Direct evidence: how to show your husband that you love. How to make a husband happy, love recipe

Whatever activity your husband is engaged in: mental or physical, in any case, after a difficult labor day he will feel tired, overwhelmed and not satisfied with anything. Many women would like to know how to make their husband happy. For this there is a simple magic recipe. A man needs to eat well. A well-fed husband can move mountains for you and make your nights very enjoyable.

The most important thing in food for a man is the satiety of food. After a glass of champagne, have a snack with sheep's milk cheese. Then - the main dish - fried meat with gravy rich in vitamins and salad. And for dessert, chocolate pudding sprinkled with crushed nuts. Even tired men gain their former sexual activity and strength thanks to such a meal.

  • By the way, such food makes not only men, but also women more fresh, active and satisfied.

The secret of male sexual activity and strength is not always and not only in the "magic" recipe. After all, sexologists willingly explain impotence by neurotic causes. From this comes the conclusion: if a husband is treated kindly and banally well-fed, and does not walk and wander forever hungry, then it is not difficult to get from him the component of a happy family relationship.

Men, of course, are all different, and they eat completely differently: some eat only soup, others can get by with classic scrambled eggs, and the third one can serve Zanzibar chimbambuha. But surely any of them, regardless of their taste preferences, will not give up simple delicious dinner(prepared with love) and a pleasant opportunity to relax in your favorite chair with a cup of tea.

Lovely women! Under no circumstances leave your husband hungry. Believe me, such care for his body will bring significant dividends: you will receive an affectionate, kind, a good man, contented with life and wife and extolling his beloved to heaven. And in bed too.

love recipe

With sexual impotence, there is one love recipe. Good service in such a piquant situation will serve as a tincture from the rhizomes of the leuzea safflower. Insist on vodka or 70% alcohol in a ratio of one to ten, for 10-12 days. Two weeks, take 20-30 drops, three times a day before meals. Checked - not only the husband will be satisfied!

It must be borne in mind that Leuzea is contraindicated in hypertensive patients, as it can increase blood pressure.

I started asking these questions at the age of sixteen. And certainly not in order to corny "profit" at someone else's expense. But then, to evoke even stronger and more obvious feelings in my man.

I never liked bouquets of cut flowers, but passing by a flower shop, I shamelessly demanded that my future husband buy me another broom of roses. I understood that he had a modest salary and no extra money, but I also understood that they should always be on me. Let him spend on me, let him make it a habit to please me! There would be a desire - the funds will arrive in time.

Learn to ask the right way

If you want to teach a man to be generous, the first thing you should be able to do is ask correctly. Not everyone is able to ask shamelessly and at the same time delicately. This is best done by a spoiled child. When “their spontaneity” pronounces the unfailing: “Daddy, buy it!”, it is never taken vulgarly. The success of such a request lies in the fact that the child does not doubt the love of his parent, and is also sure that he really needs the required thing, that he deserves it. Therefore, when the “beloved child” asks, it does not feel fear that they will “send” it.

In the process of such a relationship with daddy, a pleasant reflex is fixed - "asked - received." Thus, a fearless character is developed in the child, which is why they say: “Children must be pampered, then real robbers will grow out of them.”

In contrast to this example, most women either do not know how to ask at all, or do it, damaging their self-esteem, which fundamentally contradicts our postulate that men should be dealt with easily and without tension.

So why have so many of you, so beautiful and smart, still not taught your men to be generous? The most popular answer: "To ask - pride does not allow - we want to be independent of men." But this is self-deception! In fact, when you created a couple, you already became dependent on each other. And the point here is something else - that you consider yourself unworthy of "taking".

Where did you get this disease? Yes, everything is from there! From an unforgettable family charter. Most likely, your favorite daddies were big mean people, and you learned from childhood: ask or ask - you still won’t get anything. And if he does, then only with the obligatory condition - to work out! And now this “condition” is becoming to you like a bone across your throat, preventing you from establishing a normal dialogue with your loved one, spreading all his material values ​​​​in front of you with a slight movement of your hand.

