Modern traditions of the first wedding night in different religions. Wedding night tips for the groom

If you marry a virgin, then some
advice from gynecologists and sexologists about the culture of the wedding night.
The first wedding night is very important for the awakening of a woman's sensuality.
If the husband does not show tact, tenderness and understanding of the uncertainty and fear of his
young wife, then she may develop an aversion to sexual intercourse for the rest of her life.
But girls should also know that the wrong behavior of a husband can
be caused not by his tactlessness, but by inexperience, embarrassment, excitement.
Maybe he had earlier sexual contacts, but they took place in
unsuitable conditions, when desire has so taken possession of him that sexual intercourse
happened where the desire overtook him. And on the wedding night
must be done "for real", in bed, and he is very afraid of being
not up to par. In addition, a young husband may not know much about the culture.
It can also be a hindrance that the first wedding night usually takes place
after the wedding, when, according to the customs of our country, everyone drinks and eats a lot. If
the young husband did not lag behind other guests in drinking and eating, then he may
have erection problems, and if he drank too much, then how many
drunk men, he can be rude and unceremonious.
The best thing for both newlyweds is to drink a glass of champagne, which
will relieve nervous tension, reduce the modesty of the newlywed and insecurity
newlywed, and also improve sexual sensitivity, but no more.
Some wines, and especially spirits, have a negative effect on
sexual feeling, reduce the sensitivity of a man, so sexual intercourse
can last too long, and when, after defloration, the newlywed
experienced pain, then prolonged sexual intercourse will give her a lot of discomfort,
and for the rest of her life she can remember her unpleasant impressions and desire,
so that the relationship ends as soon as possible.
Therefore, it is best for a girl not to tune in to the fact that the first in her
life, sexual intercourse will be the height of bliss and merging in ecstasy with your beloved
During the first sexual intercourse, almost no girl experiences
enjoyment. Most often, this is unpleasant for her if she is not yet morally
ready for defloration.
Defloration will be a little painful, but quite tolerable. Not
tune in to the fact that you will experience unbearable suffering,
otherwise, from fear, you may experience such a disorder as vaginismus -
spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the vagina, due to which you cannot
to live a sexual life not only on the wedding night, but also in the future.
Some virgins almost do not feel defloration.
After the first intercourse, a woman may remain undeflorated.
The reason for this may be too much extensibility of the hymen,
or vice versa, its strength is too great, "break through" which in one night
husband cannot. An extensible hymen may persist even until childbirth,
although the woman is regularly sexually active. And a strong hymen
sometimes you have to notch, and only then the man performs defloration.
Mandatory conditions for the first sexual intercourse, according to
M.Kinessa, is the mutual consent of the partners, the application
birth control (for example, a condom lubricated with petroleum jelly),
bed and complete privacy. The time of day doesn't matter. Although it is considered
that night is the best time for the first sexual intercourse, since a woman in
men are less shy in the dark, but during the day spouses are more active, sexual
the act will proceed under the control of vision, which will allow less injury
woman. And a girl, becoming a woman, can simply close her eyes, which is
do most women even during kissing.
The use of a condom during the first sexual intercourse, according to
M.Kinnessa, a gynecologist and sexologist with 50 years of experience, of course.
Firstly, it will protect a woman from an unwanted pregnancy.
There are many cases when women become pregnant after the first sexual intercourse.
Secondly, if the husband was sexually active with different partners before marriage,
then it is possible that he has venereal diseases, about which he himself
may not suspect.
Thirdly, the use of a condom will prevent falling into tears
hymen of various infections. The girl's vagina before the onset of sexual intercourse
life, while observing personal hygiene, has the highest degree of cleanliness, it
bacteria have not yet entered. Not all men know that before sexual
intercourse, you need to thoroughly wash your genitals with soap, and even more so,
before the defloration of a virgin. As a result, a man can enter into
female genitals various infection. Particularly sensitive to
infections torn hymen. In addition, if a man does not comply
personal hygiene in the area of ​​the glans penis, under the foreskin,
accumulation of urine and semen residues, which are carcinogenic
action, and can cause cancer of the female genital organs. Therefore the condom
not only obligatory for sexual intercourse with a virgin, but desirable
lubricate it with boron petroleum jelly, which has a gentle disinfectant
action and destroy bacteria.
Although during the first sexual intercourse, the girl probably will not experience any
pleasant sensations, but, nevertheless, a man must caress her. Firstly,
he teaches her to caress, and secondly, if he uses erotic caresses,
and she will have an orgasm when stimulating the clitoris, then it will be easier for her to endure
Gynecologists recommend defloration only in the position
women "lying on their backs".
At the second, third and subsequent sexual intercourse, the appearance of pleasant
and even voluptuous sensations are already quite possible if the psyche of a woman is not
