Conspiracies that act instantly are proven methods. Conspiracies read before going to bed will show the future, attract money, luck and love.

Every girl wants more attention from her lover. Use the plot to make the guy miss you, you can read it only in those cases when you really want to Serious relationships. Such conspiracies are very great power and bind people to each other.

A simple conspiracy will make a guy longing for you

If your boyfriend is going to long business trip or long trip, for sure you would like him to remember you as often as possible. In this case, you can make a conspiracy for boredom, for any item that he always carries with him. Conspiracies for boredom are very common. The meaning of this type of conspiracy is for the guy to constantly remember you. Your images and thoughts will make you bored and melancholy.

A selection of conspiracies for the boredom of a guy

In this article you will find several simple conspiracies on a guy

Option 1: "On the guy's personal belongings"

Strong conspiracy for a guy

The ideal option for this conspiracy would be wrist watch your loved one. The clock has great power, being a symbol of time and containing solar energy. The clock shows the speed of the sun across the sky and has the same shape as that of the sun. By applying a conspiracy to the clock, you can even set the time at which you want your boyfriend to remember you. For a conspiracy, you need hours. The conspiracy is carried out in daytime on a sunny day. You need to look at the watch face and be sure to see your reflection in them, as in a mirror. Read the plot until the second hand runs a full circle, within one minute.

The arrows go step by step merrily,

Let the beloved remember and close the circle.

Only he will look at the time to clarify,

Thoughts about (girl's name) will stir.

This conspiracy works flawlessly. Every time your boyfriend looks at the clock face, he will see your reflection as if in a mirror. He will always remember you and miss you very much.

Option 2: "To the mortal boredom of a chicken egg"

This plot is suitable for those couples when the relationship is just beginning to develop. After such a conspiracy, the young man will miss you greatly. No matter how long you know each other, he will constantly remember your image. This plot is also suitable for couples who are in a quarrel. Constant thoughts and longing will make him the first to take a step towards reconciliation. Unlike a conspiracy for a watch, this conspiracy is read at night. For a conspiracy you will need one egg, real, rustic, dill inflorescence and candle. The plot is read on the inflorescence of dill. Take the inflorescence, stand facing east and say the following words.

I will put my image into the seed, I will put it in a secluded place.

As long as the seed is in a secret place, the darling will think of me.

Boredom will be strong and irresistible.

Carefully poke a hole in the egg so that it does not crack. It is necessary to pour a little liquid from the egg. Take the dill seed over which you read the magic words of the conspiracy. You have to be very careful to place the seed inside the egg. Seed in this case symbolizes thoughts about you that will constantly pop up in the guy’s head. When you have placed the seed in the egg, you need to fill the hole with melted wax from the candle. Thus, you sealed the thoughts of you in his head. As long as the seed is in the egg, the guy will miss you very much.

Option 3: "A strong conspiracy for milk"

A conspiracy will help make your boyfriend miss you.

For a conspiracy, you need fresh cow's milk, goose feather and wax candle. Milk should be homemade and fat, it is what it has natural force. The plot is very simple, but powerful. The entire ritual must be performed on the growing moon. Take a white sheet of paper, write with milk, like ink, the next text of the conspiracy.

“My dear chosen one, remember me.

Let me be the only one for you on earth.

MThe words are fastened together, they are catching up on (guy's name) a lot of boredom.

When you have written the plot, light a candle and hold a piece of paper over the candle. The text that you wrote should soon appear on a piece of paper. At the same time, a feeling of longing will appear in the guy to whom the conspiracy is directed. Roll the leaf into a triangle shape and store in a secret place.

After a conspiracy to boredom after a while, you can use the conspiracy to strong love. Then your chosen one will constantly feel the need for your presence, when separated from you, he will be very bored.


Website visitor comments

    It looks like I'm fine. There is a beloved man who also loves me madly. But there is always one thing but ... He is many years older than me, so his love is not explosive like that of young guys, calm and silent. Wherever I go, even just during the day at work, I really miss him, but he is calm as a tank. And I'm very offended when I ask you missed me, and he: you just weren't there for a couple of days. Damn, I was gone for two whole days! how so? I didn’t go crazy without it. Here I will make this conspiracy, then he will understand my feelings!

    I remember when I was a teenager and I liked one boy. As they said then: dried up on him. But every summer I went to my grandmother in the village and did not see him for three months! For me, it was brutal cruelty. Grandmother knew about this and one evening she told about this trick. My happiness knew no bounds. To be honest, I don’t know if he missed it there ... did he remember me ... but when he returned, he said that it was boring without me)))

    I have been dating a guy for four years and I love him very much. So far, he has not offered me something to marry, but I would like to very much. I'm thinking about how he wouldn't leave me at all. He is so handsome, athletic, the girls constantly look at him. I think they didn't take him away. So I want to make your conspiracy so that my boyfriend starts to get bored, and that he wants to spend time only with me, and not with his friends.

    My husband travels all the time on business trips. That's how many times I asked him to call more often, and my daughter and I miss you very much when you are gone. And all is useless, does not understand. He will just call, say that he has flown and everything is fine with him, and then how he does his business, he practically does not get in touch. I made a conspiracy, and at first nothing. Well, I think, all to no avail - it did not help. And then on the next trip, he sent instructions on how to install Skype and said that he would make video calls in the evenings and that I would definitely be in touch. At first I was surprised, but it turned out that he constantly communicates with clients like this. But with my family, I just now thought of talking like that. There are no words!

