to strengthen and become an incorruptible soul, with the Light of its saturation, and
I have no right to test my death in violation of the deadline in order to
to escape from the severe trials destined for me, for it is even harder
soul will be at such an outcome, tragic and unnecessary, for the Lord will soon
will return the joy of life to me, and a new meaning will fill my remaining days,
and may I never remember the minutes of my weakness.
I thank the Lord for helping me not to lose the power of life by His power. Amen.


Take a liter of grape juice, pour it into one bowl and say over it in the morning:
My treatment for all ailments will be blessed, wondrous by the power of God
Staircase of Heaven. All diseases will irrevocably go away, it will be given suddenly
a new birth to me, and I will be immeasurably filled with new strength / a /. Southern will
influence to prevail over the north, and the moisture of life will be double.
The blessing will be to all my members for further existence. I rejoice, for the rays
The Lord has already touched me. Thank the Lord. Amen.
Drink juice after a conspiracy for half a glass, but each time speak all the juice.


Brew and rub into the head in the morning before sunrise and in the evening after
sunset a mixture of plantain, nettle and mint branches in equal proportions. At
to say this:
I pour divine decoction on my head. What grows in nature will not fade,
will be repeated with new growth, abundant density, saturated growth,
the divine power of addition, multiplication, saturation. will be born,
repeat, increase! He will take strength from the grass, from the foliage, from the trees. Not
dies, does not dry out, does not disappear! Amen.


Put your hand on your head and say:
I will be, Lord, saturated with Your strength and bodily Spirit / a /, and my head will not
will endure unbearable torments, for Your power will help me and bring
getting rid of pressing bodily pain and lightness will give divine.
No more pain will return to my head. No more will I lie with the sick
head, afraid to move. From pain there is no oblivion, and only God's help
save me and give future healing. I will thank you day and night
Lord for help. I will always do this, and my pain will pass. Amen.
Remove your hand from your head and place it on the heart area. The pain will stop.


Put a glass of water on the table in front of the icon of St. Nicholas and ask him:
Oh, great Nikolai, saturate the water that I drink with the Light of my Strength.
Let my nervous left brain stop the process of lesions
inhibition, minor drowsiness and bodily weakness. Disperse the fog in
my thoughts, with my small steps drive away decrepit laziness for a long time, and
new forces will distract my body from unnecessary sleep for the great work. IN
I will come to a new close life without relaxation.
My strength is under the blessing of Nicholas the Great. I catch His rays on the water I drink. Amen.
Drink water


The power of Heaven preserves the one who received protection from the spirit of the Heavenly Rain, and the Spirit
he will give great protection when, with his cold speech, the coldness of flying death
will take away from the servant of God / servant of God / (name).
A wonderful warm salvation by the Light of the Heavenly Beam will come to me, and the heaviness
lead will not touch my members. Rarely is someone given by the Spirit of Heaven an earthly
protection, but there is the hand of the Lord, and it will take away from me the iron, quiet and
whistling lead. And the black darkness won't get me yet, there's no place for me yet
among the spirits of the departed, life will not be interrupted by someone else's hand.
Death will depart from me, and I will preserve my body as a whole. The Heavenly Rain Spirit will protect me. Amen.
Talk in front of a dangerous road three times.


Pour water (not boiled) into a glass, pour halfway into another glass
the ground from under fruit tree, put a burning candle in the ground.
Let the water of the earth be saturated with the power of the Lord, and let the earth receive power
impact. Infirmity will be burned with fire, and the Spirit of God will stop the process
corruption, and illnesses will depart from me by the forces of the Earth, Fire, Water and Spirit
The power of the Lord's blessing will destroy the black power of the birth of disease,
bodily and mental ailments. May the forces of the nature of Fire be reunited,
Water, Earth and the Highest Lord Spirit of touch. I'll get great
cleansing in the name of the powers of the Lord. Amen.
Wash the sore spots with water, and you can also drink it. Scatter the earth under the tree.


Put water in a glass on the window during daylight hours, light a candle and say:
I ask the Lord for the strength to saturate the water with His Light, bearing great power,
the power of fear dispersing and bringing people a great blessing on
good luck and luck in any good undertaking that does not harm people
others, for I do not wish evil in my deeds, but good, and not fear to live
I want, but with the joy of the great good Power, which I ask to touch the water
for my spiritual development and for the life path of blessing, and
my path will not bring me terrible and risky deeds, and there will be no events
unpleasant and unnecessary, for I trust the Lord with my life. Amen.
Drink a sip of water before an unpleasant path or event, the rest of the water
use for washing and rubbing before going to bed or on a long journey.