traumatized by the tactlessness or rudeness of her husband.
Of great importance for the appearance of a woman's sexual feeling is
experience of the husband and his skill and knowledge of the whole range of erotic caresses.
If your husband is gentle and affectionate, then this is wonderful, and it would be nice,
so that it remains the same throughout your married life. But if
he will not show extraordinary caresses, then show indulgence and forgive
him for the first time. But only for the first. Subsequently, when you
get used to each other and stop being shy, then you need to gradually
accustom your husband to caresses so that they become an integral part of your intimate
life and took at least half an hour, and preferably more. The more tender and
the longer you will caress each other during your honeymoon, the
more likely that you will not remain sexually unsatisfied, and you
husband will be sexual harmony.
Understand the most important thing - sexual harmony is not given to spouses by someone
over. This is the result of their joint activities, it happens that even by the method
"trial and error", attention, patience and mutual tenderness. But everything is necessary
should be mutual. If you do not caress your husband, but will
lie "like a log", only passively perceiving his caresses, then even the most
a patient and loving husband may very soon be disappointed in you. The more
you will reciprocate your husband's caresses, the more active it will become
your spouse, wanting to give you maximum pleasure.
After a woman starting her sex life experiences
orgasm, her sexuality is booming. Attachment to a husband who
gives her the opportunity to experience such pleasure, can become very strong.
Sexual harmony brings spouses very close and helps them overcome
many disagreements in their life together and find compromises.
If the husband is drunk, then you will definitely be disappointed with his behavior. TO
this, too, should be treated with indulgence, unless your spouse
drinker, and this is an isolated case. For a drinker, it’s better not at all
get married, especially at a young age. Most likely you are not
cope with your husband, and after the wedding he will drink even more.
If you have been sexually active for a long time, then still do not lose
head and after the wedding, do not forget about contraceptives.
It is known that many marriages are registered in the presence of pregnancy
brides, especially minors. Or the newlyweds are not protected
from pregnancy during the honeymoon, and after 9 months they
become parents.
M.Kinessa writes: "You should never strive to quickly give birth to a child.
This will immediately turn you into a slave, tie you hand and foot, and not only
physically. In case of a life mistake (and you can always make a mistake), a woman
will also be bound by a moral duty - to save the family in the name of the child. AND
this is the worst. Personally, I advise women not to wait for change - how
as a rule, they do not come, no matter how the husband swears to change his behavior.
I think that all newlyweds should heed the advice of such an experienced
gynecologist and sexologist.
Let's see what happens most often in young families. A woman won't make it
get married, as soon as she becomes pregnant. Toxicosis begins with nausea,
perversion of taste, irritability. Conflicts begin with her husband because of
the fact that she is sick all the time, she feels bad, everything is disgusting, including intimate
life, and the husband himself. Then childbirth, after which a woman may become ugly or
she will have some complications. Then breastfeeding,
sleepless nights, a lot of worries and troubles, and again no time for sex and no time for a husband.
The wife is still young, she wants to take a walk and have fun, but she cannot,
because she has a baby. This may not affect the husband much, he
the child does not need to be breastfed, he can afford to have fun, including
number and change his wife.
Young wives, know that the first betrayal very often happens at a time when
when the wife lies in the hospital and in agony gives birth to a child. And it happens during
wife's pregnancy. A little squeaky lump that needs to be given
a lot of attention, does not yet awaken in the newly-made dad strong paternal
feelings, especially if dad himself is still immature and infantile. Having a child
does not stabilize your marriage, but may complicate your relationship if your spouse
your not very ready for the role of a father. It also affects the frequency
sexual contacts of spouses. When a child is naughty and cries nearby,
when a young mother is overworked and constantly does not get enough sleep, she is not at all up to
sex. This affects her sexuality as well. A woman may have
several children, and she will never experience sexual pleasure.
Therefore, those men who are sexual egoists do not
take care of the health of their wife, do not take care of her and do not protect themselves in order to
do not deprive yourself of full sensations, and thereby doom her to
childbearing or abortions are not very suitable for the role of a husband. It is very important
for marriage.
According to M. Kinessa, a real man will never allow, firstly,
leave a woman unsatisfied with intimate relationships, secondly,
to have at least one abortion that takes away so much women's health. That's why
she recommends that women never rush to have children and have them
only after making sure of the full health of your family and confidence in the strength
marriage. Very wise advice.
If you have carefully read all the previous chapters addressed to
mostly married women, and take into account all the recommendations, then this
will help you avoid many mistakes from the very beginning of your marriage.