    Once with the girls at a sleepover, they sat with nothing to do, climbed the Internet, read everything and drank wine. And unexpectedly, one of her friends came across this conspiracy. They decided that whoever loses the cards will make a conspiracy. As you can imagine, it was me. I did it for one guy I knew, then I hadn’t met anyone yet. Now I've been dating someone else for 5 months, and that guy is still running after me. Like this ((

    It so happened that my beloved and I had to live for a year in different countries. I went on an exchange to London. And at some point, I began to worry, does my beloved miss me, is he waiting for me, does he love me the same way as before? I decided to read the plot on our relationship. I did everything according to the instructions and waited for any results. Beloved called after 10 minutes and said that although he rarely tells me this, he loves me very much and misses me! This is where I calmed down. And what do you think, when I returned, he said that he would not let me go anywhere else for a long time and offered to marry him!

    Where do you put the egg?

    My boyfriend went to another city for the summer with his family - and he has a lot of friends there, most likely ex girls, and I'm very afraid when he comes back to the new academic year he will leave me. Therefore, I decided to try conspiracies so that he would call, miss, in general, do not forget. It seems to be working!

In our lives, we face various situations every day, both good and not so good. White life stripes alternate with dark ones. It happens that dark stripes they settle in our lives for a long time and are in no hurry to leave it, but how you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from troubles and misfortunes. This can be done by turning to magical techniques. In such cases, a conspiracy on a thing will help. You can talk about anything you want. With its help, they attract good luck and wealth, bewitch a loved one and make a talisman from troubles, protect themselves and loved ones from damage and the evil eye. This method is the most effective, since the charmed thing, especially the one that is constantly with a person, will attract to him all the benefits that were charmed.

Luck can really be attracted to any personal item, which, after the ceremony, should be constantly carried with you. There are many rituals with which you can win luck to your side. To do this, you need to use personal items that a person will carry with him all the time. Here are some of them:

  • To bring good luck into your life, you can perform such a rite. Take any item of clothing, let it be your favorite, and cast a spell on it 12 times:

“Just as a squirrel wore her coat - didn’t take it off, so you (the name of the thing) would bring me happiness and good luck. Let it be so. Amen!"

  • on the new moon they take a pin, maybe a gold one, and read a conspiracy on it that will bring good luck and prosperity:

“The moon is born, its power wakes up and goes to me. Just as the sky cannot part with the moon, so luck cannot refuse this pin. Walk on the heels, I do good. Amen!"

The pin is left overnight on the window so that the light of the young moon falls on it. This talisman, if pinned to clothes, will not only bring good luck, but also protect against any negative impact. If you perform such a ceremony every full moon, luck will never leave you;

  • you can attract good luck with the help of a lace in the form of pigtails. A lace enchanted in this way will not only attract good luck to you, but also fulfill your desires. Conspiracy words:

“Hurry luck come, you look at me. Let luck burst into life, return to me forever.

Tying the lace to the ankle of the left leg, say the words:

“I tie the lace, I tie luck to myself.” When you tie a string, you can mentally make a wish, and it will certainly come true;

  • You can attract good luck and wealth with the help of a five-ruble coin. Putting it on the left palm, they say the words three times:

“Money to money, wallets to wallets. Like the sun - golden, so my coin would shine, bring good luck and joy, give me wealth. As said, so done. My words are strong, but my deeds are marks. Let it be so. Amen!"

Carry a coin with you all the time. A year later, the ritual is repeated;

  • you can talk about luck Golden ring. To do this, wrap it in wool yarn and put on the table. They take a lit candle in their right hand and read the plot:

“The tit lived beyond the sea, the tit forked its nest. She found a ring in it and brought it to me. I dress up, dress up kind people come in handy. All doors will open to me, all secrets will open to me, everything will be my way. Amen!"

The ring is worn all the time.

by the most effective method attracting permanent good luck has long been a conspiracy to your thing. With it, you will stop experiencing problems with money, and your life will be filled with happiness.

Nowadays, life is very expensive. However, someone can afford a lot, and some live on a tiny salary, while others have long been mired in debt and loans. We are all equal, everyone has a chance to get success and material well-being. Must try on personal experience famous saying“Happiness is not in money” and stop counting every penny. White conspiracies for money can help you with this, which will program your energy for well-being.

To speak any of your things, it is not necessary to resort to the services of magicians, psychics, hereditary witches. You can do this on your own without any help. As experience shows, people with supernatural power do not undertake such rituals. They do not waste their resources on such small tasks that ordinary people can do.

Basic rules of conspiracies: how to read correctly

The first thing you should do is think about the consequences. Even white magic is sometimes dangerous. You need to know for sure why and for what you are conspiring, and only after that proceed to action.

The second rule says that you can not read the plot out of curiosity. In such situations, words charged with success are of no use: you even risk losing your luck on long years. Therefore, a conspiracy should be carried out only when necessary.

Fourthly, the magical text should not be read to pregnant women: there is a risk of calling misfortune and misfortune on the child. It is better to postpone this and postpone the ritual.

The fifth rule indicates that you cannot read conspiracies when you want. For each of them there is a certain date and time. Be attentive and specify all the nuances.

Sixthly, if you are afraid to read the plot yourself or cannot, then the person who will take it upon himself should be well thanked by you. This is necessary so that the conspiracy will certainly empower you, and not the person who read the charged words.

Before performing the ritual, it is advisable not to drink alcohol for three days. You need to try to eat healthy food and not enter into disputes and scandals with loved ones. Your energy should be pure and positive.

And the last rule says that everything that you have done must not be made public. Never tell strangers about magical rituals. No one should know what you were talking about a thing, and even more so about what you got in the end.

We speak our thing for good luck and financial well-being

The power of a conspiracy can attract not only money, but also good luck. After the ritual, you will come across necessary people, favorable circumstances, you will be able to make profitable deals or find a well-paid job. You can talk about any thing that you see fit. However, it should be remembered that for maximum effect you must carry this item with you every day. Usually they talk about pins, rings, coins, small souvenirs, lace, rope. You can choose whatever you like.