Then you were certainly reminded, they say, I gave you "this", and you, so ungrateful, did not justify my hopes, that is, "did not work out." IN unconditional love to you from the side of a man you do not believe to this day, so you are forced to curry favor. And even now, when you have become an adult, at the mere thought of asking a man for something, you begin to feel slightly nauseous.

His fifteen-year-old daughter was addicted to dropping in with a friend in a cafe. Father did not like this and one day, by chance, he casually dropped the phrase in front of her: “It's funny to look at these decorated beggars in the Vesna cafe. They sit all evening with some kind of juice and pull-pull-pull it for three hours, until, out of pity, some sucker treats them to something more substantial. The daughter was smart. She became an adult - she treats men herself.

One day Larisa's boyfriend told her a heartbreaking story about his ex girlfriend, whom he "loved very much", while she "was so shameless, all she did was to constantly turn him into grandmothers." We must give him his due - he never stingy with his ex. Rings, bracelets - gold, diamonds. One story of their breakup is worth something: he just didn’t have enough for a diamond necklace, which the “mercantile creature” ordered for his anniversary.

Impressed by his story, Larisa decided: I will definitely prove to him that "I'm not like that." She kept her promise to herself - her beloved, apparently feeling her monastic indifference to the material side of the relationship, gave her more than modest gifts. So she reveled in the feeling of her high morals, until she was sent home in a taxi, which they did not even bother to pay.

After such "adventures" you join the ranks of women who have been emancipated beyond the norm, for whom it is easier to take a man for maintenance, "lowering" him to the level of a gigolo, than to interact with a normal man. strong women, from childhood deprived of the opportunity to "easy to take", throughout their lives they automatically reject potential patrons.

However, sometimes it happens even worse - chronic losers and victims of despots grow out of unloved daughters, who also reject all potentially "giver". Outwardly, this can manifest itself as follows: as soon as a man promises such a lady something “good”, she, instead of smiling approvingly at him and “thanking him in advance”, frowns and begins to play independence and incorruptibility.

A kind of bucking horse, which, due to its own “kicking out”, does not allow itself to be properly fed. Well, if she is too zealous, sooner or later she will attract those who will cynically turn her into a draft horse. Independence is always good, but flaunting it is sometimes just stupid.

I think it would be better to do this: for all the good that the man promised to do to you, you need to look at him affectionately and thank him in advance. For a woman, this is a non-committal flirting, and for a man, such behavior is an excellent incentive to continue to communicate with her further, and even “coax” her with something more tangible than “just words.”

You don’t have to be indifferent to the material side of life - you need to purposefully teach your man to be “giftable”, in the name of strengthening his own feelings.

In fact, a “giving” man appreciates a woman who “takes with pleasure” more than one who loves him “for nothing”. The more time, money and effort is spent on a person, the further the giving side tends to go in their feelings. It's like building a house. He says: “I put my soul into it, how can I sell it!” The receiving party usually takes a more "cool" position.

Nietzsche said it well: “Really just people are not gifted. They return everything back. That is why they cause disgust in those who love.

Demanding as a lifestyle

So, be generous. Teach your man to be generous and give you gifts. And if he tells you: “Ask for whatever you want”, “wish” the most precious thing. Within reason, of course. If you are used to cheap cosmetics and clothes, to the cheapest dishes from the menu of cheap cafes, this is also an indicator for a man.

You will say, how is it, we are not prostitutes to take payment from men for our society! We - decent women. By the way, regarding venality, one way or another, we all put ourselves up for auction. Whether we get a job, whether we are looking for a life partner, we always dream of being appreciated. And this is good, it means that we have a healthy ambition.

In order to declare yourself as a luxury woman, it is not necessary to be beautiful, it is more important to be well-groomed. But true grooming is not one-time visits to a beautician, but daily self-control, which comes from exactingness towards oneself. Figuratively speaking, you can indifferently build up fat and ignore wrinkles, or you can solve these problems.

Demandingness, as a lifestyle, is useful to develop not only in relation to yourself, but also in relation to your man. And it is not necessary to spend a lot on creating an “expensive image”. Why hang around with numerous shiny trinkets? Rather than creating a “cheap” image for yourself, it’s better to do without any decorations at all. You know, as noble ladies used to say at court: “You have to come for alms in your own carriage.”