Face the daylight in front of a window or in the direction of the Sun on the street and say with your eyes closed:
Hear my alarm, Lord, and help me change the distribution of currents
vital in my body for new growth and flourishing, for joining and
to strengthen the organs, touch, Lord, with Your power to me, and
food will bring not only the maintenance of strength, but will also grow
simple accumulation of fat evenly throughout the body so that it does not violate
the harmony of my body. I thank the Lord for His great help. Amen.


Place and light a candle in front of you on the table, and bring your right hand to
fire so that you can feel the warmth of the candle with your palm. Say four times:
My right hand, with which the sign of the cross is made, will absorb
the fire of the Lord's candle, the warmth of the fire will calm and relax me, a slave
of God / servant of God / (name), will give the penetration of the warmth of the Divine into
every organ of my body. Soul - peace and well-being, heart -
calmness, body - health, spirit - purity.
The power of God's help will be present in my life with calm, purification, relief. Amen.
Cross yourself and put out the candle.


O my Lord, let me feel Heaven's blessing on my destiny. Yes
my earthly path will be sanctified by a miraculous change. I will be healed in the name of the Lord
my ailments, with my heart I will feel the presence of Your power and help
from above, for Your forces, saturated with the rays of the solar Light of healing,
they will calm me, pour into my blood my power of healing, purification, renewal,
heal my body from grave ailments, from the vanity of the soul, from sorrow
heart, for your power is unsurpassed, unsolved and secret, - on
all over the world, rays and drops, miraculous ways, visible and invisible.
Give me, Lord, a blessing on my earthly life with Your help.
May my paths be illuminated by Your Light, pure and unfading in the name of
the Lord and all the powers of heaven. Amen.


Everything that the Lord gave me, a servant of God / servant of God / (name), for this
moment, saturation will be soon, I will not overeat unnecessary, which has become
after saturation with poison for my body. I will stop by the Lord
touch, I will be full / a / small. The Lord's power will stop my hand
on time, will not give superfluous and unnecessary to me. And I, slave / a / Yours / Yours / (name),
I will be under Your Eye, under Your control. Give, Lord, inner strength
stop from excess food, burdening excess weight. I will be healed
by the power of the Lord from this earthly dependence. Thank our Lord. Amen.


Take a sheet of paper for a compress, rub it with your palms so that it crackles, and say:
So I will crush my illness that I will be without it. Healed by the power of the Lord
given to me in the palm of my hand, and I will thank Him, I will praise His strength,
bringing good. I will direct my palms to where the disease will be me
touch with corruption, and the power of the Lord will remove impurities from my organs and give
fast treatment. Blessed be the Lord my body will be, and protect it
The Lord will continue, for there is no greater cure than His strength. Amen.
Put your hands on the sore spots, hold until the moisture comes out, and then
attach paper and hold for about an hour. Diseases will definitely go away.


Attach the golden ring to the forehead and read three times:
The wondrous gold of the Lord's great Creation, sudden for people, I soul
I ask your healing to give my frontal lobes of the brain their dual strength
for in-depth treatment of lower blood circulation and normalization of work
small and large bodily vessels (and give me the power to fight smoking).
I will be day and night in summer and winter to ask the Lord for healing. Amen.
At the end, put the ring on your finger and do not remove it until the next time. Do this every evening for fourteen days.


Use a large number of fluids and in the morning, touching the frame
windows, say: My body will no longer break rhythms large and small, and
confidence in the blood rhythm will come so easily that the cycle will not be broken
for a day, and by the power of the Lord touching my body, there will be no violations
accept, and unnecessary blood will go away at the right time for the blessed
correct life development and existence, and with unnecessary blood
all ailments that violate the natural balance given
to me by the Lord from birth, and even chest breathing will destroy
touch of the perishable influence of the earth, and so my organs will be strengthened, that
there will be no more unnecessary deviations and hormonal disorders
balance. Rarely will healing come by the hand of the Lord. Amen.

Do this every morning after waking up, and the rhythms of the body will be set for good.