To perform the ritual, you will need three candles: brown, green and white shades. The colors are very symbolic, so try to find just such candles. Green means the money you want to attract, white represents spiritual purity, drives away black forces, and brown symbolizes the ritual that you will perform.

For the plot to be successful, you should choose an even date on the growing moon, but remember that at this moment you must be alone. No one except you should participate in the ritual. Find the brightest place in the house and sit comfortably: it is desirable that you have a table in front of you on which you put candles. Make a triangle out of them, in the center of which place the thing you want to speak. Candles should be lit right hand with words: “The flame of fire will help me win, attract good luck in all my deeds. And the power that is stored in money, let it pass to me. Mind me". After the spoken words, hold your gaze on each candle and your object for about half a minute. Then combine all the candles into one to make a common flame, and wait until the wax falls on your item. After that, you can leave the candles to burn out, and keep the thing with you.

Other money conspiracies can help attract material well-being. However, remember: in order for the ritual to work and good luck to visit you, do not refuse to help people in need. Don't forget about good deeds when you get rich. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.04.2017 03:40

The energy of many things can attract whatever you want into your home, including money. Find out which...

In the section on the question, how many days do you need to read the plot and wash yourself? given by the author Overdue the best answer is If there aren't any special instructions, then conspiracies need to be read for women in women's days- Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and for men - on men's days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. But remember that conspiracies cannot be read either on Sunday or on big holidays. Sunday is a time for prayer. By the way, it is best to pray at night. IN winter time conspiracies must be read at noon or after sunset (winter time begins when the clock is moved in the fall, and ends when the clock is moved in the spring). IN summer time conspiracies are read in the early morning (before sunrise) or from 12 to 2 in the afternoon. All conspiracies from diseases, damage, misfortunes, failure and poverty are read on the waning moon, and conspiracies for love, prosperity, good luck - on the growing one.
If the explanation to the conspiracy does not specifically specify how many times the conspiracy needs to be read, then, as a rule, they read it three times in a row. A month later, the conspiracy must be forged, even if it began to act. If the plot does not work, then fake it a third time. If even then you didn’t succeed, then this method does not suit you and you need to pick up something else.
Do not forget to be baptized after each word "amen".
Most conspiracies are universal, that is, you can read them for both men and women, changing the words “servant of God (name)” to “servant of God (name)”. Some, wanting to achieve the strongest result, along with the name also call the surname of the person being spoken. You don't need to do this. Remember that for higher powers there are no surnames, but only names by which they unmistakably find a person.

Let's take a closer look at the love spell on the watch of a loved one - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

A love spell on a thing is a very common magical rite. It provides for inducing an impact on a person with the help of the energy of a charmed thing, which is most often borrowed for a while. As a rule, all rituals in which a certain thing is used as an attribute are simple and belong to white magic, therefore they can be carried out independently.

Features of rituals with a thing

For the ceremony, it is allowed to use a variety of things, but it is recommended to give preference to clothes and other personal things that a person uses constantly. For example, it can be a comb or some kind of jewelry. The essence of this influence lies in the fact that when the charmed thing falls into the hands of a person, then a magical directed stream filled with love passes through it. This is what provides real help in matters of the heart, forcing the victim of a love spell to pay attention to the performer of the rite.

A love spell on a thing is very effective, because it allows you to see the object into which love energy is transmitted. In other words, the attribute used in the ritual is a conductor between the desire to love and be loved by a specific person.

Conventionally, love spells can be divided into groups depending on the thing that is used in them:

  • The ritual uses an object that is borrowed from the bewitched person. He must be dear to him.
  • Talking absolutely new thing, which is subsequently used as a gift for the occasion.
  • In the rite, a personal thing of a person is used, which, after incantation, is destroyed.

You should know that the strength of a particular magical influence largely depends on the time of day. Therefore, you need to carefully read the conditions for the selected ritual and strictly follow the rules and recommendations. You need to conduct the ceremony alone, fully concentrating on your goal.

The most successful are love spells using things in such situations:

  • When you have a desire to make the relationship more sensual, and you are trying to help your loved one to be liberated.
  • If there was a breakup for an absurd reason, and you dream of restoring the relationship.
  • If you feel that a loved one sympathizes with you, but at the same time does not dare to take the first step.

Effective love spell

A love spell performed on a thing that is dear to your chosen one is considered very effective. But you need to borrow it from him in such a way that he thinks that she is lost. The love spell should be carried out only after three days have passed from the moment you got the thing. At this time, you need to get, preferably, a new photograph of your loved one, and in the picture he should be shown alone. The ceremony takes place at midnight.

But before that, you need to carry out the following preparatory steps:

  • IN private room put a round table in the middle, on which wax crayons white color draw a pentagram.
  • Place a bowl filled with water and a thick wax candle in the center of the image.
  • Place a picture of your loved one next to it.

The ritual begins at midnight by lighting a candle. After that, the photo is transferred under a bowl of water. Next, seven times you need to hold the thing borrowed from the chosen one directly above the candle flame.

While doing so, say:

After that, seven times you should drop the wax of the melted candle into a bowl of water. The wax frozen in water should be collected and hidden in a secluded place. Then all the attributes are removed to the side, and only a photo remains on the table, on top of which the thing of a loved one is placed.

The picture and the charmed object should remain on the table until dawn. And the next day, the thing “lost” by your chosen one must be placed in such a way that he thinks that it was found by accident. If he continues to use this thing, then the love spell will work, and soon he will inflame love feelings for you.