Each new relationship begins with a candy-bouquet period, beautiful and reverent. As a rule, acquaintance is followed by flirting, courtship, then you become closer to each other and your sympathy grows. Gradually, one of the most exciting moments of your relationship is approaching - your first intimacy.

Most likely, this is not the first sexual experience and there is something to compare. But at the moment you are in love with a particular person and you want your first night to make him happy. It is this desire to get closer to the ideal that is the most common mistake. After all, we can see the perfect sex in the cinema, but in reality this is more the exception than the rule. However, you should not be upset, because your partner is most likely far from ideal, he is no less an ordinary person than you. And it will take some time to move to a new level of relationship - sexual intimacy. Today we will talk about the most basic mistakes in the behavior of people during the first night.

Mistakes and delusions, on your first night.

First of all, stop being afraid of disappointment. The first night may have nothing to do with your dreams of her. But quite often the dream is transformed into an obsession. Girls prepare for it especially carefully: they exhaust themselves on simulators, visit massage parlors, and do painful depilation. Nobody argues that this is right and good, but this is not the main thing. More important is the ability to relax in bed with your loved one. After all, he already liked you and it is doubtful that he will consider your flaws, if any, under a microscope.

Men also have a lot of doubts and misconceptions about this. For some reason, many of the representatives of the stronger sex believe that the more varied the postures during intercourse, the more inventive the man is, the more joy his partner will receive from sex. But it should be remembered that the more a man cares about the technique of sex, the more lovemaking becomes like training in acrobatics. And at the same time, you don’t need to endure and hush up that the position is uncomfortable for you, it’s better to make it clear right away.

And, of course, the worst thing for manhood on the first night is a complete sexual fiasco. The reasons for this may be different. For example, he can wind his nerves in such a way in advance that there simply will not be an erection, or ejaculation will occur very quickly. Both outcomes can be the result of strong excitement. It would be good for men to know that for a woman this is not a universal catastrophe, as they think. It’s just that not everyone knows how to properly explain this to a partner and find how to console him.

You just have to remember that sex is a mutual pleasure and that it has nothing to do with sports or the pursuit of records.

The first wedding night is a rare occurrence.

In our time, the concept of "wedding night" has lost its relevance and in its original meaning it is quite rare. Most often, by the onset of this very night, the newlyweds already have some kind of sexual experience that they acquired even before the wedding. Moreover, it is already considered unfashionable to marry virgins. However, there are always exceptions to all rules. We will try to consider various situations and hope to help those who are just gaining their first sexual experience. But we will not touch upon one-time relationships, since the “wedding night” has nothing to do with them.

1. First sexual experience for both. (Romeo and Juliet).

Even though it's hard to imagine now, let's assume that both partners are virgins. And this is really great, since all the brightest impressions and discoveries of the world of sensuality are yet to come for both. A man needs to show special sensitivity and guess the mood of his beloved woman. If she had a desire now, then, then, it is necessary. Even if you hear her "no need", this does not mean that you need to immediately get dressed and leave the bed. Her “no” is most likely due to fear, however, you are afraid too. There is only one way out here: you need to stop pretending and allow yourself to surrender to feelings completely. When the process itself begins, then thoughts will disappear, and a wave of passion will capture you completely. You need to relax and enjoy. Just don't rush things, you'll be fine. Remember that fear and surprise do not suit a man. At such moments, the girl prefers to have a strong and confident man next to her, who can be trusted.

2. Love and arithmetic.

Very often, when acquiring the first experience, a woman relies on male prudence, and a man on female prudence, and that's when an unwanted pregnancy occurs. As a result, unplanned children are born, whom no one expected, and they, having just been born, are negatively disposed towards the world. Therefore, take the advice: always have a condom with you, and, preferably, read the instructions for it. After the first intimacy, it also happens that a woman remains a virgin, since her hymen is elastic enough or too strong, and an inexperienced man cannot break through it. You shouldn't be upset about this. Five or six days will pass and you will be able to continue making love. Men should hold back their fantasies a little. There is an elementary way for this: during frictions, repeat (of course, not out loud) the multiplication table.

3. First sexual experience: an experienced man and a virgin (Petrarch and Laura).

It happens that a man with some fear refers to the opportunity to become a pioneer, because they think that their efforts will be in vain, and the girl is unlikely to experience the joy of orgasm. And the girls, in turn, go for it because it is already “indecent” to be a virgin. If a man does not want to be the first with a girl at all, then all this should be discussed even before the moment of intimacy, and not start clarifying when you are in bed with her. Yes, and girls should voice this dignity in advance, but at the same time, there is no need to express unnecessary emotions in the form of grief or irrepressible joy. Otherwise, the man may simply disappear from her life.