Look at yourself in the mirror and pray with these words:

Lord, the great Creator of all things, I ask You to guide me on the path
Light and not to let the power of my soul be scattered on bad deeds and deeds, but
spend only on bringing satisfaction to my soul. Become an obstacle
my evil aspirations, and by faith I will bring a pure Light into my soul for
a new page in my life. Amen.


Joy is needed for this prayer, and first you need to think about something very
good: about children, about the arrival of spring, about the bright colors of Nature so that
your soul became at least for a moment joyful, and immediately say:
Spirit of Nicholas, the great Saint, come to me and don't let me dissolve
my joy, do not let it go, rejoice with me and bring my body to
all your life a feeling of joyful presence in the world, give it an unfading
the power of life in order for the servant of God / servant of God / (name) to the end
do not lose the feeling of the joy of life in your days, and ailments will leave the body
mine, for through the spirit of Nicholas the Great my body to the rays of the Lord
touches. I thank Nikolai Ugodnik for his help. Amen


I ask the Lord to bring for me a new life and a new great joy, for
only joy will lead me to the blessing of the Lord, and there will be no
early withering of my body, saturated with the Light of the touch of the Lord
rays. God has no unwholesome branches, and I, touching His rays, will become
one of them. Such heavenly bliss will embrace me, that a new big
my body will receive strength, and I will come with joy into the world of the Lord's Light. world of rays
The Lord will accept me and saturate me with his Light for the future
existence in the earthly world, where only joy conquers corruption. Amen.


Put a small golden thing in the sea water, think over the water and speak a plot (2 times):

The living soul of water, where it is impossible - do not enter, but where you must - go in. Itching and
heal small suppurations, and areas of change, leakage or small scars
Melt with winter snow and remove it forever with an earthly miracle. I'm a stairway to heaven
I will see some necessary, and she will accept me, and help, and water by an unearthly miracle
sanctify, and the foam of the sea will carry away my earthly skin organic
deviations, and by an unearthly miracle, I will rejuvenate and renew myself with sea foam, for
I will pray for our sins and wash myself with water.
While washing, say:
Lord, give me a miracle, I will wash the face of the Lord with water, and the Lord will give the ordered youth. Amen.
Do not wash your face with soap, but only with charmed water. Do not wipe after washing.


Creator, Lord, I ask you to exert an unearthly influence, a rare miracle
to create, to change the strength and processes of the human bodily essence of the earthly
stop bodily life so that my youth does not go away until the age.
He will put off corruption with the Divine Light and the hand of the Lord, by drinking streams of Rain
Heavenly, save my body, that youth, which by the power of Heaven I will be able to
get. May the power of the Creator keep me young and
lost skin defects. The world of the Sun will give me an amazing miracle, and I
I will control my body with unearthly powers, and the water of the Lord will corrupt
I'll take forever. Amen.


Put a metal ring in front of a lit candle and pray:
O Lord, fill my body with a cloud of Heavenly Light, let it accept
true saturation with the Spirit and my soul will merge for a while with Heavenly power,
when I touch metal.
The goodness of the Lord will pour out through the touch on my soul. Seven times
I will touch, and the seven Rays of Heaven with Fire and the miracle of the Lord will enter me.
I will become a good Light filled / a / and my life will be transformed by the Lord's touch. Amen.
Touch the ring with the finger on which you will wear it. Pray
seven times, each time touching the ring at the end of the prayer. put out
candle and do not touch the ring for an hour, then put it on your finger and
do not shoot for seven days.


Cut the onion head in half and put the halves to the cheeks with your hands. Say:
O wondrous lives of the power of growth and of the vegetable soul, remove from your body that
old age that I have gained / a / from the plants I have eaten, and let it go to
onion head, and through it - back to the ground. My skin will be cleansed, it will go away
bad strength, and I will flourish with my whole body. With the summer solar wind will leave
me the dust of the earth, and the body will be saturated with God's Heavenly Dew. I will be alive
by force, tears of change / a /. Amen.
Put the onion halves together and plant the onion in the ground for three days.


The soul of a maiden asks for her body from the Lord youth and a wondrous desire
girlish beauty, thick hair, clean skin, white face. Can you help me
Lord by the power of heaven. By an unearthly miracle, Heavenly pearls will touch my face,
the evil of copper will leave my face. The Sun will send a thread from the wondrous world to the hand
wash with mine and living water new skin on a new face. Good trails
I will pass, a wondrous wonder will touch me, the clear sun will stop with rays
with my time tape on my face and body. Lord help him! no hand
stronger! Amen.