Household ritual with glasses

IN Lately in everyday magic, glasses are often used as an attribute. And this is quite understandable. After all, it is very difficult to do without this thing if a person has poor eyesight. And this means that this thing will always be in close proximity to a loved one and constantly have a certain magical effect on him.

The conspiracy for glasses is as follows:

And if any of the rituals you have chosen turned out to be ineffective, you should try other options and speak other things.

Ritual to enhance feelings

In order to enhance the feelings of a loved one, you can conduct a love ritual in which a towel is used. This love spell on a thing will also be effective if you and your chosen one have long-term intimate relationship but you lack romantic feelings.

In the ceremony, you will need to use a new hand towel, and it must be purchased immediately before the ceremony. It is necessary to make sure that a loved one wipes their hands with this towel at least once, but after that no one else touches this hygiene item. It is also important to fold the towel in such a way that it remains slightly damp, as this will maximize the energy of your loved one. Only left alone, you need to start the ceremony.

To do this, the towel should be tied into a strong knot and say the following spell:

After that, the charmed towel is hidden in a secret place. The main thing is that no one will ever find him. As long as this condition is met, your relationship will develop the way you want.

Quick love spell

If it is not possible to get a thing that belongs to a loved one at the time of the ceremony, then you can use a quick love spell.

To do this, whisper over a thing anywhere and at any time the following words:

After pronouncing the words, the thing must be immediately returned to the owner. It is important that he does not suspect anything. This love spell will be effective only when you love a person very much and are ready to live with him all your life.

Conspiracy for men's watches

Conspiracy on Men's Watch done in the same way as for any other thing. But its advantage is that a wristwatch for a man is an element of the image. Many representatives of the stronger sex do not part with them even in bed.

Having made such a conspiracy, you will have the opportunity to constantly influence the man you need.

You need to start by buying a watch. Try to choose a model that a man will like and he will constantly wear them. Buying a watch, as well as performing a ritual, should be on the indwelling moon.

Bring your purchase home, take it out of the box and wipe clean wet wipe. Now you need to prepare the room. What room will you be in perform a ritual, it does not matter, the main thing is that no one interferes with you during work. Clean your room thoroughly. Dust and mop floors. Sprinkle coarse salt around the perimeter. It should not be iodized.

Take Blank sheet drawing paper and draw a pentagram on it - five-pointed star inscribed in a circle. The size of the sheet is better to take 50x50 cm.

Should prepare 5 church candles and place them on top of the star. You can attach candles directly to the paper, after dropping a little wax on it. But this will only work if the sheet is well smoothed and lies tightly on the table. If the candles do not hold, use impromptu candlesticks. For example, you can take covers. The pentagram must be drawn with a red felt-tip pen. Try to keep the lines straight and clear.

After everything is ready, you need to turn off the lights in the room and focus on what you want to get from this conspiracy. If you want a man to have only sexual attraction to you, you need to take some female secretions and lubricate the watch with them. Naturally, you have to arouse yourself first.

If you want strong relationship then focus on thoughts of family life. With these thoughts, press the clock to your heart, and then put it in the center of the pentagram.

Stand near the table, concentrate well and read the following plot:

“I (name) bought a watch for my beloved (name).

Take the hours of my thoughts and my desires.

May my beloved (name) always think of me (name).

Let him want to see me and possess me.

.The path without me longing-sadness overcomes him.

The plot should be repeated two more times. going around the table clockwise.

After that, you need to light incense stick and circle her around the clock clockwise, repeating several times:

“Hours, absorb my thoughts and my desires.

May my beloved (name) be with me.

After that, you need to let the candles burn out. Church candles burn for a short time. During this time, walk around the table in a clockwise direction. repeating aloud:

"I (name) want (man's name) to be mine."

The incense stick should be in your hands.

When the candles burn out, take the watch and carefully put it in the box. The pentagram must be burned. To do this, you can put the paper in a pan or on a metal baking sheet, and set it on fire. The ashes must be carefully collected and disposed of in open window to be blown away by the wind.

After that, take a shower again and go to bed. Perhaps you will have a dream indicating whether a love spell has turned out or not. In order not to forget a dream, put a piece of paper and a pencil at the head of the bed. Write it down as soon as you wake up. If this is not done, after a few minutes you will forget everything that you dreamed about.

Watch, if possible, present to your beloved.

important love spell condition is that by giving a watch, you should just wait without taking any steps to get closer to the person. He will come to you himself. If this condition is violated, the ritual will not work.

love spell on the watch of a loved one

All ceremonies and rituals that are carried out with the help of additional items will be especially interesting topics who do not have much experience in magic, since with their help you can work not only on the invisible energy level, but also in the usual, material terms. If you have already tried to cast a love spell, but it didn’t work out for you, it’s worth trying again, this time using things.

Personal thing and how it will help in the ritual

A love spell on a thing is so effective due to the fact that it makes it possible to perceive the object visually and transfer one's own energy into it. In other words, a thing is a kind of conductor between the desire to be loved and the reciprocal feeling of the chosen one.

For the ceremony, you can use almost any thing, however, experts recommend using the clothes of a loved one, his comb, mirror or any decoration. To transfer energy, an object must be programmed using special conspiracies. Below is one love spell per item that has already proven its effectiveness.

So, for a conspiracy, you will need a personal subject of your lover. You need to take it in your hands, read the prayer “Our Father” three times, and then say the conspiracy:

“How true it is that the water will not burn the threshold, but it will not pour from the corner of the house, so my beloved (Name) will not find another, will not caress and hug, Only the servant of God (Name) will love me, and will not leave. As long as the thing serves him, so he will be mine. Amen, Amen, Amen."