4. Pitfalls of the first sexual experience.

The first sexual experience cannot be considered only as a sexual desire. At this time, female sensuality is born and a man needs to be extremely delicate and careful. The smallest faux pas can cause a negative reflex to sex or even the development of frigidity. According to statistics, in fifty percent of cases, frigidity occurs due to the fact that the partner is rude on the wedding night, in twenty - because of disrespect for her husband, in thirty - because of the fear of pregnancy. It is best for an experienced man to bring a woman to orgasm for the first time without penetration, so that she knows what to expect in the future and strives for it. And then she herself will be glad when you deprive her of innocence.

5. Simple rules for the first night. (Both partners have sexual experience).

Do not think that the tremor of the moment disappears due to previously acquired experience, because this is happening between you for the first time. It is important not to forget about some rules that should be observed in this case. First of all, there must be a mutual desire, the presence of contraceptives and a bed. The latter is necessary in order for the first night to pass comfortably, and leave various extreme sex for later. And further. Try not to be selfish, there should be no race, otherwise you will not achieve sexual harmony.

Men, prepare for the first night carefully.

    1. Stock up on red semi-sweet wine or decent champagne. Don't forget a light, delicious dinner. Just don't ask your mom for help, otherwise you'll get meatballs and pea soup. You can offer such a menu to your woman not soon. Let it be fruits and sweets. It would not be superfluous to put mint tablets or bunches of herbs (parsley, dill) on the bedside table. This is necessary so that bad breath (if any) does not cause your sexual incompatibility.
    2. Lay out fresh bedding. The sheet is better than the one that has an elastic band, otherwise, it will stray all the time and interfere with you. The fabric of the bed linen should be soft and durable, blue and red shades that excite eroticism are very good. If you are an adherent of white linen, then it should be snow-white, and not creamy, and even more so, not with a complex pattern, otherwise your bedroom will be associated with a hospital ward. By the way, one more clarification: on the first night, you can completely do without pillows and a warm blanket. It is better to use terry sheets and a soft blanket.
    3. The presence of fresh flowers near the bed of love is welcome. But they should not have a pronounced aroma to avoid migraine attacks. A bouquet of snowdrops or violets will be appropriate and touching. It should be remembered that aromas especially affect mood. Eliminate perfume, it is better to light an aromatic candle or an aromatic incense burner. Patchouli, juniper are able to excite sensuality. Just do not use lemon oil, otherwise you will quickly be drawn to sleep.
    4. You can take care of some soft objects in advance. Fur stimulates erogenous zones very well. A woman will be pleased if you move the fur along her back, buttocks, and legs. You can use wide brushes for these purposes, which are used by artists. You can also purchase aromatic oils for massage.
    5. Put new soft washcloths, shower gels, shampoos, bath foam in the bathroom (if you want to soak up the two of you there). As well as two fluffy towels and two soft terry bathrobes. Remember that the dressing gown that is intended for your woman must be new and fit her so that she does not have a thought about her predecessor.

Your efforts will definitely be appreciated and your night will be remembered for many years.

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The first wedding night in our time is not always so first, but in any case, this first night should be enchanting for people who have recently become husband and wife in the eyes of society.

The first wedding night should be perceived by the newlyweds as the first night of their new family life, so what it will be like you and the groom should discuss in advance. Your first night of marriage should be exactly what you both envision it to be, so you need to prepare everything to make your wedding night the best it can be.

Of course, the preparation of the wedding night, as well as the wedding itself, can be entrusted to the agency, but you must admit that it is much more pleasant to take all the trouble on yourself and create exactly the atmosphere that you two want.

What to do on the wedding night?

So, what to do on the wedding night? If you decide to make preparations for this night on your own, then first of all, you need to choose a place where it will take place. Every hotel has special rooms for newlyweds, and you can rent one of these rooms in your city or you can go to another city and rent such a room there.

You can also take a ride on the ship and spend the first wedding night in the cabin of the ship, especially since now every ship has more than one cabin for the newlyweds, in which a romantic atmosphere is created.

It doesn't matter which option you choose, the most important thing is that this night of love does not take place in your apartment, where your or his parents sleep behind the wall. This night should belong only to you and you should only think about yourself, and not about the fact that you can accidentally wake up your parents.

We have decided on the place, now we need to decide on the attributes that you will need for the wedding night.

First, you need to stock up on gourmet but light food and champagne. From food, give preference to seafood and fruits.

Secondly, purchase silk bedding and rose petals in advance, which you will sprinkle on the bed. Of course, at first it will be unusual for you to lie on silk sheets, but this will add novelty to your sexual relationship.