Your "carriage" is not only your " mental attitude”, this is also, to some extent, your appearance. And your appearance is an indicator of what is the norm for you, and most importantly, what you are ready to accept from your man with a dear soul. If today you agree to wear cheap jewelry, diamonds will most likely not be presented to you.

By and large, it all depends on the addressee, and not on the donor. Life shows that the same men with different women they act completely differently: when buying a diamond necklace for one - parallel mistress, with a clear conscience they present a discounted stainless steel ring. Take it as a fact, your beloved men are the same people as everyone else - they perfectly see where and with whom you can save a lot. But what about justice? you exclaim indignantly. And I will answer you that in fact, this is true ... because like always attracts like: Diamonds are suitable only for gold, but not for stainless steel!

The lover of twenty-year-old Masha was her sixty-year-old chef, director of the restaurant where she worked. She needed material support- to him - a vivid demonstration of his not passing masculine strength. At first, he regularly gave her gifts, and threw up significant amounts for her, but one day everything changed.
That day they went to the sauna, and on the way, in order to save money, she asked him to buy her shampoo and shower gel. So that once again it is not spent out of your pocket, after "entertainment" practical girl I put the wet vials in a bag and took them home.
It would seem that it’s time to take pity on Masha and start throwing more on her needles and pins. An, no! From that day on, “investments” in a young mistress began to come only in products and household chemicals. And at the minimum. And when the girl expressed indignation, her lover “changed his mind” and began to pay for each intimacy at the price of ... a modest grocery set.
Simply, he decided that someone like Masha would be enough. Why pay more than the stated price?

It is important to understand that the sop you accept from him brings you down to a level from which it is already very difficult to scrape off your self-esteem. Picking up "master's trifles" is the same as eating up in a cafe from his dish - all these are the habits of the poor and fools. You only need to take it big, or even sleep with him without money and without gifts and don’t give him anything yourself!

Of course, everyone has their own price point. To whom more is given, more is due. It doesn't befit an oil tycoon to give the woman he loves a lone coffee cup on Valentine's Day, unless it's made of pure gold encrusted with precious stones.

Since ancient times, a man has made offerings to a woman as a token of his adoration. Centuries have passed and ... nothing has changed! Do not deprive him of the pleasure of being a generous "giver"! Awaken in the natural money-grubber the desire to feel like a patron or just "daddy". Love for a woman, which results in big expenses for a man, only benefits him, because she makes him be active: earn money, make a career, overcome difficulties. And if you directly tell him: “You know, I don’t need anything from you, I love you anyway and any hut of your choice will arrange me” - then he remains passive and he becomes bored. You don't charge him, he doesn't get his adrenaline.

When you enter into the position of a loser, you only make it worse for him! He will not seek to shower you with gold and diamonds and change something in his life for this - you do not give him motivation for this. Amuse yourself with the fact that you are so selfless, soft and fluffy? In vain.
On this subject, I will tell you one true story more like a joke.

A couple in love passes by the stadium.
- Beloved, in the name of our love, I will win the Golden Cup!
_ Whether you win it or not is not so important to me. I'm ready to love you without any cups!
He did not get the golden cup ...
The couple in love again passes by the stadium.
- Beloved, I seem to be losing my shape; Time to start training again...
- Don't worry, I will love you even if your tummy grows.
Time passes. The guy leaves the sport, quits training and begins to rapidly grow fat ... Again they are waddling past the stadium. He buys a bottle of beer and drinks it on the go.
- How much can you drink! If you love me, you must quit! she protests, taking the bottle from him.
- Is it true? Do you remember when I was a promising athlete, you said that you would love me, no matter who I was and no matter what I did? For the sake of our love, love me just the way I am. And… uh, give me back my beer!

How to teach a man to give gifts (very concisely)

The issue of “spending on you” is just a matter of prioritization. Quite a few things can be much more “important” to him than you: alcohol, friends, entertainment, or even “girlfriends”. When it comes to your mind to enter into his “adversity”, think about it.

1. Test the waters: borrow some significant amount of money from him and pull with a return. If you remember, draw your own conclusions.