How does a guy's thing participate in a love spell

There are many different rituals that are associated with the use of things, but they are all divided into three types:

  • A personal item that is subsequently returned;
  • A new thing that is given to a lover;
  • A personal item that is stored or destroyed after the ritual, but is not returned to the owner.

There is no consensus on the effectiveness and strength of each of these options. How many people, so many opinions. But, if one ritual did not lead to the expected consequences, you can always try to perform another love spell.

In this article: How to dry on.

Similar rituals are used throughout.

How to conduct a love ritual

Of all the personal belongings of a person, those that he uses constantly have the greatest energy. This category includes clothing and accessories, such as watches or bracelets. In addition to the thing itself, you will also need strong conspiracy, which will shape your energy and help you achieve the desired result.

A love spell on a thing can be made as effective as possible if you use a piece of clothing that your lover wears quite often. If you have such a thing, you need to take a thread of the same color as the wardrobe item, from 10 to 15 cm long. In addition to the thread, you can use a button or something else that will not be noticeable on the clothes. If this is a formal suit, then you can carefully cut off a button from it, and after completing the ceremony, sew it back on.

The spoken threads and the button will be on the subject's clothes all the time, which is very good for obtaining the desired result.

It should also not be forgotten that in different time days magical powers can act in completely different ways. Some rituals must be performed early in the morning, others in the light of day. As for spellcasting, love rites most effective late in the evening and at night. Midnight - here perfect time for a love spell on a thing.

So, a ritual with a thread or a button. For the ceremony, a flat surface is required, for example, small table. You need to cover it with a clean tablecloth, and light a few candles. Next, put a photo of a loved one on the table with the image down. After that, you need to drip a little wax from the candle on the photo, put a thread on top of it, press it in and pour wax on top. At this time, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“The name of the chosen one”, stick to me, like wax stuck to your face, stick like a thread stuck to wax, be with me always, love me, as I love you.

Love spell on a loved one

This ritual is best done at night, right before bed. It requires that after its completion, the person does not talk to anyone for several hours. For a love spell, you will need three church candles. They must be placed in the shape of a triangle, and placed between them a small bowl of water, illuminated in the church, lower the beloved thing into the bowl and say the following words:

« Pure water, you can help me alone, Bring your beloved, turn to me, Let him love me, As he can’t live without you, He won’t have time to lead with his eye, How he will forget others at once. Pure water, you can help me alone.

With the help of a personal item, you can not only bewitch a person, but also return a departed husband to the family, as well as remove another love spell. Our things are saturated with the energy of the soul, therefore, the impact on this energy leads to a change in the person himself. This is a great way to influence, however, do not forget that when working with clothes and other items, you can only use white magic, only such rituals can guarantee the complete safety of both you and your loved one.

The video shows an example of a love spell by a professional magician.

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Hello, help me. Please, I haven’t lived with my husband for ten months now, I don’t know what to do, I ask you (((

Hello. We lived with a young man for almost a year. After a fight, he moved in with his mom. We have been meeting with him for two months already, it’s even funny, we love each other, but we don’t understand what is happening? Help…

Natalia, in your situation, nothing needs to be done yet. Everything goes as it goes. And after the lapse of time, already see what exactly your young man is guided by. And, if there will obviously be mother's influence, perform a ritual on mother (tie the tongue), but you need to constantly fake it. And order Sorokoust for health in the church for her.

The text of your review: 02/27/16 give a love spell, please, his hat and jacket remained, he went to my girlfriend

Julia, and none of those on the site fit?

Please tell me, the first way can be done by men.

hello help my husband wants a divorce

Read in the morning and evening for seven days in a row such a conspiracy:

Our Most Holy Lady!

Holy Virgin Mary!

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You rested, Most Holy Theotokos,

In the holy city of Bethlehem of Judea,

I saw a dream about the beloved Son.

She came to the Son Jesus Christ and said:

My beloved and sweet Jesus Christ.

I saw a terrible and terrible dream.

My heart is beating with fear

Sweat drips from my forehead,

Tears flow from eyes

Bad thoughts do not give me rest.

I saw Pontius Pilate in a dream,

His palace and his beds.

You, My Son, have been caught, bound,

Hands and feet were tied to the big Cross.

They beat you, tortured you, crown of thorns

They put it on your holy head.

I looked at your torments,

I myself endured these torments with you.

Looking at You, my Son, I suffered,

Together with You, my Son, I disappeared.

Tell me all this, my son, tell me your word

And the Lord says:

“Here you are, My Mother, my word!”

Your dream is true, it is holy,

Pilate's guards will soon come for me,

And you tell your dream to the apostles,

Rewrite it ninety-nine times.

Distribute your holy dream to people,

Solve this dream yourself together with people.

Let's write off house from house.

And although they will have such sins on themselves,

How much sand is in the sea

Frequent stars in the sky

At the end of the soul there will be angels

Pray for that person

All sins will be forgiven

He will get rid of eternal torment,

In a terrible disease, the patient will recover,

It will not burn in fire, it will win in the war,

It will not perish in stormy water, it will emerge,

He will survive and live

Who will carry this prayer with them everywhere.

Who will count and read these words,

Never before the term from the murder will not die.

What he asks of God, he receives,

Togo never trouble and sadness will not torment.

And when he dies, God's angels will take his soul,

They will bring them to God's Kingdom of Heaven.

They will hand it over, give it to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.

The soul will have fun in a bright paradise,

Rejoice and pray to God.

Lord, remember these words.

I ask, I pray you, God's army,

May my husband, the servant of God (name), not leave me,

May he not find sleep and rest anywhere without me,

May he love me more than before,

With another woman, me, my wife,

Servant of God (name), will not forget.

I believe in one God the Father, in Jesus Christ

And Mother of God.