Thirdly, you need to think about your underwear that your new husband will see. It's good if you can change your wedding lingerie to something more erotic and sexy so that your man does not remain indifferent.

Don't forget the candles to give your room a romantic feel. Just do not get carried away with scented candles, otherwise, instead of having a good time, you will have to ventilate the room all night.

Before the wedding night, try to make your skin soft and smooth, for this you need to make a moisturizing body mask or moisturizing body wrap.

If you want to remain as beautiful on your wedding night as you were at the wedding, then instead of mascara, you need to stick on false eyelashes so that your husband does not see mascara stains in the morning.

While taking a bath, drop 2 drops of rose essential oil into the water, it will not only give you charm and confidence, but also envelop your body in a pleasant and delicate aroma, and this is just what you need for a night of love.

When the banquet is over and you are left alone with your husband, you do not need to immediately unpack the gifts, this can wait. It is better to turn on romantic music and light candles placed in advance around the room, have dinner, drink champagne, take a bath together, give each other an erotic massage and fulfill everything that you dreamed about, but did not dare to do. On your first night of marriage, make all your sexual desires come true so that you will remember this night for the rest of your life.

The first wedding night is a pleasant, but exciting event. Compliance with easy rules will make this night unforgettable and deprive you of any unpleasant sensations.

Try to relax before an exciting event. Left alone with your husband, drink some wine or champagne, eat a light snack. Alcohol will help you relax, but don't overdo it or it will backfire. Chocolate and seafood are natural aphrodisiacs that increase arousal. Buy assorted chocolates, order sushi or a salad with seafood - aphrodisiacs will also help you relax and liberate yourself. To create a romantic atmosphere, light scented candles, turn on quiet music, or take a bath together. Ask your husband not to rush, let him wait until you are ready. If you are very worried, discuss it with your future husband before the wedding. Tell him about your fears, ask questions of interest. A loving husband will reassure and tell you what you need to do.

It is better to spend your wedding night in a romantic setting, for example, in a hotel room, where they can bring you champagne and snacks.

Tell your husband comfortable positions

There are several positions in which defloration occurs most painlessly. The most popular position is the classic missionary. Here you can relax and give the initiative to your husband. Control his actions, and defloration will be quite easy. For more relaxation, place a pillow under your buttocks and pull your bent legs to your chest. Another good position suitable for a virgin is the “man from behind”. Lie on your stomach on the bed with your feet flat on the floor. Let the husband rest his hands on the bed and enter you while standing. In this position, the hymen is stretched, and its rupture is easy. During sex, it is better not to experiment, the positions of the rider, sitting and standing are not for you yet. If during sex there is pain and bleeding, it is better to stop contact. Blood is released in most cases, but sometimes it may not be. With severe bleeding, you should refrain from sexual intercourse for several days.

If the bleeding does not go away for more than 3 days, you should consult a doctor.

How to behave after sex

After sexual intercourse, you may be tired or, conversely, feel excited. But do not forget to pay attention to your husband. He was as worried as you were that something would go wrong. Thank him for his care, give free rein to kisses and hugs. We can take a shower together. Be sure to tell what you liked about your husband's actions, and only then you can give some critical remarks. Note what you would like next time.

How to spend your first wedding night

Since ancient times, we honor the traditions of the first wedding night. Let in modern society marriage night for many, it is only a convention, since for the bride and groom it is not at all the first. However, this night should be special.

  1. First marriage night although it has lost its traditional meaning, it is still a symbol of new life for spouses. This is the first night as married people, and it must pass in a special way. This is the start of your new life night should serve as the foundation of your marital relationship.
  2. The wedding ceremony and celebrations on this occasion are extremely exhausting for both spouses. Therefore, by the end of the holiday, there is a desire to fall asleep as soon as possible, because there is simply no strength left for something more. It is desirable to have a marriage night in a good hotel. It is in an unfamiliar environment.
  3. In a hotel or hotel, book a wedding room. Your room will be decorated in a special way. A large and soft bed will be strewn with rose petals, silk linens will spice up this night. Make sure that no one even accidentally violates your privacy. Make love or not this night- it's up to you to decide. In the morning you will wake up for the first time as a married couple.