2. In the lexicon of some "especially gifted" ladies, the word "buy" does not exist at all - it is replaced by a tactful word: "necessary." Men listen to the words “I want” and “I need” much more, they do not irritate them as much as “buy”.
Working with the word goes according to the following scheme. From time to time, in conjunction with this "magic" word, you mention the desired thing, as if by chance remembering it. Remind about it often, but briefly. In no case do not allow any whining! Moreover, he should not have the impression that these words are addressed directly to him. Remember: you just voice your desires out loud, without asking for anything from him and without embarrassment.

If he is not a pathological miser and has feelings for you, he will do what you need. And if he doesn’t have such an opportunity now, he will think about how to find it. Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone: give a person an impetus to development and get the desired thing from him.

There is one important nuance in this method - men catch the word “need” mainly from women, relations with whom are already “boiling” with might and main, but not yet completely “ready”. That is, if you only do what you look into his mouth and try to keep pace with him, if you please him in all the ways you already know - rest, he won’t spend too much on you. Because you are already a conquered object for him. In that case, leaf through my book and revise your belief system.

3. Give gifts to men first, and they will definitely give back. And if not, then these are not your men.
The greatest effect on a person is produced by gifts not “on occasion”, but at the “dictation of the soul”. If you do not know when to present such a gift, scroll through the calendar - there is a holiday indicated for each day. After all, there are days of trade workers, doctors and even astronauts! In addition, there are also name days - days when Georgiev, Andreev, Alexandrov and others congratulate everyone. He will appreciate your attention and sense of humor. In any case, in the eyes of your man, this will add points to you. After all, you see, not everyone would have thought of this. This is exactly the case when you can make the smallest monetary contribution, and make the maximum impression with your gift. .

4. Let the man understand that you need money not to satisfy your primary needs, but to receive various pleasures. Even if it really isn't. No need for these nauseating phrases: “Put it on my phone, otherwise I ran out of money” or “Buy me a bottle of mineral water, otherwise I forgot my wallet.” The rich man does not like to give alms, he likes to spend money tastefully. Show that you have this very taste, and he will gladly turn out his pockets and “shush” with you.

5. Don't feel the false guilt of "mean father's daughter." Remember, spending your man's money with and without him is an honor for any woman. You are entitled to it. Because according to the law of attraction of two hearts, you are he. By doing this, you will only become closer to each other.

6. Show the man that spending large sums on you is okay. How to show? Make it normal inside of you. If you “understand everything, but you can’t help yourself” - break the “Cinderella” stereotype: having discarded the embarrassment, go to your own daddy and treacherously turn out HIS pockets. If it works out with the father, it will be much easier with other men. Thus, you will honorably return all your father's "debts".

7. Remind yourself from time to time important thing: I am a gift in itself, I deserve not to curry favor!

Website Matriarchy.Light. gives a gift: the book "Male psychology for intellectuals" download for free right now /

Py.Sy. From myself I will add that I do not agree with all the conclusions of the author, since I am against manipulation in principle. However, there are some clever thoughts in this article. Let's talk, friends. Your Zhanna

IN happy marriage both husband and wife are happy. What is a pledge family happiness? Of course, the happiness of both equally. And the task of each spouse is to ensure the happiness of the other. In this article, we will talk about how to make happy husband, as this is our main task.

Interestingly, in different religions Ways to solve this problem are defined in different ways. Consider, for the sake of interest, and for general development 15 Islamic commandments on how to achieve the outlined goal.

1. Always meet your husband with joy

A man often has to leave his family, going on business trips related to work or study. To do happy minutes the return is more pleasant, do not hide your joy at the meeting, gently greet your husband, put on beautiful and clean clothes, perfume and cosmetics will also not interfere; start with good news putting off unpleasant ones until he has rested; let him feel that you were waiting for him very much and missed him a lot; do everything possible so that everything is cleaned by the time he arrives, and a hot drink is waiting on the table. tasty food.

2. Talk to him gently and affectionately

3. Always be in great shape

To do this, watch your figure and body; wear beautiful dresses, enjoy best perfume; try so that your husband does not see you in dirty clothes, without a haircut and unkempt; avoid prohibited types of jewelry, such as tattoos; wear the dresses that your husband likes the most; the same goes for the color of clothes, hairstyles and perfumes.