And may Her holy wondrous dream help,

My husband won't let me go.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Please tell me what should I do if my husband does not want to live in dreams

Indira, it is possible to perform rituals for reconciliation or for the return of the husband to the family on the growing moon.

How to bewitch the beating man so that he would return to me ... recently got married. but I'm sure that he loves me ... help me please ...

Light before performing the ritual on married man who, loving you, married another - think about it. Tomorrow you will meet love and what will you do with the bewitched?

hello please help me and my boyfriend love each other we have been friends for many years and 1 year since we had a seious relationship kissing and so on, I drove it 6 times but he doesn’t leave, we understand each other without words, we are like twins and between we have a very big passion, he is very afraid of losing me, but he does not take a decisive step. I have a duzen evo more life, Nevo also has a feeling for me, he always helps me, takes care of everything, and says that Nevo has never had such a life in his life, and he doesn’t want to let me go or lose me. Help me to be together little of you

I don’t understand why you need rituals, everything is fine with you.

Help me get my husband back! Gone to another. We have a daughter, 10 years lived wonderfully!

For what reason did you leave? How long ago? Does it get in touch?

Good afternoon Svetlana, help me, I want a love spell on make a husband I have his down jacket, I know that soon he will put it on, maybe tell me which one is better to do, maybe a conspiracy, maybe sew something into a jacket, thanks in advance.

Hello. My husband and I are divorced, but I still love him and he loves me. I would like to return it back. Of his belongings, only jeans remained. Help me. Thank you.

Marina, are you going to do a love spell? But you write that he loves you? I don't quite understand the logic.

Good afternoon, help no strength. We met with a guy for 5 years, lived together, broke up half a year ago, I was very offended, I didn’t forgive. Time has passed, now I realized that I can’t live without him, we see each other all the time, we communicate, when we meet he kisses me on the lips, but now he has a girlfriend, he claims that he doesn’t love her. But he doesn’t want to be with me either, since we also had a lot of bad things. Everyone says that I still care about him. Advise on how to get your loved one back. She started dating this girl and met after our breakup. I sincerely hope for your help

Before performing rituals, did you try to solve this situation on your own? By conventional methods? In this case, I do not want to make a binding somehow.

Hello, I want to do a love spell but I'm afraid

And he doesn't seem to notice me, help me what to do

I want to be with him madly, we rarely see each other

But I love that I already decided on a love spell

From church candle cut off a piece two centimeters long, take a photo of a man and glue a candle on the genitals. In the photo of a woman on the genitals, we make a hole. Connect two photos face to face so that the member on the back side comes out.

“As I wind threads on a member of a lasso, I put it on, as I tie knots, so I will forever tie a member of a slave (...) to a slave (...) because from this hour, from this minute, from this second, it will belong to the slave (...). Not a single woman, except for a slave (...) will raise a member. From now on and until the age you will desire, and desire only a slave (...). Let it be so! Whoever reads the plot inside out will break the string! To be therefore, from now on and forever”

We read 9-13 times!

Tie nine knots and trim the ends of the thread. Roll the edges of the photo to the center and again wind the threads to the end. Make buttocks at the tubes. Fall asleep powdered sugar and vanillin. Seal with wax. Fill with wax, reading the plot:

“As the dead night walks on the heels of the shadow, so let the slave (...) follow the slave (...) let him walk. From this day on, let the slave (...) feel bad and bitter without a slave (...). Let a slave (...) without a slave (...) cannot eat, cannot drink, cannot sleep, cannot live, cannot work, let the slave (...) think only about the slave (...). As at night all cats are black, so for a slave (...) all women resemble only a slave (...). Let all the thoughts of the slave (...) converge to the slave (...) for from this day, from this minute, from this second, the slave (...) will be a slave, servant and admirer of the slave (...). In your sinful life, only the queen of the slave queens (…), your mistress and queen, your slave goddess (…) will be present. This woman is your ideal, your dream, your destiny. Let it be so! There is no other way, otherwise you will be a slave (...) (to get sick, die, etc.) ”

The object is to be dropped into the grave in the name of a man, or into running water. During the ritual, three candles are lit.

There is an option to simply wrap it in black or red cloth and in this form it can be stored away from prying eyes - the effect is the same. Do not forget the ransom at the grave.

help, I don’t know what to do anymore, the guy is either drawn to me, or he gets tired of communicating with me for almost 4 years like this ... for some it may seem like an insignificant time, but it’s not ...

and now that's what happened...

we spent almost the whole summer together, nothing foretold trouble, we saw each other in the evening, sat, gave a jacket, left in it ...

1 tired of communication (in principle, tired of continuous communication with the same person)

2 as he says, he found a girl (however, this may not be true)

A week has passed since that statement, there was no contact, I thought it would calm down and communication would begin to improve, but everything only got worse ...

I still have his jacket as I said above .... I have been carrying it all this week, but I will need to return it ....

tell me what is better to use for a love spell .... and when is it better to do it?

Done at midnight, seven days in a row for the rise of the moon. During this week, you need to keep the guy's thing under the pillow, you can not go to church or pray.

“I removed the thing from my beloved (name), removed the thing under his head for seven nights, asked the sorcerer to help. My dear (name), roll over, my love (name) come back to me. Amen. Amen. Amen". After - payback at the crossroads.

Please help me return my beloved, we lived with him for six months, and one day he said that he did not want to live with me, and I feel bad without him !! I still have his things

“I removed the thing from my beloved (name of the man), removed the thing under his head for seven nights, asked the sorcerer to help. My dear (name), roll over, my love (name) come back to me. Amen. Amen. Amen". Then a ransom.