Pour some wine into a transparent bowl and say:
My prayer to You, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Your high touch
I call and from You I expect a miracle of sanctification and transformation of this liquid.
By Your power, the Source of Vegetative Good will saturate the wine with the Spirit of Life and
close contact with the Sunny clear spirit will reveal the essence of wine. Lord
The hand will sprinkle with Heavenly Light, fill this vessel and seven
perishable influences will depart from me when I drink the miraculous drink of Light.

Drink wine.


I ask the great Lord to hear me and give me a new path, successful for
so that the great influence of the Lord helps me to be saturated with Light and
my loneliness, caused by an unclean spirit, has passed. Three networks of the river
I will block it in order not to miss my happiness and with three forces
The Lord's influence will come to fate a new decision, and a meeting by a miracle
will happen to the only one I need in the world and paths will be connected
our light of true love. Amen.

Pray in the morning.


Alien, superfluous will refuse to feed the creature when I drink this wine,
new forces will purify my blood, fill the kidneys with peace, purity and
Heavenly power. I dashing miserable sewage as unnecessary rubbish will be torn away from
body, and there will come a cleansing of my cheeks for a new healthy life. Through
small pockets my disease will go away. I will be healed by red living wine, by force
I'll get well Lord. Amen.

Drink wine and go to bed.


Hold the hairpin in your hand and say:

The hand holds a great marvelous quick bodily healing. New future
life is a great beginning in this hairpin, and it will bring the Soul of the Forest for
new high purity of my face and body. The small will be discarded, and
large - winter snow removed and melted with it. The white spirit itself will
change the body, and the face will be called the White spirit. White day will protect the skin
mine, and the spirit of the Forest will touch my skin and take my illnesses, both bodily and
sincere. Amen.

Attach the hairpin to your hair and do not remove it for seven days.


Touch your hand to the place under which the formation or tumor is located and say:
I ask the great Lord to give strength to my hand to change by touch
distribution of the Light of the Lord on my body to eliminate the arisen
violations, and the currents of my body will restore proper development And
distribution, they will scatter what is unnecessary to my body, growing not according to its laws
formation, and distribute bodily tissues so that they are not disturbed
the proportions of my body given to me from birth.
The light of the Lord's rays, touching my body, will restore the copper-salt
exchange between tissues and healing will come by the miracle of the Lord's touch to
my hand. My body will become free from any deviations of the great
the balance of life set by the Creator for me. Let the Lord hear
my words, and His help will come. Amen.
Dip your hand in a vessel of water, hold for three minutes, then again
lend a hand and read. Do this three times a day for a month.


Lord, cleanse my skin from skin zones of earthly influence and bodily
stone impact, and water - from river shells. The pain will pass like days
separation, divine heat will scorch my body and head, burn and destroy
everything that did not burn out, and diseases will depart from me, the strength from the fire will burn
skin aging. I will invoke a rare miracle, and the Ladder of Heaven will accept me, until
another world, eternal and indestructible, I will touch with life. May it not collapse
my marvelous beauty until the end of my days, the skin will remain young, and the spirit -
cheerful. I will show the world that the power of the Lord works a miracle for the people of the Lord.


Pour a small amount of dry wine into a transparent glass
fruit juice, put on a flat place by the window, light a candle and
I invoke the Great Lord's influence on wine (juice) and through it on the organs
mine, when I drink a liquid, and a small saturation will become a big help. No
healing without the help of the Lord, and I ask Him to bring me protection and
healing from all influences, and I will pray to the Lord to let me pass by
serious illness, and the Lord will destroy my anxiety with a pure Light, and good
a great one will come into me, and the influence of the sun will drive away the influence from me
unclean, and my body will not accept illness, for the Lord will protect me. Amen.

Wine (juice) to drink.


Take some red wine, look at it and say:
Saturation with a dead spirit, come by the power of the Lord into this potion in order to
kill that new one that wants to grow not according to bodily balance, but according to
arbitrary ways, unfavorable for me. I ask the Lord to return that bodily
the distribution of the forces of life that was given to me from birth. Let
a great rejection of alien cells will come, and their death will give life to me, for
The Lord saturated this liquid with influence, body mine at this moment.
Drink wine quickly without wasting time. Do this every day, morning and evening.