4. Don't deny him intimacy

For intimate relationships, try to choose right time, when he is not tired, make sure that your body is clean, and emanates from him nice smell.

5. Be content with what is bestowed by nature

You should not be upset if your husband is poor or works at a simple job: look at the poor, the sick and people with handicapped, remember the Lord and thank Him for giving health and well-being; remember that true wealth is having faith and following the true path.

6. Try to be indifferent to worldly goods

Do not consider this world the center of all your hopes and interests, do not demand from your husband the purchase of expensive trinkets, help him reduce expenses and save money in order to give alms and feed the poor and needy. Do not spend his money without his permission, even for alms, especially if you are not sure that he will approve this spending. In the absence of a husband, take care of the house, car and his other property. However, being indifferent to worldly goods does not mean turning away from the joys of life. But at the same time, you must look to the future, realizing that there will be a next life ...

7. Appreciate your husband's care and be grateful to him

Most of the inhabitants of Hell are ungrateful women who do not appreciate the kindness shown towards them. If you are grateful to your husband, he will rejoice, love you and try to do as much pleasant as possible. In case of ingratitude, the husband will be disappointed and ask himself: “Why should I do good to her if she will never appreciate it anyway?”

8. Be faithful and devoted to your husband

Be especially devoted to your husband at an hour when he is having a hard time (health or work problems), support him with everyone available means, including money or their property, if necessary.

9. Be flexible

Do whatever your husband tells you to do, as long as it is within the bounds of what is permitted. Remember: the head of the family is the husband, and the wife is the assistant and adviser.

10. Calm down your husband if he is not in the mood.

Try to avoid what can cause his anger, but if you still cannot avoid it, try to calm him down: if you are guilty, apologize. If he is guilty, then be calm, do not bring to a quarrel. Wait until he calms down, and then calmly discuss the problem with him. If he becomes angry for any reason not related to the family, then remain silent until his anger has passed; try to find excuses for him, for example: he is tired, problems at work, someone offended him. Don't ask too many questions, insisting that he tell you what happened, especially in a harsh manner, such as "You have to tell me what happened!", "I need to know what made you angry!" or “You are hiding something, but I have the right to know!”.

11. In the absence of a husband, take care of yourself and the honor of your family

Avoid any forbidden relationships with other people. Keep the secrets of the family secret, especially those related to close relationships, and what the husband does not want to tell other people about. Husband and wife must keep secret everything that happens in their personal lives. Their personal life, family secrets should not be the subject of discussion in conversations with friends and girlfriends.

12. Take care of the house and children

Take care of your husband's money and property. Be kind and affectionate to your parents and relatives of your husband. Make sure that your children are always well-groomed, clean and well-fed. Take care of their health, education and good manners. And, of course, teach your children the necessary knowledge.

13. Respect your husband's family and friends

You should welcome your husband's guests cordially and try to please them, especially his parents. You should try, as far as possible, to avoid problems with his relatives. You must do your best to avoid a situation where he has to choose between wife and mother. Call up his parents and sisters, write letters to them, buy gifts, help them in difficult situations.

14. Be patient and give your husband moral support.

Be patient even if you are poor or stressed difficult situation. In problems and difficulties that may happen to you, with your husband or children, relatives or property, be steadfast and patient. When your husband treats you unfairly, respond to his bad deed good deed.

15. Make your home cozy and comfortable

Keep your house clean, decorate it with flowers and furnish it with beautiful furniture. From time to time, so that there is no monotony, change the situation in the house. Cook tasty and healthy food. Learn everything you need to be good at driving household. However, in order for a family to develop relationships full of love and harmony, love and understanding from the husband are also needed.

Every woman dreams of gradually controlling a man: directing his energy into right direction, to convince him to do what she needs. To be honest, a woman learns all these wisdoms almost her entire conscious life.!

Needless to say, women begin to learn the art of manipulating men from childhood: theoretical classes alternate with practical ones, first the father acts as guinea pigs (as a rule, it is on him that the first combat experience and much-needed self-confidence are acquired), then neighbors, classmates, male school teachers, lovers, husband (God himself ordered them to be manipulated), colleagues (including the boss) and other males who fall into the sphere of vital interests.