Hello! My husband and I lived for 5 years in civil marriage, during all this time he constantly collects things and leaves then returns now he again packed his things left I know he will return and I will return him. We swear, in principle, because of the little things, he is immediately beyond the threshold. I am very tired of this. Help me, what should I do? I myself never call him, I'm not looking for a meeting.

Can you find out his date of birth?

Hello, I don't know what to do, can you help somehow? My boyfriend and I lived for almost 5 years, everything was fine for 3 years, but then he left for his homeland and after a while he returned and seemed to have been replaced, we began to swear strongly, he could even raise his hand, six months ago I left him and did not think in general about him, then he handed me 2 of my sweaters, I don’t know how it is interconnected or not, but now I can’t live without him, I understand that I love him and I know that he loves me, maybe he did something, but now I understand that I want to be with him and he is with me, but nothing works out for us, although we sometimes meet when we don’t quarrel, he specifically communicates with others so that I freak out, I beg you to help if you can. I myself don't know what to do in this case. Thank you very much in advance.

You have no influence. The guy has something inside, some kind of secret. Some rituals are useless here, the situation will outlive itself over time.

May I know what you mean by the word survive? I want to be together but something does not allow us to do this

To survive means to be resolved. You want to be with him, but he doesn't.

How he doesn’t want to when he runs around, he calls, but pride doesn’t give, or maybe I don’t understand something

Elena, you see, rituals are not needed in your situation. You must solve this problem yourself. Erase as it turns out, you love each other, but you can’t be together. What about after the spell? There will be only suffering. Go yourself to meet him, talk to him everything, but the rituals are not.

Hello. I broke up with a man a month ago, I can’t return him, I bought a jacket as a gift for him. What can be done to get it back.

Nonna, on the growing moon, perform a ritual with a thing, give it. Will he accept the gift? If he takes it, then for the complex work with his photo.

Good afternoon I didn’t appreciate how to return a guy while I was around, I was looking for different reasons not to see each other often, but he said I love him, then he said I was burned out and nothing could be returned! I asked for a chance, I realized that I was stupid, but he said no! Is there any way to get it back and how?

Oksana, it turns out to do a love spell. But you weigh everything, the moon is still waning now. Can and to anything a binding to do in your case. That is, these relationships are for you to experience.

I made a love spell on my husband's shirt (with sleeves tied). I saw him in this shirt yesterday. tell Svetlana how this love spell can affect him?

Lena, the love spell works as stipulated - a person is attracted to you, etc.

What should I do? I lived with a man for six years, they wanted to have a baby, but at the moment when I passed all the examinations, he began to avoid me, not to spend the night at home, look for any reasons not to communicate with me about what was happening to him!? What should I do Don't know!

Oksana, but he does not explain this in any way? Do you suspect that he has someone? Or does he not want a child?

Girls tell me how to return a loved one please

Svetlana help me. I went to the watch and found myself a sweetheart there. He said that he wanted to stay in Norilsk. What should I do?

Hope, I don't even know. You can have a mischief, you can egylet. In general, I want to say I want to stay or stay for real - the difference. It's business as usual for shift workers.

My husband and I lived for 17 years, we had no common children, I have a daughter, she grew up and got married, so the young have no housing, they live with us. Amid jealousy, the husband began to leave home, returned, last time I collected all my things and left, for 4 months now. he is not. I started to meet women. How can I help please.

Age. Leave everything as it is, honestly speaking, and do not waste your energy. You will fight to bring it back. Everything will just fall into place.

Good evening Svetlana! But some woman has already sheltered him, he does not hear me, he is rude. I talked with his sister, she is in shock, he treats her the same way. Please help me it hurts so much.

The return won't work anyway. The ritual won't work. He has a complete tear in his head, and you will not be able to put things in order in this. That situation when it is better to act on your own.

Svetlana. Svetlana is writing to you, my son is in trouble, at 16 he was diagnosed with diabetes 1, he got married in Germany, 2 beautiful daughters, 8 years of marriage. that in December the wife warns that she wants to get rid of him, to leave, she says she needs distance, time. On February 1, she moves from her son to a neighboring street. She betrayed him and left him alone with his pain with his problem. I need a wife and children, I can’t tell what was going on in his soul, here we need strength for an operation and my head is busy with something else, in addition, the doctors said because of stress, Vladimir had a stroke in January, which he suffered on his feet, everyone is in shock, every time the granddaughter they say, grandmother, we want to go back to dad, they suffer a lot, the eldest is 7 years old, suffers a lot, understands everything, children sometimes spend the night with their son for the weekend, she communicates with him, goes to the house, doesn’t want a divorce, doesn’t want him to look for even though he doesn’t need anyone but a wreath. help my son, return his wife, I would do everything you say. let his eyes begin to glow with life.

I already answered you. That woman, you won’t be able to work on her, the ritual won’t fall. You won’t be able to fool her so that she returns to her husband, I won’t be able to teach you, it’s not all masters who can introduce such a program to a person.

Hello, my husband stole to live with his mother after infidelity. He says that the one with whom he cheated returned to the former and it was she who climbed to my husband. My husband and I have a small child who is not even a year old. And I love him as much as the day we met. My husband left 2 of his T-shirts that he wants to take away. Please help me, I don't know what to do. Thank you very much in advance.

Marina, did he leave because of his love for that woman? Why are you sure he won't come back? The fact is that you cannot ritualize, you have Small child, which has very weak field and the connection with you is very strong. If the ritual is done incorrectly, the rollback can hit the baby.

Svetlana, I don’t know if he hurt because of love for that woman or not, but he tells me that he doesn’t love me. And I really want a whole family, and I love him very much ...