How to relax without alcohol

  • Spend the evening with a bottle of beer, and on holidays not limit yourself to one bottle, and maybe even take something stronger on your chest - this habit exists among many. Some even cannot understand at all whether it is really possible to relax without resorting to the use of alcoholic beverages. However, they do not think that alcohol just does not allow the body to rest, but on the contrary, exhausts it even more.
  • Listen to yourself: why can't you relax without drinking? Maybe it's just a psychological addiction. When drinking with friends, you feel more relaxed and it seems to you that you are resting both in body and soul. And it is quite possible that the dependence is no longer only psychological and it is time to take drastic measures.
  • If you're determined to eliminate alcohol or significantly reduce the amount of alcohol in your life, think about how else you can relax. After all, you usually drink with friends in a bar, a nightclub or even in a park on a bench. Change your circle of interests and places of visits.
  • Go to museums, theaters, exhibitions. In such cultural places alcohol no, and you will feel that even without it you can spend time interestingly and with benefit for self-education. By the way, about education - start going to courses of what you have long dreamed of learning. Playing the guitar, learning a foreign language. If this is your long-standing desire, you will not get tired of such work.
  • Get active in sports. Volleyball, basketball, football, whatever. Sports activities not only cheer up and give a positive charge to the whole body, but also improve the appearance. Get involved in social activities.
  • An important role is played by communication with animals. Furry friends are great for relieving stress. Get out in nature more often. Watching her calms and fills the body with energy.
  • If you choose the right way to spend your free time, you will be pleasantly surprised that even without alcohol you don't feel worse. On the contrary, your body will begin to truly relax, thanks to sports, the body will tighten up, and the new acquired knowledge may help you achieve those goals that you could not even dream of sitting on the couch with a bottle of beer.

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How is the first wedding night

Initially, the first wedding night was really the first in the life of the newlyweds. Girls kept their innocence for one single person - her husband. In modern society, the first night is considered just a beautiful ritual.

  1. Decide in advance on the place for the wedding night. It could be a honeymoon suite in a hotel or your apartment, which you move into after your wedding. If you have been living together for a long time, you can, of course, arrange a wedding night at home, but it is unlikely that you will be able to create the right atmosphere.
  2. Take care of decorating the room. Tie heart-shaped balloons, arrange candles, prepare rose petals. Don't forget to stock up on light snacks. In the process, you will probably get hungry, and the remnants of the banquet, carefully packed by your parents, will be out of place. Buy fruits, berries, chocolate, cheese. Put a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator.
  3. The first wedding night is a beautiful end to the wedding day. It is very important that it takes place in a romantic atmosphere of love. Therefore, igniting the celebration, be sure to leave the strength to continue the holiday tête-à-tête with your spouse.
  4. Make your bed with fresh linens ahead of time. It is good if it is washed with a conditioner that will give a light fragrance. Turn off your phones and make time for each other. Many newlyweds, having reached the place of the first night, begin to count the donated money. Do not get carried away with this and immediately start planning expenses. Calculate the amount and save until tomorrow.
  5. Let the newly-made husband free his beloved from the shackles of the wedding dress corset. Girls should take care of wedding underwear in advance. It can be a thinner corset or a set. It is beautiful when the bride's underwear is made in white and decorated with lace.
  6. In order to relieve fatigue after an emotional day, you can take a bath with your spouse. Stored rose petals, candles and champagne will come in handy here. Turn on beautiful music, put wine glasses and fruits on the table next to the bathroom and relax while sharing your wedding impressions.
  7. A pleasant surprise for the young spouse will be a private dance performed by his wife. You can learn it from videos on the Internet, and practice it in advance at home. It's not scary if the movements are not honed. The main thing here is to surprise.
  8. The first wedding night is a time of affection, tenderness, romance. Imagine that this is your first experience, kiss and hug more, take time for foreplay. Listen to your partner's desires during intercourse. And during breaks, feed each other fruits and sweets, clink glasses and rejoice, because you are now a family.

In order not to waste time and not look for containers for donated flowers in the middle of the night, stock up on a couple of plastic buckets.

If you spend the night in an apartment or house, take care of breakfast in the morning in advance. Good for toast, scrambled eggs, fruit, wedding cake leftovers.

What is the first wedding night

Previously, the first wedding night involved the first sexual contact of the newlyweds. In the modern world, this expression has a slightly different meaning. However, this does not prevent the newlyweds from looking forward to their wedding night.