As mentioned above, the learning process is continuous. Some ladies become real aces in this business, masters of manipulation.

Giving the last instructions to the daughter before marriage, loving mother usually says: "The husband is the head of the family, and the wife is the neck, which turns this very head as it pleases." To control a man so that he not only does not notice it, but also believes that he controls a woman himself is a brilliant formula, isn't it?

Of course, the women themselves will never admit this, but if a woman takes on a man, he has practically no chance, like a Zaporozhets in a collision with a KAMAZ. When a man and a woman argue, the woman is always or almost always right. man in best case was wrong, at worst - behaved like the last scoundrel.

Why is this happening? Because women have a powerful weapon called public morality. This very public morality is always on the side of women, since they are her creators. Excuse me - some reader will ask - but what about Tolstoy, Chekhov, Dostoevsky, Thomas More, Martin Luther King?

I answer - no way. The above-mentioned comrades hovered somewhere high in the clouds, descending to the ground only occasionally to eat, have sex, drink vodka and pop into the office. To the creation of that public morality, about which in question in this article, they have about the same attitude as the Chukchi to the construction of the ancient Egyptian pyramids.

Let's get back to morality. The first rule says: "A woman is always right," or, as the French say, "What a woman wants, God wants." Try to get around this rule - all the women of the world will immediately stand up to protect public morality.

Therefore, first of all, you should actively use your own moral superiority.

1. You are guilty and must atone for your guilt!

How to control a man

Periodically remind the man of those moments from your life together for which he should be ashamed. For example, about how three years ago he promised to buy you new blouse but going into the salon slot machines, lost to smithereens. In the meantime, the blouses were sold out, and it was this style that suited you the most ...

Now my husband is getting paid. Your task is to find funds to buy new shoes. Remind me of the case with the blouse. Modestly so, unobtrusively. Or about something else. For example, how he molested your girlfriend while you were vacationing in the south. Remorse will do its job.

When you receive the amount you need, don't forget to say thank you. "Thank you dear, I always knew you loved me."

2. You are bad! Get better. Oh please...

You can follow the example of Soviet propaganda create images of "bad" and "good" guys and actively use them for their own purposes. Images, not guys.

Here is your employee's husband Vasya - he regularly gives his wife flowers (his own, not someone else's - he doesn't even look in the direction of strangers!), buys clothes, helps with the housework, performs all sorts of petty whims (a woman without whims is about the same as homeless dog without fleas) and never groans, does not complain that he is tired or cannot do something. In a word, he behaves like an exemplary soldier - or rather, like an ideal man.

And here is another young man, Petya, ex-husband Sveta, who now lives with Vasya, missed the girl. Missed mediocre, as some domestic forwards miss scoring chances. And all why? Because he misbehaved. He came home when he felt like it - freedom, you see, is more important to him.

He denied his wife the bare necessities, including panties for 15,000 rubles, a diamond necklace, a separate apartment for his mother-in-law, and a new fur coat for Sveta in addition to the two already available. Ultimately, even this modest girl, like Sveta, tired of enduring this tyrant and she is in one underwear ran away to Misha, that is, to Vasya (Misha is so, it doesn’t count, just an episode from life and nothing more).

Sveta is happy, Vasya is too (just like the characters in Indian cinema!). But Petya drank himself, girls don’t like him, so now he lives like a psycho-loner, walks in the same socks for weeks, doesn’t shave, doesn’t wash, he has no one to have sex with, all that remains is to masturbate. In a word, he degraded as a person.

3. If you don't do what I want, I will cry...

How to control a man

Another simple but terrible effective method: tears. The point is that due to some physiological characteristics Men can't stand it when a woman cries. Even people like Bluebeard, the famous maniac and pervert of all times and peoples. A man is not able to endure such discomfort for a long time, so he will do everything possible, if only the flow of tears stops.

Dad trotted to the store and buys the required toy for his daughter, the guy who slept with the girl a couple of times takes her by the hand and, with the determination of a man sentenced to death, pulls her to the registry office to apply, the husband climbs into the stash, the boss tears the dismissal order to shreds and signs another, about the bonus.