Pray at night in order to better tune in to the connection with the Higher power,
which will help you get rid of severe suffering. Ask:
O my Lord, do not let my body continue to carry unpleasant for me and
dangerous bodily short, but terrible tests that bear
I suffer and do not allow me to live a full life.
Help, Lord, to find lasting healing! Stop before the new day
Lord, all the attacks I don't need, and relaxation will come instead
tension, and the blessing of the power of Light will pour into me by the hand of the Lord and
will bring a new good day into my life, a day without suffering and manifestations
strange and unnecessary to me. I will thank the Lord for the day lived
without suffering. Amen.


The Arrow of Heaven will perform an amazing miracle, and regulation will return to its roots.
my life force, and the light of bodily joy will come like an arrow
strong, that skin and earthly corruption will no longer annoy the body
mine, when I call on the Heavenly Arrow, and the pure body will forget the alarm.
Only the power of the Lord can direct this Arrow, and I ask Him not to bypass
me in great help, and I am grateful (grateful) to His power, which brings me
good. Amen.


Light a candle, put a glass of water in front of it and pray:
O Lord, saturate this water with Heavenly Light. Give water great power
life-giving for my bodily healing, and divine moisture water
simple miraculous influence will sanctify. Give me peace of mind
Lord, through drinking water, and bodily cleansing will come by a miracle of the great
the touch of the Lord, and the Heavenly Fire will dry up the river of suffering, for
The Lord's strength will give strength to my body through the water that I drink and I give thanks
Lord for the miracle of His touching the water. Amen.
Drink water. (You can drink in parts during the day).


Pour as much water into a wide dish as you need for washing, put a candle in a candlestick in water and say:
The strong miraculous influence of the Lord will enter into this water, the essence of the water will take
him, and the dead shall go away from the washed skin. The body will return to its former freshness, and
the wasted feeling of bodily joy will return through touch
of the Lord, and the net of a new wondrous good will cover my face with Light
Youth will break through the Lord, and the old will be washed away with clean water, and the new
will come. The power of a miracle will firmly enter, and I will begin to surprise people with a new face.
I will bring the great influence of the Lord into the world. So be it, and the Lord
will help me. Amen.
Wash your face with water. Do this in the morning.


I feel the help of the Lord's great power. By the power of the Lord is led / a / will be a slave
God / servant of God / (name) during sleep, and the Lord will not give him / her /
such relaxation that moisture spills like an uninvited stream. Eyes
the Lord will open it to him / her / in such a need, and the dream will be interrupted for a while
necessary, and the disease will depart from him / her / by the power of the Rain of Heaven, and
the blessing of the Lord will not leave him/her/ already. Amen.


I ask the power of the Lord for help to change my cruel fate and give the way to
liberation from the liquid dope, which takes away my strength and mind and soul
corrosive. Heavenly Light send, Lord, I have no joy already from
life. Some suffering brings intoxicating drink, and I will pray for
getting rid of an unnecessary need for me, and the life force will return,
when I stop swallowing poison, and with it the joy of renewal will come,
will flow into me, life will be illuminated with a new meaning, and by the miracle of the Lord
rebirth, the thirst for alcohol will depart from me. Amen.


Sunny goodness of the Lord, Open the source of my life force for
bringing the miracle of the birth of a new life, and I will pray to give it a source.
Satisfy, Lord, with the power of life my particles for a miraculous manifestation,
two bodies will merge and give the basis of a new life, and I will be healed by the Lord
from limitation, and with my vitality will join the life of a new
creatures Light of Heavenly touch. Amen.


The power of the birth of a new day will bring me, a servant of God / servant of God / (name)
the strength to fight my inner bodily ailment. Light will saturate my organs
the Lord with a new life-giving blessing. The spirit of the Lord will bring me strength
renewal of bodily tissues from the great Source, which gives the basis of life, and
the development of my disease will be stopped. life support
come from above by the power of the Heavenly Father, who gives me a miracle of healing, and in the daytime
I will be supported by the new / a / in getting rid of the disease. Amen.