  • With the wedding night, many peoples are sometimes associated with very strange customs. In some African tribes, the innocence of the bride was considered a disgrace. And the blood that appears during the deprivation of virginity could bring illness to her husband. Therefore, girls were deprived of innocence with a special bone knife or just a finger. In other tribes, everyone took turns taking possession of the bride. And only after that the "experienced" wife could go to bed with her husband. Fortunately, to date, such rituals have been preserved only in a few wild tribes.
  • In most cultures, the bride's virginity was highly valued. In Muslim countries, the tradition is still preserved, according to which, after the wedding night, the groom must provide evidence of the bride's innocence. Blood-stained sheets are hung out for all to see.
  • In seemingly civilized Europe, there was a "right of the first night." And it did not belong to the groom. The girls had to spend their first wedding night in the beds of feudal lords. This applied to a greater extent to serfs, brides from noble families could avoid such a “privilege”. This barbaric custom existed in some countries until the 18th century. But in Germany, France and Scotland, another funny tradition has been preserved since ancient times. Friends of the bride and groom do their best to prevent the newlyweds from being alone. They make noise under the windows, sing obscene songs, they can hide a dozen alarm clocks in the bedroom. The newlyweds manage to enjoy each other only after the guests get tired and fall asleep.
  • In Russian traditions, the wedding night was given great importance. The bride and groom were forbidden to drink strong drinks during the wedding feast. The bed for the newlyweds was made in a cold non-residential area. The newlyweds were escorted there by friends and matchmakers. The bride removed the boots from the groom. This custom was not intended to humiliate the young. In one boot, the groom hid gold and silver coins. If the newlywed guessed where the money was, she got the right not to maintain the family budget. In pre-Christian Rus', the virginity of the bride was a desirable phenomenon, but not mandatory.
  • For modern couples leaving the registry office, the concept of "wedding night" is very arbitrary. The innocent bride is the exception rather than the rule. Most newlyweds enter into an intimate relationship before the official registration of marriage, and this does not shock anyone. Some couples even manage to have a baby before marriage. However, all this should not detract from the solemnity of the first night in marriage. On the contrary, the wedding night gives the couple an opportunity to return to a time when they were just discovering the joys of sex with each other. It is better to postpone the revision of gifts until the morning and do what the wedding night is intended for - love.

How to relax before sex

Intimate relationships are an integral part of the life of many modern couples. For some, sex becomes a way to get to know yourself and your partner better, to feel trust and become closer not only physically, but also emotionally. However, only those who are absolutely relaxed can be completely liberated in bed.

What to wear to a girl before sex to please a guy? Nine erotic adventures!

You will need

  • - beautiful underwear;
  • - feather, puff or tassel;
  • – massage oil/cream;
  • - Beautiful music


  1. A liberated person will be able to get maximum pleasure from intimacy. With such a girl, the partner will feel cozy and comfortable, and will try his best to please her. To fully surrender to the process, you need to relax before sex.
  2. Your favorite music and beautiful underwear will help you get in the right mood. Just get dressed, listen to a few tracks, meditate or, on the contrary, actively move around. This will help you forget about problems, get unnecessary thoughts out of your head. If your partner knows about your excitement, you can conduct a “relaxation act” together.
  3. A long foreplay will also help to relax before sex. Show your partner your erogenous zones, gently stimulating his sensitive areas as well. Pay special attention to the head, neck, ears and the area behind them. If you want to extend the time of sexual games, first use flirting by touching your loved one with accessories: puff, feather or soft brush. Gradually move on to closer contact.
  4. Prolonged tactile contact will help to imbue trust in a partner. Ask your man to give you a light back massage. To make the touch more pleasant, use oil or cream. There are many nerve endings in the region of the back, shoulder girdle, and lower back. Their massaging will respond with pleasant sensations, help you relax and tune in to intimacy. Some girls are very excited about this foreplay. Especially if the partner, in addition to hands, uses lips and tongue.
  5. If you are only at the very beginning of a relationship and you will have sex for the first time, try to “postpone” it until the morning, and spend the night in a confidential conversation and sleep together. Sexologists claim that the time spent together will help you emotionally bond with your partner and feel relaxed in his presence. Therefore, morning sex will be a logical and pleasant start to a new day (and a strong relationship).

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A man can also be very nervous before sex. Therefore, a long prelude will become for him the same "lifeline" as it is for you. The main thing is not to be embarrassed by your fears and try to overcome tightness and tension with joint efforts.

Some relaxation sources recommend drinking a glass of champagne or wine. However, remember: this method is a sure way to rash acts that you may regret. Such relaxation can also negatively affect your health.

What to do on your wedding night

Basically, all brides think about the wedding: the dress, the ceremonial hall, the toastmaster and other moments of this day are worked out to the smallest detail. But some people forget about another important question - what to do on their wedding night? When husband and wife are left alone in a new official status.

You will need

  • - rose petals;
  • - aroma candles;
  • - silk bed linen;
  • - Beautiful underwear.