The lover collects things and finally moves to live with her (and in order to current wife, using the same technique, did not seize the initiative, does it at lunchtime, while the unsuspecting wife plays solitaire on the computer and flirts with the boss).

4. Do you want sex? It still needs to be earned!

In addition to public morality, a woman has another powerful weapon in her arsenal. The basic Instinct. More than anything, men think about the thing that is located between their legs. And, I must say, this apparatus largely determines their behavior.

By the way, not one old man Freud thought so. (It was only in the USSR that there was no sex, and in order to become a man, it was necessary not to sleep with a woman, but to serve in the army. Well, what about girls? And girls - later.) For the sake of the opportunity to have sex with a lady of interest to him (optional familiar - by the way, with an unfamiliar sometimes even more interesting), a man is ready for a lot. On which, of course, they catch him.

Often a guy understands that he is simply being used - maybe there will not even be sex - but with manic persistence he steps on the same rake. Physiology again! You can't go against nature. We men are not inclined to appreciate what goes into our own hands. If a girl is too available, she is enough for one - a maximum of several - times, after which she is no longer interesting.

It is another matter if, in order to to achieve female favor, you have to sweat. And then the woman begins to play her game. In an effort to win the heart of a lady, as well as gain access to some other organs, a man fulfills all or almost all of her whims. Feeds, waters, clothes, entertains - depending on their financial opportunities and her requests.

Sometimes the process of courtship lasts for years, and its participants do not come close to the cherished goal - the bed."I am strong, I will achieve my goal!" he encourages himself. But what is she? Having held out for a year or two, she may not give him a purely sporting interest and build an impregnable fortress out of herself. (And in parallel to sleep with another guy, as they say, for health.)

Interestingly, a man who is ready for anything, who has become completely emotionally dependent on a woman, is no longer interested in her, Like a toy that has been taken apart for parts. Another thing is a guy who is "not being conducted." Here the woman herself will try to wrap him up.

By the way, among men there are also good manipulators. Such women are called scoundrels and other abusive words. However, these are extremes and exceptions to the rule. Basically, a woman periodically gives a man green light so that he knows what he is fighting for, and he fulfills some of her requirements.

5. You can do everything!

How to control a man

In addition to the basic instinct, men have another weak point, and his name is male vanity. Men are very dependent on the assessments of others. Some even think only about the impression they make. Women understood this and began to actively use it to their advantage.

Asking a man to do anything from fixing an iron to a European-style renovation, while adding that no one will do it best, means making him an offer that is hard to refuse. A while hinting at possible sex, then he will work with the enthusiasm of Alexei Stakhanov, who is going to the record.

As an option - to hold a kind of tender. Like, there is a certain young man who is able to do what I need quickly and efficiently, I think, can I ask him? (If there is no such guy, again, you can invent him.) Remember how Tom Sawyer painted the fence? What's worse than girls?

6. You promised!.. Can't you keep your word?

By the way, about vanity. A wonderful way to get something from a man is to make him promise. The point is that everything serious guys fulfill the promise. Regardless of where these serious guys live, drive Maybachs or sit in the zone. "The boy said - the boy did!" (As opposed to "radishes", throwing words into the wind, like husks from seeds). But for some reason no one wants to be a radish.

Need to say, the above methods are much more effective when used in combination and in the presence of sexual interest. What do you think, whom a man will comfort more willingly - a sobbing old woman or a crying young beauty?

In addition, some of them are emotionally straining, and therefore need to be dosed. It's one thing to shed a tear about once every two or three weeks, and it's quite another to do it every day and every time you threaten to go to your mother. One wonderful day you can hear "Well, go, got it."

And you can't keep a man on all the time short leash. The carrot and stick method, invented back in the time of the pharaohs, works much better than the "no carrots, just the stick" method.


All men love to emerge victorious from an argument. It is incredibly important for them who will remain the last word. Be wiser. That's why do not try to argue with him, especially in public, showing your mind and erudition: this can be very annoying. Argue only in private and only on important issues: fuss over trifles kills a lot of energy and time.

Men are like children. They love praise. Criticism of their actions, interests is meaningless. You need to make sure that your beloved decides to change something in himself. I considered this decision to be my merit.