My mouth and my heart turn to the Lord, for there is no joy in the world
more than sincere communication with a Higher Power that gave me the opportunity
drink the cup of life and find the Spark of Higher Light, and I ask the Lord
help my body replenish the strength lost during the day, and my soul - impure
reject the influence of the night, so that tomorrow is not clouded, and I
I will enter it with joy, for the Lord is with me. Amen.


I ask the power of the Lord to give me a path that is pleasing to the Lord, to healing
my bodily ailment. Lord give me the ability to stop
processes of my visual impairment. On my eyes the Light of Heaven will shed and
will purify the wonderful perception given to me from birth, and the bright colors of the world
will give me joy, and with the light of the sun I will have a clear vision, and
the fear will go away, for the Lord is leading me. Amen.


Look at the cloud and say:
I ask the Lord by a miracle to let my feelings and thoughts come into contact with the cloud
heavenly, so that it may receive my aspirations, and my heart
will show him the way to meet with the one for whom I suffer.
With feelings and words, I call on the power of the Lord to pour rain from a cloud on
my beloved (name) so that the water, touching him, gives him
desire and road, desire to meet me and the road to me
May the heavenly cloud find its way, guided by the power of the Lord, to where
(name) now, and drops of heavenly moisture will revive his heart, and his soul
heeds the call of my soul. I know that the Lord heard me and I thank Him
for help. Amen.


Light a candle, take a glass of water in your right hand, and in your left -
image of a person. Strong desire to change his attitude towards himself and
talk while holding the image above the water
With pure heavenly power I want to give a miraculous effect to water, and I ask
Lord support my request, for it is not self-interest that leads me, but Love, for
my heart has no rest without the one whose image is in my hand, without (name)
and the water will accept my request and melt the ice in the heart (name) and the Light
The Lord will enliven his spiritual perception and the call of my heart in response
the fire will kindle and he will find the joy of recognition when the water comes into contact with
his body, for love will be pure. Amen.
Try to get the person in contact with the water. In extreme cases, you can sprinkle the image.


Place a glass of water near the lit candle and speak
I ask the Lord to give water the simple power of Heavenly influence on earthly paths.
The waters are good, accept my request, addressed to the Lord, connect the path
a person whose image is reflected in my dreams, with my dear life and
bring (name) by a miracle of Heaven to meet me. My thoughts, prayers and
appeals will bring him to me, and I will see the one who I need
constantly, and the clouds will dissipate, and life will be illuminated by sunlight, when
I will see (name) and hear his speech, and our hands will touch, so that
never be apart again. And I will find a new destiny thanks to the help
Lord's. Amen.
Pour water near three trees in equal parts, calling for the help of the Lord.


Put your hand on your heart and say:

Before You, Lord, I stand, and before You I can only open my heart, and
You know everything I will ask for, for my heart is empty without love
earthly, and I will pray and ask you to give me a quick way to that
the only one who is able to illuminate my whole life with a new light and open
your heart to meet mine for the miraculous merging of our destinies and
finding a common soul. Amen.


I am washed with the gold of the Truth of the Lord / a / I will be when the Lord is the Heavenly Source
open my organs and with the solar wind cleanse me of all the unwholesome
saturations accumulated by me on the earthly path, and by the Solar Light of the Lord
my whole life will be illuminated, and I ask the Lord to draw me closer to Himself for
in order to receive the Cleansing of the Lord. So I will perceive the Higher Sources that
my heart will be opened, sated with the Rays of the Lord, and my soul will merge with
by the Highest Spirit to evoke the power of the Lord's influence. sunshine
washed / a / I will be and transfigured / a / by the miracle of the Lord and the point of contact
I will always feel now. Amen.
Pray on Thursday and Saturday three times, preferably in nature before sunset.


A person who practices folk magic knows that there are situations when protection is necessary, for example, and words the right conspiracy flew out of my head. And in general, do you remember all of them? You need to be a true fan to remember thousands of conspiracies, and even at what moments they are supposed to be used. Of course, an ordinary person will not keep such voluminous information in his head.

To provide yourself with magical support, you need to learn just a few universal conspiracies. They are usually short, but quite effective. For example, about the fact that you need to spit in order not to jinx it or knock on wood, most people automatically remember. The same habit can be developed in relation to several small conspiracies. There is little work, but you will attract great strength to your affairs!

Conspiracy for all occasions

“My angel, I believe that she is with me! Lead me with your reliable hand, protect me with your wing, clear the way! Amen!"