Marina, means to do parting. Work on the waning moon. Read near a fresh grave in a cemetery. “Who is dead here, who is alive? You lie down, and I run home. How dead people they don’t eat, they don’t speak affectionate speeches, so the servant of God (name) near the servant of God (name) would be silent, would not open his mouth, would not speak affectionate speeches, would not beckon to a white bed, would swear, reproach each other, love for a friend did not feed a friend. As this dead man cooled off, so would (name of husband) run away from love affairs. I took these words from the pool where the mermen live, evil nets weave. As this dead man does not get up from his place, so the servant of God (name) will not go to the servant of God (her name). I close it with 7 locks, I lock it with 7 keys. Key, lock, tongue, amen ”Read 7 times, grave - up to 40 days, the fresher, the better, gender, age and name of the deceased do not matter. time of day - late afternoon. do not forget about the mention, gifts, etc.

Svetlana, my husband was returning, everything was fine with him again, but only for a week. And then he said that he could not give me the love that I give him. Therefore, I am afraid that this time he has gone forever ...

Marina, here, do it for separation, and then we'll see if you may not need to return or bind.

Hello! we had a fight with a young man! he doesn’t answer calls! I love him very much and want to return him! tell me what to do with a candle after I read the spell in a love spell on a thing? and should he pick up and wear the thing?

The candle burns out completely, and the thing - yes, it is desirable to transfer it to him, it depends on the ritual.

Svetlana, please tell me what ritual is suitable to return a loved one?

To begin with, I advise you to make a split. Such rituals are performed on the waning moon. A conspiracy is read over salt, and then such a charmed salt

thrown after the wife. The conspiracy is this:

I will go, a sinful servant, Past the church of the saint, not laying down the cross.

petition, Past the church font. The altar is in the black hut, By the devil in the chimney, And the unbaptized soul lives in that hut, dedicated to Satan. Icons do not hang there, Lampadas do not burn there, Those who live there swear, Gnaw and bite, Throw angry words. So the servant of God (name) With the servant of God (name of the rival) We would not live together, bread

They didn’t eat, they didn’t drink water, They slept back to back, they would curse each other. There would not be peace between them for a single hour, Not a single half hour. They would all swear And rush at each other. I lock everything with a black word, I flood everything with black pitch.

And what I forgot to say - the devil will speak for me.

Hello! Have known the young man for over 3 years. We lived together for a year and a half, there were quarrels, jealousies, I love, I don’t love, and so on. Then he left. I worried and waited for him. But he left and at the same time constantly reminded of himself. He came from the night, let him go. While he walked like this for a year and a half - he got a child, but he did not begin to live with a girl, and before the new year he decided to return to me. I let him in. We lived for a month more or less and started again - I don’t love you and left in February. I also got pregnant from him. And if that girl did not love him, I love him and want to return. Help me, please. I do not know what to do. There are his things, there is his photo. Want complete family with him. He says he doesn't need anything.

Are you pregnant now? Yes, even if you have already given birth, I do not advise ritualizing, only ordering work from the master, because in your case, only do a love spell and close it from others.

We quarreled with my husband, due to the fact that she often called friends to find out who he was resting with and interfered in past life to his ex-wife, it made him angry ... I realized my mistakes late (((Now he has been living with a friend for almost 2 months, he has no one, we have a one-year-old daughter, we are not scheduled, but for three years together, everything was fine ... I really want to make peace and return him. What can be done? He communicates, but does not go to reconciliation yet (((Most of the things at home, took only clothes with him

Nothing, rituals are not needed here. You will reconcile. Let him know that this will not happen again, convince him of this. He will return. Now he lets you know that some moments life together unacceptable to him.

Hello Svetlana, what kind of love spell can I perform if I have a piece of his clothes, a thread of clothes? What are spells? To tie him down..

This is negligible. What about the biomaterial? Or maybe a photo?

Hello Svetlana, do not tell me the ritual of a love spell, if there is a piece of a person’s clothes, a thread of clothes. How can I tie it with it .. I remember reading a ritual for a long time, where you need to thread from his clothes and tie it together from yours. I just don't remember and can't find it.

Alena, this is a colossal message needed. Plus, you will perform the ritual, but the thread will remain with you. It's better to work on the photo then.

Photos can be found in social networks and print out! And I have it on my phone to print. And with the help of a piece of clothing, I heard about a love spell where knots are tied, on a piece of his and your clothes, or a thread from his and your clothes, you say a conspiracy and you get a binding! I just can’t find it now .. I read it for a long time. Or is it a weak way?

Alan, I do not recommend this method. Photo not older than one year, single, without animals, eyes are clearly visible.

Hello. How to wash the thing on which the love spell is made? And a pin is attached to the trousers. What can be done? Thank you.

Hope, wash as usual, do not remove the pin.

hello svetlana please help me how can I make a love spell on a charm I bought and I want to give it to him. the thing is that my boyfriend doesn’t pay attention to me, like at first he was so courting everything was fine the first time we had a fight he wanted to commit suicide and now for some reason 0 he’s not jealous he doesn’t call rude please help but so that it’s harmless

A keychain is a very unstable item, a man can lose it, remove it and give it away, or not use it at all.

Hello Svetlana! We lived together for almost 2.5 years abroad, now, due to circumstances, he must return home, his father is sick there. I'm staying here. I love him very much and want to be with him. He says that he would like to establish a relationship with his ex-wife, since there is a 10-year-old daughter there. And the wife once filed for divorce herself and now does not want him, lives next to her parents. And all she wants from him is money. He will be here with me for another month, then he will leave. Advise how to do so that then returned to me. I love him so much and can't imagine how I'd be here without him. I'm not looking for anyone to replace him, and I don't want to. True, we have a difference in age, I'm older his.