Most of the stories about romantic relationship heroes, end with the phrase: "They got married and lived happily ever after." But love does not end with marriage, but, on the contrary, begins new chapter relationship between a man and a woman, the end of which is not always happy. long Cohabitation and everyday life dull feelings and reduce the intensity of passions raging in the first years of acquaintance. How to revive former passion? How to do so for a husband to want a wife even after years of marriage? Here are some simple recipes.

1. Distribute household chores among all family members.

What does this have to do with arousing desire in own husband? Yes, the most direct. Often a woman who works, raises children, cooks, cleans - and does it all on her own, by the evening is more like a driven horse with the only desire to sleep.

Wives who have taken on all the responsibilities at home usually meet their husband with an exhausted look, in the first dressing gown that comes to hand, with disheveled hair and makeup smeared over his face or without it at all. What desire on the part of a man can we talk about here? If you entrust part of the household chores to your husband and children, if their age allows, then there is more time for yourself. For a husband to want a wife, the wife must look good and meet him from work in a good mood.

2. Try to change your image.

If you have not changed your chosen hair color for 10 years and cut your hair the same way all the time, then it's time to think about changes in your image. Men love variety. So try experimenting with your image. You can change not only hair color and styling, but even some part of the wardrobe.

For example, do you prefer Everyday life jeans and simple t-shirts. Get yourself a few beautiful dresses- and you yourself will be surprised at the effect they will have on your spouse. For a husband to want a wife, he must be constantly surprised.

3. Stop nag your husband.

If your spouse hears phrases from you more often than words of love: “You have scattered your things everywhere again”, “Why are you earning so little?”, “When will you take out the garbage?”, then it is unlikely that he will inflame feelings for you. Try to remind your loved one more often how good you are. Practice shows that it is praise positive qualities encourages people to do good deeds. But constant criticism, on the contrary, causes a desire to do evil. For a husband to want a wife, the wife must talk about her love, and not about garbage, a small salary, scattered things, and so on.

4. Call or text your husband whenever you feel like it.

Believe me, your spouse will be very pleased to receive a nice SMS from you at the height of the working day. If you want to kindle passion in his heart, add a few phrases of erotic content to the message. If you know that your husband is currently free and can pay attention to you, call him and say a few nice phrases. After this, in most cases, a man will simply rush home, and, as soon as he crosses the threshold, he will attack his wife. For a husband to want a wife even at work, minding his own business, he should hint at a pleasant romantic evening.

5. Hug, kiss, talk about love.

According to psychologists, a person even for Have a good mood you need 5 hugs of your beloved or loved one per day. But in order for a husband to want a wife, he needs to be hugged even more often, and kissed, and whispered tender words on the ear. Be sure to praise your man like good lover. It is very important for your spouse to know that he satisfies you as a man.

6. Classics of the genre - lacy lingerie and candlelight dinner.

In any women's magazine you will find just such advice to seduce a man. But this method really works. Get yourself new underwear, of course, it should be as sexy as possible. But before showing it to your husband, prepare romantic dinner, light candles, open a bottle of wine. There is so little romance in our everyday life, and a man also wants to break out of the shackles of everyday life and spend time with you. pleasant evening, which will end on an equally pleasant night.

7. Aphrodisiacs.

If we are talking about food, then it is worth remembering that there are products that can

noticeably increase sexual desire in men. These are, first of all, seafood, nuts, some vegetables and fruits. For a husband to want a wife after a delicious dinner, you should be careful with alcohol. A small dose of alcohol can liberate, relieve tension and open hidden reserves. But it is worth overdoing it - and sexual desire will fade away, and it will be replaced by drowsiness and weakness.

8. Massage.

What man would not be pleased after a hard day's work to have his beloved wife give him a massage. Start with relaxing movements. Erotic lingerie, aromatic oils, candles and light finger movements will help to add a sexual touch. erogenous zones your spouse. For massage, you can use not only your hands, try tickling your loved one with a feather or swipe your body with a silk scarf.

It is possible to awaken a desire in a husband, even if your marriage has been going on for many years. Show your imagination, and you will succeed. But the most important thing is love, which must be demonstrated daily to the spouse.