These phrases are said when they leave the house, when they are about to start an important business, and when they are afraid of something in the dark. Always! Simple words create incredible protection around a person. Just remember, a conspiracy is not a panacea. If by fate you are supposed to fail or trouble, then they will happen. A conspiracy will help smooth out and minimize losses.

Spell for good luck in life

These are the words spoken to the first star on any given day. It is not necessary to prepare for the ritual. You will see an asterisk, a conspiracy has come to mind, to know it's time to pronounce it. With practice comes understanding and awareness of magic. There is a special feeling. And at first, it is recommended to make it a habit to say several times a month. That is, control yourself until the ritual becomes a habit.

The following words are said to the first star:

“A star lit up in the sky, illuminated my life. You go ahead of me, in the dark night and in broad daylight. Light the way, welcome good luck! Amen!"

Conspiracy for good luck in personal life

Do you often go to work, to the store, to go for a walk? So any walk can be used and good luck. You only need to go to big road". That is, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced in a place where a road opens before you, stretching into the distance, without turns. Stop for a moment, look into the distance and whisper:

“The way of the Lord is not given to us to understand. I will wait and believe that the Lord will measure my happiness! Amen!"

If you do not forget and say these words more often, then you yourself will begin to change inside. After all, personal life is not a grumpy old woman with an impossible character. You don't have to negotiate with her or ask for anything. It will work itself out as soon as you are ready for it. And this simple conspiracy will help to remove all obstacles, begin to radiate attractiveness and positive.

Conspiracy for a happy life

There is such a simple ritual that everyone is recommended to remember and use. After all, it’s good when there are happy and satisfied people around? Everyone loves it. When you see a red flower somewhere, then remember a simple plot. It can be read on living roses or painted ones. Even on jewelry or accessories stylized as flowers. The main thing is that they are red.

Look at the selected magical attribute. Imagine how a ray goes from it to your groin and say:

“Three angels above your head, they collect happiness, they water me with it! Let them fly, they won’t go astray, let them shine, so that I don’t turn away from happiness and joy, so that there are no enemies and filth in my life. Amen!"

Conspiracy for a rich life

People sometimes try to pick up a ritual more serious, so that they can definitely make millions once, then row with a shovel. Do you believe that this happens? In this case, karma exists, limiting opportunities and giving chances. After all, it is important not to call manna from heaven on your head, but to create such conditions when you begin to receive exactly what you are supposed to. For this, it is not necessary to go to monasteries or serve black masses.

There is a simple ritual that is carried out literally every day, or as often as you want. Do you go to the store? There, when paying, say a few words. This will not complicate your life, but it will open the way for money. When you begin to give money, mentally say:

“I don’t give up, but I thank!”

And you will take change, say this:

“All mine remains for me, multiplies and increases!”

You yourself will not notice how your well-being will increase significantly.

Conspiracy for a happy family life

"Father brownie! We are friendly with you! I like you, I like chocolate for you! Let the family bloom and please, and you protect the house and protect love! Just do not forget to really thank Domovoy, do not deceive. In the evening, before going to bed, put a candy in a dark corner (behind the sofa or behind the closet) with the words: “Do not disdain, sovereign Boss!”

And you will find a candy that the brownie did not eat, take it to the yard and give it to the dog. Just make sure that the cat or (God forbid) the child does not get a treat. This is bad. The brownie will take revenge and make scandals for you.

Conspiracy for a bad life

This ritual is not recommended. The fact is that wishing someone evil, you "exceed your authority", as they would now say. That is, take on the role of the Lord. Are you up to it? Think well. Will you bend under such a weight? Will responsibility weigh on you? Do you think that you can overcome everything? Then here are the words of the conspiracy.

They are pronounced in the back of the person who is wished a bad life. This conspiracy works like a corruption. It is difficult to remove it, as it is difficult to figure out where it came from. Speak like this:

"Black crow on your side. Let the liver peck, does not allow to live. Let it cover your eyes, but invite trouble!

After that, spit after the person.

Be sure to immediately turn away and mentally say:

“What was said has stuck, it has come off me! Any trouble past me to the grave! Amen!"

It's all kind of protection. So it won’t come to you if you turn out to be weaker than the one whose life you decided to ruin. Just think many times about whether it is necessary to do this with a person? Maybe let the Lord punish him?