  • Don't come home, make this night unforgettable. Book in advance a room in a good hotel, with a large bed and a beautiful view from the window. It is best to choose a honeymoon suite. This will help you get rid of pressing problems, relax and enjoy your wedding night.
  • If you do not have the opportunity or desire to spend your wedding night in a hotel, you can go home. But make sure that there is no one at home, only you and your spouse. To create a romantic atmosphere, you need to take care of auxiliary items in advance. Rose petals on the bed, scented candles around, subdued lights and silk linens. Light snacks and cream can be prepared to use during foreplay.
  • It is desirable for a girl to purchase beautiful underwear, a negligee to impress her husband. After a long day, makeup can get dirty and rice can get stuck in your hair, so it's worth going to the bathroom and cleaning yourself up. Do not take off your wedding dress yourself, let your husband do it.
  • When you get rid of the uncomfortable dress, you can move on to the main thing. No need to rush, because you have the whole night ahead of you. Play some romantic music in the background to create the right atmosphere. Tune in to the right mood by taking a bubble bath together. After it, you can give each other a relaxing massage, smoothly turning into foreplay.
  • If you are intimate for the first time on your wedding night, you must carefully deflorate. Place a folded towel under you to keep your bedding from getting bloody. Do not worry and try to relax so that the process is not so painful. There are two positions that will allow you to do this quickly and without unnecessary pain.
  1. First: you lie on your back with a small pillow under your buttocks, knees bent and pulled up to your chest. In this position, the hymen is stretched and quickly torn, so that the pain is of a short-term nature. For the second position, you need to lie across the bed and lower your legs to the floor. Your spouse takes a position between the thighs and enters from this position. The defloration process is fast and you will not feel much pain.

After that, it is recommended to wait with sex until the wound heals a little. So you can end the wedding night with kisses and mutual caresses. If you do not want to go to bed after this, think in advance what to do on your wedding night later. For modern society, such a concept as "wedding night" has long been purely symbolic. Intimate relationships before marriage are quite normal, because people want to get to know each other ... Cancer man is a very complex and mysterious person, but having chosen the right “key” for such a person, you will undoubtedly be the happiest woman. To find with a man of this zodiac sign ......

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  • An interesting poll was held on the Reddit website: how was the first wedding night, if it was also the first sexual experience in life?

    Many people still prefer to wait for the official conclusion of the marriage, and after that already part with their virginity. There may be a variety of reasons for this: tradition, religious considerations, or simply personal preferences. One of the users of the Reddit resource decided to ask such people what their first time was, and received very diverse answers.

    Many admitted that the first sexual experience did not impress them. Others said it was worth the wait.

    One of the girls said that she was still a virgin and that she was getting married the next day, and promised to tell how everything would go.

    According to some of those interviewed, anticipation can take over, and then the reality will be a complete disappointment.

    With discouraging honesty, people talked about how many problems they had because of their solution.

    One woman said that she was quite scared on her wedding night, but thanks to the tenderness and patience of her husband, everything went well, and then they discovered the world of sex together.

    One of the respondents admitted that the first sex after the wedding was too short, and now he is ashamed to remember it.

    But in general, the range of opinions received was huge: from “terrible nightmare” to “delightful”.

    We were both virgins before we got married. I was only 19 years old, and my husband was 25, but before me he had no one. Our first wedding night was just fabulous. We spent her at the hotel. I put on silk underwear, and my husband turned on the radio. And as Olivia Newton John's Let's Get Physical came on, we finally got to know each other. We realized that this is a sign that symbolizes the beginning of a new life for us. We made love three times the first night, and this song played every time. Even after 35 years of marriage, this memory still touches my soul.

    It was terrible. I could hardly wait, and on the day of the wedding, my wife began "these days." She was also nervous about the wedding turmoil. So imagine what kind of sex it was: nervous, both virgins, and it lasted about five seconds. The second time in the morning was better, at least a few seconds longer. But then things got better, and now we have been together for 11 years.

    My wedding night earns a solid 10 out of 10. Not because of the sex. The sex was far from the best. But because I liked to discover this new and AMAZING side of life with my husband. It was great even without orgasms. We also ate a huge pizza in the jacuzzi after sex. I recommend to all!

    Our wedding night was wonderful. We rented a honeymoon suite with breakfast. While helping me take off my wedding dress, my husband said, "We've had a very long day... Do you want to take a bath?" I gladly agreed. He lit the candles in the bathroom, opened the champagne and ... left to relax alone. Less than 15 minutes later, I called him to join. No, we didn't have sex in the bathroom, we explored each other's bodies, relaxed, got used to seeing each other naked. And then we moved to the bed ... It was unforgettable!

    I was a virgin before marriage because my wife insisted on it. But those were the best 30 seconds of my life. Too bad my wife didn't like it. Well, she still doesn't really like it, but I'm working on it.